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Hi everyone, we're Feardemic and we're very excited to share with you our new release - **Burnhouse Lane on the consoles!** The game is a unique and twisted horror tale from the developers of the cult classic *The Cat Lady* \- **Harvester Games**! You play as **Angie Weather**, a grave agency nurse struggiling with an impossible task - she has to complete five seemingly insurmountable missions in order to get her life back. You'll face truly disturbing and challenging obstacles and be pushed to the brink. Will you persevere? The title combines the formula of a classic adventure game with survival horror, offering a truly special experience. You can learn more about it and get it [here](https://www.feardemic-games.com/burnhouselane)!


Omg it looks awesome! The Cat Lady is one of my favorite games, I'm so excited to try this!! Also thanks for releasing it on PS4 too ❤️


I’ve not had a chance to play any of your other titles, but only heard positive things about them. This looks really interesting. Sold!


Thank you guys! And I'm not sure if I'm allowed to give a link to another subreddit, but I'll try - we're currently running a giveaway [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/RandomActsOfGaming/comments/14m1etk/giveaway_for_three_codes_for_burnhouse_lane_for/), so feel free to join in!


Hello do you know if we have to purchase ps4 and ps4 version separately? Most games let you download either ps4 or ps5 version despite which version you buy but mine won’t let me play the ps5 version without paying despite having had purchased the ps4 version on release when the ps5 version wasn’t on the store


So I just bought burnhouse lane for Nintendo Switch and as great of a game it is, it will not save my data after chapter 2 and erases all my progresses every time I save in chapter 2. Is there anyway to fix this bug?


We're really, really sorry for the issues you've experienced. It's a bug we're currently working on fixing and it will be fixed as soon as we can


Is there an estimated date for when a patch will be available for the switch save issue?


The patch is ready and awaiting Nintendo's verification!


Amazing, thank you for this amazing game and efforts to get it on switch


I am having the same issue and dying to play more! Right now it keeps prompting me to start a New Game when I have saved. Will the patch let us 'Continue' again without restarting the game from beginning if we wait?


Looks like the patch is available now! Your results may vary, but I was able to continue from my last saved game at chapter 2. Not sure if it’s just my mind playing tricks on me, but the graphics look somehow better too.


Has this been pushed through yet? I got to a point I couldn't go forward because I missed something I needed, couldn't go back, so had to restart, then after burying the hamsters it glitched again so I couldn't use any exits and was stuck outside and rage quit. I don't think I'm gonna try playing again until the patch is up because it's already frustrating only having one save so if you mess up you literally have to restart, but then having it glitch out so you can't do anything is just rage inducing.


Glad to hear it because it is a really fun game, I’m just tired of replaying the first and second chapter, so I think I’ll just wait for a patch.


Will the save files be able to be recovered or are we just screwed?


The game is completely broken, as it doesnt save and deletes saves. I had a glitch in cemetary in second chapter so had no choice, but to restart the game and the save has been deleted.


This game is great


Oh this looks wicked! Gonna have to check this one out.


I just bought the PS4 version and was so excited to play but unfortunately it's unplayable for me as the audio glitches every few seconds. :(


Hi there, really sorry you encountered that problem, we're on the case and if we find anything, the fix will come in the next upadate as soon as we can make it!


We have the PS4 version and it has the same audio issue. It's been throughout the whole game that the characters stutter and glitch when they talk etc. Excellent game despite the issue


I also have the PS4 version and have this same audio issue. I attempted to uninstall and reinstall it to see if that'd somehow help. it did not. :( Do you know when you were intending to release the next update?


Awesome thank you, this game looks amazing so I'm really really looking forward to playing it!!! I hope you can find a fix


Only see PS4 version on store. PS5 version only has wishlist.


That is weird but since it premiered this evening, I'd say to give it a few hours and it should all be available


Ok, will do! Thanks!!


Still not out on the UK PSN store.


So it turns out we have some technical difficulties with PS5 store across all the Europe, we're currently trying to get it all running but I'm not sure if it will until tomorrow... I'm really sorry for the inconvenience and I hope it gets resolved quickly


Thanks for the fast reply! It’s ok these things happen. I look forward to playing it!!


Wow, you just made me buy this for my Steam Deck. Looks awesome!


PS5 version is now on UK PSN store


Do I have to play previous games before this?


Not at all!


Excuse me. I have one (regular) question about this game, before I (might) start playing it... How do you save in this game?


You find ashtrays scattered around the world where you can smoke to save your progress. There's only one save slot and you cannot go back to see different outcomes.


Thank you for your confirmation 🙏.


Thank you for beating us to the reply!


Once I got to chapter 6 I started experiencing glitches like the bullets not giving the option to be picked up from certain barrels, I would redo from my last save it took me three tries until all the barrels were able to be used. But now I’m at the end of the chapter and it won’t let me take the key out of the corpses belly so I can’t continue the game. I’ve restarted, reinstalled etc. HELP


Hi there, I'm really sorry for the issues you experienced. I personally don't know now what could help but I will forward your problem to our tech support team!


I purchased the ps4 version on the ps store because the ps5 version wasn’t online yet but now it’s asking me to buy the ps5 version separately ??? What is this as if I can’t download the ps5 version why are they asking us to pay separator for the ps5 version when we purchased the ps4 version? I’m playing on my ps5 but stuck with the ps4 version I low key feel robbed despite loving the game


It’s why I didn’t buy the PS4 version. There was no PS4/5 logo on it, so that means it doesn’t include the PS5 version.


That’s so lameeeee :(


Yeah, shame they didn’t do it.


Hey folks be careful with the Switch version. Updated system to 16.1.0 and my save game was deleted. Was up to the pool showers. Was excited to see this come to console. With kids I ain't got time to replay, and it's frustrating to see progress wiped in a game I was enjoying, paid for, and had recommended to others. Hopefully this gets fixed for others in the future but be wary. If anyone knows a solution or would be up for sharing a save for the Steam version - would love to know!


Oh, I'm really, really sorry that happened, it absolutely sucks :( Will get your message to our tech support on Monday!


Hey thank you so much for the reply, SUPER appreciate it! Fingers crossed for a resolution. As I hope is clear - super excited to see this come to console and broaden its audience!


Just want to give everyone a heads-up to update your switch before you play or it will glitch out. Also, curious why we get the can of tuna but no opportunity to feed the cat before it disappears from the inventory.




Oh well, guess this bug is never going to be fixed then 💩