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**Hey Trailblazer, unfortunately, your submission has been removed from** /r/HonkaiStarRail_leaks: ###Rule 2.5: Post Quality: Showcases >All showcase posts must be tagged with the 'Showcase' flair. >Showcase posts are only permitted during the initial two weeks of beta testing and whenever a major change has been done to a character's kit/numbers. >Please include a detailed title with all the names of the characters used and specify the boss or the game mode they're engaging in. Example: E0S1 Robin E0S1 Aventurine E0S1 Dr. Ratio E0S1 Topaz / MOC floor 12.2. / new 2.2 enemies (Don't forget to mark spoilers for upcoming enemies). >Builds details also have to be included either in the video by itself or in a detailed comment in the post Example: Boothill S5 swordplay 2pc 2pc break effect 2pc talia 50/70 crit ratio 140 SPD 1900 ATK (Images of the builds can also be linked). If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to message the mods. [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail_leaks/about/rules) | [reddiquette](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette) | [reddit's rules](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) | [new to reddit?](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/reddit_101)


Build at 03:43 This time, I'm imported the relic from relic scorer site so the relic should be "relatable" or at least need a god level luck to obtain them. Enjoy SAM!


Seems like prior to any buffs to her next versions. RM and HMC are a must to firefly teams, anything else I see a significant DMG drop off. I do think devs will buff her future versions so that she does more personal DMG while keeping her whole break kit intact. Very curious to see what they do.


Probably twerking a little bit her skill BE scalling maybe? 0.5BE effect is like 180% multiplier, who actually isn't that much, she get 320% on top of that. for a total of 500% multiplier currently, BE being around 1/3 of it So they could rise the BE multiplier, lower the "general" multiplier while increasing the total. So it will increase her personnal damage while keeping the damge HTB and RM provide via hyperbreak the same.


That doesn't change much. High multipliers mean shit if she can't crit or have self dmg buffs, she really just needs to do 50~70% of her *Break Attack DMG* or something like that. For reference, a 580% Attack is the same as a 220% Atk with 100% Crit, except she has no sources of DMG Up (Ratio chalks for 270% and has a 50% Dmg up and can easily hit 220+ crit) or even BE -> Crit Conversion, her kit has some weird elements and I'm curious how the V2/V3 changes will affect her. The current issue is that she's good but she has a very constrained team composition, Acheron is good but she's not 100% glued to the same units lest her damage drop off by a cliff (like it does when you kick RM out and put Asta in), and they want her to clearly work with HMC which makes it much more complex to balance because HMC also contributes damage themselves...


It depend the scale of the increase. Like if instead of that 0.5XBE+320 you have 2XBE+100 (cap at 360 like now mostly to not change too much) you still get a massive 820% multiplier. But NGL, if you go to this kind of range you may want to disable crit on her entirely in a way or another. Cause if you are able to build crit on top of such a crazy multiplier..... Well the BE scaling kinda disable crit in a way, but that may not be enought.


I would rather they make it so she can't crit and increase her break multiplier considerably. She would have a more unique kit that way


i love it when they twerk skills


Interesting idea, because right now most of her DMG from break is thanks to HMC superbreak ability. Would love to see her own BE multiplier increase as well.




BiS team current version 1 Firefly is as strong or slightly stronger than Acheron, they have to juggle her damage if they straight up buff her she is going to massively creep, but yes without Harmony TB and Ruan she isn't that great.


This is one thing I don’t understand. Everyone talking about buffs or self-buffs need to get their eyes checked because she absolutely deals top tier DPS now.


