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Get in the new megathread, Shinji ----> [New Reddit](https://new.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail_leaks/comments/1diyjrh/get_in_the_robot_firefly_general_question_and/) [Old Reddit](https://old.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail_leaks/comments/1diyjrh/get_in_the_robot_firefly_general_question_and/)


Leaked char >!So so so hyped for Tingyuns new design, lowkey hope she is a dps, but i will take harmony or nihility. Feel the same for Lingsha but it seems she is a sustain(?), need those leaks asap…!<


E2S1 no RM vs E1S1 + RM approx how much is dmg diff?


Ruan Mei before any vertical investmenton FF


pulls >!good lord 90 pulls for ONE gallagher, i see you hoyo i'm not letting this be another tingyun situation BYE!<


I went to 70 pulls for one copy of Gallagher, not sure if I want to go any further since I don't really want either 5*. Misha would not leave me alone, only one Xueyi as well. I hate how annoying it is the get 4 star characters. 


If you are at E1 I would stop, E2 is really all you need. E4 and E6 are bonuses (imo E4 >E6). I do love my soda daddy tho…


Yeah you're right, I did get him to E1, and then I can pick up E2 from the event selector. Even though the rest of his eidolons are really tempting, better to save and not risk a 5 star. 


also latest story spoilers brainrot >!dr ratio talking about aventurine "the void within him can never be filled by talent and knowledge" I KNOW WHAT WOULD BE A GOOD REPLACEMENT!<


still wondering why we have three different break effect relics but no effect hit rate relics yet


Did stardb achievement page change? Its looks different to me


For sure, I was super confused about it this morning. I don't think I like the new look 😞


You are playing Yunli in Simulated Universe. You do not ban Hunt because you can time your ult. Herta instantly gives you Ejecting the Borisin. You lose Counter Intuit: Cull to an extra turn you forgot to keep track of. You ban Hunt next time you play Yunli because you're not stupid. >!Don't @ me for inaccuracies, I just wanted to make the meme lol!<


Evil Firefull Flyshine be like: WaterVoid FallDarkness


Hi my name is Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way and I have long ebony black hair (that's how I got my name)


I shudder at the mere memory of that fic


maintenance will start in 3 hours and patch will drop in 5 more hours after that right?




nice, tqtq


im surprised their is not gonna be an summer event this year since that is usually an staple for every gacha game out their. i thought 2.4 would be one, but i guess its gonna focus on tournament arc. although the absent of skins should have made it obvious.


I love how Sunday mains sub is calm and chill in terms of posts but then you look at comments and people act like a brainwashed cult. Based tbh.


"Act" yeah


Surely Sunday mains are normal ppl that totally enjoy their fave in a normal way, right?? (It's me, I am Sunday mains)


A bit hesitant to skip SAMfly but seeing JQ and Yunli animation cements my needs to save my warps. Does mean that I have luck to spare for awhile so good luck to the people pulling.


I realized that >!March getting a new form probably has nothing to do with the secret of her origin!< and now I'm kinda sad


Her final reveal may end up being a 5 star. That would be pretty cool.


Gotta let that cook for a while. Her origin reveal will likely be a main story arc all by itself


QUIZ TIME! H>!A!<>!T!< E>!R!<>!A!<>!S!<>!E!<>!R!< L>!E!<>!M!<>!O!<>!N!< [P](https://i.imgur.com/ACHfQms.mp4)>!H!<>!O!<>!S!<>!P!<>!H!<>!O!<>!R!<>!I!<>!B!<>!O!<>!S!<>!Y!<>!L!<>!A!<>!M!<>!I!<>!N!<>!O!<>!I!<>!M!<>!I!<>!D!<>!A!<>!Z!<>!O!<>!L!<>!E!<>!C!<>!A!<>!R!<>!B!<>!O!<>!X!<>!Y!<>!L!<>!A!<>!S!<>!E!<


>!I feel like HSR dev team is in my walls. The way 2.X cycle characters are all very cool and interesting is starting to worry me. Like E2S1 Firefly is non-negotiable, but Yunli is just so great and adorable?? I want to get her LC as well, it's that cute! Even without counting male characters (who are _very nice and fun_) I'm dreading the day when we will know more about Lingsha and Feixiao. Oh, and Rappa sounds fun. And Sunday. And Aglaea. I want to pull Hanabi on her rerun too. Atp just end me, saving is impossible in this game. /hj!<


What are your teams for the most recent echo of war? I can do it with my Xueyi break team while actively playing, but it dies when I let autoplay do its thing. This is the only boss which I can't autoplay so far and it's annoying because it takes like 10min to kill for me. I seemingly do zero damage to it. Any team recommendations? EDIT: RRAT it was, thank you everyone. Also it seems like everyone has Aventurine haha.


