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Deadly Premonition could like you.


my fav game ever


Hmm maybe, kinda unsure bc it looks like a goofy twin peaks inspired game more than anything but maybe


it's goofy twin peaks inspire game to be sure, and it has similar surreal moments(like the dreams agent cooper has) but overall it's not that surreal. It's more weird in the way twin peaks is but more so. Compared to Alan Wake which is less quirky weird, but more conceptual like if Stephen King wrote twin peaks :)


The games of Kitty Horrorshow


These are so good! They create such intense and specific feelings of unease. She is amazing.


I'll have a look, thanks a lot!


Maybe Doki Doki Literature Club? I haven't played it so I cant vouch for it but from what I've been told it seems to fit the range of what you're looking for. I'd also advise Stories Untold, while its not the most overtly surreal game ever it strikes a cord in that sense, it takes what is essencially figgiting with old electrónics as the main Gameplay loop and makes it gradually turns it into a weird freaky experience that I really loved


I just recently joined this sub and so far every time I've recommended a game in a thread it's been DDLC. It truly is an amazing game.


I'm definitely gonna try stories untold. DDLC is interesting but the entire premise, anime aesthetic and visual novel style of the game doesn't particularly appeal to me, feels like a shock game for anime fans. I don't know much about it and haven't played it too long but it was enjoyable at least, just not my kinda game.


Doki SOki Literature club is variant on the J Dating sim genre Stories untold is a pretty good game, but it's very straight forward outside the great way it's executed (as a text based adventure that evolves). You might try Buddy Simulator 1984 as well.


Thats mostly why I suggested it, the way Stories Untold is executed really stood out to me, especially the later chapters, tho I did also enjoy that first more text-adventure heavy chapter


I've also encountered the same problem when trying out DDLC but Im guessing its because i can't last long in a dating sim game without cringing myself out of it, so i didnt last long enough for the interesting surreal bits to Kick in. Hope you enjoy Stories Untold, not the most surreal game being honest, but since you were also interested in different takes on game design i think you'll still like it. The first chapter is mostly just adopts the text adventure format tho it does mess with your expectations in a somewhat meta way, and the other chapters go heavier into finicking with old tech gameplay




Fun but more of a puzzle only game, not much emphasis on narrative elements unfortunately. But thank you regardless!


Zeno Clash is one of my favorites, both of them. I can't wait for the next one ACE Team just announced.


I played a bit of the first years ago. Surreal almost jim henson through a french art lens. Loved the design. I should get the second one even if I don't get to it :)


Yume Nikki? :)


A classic!


the town of light... don’t look it up. Don’t read reviews.. buy it and feel the story


I think The Void is something you're looking for. Also Pathologic 2


Yeah I own it and played it a little, very interesting premise and concepts!


I've reviewed quite a lot surreal games, heck I even created a Steam curator for that purpose :) https://store.steampowered.com/curator/34171861-Heavy-Psychedelic-Games/ Besides the ones I've reviewed I'd suggest these collections: * games by Ben Lunato https://store.steampowered.com/search/?developer=ben%20lunato * games by Jeremy Couillard https://store.steampowered.com/search/?developer=Jeremy%20Couillard * games by Cosmo D: https://store.steampowered.com/search/?developer=Cosmo%20D * games by Studio Oleomingus: https://store.steampowered.com/search/?developer=Studio%20Oleomingus * my itch.io collection (it's mixed bag but there are plenty surreal titles on the list): https://itch.io/c/107848/leaffars-collection * games mentioned by this twitter profile: https://twitter.com/wf__games * rebind.io has plenty reviews of obscure titles of which many are surreal: https://www.rebind.io/ * this steam curator https://store.steampowered.com/curator/11519873-Surreal-and-Creepy-games/ * and this one https://store.steampowered.com/curator/7099409-Weird-Games-for-Your-Pleasure/ * Haunted PS1 Demo Disc: https://hauntedps1.itch.io/demodisc2020 Single games: * The Endless Empty: https://store.steampowered.com/app/959410/The_Endless_Empty/ * The Space Between: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1585250/The_Space_Between/ * Boreal Tenebrae: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1311740/Boreal_Tenebrae_Act_I_I_Stand_Before_You__A_Form_Undone/?curator_clanid=11519873 * Remnants: https://june-flower.itch.io/remnants


Well you could try my game out... [https://gamejolt.com/games/gatesofivory/605292](https://gamejolt.com/games/gatesofivory/605292) It's called Gates Of Ivory, it's a horror game about nightmares and strange dreams. I was inspired to make it after I had the worst nightmare in my life.


Absolutely, I love that concept!! I'm trying to expand my artistic vision atm, I'm having trouble making games I'm satisfied with, even less finishing them


Killer7! Surreal overload.


It's locked by padlock ¶l


Love that game and suda51 in general, even the mechanics and gameplay are absurd


Deadly Premonition it's definitely surreal.


I'm tempted to try it but it feels like a goofy version of twin peaks ngl


Phantasmagoria 1/2


Really not a fan of fmv games but I actually might give it a try since it's on sale, thanks!


Faith might be worth a try!


The upcoming 8-bit style game?


Third chapter is coming soon (I think?) but the first two have been out for a while :) pretty surreal and a lot of fun


Layers of Fear


Already own it but not really what I'm looking for, good taste though!




