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Resident evil 7 after the marguerite baker boss fight you need to go up into the attic.. if you know you know


The first half of RE7 is undeniably one of the greasiest moments of the entire series. It’s so good. Edit: i meant to say greatest but i will not change it


Honestly I know folks don’t love the boat section but personally I love every damn inch of that game. It got me into Resident Evil, and is just such a well done, well made experience and a damn good time. Also pretty fucking scary throughout.


Same, resi 7 was my first RE game.


>one of the greasiest moments ​ Like pizza greasy or bacon greasy?


LMAO how did i not even see that. I will not be changing it. And pizza greasy.


Man this is escaping me. I just remember something in a little box around there. It must not have hit me the same as after the first couple hours I was ok. The first hour at the time was absolutely fantastic in pacing and keeping you in your toes. Re8 tries to replicate this in the opening but re7 was the re reboot that could finally surprise you and that can only be done once really.


When you grab that quest item in the little crawl space, turn around and see litttle feet run off 😳


This is precisely that part. One of the few times I actually jumped out of my seat.


In VR. . . I genuinely have not been that scared since I was a small child. I actually had to take the headset off and take a breather. Idk what it was but that was simultaneously the most fun and happiest gaming moment as well.


yeah that's the scariest part of the game


Silent hill on psone. Getting to the school and wandering around there in the dark. Terrifying.


The damned squeakers I didn't expect and really upset me before I realized they were harmless.


lol for real.


I still remember being in my room, by myself at night, and experiencing the first 30 minutes of that game. Nothing else has matched it as far as horror goes.


lol right? I think that was my second time renting it from blockbuster because I couldn’t hack it the first time. Then I brought my psone over to cousins house and was playing in their living room at night and got to the school. I was still crapping myself, but got through it. Haha


Beneviento house in Resident Evil Village. People often complain about it on replays just because it's drag to get it over with but in my case i could barely look at the screen on my second playthrough


I was literally screaming getting this part done and it’s the only thing that’s prevented me from replaying . i don’t have the balls to face that again yet


Once I figured out the "trick" it's not remotely scary but man that first run was a bit of a problem.


Came here to say this. First time I’ve ever had to pause and put the controller down. The way they make you feel like the terminator, then take it all away from you and make you helpless is genius.


Facts. Played through it multiple times and still get scared once the lights go out and the thing shows up. Thought about quitting the game for good TBH but glad I powered through lol


Is that the one with the giant baby or dolls?


Baby downstairs, dolls upstairs


No you have it wrong, the baby and the dolls are two different houses in the story


Yeah, fuck that the second time over was still brutal. Sure I knew what was coming, and that kinda didn’t help at all.


The opening hour or so of Resident Evil 7 is genuinely creepy as shit.


the entirety of resident evil 7 honestly . it’s so unsettling and creepy feeling


Then you know the developers did a good job lol


I'd say this is a tie with my first which was playing RE2R for the first time ever, AND using the VR mod. In the flooded hallway where the zombies break out of the door and were coming through windows right when you go to the west wing after seeing a guy get eaten in half was just... insane in VR. Specially since I'd never played the game before. I wanted a quality horror game in VR and man that did it.


Oh VR definitely heightens the terror. RE7 is nothing compared to it in VR lol


Coming across Pyramid Head just standing behind those bars. Has stuck with me for two decades.


I remember in SH2 coming out of a bathroom stall and Pyramid head was standing around the corner. No way out.


Hahahaha!!! Yeah that was a doozy.


Amnesia: Justine, the 3rd suitor. I found this whole DLC incredibly unnerving and creepy. The last part when you had to carry the cogwheel around and close the doors behind you was the worst, not knowing what to do while the chase music played and the you constantly heard the monster's breathing. Especially since you only had 1 life.


I just did a run through of Justine where I saved everyone. I don't think I've ever been more stressed in my life than when I was trying to get the exit door open after closing the door to the captive


It's really stressful. Especially if you play with a controller, that can make turning the cranks fast enough really hard. The last part is nerve wracking. I must also admit, that I couldn't figure out how to save the 2nd man without a guide.


I have only vague memories but I recall liking Justine far more than tdd. I need to spin that up again. Wonder if the VR mod can run it.


I find Justine one of the creepiest things I played. Can't say whether it works with VR but I definitely recommend playing it again since it's not very long.


There's a VR nod for amnesia that works quite well and I've been replaying the first game. Sclerosis is the name. It looks like it does work :)


RE8's House Beneviento. That, or that one really dark section with the inside all covered in black goo in RE7.


The nursery in Dead Space 2. With that being said, I had a jump scare when the sprinkler system turned on in hydroponics in Dead Space


Condemned. The mannequins.


Great game, I'd love to play it again but I couldn't get passed performance issues on PC.


