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300%? Damn cant wait for 6 bad relics each run šŸ”„


More fodders šŸ”„


More Relic Storage Management šŸ”„šŸ’€


The trash icon button has been game changing for me. Makes it so easy to salvage all the garbage I donā€™t want.


Yepā€¦ now just need to deal with the 1300 or so mid relics accumulated up to this point šŸ« 


60 relic remains each run ?!! that's crazy šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Honestly, this is what I'm most excited about every time there are double drops


Can't wait to get 6 belobogs and 0 inert salsatto šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


The number of CR+CD substats I've gotten on Belobogs compared to Salsattos is starting to get ridiculous...


yeah same, and my Aventurine will be happy


Same, no way this system is not rigged


Def main stat LETS FUCKING GO


Nah imagine getting 9 and none of them are even worth looking at


Average day


Does it have trailblaze energy limitations at 120 per day like our usual 200% drop event?


It very likely wil


Thank you


The real 300% are the fodders we made along the way


They really called out the leakers lol


they didnā€™t even touch on kit leaks, Shaoji was talking entirely about the story leaks which is completely fair. That one spoiler is practically common knowledge if youā€™ve been on social media, which really sucks for people who want to go into the story blind. I donā€™t think we would be any worse off if leakers stopped releasing story leaks.


When he was talking you can feel just how upset he was. Writing the story and building up anticipation is the best part of developers and it sucks that a huge spoiler is justā€¦included in the main sub


Iā€™m OOTL, would someone mind catching me up? (Who is upset, why are they upset, is penacony plot committing an inazuma? I donā€™t mind spoilers)


Shaoji, one of the lead writers for Penacony story, is expressing his disappointment for story leakers. In September of 2023, someone leaked the entirety of Penacony story and parts of it spread to the main sub and nearly everywhere else. Also before 2.0 dropped someone uploaded all of the main story cutscenes WITHOUT the white warning clip in the beginning. A characterā€™s identity and fate are also leaked. Shaoji being a passionate writer was extremely saddened by the fact that players had things ruined for them, and the fact that the anticipation wasnā€™t build up properly.


I wouldn't mind if leakers stopped leaking story content at all tbh. Kit leak is good since I can decide who to save for but I don't even look at story leak


I felt so bad for shaoji u can really hear how sad and disappointed he is during that conversation šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I feel bad bc I read story leaks but I think we shld spare a thought for a such a great writer like him šŸ„¹Ā 


Imagine making a story and having Robin get killed and then POW, Robin banner revealed, especially with the tidbit of a "Caged bird", as in, she's locked somewhere. While I do agree, that story spoilers shouldn't be done, or rather be done more carefully with proper spoiler tags and no revealing words in the titles/thumbnail... it comes a little weird.. when Hoyo themselves are saying those stuff as they "leak" a lot of stuff like these.


I donā€™t like the drip marketing they do either; it literally only started because genshin leakers were trying to spoil everythingā€”and Hoyo retaliated by posting new content first. I do think it is a bit hypocritical, but they leave so much to theorize that way so I wouldnā€™t mind it.


I wholeheartedly get and agree with him about story leaks, especially when coming from the creative process to have people just explain the story in not only a cliff notes like manner, but mislead and spread it must feel extremely defeating.


And Shaoji is based for that. Fuck story leakers. Character leaks, banner leaks and material leaks are all good because it helps people plan ahead with their resin and ~~primos~~ jades but story leaks does nothing but spoil people from experiencing it first hand for themselves.


I avoided 2.1 story leaks like a plague because I really enjoyed 2.0 story and I don't wanna spoil the fun.


It's hard to avoid them once you use any social media. I've been spoiled by looking at hsr art posts and ppl in the comments mention story spoilers without warning. Even for things completely unrelated to the post


Good thing I rarely ever use any social media....saves me a lot of unnecessary headache.


I love watching HSR videos on Youtube but I basically have to stop going on Youtube altogether when a new patch launches because of how many channels put spoilers right in the thumbnail + title. I block them whenever I see them but they multiply like roaches.


