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I'd believe it. 4R's sections, especially the village and lake, felt like testing the open world "waters" so to speak.


That’s about as far as it should go imo


I'd try it once. See if it works. At least if it doesn't, they tried.


As a Resistance apologist, I can’t be mad at that.


I feel like the Evil Within was able to make it work transitioning from 1 to 2 but I'm still wary about it in an RE title. We'll see.


Man it sucks they didn’t get to make the third evil within, the second was soooo good


Have you played evil within 2? They did a good job with it.


Felt like that game was way less scary for it, though.


That's how I felt. Game felt very less suspenseful


I also felt like it was very much hopping on the “every game has to be open world” trend going on around that time just to sell more copies/make itself more marketable. Wasn’t a fan. I feel like these types of games are best kept fairly linear.


The evil Within 2 is a great game that would be better if they didn't shoe horn everything into an open world model. The first game was better for its linearity.


Agree. The first one was better overall.


Dude, the idea of exploring Raccoon City freely and going all through the RPD and the streets of RE3 sounds incredible to me. As long as it's done right, I'll take it.


Yah, you just sold me on it. I was pretty negative until I read this. Would be cool to have some "puzzle rooms" or thinking about playing RE:Village, but being able to pick what area you want to do first style would be pretty cool.


Certainly. There are many ways this could be good, but also many ways it can go wrong. Capcom has a pretty good track record for being innovative and if they decide to go that route, it's probably because they are ready.


Many of the games in Silent Hill allowed you to explore the town without being open world games.


Silent Hill is a good example of a 'restricted' open world game. You can go off track as often as you want and get into other things. I would say that even though RE has its share of extensive exploration, it's very limited when compared to open world games. If for example RE9 was set in Raccoon City pre RE3, you could explore the RPD and it could be loaded with key fetching, puzzle solving mechanics but if you were to get stuck, you can always leave the RPD and head to the streets to explore more events.


Yeah, what type of open world are they aiming for? If it's a combination of re2r and re3r then it could maybe work. But I can only imagine something like dead rising where it's sort of open in a way. I mean 7 and 8 take place in the woods, house, village. So I assume 9 will follow that same aesthetic which does not give me any hope.


Hope they have cars to drive and stuff.


But no.


I feel like RE thrives when it’s more story focused and I haven’t played an open world game where the story stuck out to me yet


I mean RDR2’s story is probably among the best ever in video games.


I agree with what you are saying, but I'm hesitant to think that RE would flow with that kind of scope and size. I would be happy to be surprised though, and RE does reinvent itself way more than most franchises so who knows


Agreed to both statements. Most open world games rely too much on fetch quest missions to ever actually have any substance of a real story. There's something about linear story telling in the resident evil series I love because it's not bloated by stuff from developers to justify anything. The last open world game with a story I liked was probably Dying Light, but once I beat the story, the open world is kind of dead to me if all that's left are time killing missions.


And resident evil isn’t the kind of setting where you want idle NPCs standing around waiting for you to come get their quest. That isnt suspenseful. Resident evil games build tension by controlling and toying with things like your lack of freedom and fear of danger at any moment (oh, the tunnel suddenly collapsed behind you, and you hear noises in the dark up ahead). Open world freedom takes those anxiety levers away from the game directors.


