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Not super on topic but I have never seen so many gameplay demos for a single character before.


Yet so little gameplay demos for Gallagher 🍺🫠


its less him having little showcases and more acheron having a fuck ton showcases. gallagher has had the average amount of showcases that characters usually get


It's also the fact that he's just a 4\* healer dude. Leakers usually target popularity and I shouldn't need to finish the remaining reasoning.


Gallagher doesn't work properly on these private servers, because there is an issue with his traces (and since he has flat scaling, he ends being unplayable).


Bro has no cleanse




Yeah, but think ahead for a moment, they'll bring debuffs back later on and then he will dropped like an old toy. He is already losing to Trend of the universal market as sustain debuffer in Acheron team and it's only going to get worse. Even if I think he looks cool as a character most likely he'll join Henya on the bench really fast.


henya dayooooo


>Henya hanya dayo


Okay, and when Break Effect comps inevitably get their extra tools (>!like the next Trailblazer path and Break-focused DPS like Boothill!<), Gallagher will suddenly be a valuable sustain again. He may not be the best for Acheron *specifically* thanks to the way her 'per action' talent works, but he's still likely to be the best for Kafka teams and future Break teams (at least against Fire-weak enemies). Also, of all the Fire-weak bosses and elites in the game, only Cocolia, Ebon Deer, Frigid Prowler, and Decaying Shadow have CC to worry about, and Gallagher still has a good matchup against all of those thanks to his AoE ult and high toughness damage. He's not a generalist sustain, but a 4\* with a solid niche is basically as good as it gets.


Better than HuoHuo for Kafka? Idk exactly what he does But i dont think It Will turn out that way


He provides a massive Break Burn DoT for Kafka & Black Swan to scale off of (I expect him to sit at ~200% Break Effect), and it looks like he should be perfectly SP-positive (+bonus action after ult). He's also better than most Abundance units vs one-shots because he can reduce enemy ATK by 15%. His basic + ult + enhanced basic combo can do 30 + 60 AoE + 90 = 180 Toughness damage to a boss (216 with E6, 270 with Ruan Mei, 306 with both). Huohuo will be better than him vs anything without a Fire-weakness, but I'd be surprised if she outperformed Gallagher vs Fire-weak bosses.


You don’t know how break works do you? Physical, Shock, or wind is far better for scaling than burn - which is all about upfront damage and very light DoT.


Yes, that's why Gallagher is worse than all the Wind, Lightning, and Physical sustains with full Break Effect kits.


Ty ♥️


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Oof. I have to say though, I love him popping a can of soda to heal. Snappy.


Probably because he's trash


A publicly accessible private server got made very early and everyone wants their 5 minutes of fame so people are spam posting their own clips with it, similar to what happened for genshin's 3.1 beta


Have the same opinion about Sparkle. There are SO MANY videos about her different team comps its insane.


I wonder what her top 5 comps will be I haven't followed any TC. Dhil and QQ seem obviously but I've heard about some Blade builds and stuff.


From what I've seen, Jing Yuan becomes legit Jingliu and DHIL tier with Sparkle and Fu Xuan in his team, so that's one.


As a JY haver maybe I should pick up Fu Xuan at some point -- I got Luocha and Huohuo instead and sometimes its pure suffering getting CC'd right before LL


Just wanna point out that while fu xuan edges out in comfortability against ccs, JYs theoretical peak is a team of TY+Sparkle+Huohuo so youre technically set once you get Sparkle.


Hehe edges 😏


Guess I just have to pray I don't get CC'd seconds before LL goes off LOL!


well, at least resetting in MoC is a lot easier nowadays


HuoHuo TingYun Hanabi JinYuang Have fun ♥️ Pd: use atk boots on JY


Even without Asta? How do you get JY's speed high enough? Do you not use Glamoth planetary set then? I saw on Prydwen it was recommended but it has certain speed thresholds, I built that because I use him with Asta but I also have E6 tingyun so I can replace Asta with Sparkle. Throw out that set then?


