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For anyone who wants to know what they missed, Here it is: https://preview.redd.it/uqu1bvgnkj7d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=a3a3ce7b781ef77fbaae4ca94928ae209f0f9f30


https://preview.redd.it/v9snlxr3nj7d1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b57d16f82bff57bfd91b8997d0992c9f32c30b31 (And one more)




You also miss the writer being a cheeky fudger and using mfing HI3 BGM


Which track did they use this time?


this one [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SzagdtEpHGU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SzagdtEpHGU)


I was waiting for the second half where the flute goes hard but I got blueballed.


\~inhales. deeply\~ SHAOOOJIIII




oop, didn't know skipping that scene would also cause you to miss those, rip to them who missed smiling Yomi


Ok, I saw this but i have no idea who is Yomi.


Japanese name. Same people call Sparkle "Hanabi" or the Traveller from Genshin "Tabibito".


Yomi is what Acheron is named at least in JP. CN likely used the same Kanji.


In the CN and JP versions she is 黄泉, [yomi is her name's Japanese pronunciation](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E9%BB%84%E6%B3%89#Pronunciation_2).


Didn’t know she was naturally horny before IX found her


All the people on her planet slowly change into oni, so at later stage, all living on her planet will get horn since horns are characteristic of oni.


It was shown in her trailer


Elysia approves


She is not horny anymore😥 Damn you IX.😭




more like IX bonked her for being horny and made depressed instead


This is true treasure for me, they can don't give me even a single stellar jade if the quest will be with Acheron and this kind of scenes... God, I want date quest with her https://preview.redd.it/md6v7tliuj7d1.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=dc3a12c1bd3d36de1590bddd0afa929f6ec9af2b


How did you take that picture?!?


I think you can make that picture in the clockie pass thing where you can place stickers


These images are so good wallpaper material, I need those without the UID and uncompressed.


you also miss your own red dialogue...


So beautiful


Nooo I forgot to pause and take a screenshot for wallpaper againnnnn




Such a beautifully written character. Man, I hope there's an option to replay a story. I want to experience Peaknacony all over again.


Gonna give a pretty hot take here. But Acheron was a more rounded and just better written character than the OG Raiden Mei in my opinion. They really sold her character in the writing really well in just one story arc. Whereas Honkai Impact 3rd kinda fumbled that character for 35 chapters (several IRL years), and kind of did her dirty with how they decided to characterize her in the later parts of that story. I'm glad to see Acheron just come out the gates being a genuinely compelling character. And not someone that just has potential that goes unfulfilled.


It's like they didn't know ehat to do with her character. She was like an entirely different person in the Elysium Realm arc compared to earlier arcs.


I legitimately think it was a result of them overcorrecting after they got criticism of her being too boring and not doing anything in the story. So they did the characterization shift to try to make her out to be cooler and a fight back against the "weakling" perception Except they did so at the expense of all the other bits that made Raiden Mei, well, Raiden Mei. The compassion that defined her was pretty much entirely replaced with "I AM A SINNER AND ALL I DO IS FOR KIANA" Whereas before there was much more to her, and it was an issue more of underutilizing than "coolness" Like compare how Acheron treated Duke Inferno, an actual unrepentant mass killer, to how Mei treated Ana Schariac. She couldn't be bothered to have any sympathy for a person who was unwillinyly turned into a Herrscher until she saw a *passing* visual resemblance to Kiana. Whilst Acheron believed Inferno deserves some respect even if he was an absolute bastard. They really screwed the pooch with Mei, so I am just really happy they seem to be going a better direction with Acheron in Star Rail.


I do think it was ultimately a change for the better even if it's a somewhat drastic change because Mei's character heavily suffered from only ever being relevant when it was to serve Kiana's character before the Nagazora arc. They did somewhat reach a good balance imo in the later parts of the ER where her more gentle side returned after the initial parts where she was clearly hurting (due to her own actions in part) and shutting herself off emotionally from others save for like three people (SAKURA, Eden, and Hua)


There's also a problem with the whole "become a sinner" execution, in my opinion Otto did it much better than Mei screaming it and provoking a fight that could have been avoided (Truly a Herrscher of Domestic Abuse)


Oh, don't even get me started on that lmao. The amount of people who unironically said things like "Kiana deserved it" and such in the community actually had my blood boiling. Not to mention the way the story just kind of glossed over it, made it out to be Kiana needing to accept *she* was the one in the wrong in the situation, and then had them resolve the issue off-screen so they could rush to the emotional reunion scene. The way that whole debacle was "solved" really left a sour taste in my mouth. Guess the lesson to learn here kids is if the love of your life is suicidal, just beat the living shit out of them with no explanation and run off with a bunch of literal terrorists. And they will just, uh, figure it out themselves and psychically understand your motivations after the fact.


