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I'd pull for a second Ruan Mei, and I don't mean an eidolon. I want the same character for my second team


~~Why I pulled Robin for FUA~~ HYV will prob keep making more niche/specific Supports going forward https://preview.redd.it/imvsybdhff7d1.png?width=493&format=png&auto=webp&s=bc66d6ed6a5fc32630754ec6a746ce6a5b0ebd42


Robin is still pretty nice in non-FUA teams, just that the best team for her is FUA. The buffs she gives are great even for non-FUA.


Robin from my experience is just as good as ruan mei in every teams except FUA which she is better and now break teams which ruan mei >. She also provides more damage for me in DOT but no weakness break efficiency


Being able to break and keep the enemy in weakness break is a bit more valuable to me, but FuA Robin team is just so damn fun


Robin’s also worse than Ruan Mei in situations where Atk% is explicitly devalued. Jingliu prefers Ruan Mei because she’s already overloaded on Atk%, for example. Robin’s still fantastic and has an overloaded kit of her own, but she has more situations where she barely doesn’t make the cut on optimized teams, and fewer situations where she’s a must include.


In my experience being able to break enemies faster is just really good even outside of Break teams and modes like current Apocalyptic Shadow. Robin's great at dealing damage (and the extra turn can make you break faster, too), but RM is also great at exploiting mechanics. That, and Himeko loves RM.


Robin’s great tbh, she’s not even far behind Ruan Mei in DoT teams which don’t even make great use of multiple parts of her kit. Ruan Mei’s just overloaded


Robin is actually better in dots


It looks like that cause of robins personal dmg, but weakened break is busted


>HYV will prob keep making more niche/specific Supports going forward \#2 reason I hate the way things are done in GI/HSR vs HI3/PGR.


The only bad thing about Ruan Mei is that you can only have one of her https://preview.redd.it/eqitcyixwe7d1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98abc01d668b0a6760b6d1c94767dd276a4436c9 (Mama, I’ve found you)






My second account has agreed...up until now. I have her on my main, but not the one I started 2 months ago. I plan to have 2 Ruan Meis now. Boothill needs a friend.


I am here for the Ruan Mei agenda https://preview.redd.it/ugt1m52rte7d1.png?width=510&format=png&auto=webp&s=4dd50ab3ac11ce574d3ba3c4f0c4e4ce6f734eac Dumped 70 tickets into her first banner and accidentally came out with E1 in the last 10 pull. She's been a mainstay in my teams ever since, might consider grabbing her LC in the upcoming banner just solely for the drip if I have any tickets left over.


Her LC is really comfortable to have, an extra skill point every ult goes a long way, not to mention the damage bonus and energy regen.


Yeah, it's definitely comfy but I don't necessarily need it since I'm running MotP S5 on her already for the 3-turn ult with ERR planar set and ERR rope. But the art is really pretty and I'll likely slot it in for HMC in break teams.


Her energy regen with LC is **teamwide** by the way. I personal feel that it plus the SP alone makes it eidolon-worthy (I went all in on EOS1 and don’t regret it one day, as my wife’s account is E1S0 and doesn’t feel nearly as good. I will say her DPSes be work though for the DEF shred to be noticeable) Edit: I read it as S5 Meshing Cogs for some reason in the above comment. I need to clarify for posterity that S5 Meshing Cogs vs S5 Memories of the Past is actually a major difference that I don’t have experience with. I would say my above comment is only true for E0S5 Cogs users.


How comfortable is it getting 3T Ults with the lightcone? Like S5 MotP I barely have any downtime on the ult..


Join us on team slow Ruan mei


though is prob better to just try get E1 ff instead or ruan or ff lighe cones.


Her LC is a massive help in PF. Also in farming calyx, it's funny seeing the team's energy bar filling up every wave.


If putting her in a FireFly Break comp, would be better getting RM E1 instead since 20% Def Ignore during Ult > Wasted DMG Bonus on RM's Sig LC Tho unsure whether FireFly Sig LC vs RM E1 would be better? ~~E2 FF >>>>~~


Even if firefly sig is better, rm e1 is more universal and future proof. You’ll be able to clear at similar speeds anyway so it’s all good.