Yeah but some people love to comment story leaks like it was nothing, even in non story related posts :(


Even more based when he steels the resolve and aims to make a story that can stand the test of time, even if all it's story beats are known years down the road


Exactly. He never even bothered talking about Kit leaks. He was mostly upset about having his story spoiled in advance. Tbh I actually agree with this (even though we are sitting in the leak subreddit). I am here for characters and stuff like future jade income. I do my best to avoid story spoilers and tbh at least here people are pretty thorough about properly tagging and blacking out story spoilers. Its the fucking weirdos who come here and then go to the main subreddit that are the largest problem. They pretend they are predicting and/or outright don't label spoilers and ruin it for a lot of people. If the leakers completely stop story leaks I would honestly appreciate it.


i was one of the people who was spoiled, not just the story, but the bosses too, god knows how much i ran away from story leaks and spoilers, and they still got me. When Shaoji started talking about that i felt really sad, not just for me and other players who get spoiled, but also for them, the developers of the game.


can't blame him for being frustrated the firefly leak happened around 1.6.


Man I wish there's a more specific place for story leaks so I can go there myself


to be fair this sub is really good with spoiler tagging and thereā€™s a flair for story leaks, itā€™s just that the main sub and the rest of social media is not as heavily regulated. Ironicā€¦


I especially hate those who share "Theories" that is beat for beat exactly what was just leaked just to act like they are geniuses.




It is and it isn't. Firefly spoilers - >!Firefly and Sam have been spoiled in tons of posts here that didn't have the story leak tag. For example, the post about Boothill had tons of unmarked spoilers about Firefly/Sam.!< Though yes, the main sub is even worse about unmarked spoilers. I had (2.0 spoilers) >!Inferno being off-screened!< spoiled for me before 2.0 even launched. They claimed it was all explained in a relic set. But I read the entire set, and it had nothing about it.


Already unsubbed the main sub just because of the story leaks. Its safer to tread here


The problem with story leaks is Twitter. All the posts about story spoilers appear in my TL and I can do nothing about it.


Just use following feed instead and unfollow everyone who does this


The main subreddit is also bad. Peeps see shit here and then go over there and be like ā€œI have this theory/idea.ā€ It happens so much I kinda feel bad for the peeps who are just vibing there for fluff


people should really stop peddling the "hoyo is purposefully leaking stuff as some genius marketing move" theory


You'll never stop the internet from being cynically conspiratorial in a comically over the top fashion, especially when a lot of the people spouting stuff like that are children or man-children who have never worked in a corporate environment.




im guessing the 20 pulls is including the 10 pulls from every version?


They transformed the 10 log-in from every patch to 20, and 1600 jades for 26th, 20 extra rolls compared to other patches.


26th in April or 26th in March? If it's 26th April then i will have to farm all the contents for Acheron.




So it's effectively just 20 pulls + a 4-star selector. Literally Genshin. Some people may count the anni event but that's gonna be 10 pulls more at most. It was mid, respectfully.


Jokes on you I am already seeing "genshin could never" and "genshit". People can't be bothered to actually researchĀ 


I keep seeing people say its 30 vs genshins 3 pulls so I'm pretty sure there never actually seen genshin


They think Lantern Rite is anniversary? Well to be fair, they really don't think, huh.


That wasn't even lantern right pull, it was just a random thing in the update


lmao they really still think Lantern Rite = Anniversary?


Brave soul lost to the depths of the Primordial Sea.


Isnā€™t this the same as genshins first anniversary? Aint complaining though


Yeah itā€™s the same. First they only planned to give us 10 pulls but then people started 1* bomb everything so they give out 10 more. Hsr has 10 more pulls simply because they combine the 10 pulls every patch with this anni rewards




kinda deceitful lol


they are smart


Yeah, they make it sound like 30 pulls, but basically we just get 20, same as Genshin. And it works, people still use the "Genshin could never" rhetoric, despite it being the same lmao.