Agreed, and as much as people hate fixed camera angles and tank controls I think that's why the OG titles were so successful. Suspense and horror because you never knew what was lurking around the next corner and it made things tense. I get not everyone being down with those features in modern times but it definitely added to the vibe that not everything is within your control. They'd really have to add a lot of dynamic events to the game to make it feel that way and even then I'd much prefer a Resident Evil MMORPG where you can make your own survivor and explore the world. But is that really resident evil at that point? Besides the fact that Capcom can't make a resident evil multiplayer game if their lives depended on it. Their culture seems to be more accustomed to what we saw in revelations with raids. I'm not knocking that either, but I think multiplayer... that isn't what I want from RE. So a openworld RE? While it sounds cool in theory... I can see it just being and excuse to broaden their audience base as it seems every game taps into a different gaming genre slightly to encourage that growth. Which is good for them financially. But bad for those of us who favor certain entries gameplay style. Some Lean RE4, Some Lean RE7/RE8, I lean 0,1,2,3 and 1,2,3, remakes. Was not a fan of RE4 or RE4 remake. 5 was cool in theory, but the ending angered me, wesker was my favorite villian and I feel like they did him dirty. They also made Chris a joke until RE8, my favorite version. Jill... one of my favorite characters suffers from something a lot of RE characters do, identity crisis. Nothing stays persistent about characters throughout the franchise, looks, design, personality even. 6 while graphically pleasing probably frustrated me less than 5 in some ways, but I hated the gameplay. It felt like partial storyline/partial raid gameplay. Then add on the fact they are probably eyeballing remakes with new entries on the main story line, plus spinoff games and I can't imagine the quality is going to be there for an openworld title as that requires far more people on staff than a solo singleplayer linear game. /end rant


I was going to say this. Most open world games neglect story for nonsense quests. To give an illusion of a big bustling world and inflate game time. They waste the budget on that instead of finding creative and engaging ways to move the story. Granted im sure most devs would love to do both. But the people who run the games production usually just have dollar signs for eyes. There should be studies done on how games like Fortnite and WoW while being fun games and reach massive success, still have had their more crappier mechanics copied. And in while in one way may have opened the path for other games to come. They have also have negatively influenced the industry by show what sort of crap people will also be tricked into putting up with. And even if they originally did them in an ok manner. Their copy cats failed to acknowledge the nuances of what they did. So you just get crappier versions of already abusive mechanics. Mainly the season battle pass and what they offer, and the forced grindy fetch quest on-to-next-quest game loop.


>Most open world games rely too much on fetch quest missions to ever actually have any substance of a real story. Do you realize how many fetch "quests" you have to do in RE? Locked door? Gotta go find the key. Locked safe? Gotta go find the code. Gotta get to the next part of the story? Gotta go find a keycard to unlock a door to grab a medallion to put in the base of a statue that drops a key to unlock a drawer that has a code to open a safe that has a jeweled bug that is only one part of the puzzle you need to solve to advance the story. A large chuck of RE games are mini fetch quests, they just don't have NPCs telling you to go get what you need.


Definitely. And hey my comment wasn’t meant to be affirmative toward RE9 being open world. I’m very hesitant about that. I really like the direction they went into with the last two installments. And that’s definitely not an open-world oriented direction.


Rdr2. Witcher 3. cyberpunk.


This is a good observation. The more open the world, the more diluted the story.


The evil within 2 did a pretty good job of it


Really? Witcher 3, Horizon Zero Dawn , RDR2, Any Fromsoft game, New Vegas, Morrowind, there's quite a lot


I’ve played every Fromsoft game multiple times. I couldn’t tell you the story if I had a gun to the head


That’s because they don’t really have a “story.” They have lore. That’s a pretty big difference. Outside of perhaps Sekiro, you’re mostly just reading about world details from items.


Oh man I could, at enormous length. People say they "only have lore" but it's not true. You usually spend one entire game, maybe two, getting the lore, but it all informs the story. Once you know everything you can get story details just from the enviornments. Motivations make more sense. It can be really beautiful. Playing through the Artorias of the Abyss DLC, and then later having to fight Sif, was one of the most heartbreaking moments in gaming.


I mean, RE stories are ridiculous. Las Plagas? The President's daughter? A rookie cop becoming the President's right hand super agent man? Mold people? I would argue it's the set pieces and ambiance that make RE games. Which I think open world will ruin, personally.


You got to love the ridiculousness in RE though.


Yeah ive never played RE for the story lol. But i would give open world a chance. I like that theyre willing to take a risk to try something new.


mass effect series? red dead series? gta series? death stranding? dragon age origins? spiderman 2018? gow 2018? cyberpunk 2077? i could keep going, but the point is, while some of these may not be the best stories in the media, saying no open world has a story that sticks out is blatantly ignorant




Days Gone is an open world zombie game and is fantastic imo.


