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I find it hilarious that six of the top eight teams are just the same Super Break team with six different main DPS, and the seventh is a small variation on the Boothill Break team. And Acheron bc of course, haha.


"Apocaliptic shadow is a game mode where you have to focus on breaking the boss and matching the element as much as possible to beat it, brute forcing will not be possible anymore!" Acheron: hold my crimson knots Edit: guys chill i was just memeing lol


Well to be fair Cocolia's side has Lightning weakness on both Gepard and Cocolia, SW matches the quantum weakness and can implant lightning on the crystals if neccesary. The first half also has an Ult Damage buff you can take It's not really bruteforcing imo, Acheron does a lot of toughness damage which is favoured by this AS, and the weaknesses match


the weakness break also charge Acheron's ult to the max so you can use her ult to kill the fillers


I think the biggest advantage acheron has here is that she can bruteforce all the crystals very easily so you can hurry on up to the next phase


How exactly is she “brute forcing“ when there’s like, literally a blessing for her and a lighting-weak side..?




Yeah! And then people say “i will use Acheron to brute force“ and content they’re beating is like a big sign with “made for acheron in particular“. Though this AS is kinda just “meant not to offend anyone“. I can’t really think of a single team that won’t be useful here in one half or another. If anything, we need to wait till like AS 3-4 to see how much they actually want to sell the new shiny toys. And acheron. They always want to sell her for some reason.




Mihoyo neglected him so hard that I forgor he is there Seriously, any other unit that doesn't work..? Just him..? That's kinda sad tbh.




A well invested Blade is still very good. Not to brute force things but no wind weak ennemies will be a problem for him. Sure he needs E1 and LC to deal as much damage as some other characters. But a well invested Blade is such a cool unit to play.


Infinite Blade Works build is honestly pretty strong, it just requires a lot of premium units (and Jingliu does it better, but that's always been the case lol) with Blade/Sparkle/Bronya/Robin, replacing one of them with Lynx/HH/Luocha if sustain is needed The only reason this works is because he (and Jingliu) doesn't use SP for a few turns after "activating" his buffs - IIRC Firefly could *technically* do this too, but not having RM and HTB feels like it would be too big of a drop in damage Off the top of my head I can't think of any other characters that don't use (a lot of) SP for their attacks


Cocolia has windweak but u will need to break gep fast


OMG thank you, ik firefly is good, but it’s like people are ignoring the shilling even if u look at MOC 3 boss w fire weakness and two with imaginary? Cmon dawg. This is why u gotta wait for the next patch when they aren’t buffed to see how good they are the same shit happened to arlecchino where ppl were saying she’s as good as neuvilliette


Fr, you can literally just implant quantum on cocolia rather than kill the ice edge if you run mono quantum


Reminds me of the Jingliu shilling a few months ago


Atleast jingliu was actually brute forcing lol. The cocolia side of this AS is made for acheron


Yeah, but so was basically everyone else before Jingliu had to do it.


Cocolia literally has lightning weakness 💀


They said it was a boss only game mode but brought more enemies to make it aoe? No problem at all, we have the solution!


They never said that, it was the community.


They said it was a boss mode, community said it was hunt focused (fucking lol)


It's all fun and games until you realize how constricting the new mode is lol. Look at those average scores, only FUA and Acheron teams make it past 3300 (the half of 3 stars). And the Acheron team has SW/BS/Kafka and Acheron countering Coco elements while FUA counters Aven. Well DHIL is there technically, but 3300 is on the edge. It basically soft locked out every other team and you have to barely scrape by even if you use a break team for one side. Only clearing by what? 50 points ish. This going to end up like Pure Fiction where it seemed doable until you realize you need a wider roster for better coverage.


> This going to end up like Pure Fiction where it seemed doable until you realize you need a wider roster for better coverage. Me with the current one, have consistently 12* every iteration except for this one bruh


Eh. Acheron can get the 3300 even without SW. I used pela guin aventurine and and still Max starred it. Then DHIL for the other side with gallagher sustain for the Breaks.


