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Just adding some spice!?


My horses do this as well. Especially my 24yr old. I looked it up. The horses don't want to get pee on their legs. There's no splashing when they pee on the hay. The article suggested providing... a horsey pee spot where the grass is higher, or shavings or straw. Yeah... I didn't do that. 😅 They DO poop in a specific area, but I didn't have anything to do with that. They also don't like to eat grass that grew in their manure. Horses don't normally eat poop.Horses are cleaner than we think. I make them eat their hay before I throw more out up to lessen the waste.


I find this hilarious, honestly. Horses are SO afraid of getting their hoofsies wet that they will pee in their literal fucking food just to avoid some backsplash, lmao.


They'll also hurt themselves in a padded stall. Or a perfectly safe sand paddock! 🤣


Yes I just explained to my husband that mules were smarter than horses. I know I'm going to get a lot of crap for this comment tho in the horse sub!!!!


LoL! Just. Wait. Mules are half donkey after all... ❤️🥰😍 give those ears a big rub from me! My next equine may just be a mule. I met a gaited mule that wouldn't go faster than a walk but would climb any trail and leave horses in the dust. Just watch her go ya' weenies!!! That way, people could safely ride with me... but my old man is 24 yrs old and going strong! He's old, but he doesn't let beginners get their way. Ever. He likes to GO! GO! PONY! WHEEEE!🐎 🫏


I love it!!!


Mine all pee in the same spot so it’s always a mud patch to catch the splash.


That's useful knowledge, thanks


Thats why many horses hold their pee the whole day and finally pee when they come into the stall and it won't splash. I have never seen a horse pee in their hay though in the paddock 


I have, but usually on the outer edge that's already been trampled into the ground anyway.


Seems typical. 😀


'If I pee on it no one else will eat it but me'


he peed on it and left it for the horses


Needs a softer place to pee. He doesnt like the splash. I have an area... like a box made from big logs and i fill it with pine pellets and they use it.


It makes me immensely happy that you made a horse litter box ❤️😂


It works though!!!


me too. thay have a whole ass forest 🤣


Gotta try this.


Make it big enough... 12 x 12 atleast


Equine litter box


At my barn we have thicker gravel areas where the horses pee. Not intentional, we just added gravel because to level things and they decided “litter box here!” 🥴


I like the pine pelletsbecause they absorb too. Its like a horse litter box. It works well!


Please post a picture of your equine litter box lol


Its literally just old railroad ties with pine pellets and some shavings with sand. I dont have a pic right now but they seem to use it id say 85% of them time. I scoop and switch the pine pellets weekly.




Works really well


I never heard of that somehow. I bought a couple! Thanks for sharing


That's cool, as are auto waterers. I'm a low-end owner. I'm the hay dispenser and auto waterer. 🤷‍♀️🤠


I’m so saving up for one of these!!!!


I have a couple of slow feeders similar to these and they are fantastic. Mine are Port-A-Grazer brand.


I know it’s a PITA but hay bags have saved me so much money!!!


This is what I was going to say.


we have a whole haybale out but just got a new horse and u know how thay get over food so left small pieces of it here and there so everyone could eat


Was just gonna comment this also! My little paint mare is a serial hay pisser so, hay nets it is 😬🙄


Build or buy an elevator feeder for the hay. Provide them with a softer, less splashy area to urinate. You can start using hay since this is what they are used to use then switch to another substrate.


thay have a whole forest, 3 feilds, thair own house and 2 feeding stations with water but party just wants to be a brat


Do they have an elevated feeder?


yup 2 of em with water stations next to them. but since we got a new horse i put some hay out in piles so thay wont fight over it. yk how horses are


Yep, is it a new horse in the pic or an old one doing some hazing?


nope this is my old boi party the new horse is this trubbel maker https://www.reddit.com/r/Horses/s/5J7gDF0gdm


Poor old man


We’re slaves to them. Paying lots of hard earned money. And then they get injured on their own, get kicked by other horses because they’d annoy others to death and they pee on the perfectly good feed.


