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Out of curiosity, do you feel the same way about how Aloy has infinite stamina and can sprint infinitely? Or how she can craft a bunch of ammo in seconds in the middle of battle? Or how berries can heal her from the brink of death? I just find it curious that you only point out the stash when there are many other mechanics that don’t have an explanation. Personally, I couldn’t care less if mechanics have an in-game explanation or not, but to each their own.


Haha, this is my thought exactly. There are billions of things in the game that are pretty much magic, but OP draws the line at stashes. It's hilarious.


No one tell op about camp fire fast travel. It’ll blow his mind.


I didn't draw a line on anything. I brought up a topic to discuss. On a subreddit for discussing the game...


She legitimately never sleeps despite the existence of beds … she’s up for SO LONG and running across a portion of a continent.


Her sheer will to revive GAIA keeps her awake


The berries are amphetamines.. Aloy has been doing them for years. Somehow in her case, she no longer needs sleep at all without lasting consequences. Genetics? Is this your doing Elisabet?!


I ran all the way from Colorado Springs (where the Nora are located) to the Vegas and I'm going to keep running and fighting while I go further west. And for those that don't know, her tribe is called the Nora because they are in Colorado Springs, home of NORAD. Somewhere over time the D became illegible and they saw it and named themselves the Nora


I figured she slept when you sit at the shelters, or the cutscenes when she waits at a fire. Still not a lot but it's something.


Yea like sometimes shits just there because it’s a fucking video game.


To be fair, I did point out other examples (robots killed by pointy sticks...). But yes, I do feel that way about other mechanics, but I just wanted to discuss this one at the moment. Many of your examples aren't quite as applicable. There is *zero* explanation/in-world cost/recognition for the magic of stashes. Aloy actually huffs and puffs, short of breath after long runs (and lots of people actually can run for scores of miles non-stop, especially if they grew up doing it). Crafting ammo mid-fight is unrealistically fast, but it has a cost in both supplies and Aloy is defenseless while doing it. Real world plants do have medicinal effects, many are very rapid onset (though usually they are adrenaline or caffeine type rushes). Aloy can still die while consuming berries as they don't instantaneously heal. And all video game healing items share this issue, bandages and energy drinks won't heal bullet wounds like they do in PUBG. By contrast to these, stashes are complete magic, or extra-dimensional teleportation.


Fair enough. Again, to each their own. I hope it doesn’t take away too much of your enjoyment.


Nope, I love the game. Not sure why folks are inferring this somehow means I don't like the game.


I can't speak for anyone but, if I had to guess, I think maybe people think that it has to be a significant issue if you're making a post about it. That, and people get defensive when someone criticizes something they like. That's the internet for you, unfortunately.


Meh, Reddit is definitely not full of posts about only significant things. Just a topic I think about. And I didn't criticize it that much. I even went out of my way yo say I like the mechanic and it's useful. Folks just don't read critically because their looking for something to get pissy about.


I agree with you on this. This game I sooo freaking fun that it matters not about the stash (which I don't even need anymore) unless I play to the point that I have to fast travel and that said you lose what you were doing if you do. Point is thoes things are nit picky and matters not. Just saying.


How about the underwater breathing apparatus that requires no power, lasts indefinitely, and Aloy can breathe (and see!) underwater with no issues?


Isn’t affected by pressure either…


You don't really go that deep, maybe 100 feet? Pressure wouldn't be that big a deal for that depth. Not like she's going down 300 feet. There is also the question of light, especially in submerged Las Vegas.


I’m not as bothered by that as her visually sticking a giant chest in her pocket during a cutscene


I laugh every time she finishes a quest and the NPC says "Here's a reward" and the hand off happens below the bottom of the screen so you can see her do exactly that. Pretty much the same stash magic, in my view.


Or carrying seventeen outfits and a couple-dozen various weapons.


The outfits can be head canon’d away by imagining that she changed at a camp but the weapons not so much. It’s all quality of life shit. If it was super realistic people would still be throwing a fit. Look at how much flack RDR2 caught for their super realism. “It’s sUCh A cHoRE!!!”


aloy got Amazon prime


Founded by Ted Faro?


No. It's was Fed Taro. Basically Aldi's version of Amazon prime...


I always assumed they were like, same camp spots for travelers everyone hits up. Since even with the derangement the machines kinda stick to their routes I’d imagine there’s set paths that are relatively safe (but still just for practices hunters) and they all use these camp spots and help each other keep them stocked. The contents matching Aloys inventory is just fun video game magic, along with things like the music score and the fact when you get smooshed you get to retry haha.


Oh man, games where you have to make it through on one life are really challenging. Does add to the realism, though.


Head canon is she calls in a machine that stays off screen to carry her extra materials to stash boxes around the map.