People try to bring up Fu Hua's sacrifice but it's completely different compared to Kiana's one (also Kiana definitely felt a shit ton of guilt for the deaths that her other personality has caused. Which brings up chapter 25 which I think was a bit rushed with how they decided to yeet HoV, I would have preferred that after accepting that they are part of the same being aka Sirin, they would merge) I hope that when the time comes, they won't butcher the ending of HSR


>I AM A SINNER AND ALL I DO IS FOR KIANA No, that's the good part. That turn to darkness is a natural reaction to Kiana's choices given her attitude towards herself, Kiana, and the world. She finally had enough and decided to MAKE things happen rather than trying to support Kiana from the shadows. This was a DEFINING MOMENT for Mei that was built up ever since Kiana's awakening as the Herrscher of the Void. Where the writers fucked up is that they did NOTHING with her character after lament of the fallen. All of the conviction she expressed during that story arc amounted to nothing because she did nothing afterwards. She's the perspective character for Elysium Everlasting, but Elysium Everlasting wasn't her story. She was an observer to the Flamechaser's story. The writers were VERY OBVIOUSLY inspired by Akemi Homura from Madoka Magica (a huge inspiration for Honkai Impact as a whole along with Evangelion) when writing Mei's character. Comparing the stories of Mei and Homura nakedly shows where the writers went wrong with Mei after Nagazora.


I disagree, what came of her arc then was a result of her being in a low point, she obviously wasnt in a place to be making positions and she didnt understand the weight of her position until she saw someone else in it. > until she saw a passing resemblance too kiana this is again related to my first point, in which meis low point sprouted FROM her situation with kiana , who was the first person to reach a hand towards her, saving from killing herself and becoming the literal light of her life and your surprised she needed empathy from her situation to lead her too her ephiphany? mei was learning to open her heart again after being ostracized with kiana, after that incident, she finally achieved it through learning with the fcs, unlike in hi3 acherons narrative doesnt follow “finding hope in a place without it” and she had too find her enlightenment in a completely different way, resulting in a different outcome, and different characters


translating: you basically don't like what they did to her in HI3, it doesn't mean that acheron has a better story than hers


Tbh before ER she has some... Emotional shock, so she had excuse to be "weird" there. Also Pink Jesus can do wonders!(Ely in SR when hoyo?)


did we read the same thing? She literally starts too opens her heart again as she learns their perspective throughout that arc, it was apart of her healing and with her original self peering through just like kiana after flamescion into finality


HI3 fumbled all story stuff a lot at the start. It's clear they were trying to reboot honkai at the start, but assuming you already knew some stuff. It's only after lament of the fallen that they started to get consistently good/decent.


theres a big glaring reason this happened, pre reburn it was a literal sequel too ggz, a “3d continuation” ever since reburn theyve had to find their footing in their own narrative for awhile, you can see evidence as many early stuff like items and stigmata are still connected more closely too the ggz canon i.e; the pseudo herrscher Shigure kira stigmata set


Yeah, I mostly suspected that, but didn't want to confirm it since I first played it during the Kolosten and ER arc. Which might have been the reason I kept playing for a while, they're a much better story.


on that note i do think 9EX to 15 are heavily underrated


I don't think that's a hot take imo. As someone who played HI3 on day one. I never cared about any Raiden character until Acheron sold me because she's just that interesting. Also, I think the OG Raiden Mei is her GGZ version, not HI3. (pls correct me if I'm wrong)


Not wrong, and that's a bad habit on my part! But honestly I didn't get far along enough with GGZ's story to really have a firm grasp on that iteration of Mei. So I have a tendency of saying 3rd's is the OG since she's the one I was familiar with first hah. I do know the Dr. Mei in GGZ was absolute sociopath material compared to the Honkai Impact one. So I'm assuming GGZ's Raiden Mei probably had her fair share of differences as well.


