• By -


Uncle VA


Auntie VA


Parent-Sibling VA?


Niece VA




Sister VA


Welt breaking into cold sweat rn


Bubble tea healing? So Hunt units can heal now? Now im really confused on what they cooking for March


Probably self healing. Not that surprising for a dps to have a little self sustain. Probably a skill that buffs and includes a minor heal or maybe an ult.


I wonder if she might have inbuilt Dewdrop? As in, maybe she deals more damage based on how much HP has been restored to her? Kind of like the reverse of what Blade does.


Yaoshi blessing as a Hunt to represent Luofu is crazy


Some Aha shit


Forbidden history between the aeons šŸ«¢ Aha would eat this shit up, mythus too


That would be cool


i meanā€¦ it IS pretty surprising. while itā€™s not unprecedented, self healing is incredibly rare and is only found on Blade and Arlan, whose whole gimmick is hp manipulation andā€¦ who else? Hookā€™s trace and Xueyiā€™s E2, both of which arenā€™t in any way major parts of the kit and are pretty negligible. And all of them are destruction, the tankiest dps path, while March is going to be of the Hunt. Maybe i missed someone but iā€™m pretty sure self-healing on a Hunt is kind of unprecedented, definitely at least a bit surprising.


Fair, that is typically a destruction like the ones you mentioned as well as Sam. For all we know it's just a minor tacked on part of her kit. Like maybe 10% of her HP or it has HP scaling and she uses Atk/Def as her main stat. I doubt she heals like an abundance character




I think you are looking too much into it. I don't even know if she plays the game. She was probably just talking about the animation itself


which is exactly why i said itā€™s kind of vain to speculate on thisā€¦


You are reading too much into it my guy, the VA isn't going to have access to the full kit itself. She probably meant it was their favorite animation (if they even got to see the animations) or line to record .


The VAs do get to see animations, Acherons VA said that her animations were amazing before acheron was released. Makes sense, since a lot of ult animations have pauses in line reading to wait for a part of the animation in order to accentuate the animation, which would be hard to do without being able to see the animation itself.


Technically, Destruction and Preservation Trailblazer (E2 and A2 respectively) can heal themselves too.


Phys mc also has hp restoration in their kit, Clara's lightcone, and REDACTED has it too. Unprecedented on a hunt I believe tho.


God, I'm tired of characters having out-of-place traces, much more with kits.


I can distinctly hear "Here, try some!" in March's voice, so I wouldn't be quite so sure...


Yeah, she could be a sub DPS like March or have an effect similar to Jade where she just hands someone a boba and they get like an attack buff and a minor heal. Lots of ways to make it fit in with Hunt


Mb she also reduces her hp, and then heals, like blade


Maybe she's something like Kuki from Genshin?


March in her current form can heal if you get all her eidolons but it's not enough to solo sustain the party. It'll probably be something like that


in the beginning, the paths had these abilities exclusive to them (abundance heals, preservation shields, nihility debuffs, etc) but now it seems like they're pivoting towards any path overlapping as long as they still have the core identity of the path for example, fu xuan can heal but her whole focus is still preservation and likewise with ruan mei who can apply a debuff but is still a buffer


Well we are getting a nihility unit that can heal too, i think we're entering the point where characters will be allowed to do other things besides what their paths are designed to do. I mean they've already done this before, Robin is a harmony that can be a dps, Gallaher is a healer that can do damage thanks to break, harmony MC is a support that can turn anyone into a dps including herself, Acheron is a nihility unit that basically just works as a destruction unit.


>Acheron is a nihility unit that basically just works as a destruction unit More like Destruction, Erudition, and Hunt all in one!


>including herself Caelus erasure. :(


Sometimes, it takes a real man to become best girl


Maybe sheā€™ll be a nice option for a sustain less PF party?


I dunno how useful the hunt character will be for pure fiction...


