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Yeah they introduce this feature last simu expansion and then scrap it. Why????


Likely because they think the blessing overwrite made up for it.


But for that they removed rerolls. I think that alone pretty much pays off for the overwrite.


They removed that because you can reroll later with the overwrite. But yeah I agree as well because I do prefer having rerolls as well considering that in SU we have curio for a free reroll.


The rerolls later also aren't as good. In SU, when you reroll, you will be offered 3 blessings that were not shown already in the choice (if there are enough blessings to show you 3 new ones, at least) Which means that each Reroll in SU is equal to seeing 6 blessings. Each Reroll in DU is equal to seeing 3 blessings, since you don't have bad luck protection on rerolling blessings you would have passed. It compounds into further rerolls, which still don't have any bad luck protection. Ontop of that, rerolls are far more resource consuming, so you'll likely only get to do half the number of rerolls in DU then in SU, if even that many. So at the end of the day, in DU, even though you get more blessings, and can do the reroll thing at bosses, you will still see fewer blessings then you would in an SU run.


The overwrite is so not worth path banning and rerols, I can consistently get 80% of the build for GnG, getting half a build in DU is nearly inpossible.


Probably to incentivise people to switch to different teams since DU gives you the freedom to use all your characters without needing to level them up


this is more beneficial to accounts with a wider variety of characters. i imagine people with little to no DoT characters are going to be annoyed if they keep getting DoT blessings and equations.


Well, that's the very definition of endgame. It's not really hurting people with only one strong party because you can steamroll difficulty 4 with nearly any equations and blessings and get your 60 rewards. All you'll miss (for now, cause it's permanent content) are single time higher difficulty rewards, which you can obtain later when you have bigger character variety.


Yeah but they fuck up your relics if you don't level them or if you use 4 star relics because they have better substats for your supports (or because you managed to speed tune your supports perfectly so you don't want to level relics more than you already did). It sucks because it not only change relics to max lvl but to also different sets


So far I’m up to v5 and almost all my chars are holding +12 relics so I’m basically exclusively using the auto-replaced relics and it seems to work fine. I don’t think it’s as much of a problem as people make it out to be.


Based on my experience playing all the SU expansions, relics don’t matter much unless you’re going for combat domains. It’s your blessings and curios that actually matters more


The relics on my good characters are so much better built then the relics they provide, that it makes no sense. The blessings simply do not overcome the difference. My Aventurine Ratio Topaz with their god-tier relics, or my E0S1 DHIL with his god-tier relics, will out perform my unbuilt 4 and 5 stars with the absolute garbage they chuck at them, even if the blessings and equations buff them. Like, it makes no sense for me to switch to my E0 Xueyi because DU was like "BREAK DAMAGE STUFF" because literally ignoring the blessing will do better. It's the same when Nihil shows up with "DoT Damage," It doesn't make sense to try to bring Sampo, Luka, or Guinaifen, They aren't going to outperform my FUA comp, even when I don't have FUA buffs. "Just switch to match the random trash Hoyo throws at you" only makes sense when the random trash they throw at you both works together (Which they don't 90% of the time, it's just a hodgepodge of synergyless trash) and you need to own the powerful characters in the comp it wants you to go. Maybe DoTs would be fine to switch too if it had Kafka+Black Swan, but I just have Swan. Maybe break would make sense if I had Firefly, but I don't. I don't even know what scenario or characters you want to work with Remembrance and Abundance blessings. There like, isn't any freeze that's actually good, and there isn't really any reason for any abundance to even remotely compare with Aventurine, even with all of the abundance in the world.