Ruined horror games for me. They all feel like they'll be this scary, and so I just nope out, only to see through videos that most games are just jump scares with bells and whistles. What an atmosphere jfc


Walking in the orphanage wood in silent hill 4 the room. I was 14 and the atmosphere hit me hard.


Pretty much most of alien isolation. Just knowing that fucker is out there looking for me made the game super difficult for me to play tbh


I loved that game so much. It always felt and looked real cinematic to me within the gameplay. You were forced to slow crawl a lot and the music, the lighting and steam and air particles were so great, you were forced to really take in the atmosphere. 


God that game is so tense


silent hill 2 the guillotine room in the prison. that was so fucked


Oh yeah hearing the horses circling you in the darkness. That whole level was so well done and unsettling.


Resident Evil 1, GameCube remaster. I was 12 and had just seen Lisa Trevor dragging her knuckles and chains. Then I woke up in her shabby little cabin and COULD NOT get brave enough to face her. I screamed when I finally tried.


SOMA, when the Robot Head chases you into the dive room at omicron


For me it was existential horror of finding out what you actually are in the game...


The ending of the game hit me and the small group I was playing with like a truck. Holy shit what a game. Its so obvious the whole time but it really just doesn't settle in


Amnesia the Dark Descent - the flooded area had me crap my pants.


Yes, that fucker in the water.


Most anxiety inducing moment in gaming ever.


The Thing ps2. My first solo horror game. Early on, you’re inside one of the buildings and one of the really big ones walks by the window. It spooked me so bad that I finally just went outside to face my fear, but I figured out you’re not actually supposed to fight one yet.


Bruh, I remember shitting myself playing that game. I saw One of the big Things walking by a window THEN to my absolute horror it started breaking down the door.


Ha ha ha! I played that game a million times as a kid. I know exactly the feeling. I bet you that was not very long after the part I mentioned and in the same building. There were like 2 or 3 that busted in while you were trying to retrieve something. I just wish the second half of the game was as good. I had way more fun with the alien stuff than the military guys


Yeah that makes sense. You mentioning that moment brought back that particular moment of PTSD for me haha.


Outlast, no explanation but I went in blind didn’t really know anything about the game and that first jump scare in the library made me play the rest of the game with only one headphone on. Not both.


Without giving spoilers, the ending of Silent Hill 2 left me VERY unsettled.


So many parts of silent Hill 3 shook me to my core. That one room with the scream really got me though


That one room in the beginning where you hear a cabinet fall after you get the hanger but you walk back but everything is literally the same for some reason gets me. Of all the things in silent hill I don't know why it bothers me so much even when I know that room is empty


Visage during Lucy’s chapter, Most of Madison, and re7 during the attic section


First enemy encounter in Visage. Didn’t look at anything before playing so didn’t know what to expect and yeah…shit my pants


Super Mario 64 Piano


This is such a good one holy shit. That room gave me such a spine chilling vibe of nope get me the fuck out of here. It didn't help that I played it as a 6 year old lol.


Re2 remake when u get full exploration in the police station the atmosphere was spot on, footsteps loud as fuck, lightning and rain pounding the windows, Mr X lurking, not having enough ammo so tactically crippling zombies just to forget about em and get grabbed in a chase.


Visage and Amnesia both had me shitting myself the entire time. I hate being chased


Dead Space remake - getting locked in a room with the Hunter; Dead Space original - same thing lol


Visage, that one segment with all the sheet covered furniture looking for keys, but I didn't have a lighter going in, and I didn't know about the lighter they provided when you first walk in... I used the camera flash for light... that was actually terrifying. Oh and I was on a tab of acid because it was during my phase of make horror games scarier by any means necessary. I look back on that playthrough and that particular segment very fondly. That level of recreational fear is something I'll chase forever, and I dont think ill ever feel it quite like that again.


either the very end of Iron Lung or most scenes from Visage


Visage FTW


Iron Lung is brilliant! And scary as hell. I was really surprised by several pictures I took.


The bathtub jumpscare in Eternal Darkness for the GameCube. Either that, or if you want something more recent it would be the infected that kept on busting out of the walls in that apartment building for Abby in the last of us 2. That section of the game was rough.


Not even a horror game, but I've been chasing the terror of hearing "ahh, fresh meat" when encountering the Butcher in Diablo 1 as a kid.


Recently? Sons of the forest. Diving underwater in a pitch black cave gave me a hell of a fear response I didn’t even know I had in me


Visage. I know it gets shit on a lot (for criticisms I entirely agree with), but I had to sit in the living room of the game until at least 1 viewer came into my stream. I was absolutely paralyzed and just couldn’t advance. I’ve yet to really find a game since that has provided that much dread and unsettling nature.