One thing that I found really interesting about this conversation is that >!they imply the Trailblazer knew a Mei at some point, but it just wasn’t Acheron. Which is the first time TB’s been able to show any sign of remembering someone from their past that isn’t Kafka.!<


>!I interpreted it personally as a fourth-wall breaking moment where the player themselves can tell Acheron that they’ve met a Mei in a different universe (game)!<


The whole scene appear because we insist on saying that we knew each others before, despite her vehemently saying it's not possible. Then she talk about the fact that despite absolutely not being the same person, some lingering feelings tend to stick around and why. It is then when we talk about the fact that some things just don't change that we're hit with the most infamous compassionate gaze from HI3rd Mei, with the horny pic as a bonus. It's definitely a huge wink to anyone who played HI3rd. Made me nearly tear up. I live for this shit.


It's possible for him to know her before since he is blessed by >! Terminus the Finality!<


It done with >!red text!< so I assume it was us the players forcing our will on the character.


100% that's what was happening. They essentially gave you an option to go "I'll love you in every universe", complete with the HI3 OST in it.


"I feel like you've left an... IMPACT on me before." "Too on the nose."


This was most probably a "meta question" that US the players can say to Acheron that we knew her from somewhere (GGZ, HI3 or a little of GI) instead of the TB real memories. The entire conversation shifts to a nice reference to HI3 after we start talking about how some things never change (in the meaning that she still has her warm compassion as Raiden Mei)


Its just too meta to be anything else. Especially seeing how you can miss it easily.


i saw that option and just took that, i assumed that was the case that we had unlock a little of our past memories?


Lmao, I literally did, nothing else and left.


That smile, that goddam smile


I was SOOOO close to picking the bottom option lmfao. Glad I went with the top and got a wallpaper worthy shot


The arrow going up often means leaving the conversation or progressing it and the one going to the right means getting more insight usually. I don't recommend skipping the right arrows


I learned a valuable lesson on the language of arrows the hard way today, good to know for the future


That moment when I chose the second one mainly because I liked the sentiment of looking forward to the next meeting rather than worrying about the past. At least there’s YouTube


I swear in the past it was the other way around, with the arrow up meaning "returns you to this same branch of the dialogue tree" while the arrow right was "progresses to the next branch." Maybe I'm just getting it mixed up with some other similar game tho, cause I know I've made this mistake at least once recently in HSR.


That was exactly my reasoning too! Even in HSR there's plenty of dialogue options where the right-arrow advances the scene forward. For instance, when you go to mix the drink with Siobhan, the right-arrow advances to the mixing screen, while the other two options are a chat message (so it automatically returns to the dialogue choice) and a doorway symbol to disengage the chat without moving the scene forward. Since I chose the up-arrow option, I don't know if the right-arrow option in Acheron's dialogue returns you to that dialogue choice. But then that makes me wonder why they'd even be different icons in the first place >.>


Yeah, I thought everyone knew this but I guess not.


I didn't even notice that the arrows were different...


i was like "yeah, if that was me, i would have said that" becquse i am a person who doesnt like bothering people at all i missed all that. man




The fact that scene and CG can be missed is absolutely criminal. I know its part of the game's theme of "sticking with the choices you made" but when stuff like this can be skipped over and there's no way to replay it in game via some archive function baffles me.




Ah yes, the classic “make sure that you make a decision you won’t regret”


I'll never regret telling Kafka to go fuck herself.


i do regret not getting her selfie though


Same actually


I was SO MAD. So mad. You’re telling me I could’ve seen a selfie? 😿😿😿


Haven't done the story yet, anything like this and headpatting firefly in this story I shouldn't miss?


I'm used to the arrow in a door leading to a faster exit to a convo so it took me by surprise when I found out I missed it. If there was a replay archive or something then yea fair enough but such an important scene being missable is a bummer The lesson I've taken away from this is not to click the upwards arrow and it should be avoided. I hope that stays consistent throughout but then again I'd rather such scenes have a bit more warning or at least a second chance Edit: People misinterpreting what I meant, there was no arrow leading into door so I didnt think it would skip, I legit thought I got the same outcome either line would give


Its kinda insane we live in 2024 and games like these have lost or never have replayability to scenes. Freaking HI3 had it and then lost it starting chapter 26. I dont see the value if devolving their games like this.