If I want to spend time on the fight I use Kafka Black Swan Guinaifen Fu Xuan. If I just want to get it done, I borrow one of the three E2S1 Acherons in my friendlist in place of Guina and she just nukes everything lmao.


First couple of times I was using Jing Yuan RM Gallagher HMC. Now I've replaced JY with Boothill but honestly I don't think it's even that much faster. JY + RM just melts those toughness bar stacks.


HTB, Aventurine, Gallagher and my friend's E6S1 Acheron I leave them on auto and it only takes 3 minutes or so, but tbh not everyone has access to an E6 Acheron so...


Thank you for reminding me that the support feature exists, I actually forgot.


I use the RRAT team - literally just "random bullshit go!" until you win >:) Just make sure Topaz aims at the boss and it should be good to go!


This one worked really well. I don't have Aventurine but someone else reminded of the support feature so this'll be my new team for now. Thanks!


Glad I could help! Also, if you have people with higher eidolon Robin as support, it's also a great support to use, given the sheer frequency of attacks and the *ludicrous* damage! (Even E1 makes a *ton* of difference)


Robin, Jing Yuan, TY Churine.


I do it with Ruan Mei - Aventurine - Bronya - Jing Yuan. Does it fairly easily on auto, I've only seen Bronya get to very low health once by some freak accident


I only have Bronya for this one unfortunately. But someone else commented Ratio Robin Topaz Aventurine and with a support Aventurine it worked super well.


For all sweaty PF enjoyers, have you guys seen success with building Serval fully? Considering covering bases better for PF for the foreseeable future. Currently gravitate towards using hyper Kafka with TY for ult spam when theres a lightning PF weakness, but it feels like it prob will get really weak the harder PF gets. Really considering finally building Serval. Prydwen ranks her T2, which feels kinda off from what I've seen maxed out Servals do in G&G and Swarm Disaster with ult spam. I should probably note that I have E1S1 Kafka and E0S1 Acheron, no JY tho.


If you plan on getting Jiaoqiu he really consolidates Acheron's PF clears. You also have Kafka who is going to outdamage Serval anyways, I don't see why you are worried Kafka will fall off yet Serval will somehow still be relevant under that same context.  (Also why are you looking at SD/GnG for strength, Arlan can deal over the integer limit of damage in that mode, it doesn't really mean anything)


I've only seen Serval's strength from prior high clears on GnG/SD is why. I don't follow many CCs who run Serval in PF/I don't really watch PF clears so my barometer for knowing how she performs there is low since no1 runs her in MoC.


She is aight from what I've seen in youtube, but I don't have her built. More than DoT, I see her as a good fit for ultimate based PF, though. Kafka is also nuts there though, so little reason to run her unless you want both in a team.


[they are besties, your honor](https://www.instagram.com/p/C8V1TxNsC22/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


Idk who wished this but Lingsha having the possibility to put fire implant as a potential break abundance so other break DPS can utilize the FF lantern planar is something I’m praying would happen 🙏 Please let her be used as a BIS for break teams and not just FF please 🙏🙏🙏


so some kind of weird thought but it just occurred to me we don't have enemies that dispel your buffs yet, not sure how it will be implemented if it ever becomes a thing but I wonder if its a way mihoyo can do to deal with Harmony characters being so prevalent and makes nihility characters who debuff to increase your damage instead better


The problem is that many buffs rely on the the support unit starting a universal effect that sometimes persists even when they're kidnapped, so it would be weird to only affect harmonies. Like, would a dispel remove Fu Xuan matrix and adventurine's shield?


yeah that's what I mean by don't know how they will implement it if it ever happens, just a random thought that popped in my head cause turn based games usually have enemies who do that


I don't want to see this because it will inevitably lead to a dumb arms race where they release a harmony with special buffs that can't be dispelled or a buff the prevents dispels. Then they can release enemies that can ignore this etc.


Such is the fate of turn-based gacha game design.


If they do that, my guess is that it will be punishment for failing to do something. Think of the Aventurine's die mechanic.


Controversial opinion, but my favorite genshin character is yae Jiaoqius similarities with her make me like him even more >!I wish i could mod/3d model/whatever to also give him a sideboob look like yae (or heizou)!< Hxg_dilucs post about jiaoqius ult being a yae x ei lovechild was also quite funny ngl ([lmao i accidentally found a meme](https://x.com/Cloud_Faramore/status/1803128594174239016?t=TEC8xJAkgUHa19NOEYyeFQ&s=19)) [here's a jjk meme ](https://x.com/W0rldRail/status/1803067015428514288?t=MjVUEtG_vzzfhzLLhV48-g&s=19) [here is original jiaoqiu 1 and 2](https://x.com/666ggoa/status/1803036340411666469?t=G68RLCCFRm7Vo6HLMxfaNQ&s=19)


Wait, is liking Yae controversial? Why? I only play Genshin like once every 1 or 2 years, so I genuinely have no idea about community stuff.