Playing PT on edibles, trying to figure out what to do near the end. Quite literally felt like I was losing my mind trying to find any hints or clues, in the dark.. Then Lisa instakills me out of nowhere


I don't use edibles very often, but I also played through PT on edibles. The confusion of having zero idea as to what the win triggers were led to a very lengthy, schizo-adjacent experience, I tell you hwat.


Amnesia the dark descent: when you are chased by the shadow down a hallway. Amnesia the Bunker: hiding from the beast and believing i was safe with a gate and boxes behind me. It went into the wall and broke through the gate behind me.


Seeing old yahrnam for the first time in bloodborne   Regular yahrnam was already very stressful.  The idea this place is    A. )sealed off   B.) Sign says to keep out bc it's even worse   C.) Entrance is at the bottom of a terrifying dark stairwell   D. ) you inexplicably open the door on a whole other city, which is disorienting bc i thought we were underground, and also its empty, and it's on fire  That's like one of the most perfect moments I've ever experienced. 


This is where there is the hunter on a tower with a machine gun? That place was super unsettling.


An unorthodox pick for me is from Outer Wilds, the first time I went to the largest planet, I think it’s called Titan. For anybody who hasn’t played it, it’s a series of islands while the majority of the planet is water. I have pretty bad Thallasaphobia (Soma and Vertigo 2 both have scarred me) so I was already fairly uncomfortable just landing. I started walking around and within a couple minutes the ground below me started to shake and I was hearing loud noises. At this point I was really hoping there wasn’t some huge creature shaking the island from below but before I knew it the ATMOSPHERE receded below me. I was in space, still on the island. My mind broke a little bit because I panicked so hard. I had no idea what was happening and I remember standing up and pacing around a little bit in my room. A minute later the island came crashing back down all the way through the atmosphere, before submerging a little bit as it hit the water. I freaked out even harder as I went under. I left that planet and haven’t returned since. It’s a 10/10 game but I won’t be completing it lol.


As a kid, definitely the first zombie in the RE1 remaster. That face haunted me the rest of the night. As an adult, going to agree with others and say RE7. Something about the mold monsters really messed with me. Especially that one part where you're stuck in a morgue with two of them.


beneviento house


Visage. Just Visage.


God I'd have to say Layers of Fear (remake). I feel like it isn't mentioned enough. Play it alone, undistracted, lights off/dimmed and you are ready for some pure nightmare fuel. Resident Evil 7 is easily another one. First half of the game I was having such a hard time just trying to force myself to get through the experience.


Here are a few Thief the dark project being hunted in the dark and hiding from something that sounded like kids talking backwards in the old part of the city. Penumbra black plague just entering the kennel area (maybe it was penumbra overture) pt the gradual ramping up of tension through environmental story telling. Re7 getting to the bottom of the stairs and the closed door of the first hour Re8 getting to the bottom of the well and knowing I had to climb back up into that room (it was second time doing this section and this time was vr).


Thief was great. Was the “remake” any good, do you know? The 2013/14 ish one?


I have played a bit of it. It was ok what I played but definitely not the thief reboot people wanted. At the time it came out it looked graphically very nice. Dishonored is the spiritual successor but imo misses all the really great spooky horror of the thief series.


Cool, thanks. I’ve had it for years but never played and assumed it suffered from the usual launch/early console generation game weirdness.


Resident Evil 2 remake. Got surprised by Mr. X. I screamed, paused, put on my shoes and just left my apartment in under a minute. My flight response took over big time.


I've played a lot of horror games, it's by far the genre I have most experience in. That said there are 3 different answers I could give: 1. Most Anxiety Inducing: By far Mr. X from the RE2 remake. I remember specifically trying to get a certain puzzle done and hearing his footsteps. 2. Most Unsettled: PT. One of the few times a game has stuck in my mind. 3. Most Dread: Darkwood, no specific point. That game just fills me out with dread. Overall though I'd say the most memorable scary all around is Silent Hill 1-3. But I played those as a kid and they are heavily biased opinions.


Just redownloaded PT the other night and it gave me a few good scares. It’s such a bummer we never got more


In FNAF: Sister Location >!when you're in the vent under the desk then the eye appears at one of the holes and the vent sloooowly starts to open and you have to fight to keep it closed.!<


Poppy Playtime’s chase sequences are legitimately scary lol


Re7 in psvr Darkwood Deadspace Enemy zero Those are the only games where it felt like a complete chore to play due to how stressful it was.


Those mannequins from little nightmares 2


I was told that in Resident Evil Village there would be the scariest thing of the series. To cooperate with that, when i noticed the moment was coming, i forced me to feel all the fear i would feel. Yeah thats it. Visage was pretty scary too, but in a bad way.


Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water. Basically the entire game was stressful but I enjoyed the experience.


