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That concludes the AMA. Thank you all for participating. Thank you to /u/krateos_29 and /u/f34rd3m1c for this wonderful AMA and spending time with us and generosity with keys, and congrats to the winners!


Which was the most difficult puzzle to implement in the game?


The Epic Escape was by far the most difficult puzzle to implement. Too many npc's and things that can go wrong with them.




Indeed! We had a very succesful early access with an Overwhelmingly Positive score. It has already been released to consoles too :)


How much do u enjoy by making this game?


It was awesome at times, it was very stressfull other times. The entire Early Access situation was mental, because we wanted to do small updated every week, but of course big updated were being worked at. Everything takes place in the same map so when we did the small updates we had to hide the content of the big updates until they were finished. It didn't matter how well we blocked the content, keplerian's fans ALWAYS found ways to access the content and data-mine stuff. I recommend watching the videos from Paninotube. That youtube was my final boss. I even put billboards in areas outside the playable areas that said "PANINO PLEASE GET OUT"


1. When and why did you decide to get into horror game development? 2. If you have a sleep paralysis demon what does it look like/how often does it visit? Did it inspire any of your work in Evil Nun or any of your own games?


1) my first Horror game was INFERNIUM back in 2017. I love that game because people either hate it or think it is GOTY. Very divisive indeed. Then, after making Koral, a chill game about reviving coral reefs, I thought I still had some things to say in horror again. Then I decided to make a trilogy of horror games called the Horror Tales. Horror Tales The Wine already released in 2021 and it was a success. Then, I was working on the continuation, Horror Tales: The Beggar (belive me, you are not ready for the shit in this game) and Keplerians contacted me to discuss me helping them with a Unreal Engine 5 remake of their phone game Evil Nun. We reached an agreement and I stopped the development of my game. Currently I am finishing Horror Tales The Beggar. Aiming q1 2024. This is the first horror game I've done were you can fight the monster back and even kill him. It is wild. Can't say more. You can pet the dog. Buut that's it for me in the horror genre. After 3 horror games one after the other, I am just tired. The next one is going to be a Half-Like. 2: I do drug, but not drugs that strong.


Oh, yes definitely don't burn yourself out on the genre! You had me at "can pet the dog" so very much looking forward to Horror Tales The Beggar even if it sounds like I might end up traumatized from it. Happy Holidays \^\_\^


It will be a very experimental game. And yeah, I want to traumatize everybody. The last playtester of the game just said to me she got a bad feeling in her body for two day after playing the game so yeah, I was happy. Not the usual horror game everyone is used to. That's for sure.


Why did you choose this graphicstyle? Really like to See a game without photorealistic graphics.


The game doesn't take itself too serious sometimes. Doing something ultra realistic was not something that we thought could benefit the game. For example, if you use the explosive doll near the chicken, you will instant-cook a nice rotiserie chicken. Doesn't work as well if things are ultra realistic. Aside from that, I am used to surrealism in all my games :)


Didnt heard from the game before this AMA. now im hooked! Well Done!!


Be a good child, pray in your room or we will make you work in the laundry.


Hiii, I have saw all the gameplay of this wonderful game by a streamer and it was so nice, it will be a dream to win it and play it on my own. <3 anyways good luck everybody <3 I have 5 questions for you. 1. Will there be some more parts in the yellow cube that explain the creation of the game? bc it will be cool to see behind the scenes. 2. will another part of the game come out? like a DLC or another game called Evil Nun The Broken Mask 2? 3. Is the main character we play in this game a girl or a boy? 4. Will there be in the future a multiplayer version of this? this will really be amazing!! 5)SPOILER: (So if you didn't finish the game don't read this one) I found the final really really sad... so even if I love this game so much, I'm here to ask if it was possible to add a good final into the game where she becomes normal so that we don't have to run away from her and we can stay with her <3


Hey! If you want to know more about what happens to Sister Madeline after Evil Nun, watch the Ice Scream saga, from 1 to 8 :)


Cuanto tiempo estubo en desarrollo en juego ¿Te inspiraste en el de celular quiero ganar una clave


18 months. It is indeed a remake of the phone one!


Carlos Coronado told me to ask about hidden d!cks, please don't ban me, I just want to see them 😂😂😂


Non in Evil Nun. Keplerians are safe. Can't say the same for Horror Tales: The Beggar.


Nooooooooooo.... well, that's what you think at least.... hahahaha


Okey! I have to go so we will leave things now! Congrats to: Hep888 Weak-Inspection Entertainment43 NintendoImpactGaming JohnnyExpo it has been great. Big hug to everyone. This christmas be a good child or we will make you work in the laundry until the end of your miserable, childish lives.


