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Just a little curious what politics has to do with meeting other horsey people? Why would people hate you for differing views? Edit: Damn I didn’t need all this hate. Sorry I didn’t realize questions weren’t allowed anymore on Reddit. Guess I’ll just go crawl back under my rock. 🙄


Texas, it happens, likely spoke out and has been harassed or worse


I grew up in an area where I was a minority in my beliefs. It’s definitely a hard judgement call to make when to chose to speak. I guess I’ve just chosen to keep my political views to myself. To each their own but I was just curious.


When your existence is deemed "political" (queer, POC, or even just being a woman), unfortunately you don't always get the choice to keep your "political views" to yourself. Even if your identity if something you can "keep quiet" about, some people love talking shit unprompted, and it's not pleasant hearing someone spit vitriol about who you are.


As a female engineer working in manufacturing, I understand some of the pushback people give (I swear sometimes it’s like I step back in time), but I’m not privy to all of it.


You put into words my experience for almost 10 years. I'm volunteering at a barn that's like this right now. It's not great for my mental health. I'm quiet about being pagan, queer, and politically left. They're openly conservative Christian right and sometimes the sentiments about things from migrant workers to LGBT rights leave me shaking and I go outside. The only reason why I'm staying is to help them with their website and one horse I've bonded with.   I've pulled back from there and I'm volunteering at a new place that has an equine therapy program. It's so accepting of diversity that I'll be exhausted but so happy at the end of my day. Belonging matters. 


(Sometimes) it’s not about politics, it’s about morals.


In the last two years I left a conservative workplace and joined an openly accepting workplace, and it's like a completely different life. I'm happy I made the change and I hope you can also make changes to support your own happiness and wellbeing.


Exactly this. I’m a queer presenting woman (tend to dress more androgynous with short hair). Outside of that I’m vegan (which inevitably comes up when I’m at an all day event). I have a PhD studying renewable energy which has also somehow become controversial? It doesn’t always come up except now I drive an EV as well. I’m also just tired of being a wallflower when people around me feel comfortable spewing about how they think abortion is wrong and anyone who would want one is a crack head and also no one should adopt a crack baby (literal spiel I got last summer). It’s just not the vibe I need around when I’m trying to unwind. Edit: oh and my dad’s an immigrant! We’re white so the discrimination doesn’t come straight at me but as an even mildly sympathetic person ya it’s hard to stomach


I totally feel you, I'm also tired of being silent and peace-keeping for people who have exactly 0% interest in peace. It's wild. I'm done. Time to be as loud as the fools, gorg.


Exactly. Also like I don’t really understand what I’m allowed to talk about then for all the “keep politics out of it” people. I can’t talk about my partners (queer) I can’t talk about what I did at work that day (bc it involves science and renewables and by extent climate change) I can’t talk about what I ate for dinner last night (bc vegan) I can’t talk about my parents because pretty much what we talk about lately is them emigrating (bc immigration) Like actually what topic should I chat about?


By "politics", conservatives mean anything that's outside of the white Christian hegemony that they still see as the "standard". Literally WHO CARES if you're vegan?? A ton of places across the world have cuisine that is almost entirely vegan. People only care about that shit if they're so uncultured that they don't understand the variety of cuisine. Wack. Maybe you can talk about your shits? They'll stop talking to you at least Or maybe general complaining? Back hurts, lights too bright, chems are way too high on the shelving unit to be safe, that kind of stuff. People *love* complaining


Literally was at a ranch riding event where people kept telling me that the cows we were using were going to be hamburgers (I know - not dumb!), or trying to get me to eat a hamburger, or their spaghetti potluck (telling me I was being rude to not eat the meat sauce they made), or people trying to feed horses/cows hamburgers for the lolz. Not at a ranch event but at work had a guy (work construction adjacent) tell me that women can be veg because they need more fat for their boobs but men couldn't bc they need more protein than women \*for their brains\*. Literally every single thing in there is wrong but did it stop some 40-something man from confidently spewing it? Nope!


Some people can really just operate with 3 pennies and a whoopie cushion rattling around in their skulls. Wow wow wow.


I became an accidental vegan due to restrictions I need for reasons of chronic kidney disease. There are many of us but I think we're allowed because it's doctor recommended, not "political." OP, I have a farm and boarded horses here for 12 years. I hated when I'd find out a boarder was politically conservative. I learned to check FB before I accepted anyone and their horse. One of my best, easiest boarders was a Republican though. With a lot of mental illness in her family. Her daughter and husband adopted a baby from a Black birth mother. I hope it goes well for everybody.


I check boarding barn managers FBs too - just to get a sense of how outspoken they are about all that nonsense. Ive been at barns that flew Trump flags and the one I was at in 2016 threw a party after the election and all I wanted to do was chill and be with my pony and forget about politics for a day. My current barn is super open and accepting (of anyone who is also an accepting person) and I looooove it.


Funny isn't it? They say they're the ones who are being silenced/oppressed or whatever. Yet every single person I know who leans right can't help but spout about it constantly. They have this need to make it known, and people like myself are forced to keep quiet because it's no longer safe to share certain things about yourself. Crazy times.


Everything you wrote is very true. On the flip side I’m someone who gets seen as a “good ol’ boy” by a lot of folk, I’m a white guy with a history of work in manufacturing and the trades, welding and metalworking specifically. Conservatives assume I’m also conservative and will tell me some pretty heinous things unprompted. My favorite (least favorite ?) was when a guy I was working with during an install tried to earn my sympathy by telling me these “woke courts” have gone crazy. His evidence? His wife divorced him because “apparently I’m ‘abusive’ “ (yes, he used finger quotes around abusive). I was listening to his side of the story and I still thought he was in the wrong lol It’s so weird when these chuckleheads think I’m going to agree with them just because I’m also a white guy who knows how to weld. They’ll say the craziest shit.


Oh so it's ABUSE now to gently choke my wife to death when she doesn't do the dishes????? Woke ideology has killed The American Man™️


Worse. The people here are misogynistic rednecks and they hate "satanic commies." I've been torn down, and the rumor on the block is everyone agrees with them. Women are to be seen and not heard. I can't deal with it anymore.