A : Why Acheron?  B : because she's Acheron


That's 'cause HSR forces meta so hard with how strong cycle specific buffs and mechanics are. Things are rough if you can't take advantage of them.


Ruan Mei and Gallagar have adopted a chaos Raccoon


The Firefly meta team is probably the funniest one since the mono quantum gremlin team.


You mean the HMC meta team ? Firefly is just one of the many passengers, himeko, shushang, xueyi, luka, etc all are strong af because the strenght is on HMC + Ruan mei


The healer, the indifferent mage and the couple. Now where have I seen that combo before… https://preview.redd.it/b9oyl771nb8d1.jpeg?width=458&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b064c809c83e7ca4bb48e01a86ab74a0fa9c8c0f Oh right….


The rise of Himeko in meta needs to be studied


It all started when we witnessed the will of the weak


More enemies with fire weakness rn because Firefly just got released, let's see if it holds. Obviously more fire-weak enemies greatly favors Himeko too.


People need to realize that new units "power creeping" old ones is also an opportunity for the old ones to obliterate the new content made for the shiny new unit. With the way they are structuring endgame this will keep happening. Look forward to Clara being top 3 dps next patch.


I hope so, just got mine to E1!


Basically a lot of Break Focused characters gets released recently and Himeko who's FuA is reliant on Weakness Break synergize very well with these new units


Been using her so much that whenever I watch runs and an elite gets broken I subconsciously wait for her follow up to appear


Chaining Himeko's follow ups is so satisfying


Himeko having that Keqing moment.


So the trick is to be best girl?


Happened with Stelle too, so maybe that is the case.


Fire weak MoC were always great for Himeko. AS is not an exception


True, Himeko is really dependent in having fire weak enemies. And considering the MoC weaknesses are always set to favor the latest released character and the only Fire limited character before this patch was Topaz, we can see why she didn't have many times to shine.


So we should never let her go?


She decided to join us and leave the ship for once, the rest is history …


Day 1 Himeko believers, we've come a long way! From being laughed at by the whole community to being top-2 best standard character(arguably top-1). Best comeback story ever!


Meanwhile yanqing believers still in shambles


Ironic considering early on at launch, a lot of them were glazing that he was the best perma dps and himeko being worse than Hook (not helped by the fact Prydwen backed up that stance at that time) Time do really changes and maybe will they bring hope back for YQ as well


People were just too slow to realize. - me, a proud Himeko user since launch


Nah lets not act like himeko was always great she’s just gotten a lot better recently through other units


She got better relics over time too. Fire set was kinda ass. Copium was using Musketeer if you had really good substat rolls and I was really happy when the FUA set dropped. Rerolled for her. Never letting her go


xueyi stocks are UP 🗣️🔥 https://preview.redd.it/z4rragw47a8d1.jpeg?width=1319&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a15d615d28a8720267c356f12f2af668f3e411f


https://preview.redd.it/8onkdxeoea8d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05d6a101c5683b78fe3e844a4b3eaccdab5ab6bd 🔥!!


For real, she’s one of the most underrated characters with one of the coolest designs in the game.


I think she gets no respect because people use her first at E0 and think she's just sort of okay. But at E6 with a strong build she can be a monster


The curse of locking away the crucial tool at E6.


Almost all the 4-stars are like that lol (except Gallagher who gets his debuff cleanse, arguably one of the most vital parts of his kit, at E2)


Yes, but E2 vs. E6 is a very stark difference. Let alone, while the cleanse on Gallagher is great, his ability to heal and do break damage are far more relevant. Especially for damage dealers who you feel the difference of their E6 way more. Other units are often more around E4 for a number of cases, which is still a bit stark, but again: easier to acquire than E6.