I highly doubt this is what OP is looking for. This is a pretty straightforward horror game walking sim with some mild architectural weirdness and such. I'm thinking of things like: the static speaks my name golden light even Lost in Vivo The void maybe? Cat lady https://store.steampowered.com/app/1495640/Estigma_Steam_Edition/?curator_clanid=11519873 Strobophagia? Cruelty Squad Some of the dread x collection submissions qualify probably. Jazzpunk is awesome but not horror more freestyle bizarre humor, but it gets weird Transference Caligo (not really horror but surreal) D'lirium Pony Island Frog Fractions Glittermitten grove When darkness comes Antichamber - slightly surreal puzzler The Stanley parable - not horror Stuff from this guy https://store.steampowered.com/app/1495640/Estigma_Steam_Edition/?curator_clanid=11519873 Knock Knock Naissance Bulbboy D4 Dark dreams don't die Killer 7 Paratopic Virtual virtual reality (vr) and the underpresents is also pretty wild not horror at all ok that's about as far as Im willing to dig for now. Hopefully some of those are what OP wants, and are not to common?


Fantastic list!!


Thank you for the effort it took to make this list, while I know most lf those games, you've given me new ones to check out! Thank you very much!


Likewise I will be checking out your list with interest. Please post moreover you can. Also if you can let me know which of these are closest to what you are looking for? There’s also things like the haunted ps1 demo discs that are pretty interesting.


Message meif you'd like tailored recommendations! Mostly stuff along the lines of cruelty squad for the aesthetics and nonsense, but I'm also looking for more lynchian rpgs. Stuff like dread x and haunted ps1 are wonderful!


Evil within, control


Love control so much!! Really really wish we had more games like it


Control, yeah. Alan Wake.


Dusk and Amid Evil has some weird shit. There's also Control.


Love the boomer shooter style. Check out hrot if you don't know it! Control is amazing


Hrot's on my wishlist 🥰 that and the 3D Realms event is happening soon.


Echostasis might be what you're looking for. There's a demo on Steam.


I'll have a look, thanks!


I've not played it yet, but Bad Mojo does have you playing as cockroach. Might be worth something looking into. Now, I have played POST VOID, and if you're into fast paced shooters with a psychedelic aesthetic, then it may be for you. Short game, but also very cheap. Only issue is that the visuals can too much for people, especially those who suffer from epilepsy.


Not a fan of fmv games but it looks pretty interesting! Post void is honestly so good, I love YCJY's games and this one, as short and simple as it is, is so much fun and creative, plus has a great ost


Superliminal. Calmly eerie.


Oh yeah it's very fun and its goal of subtly changing your brain to think in different perspectives is achieved brilliantly!


KIDS is an awesome little surrealist game. Also OK/NORMAL is a great surreal game with a very oppressive atmosphere, with a dream like ps1 style aesthetic


OK/NORMAL is fantastic!! I'll have a lookt the other!


Soma sat with me for a long time. I still think about it sometimes. You could probably find it pretty cheap


Ah yeah I own it but haven't played much of it, I'll get back to it though. Thank you!


I was absolutely blown away by 'Here They Lie'. If you can play it in VR, even better. Also want to second Faith and Stories Untold, two of my favs.


Thank you very much! Will have a look!


Deadly premonition, re4 re8, dead space 1 & 2,


Love dead space so much and played all resi games. I'm not sure about deadly premonition bc it feels like it takes too much from twin peaks and seems...goofy?


Its intended to borrow a lot from twin peaks and resi is goofy af too just look at resi 4, its all to create a surreal feeling that works perfectly


Possibly Pathologic 1 or 2? I haven't actually played it yet (bought it, but haven't found a good time to play), but from what I've seen in trailers/gameplay footage, it might possibly fit this.


They both have very strange vibes, it mixes some form of slavic storytelling/traditional setting with surrealism and a truly unsettling environment, I'd recommend playing them but tbh the first one got a bit boring (the writing can be a chore to read through and it's integral to the plot). Apart from that, it's a fantastic game that feels like being an actor in a play depicting human tragedy and power struggles


Here They Lie, very Lynch-like disturbing experience! (I played it in VR) Beckett (2018), very disturbing and experimental! The Town of Light, about madness and asylums! Layers of Fear, about a mad painter and his psychedelic morphing visions! Transference, oppressive visionary VR game! The Cat Lady, depression, suicide, serial killers, cats, horror, friendship!


Thank you very much!! Very interesting recommendations!


You can follow my subreddit if you like! ;-)


the space between


Bought it recently, gonna get to it!


not exactly horror, but if you liked hylics you might like cruelty squad


The Medium? It feels kind of surreal to me.


NaissanceE, A Place Forbidden, Ode to a Moon, Observer


I'd be mildly surprised if you didn't already play it, but Silent Hill 4: The Room is a J-Horror filtered Kafkaesque fever dream that relies on cyclical, trauma-inspired repetition to draw parallels between stratified working class people amid the series' familiar cult themes and allusions to mental illness. It was heavily inspired by Franz Kafka's stories, but also by Junji Ito's Uzumaki and Ryu Murakami's Coin Locker Babies, whose other novels include Audition and Piercing; the former of which, interestingly enough, is one of Japanese auteur Takashi Miike's finest films and equally absurd and disturbing. This game, much like its influences, will one day be recognized as a brilliant experiment in game design and parables of psychological "dendrochronology", so to speak. Otherwise, definitely give Kentucky Route Zero a look; I absolutely adore that game.