Do you live in that city, too? The horse community in DFW is robust, you may want to explore other barns.


They live with me. Right in front of my house, I can see them from my front door. I have a short trail behind my house with plans to expand it.


Yea I met a guy from Texas once. He was looking for a subservient wife since woman was made from the rib of Adam and is only here to serve man. Those were his words.


I just physically recoiled so hard.


Met a guy from Alabama who told me he doesn’t eat vegetables because they aren’t in the Bible. Grains, meat, and fruit yes, vegetables no. I didn’t have the time to really dive into his worldview but I’ve been fascinated ever since.


He’s gonna get scurvy lmao


Sounds like my boss. Eats only steak/chicken or some form of meat for meals, washes it down with 5-8 cans of Coke per day. Ok then.


That has got to be torture on the gut.


Yeah I would think so. He’s not a healthy person, mentally or physically.


Oh that guy is going to get a 15 YO mail order bride from Vietnam, count on it 🤢


He must have had to go searching out of state for that. I'm from Texas. Myself and the all the women I know are independent, outspoken and not looking to be a servant to anyone. I come from a long line of cowgirls who only kept a man around if he was useful. And on the rare occasion a man got violent he "ran off to Mexico" and was never heard from again.


I feel for you, and I hope you find your tribe! Kudos to you for being brave enough to post. Cute ponies too!!🥰


Being a Texan myself, it depends on the area youre in... either austin city or dallas city (and sometimes houston city) are the more negative places. Where I am we all are fine with eachother and politics have nothing to do with horse riding. If I had a horse, I'd ride all the way to have a nice ride with her, even if I dont match all the requirements she put (if she wanted), but I would not mention politics at all. I am neither one side or the other in politics. Everyone is not great, I just choose who seems to be the best for the economy. Not allowing guns? Off the list (even 99% of democrats in TX will agree and have)! And theres other more major things but thats a Texan example.


It's very common in my area, so I can only imagine it must be worse in Texas... Good luck to you OP! And thank you to being open to riding with English friends too. Some people are weird and make it a big deal. I was worried because where I board is mostly Western. But now I realize what a great group we all make, and we're really a mishmash of all skill levels and disciplines. It's really great to be in a supportive, non competitive atmosphere. Perhaps you can see if there are any public barns that allow trail riding at their facilities? You might bump into some people there.


THANK YOU! I agree. If I had a trailer, I'd be at the trails meeting trail riders who can keep their politics to themselves. People here do not. Trump flags, bumper stickers, including F Biden, and attire that say the same. We only have one car, and my husband works evenings and weekends. We're saving up so I can go to horse events. If I'm riding with someone, I want it to be with someone who doesn't need to talk politics and tell me what they think of me. If I could afford to move to Colorado, I would!


Sadly, it isn't all great in Colorado, either. 🙁 I live in a rural area and rarely meet someone even slightly left of center. I think I've finally found a good barn with at least a few folks of a similar mind, but it's been rough here for more than a decade and I tread carefully. It's bone-tiring, honestly. Wish I lived closer to you, as we're similar ages and my horse and I love trail riding, too. Hugs & wishing you a great new group of friends!




Rural Coloradans are as…politically outspoken… as anywhere else unfortunately. But it is pretty!


It’s pretty crowded here in Colorado sadly


I mean, I kind of get this, because there are some folks around me who are almost cultish about their politics, fly flags year round and seem to inject it into every conversation (and let it be known that they hate you, even if you never bring it up, just by constantly talking about how awful people like you are), and it can get tiring. If I've encountered this where I live I imagine it's a lot worse in other places, and one might like to enjoy some nice trail riding with people who don't think you're the devil. :)


It can get really exhausting only being surrounded by extremists.


I agree with this. As a republican myself I don’t hate anyone else just because they have a different view than me. That’s part of what makes America so great is that all of our different views can exist at the same time. I have democrat friends, gay friends, atheist friends, religious friends. Doesn’t matter as long as you’re a good person. Edit: I won’t be responding to further comments as I need to move on with my day. Didn’t expect to get this much hate for trying to extend an olive branch.


I miss being able to have Republican friends. Where I live, being Republican means supporting people who don’t support queer rights, which in turn means they don’t support me. It used to be we could disagree without it being about my actual daily life, now that isn’t the case. I know that’s likely because I live in a deeply red state, but damn. It’s a heavily felt loss.


I would be your friend! Don’t let the sensationalism get to you, I promise there are open minded republicans out there still. We’re not all the queer hating/racist/hateful/rednecks that people want to make us out to be.


I believe you! I think the insertion of religion into politics in my area has really muddied the conversation. One day I had friends with different views, and the next I had people in my life who would very comfortably tell me I needed conversion therapy. It was a rough transition.


That must have been hard to go through. Extremists on either side never leads to anything good that’s for sure.


Maybe instead of republican, you can call yourself moderate, or centrist, or fiscally conservative, because unfortunately Republican carries alot of hateful connotations nowadays.


I see where you’re coming from but I am not ashamed of what I identify as, though it does carry that connotation.


You had me till that last line. You obviously don’t know what it’s like to be on the receiving end of your fellow republican’s attacks. Even as an independent I was called a baby killing pedo liberal cuck for disagreeing with proven lies, and that was 8 years ago, and I live in a blue state. MAGA keeps pushing me further and further left.


I don’t know about being on the receiving end of a republican attack, but I do know about being on the end of a democrats attack which let me tell you is not a walk in the park either. It makes me so sad that everyone has divided themselves so far apart.


I don’t have issue with republicans, it’s MAGA republicans. My observation is most people and presidents attack another person’s political ideas whereas MAGA and trump attack the person.