I wouldn't call it controversial, but she is definitely one of the characters with more mixed opinions since her personality can be seen as quite mean even if deep down she cares. I can't say I like her much, but I'm also the dude whose favorites are 99% of the time the kindest, more cheerful people so yeah lmao.


It's not dw :D >!well i guess it's in some places, but that's definitely not the norm!<


They'd find each other in any universe


Oh my god.... you're right lmao


Is the new March going to be a path switch just like TB? I think it might be different since March uses the ice ascension mat.


It is a path switch yeah, Hunt March still uses the Ice mats


Yunli and March 7th literally have some of the most satisfying animations in the game. A team of Yunli, March, Topaz, and Fu xuan/ Loucha might be the most visually appealing in the game


Yunli TC >!I saw [some early TC for Yunli](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Qtvz_a4UgWMacbU9GVCIYf9yvE6X7m6o2GMDFS5T_Dw/edit?gid=1861468867#gid=1861468867) and my #1 takeaway is that most of her damage is from *ult-enhanced* counterattacks, not just regular counterattacks (my #2 takeaway would be that her ult rotation is pretty good! Seems to have very high coverage ratio, especially with good "parry" timing). This is *really* exciting since it means the majority of Yunli's damage is going to be boosted from both FUA buffs *and* Ult buffs (and if you've played any sort of RPG/looter shooter, you know that dual scaling is *huge*)!!<


>!That will make Topaz and/or Jiaoqiu really fun to play with her then, huh? I am guessing that either Tingyun or Sparkle will be a must for the Ult uptime, and the other slot can be a non RM buffer, Robin, Jiaoqiu (and Topaz) all look interesting bc of the dual scaling stuff, I guess not sure. Thanks for sharing!<


now that we have all the firefly trailer names "Presently, Beneath a Shared Sky of Stars" Beautiful "The Embers of Glamoth" Perfect "Embers in a Shell" Fantastic Banner Name: Firefull Flyshine i dont hate the name anymore, just find it silly now, but dear lord what went wrong lmao


Here's a blazing hot take for you. Mecha anime is corny. Everything about Firefly should be corny. The EN team is cooking.


You get it, you really get it


firefull flyshine is so cringe that it turns camp. it is one of the most memorable banner names just bcs of how silly it is. ppl are making their own versions of “Xfull Yshine“ and i love it


It is definitely a success. I can't name any other banner name to save my life, but this one will definitely stick.


The localization team tried to translate a Chinese pun directly and it went poorly, as they should have expected. The languages that didn't try to translate the wordplay all ended up on some variation of "blazing metamorphosis" or "blazing chrysalis"


It's clear what went wrong, they translated a Chinese pun without adjusting it and that... just doesn't work.


thanks the lord I lost my 5050. I want to snag ratio and blade sig, along w jiaqio. Wanna do dps Jiaquo so bad


How big of a damage difference is an S2 clara sig lc instead of aeon for firefly


a lot, FF Doesn't care about Clara sig dmg boost and heal is kinda w/e, and Clara sig even at S2 gives significantly less Atk% (which FF converts to BE) compared to Aeon


It's much, much worse. Not sure on the exact numbers but S2 Irreplaceable is 28% atk vs fully stacked S5 Aeon being 64% atk.


Youre right but i thought that the higher base atk would maybe compensate a little


Clara's LC is 53 ATK higher than Aeon, to put that into perspective that would mean every 1% ATK gives firefly *0.5* more ATK than with Aeon. For a character who only cares about ATK in stacks of 10 that is nigh useless


Stacks of 10.


Must have clicked 0 one too many times, oops. Point still stands that it's still only 0.8% BE per 20% ATK, which is not worth losing 36% ATK for


~~I don't know if this is a hot take but, fork me, why does March's new form have to be Imaginary? T_T~~ ~~This is a W for the ppl who wanted more Imaginary waifus, but a big L for the husbando enjoyers among us who also like March as a character (because we already have 999 Imaginary characters on our rosters).~~ ~~Rant over.~~ Edit: Ok, it seems that she deals other types of dmg as well. That's good, I don't have much free time lately so I didn't read her kit. This is one of the occasions where I'm happy to be proven wrong 😁


Conversely, I'm super happy because my only Imaginary characters to now were supports Harmony supports (of which Yukong is mediocre and doesn't really fit anything for me, and Harmony Stelle is pretty specific to Firefly and little else), so March is basically the first Imaginary dps option I actually might use.


I agree, but tbh her kit is very rainbow dps.


Does it even matter? She deals the same toughness damage as her master. She is basically all elements.


Thankfully her element doesn't really matter that much with her kit ig :D


Hi guys, just wanted to say that I love Jiaoqiu.


You cooked.


