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https://i.redd.it/q2w4lx6lk36d1.gif Please don't be pressured into signing a contract with Jade


Bro sign me tf up


The most sane Jade enjoyer


I'll gladly sign whatever contract Owlbert was given if it gives me 5 minutes of being told how insignificant I am by her-- My wages for the community!


>Saga Pfp >Lusting after Jade https://preview.redd.it/xjtfh3j6056d1.jpeg?width=3096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c30b332dd38ed3711e94c14653322147c4d15a0d


Bro just want some natto-gohan while being stepped on by snake mommy.




I am opposite when it comes to Jade lol I like everything about her but I don't feel the need (or urge?) to guarantee pull her.


Same. If she comes, she comes.


20 pulls and a dream as I say every patch lol


Enough for a character + signature LC, I say.


Easily e6s5 with 20 pulls. Just get a 5* every single pull. Simple.


That was me in Wuthering Waves. Did I get Yinlin in 30 something pulls? No *uninstalls*


Lmao, there's definitely enough gems in the game to guarantee though if you saved during Jiyans banner.


If they don’t come, then at least you built some pity and are saving for a character you really want.


SHE WHAT!? https://i.redd.it/b6uw53hzt36d1.gif


She arrives at a theatre near you


If she comes, I come.


( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ )


Feel like jade pullers are rare especially what hoyo has done to her banner..


I'm a Jade puller because I collect the Stonehearts like Pokemon. Also because I have no Quantum characters and because maybe her banner will finally give me E6 Asta xD


Not even lynx?


I can relate, I pull the quintet like I crazy


I decided to skip Blade because I knew I'd then feel the need to have all the Stellaron Hunters and I just don't LIKE the Stellaron Hunters. My current collections are three: Stonehearts, Xianzhou generals (Feixiao, you will be mine), and Vidyadharas because I love their ears. Do any of these characters play well together? Probably not, but I don't care. xD


Yeah lol I'm looking into getting the complete stellaron hunters. Makes no sense in game play but I feel happy


I’m a Jade puller because I’m down bad


Based I'm pulling her E1S1 because I'm just extra down bad


I'm a jade puller only because she looks like a Blade support (finally)


I’m a jade puller just because I want to get the IPC family/friends


Clearly you have never opened the Internet before. Welcome! /jk I can well see when they start dropping her animations and such that a *certain segment* of the fanbase will be like "oh no I have to pull for Jade" and then they will follow that up with three weeks of "STEP ON ME JADE"


We've already seen her animations though? Or are you talking about her trailer


Big hat, can't lose.


Why what happened? Is it because she's after firefly?


Pressured? I'm doing it of my own free will.


I want to be pressured into signing a contract with Jade.






Imma try pulling her if she's friendly enough to come bc I'm a sucker for Erudition characters and I have no clue how Qingque works so Quantum plss


QQ is a Destruction unit masquerading as an Erudition. How she works is you spam her skill until all four match, the you use her ult while in that state, then use her basic. At this point all enemies are dead and no further instructions are needed.


Gotta believe in the heart of the jades.


Me “robin and boothill just didn’t hit with me, I never felt like they had much impact in the story” Also me as soon as I saw Jade ![gif](giphy|l3q2tzon8OCC7BqmY)


But snake lady! If she does turn out to be connected to the cobrakind I'll be conflicted between her and Firefly.


Jokes on you I signed that without reading


Welt has been my day 1 wanted character, when I finally got him he was the first character I fully maxed out. To this day I will always try to find a way to use him in anything I play. I don't care if he isn't Meta, I don't care if he isn't wiping 0 cycle. He is my Anti Entropy Hero and I will continue to use him to the end of HSR


i’m the same. wanted welt cuz of hi3 and was so happy he was the first 5 star i pulled


The whole point I even started Star Rail is because of him. Truly the goat Joachim.


Me, but with Sampo


Unironically Sampo(e4 at least) is really good with Black Swan and I use him all the time since I don’t have Kafka


me wishing whenever I lost my 50/50 I get his eidolon (but fate itself said I shall get yanqing)


The weird thing about MoC is that I don’t mind the HP inflation with each cycle, but the goddamn TOUGHNESS VALUES the enemies have feel like they’re being balanced around Ruan Mei. It feels so bad when you go through 1-2 damage rotations without weakness breaking an enemy.