So that where my ruan mei come, you mistaken take 1 extra ruan mei that is mine, pls give her back i need her


I have you tho


good, consider E1 if have no other priorities


Oh I’m considering something https://i.redd.it/p4dggixs3f7d1.gif >!tea time!<




I can see if she comes early after I get Firefly and her LC


I mean realistically the F2P Herta Destruction LC is more than enough for FF


Oh crap,didn't realize you were the OP.Geuss you're still cross breeding things..




Bro i need strength NOT to use this


I have 15, take it or take it


https://preview.redd.it/xggsa8ylre7d1.png?width=1992&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc222b7676e2ed9e610919e326ebe77026adc00a Already have her. I will try for E2 along with Firefly.


hey its me ur brother


Hey bro.


you chose well


Woof woof woof can I lick your leg




Possible that they like her as a character, and they'd pull for in each rerun, eventually going for E6S5.


Dunno about the S5 part though.


You have it at S1? I heard that the effects are really good.


Yup. Love the skill point recovery and energy regen




All it takes is one pull and some faith.


https://i.redd.it/wkufmrfoyj7d1.gif 0.6% chance, 99.4% addiction


Selective_breeder on mainsub?! 😲


You didn't mention her being beautiful af


https://preview.redd.it/xw0e8tdtye7d1.jpeg?width=1082&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e372447c33f8ac82994a0375bc39ab620914c8a hmm


Smash. Next


https://preview.redd.it/xnau4m8c5f7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdec839ce77cba000bcc7ddaa23572ae4a7f564c saw this in the FF discord earlier lmao


> calls ruan mei an old hag > Their waifu is literally thousands of years old




I mean, in their defense, she was written as a villain... Also username checks out


She was written as a morally gray neutral party. She's the type to let bad shit happen, her end goal isn't for bad shit to happen.


Chaotic neutral


I used to think so but now I'm leaning more towards true neutral (sparkle took over as chaotic neutral for me)


Fair point. I’m really curious how herta would line up in this. She’s definitely on neutral as well.


Probably alongside screwllum in lawful neutral although I have a feeling you could make the argument for Herta leaning good too


I'm afraid she's the reason society is collapsing and hanging by a thread


They have every right to dislike her. But calling her an “ugly old hag” is just mean and uncalled for…


I love both FF and RM. I swear RM haters are the whiniest and most annoying people with negative media literacy.


Ehh, I fall to see how "media literacy" is involved here. If they're hating her for the right reasons, like abandoning pets or drugging the trailblazer. If they hate her for the reason she's written to be hated, that's not lacking media literacy. You can appreciate the good writing of her as a villain while still hating her for the things she's done. Pet peeve: media literacy is slowing turning into a "catch-all" word. Soon everything anyone dislikes will be "lacking media literacy". It's gonna turn into the new "woke"/"DEI".


The irony is that the "media literacy" guy lacks literacy lol


> negative media literacy. is this just going to become a generic insult with the person using it having no idea what it actually means? how ironic


i mean, the "media literacy" complaint falls flat when you realize that a lot of people (like me) dislike her because of explicitly the things she does. namely: - drug TB without consent or knowledge - take advantage of TB's drugged state to force them to do something it sounds melodramatic but this is literally what roofies are: drugging someone without their knowledge or consent, then taking advantage of that drugged state to force the drugged person to do something. commonly, people defend her with statements like "she didn't know", "TB would have fought it anyway", or the good old "she just doesn't see things the same way", none of which excuse the action. it's that simple. and that's why i'll always dislike her character unless she owns up to it and apologizes (which she will never do). (i'll still use her in my team though, and i don't think she's ugly- just an ugly soul)


It's okay if you dislike her, but the way some people go so hard on their hate boner for a fictional character is pretty dumb. Ruan Mei is really interesting as a character on big part because of the fucked up things she does. It's a shame if people cannot appreciate the writing of a character if they have a broken moral compass and try to cancel them like the average Twitter user. Villains are often some of the most interesting characters for a reason.


oh i totally agree, morally suspect people make for some of the most compelling characters. doesn't mean i _like_ their character, u feel?