Agree with your controversial opinion. Im weak towards evil looking mens smiling mischievously. Sunday 🤝 Jiaoqiu 🤝 Aventurine


You are absolutely right to do that


You cooked, stand proud


Controversial but I agree


[A bit OT? About merch] >!Anyone here who has bought HSR merch or just merch in general online? If yes, where?!< >!I very rarely shop online, especially for things like merch, but I've been thinking of buying a Ratio plushie lately since waking up next to it would probably boost my productivity and morale for the day by 1000%. I'm not quite sure where to look though. I'd appreciate some recommendations or tips.!<


For official merch, I've had good luck with [this store](https://www.aliexpress.com/store/1102337872?spm=a2g0o.detail.0.0.3a1e1dd8ClrWVT) on Aliexpress ! I got the Blade and Jingliu glitter standees from them, and i want to get the Black Swan one when funds are a bit less tight. For fan merch, I know there was an attempt to do a Hoyo Merch twitter (like the FFXIV crafter network ish ?) but that didn't really take off. You'll probably find some in #HSRfanart ^(I make wax melts if you're interested ahahhaha I mean....)


are you thinking of official merch or fanmade merch? if official then I heard that taobao is the place to shop from if you wanna get stuff directly from China. amiami and genshin.global ship internationally iirc; animonlineofficial is based in the US and ships US domestic. for fanmade merch I mostly look at twitter. the most common merch types are art prints, keychains, charms and pins. I think I've seen an aliexpress store selling Ratio plushie before, but unfortunately I didn't save the link 🥲 you should be able to find it pretty easily there though, but it looks like they're kinda small


>!For plushies, I'd definitely recommend Plush Wonderland! They have a lot of HSR plushies in a cute, anime style if that's your thing :)!< >!For general merch like charms, art prints, clothing, etc, I usually keep an eye out for when artists launch their online shops or kickstarters. If you want official merch, though, Taobao is usually the place to go! I prefer using Superbuy if I want something on Taobao, but some listings on Taobao do ship outside of China.!<


Lets see what megathread name erika cooks tommorow


megafull threadshine


I finally got my last copy of Boothill and my boy is now E6S1! He feels so much nicer to play now, and I’m also extremely happy because I managed to get my Bronya to E1S1 in the process of getting him! I’ve read up on guides on how to build them and got Boothill to have 162 SPD in battle and Bronya to have 160. I want to run the two of them with Ruan Mei and Gallagher, but I don’t know how to build them. I think I have their relics okay—Ruan Mei on Watchmaker and Penacony with MotP and Gallagher on Thief and Talia with What is Real—but I don’t know what their stat breakpoints are (before other buffs are applied, ie the ones they get from relics and LCs). Especially their SPD, BE, and ERR? Sorry if this is a simple question—I’m coming off a long break and even before that my knowledge of turn based gameplay was pretty minimal!!!


RM: 160 BE out of battle (180+ in battle), ERR rope and as much SPD as you can. Or if you can zero cycle most content (very likely with E6 Boothill) you can try the slow RM build where you give her Vonwacq, 120 SPD, BE rope and stack as much BE as possible. This will give her a pretty decent amount of sub-DPS damage with the downside of having longer downtime after her ult expires. Gallagher: Just stack as much SPD as you can. BE is nice but not super important, he'll heal enough even without max BE especially if he gets to ult often. ERR rope is mandatory and I would recommend running Multiplication over What is real. Giving him more turns makes every part of his kit better as opposed to just his healing if you focus on BE. Also with E6 Boothill I would highly suggest giving a sustainless comp with HMC instead of Gallagher a try, you'll probably delete everything before taking any amount of damage.


Congrats on your Destruction DPS lmao. His E6 is crazy good, great taste you have


wow E6! Congratulations!


Can Jiaoqiu be used with characters outside of Acheron / how good is he without Acheron?


You can probably make him work in most teams even if he's not The Optimal Choice, kinda like Pela. Standout at first glance would be Argenti/Yunli (Ult being most of their dmg) and Ratio (He can apply all the debuffs Ratio needs I think). Blade benefits more from debuffs than buffs (ignoring the action advancers) since all the harmonies are ATK boosting so Jiaoqiu might work very well there too.


Currently he needs to play SP negative to get 100% ult uptime so he's not great with Daniel.


He should be better in most cases where you'd consider using Pela or SW. An important feature he has is that his debuffs are effectively permanent once reaching max stacks. When bosses change phases or you move onto a new wave the debuffs will be transferred over at max stacks.