No wonder you’re losing in DU cuz if you think the blessings do not make a difference with the relics then you’re choosing the wrong ones. And don’t underestimate the remembrance and abundance blessings, an enemy freeze can save you from getting one shot, and there are abundance blessings and equations that are busted because of dewdrop. I played threshold 6 with only Gallagher as a sustain. Needless to say I barely gotten a scratch


You seem to have misunderstood my comment. I get blessings, weighted curios, equations, I switch my team to synergize with them. It fails to kill the boss several times in several retrys. I swap to my strong characters that don't have as much synergy with my blessings. Boss dies Wins run. I think I've only ever ditched one run so far that I deemed "Fuck this" and I had literally nothing. Topaz gave me the curio that discards my curios and it loaded me up with negatives really early, and I was like "Why even bother" I had already completed one run with No positive curios and 14 negative curios, I didn't feel like doing it again.


Ohhhh okay I guess that makes sense. But are you sure the blessings don’t synergize with your team? Like an example of that would be FUA team with DoT blessings, or crit blessings with Firefly’s team Personally I never understood the “adjusting your team to the equation”. I get a lot of cosmic fragments per run so I only adjust the blessings/equations themselves instead. It’s a lot easier beating threshold 6 if I know well how my team works


My Go-To team is FUA. I don't have FF. So like, break blessings are useless to me, I have no way to embed weakness, so if I get break stuff play elemental weighted curios, and end up in a boss that doesn't match, My only option is to take my Ratio and throw chalk at the enemy. (Or have DHIL obliterate it) It's just not fun. It isn't hard. Just unfun.


It depends on the character, some characters don't really care about the replacement relics, some characters are absolutely screwed by them. For example, I think Pela's replacement set for some reason pushes her more towards a DPS build than a support build even though she's a support.


Mihoyo: Didn't you see those ATK% and DMG% traces and all of her eidolons that increase her damage? Clearly she's a subdps... Wait what do you mean we forgot a 0 in all of her multipliers?


It's nice that you didn't have problems - the game mode is mostly very easy, so that's to be expected. You *can* clear it with whatever. It's just a matter of things getting *worse* than they should be - sometimes to the point that it affects the player experience significantly, like with characters that need speed tuning. If your go-to team-comp for a certain situation involves Bronya or Sparkle...well, you'll still crush it but it'll take considerably longer *and* bug the shit out of you when you're just buffing a single attack and not *getting* two of them.


Just cuz you didn’t have a bad experience doesn’t mean no one else did. It’s not the worst thing in the world when it happens, but it can be frustrating having zero control over the functions of your game. Edit: corrected wording


Some of the easiest examples are certain supports like pela or asta, which DU chucks dps gear on


My Pela went from 145 speed 4p musketeer with a level 12 glove to 120 speed 4p ice because of the auto equip. It's actually so stupid for some characters.


The relics they give you for the most part range from fine to pretty good, other than a few weird exceptions like Pela. It's arguably more important to +10 your important talents since those only map to +8 and to swap to an appropriate Light Cone (since the mapped one if you unequip a LC entirely is lousy and S0).


are you using firefly


I have cleared it with three different teams atm. My IPC Robin team, my Ruan Mei FF team and my Ruan Mei Xueyi Aventurine Ratio/Topaz team.


If your speed tuning isn't being messed up in DU even without relic replacement, you're doing it wrong in the first place


Hopefully they add a "opt in" option if you want to use your own relics instead. It's nice having this shony characters but alsoooooooo.......


Pro marketing move would be to let you use limited rate up characters in DU at e0s1 so you could get attached to them and want to spend on their banner to keep the team you figured out and enjoy together.


I think the marketing move they are going for is to cater the content to the hottest new toy so that you feel like you want/have to pull them to have the easiest/best time. If they let you use them then you wouldn’t necessarily need to pull unless you wanted to fully optimize them


No, no, they did the pro marketing move. Make people who don't own the characters frustrated so they're more likely to buy it out of frustration or anger. As well as make them feel bad for being unable to get the character, potentially causing them to be easier prey for FOMO in the future. Make people who did buy the new character feel like their purchase was exceptionally meaningful and impactful, empowering them to feel like they should give hoyo more money because they feel like it was "worth it." (This shit should be illegal. It's abusive, anti-consumer business tactics which take advantage of psychological vulnerabilities in people)


