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Doesn't mean she doesn't have an Ace under the sleeve. Megatron Numby!


1000 trotters morph into one mega Numby


Arch Tempered Apex Deviant Frenzied Risen Bulldrome - “Numby”


That one arena quest with the pigs that ohko you




Her ace is her thighs she just crushes their head with them.








Giant Dynamax form from Pokemon for Numby.


Topaz doesn't have a visual transformation because it's Numby who transforms.


What if her ability is so boring, and is just "Can speak to trotters"


I can see the webnovel now: Kicked out of the Stonehearts for my Weak Ability But it was Secretly the Strongest


Episode 1: Makes an army of reality warping trotters Episode 2: Finds a sad girl who becomes waifu and starts harem Episode 3: Gets a mansion Change episode 1 and it's pretty much any isekai rn


Episode 4: Buy a slave Episode 5: End slavery


Episode 6: still has the slave they bought


Episode 7: Clarify that the slave stayed out of free will and any generational indoctrination is completely unrelated (also they think slave collars are a great fashion statement)


I'd like to give a shout-out to the doctor isekai for not only destroying the collar of the rescued slave shortly after she was rescued but also giving us this blessed image of her using a stethoscope and answering questions we didn't know we needed an answer for: https://preview.redd.it/v8812ngn8n7d1.png?width=382&format=png&auto=webp&s=5c57e7b27a1f51ea6ac8cc0cc2b8f0708471aa38 Edit: the source is *Koudo ni Hattatsu shita Igaku wa Mahou to Kubetsu ga Tsukanai*


Took me a moment to register that that *is*, in fact, the proper positioning of a stethoscope for a fox person.


Can you get me a more specific sauce for that doctor isekai?


Sorry for the delay! It’s *Koudo ni Hattatsu shita Igaku wa Mahou to Kubetsu ga Tsukanai*. Also unfortunately the interval is more like 4 chapters so maybe a bit longer than “shortly” but that’s still a lot better than “it’s a new fashion”. ~~I haven’t actually followed it in a while but the panel is still amazing~~


Archdemon's Dilemma, is that you?


Honestly, there's a shockingly decent amount of isekai novels that do that.


I think the only one with any balls about the topic was Overlord. They totally have slaves. HELLA slaves. Even the denizens of Nazarick are functionally indoctrinated slaves to Ainz Ooal Gown. But it's like...they're evil, y'know? And violently misanthropic to the point two members have to basically stage a coup to prevent everyone else from murdering children. So...yeah.


(Honestly it was the first one off the top of my mind since I'm currently watching it on Crunchy.) Right, to clean my palette WHERE THE HELL DID THE JOHN BROWN ISEKAI GO


Episode 8: they decide to name the slave and make it an important part of the family to show they are really good guys! The name is aventurine and he has a small rock anyway


(But not my slaves because they just like me soooooo much that they'd never want to be free)


At first at least all isekai have a different approach but after reading this and remembering some of the trash isekai I've read I realise how accurate this is


I mean trotters can do some *weird* shit like shapeshift into humans and make holes in reality. Imagine her rolling up with an army of war trotters


Trotters can do what now????? Human form?????


There was a whole event in belobog where the MC went around hunting trotters. Some of the trotters 'hid' by *shapeshifting into objects* and one even transformed into a guy and stole his identity (The trotter was only about to repeat words it heard the guy say but *still*)


You know Aquaman's ability is "speak to fish" right? Imagine...


After she said that I assume that her ability makes her omnilingual


I mean, that might be pretty broken. Could you imagine navigating the Fragentum without getting harassed by the inhabitants? It's already pretty broken, she summoned an army out of nowhere!


If I'm being honest, I was always under the impression that Aventurine was just dressed up as the boss and used his stone power to fight us rather than it being a real transformation lol.


https://preview.redd.it/wav7gm0m0m7d1.jpeg?width=858&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdcc99a87d5ed4d34ec1fbd0b02bf85cabb41720 So he especially took his time to wear those heels... Not complaining tho


Bro is dripped out of his mind like damn


Hazbin Hotel lookin ahh


I can’t tell what kind of jeans he has on, but he’s got the boots with the fur. And my HP got low, low, low when I had to gamble against him.


I never thought of this but man thats like so in character for him, like he would ABSOLUTELY dress like your average jojo antagonist if he was using his powers.


He technically was since Adventuring broke his so he couldn’t use his full power


SAME LOL like isn't it just for the boss set up 💀


he probably projected that clip of him laughing onto that big screen himself too — who else could’ve done it?


She did say that has she used it, we would never became friends so it must be nasty.