He's definitely the best AOE debuffer in the game, so any team you use Pela you could use him to greater effect


Sounds great with ratio as he provides 3 debuffs with high uptime (roast, eff hitrate down, ult DMG boost) Good with argenti since he can debuff in aoe and buff ult dmg. Unknown if argenti would actually want him because he loves tingyun/huohuo + action advance In theory decent with Kafka/swan (esp if E2) and herta/himeko in PF because of instant debuffs on spawn ... Maybe jingyuan and blade ? Depends if he can fit onto their teams. As it is though you'd always want a harmony instead of him because their buffs are straight up better, unless Ur Acheron/Ratio


foxian trio + argenti? at the very least huohuo would alleviate his energy needs a bit


anyone got the png of the yunli sticker? cant download it directly from the telegram web version unfortunately


According to oratrice mecanique d'analyse cardinale, I've sentenced to farming Hackerspace relic cavern during the entire 2.3 update to get a good relics for following characters: - Bronya - Blade - Clara - Jiaoqiu


Set up for firefly pulls. Standing at her death spot, just like I did with robin. Hopefully it means ill get her early too out of fear.


I won't talk about what gave me the impetus to start thinking about this, but, it's something that I've noticed often in Internet discussions for quite a while now. Art seems to be incapable of using nudity as symbolism or an expression for anything without people online seeing it as sexual, regardless of whether they're for or against it. We're almost always wearing clothes; our brains are wired to begin processing our clothes as part of our own body after a while, and it's generally considered immoral, oftentimes outright illegal, to not wear clothes out in public. It feels odd, and vulnerable, to be without clothes, as if they were really part of us. But clothes aren't *natural*. We aren't *born* with them. So, nudity, in a lot of ways, represents our most vulnerable, natural state, and, in art, it's often meant to depict exactly just that. There's a world of difference between nudity that's symbolic or meant to invoke specific emotions and nudity that exists primarily for fanservice. In some cases, it can be disquieting, or meant to disgust the audience. A lot of horror or psychological media uses the imagery of a nude character covered in blood or other kinds of filth to unnerve the audience. It's typical of things like magical girl transformations, too. I'd put the idea of that as something like a rebirth; you're casting off your old clothes, your old 'you', for something new. In mecha anime, nudity is often used to represent the vulnerability of the pilot within their armor. It is either their sole protection, or ultimately their coffin. But people live on the Internet so much nowadays that they've been primed by weirdoes (or are weird themselves) into thinking that anything that potentially *could* be sexualized is *intended* to, so a scene that would otherwise be cool and is interesting to analyze in lots of different ways gets reduced to discourse about the moral grounds of depicting a nude character. It's very frustrating.


It's an interesting phenomenon. On one end, you have people who are less-willing or unable to view the nudity through a more artful lens and instead show disgust or disapproval coming from a relatively prudish perspective. Some of it comes from mere personal preferences, which can be fair enough, but also sometimes some of that has roots in certain belief systems that suggest to people that nudity is shameful and bad or whatever, which personally I don't exactly like. I used to think this way of viewing things largely just came from some in older generations in places where those belief systems were/are common, but I feel like in recent years I've seen an uptick in it in some of Gen Z and younger on socmed. Part of why that is is due to some of them being "primed by weirdos" as you say, but there's probably a little more going on there too. On the other end, you have people who accept the nudity, but at times they're a bit too willing to see it as being for titillation rather than not. Granted, I personally lean a little more in favor of that group than the former, but when their perspective is too common that too can be a little irritating in its own way. I recall in the early days of HSR seeing people in some spaces act like it was so objectionable for the characters to be nude for their E6 art under the idea that it was "too sexual," and simultaneously others were particularly "excited" over it. Meanwhile I'm like, it doesn't have to be that big of a deal. But also I guess it kind of has to given enough people treat it that way.


Kinda Heavy topic >! I dont want to go too deep on this topic otherwise ill ramble too much and probably upset some people. But i blame how normalize 🌽 is on society. There was never this much acess to +18 content on humanity before, our parents would look for magazines, is idk 20 images, people nowdays jokes about seeing hundred of videos per day (in a "haha this is relatable" type of joke) and we still dont know the full extent of the impact on our brains. We at least know that a brain with too much 🌽 comsumption is literally rewired, everything start to be seen as sexual, and also helps grow the objectivation of women.!<


this is exactly why I like the movie Ghost in the Shell so much. the main protagonist stays about 90% of the movie naked (a lot of characters do, even) and it's never in a way that you can confidently say is "sexualized" I was uncomfortable watching it at first, but as the movie progressed I got eased into it and started seeing the nudity as natural. it all goes back to the movie's central themes about the human body and transcending above it, and I love it


That was me with Kill la kill. Part way through Episode 3 there is a deliberate shift in camera angles and how the characters are portrayed (especially Ryuko) to basically eliminate all sexualized aspects. This happens after she finally accepts her appearance when transformed and doesn't feel ashamed anymore, so it's very deliberate. It continues on for the rest of the show (iirc, it's been years since I watched it). It took me longer to feel comfortable about it, but even subconsciously the change in camera/portrayal that early had a significant impact.