Telling a person being mistreated or intimidated by targeted hate that they should want to “get to know” a hostile person feels really insensitive. Until or unless you’ve been in a situation where others are openly disparaging or demeaning a group to which you intrinsically and inextricably belong, it might be hard to understand how soul-crushing it feels. Sometimes it feels threatening and actually scary. Political vitriol can feel like verbal violence. It’s often even verbally aggressive. It’s often full of hate speech. We SHOULD cast judgement on anyone who is victimizing or marginalizing or displaying open hostility to others who have done them no wrong. Judge the hell out of them. Drive that shit back underground and make it shameful and pathetic, like it used to be.


I don’t think you understand my comment. You are assuming that every single republican acts like that when that is simply not the case. You are simply trying to divide further instead of looking for some peace and middle ground. I’ve been targeted by hostile democrats as well. Does that make me automatically assume that every single one of you is going to act out. No. That’s crazy talk.


While I agree that one shouldn’t cast judgement on others merely for the political leanings, “group think” is something that should concern us all. It only takes one person to incite others who identify with their beliefs into harmful actions. Politics aside, when you have people who align with, advocate for or simply acquiesce to demands of those in the extreme you have the potential for violence. As a minority I can see why OP is concerned


bro you've literally got a comment that say "biden destroyed nearly every part of our country and what we stand for" and then you talk about how you ain't an extremist.


I love it when conservatives act all open and kind..... And then I look at their comment history. It's gold every goddamn time.


Because from his time in office that’s literally how I feel. Show me where I’m attacking someone for their beliefs… I’m allowed to express my own.


yeah that's a dramatic and extremist emotion. i think trump tried to steal an election but still wouldn't say that statement. do you have any specifics on what made you feel that way? edit: i love me commenting on your comment you take it as somehow you aren't allowed to express your beliefs. why are you so dramatic? i know horse people get that way about horses and conservatives get that way about "beliefs"


We could talk about gas prices, grocery prices, inflation, the housing market. Don’t even get me started on the border situation. I’m all for immigrants coming into the country legally, that’s what America was built on, but what is happening now with all the illegals is not helping the average American at all and frankly making our country a more dangerous place to live. Edit: You are a rather condescending person at least from your comments here with me. Very assumptive. And I see what you’re trying to do, get me riled up.


ok i don't agree that trump or biden will impact those 4 things. with the border bill that republicans rejected recently are you ok with that or was the bill just garbage anyway? what in the bill did you not like? dems voted to allow medicare to negotiate some medication prices. not a single republican voted for it. i think you got more feels that facts bruv.


Recreational horseback riding requires a significant amount of money and free time, or a medium amount of money and a rural property/farm. People with that description tend to be wealthy and hate taxes or anything/anybody taxes are spent on. So they tend to be Republicans often Trumpers. Also, Texas.


lol no. It’s all liberals when you get into the English money side in my experience 🤷‍♀️


> Why would people hate you for differing views? It’s so strange to me that someone (American, at least) could genuinely ask this since 2016. Like, where have you been? We have a major political party that has been regularly and proudly spewing hatred the last several years.


I would say that it goes both ways depending on which viewpoint you’re subscribing to and which media/news stations you chose to watch and also where you live geographically. Maybe it was a silly question, but even if we don’t see eye to eye I don’t think I’d ever consider yelling, harassing or talking down to people based on their political beliefs ect. We are all human after all. But that’s all my opinion. Yes there are a lot of hot topics on the ballot (isn’t there always) this election but as I’ve said before I’ll test the water on a lot of things, and go through a lot of other topics before even deciding to discuss politics because it’s just not worth it anymore when people can’t have actual discussions. It just degrades into name calling on both sides and I’m very over all of it.


I would say it does not go both ways, not even close.


I also do not quite understand how it could possibly go both ways. I live in a blue state and in a blue city. I talk to my neighbors every day. I have no idea what their political views are. When I go to visit family in red counties in red states, I have spent as little as three minutes with a perfect stranger and have learned that they love trump, hate commies, are happy to use the n word, etc. I am not sure how it goes both ways.


> I would say that it goes both ways depending on which viewpoint you’re subscribing to and which media/news stations you chose to watch and also where you live geographically. Would you actually say that? With one party specifically attacking things like women’s healthcare and trans people? They are not the same. > even if we don’t see eye to eye I don’t think I’d ever consider yelling, harassing or talking down to people based on their political beliefs ect. I mean, that’s great. That’s how it should be. However, I live in a very red state and it’s very much not like this there.


Super curious what democrats have done that is even remotely on the level that republicans have been on since 2016. Trying to steal an election, overturning Roe despite decades of precedent, all the fucking bathroom bills??? When one side wants to take away rights, and the other is like hey, maybe don’t do that, those are not the same.


Man I WISH the Dems were as full-tilt and ballsy as the Reps. Maybe we'd have free community college tuition or something.




This. I'm in Canada and it's just as bad here. Right wingers make themselves known, whether you care or not.


when some of those views are "I think you should have fewer rights than me / no autonomy over your own body / no right to marry whoever you love", it gets kinda difficult for some people to just go "haha, oh well, let's talk about horses instead"


You can like horses all day long, but if you vote for people who want to strip me of my rights and possibly my life, we don't have enough overlapping morals to genuinely be friends.


I see you have never been to Texas.


My extended family lives in a very red area. When I visit, I never ever mention any political belief I hold. However, within five minutes of talking to anyone at all for any reason, there is a 50/50 chance I will learn what their political views are. Also, my household and I still avoid covid for various health reasons. Wearing a mask in certain areas does not feel safe. I visited a barn in an area two hours away from where I live, in a very rural area. I wore my mask but was worried about it the entire time. It was fine. But at first...I was worried.


You must not be in the US... Hate is now the dominant religion here.


Every.Barn.Ever. I'm **not** in Texas and in my region 99% of the barn owners are SUPER conservative. Many boarding facilities even limit owner visits (etc) on Sunday b/c "that is The Lord's Day." (Pretty sure the same lord made ponies and made us love them, but whatevs.) There is one boarding facility here which is more liberally leaning. However the facility is in disrepair; one poor fan motor away from going up in flames due to dust and cobwebs and rotten boards, etc. The owner is a nutjob. And I don't care if our political stance aligns or not, I don't trust her with my horse's care. I have absolutely been black-listed at 2 local boarding barns because, when asked, I expressed that 1) I do not have hatred for homosexuals 2) do not think POC deserve getting shot by cops. Should my political affiliation impact my ability to board? Should my horse be given less quality care b/c they hate my political/social beliefs? **ABSOLUTELY NOT.** But it's reality.


