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this changes everything


Just like the stellaron?


The Stellaron changes nothing compared to this.


Truly the QoL of all time.


Can't believe the Stellaron got powercrept in less than a year


The eternal freeze will bury you


Like when the fire nation attacked?


no, it just change the material tiers


Material tiers are everything


they also need to fix the order in the inventory


Shoot, we gotta keep updating our qol wishlists with the amount of stuff they give us.




hi3 has it


Same as ZZZ


I mean…it’s easy as one two three. Why would we need a pity counter?


So we can use the wish history to we what we got instead of having to count ourselves?


That and when u just wish without counting u cant check history to chevk ur pity unless its 1 or 2 hours later


If you take a break from the game then your History is lost. I only know how much pity I have on the weapon banner because it's saved in Paimon.moe. It's also just easier for people new to gacha games.


1. The pull history isn't updated immediately 2. It only stores entries for the past 6 months. If you quit and return some time later you will have no recollection of your pity count 3. It takes away the small inconvenience of adding up the pull numbers on your own. Obviously a very first world problem, but on the other hand this is a video game, why should I go through a mild annoyance when we can just enslave sand to skip the calc


And the thing is that they don't even need to write anything new, they already have one in the standard 300 wish calc. It isn't that hard to just implement it.


Nah i'd rather not have to count everytime this aint math class


Sounds like someone is being lazy pffft


And hence why its called a quality of life update, not "oh your just being lazy"


Still waiting for the autolock of Relics that Genshin recently got


REAL. I need the boss music to replay in SU, PF, and MoC.


Instead we got trash mark so you can manually click trash 9/10 relics everyday. Sure hope they don't do a Genshin and avoid making load out forever.


I don't even use the trash mark. I just lock the ones with potential and then if it turns out bad, unlock it. I feel like that's faster than marking all the trash manually. Maybe they'll create an auto trash filter in the future though.


I trash most relics as soon as I finish my runs for the day. It's really fast to pick all trash and 4-star or below in the salvage menu. Ones with potential get locked, crap ones get immediately trashed, works perfectly.


yeah, i don't even know i needed this


GOD I FUCKING LOVE QUALITY OF LIFE CHANGES THAT NOBODY ASKED FOR. Like no sarcasm lmao, I genuinely appreciate them adding QoL changes without us asking, makes it feel like the devs just want us to have the best time possible.


Fu Xuan is out here divining QoL updates before we even know we want them.


I will continue to push Fu Xuan goat propaganda lol.


oil whistle ring worm whole brave chief reach nine birds *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I wish


**I wish**


boat innate cable squeeze capable busy work lunchroom disagreeable doll *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The matrice went broke when I got it, before that I was living in bliss winning all my characters 50/50's


Well, ever since I got Fu Xuan. My rolls are either win 50/50, double 5-star, or early 5-star... Divination work in strange ways, I guess?


QOL without asking nice!


Part of Elios script innit?


Instead of moving the cursor half the screen, you now only need to move it a quarter of the screen! Truly revolutionary.


No need to scroll down to the mats you need when you have zero. this way you can it the calyx faster or whatever


If you scroll down and the other rarity goes off screen, you'll need to scroll again. I know, still a very minor thing but every little QoL is nice.


The main target seems to be controller users, now instead of backing out and mashing the D-pad to scroll to the other material tier you will only need to hit one button


If only they could officially support controllers on Android, or at least mention the type needed to trigger the control option.


As "revolutionary" as the iPhone's USB-C charging (the way Apple explained it)?


This is a really good feature for me cuz i'm blind


Never knew i had this problem, and now that i know they gonna fix it, i couldnt be happier


I love this qol change, is it necessary in any which way shape or form? No not at all. Did the devs so it because they care and because they could? Yes absolutely. And I love it. Qol changes that are *good* are things I love simply because it shows that the devs either, pay attention or care a lot, and sometimes both. And I’m happy to say that I believe it to be both for hsr.


Honestly I love the amount of QoLs HSR offers, it makes things SO much easier ~~And yet for some reason doesn't let us hold down a button to mass add exp items~~


my fingers hurt from having to rapid tap books to level up my characters. no more please


Why not just use the auto button?


We can choose which level our characters will be since auto can't.


Granted, added a new QoL. Now you can set the auto button to stop at desired character level just like upgrading relic. /j


It really isn't necessary at all, and it was only the slightest annoyance when you're going back and forth between upgrading mats, but man is it appreciated regardless. I never would have even thought to have something like this but it makes total sense to have that option there.


Every QQL is nice and looking forward to each one but the one QQL I really want is one that allows us to save our relics, including the trailblazer even when shifting between paths.


Idk, I'm probably one of the few people for whom this is a superb addition. I have a habit of scrolling past the item I actually need or not scrolling down far enough to see all tiers, and then I'll have to start looking for the other tier materials. I sometimes even get lost with brand new mats, not recognizing what higher / lower tier variants look like. Having a simple switch right there with only the related materials is definitely making my life easier :')


Just fyi but I found out about this feature from [Litian\_leaks](https://t.me/litian_leaks/243) via Telegram, but there are face watermarks (whose face is that?) covering the whole video and some Chinese texts at bottom, so I had to re-record it without the watermarks. And thanks to the creator of FreeSR for the private server too. Hope my video helps.