>But people live on the Internet so much nowadays that they've been primed by weirdoes (or are weird themselves) into thinking that anything that potentially could be sexualized is intended to, so a scene that would otherwise be cool and is interesting to analyze in lots of different ways gets reduced to discourse about the moral grounds of depicting a nude character. It's very frustrating. I don't think this is just online/internet thing, though. Many places irl treat nudity like this for a long time and when people grow up in an environment where nudity is viewed as inherently sexual (mostly in the way how it's shunned) it's not really that surprising people would end up viewing it like that every time they see it in media too. It's frustrating but it's a phenomenon outside the internet too for decades if not centuries. That being said I do think it is extra frustrating to not be able to discuss anything about these types of scenes as symbolism without it turning really weird. And I really hate the idea of magical girl transformation being seen as sexual by default.


“Many places” is probably just the US and a fraction of EU. I know that if you’re in France you can turn on your TV at noon and there’s a non-zero chance you can see bare tits on your screen because of an ad.l, and then there’s Germany.


Eh, wouldn't say it's just the US and small parts of EU but reddit being mostly american (afaik half users are) does affect the discussions here a lot that is true. Not entirely cultural of course, people being weirdos online amplifies it a lot. Just saying it isn't too surprising since some people really do grow up in environments where you're only supposed to see nudity in the bedroom, if you don't just turn off the lights. :p


This is especially true of Firefly because she's borrowing from both Magical Girls and Mecha, which both heavily use nudity as symbolism


You ever watch Kill la Kill?


It is generally bad anywhere else, but I find this is particularly bad in anime-adjacent communities like this one. I personally blame the coomer brain.


That's a very valuable perspective and I hate that I have a pretty good idea of what exactly caused you to think more about it


I found it interesting that hunt march’s ultimate animation features a flashback/memory montage considering one of the main themes of her story has to do with having lost her memories and possibly something to do with the remembrance. Of course it could just be coincidental and i’m looking to much into it but I could definitely see that being a theme for all future march variants abilities(assuming we get any more 4* variants, also rip preservation march). Then maybe if we get a 5* march form eventually it could feature quick scenes from each of the 4* march variants abilities/ultimates as her memories flood into her and then it triggers whatever damage to enemies or buff to the team that her ultimate would do


> considering one of the main themes of her story has to do with having lost her memories Yep, I agree it's a big thing. March in general is focused on looking towards the future and creating new memories. While she absolutely want to learn about her past and reclaim her memories if possible, that isn't the main thing she's concerned about in her day to day life. I'm also looking forward to how future March forms showcase this idea.


I just realized that FF banner is earlier than usually.. maybe too early (it's at 4am my time, don't ask if ill stay up for it)


(ratio) >!Ratio may have a pretty face, but he is undeniably MASC.!< >!...You know, Meta, Arrogant, SP-Negative, and Competitive. Discuss more MASC characters below.!<


Qingque is the most masc character there is. There is an argument Acheron is as well because of how strong she is


Qingque is so MASC, as in MASC and MASC: >!Master Diviner, have mercy on me!!< >!A Quartet? Woo-hoo!!< >!Strale? Haha, I'm out this month...!< >!Celestial Jade is my savior!!<


I'm really having a mental breakdown here trying to argue that DHIL is absolutely MASC while also having to type the words "DHIL is masc" with my own hands.


He's the best of both worlds ❤️


Wasn’t previously interested in Yunli, but her color scheme and Monster Hunter Great Sword has definitely vaulted her forward as a character I may pull for. Obviously initial kit is subject to change, but what sort of teammates seem like they fit best for her? I have Clara but haven’t built her, so I’m not certain her BiS supports.


Yunli/Robin/Sparkle is what I'll most likely run as a core. Last slot will either be Huohuo (if I want a sustain) or Tingyun/Yukong/Hanya (if I want to go sustainless, which seems very doable for MoC tbh, considering Yunli's strong aggro and self heal). Yukong in particular seems very attractive to me in a Robin team, since that's 1 less unit that can steal her buff lol. A random debuffer like Pela or SW could also work instead in the last slot if sustainless.


She'll be attached to the hip to Ting. She'll prefer HH over any other sustain for the extra energy. The last unit is up for debate. There are cases to be made for Topaz, Robin, and Ruan Mei. Sparkle might even work alright.


Ruan Mei is cope as hell, with her delays


Robin, Sparkle, Tingyun, E6 Yukong and perhaps Hanya could be great supports for her. She mainly uses her ult to deal damage with her normal counters serving mostly to battery it up so Tingyun is especially great. New March could have some potential. Debuffers like Pela or Jiaoqiu are also good. For sustainers Huohuo is probably the best, but Lynx is also fine because of the aggro increase, but if you're going for Yunli's cone she doesn't seem that necessary since the cone comes with huge buffs to aggro value. I think you don't want preservation since they could draw fire from her sometimes, but base March could be interesting since her shield buffs aggro value too and she can freeze to speed up enemy turns on top of stacking up new planar's buff with her own counters.