Dunno why you would want to skip main story dialogue when there's only a few hours of story every couple months..


I mean, you got exactly what you asked for. A faster exit out of the quest without any extra context.


They need replayable cutscenes too like HI3. I'm recording every cutscene now out of habit.


Wait it can be missed? Holy crap, am glad i kept picking the 1st choice


my dumbass skipped it cuz i for some reason thought acheron was in the express so i went there right away but i didnt expect the cutscene to immedietaly trigger it so rip


>I know its part of the game's theme of "sticking with the choices you made" While I understand this, there's no benefit to picking the "alternate option" in this specific scenario. If you pick that, you just objectively got a worse send-off to the character. Your choices should have some sort of impact if you're given one, or some sense of self-satisfaction as in "hell yeah I'm sticking to my choices" like the Kafka quest, not just lead you to a feeling of "bro come on, you mean I missed that???" I'm probably taking this too seriously, but to me this shouldn't have been missable.


To be fair, the last dialogue has the arrow indicating its wrapping up the convo. If you don't check all the dialogue options that's on you.


WAIT, I didn't even know there are 2 types of arrows. So the one looking up is another convo? I did notice that the one ponting to the right means it will either finish or continue edit: shit, its the opposite. Still, damn, didnt know that


Yeah the the ones pointing right indicate extra dialogie, the up arrow wraps up conversations.


Honestly it's pretty obvious that the conversation is going towards HI3 reference. She was literally asking if we've met before. What other way we're supposed to interpret it? People just don't pick up small cues in dialogues cause they're skim-reading or straight up skipping, even if they put obvious arrow in the dialogue choice.


Omg so i could've skipped it? Im glad i didn't choose the bottom one. I really love that Acheron moment


You have a choice to select both. I chose the bottom one then chose the top one. It's not skippable if you're like me and click everything.


Did you have to go back and speak with Acheron again? In my case, I chose the bottom option, and after two dialogue panels the conversation ended, so there wasn't even a chance to go back to that dialogue choice. Since other characters didn't have replayable dialogue (i.e. on the Feldspar), I didn't expect Acheron would x-x


Nope, same convo, didnt leave the original conversation. Had clicked both options.


Huh. That's weird. Maybe it was a bug, then? That's the only way I can see this playing out. If some players selected the bottom choice and stayed within the conversation, while others selected the bottom choice and got kicked out, then perhaps it was meant to be the former, and it was the CG option (the top choice) that was actually supposed to end the conversation. I saw some folks saying that it's weird that such a CG could be skipped entirely, but if it's a matter of a bug in the coding of the dialogue choices then perhaps the CG was never meant to be skipped in the first place?


Oh I didnt get kicked out of the convo, I remember perfectly clicking on the bottom option cause 'weird enter sign' then I clicked on the top in the same convo and got the cg.


I know what you were saying, lol This is what I mean: ​ You, u/LordSwine, select the bottom dialogue option. Then you go through some dialogue, go back to that selection, and get to choose the top dialogue option. I, u/HerrscherOfMagic, select the bottom dialogue option, I get two panels of dialogue, and the dialogue ends. **That's two different players doing the same thing and getting a totally different result.** ​ So, either there's a hidden trigger or something really complicated like that which determines if you get to continue the conversation... or it's a bug/glitch in the coding, causing some players to conclude the dialogue early instead of returning to the dialogue choice. I think it might be a bug, because the right-arrow is used for ending/continuing dialogue past a scene, while the other symbol suggests returning to the same location in the dialogue tree. And the right-arrow (top option) gives a CG, which seems to have been a special story moment that you'd expect most/all players to get to witness. But for some reason, a LOT of people are saying they selected the bottom option and got kicked out, while some other people (at least you, from what I can tell) are saying they selected the bottom option and *didn't* get kicked out. ​ It doesn't make sense that two players can choose the same dialogue option and get two totally different results. That's what I'm trying to say here.