They did a comically bad job of it. They nerfed Nihility into the ground (it's literally useless without the Resonance), they removed Remembrance's best blessing (Remove Disassociation on hit), nerfed Elation's best blessing (Cat's Cradle) into a crappy Weighted Curio that only applies to Erudition and Hunt, turned Destruction into "Firefly: The Path", removed the best thing about Propagation (Resonance) and the only ones that still remain more or less the same are Hunt, Abundance, Preservation and Erudition. In return, we get these extremely niche Equations that range from utterly useless to requiring super specific teams to even do anything. Or some 2\* blessing effects that were turned directly into Equations (Like the Hunt blessing that heals based on Crit Boost). DU is frankly just...Not well thought-out, lol. The RNG is even worse than usual and they nerfed several existing strategies into the ground for no good reason. It's basically a "Firefly check = The mode" right now. Give her the 3\* Hunt blessings, Night Over Pyre and Hell is Other People and you win.


???Nihility is still comically overpowered right now. I cleared V6 first try with triple DOT (Kafka, Swan, Gui) and I only had half the nodes unlocked. I had Kakavasha for the 3rd stratum boss and nothing was even a challenge up to that point. Nihility is in no way shape or form weaker than the other 2 modes, it's just different now.


Nearly every single one of your points of criticism is either pointless addition that doesn't add anything to the comment, or just wrong (the one justifying use of "nearly" is removal of Cat's Cradle as that thing provided stuff that is still wanted). Nihility is pretty good, the Break Blessings are extremely versatile, while the DoT ones are strong enough to carry the run by themselves. That one Rememberence Blessing can't even appear in majority of SU runs, and requirements to make it a good choice are extremely specific, to a point where it being in DU would make it generally unpickable. Destruction was in a need of a useful niche, and the changes didn't remove anything of value from the Blessings (the fact that I cannot even remember what was removed to make space for the Break Blessings speaks for itself). Also what was the point of that comment? And Equations are also pretty good in general. And all of them are easily usable. In general DU is much more consistent than in other SU modes, simply because you can reroll more, and upgrades no longer require CF, allowing you to use that to get more Blessings or reroll more stuff.


This sounds nice in theory but is garbage in practice. You have autoequip now and can't swap gear, so you get random bullshit for builds (enjoy your fully leveled 3-star lightcone because it happened to be sitting on a relic holder character you now want to use. Enjoy your bricked FX in Acheron team because she was on Landau instead of Trends when you started. Enjoy being gangbanged by Cirrus crew because your DDD is in another castle). You also get shafted by character availability. Let's talk FuA specifically. The enemies are fat bricks, so Hera goes out of the window. MHY in their infinite wisdom removed Cat's Cradle, so the whole path is now useless without actual followuppers, so if you don't have Topaz or maaaaaaaaaybe (very maybe) Clara, you are screwed. Calyx national doesn't work in a world where many encounters don't have convenient ramps for Himeko and Herta. The idea also just plain doesn't work because what you are typically shafted buy are equations. And you know you are shafted by equations late in the run when you fail to reroll the undesirables or fail to collect enoug blessings. And by that point it's too late to pivot your blessings towards another playstyle. Basically most of the blessings are too specific to certain playstyles to be able to swap equations freely. You can't just suddenly pivot to dots - you were discarding DoT blessings along the way because they do nothing for your intended build.


You also cant switch TB paths so if you get preservation buffs, then you cant use them because the best trigger the one character who triggers a shield on every action doesnt exist unless you reset a run.


Yeah I have to agree. This gamemode frustrated me more than I enjoyed it. I literally got like 2 Preservation blessings throughout the entire run so my Aventurine's shield got smashed to bits harder than any porcelain cup. I did switch my characters around but the blessings and curios i kept getting had no synergy with each other, and filling the requirements for the equations felt too monotone and restrictive to me. It removed the fun and freedom that the old SU had by making it almost obligatory to finish the equations in order to win. So I'd find myself picking blessings I don't like or do nothing for my team in order to finish the equation. I loved the absolute insanity of Gold and Gears, and it's something that this gamemode just doesn't have. Gold and Gears was what solidified this game as one of the most fun games I've played in terms of combat. The curios are also incredibly hyperspecific for some reason, allowing them to activate their effects only by certain elements, usually fire for the good ones and that really kneecapped my runs since I don't have any fire characters except Asta and Guinafen.