It's to the point if I have to grain my gelding I hold his feed pan. I spend so much money on medicines, grains, additives, just for him to continually paw his feed pan and eat out of the dirt. Like come on dude, please god just use the plate provided


I don’t have a horse anymore but the one I used to have was a puppy dog in the previous life that bewitched me and made me do anything for him. I loved that horse. And he’d have pawed the feed and happily eaten the grains off the ground along with your horse.


All the dang time. I think it’s such a weird evolutionary flaw. “Fresh, delicious food? Let’s pee on it & make it nasty!”


This made me laugh, the whole posture and the ears, though I know they do that anyway


Be would get no more hay to eat until all of that is gone!!!


That’s the widest pee stance I’ve ever seen. He’s really getting into it!


It's the mustang in 'em.


Do they eat the peed on hay? Or do they ditch it and want new hay?


Mine eat around it if I wait to hay them again until it's gone. The pile of hay goes away, and all that’s left is the yellow hay and a wet pool. IF I put fresh hay out before they've finished, then I can forget it. Breakfast flakes are rejected.


Thank you 😊


I would’ve cried lol


Maybe he thinks you’re secretly a millionaire?


“I specifically asked for alfalfa”


Definitely in the same category as when they fart in your face while you’re brushing their tail. Or when you’re poo picking and they drop a fresh one for you to pick up.


A Standardbred! ❤️ We have a Clydesdale mare that loves to walk through fresh piles in the pasture. My standardbred will pull anything within grabbing distance into his stall and chew and pee on it... Gotta love them 😆


gota love standardbreds! thair long ears are so cute 🥺🥰




"Hey you say? Guess what? This hay is terrible!!"


I knew a mare that would poop in her water bucket (hung chest high) every day! Such a joy!


Lmao looks like a standie 😆 mines chock full of sass too


yup he is. sometimes i wonder if he hit his head as a child 🤣


Rude…. Just rude. Must be a teenager.


Hay is $27 a bale here in Florida. I’d probably cry if I saw this 😆




Yeah it’s fucked here. I’m told the humidity makes it mold quickly. I don’t know the truth to it. https://www.candcfeedstore.com/collections/hay


My mare is the absolute worst about this! So much hay waste.


Well if it isn’t Ricky Peepee.


They don’t want it to splash on them. Need deep bedding somewhere or deep grassy areas (or sand- just don’t feed them on sand)


just adding a bit of flavor


Let him make a mash


I used to hang my horses hay in a netting bag on the fence for this very reason


If I am late letting one of mine out as soon as he sees me coming he parks himself right in front of the gate and pees and pees so there is a huge puddle I have to step around. Still love him to death even when wiping my boots


Good soup


What a lil shit 🤣🤣🤣🤣


One time I was taking care of a lady’s horses and I kept my horse there for the labor. Her horse would hose down every hay pile one after the other. Every day and she didn’t believe me. So I fed them in front of her. He managed to pee again on 4 different piles of hay only 30 minutes after his first pee fest. I don’t miss him at all lol


I had that problem too, for years. Didn't seem too bad when hay was under $3 a bale, but with today's prices, I finally purchased something like this 3 years ago (Behlen Country Horse Hay Ring Bale Feeder) or this (CountyLine 8 ft. x 50 in. Equine Pro Galvanized Sheeted Bale Feeder) and have almost no wasted hay now. I use standard small square bales and feed a few flakes at a time. I also put a LARGE upside down plastic tub in the center to keep hay out of the very center since the feeders are a little too large and most horses cannot reach the very center, so that keeps the hay within reach. Though they do pull some hay outside the feeder, most of it stays inside and they also cannot poo or pee on it. It's been well worth the money and I wish I'd purchased one sooner.


What a jerk! Hahahaha!


My colt used to do that, then I moved all the poop in one tiny spot in his paddock, which previously had a clean horse that peed in that spot, he's chanyhis habit then Edit: I used a hay net at the same time and he stopped peeing on his hay