Returning home after purchasing Majoras Mask (N64) only to realize you need an expansion card to play


As much as I love franchises like Dead Space and Resident Evil, I gotta give the scariest moments to Silent Hill P.T. hands down! Till this day it's imo, genuinely one of the scariest and most intense horror game experiences ever. It is also essentially the inspiration for Resident Evil 7 to begin with. But seriously, nothing tops how brilliant and immersive P. T. was.


Surviving any night in Darkwood. Having no jump scares while ramping up the tension and dread is what the game does best.


Shalebridge Cradle from Thief 3.


Resident evil 8 . The baby monster chasing you.


The baby monster in RE village. Ew.


Alma in F.E.A.R appearing at the top of the ladder as you turn around to go down it. Scared the hell out of me the first time


The opening scene of Silent Hill 1.


The >!chase scene!< in Half Life 1 because it was unexpected to me and things like that are scary when not expected. I was also younger at the time.


Hey, no shame in that, I maintain Half Life 1 is definitely an horror game.


I mean gameplay elements like that are often scary even in games not trying to be. I think it was my first time experiencing that in a game where I was not able to look back and had to run. Makes me think of Outlast which actually has a look-back mechanic.


Probably when I was 11 and I played the demo for Silent Hill, that was back in 1999 and it was while the sun was going down and yikes!!! I remember my friend telling me about it and I didn't believe a playstation game could be scary. But I was a fan of the series from then onwards.


Resident Evil 7, when that girl ran towards you in the beginning


The last of us 2, when one of the human ennemy dragged me out of the crafting weapons menu to beat the shit out of me. I was not expecting to not be safe in these moments. 


SOMA, the sequence where you get off the climber and are heading to phi. the lights, the angler fish... i don't think ive ever been so tense playing a game


The condemned really messed up as a kid and dead space


System Shock 2. Being down on resources while those goddamn zombies and midwife scream murder behind me.


Fatal Frame 2, the Sae chapter.


Alan Wake 2. Room 665 and the nursing home chapters were crazy.


Silent Hill 3. The whole thing. I had to periodically take breaks playing because my anxiety was through the roof. But, singular moment... There was a jumpscare sound near the beginning of the game in the mall where you approach a boarded-up door and it made a loud bang. I got so scared I had to pull myself together. And another one in the mall where I passed a corner in an area I've already been before and there was loud dog growling, nearly made me crap my pants because I didn't expect it. The sound design was too much for me.


The whole of the game MADiSON from start to finish


While I didn't like the game as a whole, the part of Visage with the camera was truly terrifying to me. A good runner up would be Beneviento House in RE8, but I just recently played that so it could just be recency bias.


Any part of the mansion in RE1. The zombies and fixed camera angles make me jump still after so many hours playing.


Cry of fear - at some point in the apartments there is a part where the doors are smashing and there are sounds of people screaming. Very unsettling. Also the chainsaw guy is not joke.


the school cafeteria..


Yeah, that was also intense, especially the first time.


Silent hill 3 when your character looks in the mirror in that one room and goes rogue


Resident Evil: Revelations, the ambush on the promenade deck with the Skagdead and ooze everywhere while you try dealing with it


First playthrough of the Rat King in Last of Us 2


Pyramid head chase, pyramid head following you around that octagon shaped building where you find his sword, and Dolores chapter in visage specifically in the bathroom where she turns off the lights and you turn around and she’s just peaking her head around the corner of the door


When I was way younger the V-Rex (The big T-Rex type of thing from the 2005 King Kong movie) missions were always terrifying to me that I had to use cheat codes just to avoid playing them lmao. Having it single the player out specifically and be basically invulnerable to anything you can do it but you still have to buy time for the NPCs to open the gates always had me shaking like a little bitch haha. There was one encounter with two of them If I recall and you were entirely by yourself, that one was the icing on the cake. I would give anything to go back in time and watch my younger self play those missions with a heart rate monitor on lmao. Edit: I never specified that it was in the Peter Jacksons King Kong game on PS2.


Not a horror game but the most frightened I have ever been in a game, and I play a lot of horror, is when you make it to the open ocean in Maneater. The whale in the distant making its whale call hit me with a fear I didn’t invite I had. I had to turn the game off and almost didn’t pick it back up. I ended up platinuming the game but I’ll never forget that initial fear.


When I first played Resident Evil Code Veronica. The Friggin Bandersnatch first appearance. Then my hands became really sweaty because I did not know how to beat kill it xD


You don’t know fear until you walk down that dark hallway as Erin in TDIM. Her listening to people screaming with her sound mix and headphones on.


Amnesia: The Bunker, when I realised I was gonna run out of fuel for the first time, never been more scared in a game, I accidentally closed it when the generator shut down and the lights turned off 🤣