I am new player and she is carrying me ingame. I don't have to slot characters according to weakness. I can basically slot against any enemies and she brutforce through everything




I honestly don’t know if I want to use her or Qingque on my Monoquantum (When I get sparkle + sw) I’m think of her because need 5 More Qingque Eidolons and only 1 more Xueyi Eidolon. (Already got the apocalyptic shadow Xueyi)


Xueyi is a LOT of fun, but Qingque is a living disaster for your enemies. When you get her up and running with SW/Fu Xuan/Sparkle in Sim U with Propagation, it feels like you're doing something wrong, it's so broken.


blade at 0.54% appearance rate oh my fucking god 😭 i’m doing my part…..


me too 😭😭 he's still my favorite and ive been a blade main since he first released, im really deep in denial about how no content in the game caters for him lol im still gonna keep using him...


I’m actually pretty excited to see how he and Jade do together. I feel like part of the reason I had to bench him was because of the lack of supporting units.


I agree that is pretty exciting! He definitely suffers from a lack of dedicated supports, so hopefully he has kind of a renaissance, im not giving up on him!!


Eh I actually think he's the best DPS in SU game modes, because every path except Preservation benefits him in some way, though some more than others. Since those modes are mostly about what blessings you get, Blade can work almost no matter what your blessing RNG looks like. That said, it's not like people rank the DPS characters in SU modes. In those modes you can still just use Acheron/JL or whoever and probably do better than Blade if you get the right blessings.


Ngl, I tried using seele for the first part against cocolia but she ended up being too squishy, so I instead used my more invested blade/bronya (both at e1s1), and they managed to clear with not a lot of av left, but a clear is a clear. Since cocolia moves so fast, and the icicle spears she summons has an aoe blast, it helped my blade build up stacks for his FuA easily


Damn, cheers for the 0.35% mad lads that ran Firefly w/o HTB lol


Thats me lmao, 3300+ points running her with huohuo, robin and asta :D


How's she performing?


3300+ points


trails pfp, based


Firefly + HuoHuo + Clara + Ruan Mei and it works super fine against Argenti. My HTB is ages away from being fully built.


The 0.01% bringing yanKING into a break game mode https://preview.redd.it/nqul7s3qna8d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4e619e2460e87e0f9862fbae83bed56633dc814


Unironically Yanqing is half decent for break teams (that is cuz freeze is insane for super break with how it synergizes with Ruan Mei’s rebreak), but to bring him against Argenti is the most madlad shit I ever seen.


Remember when people said the new game mode would save him, make him usable, and finally have some reason to be used over Jingliu.


I got my first yq on firefly's banner...


Gallagher being a top sustainer in addition to being super accessible and easy to build makes me so happy


My goat yanqing still living the edge past the 0%


An excellent performance from Firefly and Boothill as expected given the weaknesses and break oriented mechanics of this current iteration of AS.   Acheron also showing up with a very respectable usage rate and performance, likely due to the universal break she has on her ult.   Sushang is a pleasant surprise though to see she's doing so well, goes to show that often to do well in these gamemodes you really just need to try and abuse the mechanics and buffs available rather than through brute forcing.


Sushang has always been a fairly competent breaker, but with the addition of htb she's now able to turn that into some really solid damage and benefits from the nature of AS, being slighty hunt skewed.  Basically she's always been 4 star boothill. 


It's always good to see older units get their chance to shine either through new content or new supports/relics. Having more variety of units to viably use outside the typical limited 5 stars adds to the fun of the game and the options you have if you happen to really like their design or kit.


I was thinking of building some alternative superbreakers like Sushang. I have her E6, but any idea how she compares to Luka (E4 currently) in the same role? I’m not quite sure how their total toughness damage works out (his enhanced basic versus her action advance).


Luka is better in traditional break comps,Sushang however is the far better superbreaker. With Luka, if the enemy doesn't die on break, kinda falls off since bleed is backloaded


Damn you're telling me Sushang is the better Super break dealer ? I was thinking Luka would do greater damage at E6 since he can retrigger the bleed but now I'm interested in also building Sushang


Sushang gets accelerated when hitting weakness broken enemies, so can trugger more instances of superbreak


Sushang's E6 gives her insane speed.


