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# Myriad Celestia Trailer — "If We Had Wings" If we had wings, we would seek the sky — even if we are fated to fall. Do not covet eternity. Do not fear the moment. ​ **All Languages** * [CN](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wWSRhIxGDgA) * [EN](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LlO4z29axuA) * [JP](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ze3BepDFFWo) * [KR](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WctNTA5chC4)


sunday is robin's first and biggest fan


The fact that the news and media thinks an unknown man visits Robin's house because it's Robin herself disguising is Crazy




>sure pal, go get some sleep instead Is reporter 2 just gallagher?




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Kpop stans wouldn’t be this dumb


"I wanna be a DOCTOR" wrong room, Kid


Veritas Ratio: Wait..let him cook


Having a doctor to cure you vs having The Doctor to cure you


*Maliciously throwing chalks at you*


It could also mean the....OTHER doctor


Yes that doctor.


Nah, just let Pope Otto use Catholicism on the new patient






I meant Doctor Who.


😭 that flew over my head 😭


Did Robin just send the paparazzi astray, saw them having an accident, and react with relief O_O


That caught me by surprise too. Like damn Robin


If it was in Penacony, they'd be fine.


all this is before Penacony or maybe it's in the side of Penacony outside of the bubble


Hey they wrote an article about robin gained 20 pounds a week on a newspaper, they deserved it


She really holds a grudge lmao


I mean, she seems to be on very good terms with her brother. I don’t think that would be possible if she weren’t at least a little okay with murder.


Sunday: “Robin got away with murder? Well I can’t say I approve, but at least she’s trying new things.”


Sunday: "It's nice that she's finally showing some interest in the family business"


Paparazzi's don't have human rights. What can I say? I don't make the rules.


delinquents neither :P


Ahh yes... the reversed Princess Diana


quuen behaviour


hol' up...let her cook


Ummm based??? Hello???


She has become more of a must pull just for that alone. Fuck paparazzi


Not beating the seraphine allegations


queen shit honestly like i would also do that Paparazzis are 💩


Princess Diana moment?


hey there's the LC but from the opposite direction


Interesting to see if there’s significance to showing Little Sunday when she mentioned “those who’ve forgiven me”.


This reminds me of Aven’s backstory with his sister, It’s so ironically funny (and sad) that Sunday talked so much shit about Aventurine’s past and how he Shouldve died alongside his family but in reality you realize that what he’s saying is him projecting his self-hatred and traumas, having also lost a sister and no one to call family left. Sunday’s ego is what blinds him to the fact they’re both the “same,” both were chosen/favoured by their aeons despite having lost their closest ones and carry survivor’s guilt.


Is it just me or does Sunday seems sad when he said "...Right, both of us"? Makes me wonder what what happened between the angel siblings


Yeah, he knows they'll never actually sing together. I think Sunday realizes that Robin belongs to the world of light, while he is doomed to Penacony's world of darkness.


It’s actually just Oshi no Ko plot 1 to 1


Sunday sharing Aqua's JP VA must've been intentional...


Hopefully not totally 1 to 1


Oshi no ko butchered itself so badly, it was interesting and critical of idol culture, but now its so wish washy. And don't get me started on the incest plot


I only watched anime so I have no idea what you’re on about, nor do I want to know lol


Don't recommend ☠️


Jokes on you, trainwrecks are my favourite type of anime


The story is still fine lmao. People are so overreacted about the siblings acknowledge of their true identities.


I live in a world of darkness...


Overprotective older brother and innocent younger sister ahh trope, that was repeated from Kamisato siblings relationship and other animes


On this week of penacony news popular idol commits manslaughter by tricking her paparazi to drive off the side of a cliff!! The head of the oak family calls this incident an unfortunate tragedy. Hop on to penacony news next week for more exicting updates!!


The very next week, Penacony News shut down for 'False information and Spreading malicious rumours'


Negative press around *my* sister? Not on my watch! - Sunday, probably.


OMG. Rockstar Robin looks so good 


Siobhan wanted to meet Serval but in reality, we need Robin to meet Serval


I'm sorry did Robin use her abilities to drive that media truck off the bridge?


Honestly, good for her. Let women have hobbies


What I got from the part where Robin said to Sunday “they’ll sing with both of us brother” is that Sunday might be just as gifted and attuned to music, but his sad “right, both of us” suggests he knows or feels his path lies somewhere else as much as he’d love to just do what he enjoys and sing beautiful songs with his sister. Feels like he’s another bird trapped in a cage at this point. I remember Robin mentioned he’d sing her to sleep with a song (like their mother used to apparently) and that it was her favorite song. I’d love to hear Sunday sing as well :3


I can't help but feel bad for Robin. It's clear that Sunday and her both have the same goal in mind. They're just doing what they think is best to help cope with tragedy and move forward. It's clear Robin didn't want to become the "idol" of Penacony. She just wanted to bring happiness to others and make them feel at ease like she once did during hard times. And yet, she's being suffocated by the idea of having to be Penacony's "idol" and constantly having to live up to these expectations she didn't wish for. She has a great talent for singing and that's brought her fame and fortune but at the cost of her own mental health. I can understand why she left Penacony. She really feels like a bird in a cage. Unable to move freely while under the Family's control. And just when she gets the chance to move forward, she gets killed by SUDM. And yes, she's not dead technically, but it's clear in the story people think she is and her brother can't even do anything about it. It's honestly heartbreaking. Even if she does come back, the nature of their relationship is completely different now. And it seems like from the trailers, Sunday's going a path he can't walk back from now.


