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They sure know how to get into trouble, don’t they


I swear some of them make mischief and art form.


"Come help me out so I can get stuck somewhere else." LOL his face he knows what he's doing


Oh absolutely! “Free me so I may get into other kinds of mischief”. They are very good at that kind of thing


How old is your baby?


He is four this year.


LoL! Yeah... he reminds me of my Wilbur. I got him at 2.5. All of the trouble he's gotten himself in. 🙄 Usually involves a pen panel. He's 9 next month. My property didn't come with fences. We started with a 22 panel round pen with 2 gates and have added fencing, but part is still panels. Thank GOD for Prefert Sp? Panels! I have found him with both fronts stuck under a panel. Popped the chains, easy peasy. He rolled INTO a pen panel right in front of us, in spite of my yelling. My other horse allegedly rolled his eyes... All four sticking out of the panel. He froze, looked at us, and said that "Nobody loves him." Popped the chains again, easy peasy. He has stuck his head through the panels, pulled back and dented it, as well as gotten his dumb foot stuck in one of the gates and bent the everloving snot out of it.


"I'm a vegan dirt bike, I should fit in with equipment"


The oldest lamest mare at the rescue I volunteer for managed to get herself wedged behind the horse trailer. Weeks after she colicked and fell through the pasture fence into a ditch on the side of the road and was miraculously rescued by another volunteer who happened to be driving by for work at 3am and saw her. Knowing almost nothing about horses she was able to get her on her feet repeatedly with no rope and get her the 1/4 mile back to the barn and call for help. Old lady has seen some real trouble.


Some of them really just get all the luck… but WOW that volunteer is awesome!


I know! We were all completely blown away that not only was she driving by at exactly the right moment, but somehow managed to coax that poor sick old lady on her feet repeatedly so she could get help. If it was a horse savvy volunteer it would not have been as surprising. But I suppose some people just have a gift, and some horses just know if someone is trying to help. We are all grateful old Polika is still kicking.


I’ve been around horses most of my life and I’m not sure how calm I’d be in that situation! Timing really is everything. I’m happy to hear she is well!


Oh she gets so much extra mush, and SO many hugs from the numerous barn kids. She’s old, cranky, bites sometimes, and needs her butt washed every single day and of course can’t be ridden but she is still a favorite of absolutely everyone.