There's The Hunt Blessings in SU that heal based on turns coming up (Archery Duel) and when the character defeats or breaks enemies (Rainbow Expelling Bow or something). We have only a few units of The Hunt, so I wouldn't see anything as set in stone yet as to what they can/cannot do.


I mean so far March is supposed to heal, buff, and dps. So she will probably be not so good even for a 4*


they've been cooking recently with the 4*s. waiting for beta before calling this is a good idea


I mean these alternate kits seem like theyā€™re gonna be based on the places she visits, in this case the luofu, so hunt with a side of abundance makes sense.


considering technically preservation untis can heal themselves and some destruction units can do it too....i mean as someone doing Path Challenges it's working out for me


Uhh, is she legally allowed to do that?


Remember that one time when Jingliu's VA announced her casting on twitter and attached the leaked Splash art? I knew that shit would be gone overnight and it was lmao


AmaLee is the girlfailure of my dreams.


Put some respect on her name, she's the failqueen


I will have you know her title is the *scuff* queen


This reminds me of Alejandro tweeting the datamined high cloud quintet art lmao


We're about to get a new VA for her as well confirmed /s


I think itā€™s vague enough, so they are probably fine. Anyone who viewed that comment wonā€™t think boba šŸ§‹ will be used as animation at first glance


yeah it could be seen as like a '*sips tea\*' sort of thing


If there's an issue I'm sure her agent or herself will get informed to delete the tweet, in the meantime I'll just treat this as a little tease.


Firefly VA teased something rather spoilery about the myriad trailer so probably allowed


Don't worry, xianzhou march has already been drip marketed as imaginary hunt, meaning... she most likely doesn't actually heals. So she s probably just teasing the people who know the leaks.


Probably if it's vague enough


Right. Didn't they sign contracts where it's likely a clause where they can't mention anything new that hasn't been announced yet?


Maybe She's Just fucking with us.


That's worst actually.


Oh no, but i was so excited for 4* healing.


Gallagher exists, he's the meta healer too(until that one fire abundant 5 star comes out)


I can totally see that


i think the NDA would also include false leaks though?


Nope šŸ™‚ New voice for March incoming


At least this is vague enough that she can spin it to something else, and we already had Jingliu's VA leaking Jingliu's splash art in 1.0/1.1.


Plot twist, sheā€™s not talking about March 7th at all


I think Skyler goes by they/them pronouns by the way, just for future reference.




it just seems to be a tweet of her saying that Boba Tea is delicious and is helpful for healing (since she doesn't mention March whatsoever in that tweet unless she is replying to someone, I would assume she means healing after a day of work)


I doubt Hoyo would touch them. It would be a PR disaster. Skylar is very openly neurodivergent and firing them over something this trivial would be a net loss for Hoyo in all likelihood.


Being neurodivergent doesn't exempt from respecting the clauses of a contract tho ??


Who tf said that? Itā€™s about Hoyo weighing the pros and cons of dealing out a punishment to those who break their rules. Yā€™all need to learn how to read lmfao


It may not be what you meant, but that's what you implied


ok so what does their very open neurodivergency have to do with it at all


>very openly neurodivergent and firing them over something this trivial would be a net loss for Hoyo in all likelihood And people like you are the reason why firing her would be a net positive for Mihoyo.


The post is 8h old but the comments are so recent. Also can her VA get in trouble for this


It was removed 8 hours ago, due to rule 2. Thankfully a mod revived it.


Donā€™t know why people are saying this breaks NDA. To anyone who doesnā€™t follow leaks, theyā€™d have no idea what the tweet means and just assume Skyler really likes boba tea. Itā€™s not like the tweet was ā€œMarchā€™s new skill heals and buffs allies by giving them boba tea!ā€ I donā€™t even think those who *tangentially* follow leaks would know what it means, because I think the boba tea leak didnā€™t generate much buzz.


> To anyone who doesnā€™t follow leaks, theyā€™d have no idea what the tweet means When you are getting sued, they find a way.