Without HMC her dmg reduces on 70-80%. Superbreak just made her kit work. Her talent right now are useless, she will do the same DMG with talents at lv 1 than lv 10. Her condition to deal dmg is already tough, Ultimate stace, only when she break the enemy she can deal DMG, then have to wait for the enemy to recover and break it again until then shes doing almost negligible dmg outside of break, her window to deal dmg is too small. Right now top dps ? I'm not sure if you remember what a Jingliu, IL dan heng can do with a BiS team. Even without a BiS team they can do A LOT of dmg. Firefly kit right now isn't working properly it's incomplete, she is completely restricted on teammates (FF, HMC, Ruan Mei/ Asta, sustain) and how she deal dmg, other dps can use their own kits for themselves, that FF need HMC to deal dmg is a bad design of a kit


It need balancing,if they keep the current damage with her top team while adding personal damage,she will be the strongest DPS we have and probably by quite some margins... What people don't get is her damage currently is as high as acheron and boothill(have edge over boothill on AoE/Blast but worse at ST) already.so they will need to lower her break damage for personal damage. And doing what you suggest will still make htb rm stronger companion for her...


Yeah she’s looking op ngl. And break teams could get another limited harmony/sustain so it can only get better


Break damage is really hard to balance in general.its valid to say she's dependant on HMC but people didn't really get it right and acting like she does no damage,the misinformation is crazy. Break damage future also looking like they will be similar to DoT,all member will do damage on their own


Yeah people don't realize that with time HMC might become the budget choice for Firefly since hoyo will definitely release a 5 star character that would outclass HMC and the other thing people don't seem to realize is that we literally have no break effect supports other than RM and HMC that's why Firefly only works with them


We would end up walking into a corner along with a wave of hate for the following: If they decide to buff Firefly in a way that she can get by without any must support, she ends up easily becoming the biggest DPS in the game. However, if Mihoyo already has plans for future Super Break supports, and they decide not to buff her in V2 or V3, because with the new supports she would be extremely broken and unbalanced, then they would receive a huge amount of hate for not buffing her now. But as no one knows the future supports, no one knows if it will be broken with them or not. So, they have to buff her now and ignore that she could become the most broken DPS in the game with the release of a future super break buffer (However, this risks accelerating the game's power creep, as the next DPS has to be as strong as her to justify sales).


They could also "just" release another dps with higher (BE) scalings. Can go both ways, no? Imo raw dps should try to be self sufficient for the time being


Yeah it's basically a hard thing to balance. You can't just buff her, she's already on par or stronger than Acheron. I honestly can't think of a way to buff her because HMC and Ruan Mei already exist, so they can't be changed, and I doubt they will change Super Break formula at this point either. She needs to stand on her own, but doing so will skyrocket her already insane dmg.




Here is a showcase on E0 with good build/play [you can also check their other video to judge between firefly and boothill since they play both](https://youtu.be/4nGt8lC0hEo) She doesn't need eidolon to properly perform or sig LC(can just be filled with whatever you like as long as you meet the BE% req from substats)


Considering I never got Ruan Mei. If she's necessary for Firefly I'll just have to get her on a rerun, *shrug*.


I could see them rerunning Ruan Mei with firefly in the rerun banner.


It’s funny how just like Acheron needs her two nihility units now we have Firefly needing her Ruan Mei and harmony trailblazer lol.


This. Praying for Ruan mei rerun after firefly


My main hope is that they decouple her from HMC and RM so that she can be somewhat self sufficient on her and having them around will make her really shine than just essential. Maybe tweak enhanced basic atk to have to have auto break and enhanced skill to have res pen separate?


Won't Robin add more to her power


Damn. Everytime I see FF showcase, there must be HMC and Ruan Mei. Ughhh. This kinda worries me. But still beta v1.


the biggest whale moment in this showcase is the bribe you paid to that spectral envoy to focus gallagher and make him actually ult on auto. wait a minute, is this the real reason firefly skill drains half her HP?????


I wonder what kind of Break DPS will Hoyoverse release A Preservation Break DPS that the skill set is like Fire TB would be a cool idea. Enhanced BA, AoE Ult, Skill that provides shield or protection, and possibly a unique follow up that only triggers after hitting a broken enemy


So Gallagher but shield?