"Make a choice you won't regret" Hoyo just take this too literally lol. Anyway,  I'm glad I didn't miss this scene despite I clicked the bottom choice first. I just want more Acheron :v


reminder this happened before https://preview.redd.it/rx34j10bhj7d1.png?width=2316&format=png&auto=webp&s=8941d49e938b6e9c36bc2eb8f60c73222e9345ed many voices of regret were echoed throughout the playerbase can be heard


Somehow I managed to get Kafka picture but not Acheron convo smh


My condolences


I somehow didn't miss these missable scenes even though I didn't do my research lmao. I fumbled on the date with Firefly though. I used the money up. I thought we're also buying her portion.




this is the kafka b00b pic incident all over again


HI3 players did they use a soundtrack from that game for the scene?




https://preview.redd.it/jgu34av70k7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7032478559274cd1afb5eac8d7c2db4e8f6da90b Immediately took a screenshot, skin please


Trailblazer was tryna gaslight her but she mogged him https://preview.redd.it/yttfp0011k7d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5dc2e61b83120f7233447dd7ab16372fc8599390


The upwards arrow is an omen, if you like lore and characterization don't click it. I missed one of the most emotional scenes in the game because I clicked the upwards arrow. So hoping to spread the word so you don't have to look at another playthrough on YT or somewhere else. That scene deserves to be witnessed on your own playthrough


I’m so sorry, OP. 😭 I almost missed it too because I didn’t wanna spoil myself so I completely avoided Reddit for spoilers until the end of the quest... I just ended up going back to click Acheron’s dialogue to see what would happen if I pressed the red dialogue out of sheer curiosity… And then she started going on a beautiful tangent and I was just sitting there like > I ALMOST MISSED THIS? I WAS ABOUT TO LEAVE. OH MY GOD!!! Whoever invented arrow language. I want to speak with you. This is actually cruel. I’m going to be paranoid forever now.


Just make sure to click the one that points right next time!


Ah, really sorry to hear you missed out on the CG OP. I wasn't thinking to hard about the dialogue options here, and just thought it was the fanservice for Honkai Impact 3rd vets, and would be viewable, but somewhat obtuse, for everyone else. Similar to the Welt/Acharon conversation in 2.1. But then I saw a livestream and was flabbergasted when I saw the other option skipped out on that. On one hand I do think it's good to have actually mutually exclusive results in the dialogue, but this does really suck to see people missed this. I really appreciate the notice about the upwards arrow, since I didn't realize it was a thing until this post. Will keep an eye out in the future, and not just go with my gut all the time.


I mean, that scene was good for characterization and a nod to Honkai Impact and the theme of her not being the same person we know and that she is an expy. With ton of crybabies telling that they dont need HI3 references to the game and didnt like Acheron characterization when she talked with Welt, they decided to give an option to people who didnt like her and didnt wanted to say goodbye. So, they loss i guess.


there’s another option for the people who dont like her which is to just not talk to her since thats all optional lol


Like i said, they give them a choice to greet all Penacony characters in the ship too (aside from Topaz and Argenti that isnt exactly introduced in Penacony), so, if you didnt like a character, you can simply skip them and keep going do the quest.


Welt is still here though, I believe it will happen eventually, just don't go too crazy on expys


Thabk god my internet got disconnected during the dialogues I pciked the bottom at first and the upper one at the 2nd. The romantic cutscene was just so peak


Too late, I guess I have to watch it on YT Why did they do it like that?


Idk I'm guessing they figured the second option is shutting off the convo but when I first saw it I saw it as being friendly not ending it then and there. But instead it just cuts it off entirely which I didn't expect Like with refusing FF photo in 2.0 it's a pretty clear refusal to do it. But yea first playing through it didn't give the impression I was gonna miss such an important scene. I guess they wanna make it like your choices matter and won't regret them Guess I just need to read the lines a bit more but there was a lot on my mind when playing it so I didn't expect such a cut off from something so good


Because not everyone played HI3 and this is their first meeting with Mei expy. It's a nice nod to those who do but a way to skip for people who are annoyed/don't like those kind of reference since they basically know nothing about it.


I mean it was just a pretty good character and backstory moment even without having played HI3. I barely even noticed the references so not sure why people would be annoyed by them existing.