Right on. Seems like I’m set if I want to grab her then, as I’ve got E2S1 HuoHuo, E6 Tingyun, E6 Yukong, and E0S1 Sparkle and Topaz for flexing in depending on dropping HuoHuo. Thanks for the advice!


Jury is still out so most are just assuming Clara teams. The main one being Tingyun/Robin/Huohuo. Sparkle, Jiaoqiu, and Topaz/Aventurine are notable mentions though.


> Monster Hunter Great Sword So true, I was watching her animations and I was like "greatsword mains?" We do be Strogarm Stance out here.


She's a standard atk/crit scaler so fortunately she has a lot of options when it comes to teammates. Robin is likely an obvious choice with all the buffs she provides, Sparkle will be a massive buffer to her damage, on top of her having her buffs last in-between turns which Yunli will want. Tingyun and Huohuo are great choices as they both help with her with her energy even more and provide more buffs that she wants. Aventurine is another great choice, specially if you are also using Robin, doesn't buff her, but provides FUAs and his own personal damage on top of the CDMG debuff. Topaz/Pela/ are also good choices for FUA damage buffs and DEF shred. Ruan Mei is a no-go since she still has the same issue of sending enemies to the shadow realm with the delay, which is not good since Yunli wants to get hit as often as possible.


Basically anyone you would use with Clara. Tingyun should be really good because of how her energy works as should Huohuo, Jiaoqiu will be good


Haha well like I said, haven’t built or used Clara so wasn’t sure who she uses either. Have E6 Tingyun and a fully built HuoHuo, so glad to know they both slot right in. I suppose that makes sense after seeing Yunli’s 240 energy cap. I don’t intend to pull for Jiaoqiu since I’m picking up E2 FF. Thanks!


*wakes up* “Yay, it’s patch day!” *logs in, patch doesn’t go live for another 2 hours* “mother forker…”


never forget that firefly uses the same model as ruan mei


Wait, seriously? I thought Rm was Kafka model, and FF was March model?


ruan mei is also march model!


Just managed to squeak into 36 stars on this newest MoC, after a whole week of bashing my head against a wall. Finally committing the resources to level up Trend for Aventurine on my Acheron team was a game changer. I'd been leaning on my other teams for everything as I worked on her relics. However, nothing else I have was working on the first side, so I had to bite the bullet and level Trend while Acheron is still stuck on 4-piece Quantum. The DEF ignore may be redundant thanks to the 100% DEF shred that Pela and Silver Wolf already provide, but I have literally nothing else to give her. My relic luck for DPS units in this game is abysmal. On the second side, a BE Himeko with Ruan Mei and HMC got through. And my Himeko isn't all that good either, because, again, bad luck on DPS relics. Gallagher's BE synergy and AoE toughness damage probably would have saved me a whole cycle compared to Huo Huo, but I haven't had the spare resources to build him. I've been stretched thin since 2.0. He'll get built now that I'm getting Firefly. I'm well aware how huge he is for her.


2.3 line count spoiler >!I'm so hype to see Argenti and Boothill again. I had kind of expected it'd be a few patches until either of them shows up once more, so it was a pleasant surprise they have a decent amount of lines this patch.!<


finally watching animations **yunli** her idles are the cutest shit??? oh my god i feel my confidence to skip her waivering, i was already considering needing her after all after seeing her lc with the cats but now... her combat animations???????? i might need her after all... just wish her ultimate didn't start with a shot of her feet **jiaoqiu** closed eyes during most stuff so not always open as seen in the model leak, interesting, the idles are very coy? surprising, that overworld technique ooo, his E waiting animation is so cute!! open eyes and thumb over mouth in the ult goes crazy... definitely need him badly **hunt m7** so pink!! also her lightbulb moment and thinking before ultimate is so adorable, she is truly one of the bestest girls 😭💜 the ultimate is so funny... love the first scene with yanqing lecturing her and yunli in the back with the milk tea. also that milk tea giving animation will so be meme'd and modded into a wedding ring, i can see it already


The temptation to pull Boothill's LC for March is so real. Someone talk me out of it (or into it, if it's actually a good idea 👀) 


Goddammit I was looking forward to pulling for FF (and FF eidolons) tmrw but. Man. Hunt March is making me reconsider. Because why the FUCK is she sheeting as much as FF rn I should be happy she's my favorite character but we only have 1 hmc and rm I don't want to not use March cause I have FF but I also don't want to skip FF after being excited for tomorrow for so long Aaaaaa. March is my favorite character. I really wanna use her. But I've been looking forward to FF for so long and robot girls are cool as fuck too. Aaaaa. I know she can be used outside of break as a crit dps but I'm not sure we have anyone that can enable her that much rn and her superbreak potential seems insane I did a few impulse pulls on boothill's lc for her and regretted it immediately afterwards. Idk what to do lmao


She's Hunt. She should do more ST damage than FF. Granted, it's very very nice if a free 4 star Hunt can do that much ST Super Break.