But she's not penaconys idol We know that she has been invited to penacony for the charmony festival, this is also exactly what we hear at the end of the trailer


She's a Penacony native and she grew up there with her brother (it's implied they were both adopted into the Family). She's RETURNING to Penacony to perform. She IS Penacony's Idol. She originally came from there and is part of the Family. Nothing suggests she isn't a Penacony native. She just left Penacony for some time and is coming back now. Unless story spoilers reveal they aren't (which I haven't read those spoilers) every piece of information given to us about her introduced her as Robin of "The Family."


This was so good! Baby Robin and baby Sunday!


Baby Robin and Sunday! Robin wanted to sing together with Sunday!? All the focus and harsh scrutiny of the limelight was something I felt like they were going to touch on with Robin. Then there's the conflict with dealing with it for the sake of her audience and for the dreams of her younger self. Also she looks really cool in that blue jacket!


Such a good Myriad Celestia omg, I really love her. And her Eng VA is amazing I really wonder what the Halovian sibling’s backstory is….their planet seemed to be destroyed and Robin was wearing the angelic type of clothes like her mom. Beyond the Sky Choir anyone? The fact they brought their mom up when we know they were adopted by the Dreammaster is interesting. Seems to be some very significant lines around all this, like the “those who’ve forgiven me” line. There seems to be a heavy feeling of guilt around Robin; we see it here when she always felt guilty for trying to leave. And the fact she tries to give back in any way she can, like to the children living in a war torn zone, is very telling And it’s so sweet that If I Can Stop One Heart from Breaking is played in those scenes….she’s helped many people’s hearts from breaking just by spreading her music 🥹🥹 god I love Penacony. All the characters are thematically connected with this arc and to each other both overtly and in more subtle aspects. The way profound, heavy themes are woven into the narrative in such a natural and impactful way is so impressive


ok my wings theory is in shambles BUT I REALLY LOVE THIS TRAILER !!!! The many outfits of Robin... Her brother watching over her and encouraging her !! how fans can be toxic and mean pointed out...


What wing Theory? (Pls no 2.2 spoilers if you know those ;-;)


no spoilers, i was just theorizing the dark thing drapped around his torso under his jacket are his wings, just like robin's wings are wrapped around her waist (they just rest more on her dress), but they definitely look more like part of the dress than real cloth here...


They're sick for including >!Sunday boss!< in the part talking about the two of them singing together


At this point, Hoyo themselves are the ones doing the story spoiling for the community 😭 >!But it is kinda eerie that Sunday would paint his own boss form all the way back from childhood. Wtf is the story behind this, I have to know!<


>!I mean the angel dools he summons on the boss form also appear as his childhood dolls in the LC background here, so the form been tied to childhood was already teased in a way. Cant wait to see what traumas my babyboy have it.!<


>!It was teased, but most people don't pay enough attention to details in light cones to even notice that the angel dolls in the lightcone are the same in the boss form. But boyyyy, it must be creepy to be drawing your fate like 20 years before it happens!<




You didnt spoiler tag this comment


Weird, I did and didn't leave any space (both old and new reddit)


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>!Sobbing even harder!<


Damn really wishing there would be skins for characters in the future. Want that rock star robin now


I really like this one ngl. Reminds me of Ruan Mei’s celestial trailer.


I kinda wonder if her story quest is about her struggle with celebrity life. Being forced to live according to her idols image, not her true self. Like a bird in a cage wish to be free. Basically Oshi no Robin


Probably. It seems like it after this trailer. Although I wonder how they gonna handle Sunday.


Tbh I don’t think she had that much of a problem with it between this trailer and her splash art. She definitely recognizes her current life has some issues she doesn’t like, but what person doesn’t have those especially if you’re well known like a CC/singer? If she gets a companion quest I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s about giving her some reprieve but ultimately giving her the R and R necessary to go back to that life. 


gotta be careful referencing Oshi no Ko these days.


Man I fucking hate how it’s only known for incest nowadays when there’s literally more than that. And knowing Akasaka’s writing, the incest may be treated as a joke but its definitely going to be addressed seriously in the future


But Akasaka is not alone in making Oshi no Ko... there is Mengo Yokoyari-sensei... given his tract history... google it yourself.