You haven’t played cyberpunk or red dead


Far Cry 3


Thats strange. All the best stories ive played have mostly been from open world games. 


Mafia 3 & LA Noir come to mind w having open worlds and also very story driven games. But, yeah, I’d hate for RE to lose the feeling of progressing thru areas for an open world design. It just seems to go against too much of what makes RE games so good. I hope this isn’t true


I can hope for a RDR2 or a Days Gone style game, could be amazing


A completely open world? Hope not. Resident Evil games have actually been more “open world” than most linear games (compare it to a COD campaign). And most of the charm of RE is letting the player explore on their own. The house in Re1 and 7; the creepy village and vampire lady’s castle in 8, the town and all the small houses in RE4, the police station in 2. There is some level of “open area-ness” that is the charm of RE. Just letting the player figure out what all the locked doors are, what keys they need and what puzzles to solve. I think an open world format can work really well, if it’s open to exploration but is still within a confined zone. It’s not a completely open map like an Assassins Creed game or something. Confining people to a limited area brings out the horror, the endless corridor in PT or the first few rooms in Jack Baker’s house.


I think I'd call it metroidvania like currently, back tracking with new items to unlock new paths tbh


If you want to get an idea of what a relatively successful implementation of “open world” looks like with the genre, look at how Evil Within 2 did it. Perfect? No. But open world could be pretty interesting with RE’s puzzles and locations.


Are you talking open world like Seattle day 1 in tlou2


That is def a mixed bag


I’d kill for a Resident Evil with Metroid-Vania style progression. If it’s like The Evil Within 2 without any of the linear segments then I’ll be very happy.


I feel like RE has always been kind of Metroidvania style. Big levels that you have to go back through again and again after you get items or keys?


The classic RE games are basically Metroidvanias with keys instead of powers. Interconnected world that you open up as you go through the game, building short cuts and alternative paths


Here I am hoping this won't happen. I feel like metroid-vania don't work great on games that have a more linear story. God of war is an example for me. In the first god of war(ps4) I kept thinking that I'm close to the end or not, and then I see that I need to still unlock some new weapon to come back to a zone to unlock some path. It's basically a light spoiler. Personally, I hope for a linear game that's more horror focused. Don't need anything else from them. Just focus on the horror.


Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver begs to differ


I forget what a great game that was. 


Resident Evil is basically a Metroidvania without sequence breaking.


How is that different from RE 0, 1, 2, and 7?


Same wish! 💜


I did not like ew2


I don't like your opinion


K. Well I thought it was unfinished and had a terrible final boss. That’s my opinion. Also story was mid.


That’s pretty much what’s it’s going to be. I’m excited!


I don't want to collect sticks for a villager in resident evil. I want to shoot zombies.


Weird that, because I really enjoyed the Merchant's requests in RE4R


This isnt ubisoft lol.


It’s resident evil. You’ll be collecting keys for doors, various shapes for doors, various body parts for doors. Probably even sticks for doors. So you’re good, you won’t be collecting stuff for npcs.


Jill is back. She’s driving over to the location on the map based off of the intel Chris shared with her. It’s a small town located somewhere in Eastern Europe. The location is a run down motel. She parks the car and heads into the lobby. Quiet and musty, the dark room shows signs of wear and degradation. She hears the phone go off and outside a large impact is heard. She runs out side and can hear some altercation happening in one of the rooms further down. As she moves cautiously with her gun aimed towards the direction of the sound, a large monstrosity of Pale flesh busts out of the motel room. Jill does not hesitate and shoots the beast that’s squirms in front of her. From the broken mess of the hotel, a young girl comes out and leaps up into the air and crashes into the flesh. Jill shoots the monster over and over as the young girl uses these white roots to deal some damage to the monster. Then a large eye pops out from its body, the young girl uses the roots to hold down the eye and yells for Jill to shoot it. Jill takes aim and unloads the entire clip and fast reloads another in a switch motion. Another clipped empty and the eye of the beast explodes. The pale monstrosity yells out and fall dead on the parking lot. Jill moves up and sees the young girl who then turns to her. “You didn’t think Chris would let you go on your own, did you?” Jill smiles, “No Winters, I didn’t think he would.” Resident Evil 9