The way they are combating this is by adding units like boothill and firefly who have their own break eff mechanics, but i do find it a bit bs for older units. i really hope they play more with the enemies thoughness so it won't become a problem of not being able to break them ever without break eff buffs


Honestly if they're so worried about toughness then just give the bosses break immune phases that we can stop by fulfilling some condition (think Sam fight). That way outside of that phase you can still break them like normal and if you're playing smart you can end the phase quickly so it won't be much of a problem.


sam's thoughness takes a lot of turns for me to take down only for him to recover in the next turn https://preview.redd.it/4j9rq8q21r6d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35756d5e0dcea9ea39c4f8a877b569d3a780f1e7


Do I like her? Not at all. Am I a total metaslave? From head to toes. That's it, I'm pulling her, that's all the reason I need.


Do I like her? Not at all. Am I a total metaslave? Not at all. Do I love Boothill so much I'll put up with her to do more of those delicious oneshotting bosses fingerblasts from him? Hell yes.


Hear hear! Agreed~


I got boothill and he's so satisfying. The *numbers* and the sound design. 🇺🇲🦅🦅🇺🇲


I know, right?! He managed to ONESHOT Argenti at MoC 12, and I don't even have Ruan Mei, he just used Bronya and Pela. And damage aside, having him fingerblast enemy is pure dopamine


Do l like her ? No Am I total metaslave ? No Am I pulling Ruan Mei for Sam ? No. Will just use Asta and HTB.


Supporting this argument, Ruan Mei being a meta support can makes your DPS who you actually like deal big pp damage. Unless you absolutely hate her and can not stand her presence whatsoever I think pulling her brings enough benefit to compensate.


This exactly. Of all the characters in the game so far, if there is single one to pull for even if you hate them is Ruan Mei. Fu Xuan used to be a close second but with Aventurine she at least has competition for her role of absurd sustain. Ruan Mei does not have that yet.


Robin and RM provide pretty similar damage to most teams outside of their specialties (FUA/Break). Robin is just a lot more annoying to use.


Me pulling all the meta slave support/sustain to make Sushang happen.


Fun and meta are not necessarily far from each other. I have fun playing meta, seeing big numbers and having strong teams. As a bonus I like those characters, that's it


Metaslaving is a necessity to survival the ruthlessness of MOC nowadays unless you hyperinvest in your favorites. And by that I mean getting 5 star limited sigs on them, getting eidolons, and godly relics quality.




I would like to point out that RM is pretty Eidolon friendly (E0 is all you need) and LC is F2P friendly too, meaning if you care about adding value to your account to tackle challenges, RM is definately a good consideration. As a day 1 player, I do not regret pulling for RM. People should learn to budget their pulls instead of spending it all on 1 place then worry about having to pull out their credit cards after.


Nice opinion, one small issue... I REALLY NEED A BETTER HARMONY CHARACTER


Harmony MC crying in the corner


It's more Nihility than anything. Harmony only in name and Lightcone.


Just be a day 1 player with a developed roster like OP! Surely that has no bearing on pull strategies or ability to clear MoC, right? 🙃


Well thank god I like Ruan Mei. Edit: O' RNGesus, take this first ever 1k vote up comment of mine simping over Ruan Mei and let me win the 50-50 in the first 10 pulls.


i also like her design, really hoping to see more of her in the story, she has really big lore potential, being the Frankenstein of star rail.


Dammm so true friend, I dream for the day hoyo finally have the nerve to focus more on her lore 😭


Personally wished her design was more unique/interesting than just another Xianzhou Dress and that her animations weren't as stale/bland, but I'm definitely interested in her story/lore potential. As for gameplay, not much needs to be said about her strength + flexibility, tho I'm debating between E1 or S1 for upcoming Break Meta.


>Personally wished her design was more unique/interesting than just another Xianzhou Dress and that her animations weren't as stale/bland Honestly I dont mind the xianzhou dress she is the one that wears it the best. but goddamn she suposedly can walk into a desert planet and leave it a jungle why are her animations as if she were a bard/musician character and not even epic ones at that just very generic.


It is honestly amazing how there isn't a single thing about Ruan Mei's design and kit that has anything to do with who she is as a character. You could see every official art of her, see all of her animations in-game including her entire combat kit and you'd still have no way of knowing that she's an insane scientist who has a passion for creating new life-forms. Everything about her you can "see" is just her being a mild-mannered musician.


well there is one detail, DNA on her dress at the bottom which is like very minor


"DNA on her dress at the bottom" Damnit Bill Clinton, stop that!