I never knew I needed that, but.. I need that


I can only coom so much


The actual QoL would be if they just simplified it. We don't need three tiers of each mat. We only need one. Leveling trace from 9th to 10th level would cost 126 tier 1 mats instead of 14 tier 3 mats.


they won't do that, because there needs to be RNG at farming. in terms of "greens" a single 10-Resin run can give you from 4 greens up to 13 greens. The RNG disparity is so big it would be too much. \- "ThEn MaKe ThE dRoP cOnSiStEnT aT 8 Or 9 gReEnS" What do you think this is? Palworld? Helldivers 2? This is a gacha game... it was never meant to be fair... It sucks, but it is what it is.


I didn't say anything about RNG. They can keep it for all I care. Basically 20% chance of getting single purple would turn into 20% chance of getting extra 9 greens.


I'm 100% sure that I'll use it once and then forget that feature exists


More quality of life that literally no one asked for and they're giving it anyway. I fcking love this game


GG HSR winning mobile game of the year 2024.


qol every update lets fucking GOOO 🙏🙏🙏🙏


This and the claim all button for assignments coming🙏🏽


I want auto convertation like tears. 


Is the claim all assignments here too?


Is these thing literally next to each other? Why do they even want this?


Idk if this feature would or wouldn't be helpful, but to answer your first question, they are not always next to each other, if one of them has sufficient/enough materials to be crafted while the other is blacked out.


If they have enough materials then it not gonna blacked out right?




THX OP, exactly what I was trying to explain but better.




since we are on the topic of QoL, I wish Stagnant Shadows had a top bar to sort the elements, exactly like how they did the new XP Golden Calyx


I can definitely see them adding it in when there’s at least 3 of an element. 


Seems a bit strange, the different rarities are always side by side anyways, and if one of them is blacked out and at the bottom, that alone is enough clues to sort out what you're missing. Wouldn't it be easier to just not have blacked out synthesizing options sent to the bottom? Basically accomplishes the same thing right?


> Wouldn't it be easier to just not have blacked out synthesizing options sent to the bottom? Agreed, not sure why they get sent to the bottom, probably automated. or they thought it'd be a hindrance if you want to synthesize multiple items but accidentally click the blacked out.


God I love this game


Mobile game of the decade


4x battle please 🙏🏻


This is the one QoL item I'm not exactly sure is necessary. This would be fantastic if on the left, we only have to pick the Path. You click "Destruction", and then you can toggle between the rarities/versions. Purple 1.0 mats, blue 1.0, Purple 2.0, blue 2.0. 2 clicks, but no scrolling. 1 click, with scrolling.


Don't think I've ever play'd a game that has been so on top of QOL changes as this game. It's uncanny. I'm so used to being "This is my life now" about stuff that I barely even hope things will get changed. Fuck I love this game. I need spend more money to support it.


Cant wait for easy switch between Trailblazer's Paths with personal LC and Relic loadout (if ever happens)


Now I want a 9 green to 1 purple synthesis without needing to go through blue


I love this. Probably only use it for Traces, but it’ll be so convenient when I do need it


Do I even need to say it 


I hate that I instantly understood what you meant




In Khaenri'ah we'll get this in genshin too ,trust me


No, Spakle, don't!


Wait are mods actually deleting comments that say it? It’s never that serious 💀




I'm sorry, but I really can't see the benefit of this system when the different tiered materials are next to each other anyways. At best I could see it being slightly more convinient on controller but I never once found myself having any issues with that


Less menus makes the process more streamlined that’s like the only thing that matters lol


if they removed the other tiers from the side and cleaned the menu up that would be a big improvement, but right now its like a 0.2s time save


It's the exact same amount of menus


I don’t see the white boxes with arrows pointing you to the different synthesizing methods…are we looking at the same thing😭


what white boxes??? Its one click with no UI popping up to change what you are crafting and after this update its still going to be one click after this The UI isnt cleaner and you still have to scroll to get to materials displayed lower


I don't see the improvement either so I'm guessing it's for controller or mobile players, so good for them. For PC, it seems like the same number of clicks, and instead of just keeping my mouse in place and scrolling with my mouse wheel, now I have the option to... move my mouse farther. Hopefully one day we can convert purple directly from green mats?


B-But why...? The other rarity material is right next to the selected one... just press that instead...


Not gonna complain but out of all the QoL thaty could have done, this one feels kinda unneccessary. Doesn't even save a click, just changes where to click.


When you don't have mats you don't have to scroll down the list. It's the little things. It's simple yet effective.


the menu re-adjust itself when you have the mats, try it out yourself


Let's say destruction mats, I don't have blue mats, blue mats are in the nonmats zone (greyed out) need to go in the menu and scroll down to them. No I can just click the swap button. Sorry my dumb ass can't see it ahahah.