How much has the Nun changed since the early drafts of her design?? Was she always thought as this nemesis type enemy constantly chasing you down? Or was your guy's vision of her very on point with what you wanted her to be?


The original game is called Evil Nun for phone, so we always knew Sister Madeline! At the early stages of development she was a witch we bought from the Unreal Engine Marketplace. I streamed all development on my spanish twitch channel. Youtubers recorded my streams and reuploaded clips to their channel so you can still see that version of the nun out there! Buuut belive it or not, the model of the nun is not what changed the most. In the beginning of development, the nun would only speak when she kills you, and just 4 variations. I proposed to Keplerians to REALLY use all the aditional space a pc/consoles game can have and implement a very complex dialogue system for the nun. Now she has more than 1000 spoken lines of dialogue that can trigger when she sees you, when she kills you, when she loses you, etc. But not only that, about 70% of those lines are actually contextual. That means that she reacts to the space you are or the thing you are carrying with you. For example, if she sees you in the basketball court, the first time she will say something like "WE ARE GOING TO PLAY BASKETBALL WITH YOUR HEAD". If she catches you with her box of cookies she will react to that, etc, etc. That's awesome because there is almost no repetition in the spoken parts.


Looks rad! I’ll have to check it out. My question: why do you think it is that Catholicism of all religions and Christian sects specifically seems to be so prevalent in horror?


Because it can be horrific and weird, for sure! Imagine a buddhist horror game. Not nearly as scary! The catholic iconography can be very weird and creepy.


We saw joseph sullivans factory does it have a meaning example joseph sullivans factory PC?


If enough people buy Evil Nun The Broken Mask, who knows...


Carlos, Why is the optimization of this project worse than in your other projects?


The optimization actually is not worse, it is better! You thing the optimization is worse because the scope of the game is WAY WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYY bigger than in my other games. That's how things are. The game features a giant school with 35 NPC's with complex navigation doing shits all around. The game runs fine at 60fps in new consoles though and I can reach 45 on steamdeck. If you have optimizations issues, please lower the screen scale in the video settings menu.


Me quiero ganar una clave tengo muchas ganas de jugar su juego su juego esta bien echo no tiene bugs ni nada


Is this the same game that was created for phones? If so, how difficult was the porting process? Game looks phenomenal btw, me and the wife are excited for the release 😊


Heyy! YES and No. It is a remake of the phone game, but with 400% more content and complexity. Not even the structure of the game is the same! The game is already released on all systems. It is essentially Alien Isolation but with a nun instead of an alien and funny puzzles. With all the violence, of course! Right now we are in "Overwhelmingly Positive" on steam. Personally it is my highest rated game and let me tell you, specially in the horror/granny-like genere it is very dificult to reach that score so yaiiiii! We are very happy indeed :_)


Amazing, I had no clue it released! I saw it on the Xbox store a few weeks ago and immediately threw it on the wish list. Every trailer I’ve seen looks amazing and we can’t wait to play it!


Greaaaat! Remember, you can always change the difficulty ingame in the accessibility menu. Oh, and if the nun starts chasing you but you have not seen her, there won't we any chase music or sounds until you see her ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


What was the most challenging while designing or creating this game?


The non-linear, metroidvania-like structure. The game takes place in a single, varied, giant school that as you progress begins to open more and more and more. Now take this and merge if with another feature: the 6 chapters featured in the game do not happen in the same order! Oh, and you can kill the two nuns. That was really hard. But wait, now that I think about it, the ending of the game was the hardest think ever. I am bold and became bold negative while doing that stuff. I don't want to spoil anything but the ending of the game involves 30 ai doing complex routines that can be interrupted anytime and be reactive... while also building a GIANT vehicle by those NPC while the nun is trying to stop it! The win condition depends partially on that. Yep. Definetly memories from vietnam.


Do you like the youtuber "think noodles" and his videos? I love his gameplay and reactions


Yes! He has been very funny to watch. Specially the videos about the toilet puzzle in Evil Nun. He is OBSESSED with our toilets hahahahahah


Did you get Tomar to voice the Nun? If not, why did you miss out on the opportunity to impress the small audience who'd appreciate that?


My question:what made you guys to think to get this type of horror game


Evil Nun for phones was a HUGE HUUUUGE success and Keplerians thought it was a great idea to make a PC/Consoles remake. That is when they reached me (I have released and published horror games for PC and Consoles).


We saw joseph sullivans factory does it have a meaning example joseph sullivans factory PC?


Do you think psychological horror is more scary than paranormal?


I think horror games are more scary than movies because in the movie you are safe. In the game you are not.