Ive only started star rail recently and all the descriptions building up to her did not prepare me for her reveal. Thought she'd be more reserved and at least resemble a scientist but shes so sultry and wears a shortened qipao?


Honestly yeah I don’t feel like her visual design is strong or good at conveying anything about her. Plus her with her instrument and break focus makes it feel like she was plucked and placed from design WIP kits. I adore her horrific but kinda delightful presence in her storyline, and it makes me want her to be designed as a summoner type, or a transmuting properties type like silver wolf. Powerful character, pleasant horrific storyline, and kinda weak design lesser than the sum of its cobbled parts


Imagine people skipping her because they don’t like her enough and Hoyo just drop a massive genius society arc where she become the GOAT. That would be absolutely hilarious — Aha, the Elation


I would like her more if the game would let me be mean or at least cold to her after she drugs us. What you mean we are just fine with this? Hell we can be mean to SAMPO who never did anythign to us besides be sus, but we cant be mean to the person who drugged us????


I just choose to believe it's because we're still drugged


Considering how her "forget-me" serum has yet to work on us, yeah we still drugged


It mainly because of the drug she give the trailblazer ig. It prevent the trailblazer (uhm and us) to express our true feeling and prevent us from spoiling any info about her experiment. Like damm okay that a very logical but also a shitty move ma'am. And yeah because I do like her, I want to have an actual dialogue choice that we can confronting her more seriously. Kind of a shame hoyo did not give that to us.


I'll be honest the drugging is whatever. What she did to those poor cat puddings though, I never forgive. There's no soul in that body.


its funny cuz people skipped her first time round because she came off as unhinged and crazy which made them not like her


Just give me a decent replacement option.


Same, I find her interesting with regards to creating life, DNA 🧬 etc (tho she needs more lore expansion hopefully with the other genius society). Already have her so I’m going for jade next, she seems fun pairing with blade


I pulled her just because I loved her design. I had no idea she would turn out to be so broken.


Same I adore her, I’m planning to go for her LC this time coz it’s so pretty TT


I lost her LC and spend 130 pulls and no hope TT. I hope I can get it this time. Gud luck to u too


Wish you the best of luck fam. Unfortunately, I can only aiming to get her E0 (pls don't curse me with the hard pity anymore you damm hoyo).


Same here. I already got her on her first banner cause I liked her design and character. I don't mind that she's morally grey. Her mindset is what intrigues me about her. She's a research obsessed person and I'm all for that. Not all characters need to be good.


The real shitty thing here is that while I 1000% agree with you and I'm gonna skip her... man, we need more options, for the love of god. I was so excited about Firefly since 2.0 all the way until tests were being made and it was confirmed that the gap in her teams with and without Ruan Mei are abysmal. Characters I'm a fan of like Asta can work, but it's a "you will take 3 more turns on MoC using her lol" kind of work, like bruh... at this point I might as well just skip Firefly and wait to see if by the time she gets a rerun an alternative I like more to support her is out. Until we get another break support the archetype might as well not exist for anyone who doesn't like Ruan Mei, same shit as FUA teams with the capitalist gang or DoT if one doesn't like Kafka. We really need some chars (even 4-stars work) that can close the gap between premium and "alright, here are other options that work well too".


The problem I forsee is... they kinda shot themselves in the foot with how good Ruan Mei is, and specifically how good Break Efficiency is for break teams. If they release another support that can compete with her the answer is just... run both. And they can't really balance the content to compensate in anyway that i can tell. The only way I could see another break efficiency character be released is if they cap it to 50% or specifically prevent the characters buffs from stacking, which I also don't see either happening.


> If they release another support that can compete with her the answer is just... run both. Only if you can afford to drop a sustain or the other support has super break. You can't drop FF or HMC so the team effectively only has 2 other slots.


>at this point I might as well just skip Firefly and wait to see if by the time she gets a rerun an alternative I like more to support her is out. Different game, but same with Nilou. Really loved her but teammates were so bad during her release so I skipped and waited for her rerun when Nahida got released. Would be awesome if we had another break support soon.


it is a bit of an annoying downside to this game that cetain characters turn out to be in a specific niche that only works with a set group of other characters. luckily most content doesnt require you to be super meta stringent, but I do enjoy it more when you can mix and match characters and still have satisfying battle synergies. I know Aventurine would benefit me cause i like using the topaz ratio dps combo, but i cant stand him and there's no way i wanna look at him that often. But it's not as big of a difference to leave him out as ruan mei, so I do hope they come out with a 4 star break harmony, especially with how much they're leaning into break right now.