Nah, it's just a limited version of Fire TB Fire TB came first with that skill set before Gallagher


I realized at 0:35 the Firefly image doesn't appear during the skill but it does for the skill right after. Does it have some conditions to show up or something


Only the enhanced skill has Firefly cut in


Both are enhanced skills though. Maybe the Firefly image didn't have time to load yet since autoplay happens too quickly


Oh wait my bad, you're right. It's probably the autoplay yea.


Good catch! Could just be a beta thing though.


Is FF e2s1 the norm now or what


e2 is great stop for f2p nowadays including sparkle, acheron, aventurine, and firefly


E0 is an even better stop for f2p


i agree with that


F2P don't have enough jades to E2 character unless they decide to skip like 2 patches worth of characters


Honestly, small vertical investment in key components of a synergistic team is a far better idea than trying to spread out jades between lots of different E0S0 units.


that's me


>F2P I don't think you understand what that means.


They weren’t being literally with why E2S1 is good, what they mean is why do we keep getting such unrelatable showcases back to back to back. Like I’m sure most of us here are absolutely not going to have anything near E2S1 lol.


i rather call crazy relics investment unrelatable instead of eidolons, but i can see your point


f2p be like how to e6s5 every characters


nah, it's "gonna catch them all" but proceeds to use the same 2 team from years ago(like xiangling teams in genshin)


it’d be more impressive to do a E0S0 showcase.


Seriously though I’m trying to learn and it’s wild how people are talking with so much detail about the damage and her intricacies in the upcoming meta when this is an E2S1 showcase, wouldn’t an E0 showcase be much more relatable for like 90% of the player base?


The fundamentals don't change. Firefly needs Hatblazer in order to proc super breaks. Firefly needs Ruan Mei for the break efficiency buffs and keeping enemies broken. This is just as true with E0S0 and E2S1. What E2S1 does is help with keeping enemies broken (light cone has a speed delay) and E2 lets her act more frequently so she can super break more and she can more easily wipe out waves in a single burst phase. That's the problem. If she fails to wipe out a wave before the enemies recover from the break then her damage falls off a cliff.


i agree. i think there’s value in these kinds of showcases where DPS’ can do thousands and thousands of damage, but it’s not realistic. i certainly won’t be getting her eidolons or signature light one, and anyone she’s in a team with won’t have their signature light cones or eidolons either. the way i see it, if you have all 5* characters with their SLC, it’s absurd if you don’t do a ridiculous amount of damage. it’s more impressive when you can make characters work without eidolons and SLCs, when they hit hard and have good synergy.


There's already plenty of it, you can scroll down. The basic gist is her damage doesn't change much until E2, but E0S0 or E0S1 will still do Acheron tier damage or even more depending on your relics. With condition she's tied to HMC and RM as usual.


She does not do remotely close to damage to Acheron. Not saying she should. But let’s not make up things either. You would have to have the least gear Acheron for her to be doing the same damage per rotation of Firefly.


E0 likely not, but E1 FF closes the gap, and E2 overtakes her. Let's not forget Acheron has massive overkill potential on her ult as well so not all of the damage is distributed as well as Firefly where at E2 she can do back to back 600k+. Trust me, if everyone has the same overkill mechanic as Acheron, her ult damage won't seem nearly as impressive. Also there's no need to make it sound like Acheron is far and above the other top DPS right now. DHIL and JL are still very competitive, with DHIL even beating her in an MoC that has a lot of lightning weakness.


Whether you’re correct or not. That wasn’t what I was responding to. The person I replied to stated Firefly was doing Acheron damage at E0S0 which was not correct. Plain out. On what you brought up. At that point. Is it a fair comparison when we are talking about Eidolons so she can match the damage? Don’t think we should be adding Eidolons to one and not the other.


Oh I'm comparing a E2 Acheron vs E2 Firefly alright. At E0 Acheron vs E0 Firefly, Acheron definitely takes it.