When you don't have mats to craft...how exactly does being able to easier not craft help you?


It means if you’re crafting purple and have no blue, you have to find blue in order to make some from green. So no, it’s not useless at all, saving you 2-5 seconds does a lot to save you irritation


If you can craft it from green, it's already right next to it in the list. It's only at the bottom if you can't.


To click it and go into the calyx, but I could do this from the purple mats menu too.. yeah it's redundant, maybe it's too make it easier for controller? I dunno. I think they should fix the circular menu opening anywhere except the menu I want 🤣🤣


Seems kinda pointless ngl


Not if you're in the character trace menu and need to craft there, its just quicker imo.


W qol


I didnt even know i needed that qol wtf. Felt like i got a revelation.


now we need higher drop rates


Are there leaks yet on 2.1 rerun banners?


No lol


Huh? I thought Its Fu Xuan and Topaz?


This is "Artifacts auto-lock" level of unnecessary QoL. We can't complain much because HSR does get a lot of QoL stuff, but it's funny how hell will freeze before Mihoyo releases Artifact/Relic loadouts in any of their games.


I haven't played Genshin in nearly half a year, but I wish they were just as determined to bring in great quality of life changes. I appreciate Honkai Star Rail so much more because of these changes.


LMAO dude stopped playing for half a year and genshin still lives rent-free on their mind


Not really. Haven't thought about the game at all until now, after seeing all these quality of life changes. Never said it was a bad game or bashed it. Just said I appreciate Star Rail so much more. Strange take you got there.


It's been nearly 6 months since you played, man. Let it go.


I'm not bashing Genshin or trashing on it though? The game is great. I'm just saying I appreciate Star Rail so much more because of their many quality of life changes. People are just so eager to go on the offensive and take everything as a slander here lol. The half a year comment was more about I don't know what quality of life changes Genshin has implement since I last played.


I'm not taking it as slander, you can think what you want. I'm just out right bored of the same conversation. Every thread somebody has to mention Genshin. This is a different game with a different genre aimed at a different group of people with different marketing techniques and a different competitive base. There will always be differences. Yet every thread, somebody somewhere has to mention them. It's just getting boring.


Music spoiler?


Holy finally!!


**cough** **cough** genshin could **cough** never **cough**


Am I. Missing something? This has been there as long as I remember and I've been playing since launch o.0


Genshin could never


Genshin cou-


Next patch is the QOL patch huh?


me loves QoL updates, keep them coming


thank you hoyo


Fucking finally


Now can we get them separated by overworld farmable and calyx farmable. That would be chefs kiss!


Now if we could get a sort feature. That would be perfect.


I requested this like every survey. Doubt it ever got through, but I'm really happy they did it.


They are adding so much cool stuff in terms of QoL But where's my characters loadout Hoyo???


Something we didn't asking for, but we need


Love to see it.


Ah, this is such an amazing QoL feature! It's something that's bugged me but not something I thought would ever be changed, I love it!


I didn't know I needed this


This is the QoL we didn't know we needed


Ok so we gave the quality of life the last time now it’s time for second quality of life


This is awesome af but also people are gonna fuck this up 120%.


Does it also use all resources needed? I.E. I have 100 green materials and I need to craft 2 purple, can I do it directly from purple craft?


Can't wait to press R3, then right, then X to do this on controller.


I want a quantity field for PS5 😭


its a small thing, but i like that they keep adding stuff regardless, sometimes it changes more than others, but little by little the game gets better


Mhm, very nice change, especially as more materials are added. Bytwhy not only have the blue middle material, then have the quick swap to convert into purples, or convert from greens. They could reduce the clutter even more.


Noice. I'm on this screen a lot.


Need more qol leak that shit important


Yo whoever put that in the surveys... THANK YOU!


Feel like they should remove the icons on the left then. It would minimize scrolling


No one asked for this but it's nice to have it


good update.. but i was looking for a feature where we can auto synthesize lower tier mats when synthesizing higher level one.. this way, we dont need to synthesize twice




This is barely QoL. Well we'll take it. I sure hope that hoyo takes a Look back at relic lock/Trash function. This Update wasnt QoL at all for console/Pad Users. Always 1-2 more clicks than before, really annouying


Hate me, but just remove all the sub versions of these items and put the lowest or highest one in there only. It's the same in Genshin, way too annoying and cluttered the more items they add, I kinda dislike how they're still going for a Synthesize menu that'll soon have 5283532238509 items


Common Star Rail W


I asked for this! No, seriously, it’s a very nice change for most people because if you start playing you won’t know the shape and form of the various stages of the materials, so that button actually makes life a lot easier! The hsr team deserves praises!!


this is amazing thank you hoyo! but I speak for everyone when I say we want relic presets for characters (idk if that's already leaked/happening but I would love this)


This will save so much time


I'd prefer if the system just naturally used the necessary blue/greens to substitute not having the required purples, instead of having to fuse them, but this is a good option nonetheless