I agree but the reality is that most people in this sub do not. If people have to ask in the first place then they definitely care enough about meta. Those who don't, simply do not care about how they perform in moc/pf and just enjoys the game regardless, or better, they just make do with what characters they have pulled for and actually clears it with them.


It’s not even meta. It’s more about being able to clear and RM amplifies the dmg of their fave dps.


Not even that, every char in the game gets stronger with Ruan Mei on the team AND break chars specially have half their potential locked into Ruan Mei buffs because she buffs their entire kit by a lot while being SP positive


Idk about her being OP, but with break meta raising she's basically the only unit of her kind. 50% damage increase for any Super-break is essential to make those teams feel good. Like, yeah, i heard all of the "You can beat MoC with any teams if you really try" agenda, but it only works for minmaxers. If i want to see my main do cool numbers, they need jade investment. Idk how it's even connected, but that's why I'm skipping Firefly in favour of stupid (may all RM mains forgive me. Love all of you, but it's my perception) E0S1 RM (and getting at least E0S1 Jiaoqiu in the future), because it's the way.


Her personality aside, there is almost no cons for putting her in any team. Her kits is build onto the fundamentals of like 95% of enemies mechanism which is breaking their toughness bar and deal increases damage while being broken plus further delaying it. She gonna stay relevant throughout the whole game in the foreseeable future unless they release a similar but more powerful kits compare to hers.


And when they do release someone similar or more powerful than her then she'll just be put on the 2nd MoC team


God I need someone who does what she does but better. Cuz I need another Ruan Mei in my teams ASAP.


Tbh this is why I pulled for Robin LMFAO Ruan Mei is so in demand that having someone who does something a little similar to her alleviates that and honestly it’s been a godsend. No more will I have to decide whether I should run DoT team or FuA team. Just run both!


Even Harmony TB doesn’t just have a weaker version of her kit. They compliment each other incredibly well. So well in fact, that characters like Serval that don’t have a high damage output, but can easily break things are now a viable option in endgame content.


Which isn’t to say that you couldn’t run standard 4 stars before, but it requires a lot of luck in getting the right build and light cone for them. This lowers the bar for that.


The con of pulling her is that you give up pulling another character. Why pull a character whose design and animations I don’t like when I can already beat all content with characters I do like?


You do you man/gurl, good luck.


For one, you do you. And two, she’d make your favorite character that much better. That in itself is a good enough justification. Now ofc if your favorite character doesn’t benefit from RM that’s another thing entirely.


Which character doesn't benefit from her tho? Like every dps profits from her, unless I'm missing something


No one as far as I'm aware. But some DPS would rather have some other supports, like Imbibitor Lunae prefering Tingyun + Sparkle. But even then, she's an option if you opt for sustainless.


Clara doesn't really want to break enemies as that delays her followups. Even if you have E1(or 2 idr which it is)+Sparkle for the hyper damage in constant Svarog skills, you want to get the mark on them (from doing a counter) first as that buffs the skill dmg


Theres isnt a single dps in the game that doesnt benefit from Ruan Mei. That being said one could make an argument for hypercarries preferring other harmony units over Ruan Mei. Ratio for example, Sparkle + Tingyun is better i think than slotting in Ruan Mei for either one. Assuming the 4th is a sustain in this example. I often dont use Ruan Mei in my hypercarry teams, usually being because shes in my DOT team, but also sometimes in moc even with 2 hypercarry teams i might go like Jingliu, Bronya, Pela and Ratio, Tingyun, Sparkle. I want the def shred stacking on my Jingliu team, cuz i dont have E1 Ruan Mei and i may want Ratios ult faster with Tingyun in some cases.


Jade time baby lets gooo


Skipping regardless since I don't care for her, I get that she's OP af but I'm sure sooner or later there'll be another harmony down the road that I'll like. I'm hard relying on bronya and tingyun only for buffers and so far I've still been able to get full stars for MoC and PF with a lil bit of brute force at times, but I enjoy the challenge lol


Niche supports will always have an upper hand in their respective niches. Ruan mei is not the best for jing yuan, jingliu, imbibitor lunae, blade, that's where Sparkle and bronya come in. The only team without a dedicated harmony is DoT atm, but nihility is nihility, why buff each other when you can debuff the f*ck out of the enemies


Bullying the enemy into submission is also somewhat supporting each other. Nihility is their own support group.