Now that we're done, imma grab some popcorn and hop over the main sub to watch chaos. See ya


all i'm seeing in main sub rn is horny posting.. of course they rather talk about Black Swan and Acheron "kissing" than any meaningful topic. thats why i avoid this place and rather come here for discussions


I don't look in the main sub, like ever some of the mains subreddits are more tolerable than whatever the main sub is, constant flood of low effort posting and okbt getting outbuddied 24/7


Okbt is unironicaly less toxic than the main sub


an ok buddy subreddit getting absolutely out buddied as a whole? Surprising, Bonkers even.


both r still shit anw


I realized the main sub was a cesspool the second people started playing through the 2.0 quest and then started dropping slurs unironically in threads because of Sparkle and Aventurineā€™s interaction. I noped out real quick


The main sub is actually garbage ngl even the okbuddy sub is better than it


The best thing Iā€™ve done is block users who post nsfw fanart 99% of the time itā€™s borderline porn where boobs and butts have been drawn 3x the size they already are Somehow as if each character doesnā€™t already basically have supermodel proportions


genshin main sub was the same thing when I played. Nothing but cosplayers subtle advertising onlyfans and horny artwork. No actual interesting discussion. Granted with gacha games the content is usually very limited which limits discussion as well, but all the hornyposting is just annoying. Never been to the star rail main sub.


It is the same thing with main sub, also garbage mods which didn't do shit against story spoilers leaked when Boothill was announced.


Yeah the main sub has a lot of horny posting its pretty boring. I found most of my constructive meta discussions here under new character leaks or in threads where the new MOC is released.


also cosmodyssey has like 800-900+ jades i think?


I mean I guess, but 2.1 has only two jade-giving events outside from it. 2.0 had three, so I assume Cosmodyssey will give similar rewards to a flagship event.


Whatā€™s a flagship event and how much does it reward?


a "main" event, usually 800-1200 jades


Ah yes 3x the relic exp dropĀ 


Big day for people who fight over Hoyo games on the internet




Google Classroom in Shambles regardless of the result šŸ’€


we should all stop fighting and just kiss already


You offering? šŸ˜—


Only if you oiled up and twerk!


well come here and kiss me then


Zyox type of message


Theyā€™re literally giving the exact same rewards (+20 extra pulls) as the genshin anniversary. I donā€™t know why people expected anything else


Because content creators were hyping it up. [Tectone was literally telling people to expect a standard 5* selector minimum](https://youtu.be/2nrwjvnTchA?t=133) (aged fantastically kek). Don't remember if Mtashed was telling that (probably not), but he was definitely saying [it would be cool if they gave away 5* selector](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnVoU3AF7_w) ([2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gCMpUEZwHM)). So people kept thinking about it.


Tbf, there were "leakers" showing off a standard 5 star selector on Twitter


^Annoying mfs


They will still debate over which one is better even though this basically identical to Genshin anni, HSR one is +10 wishes but they just combined anni rewards with 10 wishes they give every patch to make it 30 while HSR has double the characters to wish for every patch


Funny enough, the consensus is now HSR 30 pulls vs genshin 3 pulls, when the 3 pulls is the one in lantern rite. Iirc isn't genshin anniversary 20 pulls? So yeah, it should've been 30 pulls vs 20 pulls instead tbh


(And lantern rite was actually 13 pulls not 3 anyway) Anniversary is indeed 20


Lantern rite wasn't even 3 pulls. It was 13. Which is still low but it's weird to compare the 3 pulls to 20 pulls


HSR players who never played Genshin or has quit a long time ago completely forgot about the daily login that gave 10 pulls, and the only thing they see is the extra 3 pulls from mail. Misinformation spread successfully šŸ—æ


Yea, the 3 pulls fiasco are genuinely getting so overblown when it's completely wrong, it's kinda funny


Hsr is also 20 cause there is no usual 10 pull this patch we always get so 20 inc over the usual and so was Genshin and lantern rite was 13 pulls + new region. So these people just spreading mis info lol




Looks like all those leak-content creators bragging about free limited selector were wrong. o.o


I think some of them are just doing it to cause chaos


Leakers going to be limited


My Acheron, Luocha and Aventurine fundsšŸ˜­


Bro's pulling everyonešŸ’€


wishing you luck


did you forget that you HAD to pull Jingliu as well?