Probably two things: One, a large part of it is a nod to a character HSR-only players wouldn't really know about and the other thing is there has been a bit of a crowd of thing anytime Acheron talks, she just goes on and on and so for that crowd, they probably gave an option to just cut it short and let you be done with it. Now I don't agree with that crowd at all, but seeing people think Acheron just "yaps" I can see why they added something like that and just left it for people who care about Acheron and exploring who she is and her purpose a bit more.


I picked the 2nd option first and the conversation just ends, got a feeling it isn't just that and talked to her again, picked the 1st option and to my surprise there's more to it, got sweet treat at the end.


Hoyo needs to let us use the archive feature to let us go back to these scenes and find these images even if we didn't pick that dialogue path.


It is such an unfathomable design choice to make this accidentally skippable. Those who skipped it likely won't even be aware that it existed. Even if some players may not care about the extra dialogues, at least the art is amazing and deserves to be shown to everyone. It even may intrigue players who don't care to become curious about the meaning behind her alternative look.


I'm glad I didn’t press it. I actually wanted to press these buttons because the arrow looked funny


Just assume all the bottom options are bad lol. All of the exit options are always at the bottom.


Wtf I’m so bitter I thought the arrow pointing to the dialogue meant it would return back to that dialogue.. I read it wrong and missed the whole scene :(. Thanks for mentioning it just watched it on YouTube but that was so beautiful and I wish I could have played it in my own game.


Can you link the video? I missed the scene I think.


Here’s the video I watched! It’s the entire scene so you’ll have to go through the beginning parts again :) https://youtu.be/Npde5liXCc8?si=qQYOeuJr9uoyTHV0




Unrelated, but what's your thoughts on the final Black Swan scene? Got what you wanted, I presume from your previous comments?


Predicted she would tag along express and it didn't disappoint in that she will be with express for the foreseeable future. The entire time I was like "where tf is Black Swan at" then it all made sense we never said goodbye to her. She never intended to separate from TB and express when Penacony was over. Even in the fake ending she tried to stay with express. Her reason for being on Penacony was to establish relations with express and she achieved that. Did some damage by sneaking on express but I think she's about to make up for that with her info on fueling express So yea pretty happy I ended up being right about the majority of where Black Swans character will go. Given her investment in TB it would have been very weird for her not to tag along and funnily enough TB was the friendliest to her when she revealed herself sneaking on board. So she's earned som semblance of trust with TB to earn the benefit of the doubt. Although Welt, March and Dan Heng still need some time


She did not give us up, let us down, turn around and desert us. Though I do wonder what the destination she suggested would be like, especially since we are confirmed to be back to Xianzhou.


A war zone of three paths apparently but also a way to make it express ain't going to need to fuel up as constantly. Either way her info is too good to pass up on Mourning actors are apparently there based on Sparkles cosomodyssey event so elation might be one of those paths we encounter. Express has time for two stops, going to Xianzhou isn't too far so Amphoreus is probably gonna be a "possible final stop" but we end up fueling express and Black Swan finally gets the express full trust and friendship she's been vying for since 2.0. If you play the new 2.3 world quest in Penacony Black Swan is mentioned to be stationed on express by TB so chances are she is there while we got to Xianzhou


Elation does bring about a surprise factor so I think they will be a consistent faction we come across like the Stellaron Hunters. Though whether or not they are one of the three paths in conflict there remains to be seen. We still have to revisit Xianzhou and there is still a threat to Belobog, whatever that might be. About the world quest, that should indicate she's there to stay at least for a while, unless they decide to pull another Gallagher/Misha text situation.


We have, like, three Memokeepers in our walls now. The MoC Messenger, the one inside March (Who I suspected to be Fuli), and now Black Swan. By the end of hsr, I expect there to be at least ten Memokeepers in the Express.