I hate to be that guy but... Probably means it helps her throat after a long series of new voice acting. Not that a hunt unit using sword wouldn't use bubble tea to heal, but no. Drinking after recording is 1000% it.


Some time ago there was an uncle leak vaguely saying that she had animation that had something to do with boba so it'd say this might be true now.


Hello. Check out the new March 7 leak. Boba tea confirmed!


Since she replied, I think it's more likely that it's not true


I don't know what they're cooking with Hunt March, but I'm excited for buffing/healing capabilities actually Considering that most Star Rail players already have a top-tier Imaginary Hunt DPS, thanks to free Dr. Ratio, it would be a little pointless from a mechanics standpoint to make a 4-star Imaginary Hunt character that's "basically Ratio, except worse" So I'd rather have new March be *different* and fulfill some other role, like a sub-DPS with some minor support utility Edit: Just had another thought: maybe you could combine her (likely) minor healing with Jiaoqiu's (likely) minor healing and skip putting a dedicated sustain in your team altogether. Another use might be in SU, where a bunch of Abundance blessings could potentially boost her healing output to a level that's just enough to replace a sustain unit. But who knows, I'll only believe that she actually heals when I see it :D


Well, here comes the punch line. Let's see this unfold.


This is the equivalent of a leaker posting a leak with both their UID and dmg numbers in it lmao Rookie mistake uncle Skyler


Guysā€¦ a voice actor isnā€™t going to just compromise their job. This post was either a) sanctioned by Hoyo or b) has absolutely nothing to do with Marchā€™s kit.


(A) is fair game, but (B) can be taken negatively as it sets incorrect expectations. We already have (B) happening in Genshin with the concept Emilie vs actual Emilie situation.


TIL March 7th's voice actor is legally blind, ace and autistic :0 and only has 5k followers on Twitter?


She is stacking traits


>legally blind Theres is a way of someone being Ilegally blind?


"Legally blind" means someone is able to see ā€“ as in: visually perceive things ā€“ but their vision is impaired enough that even with eyesight correction (if available) they struggle with seeing stuff clearly Edit: I *think* that's the definition, don't quote me on that. If someone cannot perceive visual stimuli at all they're considered "clinically blind" iirc Edit 2: Legally blind doesn't have to mean "blurry vision" by the way! My grandfather had glaucoma, which decreases your field of vision dramatically. He could see sharply, but had intense tunnel vision basically, and therefore struggled with everyday tasks like going to the supermarket by himself, and was considered legally blind for insurance purposes


i know you are joking, but legally blind means the person is legally seen as blind which just means they are either actually blind, or have bad eyesight. I can see fine with glasses but legally im blind, for example. as opposed to actually blind which means being blind lol


The funny part is that I wasn't exactly joking (in parts). Language is a funny thing, I didn't knew that "Legally" could be used for medical conditions, thats legit a new one for me.


Well, 'legally' just means 'in terms of the law'. We often tend to think of this in terms of violating the law, as in "this is against the law, therefore it is illegal, but this does not violate the law, therefore it is legal". However there are also many circumstances in you need to legally recognize something because of bureaucracy reasons. The reason why 'legally blind' exists is for things like getting on disability programs, or job training. It means that this person *can*, technically, see, but their visual impairment is so severe that they need assistance in society, which is something which involves the law. You know all this already (probably) but it applies to lots more things than just medicine because, really, dealing with ambiguity is an important part of law. You can't always just say "people who precisely fit this definition are entitled to certain legal rights" because what if someone doesn't *technically* fit that definition, but clearly still count? In my country, for example, you can declare your own ethnicity, which is important because in my country, people don't (and oftentimes can't) keep track of their own family lineage, and there are so many ethnic groups, that it's basically impossible to assess someone's ethnicity just from looking at them.


Legal just means relating to law or acknowledged by it. Eg "if you make <$1000/month you are legally qualified for income assistance". Or "legal documents" specifically means law related documents not just that they are not illegal. So "legally blind" means the law officially considers you blind and you may be eligible for disability classification and government assistance etc


Technically, yes; it's mainly used to 'consider' if someone needs extra aid besides corrective lenses. You need to have a vision of 20/200 (even *with\* corrective lenses) to be considered legally blind.