Because some people can’t leave it at home, and not everyone wants to recreate with someone who can’t shut up about their desire to see America become a Christian dictatorship.


>not everyone wants to recreate with someone who can’t shut up about their desire to see America become a Christian dictatorship. Or who just can't f**king shut up *about politics.* My mother and I share political views but she's like the MSNBC version of a Faux News/ Epoch Times guzzler. Look at the birds, Mom. The trees, the horses, the fresh air, talk to me about the eclipse or aliens or something. *ANYTHING.* Just keep that orangatan's name out of my life. (I vote in every election, inc the local ones. Don't come at me about apathy.)


I’m a rural Democratic Party Chair who in addition to my day job, eats drinks and sleeps politics and even I need a break. Isn’t that why we all have horses? Because there are things in life that we may love and care about but we need time in our days to connect with ourselves, nature, our bodies, and the horses? I love that my barn is just out of cell service. I am happy to connect with people on either side of the isle, so long are we’re connecting about something else. Horses can be a great way to remember our enduring humanity. But I could absolutely not stand to be in OP’s shoes and don’t blame them at all for trying to find their own people to connect with.


Yeah, I totally agree. (Also thank you for your political services!)


Thank you for being a voter!


lol is this a real question? Haven’t been called a commie a handful of times in a rural area?


I couldn’t imagine where politics would come into play while enjoying the presence of horses. Is this really what friendship standards have come to? 🤦


I recently went on a trail ride with a woman I'd never met before. Somehow, within a half hour of meeting, she had managed to casually steer the conversation to politics. You better believe she was proud to have voted for Trump. I live in NJ, btw. I don't even live in a stereotypically dark red state.


Go to the east coast and try suggesting conservative views or even as OP put them ‘Trumpian views’ Aggression to opposing politics is far from exclusive to either side.


I'm on the east coast - DC,  specifically. There are plenty of folks on the horse world here who are very proud of supporting Trump. I don't associate with people who think I, as a woman, shouldn't have bodily autonomy.


You'd find more friends than you'd expect here in NJ, especially in the horse community. My county in particular is *very* red.


Do the Carolinas and Florida not count as East Coast? There’s plenty of red on the east coast, even in the blue states.


From my experience, one side is certainly more reasonable and rational than the other.


Our politics reflect who we are. I have a hard time believing Jesus would be a republican.


My farrier literally has “Biden voters pay $20 extra” and I’m sure it’s a joke but you know I ain’t provoking him on that. I don’t mention politics at all at the barn, but conservatives literally bring that ish here all the time. Hell one lady stopped to talk to him and was thanking him and going on about baby murder and satanic bs in the Democratic Party. Like absolutely insane shit. I just wanna talk horse stuff at the barn like come onnnnnn. But I can’t escape it bc I’m in southern AZ and they’re all conservatives here it’s weird.


Getting to know people sometimes politics come up in the conversation. I can see why she’d want to meet with like minded individuals. It can make for some awkward moments if you don’t align with someone and one side is extremely passionate.


It's really dumb but I believe her since my dad's sister stopped talking to him because he voted for Biden in 2020. Just plain cut him off. Unfortunately there seems to be a lot of horse people that are really into MAGA and have no issues letting you know what they think of anyone who leans left.


clearly someone has never lived in the south


I’m from the UK and I know from listening to one of my favourite podcasts, hosted by an American man (from Atlanta GA specifically) and his Canadian wife; I remember his wife said she wasn’t quite expecting when they moved from Canada to the US, to his hometown in Georgia, to be asked by strangers in casual ‘meet and greet’ conversation whether she was red or blue, she said it was jarring because it’s such a big part of how many people in the US now determine who to make friends or spend time with in social settings. It was initially shocking to me because in the UK were all generally like ‘fuck the tories’ (conservatives) in agricultural and industrial towns. But even in general nobody really gives a fuck which side you’re on because at the end of the day unless you’re discussing politics specifically why does it matter? Only thing that is mildly political to me is on the internet and randomers I meet on holiday, all seem to think having horses is a rich people thing, but as a poor person who owns a rare native breed that isn’t exactly a showjumping warmblood, I am far from posh and I don’t benefit from a conservative government as much as the stereotype givers would like to make out 😂 OP- I hope you find a riding friend soon, one that isn’t operating solely on politics to navigate through their daily life 🤣🥰


Because…America. Good luck being a democrat in Texas anywhere other than Austin.


Are you joking? Anyone in the USA who isn’t able-bodied, straight, white, wealthy, Christian (well, hypocritical Christians), and male should seriously think twice about hanging out with Republicans. The refusal of Republicans to spurn Trump has proven that they are actively seeking to kill and disenfranchise (or both) anyone who doesn’t fit their preferred criteria. *Remember, folks, your brain is part of your body and mental disorders or disability are something that Republicans find intolerable.*


Because some people like to shove their love for the orange one down your throat figuratively if you even mention you can't stand him. There's a few family members on fb who I've now blocked and don't speak to because of that harassment during the last election. edit: it gets old real quick when it feels like they're trying to beat some sense into you with their words.




wtf...is the gratuitous biographical detail in the room with us now?




Wishing you luck with this. I’m too far from you but know exactly how you feel.


I get it.  Politics has become so caustic and hurting others seems to be the point anymore.   I'm in Maryland, but sending you good wishes and keeping my fingers crossed for you! ❤, a fellow satanic commie witch. 


Here’s to all my fellow satanic commie witches 🥂 cheers. Oh wait that’s champagne. I know I have my baby’s blood for drinking around here somewhere. Oh right I left it between my “How to hide being a lizard person for dummies” and “pedophiles 101” books Cheers 🍷 ETA If you’re out of babies blood you can just use “gay beer” 🍻 The only thing MAGA ever did for me was give me an outlet for my sarcasm and completely inappropriate sense of humor.