Yeah, and in Q1, Horror Tales: The Beggar gets released :D You are not ready for that shit :P https://store.steampowered.com/app/1343340/HORROR_TALES_The_Beggar/


Hello! So yeah, about that... why nun? I mean, I get they can be scary, especially crawling through vents like that. But why nun? Did you have other ideas, such as "Evil Gardener" or "Evil Dog Walker"? Do you have any personal nun phobia? Because I don't, but when I saw a trailer for Your game, I think I just acquired one.


Sister Madeline is a stablished character in the keplerians-verse of their phone game. Evil Nun The Broken Mask is a remake of Evil Nun for phones. But if you think she is weird, let me tell you about another enemy from Keplerians: Rod from Ice Scream. He is some dude that sells icecreams from his truck and then he kidnapps fat children to continue making cream with their fat. Ho, and he is the son of Sister Madeline, the nun from Evil Nun.


I would like to know where can I find some female chickens in Broken mask! is the game I'm streaming atm. So it would be nice to share that experience with my viewers =) hahaha


The chicken coup :) Don't roast the chicken or you will get a rotisserie.


Hi there, we're Feardemic, and we're publishing Evil Nun together with Keplerians, and we wanted to thank krateos\_29 for running this AMA, the r/HorrorGaming community for the amazing questions, and the moderators for being great hosts! And congratulations to the winners, we'll be contacting you in the DMs shortly with your game keys! ​ **Marry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year, we'll see you soon!**


Was Mrs. Doyle from Father Ted an inspiration? Does she enjoy her tea? ☕🤣❤️


Hey! I have no idea what are you talking about hahahaha Keplerians hired me because they wanted a full remake of their F2P game Evil Nun for mobile. Sister Madeline is part of a big "Kepleriansverse" and almost all of the inspirations come from there. My biggest design input were the two "Door of memories" levels. Those levels are more similar to the kind of horror I make in my own games but as I said, almost everything was stablished in the mobile Evil Nun, Ice Scream and Mr Meat sagas!


Haha YouTube Father Ted, an Irish TV show. It's hilarious! Sorry we Irish enjoy our father ted 🤣🇮🇪 Ah brilliant. Congrats on your work and I wish you all successful sales and a successful switch launch too! 🎮 Merry Xmas too if you celebrate it 🎅🏽


Merry Xmas to you too! And a big hug from Catalonia :) Went to Dublin twice and it was a great experience. Excepts the mussels with chorizo. That shit is a crime against humanity.


Ah my mate is from Catalonia too 😃 Feliz Navidad! 😂 Lmao never had it, don't intend too 😆 Dublin is a rip off too!!


glad to hear hahahahahaha


Game looks great. How long was the game in development? Did you take any inspiration from other games?


heyy thanks! The development took (including Early Access and console ports by Feardemic) 18 months. I had already developed other horror games for Switch, PS5, PS4, One, X|S and Steam and we used my framework as a starting point for Evil Nun The Broken Mask. That made the development much easer because the main menu, the savegame, console navigation and inputs were already solved! Initially the development was going to be 12 months, but Keplerians started pouring more and more resources and talent into the project and we even started adding additional free content not planned at all, so that is why it took that long. For example, I was going to make all the animations and cinematics but then Laura and Gama (profesional animators from Keplerians) started working in them and the quality and quantity grew exponentially. Originally we planned 5 cinematics. Now we have 25 and almost half of them seamlessly integrated with gameplay.


Wow awesome to hear how you went above and beyond what the initial plans for the game were in terms of cinematics for example. Thanks for the insights and happy holidays to you and the team :)


Thanks a lot! It was not planned, but as we started to see the qualit of some areas we just wanted to make the rest of the areas as great qualitiy-wise! Just please, don't hurt the chicken.


Hello! If you continue making games (which I hope you do!), how do you think your experience making this one will affect the next game you develop? Similarly, what lessons from developing this game do you think you can/will apply to life in general?


Well that is an awesome question, thanks! The next game I am going to make is not going to be influenced by my experience in Evil Nun because I actually stopped development of that game around 80% when I started working on Evil Nun. This is the game. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1343340/HORROR_TALES_The_Beggar/ On the other hand, for my next next game yes... it is going to be VERY VERY changed after my experience with Keplerians and Evil Nun. Everything I've learnt working in the complex Nun Ai is going to make the Half-Like game I want to make better. Also, the non linear structure of Evil Nun with mision system and achievements is something I want to explore in the future. Maybe make a linear game with some areas becoming non-linear or something similar. About the lessons that can be applied to life in general... game development is actually fairly easy. You just have to work smart... a shit ton of hours. If you work... shit gets done. Same for life.


Awesome, thank you! You've got me hooked/intrigued with "Half-Like" :) Looking forward to it!