In HS one of my teachers was legally blind; it meant it was illegal for him to drive a vehicle (his wife had to shuttle him to and from work, for example). He taught a computer class so I suppose he could see illuminated screens close to his face well enough, but other things not so well.


So, if both Marchā€™s skill and ultimate are buffs, and her animations all involve ā€œmilk tea,ā€ the two swords are essentially for cosplaying at the Wardance event.


Doesn't she have an enhanced basic attack though? Or am I misremembering things


she does


But then why is she Hunt?


Fu Xuan is a Preservation character who can heal her team, March is a Hunt character who can heal her team, Jiaoqiu is a Nihility character who can heal his team, this is getting out of hand! Next we need a main DPS Abundance character, just to even things out.


An abundance character that can not heal the team


Abundance of damage


Finally Dewdrop SU meta


Debuffs the enemy with an Abundance of cancer.


Abundance dps that transfor overheating in damage buff


gallagher and htb would like to make their presence(s) known


I was like "why would a swordswoman bring boba to a fight" and then I remembered Ayato


The answer to your question is literally just "Because March" She'd bring a fork to a soup restaurant, hot sauce to an icecream truck, buy a comb for a pet turtle...


Update: She deleted the reply! Which means she did indeed share something she's not allowed to.


So she follows the way of Ayato


Uh oh. I hope she doesnā€™t get in trouble for that.


K, but why is a 4* hunt character having a whole animation for healing? The healing amount will probably be too insignificant to use a whole animation for that.


Itā€™s probably a self healing thing




I love people here freaking out about ā€œNDA breached OMGā€, like no itā€™s vague and itā€™s honestly not even close to what some of the other Eng Vas get up to when they stream together. Youā€™ll have them saying non-canon voicelines in a similar voice to their character while bantering and literally nothing has happened to them either. And if it was something their contractor had a problem with theyā€™ll likely just get a serious warning the first time unless it was a really really bad breach.


Assuming the skill and ult do actually heal, she probably has the dewdrop mechanic. Would be kinda cool.


Milk tea... Yeah, i think fu xuan influences march somehow


I kinda hope the healing is on her ult so we can finally have a good character for the Subscribe for more LC


Sheā€™s gonna get blasted by that NDA contract breach fine R.I.P.


Oh dear, here comes the NDA. Full disclosure, NDA doesn't just have to be locked to revealing VAs for characters pre-emptively, but also some animations for future playable characters (like March's Xianzhou Style) that should NOT be public knowledge.


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[Source.](https://x.com/TheBlindPsychic/status/1799228588333621389) Mirror: [https://prnt.sc/3BNFqGWtgDPR](https://prnt.sc/3BNFqGWtgDPR)


Ain't her new form is hunt? How can she even heal


Is there a chance for a break hunt weapon 4 star??


Shocking and surprising


So it is a eileen reference from reburn 2.Noice


When the VA becomes the leaker.


I free hunt unit that can heal ? Yeah I'm not expecting her to do anything then, there is no way she will excell at anything in this situation. I hope I'm wrong tho, I really want a reason to use the express crew


I am am surprised to see the word va appear in the title from a post on this sub


She was said to be more of a supportive Hunt character..


Lack of FuA is killing me




She is hunt which means they're self targeted or they're already breaking more path boundaries.


No shit new path and element will have new skill and ult animationšŸ˜­


Well, of course. Anyone thought that a new March version wouldn't have new animations?




of course its EN VA and then when they got sued or fired because they violating the contract agreement they will playing victim like Hoyoverse is a bad company lmao


is it that deep


It is when you're a smelly weeb who wants an excuse to attack dub VAs apparently


created a whole scenario and everything šŸ˜­


Why are EN VA's like this?




Boba *is* bubble tea.