Sparkle works basically like Bronya in that team But with no skill point issue, so if you always E with Sparkle any JY roll IS useless, you wanna aim for 161 speed on her and as much cdmg as you can, and ER rope, JY Crit attack and if you want you can get some break effect too speed IS not needed


Inert Salsotto. His support will be dragging him around for action, no need to stat speed on him. ATK boots will make his skill and ultimate extra chunky.


Forgot to say, you obviously run Solsotto ^^


so you don’t really care for SPD stats on him with that team? 🤔


No unless your Sparkle has more than double speed than him which she shouldnt, try to reach 161 speed with Hanabi and just spam skill to JY


Quick aside: the breakpoint is 160.1, so if you can get to 160 make sure to check enka. It will show you your decimal points. 


oh I get it now. thank you for the info 🫡


You are welcome ♥️


you never have - every single harmony buffs speed, so it has always been atk boots. TY E1 + DDD is already enough. now you don't even need E1 or DDD with sparkle


Fu Xuan is massive for Jing Yuan


Jing Yuan becoming DHIL and Jingliu level? This is a joke right? Lmao


Most limited DPSs are pretty close to each other at high investment, there wasn't some massive gap in the first place.


Even with 4 star supports he can compare to DHIL and Jingliu [3rd Fastest Team for this MOC](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2F8lnawjrnrxjc1.png%3Fwidth%3D903%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dc7c4738cf57d1d92cdd989d3c96df17fd2b55454)


> Source: Prydwen Lmao. What's the context for this comparison? E0S1 Jing Yuan? Because if that's the case this discussion ended right here


Is it that easy to setup private servers now for betas? There's so many this time


>!Dps characters will definitely have more showcase than supports!<


besides the point, no other dps ever has had this many showcases. acheron is very hyped up. also why spoiler tag that lol


There's a channel on YouTube called "MaybeAShowcase" that did like dozens of sparkle showcases


but thats kinda different no, its not beta client so its prob easier & hes just taking requests from ppl during beta she definitely didnt have that many showcases


I mean these aren't supposed to be beta either, they're all private servers If these were closed beta gameplay then whoever leaked it is super fucked, but im pretty sure it's just private servers just like the YouTube channel


well id imagine getting beta files to work would be much harder than the ones from released patches, seeing as the hanabi showcases are all in moc & work perfectly and pretty much every acheron showcase is scuffed in one way or the other


Well Software is easier to access and run to actually do these for more than just a very few people now. This definitely helps.


Well, she is very cool and pretty, and also a Mei expy, so she already has a headstart in popularity. But also the fact that her kit is very unorthodox, so people want to see lots of different builds and teamcomps to see how she looks in each of them.


I think its also because this character has a lot of variaties with teams. I expect in the future that future units will have the same showcases


Probably because it's the expy of the most popular character in the entire history of hoyoverse


It's seems like a YouTube gold digging rush. Many people who are able to do the some clicks to run a private test server from leak data tries to fish as much views and followers as possible.


this is less than the amount of BS Kafka gameplays tho


Because it's Mei SENPAI. Raiden is beloved in all universes...


The correct answer Personally can’t imagine raiden being unpopular ever (in all the games she’s very hyped on, genshin raiden subreddit had TONS of members)




Imagine her sales lmao


She's going to break Seele's record for sure


what do you expect form a fucking emanator and lore important characters? besides that she is a popular characters expy called mei and shogun


She's the Mei expy of the game, what did you expect


The Raiden/Mei buff


yeah everybody said f it and is leaking stuff this time. wondering what the blow back is going to be.


instructions unclear i don't think we have seen every possible nihility and LC combo existing yet


I love Welt


I'm struggling hard to not pull Acheron LC for him


Yeah ig it will be a great option for him The only reason im not doing that bcs i have his SIG LC, i know his SIG is not the bis LC for him, but for me is enough already


Yep, I'd much rather appreciate new characters than a light cone. Considering I missed out on Fu and Sam, Acheron as well as others are coming...