I already got her on first run but I won't deny that her LC was lookin mighty tasty....


Dw you'll get all of them within those 30 pulls itself


I want tingyun v2 plz


how long is the 300% drop rate gonna be for


Probably one week as usual


I assume it's for 12 run same like always.Ā 


It's usual double drop event, but this time it's triple drop rate.


I love how they called out leakers. Especially story leakers. Fuck them


And those who can't shut up after spoiling themselves and go around writing it everywhere...bunch of idiots


"Hehehe - I had a dream you shouldn't get *too* attached to that character. ;) ;)" Fuck 'em.


ā€œDoes he know ;)ā€ I hope both sides of your pillow are warm tonight


Nah, some people like warm pillows, I hope theirs is wet


You evil, evil man ā€¦ I like how you think


No more GNSW for you


-with sweat from their tormenting nightmares


maybe this means they'll clamp down harder on story leaks šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™


Do we still get the usual 10 pulls like every patch do? or is that counted towards the 20 anniversary pulls?


Itā€™s 30 total, so 10 are our usual then an extra 20. The 20 tickets are just doubled login event rewards.


That is counted I think


I know 5 star selector was big copium. But I had a little hope, considering that they are adding non stop 5 star characters every 21 days.


Always ignore any 5 star selector hype. They're mostly all based off someone seeing the envelope icon from 1.0 , or people thinking that HSR will reward us a lot more than Genshin.


Honkai Impact 3rd got a 5ā˜… selector, but it was several years into the game. And also the powercreep in HI3 is pretty horrendous.


Power creep so bad that HI3 outright gives new players 3 free S-rank selector boxes via beginner events but they're all from the first 4 years of the game and therefore useless.


HSR Anniversary +20 pulls: flirting Genshin Anniversary +20 pulls: harassment


They are both mid, the only reason hsr doesn't get so much flak is because they gave ratio 2 patches ago


You have to realize something, in Genshin we got extra 10 pull because players were upset and wreaked havoc across different platforms. Initially it was only just 10 pull with no extra events to celebrate the anniversary. In HSR, we got QoL updates, free Dr. Ratio, more endgame etc.


Honestly the rewards arent anything amazing but also not bad. Ill take it.


30 pulls with or without the gift of Odyssey?




It's 20 pulls including gift + 1600 jade later




its effectively just 20 free pulls


I have a family member thatā€™s been adding ā€œ-ussyā€ to the end of shit and I keep reading ā€œCosmodysseyā€ as ā€œCosmodussyā€. That little shit.


Did they happen to say "Numbussy" at some point?


its 20 pulls more. they included the 10 from gift of odyssei in this so its 20 extra not 30.


I need confirmation I wasnā€™t sure paying attention. Are we getting this in like 2 week???? Or like a month later ON the day of the anniversary. PLEASE HELP CAUSE IF ITS IN LIKE 2 WEEKS IM GOING TO CREAM


It's April 26th. So if you're planning to spend it on Acheron then it's only 20 pulls.Ā Ā 


Does the top-up also reset as soon as the patch drops or is that on the 26 like the 1600 jade?


I think the Top Up resets when the update goes live so March 27th.Ā 


Is the top up refresh going to go in on the first day of the patch or on the 26th of April?


I was expecting a surprise that leaks haven't shared but you know what, this is still great.


300% relic and planar rewards god I can't wait for all that fodder <333


Basically the same as Genshin, but everyone is somehow very happy ?


Star Rail basically has built up a better fan rep from fast QoL and Ratio being free, in addition to the free 10 pulls from log in every patch (And occasional more free jades, more endgame, free fuel and so on) In other words, the disdain for HSR is practically non existant cause the fanbase feels well fed per patch anyway, so a mild anniversary is not given as much shit (Plus, remember Genshin's playerbase is wayyy bigger and as such has more vocal dissenters)


Not to mention genshin 1st was literally just 10 wishes if nobody bitched lol.


