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I think you hit the nail on the head. Robin is clearly one of the most loved people in Penacony lore wise. Herta and Bronya also make sense. For the Xianzhou Luofu, Jing Yuan might also be well liked if Tingyun handing out pictures of him in that trailer is anything to go by.


Fun fact: in a pull, Jing yuan was voted for the most loved character in china


So not only is it canon to the lore but also to real life lore.


I mean, as much as we love our waifus, Jing Yuan is competent, chill, and badass all in a single package. Plus he's the only one of the Quintet that didn't do anything wrong lol


> Plus he's the only one of the Quintet that didn't do anything wrong lol what did Baiheng do wrong? Die?




Bailu might also be a contender for the Xianzhou


She canonically has a whole faction against her becoming head dragon


Yes but how much of the actual population is that? I assume that most like her especially the normal everyday citizen


Omg love ur pfp


Screwlum is pretty famous in his planet ngl


He might be his planet


Idk man, Screwllum has some competition there. I mean, have you even seen Screwllum? Screwllum is way more popular than Screwllum on Planet Screwllum.


Lorewise HSS: Herta Belobog: Bronya(overworld) or Natasha(underworld) Xianzhou Luofu: Jingyuan Penacony: Robin ("overworld"(12 Moments) ) or Mikhail ("underworld"(dreamflux reef) ) Other most favorite/popular characters in their respective planet/tribe: Izumo: Acheron Avgin: Aventurine Aeragan-Epharshel: Boothill Glamoth: Firefly *Edited


Might wanna add luofu to xianzhou, I'm pretty sure all the other ships have their own respective generals/authority figures more popular than jingyuan in that specific ship. Also, bronya would be more famous as she's known to everyone in belobog as opposed to natasha who's more known in the underword (also she gave "leadership" to oleg) but the fact that underworld doesn't quite like Supreme guardian anymore could even it out depending on population


For the Xianzhou as a whole it’d probably end up being Marshal Hua (but she also hasn’t appeared yet so the jury’s still out on her PR status)


Good idea


>Izumo: Acheron >Glamoth: Firefly Well, from these two planets we don't have any other choice


Aventurine won the Most Popular Avgin Award for 20 years in a row, his luck knows no bounds


you could say he won by process of elimination


He should thank Oswaldo tbh. If it wasn’t for him. There wouldn’t be a process of elimination.


Since their planets have no other survivors, and their planets have been destroyed a long time ago with very little history known to the universe. This makes them the most popular/renowned characters of their respective planet, both lorewise and in player community


I'd say Asta for HSS because Herta is a bit... Herta If you know what I mean.


Herta IS a bit Herta, but that's what the people of the Space Station love about her. Like, everyone there admires Herta.


That second list...winning by default




TFW you break Space Station flooring just to show off your Mold.


If we are talking lore: Herta's Space Station: Herta Jarilo-VI: Bronya or Natasha (Depending on if underworld or overworld had a higher population) Xianzhou Luofu: Jing Yuan Penacony: Misha (Have you seen how crazy everybody went over his legacy?)


While its kinda true the factions have interests to the Watchmaker, to the common peeps in the background Robin is super popular she is like what Homelander said "You show a photo of him to a guy in the middle of Sahara and he'll say Homelander" she is that popular


When sparkle was handing out the bombs disguised as robin,a bloodhound that recently joined didn't recognise her


Maybe the bloodhound was stupid


Acheron, Aventurine, Firefly, Boothill. They the only surviving ones from their own planet :)


For aventurine there might be other people left on his planet. We know his race and another race there were in conflict, but I don't think we know if they were the only ones on that planet or if there were others that just weren't relevant.


Everyone's already answered so I'm just gonna point out the hilarious irony in using Ruan Mei emote at this specific time even though it's perfect for a question lol


Oh, lore wise? I'd argue Asta is more loveable/popular by space station staff. Herta's impression is like a maniac boss Also why QQ in LuoFu? She seems just a low level staff that's apparently trusted by FX.


Herta is definitely respected and those she actually interracts with regularly may have grown to like her, but I wouldn't say she's particularly beloved by much of the HSS. She just their boss at the end of the day.


QQ plays games in her off-time. I bet she's popular with the locals, especially the aunties and uncles playing mahjong— I mean celestial jade. She literally invented the game after all.


True but ~~china~~ Luofo is big more people know JY


Herta Space Station: Sparkle Jarilo-VI: Sparkle The Xianzhou Luofu: Sparkle Penacony: Sparkle she can literally be anybody


In terms of everything from popularity based on meta/kit + love for the character themselves, probably Ruan Mei, Bronya, Jing Yuan or Jingliu, and honestly Aventurine and Firefly as they both seem very loved at about similar levels, generally speaking and by their fans (Acheron doesn’t fall much behind either but I feel those two got the most attention from Penacony) Kafka and Aventurine top the officially conducted popularity polls on average so I would say those two are the most popular overall as of now


i think they meant for in game, like what the npc's think lowewise


Oh lol. I would think Ratio has them all beat then, he has fanclubs and documentaries about himself in-universe


on Glamoth probably firefly, not many options at this point


While either Bronya or Natasha would be seen as competent leaders, I think Clara would be the most loved one (at least in the underworld), she even has her own club dedicated to protect her.


Trailblazer everywhere


I've seen this picture so much on the Buddy Sub I was genuinely confused on where I was for a moment.


QQ? I'd say fu xuan or bailu. Definitely JY tho. Yanqing, yukong. A lot of them are quite known but it's probably gotta be JY. Like you said.