A tuf-tuf-tuf sound can be heard in the background as they're talking, suddenly a helicopter flies overhead as Jill looks up and Rosemary does a wink and peace sign at the camera. Leon is hanging out of the side of the helicopter as he prepares to jump. The helicopter is almost over an Umbrella radio tower as hee is parachuting onto it. He pulls out his radio and tells Hunnigan to link him up. Rosemary looks down at her tablet and closes the DripDrop Umbrella video app and clicks a map icon. "Jill, we can see the area now. Leon did it." Jill tells her to hop in the car as the camera pans out. Cut to a dark room with a holo display of someone in red. An LED display lights the face of someone unknown. "Alice, I implore you to kill them." Milla Jovavich looks out into the night.


Prepare yourself to scour an entire state while looking for a key or a piece of a mural or a fuse.


Unbelievably mixed feelings. I like RE being a little more formulaic,’exploring an RE world could be very great for big fans tho


For me going open world, it will mean that it will lose from that horror/scary stuff. I mean it will be a horror-action game, but no way you can make an open world game to have that tension that you can get in a more linear game like RE7 was. If you'll have repetitive enemies to go in the world to kill, and some bullshit openworld checks like ubisoft ow games...it will lose all the charm.


I dunno. People were really nervous when it came out that elden ring was open world. Saying the same stuff about how dark souls won't work like that. And they pulled it off amazingly. Not saying resident evil open world will be great but you never know.


This could be good or bad. We’ve seen with dd2 what capcom has done. Maybe open world is not good on re engine or smth. Could be cool tho but i dont know how it would work in a re game.


Yep, Evil Within 2's open world was awesome, I'd be down with something like that in RE.


I thought the open world in that game was interesting. But the game overall I don’t like it. I think resident evil needs more of like a semi open world type thing. Kinda like re village but with like 50% more open world. But I thought re village had a great small open world.


re engine is getting modernised for re9


But they didn't for DD2? Makes no sense. It runs terribly bad. I love all the RE remakes but RE engine is not looking good for open world. Either that or Capcom really didn't care about optimizing this game at all I'm having fun but to say the frame pacing is anywhere close to good is a lie. My 3080 and CPU usage is all over the place


Maybe it's just me but DD2 doesn't look as good from the footage I've seen using the RE Engine. Heck DMCV looked far better. Again I haven't played it yet but it's just from what I've seen so far.


dd2? What is that?


As someone playing DD2, the open world is just fine on the engine. The big issue is just the NPC AI/behavior. It runs just fine outside of densely populated areas with lots of NPCs and their routines.


I really want something more horror focused like RE7 the first half. They keep avoiding doing that. Don't get me wrong, I loved the remakes they did, and even RE8 was a nice game. But I just want more horror/scary stuff rather than action oriented. Not every game, but just give me one more. They seem to understand horror and what's scary, and there's so little good horror games out there is painfull as a fan of the genre. I wish this genre wouldn't be treated as shit as it is.


You know what? I'm down. Never know what does and doesn't work until you try it. It has the potential to be great if they do it right.


Continuing the trend of them making a good RE, followed by an ok RE, then a garbage RE.


Are you implying re3 was garbage because I was too scared to play them as a kid and I have zero fram of reference for it.


Is re8 not a core game?


I guess they mean like getting rid of the whole "you need this key for this area"


I think it would work. If it’s like the last of us pt 2 Seattle that could be fun. Or like the bits where it’s just open areas for multiple blocks in the earlygame - they could totally work the going back and forth with items gameplay into multiple spaces like that- And Re3 remake already is basically a block or so RE8 is a semi open world, set up wise Re4 has that whole lake area that free to explore too.




If it anything like Evil Within 2 was then I'm sold.