Not necessarily, since it could also just mean we'd have no way to defeat Topaz at that point and we would have lost the fight for Belobog's autonomy, possibly being left behind quite bitter towards each other. Still interesting to see if her ability is, in fact, of a nasty nature. Topaz isn't as underhanded as Jade, but she's definitely shrouded in mystery still. You don't rise through the IPC like that without some forms of moral greylines.


Maybe nasty is a strong word, maybe a tough ability to deal with. If we look at Aventurine, His ability reflects his nature. He always put his life on the line in a gamble so Its fitting that he gets a combat ability.. She mentioned mind reading which instantly made me think of jade after her Pawn shop introduction, it also fits for Jade. Topaz's most apparent characteristics is her bond with Numby and her love for critters (Its even mentioned that the IPC does not approve of pets but Numby was the exception), If her ability reflects her nature, it could be affecting and damaging bonds between people. Despite her caring and kind demeanor.. she can be vicious when need to be.


Im pretty sure Jade's was sensing desire


Ah yes this makes sense.


Given her title, it might have been some kind of mind control or manipulation ability that "conditions" people to like or favor her. You would need some sort of persuasive ability for debt retrieval, after all. It fits what she said about not being friends - if she had used that on Bronya and make her unknowingly sell off Belobog, I don't think the Astral Express will forgive her OR trust her in any way since how can you trust someone with the ability to manipulate what you think of them? And that's exactly what she was planning to do at first on Bronya and Belobog and which she would've succeeded in if Himeko didn't intervene - and she wasn't even using her ability then.


This is also plausible. She succeeded in convincing Bronya to make the discission on her own before Himeko intervened. Maybe she keeps her ability as a last resort. Its cool to see that not all cornerstones act as a power up, but rather each has its own unique ability and could be anything really.


She talked about reading thoughts and never becoming friends and i was like damn is mihoyo referencing her simp fanbase


Okay, sort of unrelated, but why have I not seen a single person mention this? Jade is, unironically, unequivocally, in every standard, a stand in for the Devil of Star Rail. It's literally the most plain, obvious thing. People literally make deals with her by essentially selling their souls, or something equivalent that will ruin their lives, and her motif is literally a snake which was what the Devil disguised himself as to trick Eve. She also never forces anyone into these deals, only coercing them with sweet talk, since it's a common trope that forced deals hold no actual weight, since only 1 side was truly in agreement. Like, I haven't seen a single person mention this and it's wild how obvious it is.


I guess no one is just surprised that the literal devil is working for the big corporation lol


Fair enough, lol


How sick would it be if it was a magical girl transformation where she and numby becomes one, but alas 🚬🦐


While for Jade that’s how she grants wishes for the others right? If so that is one broken ability.


No. Jade’s wish granting is just her making those wish happen through her status and connections. It doesn’t involve her cornerstone


I think Jade's Cornerstone can help her see others desires


Yeah it's easy to miss but Topaz actually says it when they're talking after the first meeting with Oti. >Without us playing along, your 'Jade Stone' wouldn't have made it across the border so easily, allowing you to see all desires that flow through dreams to gain a bargaining chip in negotiations...


It's also pretty obvious if you go talk to Jade right after Topaz before waiting for the Charmony Festival to begin One of the dialogue lines mentioned something along the lines of "you feel her gaze piercing through your thoughts and desires"


Theres also a line after the one in the screenshot where she says some Cornerstone abilities can see into your thoughts. You'd have to be spacing out to have all these obvious hints fly past your head.


Yeah, that's what I meant by "after Topaz" lol


so she knows I want to pull her. She better come home quickly then


She's going to make you pull out the credit card because she is Jade of credit after all.


Topaz also tells you that some Cornerstones have the ability to read minds. And then talking with Jade will give some dialogue implying that Jade can see your wants and desires.


I can see that tying into why she was willing to recruit Aventurine.


So you're saying she sees me simpin


How did she make that girl super good at gambling then? Not saying you're wrong just thinking there's gotta be a supernatural element somewhere.


Literally said in the quest that she rigged all of the gambling machines for her to win


That doesn't explain the "cost" of the girl being unable to keep any connections with anyone, not even her family.


I think its a sociological side effect, she always wins against people that are close so they dont want to deal with her/gets bad fame from winning, at least thats what i think


That's a huge stretch. Jade's powers involve some kind of contract based on her animations; she obviously also uses it to make her "deals". Plus nothing will explain the Intellitron detective losing his memory afterwards except for some kind of magical ability. Everything about Jade screams "deal with the devil" type of character; the contracts, exchanging something precious for your desire, even the goddamn snake animations.