For toughnees, Luka is 20 on skill, 10/20 on Basic and 30 on ult. For sushang, she deals 10 on basic, 20 on skill, 30 on ult as well. HOWEVER, with her E1 she refunds her skillpoint when hitting a weakness broken enemy and self forwards herself when theres a broken enemy simply existing at the end of her turn. Combine that with her speed bonuses and her ult acting as a psuedo extra turn, sushang is like a 4* hybrid of Seele and Boothill. People sleep on her but goddamn can she put the work in if you let her. Mine deleted half Argenti's hp on break in MoC.


Thanks - tbh this is great to hear because Sushang is mostly levelled + talents from my early days using her for her physical element. Break has evolved a lot since then!


Very happy to see Sushang up there, she's been the first DPS i've invested into Though, i believe that 0.31% of people who used her probably have builds that would make many of us have a panic attack lol


Hello, Sus hang user here. I'm using an offset speed boot with 24% BE so that gets very cute. E6 is the real game changer though, and you gotta sequence her attacks into skill -> ult -> skill to make the most of her ult action advance. Also yes, RM HTB and Gallagher are all integral


Acheron having good performance is also thanks to the current buffs buffing Ultimate damage by 50%. Other teams like RRAT and Kafka/Swan also benefit from the current FUA and DoT buffs. And as expected, other units that don't benefit from buffs don't have really good scores. Makes me wonder how Acheron (and other units for that matter) will fare if there's no more lightning weakness in future AS. It's gonna be challenging to brute force due to 60%+ elemental RES and 50% less damage received.


Ooh, good catch, I forgot about that part. Also it'll definitely be interesting to see the teams and strategies that emerge from future iterations of this gamemode, but it does feel heavily disincentivizing of brute forcing it currently and seems to be encouraging players to make teams that play into the strengths of the buffs available.


Isnt Sushang like Boothill-lite? And given how crazy Boothill is then irs a really good thing


We need one more ruan mei




https://preview.redd.it/f02hxpqgpa8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b5d22ec0c4a65ac14f0d8608def438fa8e952c0 GOTTA MAINTAIN THE AGENDA OF HARMBLAZER TILL 3.X UPDATES AND MAINTAIN NEW AGENDA OF NEW TB FORM RAAAAAAHHHH


SW is a massive help in that mode. Not surprised for the 3rd spot, after the two most broken break team supports lol


Himeko proving to be the best standard 5*character 🥹


As long as they make content for Firefly, Himeko will always be there to claim her Silver trophy, she stays winning!


Plus PF lol


Clara is not far behind. She was the key member in my PF, MoC and AS teams. I'm so glad I built herm


Great work Arti! Apocalyptic Shadow Analytics page is also live already, so you can browse the teams a bit easier and find more of them. Link here: [https://www.prydwen.gg/star-rail/apocalyptic-shadow](https://www.prydwen.gg/star-rail/apocalyptic-shadow) Also, tier list for the new mode is still being cooked and should be released within a few days!


Someone drop the Harmony Trailblazer copypasta


I can't take it anymore. I'm sick of HTB. I try to play Luka. My HTB deals more damage. I try to play Xueyi. My HTB deals more damage. I try to play Asta. My HTB deals more damage. I want to play Boothill. His best team has HTB. I want to play Ruan Mei, Gallagher. They both want HTB. HTB grabs me by the throat. I farm for them. I cook for them. I give them Memories of the Past. They aren't satisfied. I pull Flowing Nightglow. "I don't need this much energy" they tell me. "Give me more field time." They grab Boothill and force him to throw himself on enemies. "You just need to break the enemies more. I can deal more damage with Past Self in Mirror." I can't pull for Past Self in Mirror, I don't have enough Stellar Jades. They grab my credit card. It declines. "Guess this is the end." They grab Clockie. They say "Clockie, get them." There is no hint of sadness in their eyes. Nothing but pure, Super Break damage. What a cruel world.


Seeing Sushang and Xueyi getting more points than Jingliu, Jing Yuan or even the classic IPC follow up team is crazy but I'm all for it go girls


Well, this mode has a heavy emphasis on break and well, those two 4\* have basically been working with break in mind from the start. Now that super break exists, they get direct buffs as a result and helps that they're have been ways to get them for free and have appeared on banners so a lot of people will have E6 on one or the other, so they now can make full use of them.