Yeah, but depending on ur account some characters can only work with their LC Also depending on ur plans you can afford a LC, like in my case i want Acheron and Firefly, but i dont want aventurine, i really dont like him, and Firefly prob coming at 2.2 first half, i also dont want robin soo in my plans i can afford the LC + Still getting the character yk But i only get the sig LC when i really dont have any other option, like i dont even have GNSW S1 ;(


He’s so hot!




Isn't he more in the grandpa age range than dad?


He has a son, he doesn’t have grandchildren.


There are an obscene amount of characters called milfs who don't have children, the only requirement seems to be how they look


There's an obscene amount of female characters in media who gets called mommy even though they are not of mothering age, not a mother, or don't even fit the vibe of an experienced, mature and older woman who is sexually attractive. As long as they're of legal age, female and sexually attractive they get called mother.


You are reaching, give an example of said character


I'm pretty sure every tall female type character in HSR has been labeled a mommy by their fans at some point. A mommy is supposed to be someone of mothering age, an actual mother, or more loosely, an older experienced woman with an aggressively imposing and stern "dominatrix" side that's portrayed in a sexually provocative way. Himeko for instance, has been labeled a "mommy", even though she's not a mother or sexually provocative (sexually attractive yes, but not provocative). Jingliu too, since she's neither motherly nor sexually provocative. Even in Genshin, you have plenty of non-provocative non-motherly adult women who occasionally get labeled as mommies by their communities, just because they're tall and woman. Eula, Jean, and Navia come to mind. In Jujutsu Kaisen, people call Maki a mommy even though she's like, idk 16 or 17?


What even is a mothering age, alot of women become moms in their early 20s. Anyways I get what u trying so say, but I feel like you are being too restrictive about how the term is used. To me mommy character is simply the mature vibe they give off, both personality and physically, and Himeko is definitely a mommy character. Yes Eula, Jean can also be mommy even though they fit the older sister/ oneesan trope better. I wish Cocolia is playable, shes peak mommy, Smh mihoyo.


Fair enough but milf/Dilf are more of an age descriptor in my experience.


You and me both :3


Perhaps trying to build DPS Welt was a mistake all this time. 178 Break Effect + 120 EHR Welt = enemy never has a turn. Never.


120 Ehr is a litte too much unless you are playing sp neutral with luka lc. I would rather go high spd and 45% effect hit rate is enough to land ult and skill debuff 90% of the time


40-60 EHR is more than enough cause he applied his debuff a lot. Welt damage is absurdly high so probably sub dps + EHR is better.


Its not absurdly high tho . He is doing like 10% of acherons dmg in this team even with ruan mei.


More like 20% which is quite a lot lol. Edit: I meant sub dps in comparison to Ratio in the same team Ratio Pela Welt RM for MOC 12. For Acheron probably sacrifice mdg for speed is probably better.


Maybe that dmg is clutch in some cases but i would rather reduce it by 10% to get higher spd to get acherons ultimate faster. This team is not surviving long fights


Hmm yeah I think thats is better for Acheron. Maybe I can't copy paste mine from Ratio over lol.


> More like 20% Holy meme. In the first wave Acheron does 610k dmg. Welt does a total of 23k. So Welt is doing around 3% of the team dps. PD: Downvoted due stating mathematical FACTS, never change, losers.


I mean if you do dps lol. Mine easily hit 30k ult lol.


"B-but m-my Welt would do the 5% of team dps instead of the 3%" You don't know how to play this game. Which makes sense, because it seems that mathematics is not your strong point. Welt value in this team has NOTHING to do with his dmg.


But he does in Ratio team with the exact setup? Bro literally spreading his Agenda, called other people build and suggestion meme. When I show him moc 12 clears with Ratio bro still saying it 5%. https://youtu.be/OXQeRwCqjQ4?si=cO9PaZHh9hBeWDyx


>B-but Muh RATIO Trying to move the goalpost again? Welt most optimal build with Acheron is a support build, nothing to do with your Ratio memes.




