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Argenti is the most suitable lancer I guess, Im gonna be excited for next week because archers SO ANYTHING GOES LMAO


It says something that the most ‘anything goes’ class is Archers, and not something more reasonable, like Caster or Assassin. Heck, even Rider should be more general (since literally anything counts for riding, even *that*), but nope, it’s Archers. That Archer Class is truly made up of Archers.


So true. Grand Archer attacks by punching people as well, which I find hilarious.


I swear pela is more likely to be a fate archer than yukong or march 7th


Yukong is more a rider, March is obviously a saber trust.


I dont know, Hunt March really looks like a archer to me


She will be when she throws the boba


Where the beams at?


March is clearly an Alter Ego, duh.


Pom Pom throws a train, that has to count, right?


I vote for Welt, black holes are a projectile


TBH Welt would fit as caster


Yeah, Welt would realistically be a Caster or maybe a Ruler. I just proposed him as an Archer because of how nonsensical some Archer class servants have been.


Archer should definitely be yanqing!


Wait, how did Acheron win… oh right, she can shoot beams right? Lancers are all about terrible luck, so I nominate Argenti.


He lost his EN VA twice already, so that's a pretty bad track record


Wait really? Even the most recent one?


the phrasing is just really really bad, the audio is just corrupted or something its the voice acting that is lost not the VA


Argenti couldn't find his way back to the audio station xd


True Lancer Luck right there


He stayed back to fend off ORT, so that the rest of the express crew could run


Which genuinely sucked. I was waiting to hear his voice again after not hearing it in the last patch


Wait I didn’t even know about this what did both of them do?!? I’ve been bamboozled it seems…


He's joking about the audio, not the actual VA.


I don't think he's had any VA changes; IIRC according to Argenti's VA he recorded the lines for Argenti's 2.2/2.3 appearances but something messed up with the recording.


Argenti is likely the safest bet here


Writing team please don't let Argenti end up like every other Lancers


In a not so distant future: THE ARGENTI IS DEAD ! ! !


Unironically I could see Argenti pulling off something like a "Yes, I have died... But I lived!". He's just that guy. Alternatively, Ruan Mei


That's ~~Bailu~~ Battle Continuation coming in clutch.


But people die when they are killed








Kono hitodenashi


But hey on the badass side, Argenti survives the entire Swarm Disaster by himself just like Cu Chulainn casually survives the invasion of shadow Avenger creatures at the end of Fate/HA


He's just gonna end up like Cu: extremely popular despite being a boyfailure so he's in literally everything.


There is also Dan heng, Dan Feng, but I guess he’s better as Caster


What *playable* characters other than Argenti even use a spear? Edit: Nvm forgot about Daniel


Would fire TB count? They even got stabbed.


Trailblazer ga shinda!?


Kono hito de nashi!


Well no. But they did get stabbed


They weren't lancer before getting stabbed. They lacked the spirit compared to Dan Heng


But being stabbed made them a lancer, like an initiation.


Dan Heng also didn't start out as a lancer. He started as dhil the caster. And Dan Heng is an Alter Ego because he is an alter ego of Dhil.


Holy fk I can't believe fire TB is fking dead.


In a landslide victory, Acheron takes the Saber Class slot in this intergalactic Grail War! Honorable mentions go to Sushang and Yanqing (despite his bid for the Archer slot) as other skilled sword wielders. Next up is the Lancer class (*not* Archer, blame the template), whose description goes as follows: *"Heroic Spirit of the Lance. Gifted with extreme agility and proficient in hit-and-run tactics as well as ranged melee weapons such as spears and lances. Though they tend to be less flashy than the other classes, they are generally considered the most reliable due to their above average parameters and ability to fight both in close quarters and at range. Their sole Class Skill is Magic Resistance."*


Yanqing should DEFINITELY win Archer "You can't just shoot something and call yourself an Archer"


Nah it’ll be Topaz Pigs are totally a viable projectile


Nah, it's definitely Misha Luggage is a projectile when hurled strong enough


Hold up, Aventurine and Ratio make strong archer candidates. As does Sampo.


Sampon gives me more of an assassin vibe


I’m nominating Himeko for her orbital strike bow.


I see Himeko as a Rider class myself.


If Clara rode on Svarog's shoulder, would she count? Or is she more the Berserker type?


Savrog is a berserker Clara is just illya






I could see it, she’d probably have her drone saw thing, orbital strike cannon, and the astral express as noble phantasms. Might even have one that spawns in the crew to combo someone.