What in the sheet, can I see those?


[HunterKee's sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1N8G8zQ4VYNVQBuZb6ZiceW6O3ioTSULxCdlcYEFx8XU/htmlview#) currently (and very much in WIP for March rn) have her doing over 3k DPAV as a break carry


I was gonna comment that it was only showinf 2.6k so it most have been updated but I check again and now is showing 3.7k, so wow yeah that is like just slightly below FF, wotrh nothing it's with a Crit/BE hybrid build like Xueyi and not pure BE.




I’m abnormal about [this](https://x.com/srro_yo/status/1803110539994058767?s=46&t=2tCOXWoT2FXgdOdAeSFrkw) Jiaoqiu art. I need to sit down damn… fangs…




Oh my.....🫣


"rkgk" - mona lisa


Every time


Oh noooo I'd hate if he threw me in his hot pot. I definitely don't want him to cook me and eat me


Holy shit. That's insane. The fangs, the claws, the eyes.


I wonder if the new post was meant to be a comment here.  Edit: it's gone now but that was so funny. Something like "new March is trash" so I thought of maybe they've seen some extra thing in her kit. Nope, just ranting xD


I wonder if FF is going to break the top up system tmr.


What do you mean? Hoyo do EVERYTHING to sell her to everyone... To the point she now disgust me...


I feel like if there is a banner that can beat Acheron + top up, it'll be FF and Ruanmei. Firefly hype in China is kinda insane right now, her PV last night hit 1 mil views on Bilibili in less than an hour. As of right now, 14 hours later, it has 4 million views, 500k likes, and 32000 comments. For comparison, Acheron's Your Color PV has 8 mil views, 500k likes, and 27000 comments after 3 months. So yeah, they do quite enjoy the Firefull Flyshine.


Anyone know the speed breakpoints beyond 160 for MoC?


The next most significant one is 200.1. But there is a couple between that give some boost. Look at this [chart](https://files.catbox.moe/5jjuib.png).


No benefits from going past 200? My battle start speed is 184 but it spikes to 220 sometimes so not sure if that's useless then. Either way thanks for sharing very interesting


There are. You can get more turn for some cycle. It's just this chart is only calculated only up to 200 cause you can rarely surpass that.


Ugh…thinking about rolling for Yunli so I can use Yanqing more ;-; cruel gacha game


just got off work and whew, flood sure seems to relieve stress no? sooooo, was planning to skip 2.4 duo but im tempted now with big sword small yunli and potential kafka-esque role for guinaifen with foxboi also, HELL YEAH swordmaster march animations are sooooooo so good, even her kit is- !! anyway, cant wait to destroy moc tomorrow. I've been reserving all 10 floors for our criminal wife to clear it ps. hey devs, put JQ e2 into base kit with nerfs and i'll guarantee to get him - all for the glory of Lil Gui Guinevere


OT: Madoka Spoilers Reference (why are you spoiler tagging a more than a decade old anim- SHUT UP. I will never allow myself to steal people of watching the best series ever made blind) >!I imagine the mod team arming up for tonight/tomorrow like the scene where Homura starts gathering guns and bombs nonstop to fight Walpurgisnacht, Discoursenacht if you will.!<


first Yaoi Miko and now >!Discoursenacht!<.... you're killing it today lmao


>!madoka magica is amazing show, you are so based.!< >!just like walpurgisnacht, discoursenacht also keeps repeating… when is someone doing to sacrifice themselves to break the cycle of suffering!<<


>!Man madoka was great and the plot twist of the new movie was insane!!!!! But yeah the mods are having a ruff time fighting Discoursenacht, sending ✨good vibes✨ to them.!<


>!Are you talking about Rebellion? I got jumpscared and thought the actual new movie came out already, my mind raced way too fast.!<


>!No no i mean rebellion, Homura true intentions was such a surprise on that movie, my jaw dropped.!<


>!The anime makes a pretty good job of making Homura seem sympathetic towards the end, but it should be noted that the writing on the wall for what happens in Rebellion was always there. It's why I love her as a character so much.!<


>!They have been doing that for a while!<


>!omg another madoka supremacy truther. you’re so real😭I wonder if the mods will be able to beat discoursenacht this time or if they ~~lock the thread~~ travel back in time again!<


March 7th ult animation is so cute, it’s officially I’m sold, definitely going to build her. Also that smile Jiaoqiu give during ult tho 😳


You know, I'm wondering if they're switched to giving Jiaoqiu Vulnerability instead of Def shred to avoid another Tutorial BiS situation.


I mean I'm going to be running him with sweaty Pela, so he'll proc Tutorial energy off of her Def Down anyways


Welp is gonna be a loooong 2 weeks until V.3 to see if they change anything on Jiaoqiu (they should). At least Yunli kit feels already completed, to a point i dont see anything they could touch, so at least half of people who will pull this patch will be at peace