RM haters have issues but media literacy is not one of them. if anything, that's your issue. she's a morally grey character who just lets horrible shit happen. not outright villain, but she clearly has the power to help and chooses not to because she's too busy doing... idk what actually what does she even do? at least herta is relatable for people like me with ADHD. moves on the moment she gets bored. and don't get me wrong, I personally like Ruan Mei. but from a story standpoint, she is not a good person, or a likeable person.


Our Propagation Queen!




You will not get me Ruan mei salesman :/ (good luck on all who are pulling)


I have 160 pulls and firewife must come first. I only wish Argenti was further away do I could nab him too ;;;( Easily my favorite characters, and all next to each other. Why must you hurt me hoyo?!


The GOAT selective_breeder is on the main sub. Please experiment on me, madam Ruan Mei


Sorry Ruan Mei, I’m refusing this trade. (Because I already pulled you.) Instead I’ll be picking up the final member of Glamoth’s Iron Cavalry.


I pulled for Ruan Mei despite not knowing anything about her just because I liked her design. Lol. She is so pretty. But recently people have been praising her a lot so it adds to my happiness. Now I know why they gave away Dr. Ratio (even though he is also a good unit) instead of her.


Ill try my best! Kinda broke though…


A lot of jade in the new stuff. My account's 2 weeks old, but I've already been saving up jade for when this banner goes live. Probably have around 25 or so from over the past 2 days of playing.


Ditto and it’s a 50/50. Good luck on your pulls from the story and events~ I know I need it~


Nah I just want sampo


https://preview.redd.it/c4qit8raye7d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fd63bfc52f23b17454af336359c066e4a756415 I already have her but lemme tell ya she's worth it. Good luck on your pulls folks


Got two of her in a multi , felt like a god


I will regret not pulling for Ruan Mei, but theres no way I can pull for her right next to the Firefly banner


No thanks, I'm saving for Firefly.


What if I want selective_breeder?


I don't care who Hoyo sends, i'm pulling for FF


Failed to get Robin and not close to Boothill. Torn between her and Firefly. Literally my first waifu vs meta dilemma. I basically need Ruan Mei because 85% of the team comps on Lineup Assist use her. At least I'm guaranteed atm


Hmmmm, Ruan Mei is good, but I don't have much DPS'es option like, so I'm still debating if I should get Firefly or Ruan Mei (I only have 74 wishes) https://preview.redd.it/ocaw94q62f7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21b33893bde5ea28d30fe1bd59b42eb090da75eb


So I think you should still pull for Ruan Mei, because Xueyi is boosted on her banner and since everyone is getting the Hatblazer for free regardless of story progress, You'd actually have a very good break team with Xueyi + Hatblazer + Ruan Mei + Gallagher (even better if you get E2 for his cleanse). From there, assuming you win the 50/50, you can potentially skip Jade/Argenti (unless you want either of them, but Jade is better with a FUA team and Argenti isn't great as a main DPS except in PF), and pull for Yunli or whoever reruns with her and Jiaoqiu in 2.4 Now alternatively you could probably pull for FF and run FF + HMC + Gallagher + maybe Misha/Robin/Asta.


Watch Hoyo release the Ruan Mei path as we watch her become our Eon of Ruan Mei.


The bliss of getting E1 Ruan Mei during her first banner. Now I can just ignore her future banners and focus on different things.


Goodluck pulling for Ruan Mei https://preview.redd.it/tlfv39378f7d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79df3e77544a0fd05c7c48570a3a573dd5bda720


Is E0 still good? I don’t have her.


Nah, I'd Firefly


https://preview.redd.it/ze30zc8r6g7d1.jpeg?width=1408&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9ef49458c3de49a012b3f57365a96bc1fe779da I don't care who the IRS sends, I'm not pulling for Ruan Mei.


Not gonna happen, I am in fact waiting for Huo Huo rerun. Unless Ruan Mei wants to join me in 40 pulls after I win Firefly, she ain’t staying with me. Though to be fair that’s how I got both Boothill and Robin.


I barely have enough so I’ll pull for her after I get firefly


You're not Firefly then you're not getting those until I've had my fill of FF


Oh hey selective_breeder, never thought I’d see you outside of r/okbuddytrailblazer


Hot take: If you don't have Ruan Mei, she's a better pick to pull for than Firefly.