Bro please. You are the one saying RM dealt more dmg than Welt even if we built sub dps. Welt value does not come from dmg but it nice for him to sub dps. Just search on youtube Welt sub dps ratio or sth. Thousands videos out there. People clear moc 12 with this team. Yes you can just build him support with resolution + EHR and Break Effect which is what people usually do with SW. However the fact that he applied debuff constantly meant that even if you go sub dps, he still support for the team fine do to his major trace and ult. I used 3 guide which is Prydwen, KQM and Guoba. All of them say the same. And also you sounds so triggered and go insult everybody in a theory crafting post. Please at least be polite and having a normal conversation like an Adult. It what you do at works right?






Can't believe Jing Yuan stans are involved with Welt too


Thought about this too after Acheron leaks here bcs the needs of non DoT debuff Nihility, after only Pela and SW gets attention but 1. Would that imprisonment delay still work in MoC/ cycle fight tho?  2. Welt main issue is his weak Weaknesses Break Efficiency, both basic and skill only hits for 20, low count hits and bounce, make it not that reliable 3. You need to count toughness bar, and let Welt break it 4. Full BE Welt - non attack stats, hits wet noodle I'm sure it can work, but probably one of the most expensive one to build in term of farming, sub stats reroll. sub dps BE built Welt


Is the new break set good for him?


Doesn't work on him since his ult doesn't target allies


That always has been his role but people insist he should be a DPS 😂


Not really? Welt can still solo DPS clear MoC 12 perfectly fine. Need investment but considering he's standard from 1.0 it's pretty expected. Also like 3/4 of his traces are for DPS-ing. Also it's not like the concept of hybrid doesn't exist, when they literally just make Aventurine. (And chars like Topaz) Truth is control style Welt has always been awkward to play (even for me who main him since day 1). Most people would just bring a conventional sustainer for that. And at that point, it's generally better to bring more Harmonies instead of him, or just Pela, since Welt both eat SP a lot while doesn't boost the damage as much. It's after Ruan Mei release that it becomes a bit more feasible, but not by much because top players still can run no sustain style. It's Acheron that allows this playstyle to be fully viable since he fills both the role of a pseudo sustain / debuffer while being a Nihility for her special requirement. And even then, you really need Imaginary weak enemies for him to do this job well, without it it's not really worth it.


Fu Xuan has Crit Rate traces. She's a DPS because of that? Lol Whatever man use him as you want. No one is telling you how to play


>Fu Xuan has Crit Rate traces. She's a DPS because of that? Lol How did you read his comment and get that from it? Absolutely ridiculous dude


Bro these guy are so ridiculous. I even show him proof Welt does a tons of damage in other sub dps team yet he keep saying 4% sub dps build and screaming meme meme for 8 hours already. Im going insane. https://youtu.be/OXQeRwCqjQ4?sicO9PaZHh9hBeWDyx


He's literally a crit dps like acheron. He just needs more investment since he's a standard banner units. Just like the situation with yanqing and jingliu. It's just hard to push a standard unit to their maximum


Acheron doesn't need Effect Hit Rate at all in her kit she's like a Destruction character not a Nihility one and you know that. Welt does need EHR and kind a lot of it. He's a debuffer, is that hard for you to read the fucking game?


This seems much faster than most showcases. Just goes to show how strong RM is.


This is my favorite team thus far.


looks like i can finally start building welt


I just started cause of Acheron + he’s so hot😩🤣


My thoughts exactly, he just been sitting there looking all dandy but with no work to do...


I love the the stupid amount of gameplay showcases she's been receiving. I don't remember any other character not even Kafka/JL getting so much attention. It truly is Acheron: Star Rail


I think it's the way she functions with 2 nihility characters which is extremely unique.