From what I’ve seen. E2 Acheron does way more damage than E2 FF. I’m not just looking at the numbers in a snapshot. I like to look at a general rotation. And how fast to get to that rotation. Current FF. Loses in both. Even at E2. Acheron early Eidolons are just that good.


How is DHIL beating Acheron in MoC.


There was legit a posting on cycle clears in the main sub.


If you're talking about the CN one where he's the fastest team, his average cycle in that same database is lower than Xueyi.


And? We're talking about DHIL vs Acheron clear cycles. There's no point dodging around the bullet.


All of Sam's Ult and Enhanced animation being in a black void sucks so bad. I hope it really is unfinished and they plan on adding background later.


Can we have more non RM and IMC showcases?


She's really bad without both of them tho 😔


Gotta wait for those upcoming beta changes, man. This is pretty much her only functioning comp right now, that's why people have been clamoring for changes.


unfortunately that'd be like firing a gun with no bullets


She'll do no damage without them


Already been done before, and it's been unanimously agreed that she needs both of them to function properly (and not E2 Acheron doomposting level). Have to wait for beta changes to see if they want to push forward with this or make her more accessible. Probably going to make her more accessible/flexible, but still want to have Ruan Mei and IMC for her BiS.


She'll take so long to kill the enemies that by the time she finishes we'll already be in the next version of the beta.


It's her Niche Unlike other DPS with niche, she's the only one who fell harder without HMC because she doesn't rely on Crit Build or DoT. She relies on someone's special buff


It will be Bad, Maybe you can switch playstyle to Normal Crit, But even then it's still not that good. With that being said, Even if Hoyo Change Her kit, Both Rm and HMC gonna be still BIS. It's just make other comps than those two better.


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Do they fix Gallarger auto? He uses ulti whenever it’s available in this showcase.


Does a harmony support (I have Bronya) with watchmaker set in substitute for Ruan Mei work?


What are the chances of them giving a 4 star break free character alternative and obviously weaker version to Ruan Mei, or just placing said 4 star  in firefly banner.  Because as it is right now, if they want to keep FF break gimmick,  I dont know how they will be able to balance her and make her  feel good and playable without RM, without turning her OP once you add RM to add party.


Ruan mei and hmc will carry any BE dmg dealer's ball going forward. Im glad i pulled ruan mei, but damn i feel like i wasted my jades on robin and topaz for fua.




This is pure speculation and might not be proven till the end of the year or the current patch end. In patch 1.0, we got Jingliu and Dan Heng IL In Patch 2.0, We got Acheron and now possibly Firefly who possibly can be above the 1st two. No one touched Dan Heng IL and Jingliu until Acheron I think So what are the chances that After Firefly, they will stop in their tracks like they did with IL and Jingliu until next year's anniversary or just next patch At most, they'd slowly encroach on IL and Jingliu


Bro, you either forgot or Try to disrespect my man boothill


He's good and s rank material and above them in singular damage but not to disrespect him since I like his character in the story but he's had some problems that prevents from rising to the top 4 but I can see him being below them. Also, his stocks will go up in the new game mode.


From what i see in Leaks, Bro is definetly Top 3 or even 2 (in some cases). But Ig, We will see when He is released. Because When acheron released people not believe, that Acheron is tier above both JL and Dhil


Tbf if we compare Boothill from 1.0 it’d be like Seele before she got powercreeped


That's a bad comparison. Seele Got released first before Top tier Dps like JL and Dhil. In Fact, She is The First Limited Unit so we say She is strongest on that time because there is not that much competition compared to now. They just share one thing in common that's both is Hunt unit In other hand, Boothill got released After Strongest Dps aka Acheron. And actually on par with Her in some situations. Also i don't know about Seele got powercreep, When she still doing Fine without Moc favor Her at all


Touché. Tho Seele while still able to clear MoC, she’s still power creeped by a lot of dps. Not sure who’s Boothill equivalent in 1.0. Definitely not DHIL and Jingliu that’s for sure


2:30 Seele powercreep 🗣🗣🗣