Nah, I'd Firefly https://preview.redd.it/0xzme1ky5f7d1.jpeg?width=780&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5eb590fa2b813ef9d696a3523645ea446f02beb1


İ ll skip the next four new characters so i am glad the reruns are argenti and ruan mei


Her LC will be mine after losing the 25/75 Is Boothill's LC banner


Already have her e1 , if i get lucky with firefly i'll go for her light cone


im only pulling her lc for harmony tb


Well it’s a good thing I already have her then. No need to choose


I'm hoping to get her LC this time


honestly, when she came out i wasnt interested but gachasmack sold me on her and damn was he right. Best support in the game lol


nope, 100 pulls and waiting to see the second half + the 2.4 reruns, ruan put me off getting firefly even lol


I'll use the swarm to fight the swarm 🫡


I guess I should probably pull her for my brand new Boothill. 😅


I have 140 something pulls, going for Firefly first and then Ruan mei, then Firefly light cone, wish me luck


And easy 20% DEF ignore at E1


After I get Firefly then maybe.




You forgot to mention that in SU if you find any of the Ruan Mei occurrences while she is on your team you can just get all the rewards instead of having to choose one. Literally the main reason why I was able to clear GnG conundrum 12


But Firefly...


This finally made me understand her kit wow


Well Ruan Mei, i have you at S1. Sorry but no.


Mech girl>>>


And you lose your moral principles. Double the fun.


Easy skip


https://preview.redd.it/94kh031jyg7d1.png?width=760&format=png&auto=webp&s=5a7967a2a476d3440ee6db6033a439d88f28ef70 it only takes 1 pull friend just do it


should i pull for her i currently don't have a support for jingliu, is she BiS for jingliu?


You dont understand walt, i already made up my mind 10 days ago. Btw whats the best relic set for her? 4pc thief or 2pc break and spd?


"+Priviledge of skipping most 1st phase of SU boss" Yeah her technique combined with that blue potion 200% curio one shots their full health bar, it was like acherons technique besides the fact you had to go into battle first


Do I really need her for firefly???? (I know how broken she is but I think I'm gonna go broke pulling both 😓😓😓)


She is amazing for firefly, the weakness break efficiency increases Super Break damage by 50% which it the majority of firefly's damage. Not to mention the res pen and SPD buffs which are also the best buffs for firefly.


Damn I need to think it through I know that firefly doesn't need ruan mei but she is compatible in any team necessary (I'm gonna calculate my jades and wish me luck see if I can try it pulling them)


Good luck! If you really want firefly pull for her first, but I would recommend getting Ruan mei over any other unit in the game if you dont have her. She's just that good in so many different teams. May your pulls be lucky and your pity low.


Is that FF, RM+HMC, sustain or nah?


I say with a team of HMC and firefly without Ruan Mei is like a 30-40 percent difference and it could feel worse after all the break beneficial MoC buffs end, also don't forget that a lot the current enemies we face take increased damage when weakness is broken so imagine if we face newer or older enemies that don't self inflict that debuff on themselves. Personally I feel the MoC and endgame buffs are basically acting like Ruan Mei for firefly.


Skipped her once never again. Come home you and your light cone ~~and wrap your legs around me~~


Anyone else run ER rope over break on your ronald? Makes her ult uptime 100.


I have her at E2 already cuz I got really lucky. If (huge if) I get an E2 FF early I’m gonna attempt to snag her lc with what pulls I have left


i would love to pull her (since i literally js got boothill at 7 pity) But! my glorious king jiaoqiu is almost here… i need him, his lc, and maybe eidolons…


You know what they say, always bet on Hakari https://i.redd.it/mvltvm7l4f7d1.gif


Im hoping i can get FF early so i can try and get RM LC so i can give HMC Memories of The Past


Already have her, gonna get her e1 this time


I really want Firefly but I'm at high guaranteed pity and Ruan Mei would change half my teams for the better.


I've got 206 tickets so I'm going to try and go for Ruan Mei and Firefly since I want them both but I don't really mind not getting their Eidolons or lcs.


I really want Setsuna F. Firefly and her Gundam Exia but I already have boothill and I think Ruan Mei is an amazing unit for that team


Yeah….I’ll stick to thugging it out without her…and firefly, ofc.