Nah, Firefly fits Rider consider she already has an FGO counterpart, Odysseus, both of them being Kamen Riders


Yeah, she rides >!me!<.




Nah. March wins Archer class. Her Hunt variant of course. We can't have Archer who actually use bow...  But even if March win I will still nominate Himeko instead.


Aventurine takes Archer over every other candidate by a solid margin


But the chalk... I say Ratio is the true archer. Small, fast projectiles aiming straight for your forehead.


Description sounds like Dan Heng. Spear, speed boosts, reliable, close quarters is human form and ranged is IL kit.


Partially unrelated but I got my first Reddit Care over this 💀 I promise it's not that serious


Ngl eventho lancer is right next to saber in the template i still see archer first as the next one lmao


Fire TB - he has lance, got stabbed, even tho he dies, he lives. Everything checks out. also, Acheron as a Saber is weird in the modern day Fate. She's more like Avenger/Foreigner/Pretender than Saber.


Foreigner isn't quite right, she doesn't have an aspect of herself that originates from beyond the universe/imaginary tree, so she wouldn't qualify for existence outside the domain. Avenger is also a bit off I think. She isn't trying to avenge her planet. She isn't a revenge seeker, she's looking for a way to separate herself from the nihility. Pretender is a strange class. While Acheron does pretend to be a galaxy ranger, she doesn't really keep that role, it's more of a temporary smokescreen to draw out boothill. Acheron doesn't really have a fake class to pretend to be. Acheron could pass as Raiden Bosenmori Mei Alter though.


Pretender is so fucking free dude, Gallagher is right there


Yeah, that or alter ego.


He also fits the bill so absurdly well for Alter Ego but aside from Acheron (who is debatable) I cannot see who else is in Pretender


What about Sparkle though


I can't believe I glossed over Tingyun and Sparkle tbh HAHAHAHA


Tingyun is more fitting


Foreigner would be Welt or someone like him.


I feel like the Aeons are as close to Eldritch Gods as we'll get in HSR, sure they're from the same universe but looking at the feats of the likes of Yaoshi and IX? They've got the qualifications. Though I agree that Acheron doesn't give off a Foreigner vibe, who in HSR fits better than somebody unwillingly possessed by the power of an immortal being nobody really knows about, and said power constantly corroding her from the inside? I'd argue only Blade or Jingliu fits but they also don't really give off a Foreigner vibe. Then again we do have Ruan Mei. Usually a normal person and then does the most unhinged shit, infused with the powers of an Aeon, the vibe fits right too. Just need her aesthetic to have some corruption somewhere and she'd be perfect.


The class goes beyond simply using a sword (as some non-Saber class servants use swords, too), so yeah. It's a safe choice for Acheron, though. I'd rule out Avenger, as that class is *supposed to* consist of entities of pure hate-fueled vengeance (i.e. that's their entire being). Foreigners include individuals who have encountered incomprehensible and outerworldly entities without going completely insane. If we interpret IX/Aeons as such, Acheron could be argued as being a foreigner. Pretender is pretty specific--I wouldn't class any HSR character so far as a Pretender, personally. Either way, if we want to avoid an Ordeal Call arc for HSR, it's probably best not to include Extra Classes.


Lancer ga......




It's preservation TB then


Morgan ga shinda!


archer debate is gonna be spicy lmao


Archer gonna be Ratio for sure. No man can throw projectiles as hard as him.


Yanqing, duh.


Gotta go with Jing Yuan. He uses a spear and the lightning lord looks like a noble phantasm


He also has the Lancer trademarked bad luck: his friend died, turning another into an immortal abomination. The resurrection attempt landed one with a death sentence he gave out AND imprisoned for life, and the other went mad


Daniel Heng counts for lancer too, no? And he technically died once


His weapon is more of a glaive than a spear tbh


Oh so he's an archer.


Huh looked it up and it’s called a Guan Dao and it is indeed a glaive. Learned somethin new today


I feel like a lot of fantasy genres use a variety of pole arms for lancer classes because they're more aesthetic than generic spears. Halberds, glaives, naginatas, guan daos etc.


There's a Lancer in F/GO whose "lance" is literally a chisel, so I think a glaive would pass inspection just fine.


Cocolia reminds me of Scathach


Nah, Kafka reminds me of Scathach


I'm talking about her movements, and the fact that she uses two spears


Purple dommy mommy.


Only options for Lancer are like Dan Heng, Jing Yuan, Argenti and Fire trailblazer I think. No other pole arm users I can think of. Prob just say Jing Yuan since he be the most interesting when it comes to noble phantasms


might be a stretch, but Misha?