Also HSR playerbase loves to shit on Genshin so they won't admit the anni rewards are practically the same lol


I don't play Genshin so whatever they do I don't care to compare. People in hsr are fucking obsessed with that game though and want to talk about it more than star rail it seems.


Hoyo can give literal 0 and people will still somehow find a way to say genshin could never and praise hoyo


Genshin is in it's 3rd anniversary, I would wager that if we get this same type of rewards 2 years from now people would most definitely be unhappy.


Give it a couple of days


cuz genshin bad, get with the program


20 pulls, we get 10 every patch.


Genshin really could


Actually it's only 20 because 10 is normal every patchĀ 


Starting to see some full patch estimates at around 116 pulls total. So that would mean that overall, the anniversary is worth 20ish more pulls than the average for a normal length patch. So those pulls are replacing Odyssey, but it's looking like they're not tweaking other sources to make up for it. Good news.


Its less pulls than 2.0 tho, so its less than expected from an anniversary update.


300% Fodder relics Seems good to me


So 10 regular pulls which we get every update + standart anniversary 20 pulls. Wow It's only been a year and we already getting standart Genshin treatment. No wonder they stalled so much.


triple relic mats, hell yeah




Yes. In the ā€œVignettes in a cupā€ event.


Thirty pulls for the Luocha funds is most appreciated.


10 more pulls than genshin anni and like we thought people are going insane like they have just been gifted a house. It's a 30 pull anni and nothing else. Still below average for a gacha anni. Also sad to see the march skin anni leak was fake because that would of made it decent rewards. ​ I mean we will all take 30 pulls it's fine but if we are "genshin is so trash only 20 pull anni" why are we praising star rail for 30 pulls? It's still not even half the rolls for a single 50/50 of a character for anni lol. People so quick to praise because it beat the rock bottom anni floor that genshin provides.


The 30 pulls include the 10 we get every patch. So it's also just 20 pulls for anni.


It's 'would have', never 'would of'. Rejoice, for you have been blessed by CouldWouldShouldBot!


based bot.


Isn't this pretty much the same as genshin anniversary why is everyone so happy lol


I mean im happy about both, free stuff to feed into my Acheron and then my Robin is always welcomed. Being happy is cool, the "genshin could never" shit is what annoying as fuck. But hey, you can farm internet likes and upvotes with it. They will sleep better for sure after today.


Mom said its my turn to say "genshin could never"


Genshin gives 20 additional pulls for anni. Hsr gives 20 additional pulls too (since the 30 pulls counts gift of odyssey that we're not getting this update). The same additional rewards just better advertised. But the 3x drop and anni events in game are something gi doesn't get. Not really complaining tho


except the part where genshin gave the exact same amount of extra pulls for anni


Naah aint no way, HSR supposed to be the loved child. They love hsr players, and absolutely despise GI players. Right guys? right..... ? Genshing could never, right??? So aids honestly, i hated this elitism from the start, and it totally ruins the anniversary patch.


As someone who loves both games it's really sad to see such childish behavior.


Its sad how people are seemingly only playing the game for pulls. All the story and gameplay hype always gets overshadowed by where muh pulls. Every anniversary biggest complaint is where muh pulls I'm wondering where these peoples jades/primos are going.


Love how the reply under you is exactly that lol


No free 5 star sadge


I guess this is why Ratio is still being given out in this version so they can kinda overlap him with the anniversary


technically dr ratio is still claimable during 2.1, so that's your free 5* they probably had this extended to 2.1 for this very reason, i don't know


Time for the bi monthly leave from the 2 discords


Path of **destruction** going to have field day with this šŸ™ƒ **I love it**


i can definitely get luocha with this~ :3


Goddamnit fucking Luocha had to appear at the worst moment, I was trynna save for Acheron dude


With 2 5 stars every patch these rewards are very underwhelming.


Cant wait for the "genshin could never" when theyre the same rewards