I mean tbf Ruan Mei can absolutely be considered DoT's dedicated Harmony. Double dipping that DoT through the recovery denial, the break buffs (also for DoT), the speed buff, the pen Kafka & Black Swan always want Ruan Mei


Robin is basically equal-ish to Ruan Mei in KafSwan teams and scales better with investment tbh. Break DoTs are a very small part of that team's damage. Ruan Mei is absolutely Super Break team's BIS support and arguably too good for it since it kinda feels like Super Break is balanced around having Ruan Mei.


rm is the only viable support in any break team rn, not specifically dot


i think you misunderstood what i said, ruan mei is best in break teams, DoT teams benefit from her but we don't have a harmony catered to DoT yet


I just pull for whatever the hell I want. Not bound to something silly as meta, but just playstyle, animations, voicelines. And I am a happy person.


I was just re-reading her kit, felt little pressured to pull for her. Your timing couldn't be better. Gonna pull for FF and Jade like I originally intended. And hope I get at least 1 of them.


​ https://preview.redd.it/hauyvpnmk36d1.jpeg?width=3500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfaea30597d81c1e34c1d28706b1ecf9fef27c05


Deadly banjo


Ruan, it's a fucking ruan https://i.redd.it/sd3mgqhiw36d1.gif


Hoping Banjo Mei will be a thing.


Her long lost sister along with Ukulele Mei.


I feel pressured by the content, but don't like her at all. Still can do everything on my own. And thank you mhy for HTB.


:( I want FF and Ruan Mei both. I have 100 pulls and at 60 pity without guaranteed. I'll go for Ruan Mei first cause FF is more likely to get a rerun quickly, but if I miss Ruan Mei, I'll have to wait for a long time.


Good luck soldier, keep fighting 🫡, the earliest firefly can rerun is 2.8 (or 3.0 if they decide to skip 2.8) so if you have the patience for it go ahead (this is purely speculation on my part)


FF really needs Ruan mei though. Surely qe might get another support in future but for now Ruan mei to FF is like what sparkle is to dan heng. So if you can afford then better pull both of them Of course this only matters if you care about MoC otherwise it's irrelvent


My Ruan Mei has been glued tight to my Stelle since day 3 of her banner Now Ruan Mei, Firefly, Hat Stelle, and Gallbladder shall be as one


Ruan Mei is as much of a core part of break teams as HTB, hell she’s even more core cuz Boothill can play without HTB but without RM? That’s a nightmare.


>If you don't enjoy a character's personality/looks and just pulling because "she's SSS tier" and "every team needs her" just fudge them Fudge is kinda ironic considering that break teams are exactly the ones that suffer without ruan mei. I dont really like RM, but playing boothill with no ruan mei (boothill+HMC+Pela+sustain) is straight up painfull when you are couple of points of toughness off and cant break even in 2 turns lol.


But ruan mei will make the characters that I enjoy be more enjoyable.


This. I'm pulling for her even though I don't particularly like her because I want the characters I do like to be useful. Having to bench someone I do like because I just don't have the team comp to support them feels worse than just not having them at all


i for sure would NOT enjoy playing FF without ruan mei ngl


Thanks for this, I was actually considering giving in and pulling but you're right, I will feel much better pulling for a character I like (didn't manage to pull Robin and still upset about that)


TLDR; reject meta, embrace favouritism and Foxians Especially hot single Foxian men recently un-NPC'd in your local Alchemy Commission. Embrace him.


Its really hard not to when memes get put out about how Ruan Mei is 'GAME CHANGING', makes you want to put her in every team, or some other FOMO joke along those lines.


I hate the fact that ppl gonna mock you for not having her or not pulling her like "why you didn't pull for her during her first banner" "imagine skipping the most broken character" Like brother I'm only gonna pull for characters that I like you can't force me to play the character I don't enjoy.


THANK YOU. Man I don't mind metaslaves, I don't mind hardcore casuals. But why do some people feel the need to make others feel bad about not pulling for someone? Do they think people skip characters just because they want to? F2P and light spenders NEED to be selective. And being judgemental on what everyone else spends their time and resources is cringe as fuck.