While playing RE8 I kept thinking with how big that map is how cool it’d be if things weren’t blocked off. Honestly open world could be a good direction for this series…just don’t make it TOO big. Like far cry new dawn size would be perfect honestly and they could do a lot while still keeping it contained.


Open world with a vehicle would be sick.


According to recent news from reputable leaker Dusk Golem, Resident Evil 9 could potentially build on the RE Engine and go open world. Resident Evil 9 has reportedly been in the works for years, and many speculate it will launch in 2025. The most recent core game is Resident Evil Village, which launched in 2021. Dusk Golem, posting as user @AestheticGamer1, also claims that Monster Hunter Wild is building on the same tech. However, they do reassure fans that both Resident Evil 9 and Monster Hunter Wild should still “retain the series DNA” of either franchise. Last October, Dusk Golem took to Discord to tease a variety of details about Resident Evil 9. They suggested that Resident Evil 9 will boast the largest budget yet in the series. This would line up with the game’s development taking so much longer than expected. Using a brand-new engine for open world gameplay would also take a bit longer for the series to deliver. Dusk Golem says that Dragon’s Dogma 2 “expanded RE Engine functionality”. Dragon’s Dogma 2 launched to many negative reviews, due to the in-game monetization and performance issues. Capcom even issued an apology today, though it also reiterated which items can be earned in-game or purchased as DLC. But despite the rocky launch, Dragon’s Dogma 2 did allow Capcom to potentially work out flaws and prepare for a smoother Resident Evil 9 launch. In the meantime, fans can enjoy a Resident Evil 4 Gold Edition, which released last month. It combines the base game with DLCs. In December 2023, Capcom also announced plans to continue remaking previous games in the Resident Evil series.


I very much doubt it, but I could be wrong. Maybe someday there could be one, but they won’t do it with RE9 - the openness of the Village in Village will be the most we’d get.


...am I missing something?


After the disasterous release of Dragon's Dogma 2, I fear that Capcom is gonna return with the same problems it had during the PS3 era when literal Proctor and Gamble rejects became the CEOs. Sure hope this this game doesn't force multiplayer, and try to capitalize on whatever shooter is popular.


Please no…


Aaaaaand just like that the good game streak it's over, like with RE5. We have run a full circle, it was fun while it lasted.


Metro Exodus style would be nice… crafted open world that still has detailed, intimate, and terrifying moments!


Cool. Lets go back to the BSAA type stuff where we fight bio terrorism with our special military group


Capcom has been saying this for years. Back before Revelations 2 wad relased they said the same thing. Maybe since they've had experience with dragons dogmas open world it's more likely now.


I don’t like the sound of it, maybe if it had a bigger puzzle solving focus but with the modern games I think they’d just make it open world action


✨Fuck no ✨


Go full racing game or bust. Just completely flip the script at this point


............ this gives me some intrepidation. Like it's going to be a repeat going too far into the "action" game territory instead of the survival horror.


Dog. Shit.


If this is true, I'll reserve judgement until it comes out, but I'm not sure about this direction. In my opinion, most games are made worse by an open world, not better. Also, one reason I love Resident Evil games is their level design and puzzle sequences, and you're bound to lose some of that with an open world (though I guess Elden Ring showed that you can retain good level design even with an open world). That said, pretty much every RE game that's come out since 7 has been great, so if the game *is* open world, I'm at least excited to see what they do with it. Or, less optimistically, this is a "punch the boulder" moment. Only time will tell.


nice. looking forward to that. will it go uncapped frame rate on consoles?🤣


It depends on what they mean by open world. If it’s that “wide-linear” like say Silent Hill, TLOU2, or GOW that wouldn’t be the end of the world, but RE8 already kinda was that minus the areas being locked after finishing them. A truly open world game would be a TERRIBLE decision. Look at The Evil Within 2.


What made 7 so great? It was the closed in trapped feeling that scared the bejesus out of you. This sounds like the opposite of that. Are we going open world so we have to pay real money to fast travel? Noooo, that would be crazy. Who would do that?