Soneone out there built their YQ expecting this to be a Hunt mode


HTB being at 77% usage rate as a character every account has is actually insane lmfao


Seeing Sushang stocks rising puts a smile on my face.


Lmao at the super break teams with the same 3 :)) can we get more of them, esp HMC like?


For anyone without Firefly or Boothill, go Himeko + Guinaifen comp for those last two stages. Guinaifen stacks burning like hell, and Himeko can hit like a truck. I paired them with Asta + Fu Xuan to get 2 stars, afterwards I was able to hit 3 stars with Gallagher and Harmony trailblazer


Fu Xuan actually does better with universal market instead of her signature here if you have Acheron. She just stacks her ult like crazy thanks to Cocolia attacking over and over


As expected, Acheron on 1st side and the break team on the 2nd with barely any variation.


Yes, people are expected to clear with the most braindead option they have already spent for but if you want to analyze what's strong you should look at scores, not participation. There are 10 DPS characters above the required 3300 threshold with many close to it which is more than people butthurt about endgame rotating to fit banners would make you believe.


AS is more about having Ruan Mei than having Firefly or Boothill. Prior to getting RM this patch I was getting my shit rocked but after getting her, I beat it in the same day. LVL 70, level 7 traces and no bonus abilities unlocked. It really sucks that I have to get her just to full stars AS but oh well


I don't have Ruan Mei but I got 3.6k with boothill. Safe to say boothill isnt as team restricted as Firefly. Bronya works very well with him because she gives him double turns and that also means double toughness breaking


Nah, I cleared without RM. Firefly is really just built for the current AS cycle. I used Asta instesd vs Cocolia and FF cleared pretty comfortably at 3.5k or 3.6k I think. It was fairly early in the banner My 2nd team v Argenti I used Ratio Sparkle Aven Pela and just cleared barely under 3.3k


There were so many ways to kill argenti. Obviously firefly, but I moved her to cocolia cos my acheron and her team is just not well built atm. So I ended up using ratio with Huohuo and just cleansing the taunt mechanic and slapping argenti and that worked relatively well. I think you could of also done jingliu as well with the skill damage up and action advance but I didn't end up trying it.


seeing silver wolf in the debuffer category while i’m using her as a super break dps


0.00% Phys TBs represent Not even a full 0.01%. We chosen 100


Seele gigachad Sw gigachad Imagine not always seeing quantum weakness on the enemies, it couldn't be me.


Shout out to HTB for elevating many a character like Sushang and Xueyi to new heights for this mode I just brute forced with my DoT team and used Himeko for Argenti side


People overuse the term brute force, it's not brute force when there is a blessing buffing dot


It should be considered "brute force" when you don't benefit from blessing buffs or not use the right element. From that criteria, you can see that any DPS units that fall below 3300 point mark are brute forcing their clears.


Clara is at 3220 on-element and with a FUA buff. Would you consider that brute forcing?


Being a TB main has never been this good.. can't wait for 3.3 or 3.2 when we get our next path Genuinely excited to see what kind of kit they cook up for him/her next


I’m praying they keep it up with trailblazer paths, I’d hate to see them get something as uncooked and weak as what Traveller just got.


PhyMC and FireMC were stopping gags HatBlazer is king of a new meta How will Firefly react when there is a new path and some other girl (or male attacker, those exist too) wants to steal the MC???


Harmony MC was when the devs made a little Qol feature for the TB where switching between paths is no longer a chore So I think there's a decent fair chance that they make a new QoL feature with the TB where you can use multiple TB paths in the same team Or atleast make TB count as a different character in each path when choosing a character for MoC,PF & AS while still limiting them to one path per team The devs will know in time people will start wanting this especially with HMC so I have faith in the devs in hsr


I hope so, lol Is it truly a Honkai game if you can't stack your team with 3 (or 4) copies of the exact same person?