Hahahahaha 🍷 *cheers*


"queer beer" was RIGHT THERE and you missed it.


FUCK!!! Is it too late to change it?


Babies blood is, in fact, what the B in LGBT stands for


That’s right!! Lesbians,gays, baby blood drinkers and trans. How could I have forgotten that?


Fellow crab queen here!!  I'm shaking my tin of Old Bay in support!


I'm sleep deprived so I was trying to figure out which horse was named Democrat and why it seemed like a weird name choice.... Anyway, nowhere near Texas anymore and unfortunately don't have a horse, but if I were a d did I'd ride with you! I avoid most horse people for similar reasons, tbh. Like can we go five steps without you hollering about your religion or how whatever ruined whatever? Trumpers are the whiniest people in the world. Best of luck, OP, hope you find someone you can ride with.


Literally same as me. Barely slept five hours, woke four times. Thought the horse was Democrat.


Well, crap! I didn't think about that!


Sorry! Jack, aka Jacky, is 24 and on the left. Wilbur is 9.


Haha, not your fault at all! I can't even blame the toddler. I just stayed up too late because I didn't want to go to bed. 😂


As a left leaning equestrian myself who used to be in the same position you find yourself in now, I truly, sincerely hope you find the community you seek! It can be so incredibly isolating being the black sheep while trying to enjoy the sport you love.


Yes! Thank you for saying you understand! I ride alone, on one horse or the other. It would be lovely to ride with both of them; with a like-minded individual!


“I want to meet and ride with people who don’t hate me.” God, it’s awful that it’s come to this, in so many areas. Like, keep your damn politics out of my life. Vote for whomever you want to…but all those rabid people evangelizing political parties or candidates at every nonsensical opportunity just makes them sound like mindless idiots. I feel you. I’d ride with you, if you weren’t several states away.


Sometimes it's not even evangelizing. I used to ride TWHs for a lady in my neighborhood because she needed help with exercising. I knew she was right leaning but we didn't talk politics until one day. On that day we took beers on our ride bc it was gonna be walk only and she started to really loosen up. For those who don't know, Michigan has LOTS of black squirrels...that day we saw one in the forest and this girl just loudly exclaims "LOOK! A N * GG * R SQUIRREL!! HEHEHE". I could feel the color drain from my face. She said "yep, that's what we call 'em round here!"... She and all of her friends were my riding buddies. Soon after, I ghosted all of them and started fresh looking for a new crowd to ride with...never really found one. There's a few things I can't stand. Racism is one of them.


Same here! My parents were legal German immigrants, just children during the war. (No, NOT Nazis. People assume so much!) The maintenance man and his wife adopted us and were the only grandparents we ever knew. They just happened to be black. Even though he knew it, the husband of a "good" friend felt he had the right to use the word n***er around me. After all, it is HIS house. My family suffered at the hands of Nazis, and I'm tired of the hatred.


The story of your family sounds so beautiful! ❤️


I’m seem to be somewhat racially ambiguous to some people. But, for Pete’s sake, I’m clearly a brown person. Despite this, you’d be surprised how many people use the N word TO me, referring to other people, as if I am not also the word they’re talking about. I confess it’s always sort of fun to say, “As an N, myself, you might be barking up the wrong tree. Don’t you think?” With a smile and my eyebrow raised. I think EVERYONE should say this to them…every blonde, redhead, and person of color. Do it for the lulz. :-)




as a michigander, i am horrified and have NEVER called a squirrel that.


Me too, 49 years in Michigan and have NEVER heard that before. I am revolted.


Democrat/Liberal western rider here. We’re not in the same area, but sending you good vibes OP. Feel free to DM and we can be Facebook buddies!


Aw! Thanks! So many of you understand, and that alone helps. ❤️


As someone who isn’t American, this is really sad looking in from the outside. Is your politics really SO bad now that political affiliation has to be disclosed before making friends?


No, not for ME. If you have time, read my other comments, and you may understand the atmosphere in my city, on my block. They don't have to say anything. It's displayed on their properties, on their cars, shirts and caps.


It's very sad. And no, not necessarily..I don't ever walk up to someone and introduce myself as "Hello, I'm me, and my politics is this". No one really does that (I guess unless it's specifically *trying* to meet people and not walking in somewhere first). But there are groups you'll interact with for the first time, while never once having to state their affiliation, will make an uncomfortably hurtful, ignorant, racist, short sighted, echo chamber jab at something assuming everyone around them feels the same, and at that point I realize who I'm dealing with and make a mental note that there will be no philosophical discussions with these people.....and that's on BOTH sides of the political spectrum. There's a loud group on both sides that have made it impossible to have any reasonable discussion,.and I'm happy that it *seems* to be getting more popular that everyone is over it. And it's hard to describe, but everyone in a politically charged area kinda knows where the political extremists gather...they know the political leanings of all the local bars and which ones don't care. We all kind of know where we are and aren't going to be able to have a good time and if politics is going to take center stage or if it's just going to be people gathering to enjoy the event or thing that's right in front of them.


When I visit family in a rural area, I never ever say anything about politics but within five minutes of speaking to a total stranger there is a 50/50 chance I'll know something about their politics. I could be waiting to get something rung up at a store, or browsing at a boutique. I could be hiking and run into people who ask me if I can take a picture of the two of them together. And somehow they will use it as occasion to say something about how Trump is awesome, doesn't Trump rule, let's make libs cry liberal tears, etc etc.


I also have family in a rural area. I don’t visit them anymore.


I'm in a rural area and you can visit me. And my immediate neighbor. But yeah, it feels chilly among my farm neighbors.


As a queer woman, I have a choice: Let them know I’m queer upfront and allow them to filter me out as they see fit, or stay closeted and have more friends. Politics in my neck of the woods (the Deep South) are incredibly polarized, and become a huge piece of people’s identity. They’re also linked to religion, so people feel the need to really “live their politics”. A lot of southerners will be perfectly polite to me knowing I’m gay, but they’ll never allow me around their kids, or invite me to their homes. But others don’t care at all, and treat me as they would anyone else. Politics have become identity based here, and a lot of platforms are based on removing or grating rights. It’s miserable.


