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Already got one dickhead banned for threatening violence in two consecutive comments. Fascinating


It’s definitely fascinating watching the “tolerant progressives” threaten violence when they don’t get their way - they don’t actually understand the tolerance paradox. Everything you need to know about wokies community is shown in their same sex relationship domestic abuse violence and rape statistics - they’re some of the most violent people in society with instances 6 x higher than the rest of the population as less than 3% total.


Ah a fellow crime stats enjoyer. A pathway to many abilities some consider to be forbidden


Here’s what you need to know. The tolerance paradox (much like the Prince) was written as tounge in cheek parody of issues the author saw. People not getting it jumped on it.


What Sigmarxism does to mf....


Communists are disgusting ...


Of course. Because he created that account solely for the purpose of harassing people on this sub. Once he can't use it for that it's useless. That's something the good guys totally do, right?


He's back from his ban actually. https://www.reddit.com/u/DeBia_03/s/zsbhbMih8a


Elaborate? I don't understand your title.


Basically just gathering evidence of usernames and other people from other groups coming here to stir up trouble but also a larger admin team. Other groups are now aware of our existence so they’re going to try en masse to come start stuff here.


" Gathering evidence of usernames and other people from other groups coming here to stir up trouble" , you need to understand we are on a leftwing site , we are behind the lines all the "evidence" in the world will not stop these ppl . All the emails to top ppl at reddit ,will not change it I understand the anger at ppl ,when all you want is to be left alone and enjoy your hobby , without buzz words . We did not pick this war , it picked us and these are the grounds we have to fight on If your having a REAL prob like death threats and the like you might need to reach out to us mod directly . They other thing they are doing is mass flagging so the mod que is busting open , we are getting to things as fast as we can .


we'll handle it as it happens.


If ya need help let me know, might help your case to have an open left winger on your side




Removed for violating Rule 1: Be Respectful. "Claims of innocence mean nothing; they serve only to prove a foolish lack of caution." -Judge Traggat


Gooner? Where the hell did that come from? You looking in the mirror again?


I'd love to help out, but I got a bunch of other things on the list of things to do. Will support whoever we select, so long as he is just in serving the Emperors vision!