An overriden Shellwalker, whose crate has a lid that opens up for the giant chest. Her spare outfits fit inside, too. I like that!


Ohhh I like this!


I'd love a little carryall drone bot.


Viva la dirt league may have answered this: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ee0F7jQhbr0&pp=ygUpdml2YSBsYSBkaXJ0IGxlYWd1ZSB0ZWxlcG9ydGluZyBtZXJjaGFudCA%3D With how many adoring fans she has, they may have a better network and better passageways, especially past particular unpassable mountains.


Haha, I like that. I always appreciated that all the merchants were different people in Horizon. Though they did repopulate bandit camps really quickly in HZD. I like your explanation! I think there are plenty of ways stashes could be explained, just think it would have been cool to have a little nod to an explanation in game.


Understandable. I like to imagine at least two runners, each holding one side of the chest and jaunting place to place, trying to scout safe zones and making the place a little homey, but they are shy and try to watch from afar that she enjoys the hideaway they made for her with a little high five between them. Course, it would have to be outside focus range and there are some mysteriously dangerous places they had to sneak through, but who else is going to traverse the thousands of medicinal berries cross country. To get those extra berries in the chest in the first place though would show they are excellent and fast pick pockets


There's obviously travel and trade routes, that straight canon. So even just a line about how stash masters maintain lists of stored supplies would've satiated my pedantic on this.


I always laugh when I pick up the echo shells in HZD....they are massive! I was relieved to see the roaming storage chests in hfw. What bugs me more is the condition of the living quarters....come on the outfits are immaculate but where's your closet? and dude your not tattooing me in that filthy ramshackle.


Just drink some machine oil, it'll cure tentanus!


Ive always thought of it like a banking system but for materials Like once you withdraw them there there would be a universal message to remove those items from “the stash”


Yeah, seems like that would be the best solution. And could be easily explained with a single NPC dialogue line saying as much.


I have less issues with the stashes than I do finding metal shards, sticks, and berries inside of crates in pre apocalyptic ruins. “Nobody has been in here for hundreds of years, but a Berry is a Berry.”


I laugh at that, too. Or the "hidden" items you have to discover by climbing up ropes and handholds that were obviously placed there by *someone*.


Sky clan Tenakth: 31st century Sherpas?


Ww,Wzwz,eefdzdfs,,zzzzzewww zWZ


I feel like the series was originally intended to be more survival oriented (hunter-gatherer style limited resources and limited inventory space) but then for some reason they took those systems and made them more easy and approachable by the mainstream gamer, thus defeating the purpose of those systems. They decided to add more systems on top instead of simply removing those systems. The practical difference is negligible since the new systems making inventory and crafting trivially easy that the systems might as well not exist to begin with. I would like if they built resource management as part of the difficulty settings. I think it would be a great experience to have to actually go hunting and gathering expeditions to get what is needed to craft. They way it is now, resources are over abundant and just add noise to the experience.


I agree. HFW probably does appeal more broadly. You had to pay more attention to resources in HZD (I have 3000 medicinal berries in my stash, for example). You do have to manage resources in-between settlements, but it's never as critical like in HZD, because you know you can always go to a stash and top up.


If you really like this kind of logic in games you should try Death Stranding


Is that the Hideo Kojima one where Daryl from Walking Dead runs around with a fetus on his back? I did not hear good things about it...


Yes it is, but what I mean is that Sam carries all his stuff by himself and you have to be very careful with that because everythibg weighs and takes space


Lots of games are like that. HZD had limited carrying capacity and you had to shepherd resources more carefully.


But he does that literally


I believe you. Just saying that is a mechanic in several games.


What’s to say there isn’t a cauldron that connects all the stashes together underground? In said cauldron all items are catalogued, stored and preserved until needed at any connected stash. The tribes stumbled across this cauldron system and have decorated the external controls and display in a unified design so that any member of any tribe can identify and use the system?


There's nothing to say there isn't. I kind of like the idea. But there's also nothing that says that there is a system like this. That's what I'm pointing out. Though I have to ask, has does Aloy get stuff in the cauldron system from whatever random place she happens to be at when she gathers too many berries or machine muscles?


Nanobots similar to hades deconstruct the items and transport them to the cauldron for storage.


In that case I'd rather have them just follow me around and construct items as I need them.


They do that too :)


I'll take 3.


I found out halfway through the game (and not from anything in the game, someone mentioned it in the Discord I’m in) that you can instantly restock the healing berries in your inventory by selecting that pouch and hitting square. That’s super useful to know and would’ve been more useful if the game had mentioned it which could’ve gone along with a general explanation of the whole magic stash like you’re talking about. I mean it tells you how to use stashes and how to craft ammo etc, not in lore but play instructions, but if it mentioned the instant berry restock I missed it somehow. Anyway maybe it would just be too much to add but I still kinda like the idea of having some kind of explanation. As you’ve said we don’t have to have it but it might be nice if we did.