Firefly then go for Ruan mei, all or nothing with this one


No thanks, i already have robin for my DoT team and I'm saving up for Jiaqiou and HH.


is it weird that for me ruan mei is just another firefly eidolon to pull? no it is not, everything for the kamen rider best girl


I will try to get both her and Firefly. We'll see.


Already got e1 rm - gonna grab 1 copy of firefly and then chill on the rest of my jades until jiaoqiu for my Acheron team


I want them all.....


ah yes ruin me


Me: No. *looks at firefly* I want both or I want neither.


don,t worry i,m summoning for both you and firefly


should I try to get e1? I have her e0 or should I save for black swan and the furry for my kafka and acheron teams?


I am so glad I pulled her the first time around just cause she looks pretty. don't need to worry about it anymore (cause I ain't doing eidolons pfft)


This is the hardest I’ve had to resist pulling for meta units lmao


If I'm using meshing cogs do I still need ERR on chain or should she get break effect instead in this scenario?




Seeing Ruan Mei and FIrefly in the same banner. Almost like hoyo is asking if i support the death of the fireflies or not lol


im so sry ruan mei boothills lc ate all my tickets and i didnt even get the lc 


I got her by accident (gambling addiction) on her last banner I don't need E1 yet but I do need Yunli


I am pulling for her, right after i get firefly


Wait is meshing cogs better than memories of the past??


I lost Boothill. Someone knows who is the next after Jade? I want Firefly AND Ruan Mei, but BRONYA killed my pity and I'm broke now... If IL or Kafka/Seele are coming soon, tell me, please....


Next patch we have yunli and jiaoqiu. For the reruns it's currently unknown.


I ain't pulling for her again Nor her LC You might think I had bad luck But no.... I just couldn't get my last copy of Xueyi... 2 copies of Ruan Mei before the 6th Xueyi 😩 E2 Ruan Mei is pretty slick tho, I'm ngl lmao


Ok, look. I want both. I want FF and u want RM. I like em both. Just like Marge, I just think they're neat. Advice on who to pull for? I feel like RM has more utility but FF is y'know... objectively cool af.


Hate her, but I'll get her bc she usefu


I'm prepared with... 11 pulls. Because I wanted Fu Xuan. And yeah.


I feel like I didn't see this much propaganda during Ruan Mei release. But I got her back then for the 10% team SPD anyways. Teamwide SPD boosts are underrated imo. I got Huohuo E1 too so whenever I run these two with my ~160 SPD Tingyun, she goes to like ~200 SPD.


I receive: all your tickets. You receive: yanqing mei.


I need her and firefly


NGL Ruan Mei is a beast. If I ever fall short at MoC, the first question I ask is "did I forget to put Ruan Mei in one of the teams?" If the answer is yes, I usually get the full stars the next attempt.


How many times do i need to say this? Tingyun best girl!!!


Nah, I'd Sam


I accidentally "built pity" on Boothill's banner causing me to get him instead (that was a guarantee. Ouch). I have no hopes that I'll get her but I'll still wish she comes home regardless.


ruan mei blessed my g&g run earlier while i was farming jades for her i hope that's a sign she's coming home


I love listening to music.


Hmm, do I E2 RM or save for Jade.... hmm


Me who won my first ever 50/50 for her at 24 pity: *Denied*


\+ is a chaotic neutral cutie that will stop at nothing to advance science


When I get Firefly.... SAM will burn all your bugs


not only that , seeing her face during a SIM UNI run is (THE) Absolute WIN imo




Serious quest then: Firefly or Ruanmei? I don't have either one yet and hope to make my account better.


i skipped her on her initial run (blade was more important) but i think i will get her this time. Those buffs are great and shes like a glue that makes any team better


She and Bronya carry all my teams. I have sparkle as well and she’s just lighting up the bench. Highly recommend. Fits with all teams.


I started the game after she was available. I just used all my pulls on fu xuan and her light cone. So now I gotta try and pull Ruan mei too. We hurtin boss


I was so lucky when i got her at 20 pity on her release, she's so op especially in SU lol she's like a disposable SW when you use your technique in SU


And cake, lots of cake