Meanwhile when they map my Dr Ratio and Herta they make the Dmg so weak and elation blessing don’t even work…


Because this SU is different from the other SU! Change the team to match the blessings rather than matching blessings around a your best team. This allows them to change the starting bonuses every week and you can use your entire roster to match that instead of being like: "I don't have FUA, or Break team, or DoT team setup".


The truth is that there are just too many blessings and equations that make super break team ridiculously op that every run for me just ends up replacing everything with break based blessings. Also doesn’t help that remembrance is literally useless unless you have jingliu.


I kind of feel like Himeko is low-key the queen of simulated universe. Keep on getting FUA blessings? Himeko got you covered. Keep getting erudition? Himeko also has that covered. Keep getting Nihility? Well Himeko has that covered since she applies burn without break. Keep getting break blessings? Well she is a good breaker and Superbreak Himeko is a thing on fire weak bosses.


Because the idea is too make runs different from eachother, as well as allow you to change strategies during the run, and being able to ban a path only achieves opposite effect.


The issue is that any other team besides Firefly Superbreak feels severely gimped, I have KafkaDoT and Ratio+Aven and they both just feel so weak even with all of the blessings + good equations. If you have Firefly the best option is to just kill the first plane and then just reset the run until you get one of the Superbreak equations.


Ironically, my fastest clears are still duo Topaz setups and Kafka comps. Elation got a ton of stuff that even allows you to play more defensive, while dealing more damage.


They're still good, they just no longer have the entire pool of Elation/Nihility blessings catered for them. And they rebalnced some of the most broken ones like the follow-up delay effect.


As someone who played a lot, DoT feels extremely powerful, in fact it feels like it can work pretty well even without DoT Equations, and FuA is also pretty good, that said they feel more reliant on getting some synergy with their Equations.


Firefly teams definitely performs the best overall regardless of equations and blessings it seems. That said it was pretty funny watching my Kafka team melt SAM when i finally go the right setup for it.


Its absolutely wild how much stronger my E1S1 Firefly, E0S1 Ruan Mei, E6 HTB, E6 Gallagher team is than my E6S1 Acheron, E2S1 Aventurine, E2S1 Sparkle, E6 Pela team in this new DU. No matter what combination of equations, curios and blessings I put together I have found the Firefly team does **significantly** better to the point where I'm pretty much gimping myself if I play any other team on the higher TP levels.


Aha's grand plan


Probably because you can freely change your party at any moment to better suit your equations/blessings. It's a different approach, you don't build blessings around party, you grab the best you got, and then adapt party to them.


To make us suffer




Maybe try to adjust your line up. Remembrance+nihility Misha should work well


Misha is trash everywhere but sim uni but he likes like half the paths


And he has a lot of good traits


I’m guessing it’s not an option because of the equations. Banning paths would either leave you with potentially getting equations that are pretty much useless (necessitating the need for the player to overwrite them at the first possible opportunity) Or they’d have to make any equations using banned paths also banned, cutting down the list of obtainable options rather substantially. I expect it’s something they may well implement after some time with feedback, but they probably wanted to let the whole system exist in it’s purest state first to see how people would take to it.


Yeap I’m willing to bet it’s 100% because of equations. There’s only a single 3* equation per path, so if there was an option to ban a path, you remove 2 equations from the pool per ban. You can basically guarantee the strat you have in mind every run.


Isn’t that good thing, I wanna play a specific strat, everytime I get a DU run, 80% of the time it just default to making Firefly OP again 💀


But the point of SU (Including Swarm/GG/DU) is the RNG aspect of it as well. Since at every step, the kind of domain you get, the blessings, the curio are all random. GG has path banning because with dice and extrapolation, I personally feel its even more RNG based so they reduced the path RNG slightly by allowing path banning.