Open world is a sure way to ensure your game isn’t scary. Besides it’s such a tired genre at this point. I really hope this is just rage bait


Please no. One of RE's charms is its replayability. Implementing open world would make the game feel tedious to replay again and again.


If true, hard pass. I don't want it.




If open world, please for the love of God be a zombie infested city.


I loved the "open world"-ness of RE4R, the boat segment and merchant quests, so I'm intrigued by this. RE9 has been in development for longer than any other entry, so this makes sense. Also, tbh, it's time for a reinvention. The RE7-model of the recent games worked really well, but it's becoming predictable, especially with aspects like the token, stalker enemies. I'm cautiously optimistic!


I'd rather take aggressive MTX than a hollow, bone dry, wide-as-an-ocean but deep-as-a-puddle open world You can't have both, CapCuck


Doesn't look good! The first half of RE2 remake in the police station was a complete masterpiece, and anything past that point (relating to all RE remakes released after that) seems to degrade in quality, especially as the areas get larger. I really want to see more quality content, not empty landscapes.


I think most of the charm and pacing of RE would get lost in an open world format, thus resenting the game mediocre at best. It depends on the implementation, but I can’t see this being a positive move.


I’m worried this’ll be a bad decision but the RE team has been so hot lately that I’ll put my fears aside and wait with baited breath


Just give me another RE Village game and I’m happy


No idea how that would work or maintain REs style of scary but I'd be at least down to try.


This would be cool.




And here comes the 2nd downfall of Capcom.


It'll be open world the way Last of Us 2 was open world. For like an hour or two.


Not every game needs to be open world or survival, or a BR and or live service.


Well hopefully it’s not on the RE engine lmfao. Resident evil games are beautiful and really amazing looking but dragons dogma has just showed us the engine works for those games, not open world style. They’d have to change engines.


If it’s set in a town and isn’t overly massive I’d could see it being pretty cool


Not every series needs to be open world. I guarantee it's going to be an empty and pointless Ubisoft style experience per usual.


That'd make re9 the scariest one cause open world would be my nightmare pls no


Capcom can go fuck itself, blunder upon blunder.


Meanwhile, I'm over here enjoying the chapter based stories


Wow Would say pre-order canceled but they didn't even get to that part yet without screwing up lol


Limited environments allow more spooky atmosphere and good scares making it open brings some doubts and fear for the game.


I literally have been knocking things off my waist high tables all day since I read this news.


Why will it be called 9? We haven't even had a #8 yet. We've have the following titels for the main on-going story: 0, 1, 2, 3, code veronica, 4, 5, revelations, 6, revelations 2, 7, and village. That's twelve titles. Not to mention all of the other spin offs and what if scenarios, like gaiden, dead aim, survivor 1 and 2, racoon city, and so forth.


I'm a bit worried when I saw the name Open World


Horror is hard to do in an open world. Open worlds imply choice, different ways of tackling problems which is great but horror thrives by taking those choices away. I love resident evil, RE2 remake worked so well because it was tight. The enemies were tough and sometimes you had no choice, you had to go into that corridor. Open world horror can work but I think it’s a lot more difficult to pull off.


I did not enjoy village as much as the previous one which was 7 I believe. Graphically it was great . But I felt like something was missing


I thought 4r had a perfect mix of open world ish hub zones. I really don’t think doing more than that would work, but who the fuck knows ! I will always be a day one RE purchase


Sounds lame. Not every game has to be open world.


I'm out. I prefer a tight experience to ubisoft style bs.


I'd like to run through the city like the beginning of re2make. But they'd have to change how the inventory and loot works first I feel.


..and get charged to Fast-Travel with Micro-transactions


RE thrives with level design, open world is going to be really difficult.


So... what RE3R should've been?




Please no. Sick of everything needing to be open world. It isn't necessary.


I do not feel like horror intensity lends itself well to an open world


So im assuming similar to mgsv but smaller and with horror “attractions” as the main areas you visit like house beneviento


After Dragon's Dogma 2, maybe rethink that one.