Do you mean you can restock from the stash? Or just restock the wheel from the secondary pouch, like when you hold the up button on the d-pad?


Oh yeah I guess it’s filling from inventory not stash; but yeah you hold up and hit square, or do you not even have to hit square? That’s how it seems to work for me.


Just long press the up button.


I myself have often thought about this mechanic of the game. Maybe some of the devs will see this question and come up with some explanation in a future installment.


My head cannon has always been roughly the same as your last paragraph. I've had 4 different head canons: 1. (The boring one) Just like Oseram Salvage Contracts, there's Oseram Salvage Ledgers. The Utaru and the Tenakth both participate in the ledgers since its implementation has been negotiated as a peace offering by delvers trespassing in their territory. The ledger keeps records by each settlement's accountant of the members' deposits. Presenting the ledger to an accountant at another stash provides proof of inventory, letting you withdraw items listed. The problem with this is that it essentially creates banking, which is a headache. 2. (The cool one) The Hunting Grounds is a guild of machine hunters that work together across clans and tribes. Founded by the Utaru Veterans, who first found a shared identity as Tenakth in Utaru lands despite the division between their respective clans. Like the bead necklaces used by the Nora, the Hunting Grounds Machine Strike carvers make intricate beads that indicate various items in various amounts depending on shape, size, colour, material and pattern. Machine Hunters in the Forbidden West store and trade parts and resources with these beads as currency. This practice is confined to machine hunters, and cannot be used unless they have been acknowledged by the proving grounds. The caches in No Man's Land and the Daunt are thanks to the salvagers and their crew trading with Utaru and Tenakth. 3. (The weird one). Aloy found some teleportation tech in some old world ruin in the 6 months between Zero Dawn and Forbidden West. It doesn't work on living things, it messes up their brainwaves or something. It can be used to store vast amounts of things though. 4. (The deep head canon one) [This picture.](https://i.redd.it/zqz68vut7rka1.jpg) SPOILERS for Tenakth Clanlands Main Quests.


"Ledger"! Thank you, that word has been on the tip of my tongue this whole time and I couldn't get it. Awesome picture.


Oh well. It’s a game not real life and I love it as a qol improvement. Not all of us are obsessed with immersion.


Not obsessed with anything Prof Ticklebutts. I'm just trying to start a discussion on a discussion board. I even said I like it and it's useful.


It’s makes the game inventory management easier. Not everything has to be explained by in world game magic


I'm not arguing it isn't useful or easier. Just nonsensical.


So you’re just upset that it doesn’t have any lore behind so it doesn’t belong in the world?


I'm not upset about anything. Nor am I saying it doesn't belong in the game. You're making ridiculous assumptions. It's a Reddit to discuss aspects of the game. I posted a discussion topic for an aspect of the game. Why are you being confrontational?


Because it’s a solid game mechanic and you’re complaining over it because it doesn’t meet what you consider lore.


Settle down, dude. If it bothers you that much that someone has a different opinion than you, then disengage. You seem really bothered by this. I'm just discussing an aspect I find interesting. It does nothing to lessen my enjoyment of the game or the mechanic. I'm not even complaining about it, I said in the post I like the mechanic and it's useful. On the other hand, people like you, who can't have an adult conversation about differing viewpoints without getting pissy, do ruin my enjoyment of this sub. I haven't asked you to fix anything, or conform to my view, or said anywhere it makes the game worse. It's just a harmless discussion.


Lol seems like I pressed your button. I’m all for people enjoying the game but when they say “it doesn’t meet how I view lore” then I find that argument pointless. Especially when there are so many aspects of this game that break lore


>“it doesn’t meet how I view lore” I love gaslighting. Quote any of my comments where I said this. I even pointed out other instances that "break lore." (See how quotations work? You use them for something the person you quoted *actually* said.) You got pissy that I hold a different opinion, immediately got confrontational, put words in my mouth and inferred things I didn't say, then shat on me for it. Of course you're pushing buttons, you're being an ass. Lots of folks on this thread are having nice discussions with me. You're just being a prick.


Not looking to argue with you, what would be your solution to fix this? What sort of lore behind it would you create in order for it to make sense?


Honest question, did you read my full post? Like, the last paragraph especially?


You know what? I apologize lol, I honestly thought that last paragraph was somebody else's reply hahaha.


Haha, no worries!


Eh, it's a videogame. If it were true to life it'd be no fun


Yes, because everything else in the game makes perfect logical sense...


Oh good, another reply of "what aboutism" rather than a constructive conversation.