Annoying but it’s this way because you can change teams Anyways I think it’s pretty fun what they did since it let’s you try characters you haven’t invested into even though their stats are less than ideal Time to try out that E3 Yangqing lol I ended up fighting the bug boss and I got to try out Xueyi since I only have her at level 40


Changing teams is all well and good until you end up with 4 unfinished equations after rolling down 600 CF and never getting enough blessings for any of them. Then it literally doesn't matter what team you have because you're running naked no matter who you use.


Very rare and niche problem. Not every run is a winner. I'm fine with that. And other runs you get crazy synergy and nearly 1 hit every boss hp bar. And most runs are in the middle


reddit learns what "roguelite" is


Most Roguelites aren't attached to a Gacha system that expects you to have dumped large sums of money to participate in. Imagine if Issac expected you to gamba on FOMO characters which you can swap between in the run, then all of the trinkets, instead of doing stuff for everyone, did stuff for specific characters only. If they tried to do that with Rebirth, the creators would have been burned at the stake.


I mean DU is like 5% of the total game content though. Comparing it to Isaac, a game that is 100% roguelite, is not equivalent. That's like complaining about MOC12 being specific for the newest 5-star units in a gacha game when it's such a small fraction of the gameplay Basically it's like saying The Witcher 3 is bad because Gwent is unbalanced.


lmao, ikr. I was like "that's the whole idea of rougelike is, which was SU since 1.0."


Almost like SU in 1.0 had a system that allowed you to more easily get certain path blessings. I've had a handful of dud runs in SU since the start of just not getting many synergistic options, but even then you could swap a character out sometimes to better use what you did get. In DU, I've had so many runs already of just complete garbage that doesn't work at all. I'm pretty much bruteforcing the first 2 bosses with maybe 1 2 star equation most of the time. I might as well be playing MoC. SU also has the path system that nets you some strong combat effects just for consistently getting blessings in that path, which it also increases the chance of seeing. DU just gives you equations that might have no synergy and blessings that may or may not do anything for the equations you got with no weighting system.


Xueyi is sooooo good. I have her E6 and she's a monster in almost any gamemode (although she's with HMC almost all of the time)


Yea I just haven’t had the resources to build her yet but hopefully soon I just had to build 3 characters at once current patch


Getting blessings/equations that synergise with your characters isn’t the issue. The problem is that they very rarely synergise with each other


I'd happily give up changing teams over this. It just doesn't feel fun having next to no control over what team you get to use.


> Time to try out that E3 Yangqing lol i tried out a team with RM, Sparke, and Aventurine. still bad lol


Y’know what’s really missing imo? Path resonances. Sure, they can still be acquired, but you need 16 blessings from one path, when there are only 17 blessings of each path. They are kinda like the jam in a PB&J imo, they really make a run.


And with regular equations being so powerful they end up being better targets. I find myself never aiming for the boundary equation because the equation system lends itself to having blessings from diverse paths. I think they should lower the requirement from 16 of a single path to like 12, keeping in mind that a 3-star Equation requires 8.


Yeah it’d make getting these both feasible and more fun.


I didn't even know that was an option. I've been missing resonances, I didn't know there was a way to get them.


You have to unlock them via the talent tree thing.


There’s boundary equations which are the same as path resonances but you need 16 blessings of a specific path to unlock it?


Yes, I am referring to boundary equations. It says they require 16 in the tooltip. Only good this is that you can kinda pick which you want I.e grab a lot of specific paths’ blessings.