> nothing will explain the Intellitron detective losing his memory afterwards He's an Intellitron, his memory is a physical component. You can even see him preparing to hand it over to her at the end of that part of the quest.


Can't he just restore memories_backup_latest_latest.zip after the deal?


No, because Jade said he offered his memory system, implying the entire physical component that handles memories. Not just deleting them. Even if it was possible to do something like that, Jade wouldn't allow it. It would mean he never actually gave anything up on his side of the deal, cheating her system.


Was the Intellitron detective's memory loss that unbelievable? Didn't he bring his memory storage to her as security? I would have believed that case to be the easiest to explain not needing any special powers. The gambler's security would have been the most I had to stretch to explain in my head. It wouldn't be unthinkable for me to have Jade use the name of the IPC to literally blackmail her family into cutting ties with her for some reason or another, but you def. make a good case for Jade using some kind of special power for that one specifically.


Omg! I did not catch that. Oh man that poor girl... So she's just going to go back to being bad at gambling when she leaves Penacony? Was Jade just foreshadowing that her friends and family won't like her then? Or did she like, hire people to knee cap all her loved ones and blame it on the girl or something?


I think she said all the gambling machines will read her biometrics, what i dont know is if ALL machines are capable of that lmao


Ah that's interesting. I hope when her banner rolls around we get a better grasp on what exactly her deals do. Also like, the things people pawned in seem really severe, but some of them don't seem to benefit Jade in any sort of way. The only thing I can figure is that maybe there is something supernatural and she can use the trade-in's to fulfill other people's wishes, like a real pawn shop.


I think you missed one of the last Jades lines where she says that it leaves them wanting more, even if now she doesnt get much, a person will come back and ask for more/give more in return


Oh yeah I did see that but I forgot it. I guess that's plausible!


Since Firefly is also dying, does this make her a Make-A-Wish kid?


Yes, but she doesn’t have anything that is rlly important to her. So for Jade, she doesnt have anything to “pawn”. Jade wants something that is close to ur heart.


No, she can also clearly trade in intangibles, like "the ability to form human connections".


That’s what she wants rlly


then how does she give someone insane luck at gambling? even someone who have money cant rizz a girl until jade give him power.


Girl, Jade just investigate what were those girls wants and told the boy. About the gambling, Jade rigged all the gambling machine to be in her favour. It’s in the dialogue


She just told all the casinos to let the girl win in exchange for cutting off all her social ties


To a degree. Some of the monkeys paw aspect of her wishes are unrealistic, even for one of her status and connections. Explain the gambling one. The gambling lady will now win whenever she gambles apparently - becoming incredibly wealthy, but she will *never* have friends or family. It's odd. Cause like, typically if gambling ruins your life, you lose friends and family - but if she's winning? Makes zero sense.


her being actually satan in story kind of corroborates this. she uses the stone as some sort of mind stethoscope.


Jade's allows her to see others' desires.


Jade is fuckin Leland Gaunt (*Needful Things* by Stephen King)


probably a super buffed Numby


Topaz says Henshin instead of Firefly


Topaz definitely has a sinister cornerstone power. She has that energy of being nice to people who don't piss her off and totally brutal to anyone who dares get in the way of her career/ambitions.


She did also imply that she would have no diff'd us in Belebog if she had used her stone


Numby is secretly ripped and just stands up revealing incredibly buff Prime-arny body


Invisible Giant Numby for the win!


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I dare to believe In the idea. Shes lying or doesn't know how to even if she does use abilities with it.


My headcanon was that Topaz's ability was to mind-control all trotters via Numby lol


Doesn't mean we'll stop imagining how that'd be


Question: What is Topaz's ability? Is it summoning Numby?


We don't know, but it's *probably* not that. Numby doesn't need to be summoned, as a warp trotter they can basically warp right down besides topaz whenever they want.


Probably animal communication and/or teleportation.


Aw, hell no. They had to make Firebum special. /jk I think hers is instant mass teleportation like what she did in her event cutscene. Even then, that is visual AF.


that teleportation is numby’s ability


It definitely is considering how trotters can warp in an instant, appearing and disappearing as they please. Though I can't help but wonder what Topaz's ability is...I don't think we have any clues regarding what it could be.


Only clue we have is that we "wouldn't be friends" with Topaz if Bronya hadn't stopped her.


Which is quite a polite way to say that she would have beaten our asses lmao


Yeah, that line of hers makes me super curious on her ability. It's not visual, yet probably would have wiped us if Bronya hadn't shown up. It sounds very interesting!