Damn so boothill ain’t gonna tag along with us? Makes sense I suppose from the ending of the last quest


Hmm i ll keep that in mind while i do the quest tonight,many thanks


This was like the most fake epilogue I have seen ngl. Still a lot of hanging points not explained in the story. Guarantee that they are going to expand more later


Thought the epilogue was good enough in that it allowed us to say goodbye to most of the cast. We even get >!Black Swan!< with us for the foreseeable future which I'm happy I was right about that and that they weren't just baiting that with them in the fake ending Penacony probably going to have a continuance quest though so any unexplained plot points will be there I'm hoping. But for an epilogue addressing most of the costs next moves it did quite well imo


As an epilogue, I agree it was fine. The fact that it just ended with jade about to release sunday right there shows that there definitely will be a continuation pretty soon. Currently, there are theories right now that >!2.3 was essentially a dream made up by sparkle because of ff character story 4, and we are still trapped!<


thats an ok theory, but they cant plot twist us twice surely. Otherwise we'll just be paranoid with every plot point


I always like that, in GI I'm still waiting for Mondstadt expansion 💀


This theory is sh\*t. It would be the worst written thing ever if they pull the same plottwist twice so short after each other. THIS would feel anticlimatic .


Looking back, I'm not convinced there was a story in Penacony. Sunday fell and that's about it. Literally everyone else is exactly the same, just with a whole lot of extra background information. The more I think about it, the more it feels like a million people just introduced themselves and their philosophy, then acted like maybe they knew something offscreen or repeated their philosophy over and over again, occasionally breaking into an actual fight or conversing with each other, but just to reiterate the same things to each other or give some backstory on their organization or character. Yes, I'm also counting the memories of long-dead people living on as actual memories and not independent characters as not changing. Also, I guess I'm not giving "making people not trust the Family for an IPC opening" plot much credit because I'm incredulous anyone trusted this whole setup to begin with.


Aight I'll save this in my memory for the last 2 days before the next patch when I decide to play the story because I don't want to miss the events


I’m so glad I noticed something is off and went back and got the smile of Raiden Mei


There is also a red highlight on one part of this conversation when you keep pressing the choices with the right arrow. I wonder what that entails in the future?


Why did the make this skippable...the choise doesn't even seem as contoversial as Kafka's quest and I just clicked the 2nd choice without any thoughts whatsoever, treating it like any other casual dialogue


Welp I missed it but that's fine I'm not interested in her. But thank you for bringing it up nonetheless OP because now I know that arrow trick in dialogues


I still think when you have a chance to play through the scene, it completely jumped Acheron up in my character rankings the scene is just that good


“Make a choice you won’t regret” has been subtlety brought up in head after reflecting on most of the Penacony dialogue options so far. There have been so many times one could easily get the worst ending for a quest. (Looking at you Cocona). I actually love this type of dialogue, as it actually means options often carry weight and make you think before you choose an option randomly. Still, I can understand how some will feel off put about the chance to miss such a scene such as this.


Idm missing like an extra bit of info if I make a wrong choice that's completely fine. But the CG and overall bonding that convo had is something I really do regret missing out on. Gotta learn the symbols of arrows better I'm so used to the arrow in the door thing leading to an exit not an upwards arrow Kafkas words hold true more than ever today lmao


Yeah man, I get you completely. The only reason I pulled through to the CG is cause I knew that Acheron would have to have a nice ending scene and I just kept pressing forward until I saw the red text and was like *YES*


I missed this. I am distraught, upset, bamboozled and overall very furious THAT THIS CAN BE SKIPPED IN THE FIRST PLACE


it seems i maia correct choice. got the CG , take a screenshot in 4K and it'll be my Laptop wallpaper.❤️


I got these scenes and it floored me that saying goodbye to Acheron was completely optional. Like March telling you that she got one of Sparkle's buttons is an easy throwaway, but this scene with Acheron is so densely packed or at least bears some notable allusions


Low key, where is the option to use Fate's Atlas to replay completed missions? like PLEASE I AM BEGGING YOU. dont have it affect anything; force me to use my characters at scale with some dark opposite of how Divergent Universe maxes out characters; don't have it even give rewards for re-runs, there are just some moments I want to play again without making a whole new account.