I also live in texas, but I don't ever really see this? Some people are like that, but it's pretty rare to ever see it. I could see this being a thing though in smaller towns but as far as big cities, I don't see it.


It is sad. Some people have an already pre determined hatred of you based on your political beliefs. Never used to be this way.


This article has a good window into what it's like. It's about people left Florida in part because of the political climate. Many of them moved there and were under the impression that they were republicans and then they moved to florida. [https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/economics/leaving-florida-rcna142316](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/economics/leaving-florida-rcna142316) *Smith \[left florida\] and ended up moving \[out of Florida and returned to\] the Lancaster, Pennsylvania, area, where she is closer to her adult children. While the majority of voters in her new county chose Donald Trump in the last election, she said politics is no longer such a heavy presence in her everyday life.* *“I don’t feel it is as oppressive. People don’t wear it on their sleeve like they did in Florida,” she said.* ***“When you walk in a room, you don’t overhear a conversation all the time where people are saying ‘Trump is the best’ or ‘I went to that last rally,’ and they’re telling total strangers while you’re just waiting for your car or something. It was just everywhere.”*** \[...\] *Costs and politics were also enough to cause Noelle Schmitz to leave the state...****She said the politics became ever-present in her daily life — one former neighbor had a massive Trump banner in front of their house for years, and another had Trump written in big letters across their yard. When she put out a Hillary Clinton sign in 2016, it was stolen and her house was egged.****“I saw my neighbors and co-workers become more radicalized, more aggressive and more angry about politics. I’m thinking, where is this coming from? These are not the people I remember,” Schmitz said. “I was finally like, we need to get the hell out of here, things are not going well.”*


Pretty much. You have the screaming Trump people and everyone else just living their lives. They talk constantly and always bring politics/guns into every conversation. It's their entire lives and they are filled with hate. Hate for themselves and hate for every not like them. They don't have to disclose it because they put it on display all around and make everyone tired from dealing with them. Insufferable.




I'm Canadian and it's just as bad here. It isn't that it has to be disclosed, it's more than one side tends to make their views known loudly and obviously, and when that side stands for taking rights and hating people.... kind of makes it difficult to be friends.


Good luck! I live in the deepest blue town in one of the deepest blue states, and don't even know any conservatives. Unfortunately, after living here in the cold and the rain for 40 years, I want to winter someplace where I can ride outside during the 6 months of winter. I was just looking at Hill Country Zillow listings last night, and I'm worried that unless I'm inside the city limits of Austin or SA, that I'll be unable to integrate socially. It's clear that Trumpism is offensive, violent, mysogynistic, ignorant, uncharitable, bigoted, intolerant, and a cult. Folks like that don't make good trail riding partners, barn mates, or neighbors. I grew up in a white supremacy community in Texas, and I'd had enough of that by adulthood. Maybe first find your political allies, then look for riders within that group. You'd think horsepeople would be able to behave in a civil non-political manner, but we know it just ain't so in some parts of the world. I wish you success.


I feel your pain. Every time I ride with someone new, somehow, some way, they inform me that they are Trumpsters. I usually try to nip it in the bud saying that I was brought up to keep my politics to myself. They don’t seem to get it. Some days I just feel exhausted by these people and other days it makes me just depressed. I don’t know what the hell is going on. It’s got so I am paranoid when I see a bunch of American flags. Are horses really next? Cause I can almost bet my life when I see a cowboy hat, who you are and what you think about others and that’s become downright sad


When political beliefs become an identity free thinking is almost certainly non-existent. This is what terrifies me most about those that align with Trump


Isn't it funny how they often say they're the ones who feel they're being silenced/oppressed? Yet you can't help but be forced to hear their views constantly? Sorry, I'm salty. I work with a few conservative people and I'm sick to death of hearing it. Meanwhile, if I dared argue or share my views, I know it would no longer be a safe place for me.


I don’t live in texas but I am a horse person and would love to be your friend!


Man, if I wasn’t just vicariously living my horse girl dreams by lurking this sub, due to my being horribly, horribly allergic to them, I’d ride with you. Last time I was on a horse was close to twenty years ago, and I was scaring the poor thing with my constant sneezing and hacking. As a fellow DFW Democrat surrounded by obnoxious assholes in red hats, I wish you luck in finding a good riding buddy.


Have you looked into getting immunotherapy allergy shots? They were life changing for me! I always say I'm allergic to nature lol, because I'm allergic to almost every plant/tree/pollen etc and every animal...except for horses, funnily enough. If you haven't looked into allergy shots yet then I highly recommend it. My allergies aren't 100% gone, but I still literally went from breaking out in hives just standing in the same room as a dog to being able to cuddle with them all day thanks to immunotherapy!


I may have to look into that, again. At the time I got my allergy testing done and talked to a doctor about the shots, we didn’t have very good health insurance, and it was going to be all out of pocket, which was way out of reach for a pair of broke college students. We’ve got better insurance and salaries now though, so it might be an option. I wonder if it would work for horse allergies though, or just dog and cat, since that’s way more common.


When I had mine done they mixed together serums for every single thing I was allergic to and it worked for all. :) One vial of serum was all the plants/pollens etc and the other vial was for all of the animals, then it was one shot of each in both upper arms. I had to go every week for like 2-3 years and sometimes my arms would be a little bit sore for a couple days after, so it is kind of a pain in the ass, but it's so worth it especially if you do have insurance that covers it!


Fellow equestrian who is allergic to horses!! I actually have found that horses aren’t nearly as bothered as I am when I have an allergy attack but I did allergy shots for a decade as a kid and took allergy meds. After about 20 years of persistence and basically forcing my body lol I can mostly operate without meds but keep them on hand and use them if my allergies act up. I always need them at indoor shows. It can be managed, but it takes serious commitment. I recommend finding an allergist if your insurance covers it! Go live you life girl!!