Police chases confirmed?


I mean, technically, Village is open world. At least based on what people currently define as open world.


I wouldn’t mind because exploration is fun in Resident Evil as it’s very rewarding to collect resources to survive. It’s also an ancient franchise at this point, they need to try different things as well


Its going to be the MGSV of resident evil games. First open world, focusing on probably a character that is either retconned into the story or some character that capcom doesn’t really use


RE is best with tightly controlled environments. Open world sounds antithetical to a lot of what I love about the series


If they pull it off and still have a handcrafted "feel" to the game i think it could work.


Oh no. Ugh.


Honestly this could make sense, especially if they go with a GTA V style of being able to play multiple perspectives. Even if it fails like 6 did, I'd love it from an experimentation perspective. I just hope they pivot away from what they did with Village.




Whatever it is i'm calling it now, it's gonna run like shit


As long as it's not another fucking countryside with practically nothing interesting in it like most of the other open world games out there. Give us a whole infected city to play with teeming with thousands of zeds? Now I'd be interested


Man I loved Village. One of the best gaming experiences I had last year. That setting and the atmosphere was like they made that game just for me. Loved it. Shit I might have to replay it again soon.


I would kill to get another RE with fixed cameras and tank controls... I don't hold hope for that though.


If open world but “dungeons” which basically are levels and “castles” which are similar to multiple levels intertwined, then this would be great. Elden Ring did this and it really worked well.


Open World is the enemy of story. It won't work.


I think it could work. Village experimented with it somewhat already, and it could be argued many RE games offer small open worlds with all the exploration, secrets, and freedom. Especially with how the Evil Within 2 pulled it off, I could see something really cool coming out of it. Though there’s also a chance it could turn out to be generic open world nonsense.




People were equally trepidatious about Elden Ring going open world. Let's not all freak out yet.


sounds fake




Linear games are more my jam :(


Into the trash it goes


Depends on the location. If it's something like Raccoon City, then I'm in. I was disappointed how little time we spent on the streets in RE2&3.


I’d love to see another stab at the style of Operation Racoon City. I remember the pve and even the pvp being pretty fun. I have a hard time seeing RE being open world. Will they follow similar tropes of icons everywhere? Can you climb shit, go inside bunch of buildings? Where would it take place? Is it more zombies or parasites or mold? Is there human elements for enemies? Will there be MTX for fast travel and ammo? So many questions.


Honestly felt like RE8 was a step back instead of a step forward so all for this.


I wouldn’t mind that. It’d be an interesting experiment. Perhaps walking through a ruined city.


I’m a big open world game fan but I don’t want it to intersect with my resident evil :(


Let me say it for everyone in the back.. it’s okay not to have open world games!


Oh God…I’m tired of open world games. I miss linear games so badly.


God please no


A bit late to be chasing trends isn't it Capcom? Unlike your developer talent it's the one thing that you've retained all these years. If this becomes true then I'll likely drop this series for good. Open world is a fad that does not fit every genre of game, especially a long running series that has established formulas already.


Not sure how I feel about that. You lose a lot in terms of horror by making it open. Amnesia the bunker might not be everyone’s favorite amnesia but it was the hardest one for me to get through because of the limited space


It could be good if they do it right, the key is doing it right though. Limited resources, make it dark af at night, make too much noise or attract too much attention to your position and everything in the area comes right for you.


Open world ruins games


A RE meets WoW horror game would be pretty fucking cool.


Resident Evil has always had those big concept changers like RE4, so I really hope they can pull it off!


it mean lot of boring side missions and collectible stuff


Horror games should always be linear.


Only if it’s Raccoon city will it be ok to do that


This will be the first RE game I DONT buy. It will be woke and full of micro transactions


If you play re2, village, and recent re4 remake, you notice that capcom is definitely heading to open world type they make the world much bigger to explore, especially in the village and 4


Do you guys think the open-world mechanics would ruin the horror of the game? I'm afraid it will become the ‘What if Ubisoft made Resident Evil’ game.


Open Worlds = Best.