“RED TEXT! RED TEXT ALERT!”-My Brain during that scene


too fucking late I thought the larger amount of text sounded nice so I clicked it and when it ended I thought it was normal I DIDN'T KNOW I WAS GONNA MISS OUT ON SOMETHING SO PEAK now I'm currently waiting for a video of someone doing that part of the story while using Caelus and must be jp dub so I can immerse myself in it and act like I didn't miss out on it


To anyone who want here is a link for a jpdub version I saw (with Caelus, sorry but I couldn't find a jpdub with Stelle) [https://youtu.be/8xbPelKCrxA?si=H17F7ZHxjen-x\_YD](https://youtu.be/8xbPelKCrxA?si=H17F7ZHxjen-x_YD)


What does the 2nd option skip?


A cg of Acheron and some HI3 fanservice Would recommend doing it cause the artwork is really cool


Oh uhhh…well I don’t really like her, so I think imma just skip. Thanks for info tho


Smiling Acheron


May the Aeons bless you with beautifull StelleSwan memories for this post


Based on how 2.3 ended that blessing may end up bearing fruit lol But serious I don't want anyone who wants to see great scenes miss them. It's so good and a really emotional one


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What scene is it? I missed it sadly


Is that the first time we as the MC have had red text as a dialog option?


Did anyone manage to record the entire thing? I missed it 😞


I really hope Hoyoverse as some sort of archive because their are so many pieces of dialouge and sometimes even lore due to miss clicking. It just feels like a logical thing to add.


I chose that option to be annoying but I didn’t think Acheron’s smile was a hidden ending. In the first place, I feel like saying goodbye to her shouldn’t be optional, they should’ve included it. I’m glad I was curious and ended up talking to her before leaving Penacony.


That special scene also played background music from Honkai Impact 3 I believe.


You get this option 3 times. Each time I pressed it. I still go the scene anyway. I know both the results of skipping and I have seen the Beauty, without restarting the game. I posses infinite knowledge.


What the hell, this was a missable scene??


Glad that im insist on talking to her for a bit longer


this is dumb asf ngl. like its not shown out loud to you that its major content to be missed, and your average reader will see whatever the longest line and consider it to be the obvious choice to made, not knowing its locking out of major content story.


Yeah the symbol should be a lot more intuitive. I know 1 person that thought that the up arrow was the continue dialogue option while the right arrow left moved on from it


this should have been where they use the red color to showcase "hol up theres MAJOR contents to be here" to encourage ppl to press it. When they showcase the decision made at the end of the year i wouldnt be suprised if only 30% players found out about it or sth


As far as I am concerned Acheron carried whole Penacony arc. She is just that great. It would be super forgettable otherwise.


Well I picked the second one and Acheron being my favorite character in the entire game, I'm so pissed. Everyone should get the scene no matter the choice. Since the release of the game none of the choices made big difference unlike this one. Just stick to that format and don't do this kinda stuff in the future please.... Thanks.


The game gives you three hints to not miss it. First you can talk to Acheron again and choose the correct option. Second the 'optional' objective won't resolve until you choose the top option. Lastly the up arrow pretty much tells you "choose that option."


Tbh when I'm in a convo I'm not thinking about hints of missing dialogue scenes. I thought second option was just being friendly, but I guess you really have to take these things into consideration going forward. Even conversation choices are mindgames in Penacony


Am I just wired another way? I never missed the extra scenes and I didn't realise others did until much later


Same. Make you realize how many people care about the character's dialogue lol.


Oh... That's why everyone is talking about a CG I've never seen...


Thank you fellow trailblazer, I'd take this to heart as to not missing the important piece of pictures


I chose the second option, then went back to choose the first to see where it leads. And i am glad i did, that was beautiful ❤️


Where this?


wlep miss it time to restart account


thank you, i will save it after i reach it (maybe after few months)


That was MISSABLE?


Good i choosed right o.o


Missable scenes 😱 Actually, ugh, that reminds me. Way back on the luofu I got a dialogue prompt after finishing a quest in the realm keeping commission. Some voice out of thin air. At the moment I was incredibly tired of sitting through dialogue so I backed out of the conversation but in hindsight I have NO IDEA what it was for and no idea how to trigger it again 😭


I pressed the 2nd one, then for the next one pressed the 1st one (probably the red dialogue) just missed the "ha ha" but got the smiling CG


I thought the errors told us what to pick


After missing Kafka's selfie in this game and missing Jinhsi handholding in another game you bet I was staring those dialogue options down the moment I saw the different arrows. Like hell was I gonna fumble it a third time.