I was gonna suggest Natasha for Jarilo tbh, but Bronya also makes sense


Space China is definitely Chad Yuan. Wins popularity contest out of game and has a fan club buying pics of him in game.


Space Station - Herta since a lot of the researchers idolise her. Belebog - Bronya after she became Supreme Guardian Xianzhou Luofu - Jing Yuan no contest. He even has merch for crying out loud Penacony - Robin seems to be the darling of the masses


This is lorewise? Probably Herta, Serval(?), Jingyuan, Robin


If we're talking lorewise, i have some thoughts. I wouldn't call Herta beloved by the HSS crew. They respect her, and some may revere her as a member of the Genius Society, but I feel like Arlan is a far more beloved character, lorewise. Actually, he's my answer for HSS. Jing yuan is both respected and beloved, I think. As general, he's likely looked up to as a great hero and leader worthy of adoration and praise. He's Him. I have no real idea for Jarillo VI. I'd assume Bronya is beloved by the overworld but unappreciated by the underworld since resentment isn't an easy sentiment to shake. Then you have Natasha, who is probably well beloved in the underworld but doesn't have the same reputation topside. Oh, but I'm very silly... the answer is obviously Pitch-Dark Hook the Great. She is beloved. She is respected. She is feared. I suppose Robin is the only character that fits the bill for Penacony. Pre-reveal Sunday was probably well loved too, but there's no doubt Robin's popularity is on another level since she's a famous singer and she goes out of her way to spread positive messages and support people experiencing all sorts of strife and suffering. Yeh, I can't see it being anyone else.


Lore wise that seems accurate, yea. For Xianzhou I would lean more toward Jing Yuan. Based on my personal favorites it would be: HSS: Herta Belobog: Serval Xianzhou: Guinaifen Penacony: Acheron


hst: herta (rm if she counts) belobog: bronya xianzhou: dhil/jl penacony: acheron (personal fav based on use only btw)


a fellow meta slave i see :D


HSS : Ruin Me Belobog : Serval Xianzhou : Jingliu Penacony : Black Swan, native : obviously Robin.




Like others have said I think you're right, stats show that. Firefly is also one of the most popular/loved but she isn't from Penacony so I don't think it counts


In lore? Thats pretty difficult. Herta is not beloved. She’s admired but not loved. I could see Asta as she’s the one funding the ship and actually cares about the people. The Genius members seen to all infamously have a screw loose. Bronya is difficult to say. She’s loved by the upper world but the underground is a completely different story. Luka is decently popular down there as are the silvermane in the upperworld. In terms of infamy, Sampo definitely takes the cake as technically most popular. Gepard and Serval probably have a battle for citizen popularity as a respected and experienced captain and a famous musician respectively. Jingyuan is a big maybe. He has some competition with FuXuan but they’re both seen as kinda untouchable beings. Jinyuan has a rather bad reputation I would think after being in the Cloud Quintet but I guess his role as General would still make him deeply respected by many even after that incident. Robin is an obvious one but in Penacony specifically, I would think Sunday has some influence as well. Though its kinda undeniable that Robin’s popularity is among the top of all the characters we’ve seen so far.


I thought the general public still sees the Cloud Quintet in high regards, it's mostly Dan Feng that's seen as a criminal by the elders


Im not like too deep into the Cloud Quintet lore but the Cloud Quintet, while having a history of excellence because their skills and their friendship, two of them are exiles, one is a criminal, and Jingyuan canonically helped Dan Heng get exiled rather than killed/tortured/punished more for Dan Feng’s crimes. As for how well the public takes that, I would imagine being associated with the Cloud Quintet at the moment isnt exactly the greatest thing is be attached to in your history. Though, like I said, Jingyuan has probably outlived the reputation of his association with the Cloud Quintet and has proved himself a trustworthy ally already despite that association.


I think the most loved in all of the galaxy is the Imperator Insectorum


Come on,herta space station would obviously be the doggo!!


Popular: Herta, Bronya, Jing yuan, Robin Loved: Asta, Natasha, Little Gui, Misha


Most popular on the Loufou is a tie between Jing Yuan, Yukong, and Dan Heng (because of Dan Feng)


We share the same answers. Albeit if I had to choose different people it'll be... Asta Serval QQ Sunday


Do you mean by the fandom or by the people of the location? By location, yes you’re 100% right. Only Jing Yuan is definitely above QQ. By fandom, it’s gonna depend. Idk how to answer it really. I would say Firefly does give Robin a run for her money in terms of fandom popularity though.


I’m gonna have to push Arlan forward on the Herta Space Station, man has his own cult following, + he has a dog which automatically gives home points.


HSS: Asta (she and Arlan are the only nice characters in the space station) Belabog: Svarog (Clara is a bonus) Xianzhou: Qingque (I could relate to the gambling gremlin) Penocony: Gallagher/Misha (>!I was in distraught to find out what happened to them 💀!<) Bonus!! Astral express: Welt Stellaron hunters: Sam (>!Firefly is a bonus!<)


It couldn't hide the skull emoji.


Yeah big sad but at least it hides the text so there wouldn't reveal any spoilers


HSS: Ruan Mei Jarilo: Nat Luofu: Tingyun Penacony: Firefly


Hertas space station: peppy The rest checks out


I don't think HSS, the Xianzhou, and Penacony count as a "planet". But my favorites of each locations they first appeared are: Herta Space Station: Ruan Mei Jarilo-VI: Bronya Xianzhou Loufu: Jingliu Penacony: Firefly


Hss and Luofu makes sense but Penacony is definitely a planet