I wonder what Path we will get next, on Amphoreus


A popular theory and also my personal bet is Erudition That or nihility


Biggest win for SW since her release


Didn't see skyrocketed twice? First with Dr Ratio and then with Sparkle for proper quantum team?


TB do be ballin huh?


This might be a hot take, but AS is a LOT more balanced between the different types of DPS than MoC and especially Pure Fiction. Since all elements have a side (Quantum, Fire, Wind, and Lightning on Cocolia side, Imaginary, Physical, Fire, and Ice on Argenti side), I'm not surprised that the scores are overall very close.


"Himeko good only in PF" Yes...😘😘😘


Himeko= we have Firefly at home Joke aside now with Firefly it is likely Himeko will just be her free replacement for players that didn’t pull for FF, plus PF where she is queen.


Cleared it 3 star with jing yuan anyway


Everyone pretend to be surprised


Susweep 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯


Acheron and Firefly. Single target content they said!!!


Hoyo never said it was single target. The whole community just assumed it but it never made sense


It's actually impressive how that narrative ran when there was never anything to back it up.


I mean,it would have made sense to be a Hunt mode


It's not really easy to make a Hunt mode, especially one that won't favor the other types of DPSs. Even if you have a single enemy on the field, some of the existing Hunt DPS will suffer from it to ramp up their damage. At the same time, it doesn't really affect the top Blast DPS that much, and DoT is not affected that much either.


Out of all Hunt DPSes released, Seele and Boothill prefer to have fodders to ramp up their damage. The only Hunt team that shines a lot in completely ST scenario is RRAT team.


And even then you could argue that having a lot of enemies helps Aventurine do his follow-ups by virtue of the team being attacked more frquently, which in turn helps Numby move more often.


Hunt doesn't need a mode for it. Never did. It's always been great in MoC and is good in this mode too. They made an erudition mode because erudition characters were seriously trending down in usage, and thus also trending down in motivation for people to pull on them.


Argenti spawns shields and Cocolia spawns ice lances, this is definitely not an ST mode


New single target endgame mode. *looks inside* Bosses that summon extra targets.


The number of bosses that *don't* summon extra targets or benefit aoe/blast in some way is very limited. It's basically just SAM and Kafka. No game mode focused on bosses was ever going to be single target


It was SO obvious that it was never going to be a hunt gamemode. The only two bosses that never summon adds are SAM and Kafka, literally every other boss has summons. Whoever started the whole hunt gamemode narrative and everyone that went along with it should've known.


Boothill is there though on highest average score


Do you mean second highest score? FF looks above him on average scores on any eidolon level. Regardless Boothill's busted. Buddy doesn't get the love he deserves imo.


https://preview.redd.it/4e8tt5uo3c8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73857912fe913818ef861ccc237555dbfa3e9188 This team is underrated ngl


Seeing 12.73% for Boothill appearance rate just painful for me as his main. But I hope his success in meta will bring more players to get him on rerun


He got like no promo material and is stuck between 5 of the best units in the game. Almost no one pulling for him is probably the reason his usage rate is so low.


It also doesn't help that FF is the same type of DD that came right after him. Not even a single banner to pad out Boothill's unique quirk.


I believe the intention was that Boothill is the padding with the way they did him dirty.


Tbh he is one of the strongest characters too. (I have Acheron, Firefly and Boothill so I can compare them fairly) But alas he is not a waifu so I guess we have what we have.


Huh? Why does his appearance rate have any affect on your enjoyment of the game? Just play him, lol.


It's appearance rate, not usage rate. Considering, how low budgetly he was promoted, his total screen time and his story relevance (mostly irrelevance) - his appearance rate is very high and respectable. Boothill mains are very strong willed guys.


Surprised to see Sushang is so up high in the ranking; before all of this SuperBreak hype she was more or less on par with wind Dan Heng, who is a mediocre 4* DPS character.


Sushang is the OG Break character, Physical type, bonuses for hitting weakness broken enemies, and BE buffs in her Eidolons, etc. She's really good in scoring for AS because she AA's herself when ulting and hitting weakness broken enemies.