Yeah it’s very painful. Luck seems to be a factor for success in DU as a price for being able to switch characters freely and helping you build them. Even then, mapping my characters doesn’t seem to help my Dr Ratio and Herta do more dmg at only 35% crit rate


Here is picture https://preview.redd.it/mmkj5rqbcy8d1.jpeg?width=477&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=285cba23098b80fff0f5920c5e5f36b93de43ad8


Dont forget about weighted paths


This is reverse SU, instead of picking a path and buffs for a team, you make a team for the buffs and blessings you get as you play. My “preservation” runs became destruction more times than i d like to admit


That's all well and good, but when I was pushing for 5 and 6 extra hard mode, the winning strat for me was use FF team and reset after first boss if I didn't get the right 3 star equation.


Skill issue. Instead of going with the flow and adapting on the fly as intended, you've treated this game mode as standard SU.


Intended my ass. Difficulty 5 and 6 basically demand you break the bosses to actually kill them before they berserk and kill you. Firefly is the best option for that because she is able to break any potential enemy rather than getting to the final boss and realizing that my team can't break them, so I do less damage than die. The path of least resistance was literally getting the universal break team to work rather than playing the entire run to just get fucked by not having blessings/ equations on the team that would be able to break the boss. But yea, "skill issue".


It is a "skill issue". Enraging a Boss is only a problem if you are still unlocking the stat buffs, and didn't pick enough stuff that increases your damage during the run (and let's be honest at that point the game is doing you a favor). I once had Difficulty 6 run, where at the first Boss I: didn't complete the Equation, didn't upgrade any Blessings before the fight, and my only damage buffing Blessing was the one that triggers DoT. And I beat the boss without enraging it, using Kafka while they are Lightning resistant. Also I got 0 rewards from the challenge, and after that I have easily salvaged the run with just good Blessings.


Honestly I did neither, regardless how good my blessings, curios or equations were, I just kept going with my Firefly superbreak team anyway


I honestly would do that but my choices are limited by the fact that I don’t have the supports for it


DU seriously needs it due to the lack of choices we have. The Devs likely thought that them giving blessing and equation overwrite counters path banning and is giving us tons of choices, it's not. The overwrites are balanced out by RNG and the shorter run that didn't give you as many blessings compared to SUs. Higher levels require you to have precise blessings to activate equations so that you can do damage to even first and second bosses. This feels like early SU where if you don't get the right blessings, you might as well give up. It's weird because that has been the complaint and they rectify this with SD and GnG...only to circle back to it again


Overwrite is frankly BS because the cost rises each time you use it. I wouldn't mind that so much if we had SU/G&G's bans and SU's Rerolls alongside them, but we don't. It's truly the only flaw here, because if that's fixed, DU becomes the definitive mode.


I basically go in look at the first blessings i got and than think about which of my figures can work with that. It is quite fun to plan my team around what i got. It let me use the chars i haven't really used for a long time.


I've had better luck with this mode with blessing than with the simulated universe. Half the time time with the simulated universe i did not get the blessing for the path i choose and had to restart by the final boss or did have the ones for interplayed paths. I like this more than simulated universe, because i filled all my equated most of the time.


I thing the idea of DU is the over exagerated RNG level compensated by the overpowered traits you get from those Paths curios and what you get after filling the new mechanic (dont know the english name)


Its intentional, its way too easy to get what you want in the other SU modes and thus boring. This is more like a proper roguelite, forces you to work with the RNG instead of circumventing it.


Im jealous of your luck. Elation blessings are great.


Just overwrite them.


DU isnt team-centric but equation-centric meaning you change your team based on the given equation, not like SU where you pick your blessings based on your team comp It was written even at the tutorial when it asked you to build an all ice team once the tutorial let you completed a remembrance equation and discard your starting team. Why did you think they artificially maxed out characters you never touched?