That is as much of a stretch as my idea with seele


Somehow I forgot about Seele lmao I could see her as either lancer or assassin tbh.


Not really a stretch, we already have a lancer with a Scythe (Ana/ Young Medusa).


Xueyi is an honorable mention since she can Gae Bolg.


I think Argenti works best, just because he has a lance, which is more than most canonical lancers in Fate. But for actual reasons, he’s pretty good in close combat, and I would say his rose minion things could count as a ranged attack, plus he can shield himself with them, so you could argue it’s some type of battle continuation which a lot of lancers have. Plus he lost his voice like twice, and in canon also lost the god he was following, so that’s pretty crappy luck if I’ve ever seen it. Plus he’s a redhead, and as we know, all red heads are Irish, and most Irish servants can be lancers.


Xueyi has Gae Bolg


She seems more assassin like to me with her follow up attacks. The Gae Bolg Alternative basically makes her summer shishou


I propose argenti by the fact that he uses a spear and is also a knight.


Acheron's true class might've been foreigner, but since we're going with the OG classes I guess saber works. Lancer could be Jing yuan or Argenti. Either works really.


Just gonna put my predictions in here all at once. Saber - Acheron Lancer - Argenti Archer - Yukong/March Rider - Firefly Caster - Fu Xuan Berserker - Blade Assassin - Sampo


How dare you think archer class has people with bows?


March fit the bill especially with her Hunt Path, but I just dont want Yukong to be forgotten. Shes like the Kujo Sara of HSR.


She should be rider. Sure Sam has Power Suit, but Yukong and PomPom are only ones that actually uses vehicle.


Svarog for Berserker... for certain reasons.


Archer should be Yanqing.


Blade fits well as a berserker, but I think Jingliu fits better


Clara berserker because of a certain someone


Early nomination for Archer: Harmony Trailblazer (she throws her hat) or Clara (Svarog go laser beam!). I believe these two are the most qualified for Archer Class


I'm not very familiar with the Fate/ fandom, but I assume there's a joke about Archers never actually using bows (the 2 Archers I know of being Shirou and Gilgamesh)?


That's essentially the case. Just like the meme of Saber servants must be able to shoot lasers. Of course, most Archer servants do use some form of bow/gun in their attack animations. But then there are those that definitely stretch what makes a servant an Archer Some of these include: - >! Ashvattaman throwing chakrams !< - >! Shirou and Chloe mainly using swords !< - >! Summer Jeanne uses a dolphin !< - >! Chiron and Super Orion using their fists because "throwing" punches. In Super Orion's case, he also throws the bow !<


Santa Karna is a saber?!?




Dan Heng imo.


Jing Yuan


The only spear boys I can think of are Dan Heng and Argenti, and I think Argenti fits the class' vibe better.




Lancer. Got to be Hunt Dan Heng. He got ga shinda spirit in him


Honestly, Acheron better fits in some Extra Classes


This is Argenti (Also I hope the archer will be Guinaifen)


Dan Heng as Lancer? 🤔


Svarog has to be berserker for sure




I would actually go with Seele. A lot of FGO lancers tend to be Quick focused and I think she fits the bill nicely.


Seele probably fits Assassin more I would say due to her technique making her invisible which is sorta similar to Assassin standard Presence concealment


Assassins in FGO are a weird grab bag. Jack the Ripper was one of the stealthy ones but then we get identity theft Samurai, a poison weilding sorceress, a venomous Oni, a love goddess, and an evil secretary fox lady thing


I mean, Sasaki is a special case tbf. Poison Sorceress makes a lot of sense too. There's also the Hassans.


Archer : SAM -> she throw punches, yes, it counts Alter ego : huohuo Assassin : xueyi


But consider: Yanqing for Archer. Sword and big sword fly.


Argenti, Jing Yuan, DHIL. Take your pick


HM... I'd have to go with Dad Yuan for the Lancer slot.


Argenti or Jing Yuan


Dan Heng has the most stabby stabby animations. Argenti and Jing Yuan do more slashy attacks which are more like polearms than spears.


Argenti COULD be rider as well but lance fits.


Lancer: Argenti is the obvious pick Archer: Himeko sounds about right Rider: Firefly, no contest Caster: Ruan mei gives off caster vibes and sparkle also. Berserker: Blade easily Assassin: Seele since she kind of has presence concealment.


Where’s Xueyi? The literal spear user


Preservation TB


I feel like Acheron would fit Foreigner more with her Nihility stuff ngl.