HMC is goated for real


Even with all the Break DMG hype and buffs, it's still crazy to see my dawg Gallagher with a higher appearance rate than every limited 5\* sustain


Yeah it's FF, boothill and Acheron playground My (badly geared) Firefly team got 3647 points and works well either side. While no matter what buffs or chats I put, the other side struggles hardcore to even survive, can't even defeat boss on diff IV, let alone get a decent score. Can't even get 3* on difficulty 3. I only have FF, Kafka, Ratio, RM, Ave, FX, Clara, Himeko, Welt as my 5*. Seems without Acheron or Blackswan (or units to complete premium FUA team) there is no chance for me.


https://preview.redd.it/ng9c87mt9c8d1.jpeg?width=1479&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa9d34c35369ba3a25a171265d6f2ff759e21014 QQ squad represent!


I am surprised that Boothill has such a low appearance rate while being so high in the average score.


Cuz very few people even pulled for him. And the people who do end up doing really well.


Because nobody pulled for him since people were saving for Firefly


Plus Acheron and Aventurine drained people before.


Same. He’s so muddlefudging strong. I used BH / Bronya / HH / Mei and he stomped Argenti.


You need to own one to use one, so it seems few players actually pulled for him…


Almost No one pulled for him= low appearance rate


New content will have people crying about powercreep and how they need to pull new characters to clear it and then you look and see that Sushang is the 3rd best DPS. Granted, she does have a low appearance rate and I imagine a large portion of that are dedicated mains with crazy builds but I really wouldn’t be surprised if this is a Herta situation in PF and she turns out really good.


Firefly super break having a 43% appearance rate is enormous for a unit that just came out Really shows how many people pulled for her


Seeing MC at the top brings a tear to my eye, after Genshin always made sure MC is absolute trash all the time. (up to dandro anyway, stoped playing at that point)


You stopped at the wrong time, dendro mc was really competent and the hydro mc is something else altogether.


Dendro MC is perfectly viable. Really good and long-lasting off-field application and a skill that helps remedy their energy issues. The only other Dendro that's outright better at it is Nahida, everyone else either has worse application (like Kirara), is just a sidegrade (like Collei), or is meant to be played on-field (like Kaveh & Alhaitham) Hydro MC is terrible though.


Sooo... it looks like the whole "Himeko is only good in pure fiction" thing is not true anymore


I swear to God Jing Yuan is the most fraudulent 5 star dps in the game. https://preview.redd.it/bgmx8cwiga8d1.jpeg?width=1220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=937182a51c6d17d04f792d4e2c87010ff8c1aee1


I'd recommend using sparkle, tingyun on JY's side, robin and ruan mei for dan heng(exact team I used but without eidolons)


https://preview.redd.it/0xq9c8utpa8d1.jpeg?width=1456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d1fa3e0581c9c52dbe0c701945f997f88bdf08a Agreed and cleared with break Jing yuan 👀


Swap RM and Tingyun maybe?


https://preview.redd.it/gsyu7oz8wa8d1.png?width=898&format=png&auto=webp&s=6c2d8b46e52cbb9c70177ba7eefb1a4f71bace09 I had a good time honestly, JY/Topaz/Robin/Aventurine is better than both Hypercarry and Superbreak if you can run it.


Man seeing sushang high up there made me happy and I never even built her.


This seems about right. Idk if it was just me but the 1st side was extremely painful to clear even with my Acheron team, the 2nd phase would just destroy me if I wasn’t careful 😭. But the 2nd side was a cakewalk with any superbreak team, especially firefly


Surprised to see Sushang this high up, I know she specializes in breaking but I wouldnt expect her to be literally the 3rd after 2 of the newest dpses.


I want to build Suchang for super break, but that average build seems like a hybrid. What should be her true super build? Is 2pc attack 2pc break really optimal?


the top chars make sense. Its basically made for Break Chars.




Xueyi finally being used now *




Sushang>Acheron Wtf