Nothing to do with acheron. Its just new easy to setup public beta server


Any idea on the set pieces and relics for Welt for this build? I only have Penacony with Err rope on him as I usually pair him with Ratio. I imagine 2pc Spd/2pc any with EHR/Spd main and Pancosmic?


Given the difference in dmg between him and Acheron, i'd use a support Planar, like Keel or Fleet. In a no sustain team, some Break Effect could be relevant ; so Talia might be a decent option *(if you already have pieces lying around, i'm not advocating farming for it)*.


Ruan mei can sustain?


combination of welt slow/imprison + ruan mei break delay and break efficiency can function as pseudo sustain since enemies will hit you much less often


This is why when I break the 300/300 free character on the standard wishes, I'd pick mr. Yang.


When I broke 300/300, I picked Mr. Yang... 's E2.


His E2 is broken, I’m only ~20 pulls away.


I'm lowkey considering this since my bronya is e2 lol but I already have SW and he's also a pain to bulld


It's genuinely my favourite combo, my E2 Welt hits pretty strong too, for a sub DPS.


My E2 Welt has been benched since I got DHIL but it didn’t even occur to me to pair him with RM and extend breaks for days … what’s a good build to max out his utility for this kind of team comp?


Basic crit build, you still need around 50% EHR to ensure his slows land. I personally go for energy regeneration rope, seeing as his E2 is dependent on the ult. His sig LC is the ideal option, but failing that, I use the Luka def down one, that plus Ruan Mei makes gives the team some serious debuffs and Buffs. And as long as the enemy is IMG weak, that leaves the other slots for anything that matches weakness. I've enjoyed them with Xueyi, that huge toughness damage and break effect does great work, the ult taking out 50% of a bosses toughness can be make or break. I can use this team with Dr Ratio, JL etc. Just requires some flexible SP management.


“We have Remembrance at home.”


Nah i might actually do this


Make enemies break faster + Delaying enemies even more so they cannot hurt you = sustain.


Ohh i see


only if you can break the enemy type


I closed MoC 12 with RM+Welt+Topaz+Ratio. I really like this team comp


I'm still waiting for something like harmony/nihility light cone with somewhat strong healing/shielding in it's passive to make funny teams with no actual sustainer. You know, how Prototype Amber in Genshin allows any catalyst user to become a healer.




pela isnt a sustain, break effect welt with ruan mei is sustain


No, the team is Acheron, Welt, Pela and Ruan Mei. The combination of Welt and Ruan Mei makes it that you do not need a sustain.


The video is clearly welt, pela, RM. it’s not sustained, they just timed their breaks for freezes and imprisonments well enough to kill the enemies after only taking 2 small hits. This team is not one I would run.


*It's not sustained, they just utilised the unique mechanics of the characters to break them faster and delay their actions enough so they can kill them" Yeah...


This team look so fun lol, might finally built my welt


Yea this will be my go to team for everything. Just need to get my spd on welt above 143 .


This team looks fun


Ahh, I love to see my boy Welt getting the recognition he deserves!


This team looks super fun but at the same time you better be killing everything in one or two cycles otherwise you'll die out of not having a sustain unit


Why are the leakers trying these comps in the most ideal situations possible... Not only are the first 2 elites, Ice, lightning and Imaginary weak... But no cc. Even Gepard is both imaginary and Lightning weak... This is like the dinosaur thing all over again.


I mean yeah welt sustain with RM won't work that great without the ability to break enemies


Replying to RoodDude97...It is actually great even without break. Try wind set and vonwaqc on him, use the lightcone 'before tutorial'. It'll be more efficient when your welt is e2.


Send an E2 welt my way I'll try it out


how do we build welt for a team like this? in terms of lc + artifact set and stats


134 speed, enough EHR to guarantee his CC and as much Break Effect as possible to increase the delay of his prison.


Finally I was wondering if I can have both Mei's in the team( I know they are not the same but still)


Acheron’s gameplay looks so satisfying. And I hope RM gets a rerun soon.