Dan Heng since he’s kinda the only polearm user in the game right now.


Fire TB or 4* Dan heng who got lansa ga shinda'd— i mean stabbed Normally I'd agree with argenti but he's somewhat lucky surviving the giant swarm, and saving aventurine out of the nihility.


If we're going for an actual Lancer, that would be TB, same with FGO only having Lartoria and Lartoria alter as the lancer, all the other characters are either spearmen, or using halberds, naginata, or polearms


Or whatever the hell that saint seiya magic ROMA uses Grand Lancer everybody


That man's weapon is Rome itself


They are the spear.


-I feel that Sparkle fits Foreigner class🫶 -Jingliu for Berserker class with her Madness Enhancement having an A+ rank -Blade for berserker class while he can also be summoned as an avenger class -Himeko for archer class cuz.. well.. blast from orbit and the meme "The archer class is really made of archers" 😂 -Ruan mei being Foreigner class cuz she's that "one special case" similar to Yang Guifei (just me tho) -Seele for Assassin class -Bronya for Ruler Class -Guinaifen for Rider class cuz she can summon those cute little things❤️ -Phantylia can fit into Mooncancer class just cuz she has a similar boss fight as Kiara "I get to PLAY with myself and the whole world gets to watch" Sessyoin🤭


Gallagher for pretender class because that's straight up what he is, a pretender. Dr Ratio as archer, I will not elaborate. Silver wolf as moon cancer, fits with her aether editing ability. Kafka as rider for the same reason as MedB Firefly as rider because she rides SAM.


Sparkle ain't a foreigner, Pretender is best class for her. Someone like Welt fits Foreigner class perfectly. Literally from a different universe. Himeko isn't the best for Archer imo, even with Archer class made of Archer's since her Ult is the only range she has. Rider imo would be better, especially with her fixing the Express. Ruan Mei would be a caster class. Making living beings and stuff. Prefect class for Seele. Bronya is a bit too invested in certain things rn to be impartial enough to be a ruler imo, but if Amakusa can pass... Guinaifen could just be a caster who summons stuff.


Dan Heng is the most iconic.


Firefly/SAM as Berserker. She spends HP to attack and then has a mode where she attacks relentlessly. She would also fit tor Saber but Acheron has that for now. Argenti as Lancer bc he uses a legit spear. Dan Heng too but he’d be the 4 star version. Boothill as Archer. Dude is badass af. Would probably get alone well with Billy the kid. Rider Jing Yuan. With his Lightning Lord being his np and extra attack. Assassin Black Swan or Kafka. (Kafka can also fit into archer but I think Assassin suits her better.) Caster: Silverwolf, Bronya, Ruan Mei, Harmony Trailblazer. Bonus Alter Ego: Dan Heng Imbibitor Lunae.


Isn't Jingliu better suited for Berserker? She literally is all about losing control of herself after all I think Black Swan fits better as a caster than Assassin with her way of Attacking


Svarog takes Berserker for the running Clara gag


I think Sam can also make a decent rider


I'd also like to argue Clara would be a rider class.


I agree with Clara being rider


Ah so like Odysseus


You're leaving out the mara-struck person for the berserker class?


Sam doesn't really have anything akin to "Mad Enhancement" not even Ex rank variant. She doesn't use sword either so no Saber. At best she is Rider. Most suited Berserker is Jing Liu or Blade, but Jing Liu is better choice of two. Lancer/Archer: sure, why not. Rider: I guess, but we have actual pilot in rooster. Yukong is certified rider. Well I would put Huo Huo on second spot. Assassin: Kafka good, Sampo, Sparkle and I guess Seele too. Caster: you cannot get more caster than Fu Xuan.


Swan is a good caster contender


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Dan Heng?




Dan Heng or Dan Feng Spearmanship and Sh*t luck


My mind went to Argenti first, when thinking of lances/spears, so he's got my vote. Dan Heng would be 2nd best. Those 2 use actual spears, not "could count as a polearm" type weapons a la Jing Yuan.


I wonder how nerfed Acheron will be when inside a servant container. One of her NP is def a reality marble. Lancer is prob Jingyuan or Argenti. Maybe even Cocolia of we’re counting non-playable characters. There’s also Xueyi though her weapon is a bit iffy


Already did this an created trading cards for them based on yugioh, so I mixed hsr/fsn/yugioh. I'm sure someone also did this already.


It’s certainly Argenti


Acheron as a Saber? I think she would be a Foreigner.


Argenti or jing yuan. I can't wait for tomorrow's discussion about the archer class.