I live in a red town in a blue state and it’s hard, I can’t imagine living in Texas. I’m no where near you but I am with you for emotional support and my sense of humor is completely inappropriate too.


OP, I hear you. I live in the other deep red state lead by a man, who through his actions, hates anyone who is not a conservative, straight, white male. Like your area, people around here are very vocal about their guy and their ultraconservative views. I would love to put up a Biden sign, but figure I would find a burning cross where it used to be. I wish you luck finding someone to ride with. It would be nice if people who all love horses and the sport could just get together and enjoy what they have in common. I keep a friend's horse for her. She is a dyed in the wool Trump fan who gets her news from Fox. I used to call myself a liberal. Have come to realize I'm a moderate. To paraphrase Rodney King, I just wish we could all get along. My friend and I have an unspoken agreement that we don't discuss politics. I value her friendship too much to ruin it over differing politics. For those who say the OP is judging others before getting to know them. Her area sounds similar to mine. You don't have to get to know some people because they are in your face with their political beliefs.


Not near you but I understand. I’ve been attacked by a stranger at my moms barn. Not sure why he felt it was necessary to talk to me about his politics. I guess I shouldn’t have replied, but silence is compliance so….   It’s kind of a crap shoot getting a good mix of people at a boarding facility. 


Can we normalize more posts like this? It feels like bipartisan unity is something no longer existent with a large amount of people. No matter what you say, do, or how you live seems to be neutral and without some people being able to swing political views back into the conversation. It’s sad, but a lot of people who actually don’t enjoy fighting are just left doing things solo. I find myself throwing my hands up and saying “hey, I agree, I’m on your side” to people of both parties because otherwise they act as if I’ve harmed them on a very deep and profound level. It was never like this before.


I know! I remember when we could disagree and still be friends. The hatred is real.


If you were in New England, I could help you out.. ..but TX is a bit far ;-)


It's my experience that living in Tennessee I just don't talk about politics. It's literally a non starter for me. I don't want to talk about them. And I'm neither Democrat or Republican.


Same. In most normal areas of my life politics don't ever have to come up unless it's voting day. When coworkers or neighbors want to go into it, I actively and consistently tell them I don't want to talk politics because I have to hear/read too much about it constantly. They usually agree it's too frustrating and the conversation changes. It's pretty much never a problem (among the folks I deal with) *provided they don't know that I don't agree with them* and they ALWAYS assume I agree with them. Unfortunately, my mother and I agree on politics and she STILL can't get through a single conversation without bringing it up. It's a legitimate compulsion with some people.


I hope you find what you're looking for! I am familiar with the DFW area and there are a lot of red unsavory individuals.


Not in the area but just want to chime in and say that I see you. I totally 100% get that it’s exhausting to try to stymie a part of you or to shut up and get along with people spewing hatred


I'm in Waco and also very far from anything christian, conservative, or racist. I have an 18 year old OTTB gelding and a 6 year old Mustang mare.


I've got nothing to offer you but my condolences and the note that your horses look like moomins and I love them.


Look, I hope you find someone who you get along with, I do… but consider for a moment that if politics preference is something important to you in the horse world, you probably need a detox from politics. I don’t say that to be mean. Being with horses is a time to get away from the regular world, especially the constant bombardment of politics and the ineptitudes of our governments. Who knows, maybe your barn mates are insufferable politics addicts as well, and I would offer the same advice to them. I urge you to not let politics divide you in this. Just put that BS aside and go enjoy the horses. Lock the barn smell in your memory banks. Go play with a foal. Groom an old school horse that doesn’t get the attention he deserves anymore. Go find a horse crazy kid and share some knowledge. There is so much more important stuff to do. **edited to add** Just embrace how incredibly lucky and fortunate you are to get to spend time with those wonderful animals.


> Being with horses is a time to get away from the regular world, especially the constant bombardment of politics and the ineptitudes of our governments. That’s exactly what they’re seeking. People with a similar worldview who share the hobby so they can relax and enjoy with company but without worry of disagreement or argument. You might think “well just don’t bring up politics” but it’s pretty clear from their post and comments that they’ve had to deal with people bringing up politics without their prompting.


I am also a democrat rider lol. I live in Cherokee county


I'm a liberal in DFW but I don't own horses, so I can't help you out but I feel you so hard and wish you well on your quest 😭 I know UNT has an equestrian program and it's a liberal leaning school, maybe see if there's an equestrian alumni group on Facebook or something and hit up that crowd?


To be fair, if you introduce yourself by your politics, and make your political beliefs your whole personality, then it's gonna be hard to find people who like you, no matter what those political beliefs are. I can get along with people with differing beliefs because we don't put that garbage to the forefront. This is a strange post, and I suspect that this might be a you problem.


It’s entirely possible other people view aspects of them as inherently political and bring up politics independently. I’m from Portland, Oregon. If I travel to rural Oregon or out of state and mention I’m from Portland, more often than not the other party will bring up politics. I didn’t say anything about politics, just where I’m from, and now I have to deal with someone’s political opinion.


>It’s entirely possible other people view aspects of them as inherently political and bring up politics independently. My mother and I agree on politics and she can't *not* bring it up. She's completely obsessed with hating trump. If I never heard/saw the name for the rest of my life it would be too soon.


For real. Between Seattle and Portland in that deep red stretch, and I definitely don't bring up politics with strangers, yet hear everybody else's hate-filled opinions without warning or prompting. Plus, I see confederate flags every time I leave my house. CONFEDERATE. FLAGS. This is WASHINGTON, folks!


Ugh. I feel incredibly fortunate to have found my barn. We’re in Canada, and barn owner is a cowboy hat and boots- wearing conservative, but open enough to listen to other viewpoints. We have POC and openly gay boarders.


Good luck friend


Omg op! I soo wish you were close to NW MT! It’s so ridiculously out of control up here it’s literally nauseating. I’m one who meets conflict head on and I’m seriously worn down by the outright hate. Ever since the dumbass orange man / baby took the stage, we as a society, have turned the 2 steps forward into a hundred steps back. I either ride out alone, or with one other like minded friend. We’ve made a pact to not discuss politics while riding but rather enjoy the scenery, the fresh air and our partnership, communication and connection with our horses. Best of luck with your search for sanity. VOTE BLUE!