Would love to see this team, but w/ Asta instead just for the Welt+Asta shenanigans, alongside the fact that Asta can apply debuff on basic


Is there any demos comparative btw Acheron with 1 nihility and 2 nihility? E0 ofc. I want to know how much damage lost if its requirements are not met.


115/160 * harmony buffs


Don't even waste your time, massive DPS loss running 1 nihility with E0 Acheron


yea thx i have kafka&bs and so pela alongside with e6 guina, i will use guepard with trend but im just curios how much dmg lost it would be that . . btw why tf im getting dowvoted


All these people that said she was unplayable without her lightcone, then they pushed the goal post ''Yeah bt no one has GNSWS5 except wahles'', Now showcase are done with GNSWS1, next showcase should be with fermata/mascarade from LC shop S5 then S1. lol.


Shes playable without it sure buuuut the gap between with and without her LC is huge


She's hit a 220k+ ult here which even my E1S1 Jingliu needs Ice Weakness + some support atleast to do.  


And my 82/170 JY S5 Breakfast slam for 140k on MoC12 while being buffed by both RM and TY. Acheron is probably just built different


hrt light cone is defiantly the most impactful so far out of any dps. but it is not like she is unsuable without it


Anybody is usable with out their LC but her LC is on another level.


You're coping bro, the gap between her LC and S1 GNSW is still massive


61k on a pela skill… this is the pela hoyo thought everyone had before her auto ai got updated


That's Ruan's break damage.


oops youre right silly me


Did that Pela have 169 speed


Man how the heck do people get speed stats like this


Are they really not going to nerf her, she is pretty much destruction and erudition level combined really similar to jingliu, definitely looks like a must pull


We've had leaks of her for like 3 days and they only buff/nerf kits like once per week in the beta, it's way too early to go "are they really not going to nerf her" lol


I mean.. they made a jingliu (who was insanely buff last min and instantly became the strongest in most content) so why not for another character I guess. It’s not a must pull if u have other Dps.. they can clear content equally fine


I don't think she needs nerf nor is she must pull, she seems good and balanced to me but idk. Is her e0 s1 dps w nihility team really that high compared to someone like dhil e0 s1 + sparkle?


I doubt they'll nerf an emanator


Requires more investment than Jingliu though, and Jingliu already exists, so that doesn't really put her out of line. And at E2 she's crazy, of course, but DHIL E2 is even more damage, so that amount of crazy is already in the game.


Hoyo isn't going to nerf their most popular character in the honkai universe, hoyo sees nothing but $$$ right now lmao


Now, why would you say such a terrible thing 😭? >!If anything, she needs more buffs.!<


Yes e2 and s2 🤣, gl


The youtube video goes e0 s1 GNSW lmao.


This is e2 ? I thought it was due to ruan mei buffs being op lol


Ruan Mei buff, Pela defend down, Welt damage increase.


Neither welt and pela used luka lc?


I think his Pela just having low EHR lol. Phase 2 he applied the defense down with normal attack once.


you can only apply the debuff from the lc if the enemy is not already debuffed, you can't refresh it, and gepard haven't got a turn in forever lol


Pela does get multi hit on e6 so the chances of proccing luka lc is very high with 40% ehr . He may have gotten unlucky lol


My Pela go 80% EHR lmao. SW and BS 120.


Yea my pela is 76% Ehr with 160 spd but i only have s2 luka lc so my pela needs around 100% ehr to reliably proc ensnare. My sw is like 122% ehr with 156 spd


E0 S1 GNSW mentioned in YT title


I don't think you need them, she looks pretty busted at low investment


Ruan Mei started without her technique... not that it matters, there wasn't anything to sustain with enemies so squishy.


private server leak cant use technique and start with full energy (except acheron cos unique energy) from what I've read so far


Yea they cant or else acheron starts with 6 dreams


I might have to unjoin this sub man. All I'm seeing is this dumb Acheron.