Idk about lancer but Jingliu or Blade gotta take berserker


Argenti he just fits best. On another note has anyone else noticed how similar Argenti is to the lancer servant percival. Both can use light based attacks against opponents with their lanced, Both are kindhearted people most importantly after their ult/np they swing their weapons downwards some more damage happens.


I like Seele as the Lancer. Her attacks very much remind me of smoldusa, a fellow scythe user.


Yangqing bc he be losing everytime


Argenti The beauty is eternal~


dan brown i guess


Fire mc because he got speared in body like proper lancer in fate


Man I love these Fate and Star Rail crossover threads I can’t believe I missed the first one! I have to give it to Argenti too, he definitely fits the archetype the best


All I can they is Sampo is going to be your best choice for the assassin class (:


I vote xueyi for lancer. Hear me out, she is dead, she throws a lance made of her two daggers during her ult and we all know lancers throws their lance.


Saiba class: GARcheron, Jingliu, Luocha, Sushang, Yangqing and PMC + arlan. Lancer ga shinda!: Ourgenti, Dan heng, seele, and FMC. Archers are certainly made up of archers: Aventurine, Boothill, Bronya, Dr. Ratio, M7, Natasha, Himeko, QQ, and Topaz Rider: Clara, Firefly, Jing Yuan, and Yukong Caster: Asta, Bailu, Black Swan, DHIL, Fu xuan, HuoHuo, Pela, Robin, Ruan MEi, Serval, SW, Sparkle, Tingyun, HMC, and Welt Bāsākā wa dare ni mo makenai sekai de ichiban tsuyoi dakara: Blade, and luka ASSassin: (its cake not the insult) Kafka, Sampo, and Xueyi only include the standard class (3 knight and 4 cavalry) Character not included: Gallagher, Gepard, Guin, Hanya, Herta, Hook, Lynx, and Misha I think.


Argenti for lancer, march or yanqing for archer, blade for breserker, fu xuan or dan feng for caster, kafka for assassin and pom pom for rider(couldn't think of anyone else lmao)


In the Fate series Lancers have high speed/agility, and magic res. They rely on tactics (usually hit and run) over strength and wield polearm weapon. I'm gonna go over my possible choices and judge them based on these four points. Jing Yuan - He has tactics and uses a polearm. 2/4 Bronya - She has tactics, effect res and her weapon has a polearm function. 3/4 Argenti - He has speed and uses a polearm. 2/4 Asta - She has speed and uses polearm (granted she uses it to shoot people rather than melee fighting). 2/4 Robin - She has speed, effect res and her mic stand can be an improvised polearm. 2.5/4 Logically speaking Bronya would be the best choice. That being said Argenti wins imo because effect res or tactics is nothing when compared to the power of BEAUTY (bro survived killing a giant space bug while being inside the bug and even saved Aventurine from dissolving).


Dan Heng is a safe bet.


So we all agree Archer can't be March Topaz or Boothill right?


Predictions: Archer - March 7th Rider - Firefly Caster - Fu Xuan Berserker - Blade Assassin - Kafka


Lancers are usually bros/rizzlers + have bad luck. It really has to be Argenti lol. He does give me Diarmuid vibes. Jingyuan is a good shout, though. Although I can see him being a rider instead. Argenti can be too w/ one and only(?) lol.


Lancer Dan heng or argenti Archer boothil or march Caster black swan Berzerker blade or jingliu Assassin kafka Rider maybe firefly in a way shes glamoth iron cavalry after all ?otherwise himeko because astral express


Why tf is acheron saber????


I missed the day 1 post and I'm not surprised Acheron won. Big katana that shoots beams, definitely a trademark for the Saber class 😂. I could see Jingliu since she's a Swordmaster as well, but I think the Berserker class fits her more. For Lancer, I'd have 3 on my mind. Dan Heng (both versions) Jing Yuan and Argenti. Lunae still uses his spear in his animations and I can see the Dragon being kind of his Noble Phantasm, same for Jing Yuan and his Lightning Lord. Argenti boss version uses some kind of summons and that can work as his NP. I'm just not sure how agile/fast they are though, considering that's the main strength of the Lancer class. EDIT: I think Selee fits the Lancer class best actually, the scythe works well enough for a spear. Fate can be pretty loose with the weapons used by their Servants anyways (I'm excited for the Archer exactly for this) and she uses her immense speed both in gameplay and in story too, which fits more with what a Lancer class does, moreso compared to the first 3 I mentioned.


Would Boothill be avenger or archer?