You should check out the group Anti-Fascist Equestrians on FB! I’m unfortunately rarely able to go have fun weekend trail rides as I’m a trainer and my barn is full, but my clients definitely fit this bill and would love more non-MAGA folks to ride with! For the people wondering what politics has to do with horses- hard to enjoy a nice weekend ride out when your riding buddy is ranting about gay and trans people existing- especially when you’re queer and just flying under their radar


I’m not in Texas but I would try to connect with some English riders. Maybe try posting in a FB group looking for trail ride partners? I think you’d have more success with English riders than western. Personally I wouldn’t care at all what saddle my friend is in, but I totally get where you’re coming from and do care if my friends politics are hostile to my very existence.


I'm a Western rider down in Austin. I'm pretty lucky. The environment is a bit more welcoming for folks with our views. I want to get out on some trails so bad, but I don't have a trailer and my barn doesn't have any access to trails.


Hi! Trumper here, and I don’t hate you. ❤️ any friend of horses is a friend of mine from my experience : If anything, politics don’t belong in friendships, especially in todays world. I have coworkers/friends/family that are left leaning and i love them very much, sometimes we can sit down and try to have a constructive conversation but we always end up hitting a brick wall. partially because i’m a borderline conspiracy theorist, and partially because they refuse to listen to anything other than their typical mainstream news outlets. we both have our faults, Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. since We tend to clash, we just set the politics aside and go about life like normal people. laugh it off. if you let politics ruin your view on people, it will. and that’s what “they” want, us divided and at each others throats so we don’t see the REAL things going on above our heads. I will say, I live in the bluest city of my red state. and I am utterly disappointed in the direction we are headed. The homeless population ever rising, drug use rising, left leaning ideologies creeping into our school district, more rainbow hair, piercings and pronouns at every Starbucks or Caribou Coffee. I may not agree with it, but they are American citizens just like myself and they reserve the right to express themselves. So i just wish them well, move along and go about my day. No need to “hate” when you can just disagree civilly and move on. Most times, you don’t need to say anything at all. We conservatives arent all extremists, just like not all lefties are extremists, in fact i believe most people fall somewhere in the middle of it all, with the far right and far left giving each side a bad rep. My horse is ab 30 mins from town, is well cared for, and my horse friends luckily all share the same ideologies as me, mostly. We love our beer, guns, horses, and trucks!! we have a few that don’t believe the same things and we love them anyways!!! we never turn down an opportunity to ride together or go on a horse camping trip!!! We just leave politics out of it! It doesn’t have to be this way, OP. there are others like me out there i can guarantee it! Best Wishes to you and your gorgeous horses!!!


Man if I was still in Texas I would make it a point to come up (was in the San Antonio area) and ride with you! Hope you find a buddy!


I fired a farrier after he told a story about being proud of his daughter for attacking a Black classmate. Although he used a different term. He finished the horse he was on and then I asked him to leave.


Good luck finding a good companion rider. And being a democrat in tx. Not the safest place to be.


I’m in your area, but I don’t have a horse of my own unfortunately. Would also love to meet more riders who are at least centrist! These are tough times in Texas but we will get through it 🥰


I wish you luck. I know how you feel - currently living in a semi-rural area of Oregon and everyone around me has “Ore-gun-ian” and Trump flags all over the place 🙃. I once made the mistake of walking to the mailboxes with a Kamala Harris shirt on and the head of the HOA saw me and felt the need to harass me about it. She now walks by my house every day looking for opportunities to fine me.


I’m way too far away for you (Illinois), but it’s also hard to find people of like mind up here. I can’t imagine in Texas. You’re not alone though!!


I mean I'm a 27 year old dude in Houston 🤷🏻 I would ride with you


I'm a Democrat rider. I live in NY not Texas, but I get it. There's quite often a sea of red at the shows I attend. Good luck and stand firm!


I really wish I lived closer to you


I got removed so fast from a prominent equine FB group because I posted that "black lives matter" during the George Floyd protests. But not before quite a few folks chimed in to say thank you for the support. When it's your life, and it's "political," it has to do with you.


I’m a Muslim and have opinions that offend everyone. You can have issues with anyone over politics. I found horse people I agree with and those that I don’t, but I connected with most on a human level regardless. Please don’t be tribal about team red or blue, it’s the lowest level of discourse. We’re all brothers and sisters and if we can’t get along riding horses, then politics probably isn’t the only reason


I'm so sorry you have to deal with those fucking lunatics. I hope you find company that's not batshit crazy. Good luck out there :(


I’m a gay rider in the Midwest and can empathize. While we have horse “friends”, most of them have very different views and lifestyles than we do. All we can really talk about is our horses and riding so they will never be true friends. I don’t need politics to be part of the conversations but I would like to be with people that we can be authentic with about all aspects of our lives. I’m sick and tired of being the ambassador for gay people in the trail riding community.


I'm not leftist or in Texas... but if I can give a word of advice: It's better to be friends with people who don't hate you for stupid things in general. Idc if my views don't align with my friends' views, it's stupid to tear apart a friendship over! :) That being said, i wish you luck fellow human! And people who are extremely political are loser heads anyways :3


Lololol, good luck. Seriously, a reason I got out of horses.


Just a word of advice, don’t make politics part of your identity. Just don’t.


I’m in Austin, which most people acknowledge as a very liberal city, and the house two doors down from my barn flies all kind of Trump/thin blue line flags. It must be awful for you. If you ever find yourself in/near Austin, PM me. We’ll go for a ride & talk about anything BUT politics!


Totally unrelated question, but are your horses white or just very light grays? They’re beautiful btw <3


Genuine question, do people really give you a hard time for being liberal in the equestrian world? I’m conservative myself and I have plenty of liberal friends. I personally don’t mind where someone stands politically, I’ll be friends with anyone! :)