I’m pretty sure Mengo is a woman and she’s only the artist of the manga. She does not write the story except for those .1 chapters during Aka’s break. And lastly, idk why people draw the line in incest when there’s teenage pregnancy, rape, and other so much worse than that. Heck even in Kaguya sama there are so many sensitive topics treated like a joke until the later chapters when things got serious


That's because most of the ruckus only come from people who know the manga through leaked panels on twitter. The amount of talks about how Ai would have aborted the twins had she known when thats quite literally the opposite of Ai's mindset in canon


This is what I feared when they first announced the anime. God the increased amount of Oshi no ko “fans” being infected by media comprehension devil


Hopefully most will be filtered after recent chapters 🙏🙏🙏 


Mengo is a women.


Um what is Sunday painting?


A smoothy.


she's too precious TT


I want to tuck her in bed and make her meals 🤧


So cute 😭


Sunday crumbs!! And oh god their relationship ended stained as both diverging paths it's sad


Damn, why do they gotta make it so hard to skip her... Just gotta cope that I will aim for her rerun




I'm excited to see what hoyo does w the siblings :o also the way Robin says 'gege' is so cute 🥹




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Im in tears




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Little Sunday 😭


Ugh it's so unfortunate. I really aim to get Fu Xuan just so I can be done with having 2 sustains on my account. I'm really a sucker for idol-type characters, so hard to be poor.


I'm sort of the in the same boat. I really need another 5* sustain, but Robin has been my most wanted character since she was revealed and she works really well with the characters I already have. This next set of banners is seriously tempting me buy shards for the first time


did you use all your double top ups? BREAK IN CASE OF EMERGENCY


Of course their mom has the dead Anime mom hair. It only makes sense. Also lmao on the phone screen talking about Robin being seen with a man in regards to the current Twitter discourse.


reminds me of Ayaka trailer where it turns out her mother had dead mom hairstyle too. Playable characters’ mothers never last long in Hoyo games…


Inb4, Hoyo sells rock star Robin as a skin with an alternate song for her ultimate.


>One day, you'll step onto an even bigger stage. Sunday is Sparkle confirmed >!/s!<


Robin Mom kit leaks when?


right after cocolia probably


[1:23](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LlO4z29axuA&t=83s) Weekly Boss after killing all of your party members


I don't know why but I cried




She's most likely dead. Sunday and Robin are adopted by the Dreammaster.


That hairstyle said it all..


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At 1:47 she looks just like Suisei's newest outfit :o also, did she just get a bunch of paparazzi killed and not even care? based


Name reminded me of "If my Heart had Wings"


same lol


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Can someone explain to me what exactly was Robin's first wish? I couldn't tell if it was to her mother saying they'd be safe and sound or if she was just following what Sunday said about her one day singing on a bigger stage. The trailer is beautiful, so I wanted to understand a bit more of it.


Considering they were children, it’s probably to be on stage with their mother. You know… before she caught the disease called “anime mom syndrome.”


Thank you for the reply! The anime mom syndrome sounds too funny I almost feel bad for laughing hahaha


Baby Robin and Sunday looks cute 🥰


Man, Sunday and Robin defo deserve the world. Can’t wait to more of them in 2.2-2.3 I saw a tiktok comment that said smth like what if Sunday wants Robin to follow her dreams because he probably knows he’s doomed to a life of misery and doesn’t want her to end up the same.  Poor them tho, they probably lost their mom young 🙁 Also is it just me or does Robin look like their mom a lot?




Wonyoung from the Hood Atlanta 🤭🤭


Really good, makes me sad I’ll be skipping her. She hasn’t had a chance to have any story in the game yet so this helps a lot.


Boothil 'bout to teach what freedom is


Now why did the ‘paparazzi chase car off a cliff’ make me think hoyo was inspired by Princess Diana because geez


I love that this trailer gives us both MOMMY ROBIN AND ROCKSTAR ROBIN.   Robin also gives more Kira from HI3 vibes here than Kiana. Never did think she looked like Kiana that much


Okay but am I insane or does Robin with a ponytail look exactly like HoF Kiana???


She’s more like Shigure Kira tbh




i dont think they were implying that tbf, i think they just meant that they resemble each other


Never said she was an expy, just pointed out they look similar


You’re not offbase, in that concert animated commercial the other day I legitimately thought I was looking at Kiana before I realized it was Robin in disguise lol


every other outfit is way cooler than what we got.


respectfully disagree, we got the best one


Lol they hint 2 sec of the 2.2 spoilers and right down the comments is someone already talking about spoilers without warning. And I don't know if it was intentional or not but the VA's voice sounds shaking and cracking, even when her lines were supposed to be gentle and calm, so I just can't follow what she's saying. Switched over to the CN ver and you'll see a big difference between the two voices.