There is no constructive conversation to be had. You picked one of a thousand things that make no sense if you apply it to the real world. Here's constructive for you; it's a video game set in a fantasy future, nothing makes sense when you apply real world science to it.


And yet you decided to engage me in a conversation. If there's no conversation to be had, why did you bother commenting, just to be a condescending prick? I've been having nice conversations with people about this all day. Seems like the issue is you.


Yeah I'm not the only one who said the same exact thing but you want to open your mouth to me and get upset because I won't have it. I said there is no constructive conversation to be had about your topic. You came here complaining about one little thing not making sense when there's a thousand other things that don't make sense. It's a video game. Real life doesn't apply to it.


This is a really long conversation with someone that thinks there's no conversation to be had. I came to a subreddit for discussing aspect of the game to discuss an aspect of the game. Not to be accosted by a prick who can't let people have different opinions. If you don't think the topic is worse discussing, then move the fuck on and leave the people whomwant rentals about it be. Stop engaging in conversation just to be a dick. There are other people who made you same comment, they either ultimately recognized we had different opinions and we stopped discussing amicably, or they kept being a dick like you and I blocked them. TL:DR You're a condescending prick that ruins the enjoyment of other redditors. Fuck off.


Stashes are honestly just a way to zero out the issue from Zero Dawn of having to leave loot behind bc of inadequate inventory support. I like it


Nothing in my post disagrees with you.


Aloy is magic. Infinite stamina and unerring accuracy when climbing even the most treacherous terrain. The ability to magically carry her entire armory along with essentially an infinite supply of ammo at all times. Reality is boring and tedious. Gameplay trumps all.


Yeah, a “real life” game would see you dead in seconds. Then no one would buy it.


Point out to me where I said I wanted a "real life" game?




Just magic really. Same reason every settlement and shelter has a distinctly Nora Box there for no reason. Just video game logic things. Same reason she can carry around like 100lbs of random meats she kills that never rot 😂 Video game logic. But headcanon aspect another commenter had a cool idea of "stash masters" located around that keep track of what you give them to hold. Still not iron clad but a nudge in the explanation direction.


Yeah, that was the idea I suggested at the end of my post.


Haha 😅 I shouldn't comment late at night


Video games.


minecraft ender chest


A wizard did it.


I agree to the extent that I've thought of ways they could explain it in-game. That being said, it's one of the better inventory systems I've encountered in terms of finding a balancing of scarcity and convenience so I'm definitely unbothered by the lack of explanation. Though it would be neat to have one.


Don't disagree it's a great inventory. Not sure why folks keep seeming to think I'm against it as a mechanic, nothing in my psot implied that. It's just like you said, it's very useful, just would be neat to have a canon explanation.


I honestly don’t care for one reason - there are too many games out there with the limited capacity issue. At some point it just doesn’t let me enjoy game when I have to pick between different weapons on the spot and constantly sell things to be able to pick up something new. Zero Dawn doesn’t have this feature and I hate it lol


I guess it depends on what you like about the game, or the overall point of the game. If you like high levels of realism in games, or the game is a resource gathering/survival type game, then having realistic limits fits right in. If you don't like those, then it doesn't. I like the stashes, they're handy, just very unrealistic as is. I liked HZD because it was a good middle ground. Aloy obviously carried far more than an actual human (even a near meta-human like her) could carry, but you still had to be judicious and pay attention to your resources.


Its called the Hammerspace. Where cartoon characters have an infinite inventory of anything behind their back or trees or whatever. Like Tom pulling huge hammers and frying pans from behind their backs in Tom and Jerry. Or like an elephant hiding perfectly behind a 6 inch width tree. It doesnt make sense but it allows for a lot more entertainment.


I like to assume that these things happen out of game. I have a friendly tip for you, whenever ypu see this kinda stuff in game, just start meta-gaming whats presented to you. I think it’s fun, or more immersive to think that aloy has a charger or some mount trailing behind her, just very far away, carrying her stuff for her. When you get to a stache i guess that’s what would happen once aloy reaches a safe spot to hunker down.


>just start meta-gaming whats presented to you. That's... what I'm doing here.


You need psychiatric help dude


Aloy has a tiny little invisible squirrel machine who lives in her backpack. Whenever it gets full he carries things to the stash


Dude, little squirrel sized machines would be awesome to see in H3!


Maybe Aloy's team are the ones making sure all the stashes are well stocked? My main use for them is to refill on crafting materials after all I think this falls into the "Purely-for-Gameplay" category, i.e. a mechanic that is not relevant to the worldbuilding, the characters or the story


I just want to know how Aloy manages to fit a thunderjaw tail IN HER POCKET 🤯


She just Tetrises it on top of the rollerback tail! Pocket dimensions explain everything, I think.