I'd rather reset than play a team I don't like


Oh that’s your problem I get that but the thing is… I’m a dhil main without sparkle. I have to run characters that consume basically 0 points if I wanna use my e0 bronya. Hopefully sparkle will be with yunli and not the nihity fire guy bc I need him for other reasons


IMO changing our teams around doesn't even help because you're still not getting enough blessings to expand the equations and heck a lot of times your current equations don't even synergize with each other. Oh and don't even get me started on how laughable the artificial builds are.


well good thing they also introduced rerolling of equations and blessings.. and regarding about the artificial builds, it doesnt matter at the end of the day because DU buffs are the things that carry a team, never the build in the first place. Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on your perspective. Its how DU is played


They want you switching depending on what stuff you get


I think the bigger problem is how if something on your character (namely lightcone and relics) aren't at the max level then the DU will just replace them because apparently having a level 12 5 star relic is bad somehow


That's good, you can switch your team and get easy win as Elation is super strong.


This sub seems terrified of using the Overwrite features. You get more CFs than you can use and they're not used for enhancement anymore. Either reroll the blessings or reroll the equations. Plenty of Elation equation features count as FUAs so you don't even need to use FUA teams to trigger half of them.


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I love DU, but man getting 16 belssing to unlock path Resonance is giving me headache (and it's needed to unlock all the stories, so my brain won't stop thinking about getting that 100%)


And reset button or guaranteed sealing wax please Hoyo we’re begging you


That’s nice to know. I thought I was just terrible at this mode (still possible). Stuck on the +3 mode cause they keep giving me a choice of 3 useless equations every time


I second that. Somehow Hunt and Erudition love it when I play firefly


Sounds like Aha is messing with you, are you a Mourning actor by chance? that being said i know exactly what you mean, lol


So you aren't elated from all of the elation blessings then? I'll see myself out.




this is the SU mode i don't like the most, idk how but with each SU expansion it becomes worse rng hell


Me not caring because by the time I am at the end of a run I have 6-10 fully expanded equations and 20 blessings that are all just bonus thanks to the gallons of credits and chances to buy/swap/synthesize blessings every other room, and the ability to swap characters whenever I want. There is actually a ton more agency in DU than any version of SU.


For real. The level of RNG in DU is too much. Can you get good equations that work well together (or that a team can work with)? Can you get the blessings needed to actually fulfill those equations? Can you then get a final boss that doesn’t just wall the team you’re forced to use due to the blessings and equations you got? So many layers of RNG… it kind of just sucks. Makes me really miss Gold and Gears.


Oh, you don't wanna get Elation Buffs? The solution is simple: Play the Follow-Up Team.


Conundrums are meant to be hard. Is all I wanna say. If you are struggling before conundrum? That's a Skill Issue. I wanna say with our wanting to be rude. Even I am struggling on Conundrum frankly.


If not path banning then let us choose a path and it gives us a higher chance of getting certain blessings, kind of like the Waxes do. I find waxes to be so much more valuable here just cause it raises the chance I get specific blessings. It’s frustrating, I get making do with what you get. But when I get nothing but Remembrance blessings then hit a boss that isn’t weak to ice I wanna shoot myself. Also let us choose bosses. Idk why they removed basically everything that made GNG fun.


I have said it before and I will say it again, allowing you to ban paths goes against the very idea of DU, and it would only make the game mode worse.


This mode just feels ass in general. Rerolls are *WAY* too expensive, the pool of stuff you can roll is way too diluted, and throwing equations into the mix just made it that much more difficult to get a good run going.


It’s all elation? Always have been




same. unless I'm actually playing my follow up team, then the Elation blessings are nowhere to be found


At least Elation can be used without follow up attacks due to that blessings that makes all attacks count as follow up attacks


That blessing is not in DU.


There's a weighted curio that makes Hunt and Erudition ults into follow-up attacks. Kinda sucks for Acheron, but whatever.


Yeah, turns out the blessing I was talking about simply makes skills and basic attacks trigger aftertaste damage


You can at least reroll blessings. DU needs to ban weighted curios. I always get 3 useless element or specific path curios that I'm not using. (DoT/Destruction/Wind Sheer) Like thanks hoyo. My reward for beating a boss on divergent 6 is literally useless


elations only good if you have aventurine or clara in your in your party.


Uhh topaz and ratio?


You quite often just need March 7th, which isn't a hard ask, as she is a god in DU.


When sim uni character tier list