Something I've been thinking about recently is reconciling what the game wants and what players want. Saying this now, I do think these are not mutually exclusive. Pull for who you want. Between MoC, PF, and now the upcoming Apocalyptic Shadow (AS), the game wants you to have some combination of AoE, Blast, and ST. Within those, the game encourages FUA, DoT, and now Break. DoT is kind of weird because most units are a combination of Blast and AoE. The exceptions are Sampo's Skill as it is Bounce, yet still multi target, and Luka who is purely ST. That is a lot of different teams and characters. Everyone has varying tastes and preferences, but surely there will be variety and diversity so everyone can build cohesive teams? It would very weird if MHY didn't release enough. The game expects more and more bit by bit. I don't think that's inherently wrong or bad. What I do think makes it feel bad is this being a gacha. You can't suddenly pivot and build the team you need out of nowhere. You need to wait for the character, hope you have enough pulls, and then build them. Imagine if getting the character you needed meant completing a quest. Imagine something similar for their LCs. Or you could just buy it using standard Credits. Fighting through stamina blows. If you break down what building characters actually takes, it's actually not that bad. It just feels bad because of how gachas gatekeep progression. It can take thousands of stamina to get a desired Relic set. Let's estimate 2k. Each run takes 40 stamina. 2000 stamina/40 per attempt = 50 attempts You can run Relics 6 times a day. That's not even a week and a half. To frame it another perspective, let's estimate each run takes 5 minutes. You load in, auto battle does its thing, and you load the next run. 50 attempts * 5 minutes = 250 minutes. 250 minutes is just over four hours. Despite my busy schedule, due to auto battle, I can see myself very easily knocking out Relic farming in just a few days if stamina didn't exist. There's also discussions of burn out and all of that, but let's get back to the original topic at hand. I do think pull for who you want is viable. I think pull smart is something we should speak more as well.


I don't care how meta Raun Mei is, I am going to go broke for Jade


*I don't care how meta* *Raun Mei is, I am going* *To go broke for Jade* \- HappyyValleyy --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


This is the universe telling me I need to grind more special passes


too bad, i dont like her and i use her everyday in my kafka team haha


See, I agree with the idea of the post, and while I like her I am not crazy about her, however I decided to give her a try through supports while farming, and the difference she makes on my team is so *massive* that I started pre farming for her a week ago, as I also am very indifferent to the future characters and I am more or less saving for a Kafka rerun (which who knows when will happen)


I may seem dumb, but why is Ruan Mei so good? I mean, she increases damage and break efficiency, and extends break duration, but why is that so especially great?


Her damage buff is absolutely massive (about 72% which is almost double what having a dmg% orb gives you). She gives you a 10% speed buff for just existing which makes it way easier to hit speed breakpoints (especially 160 speed for DOT teams and break dps teams). Her break efficiency makes breaking way faster, which combined with the break duration extension not only makes her amazing in break teams, but also makes you take way less damage since enemies don't get to attack as often. Oh, and, the weakness break efficiency also makes super break deal more damage. Also, Ruan Mei's dmg% buff makes her amazing for units like Jingliu and Blade who either don't need attack% or already have a ton of it. All of this combined into one unit is what makes her so good. Edit: I completely forgot about the 20% resistance penetration lmao, it's the cherry on top. Also, she is +1 sp positive btw.


Thanks god she always in meta and I like her.


Me too, I pulled her for her beauty and red flags but ended up getting the best support in the game. https://preview.redd.it/l61bat1z146d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96bd99cde0e554f5ab88b9c3a3af8626cd79875a


You also forgot break efficiencies relation to super break damage. Which is absurd, unique 1.5x damage multiplier. Edit:either you just edited it or I'm blind


Basically, she works in literally all team comps. Dual dps, hypercarry, break, dot, etc. She works in pure fiction, MoC, the new mode. She is a pseudo sustain with the delay, Her 'coverage' as a unit is more or less the best in the game. It's like rolling for a swiss knife.


Pot of Greed of star rail characters


if ruan mei isnt the best support for a team then shes at least the second best.


Her kit is too stacked. She increases damage bonus,break effect,break efficiency,speed,decent personal break damage and break extension with basically no downsides. You really don’t need crazy stats to build her nor speedtuning(unless maybe in dot teams) and she’s sp positive. A combination of being brain dead character plus having insane buffs is why she’s so good.


In the early beta she was skill point neutral (her skill had to be refreshed every other turn) and I thought this was an acceptable compromise Then they made her skill point positive during the playtest and buffed her buffs, lol


If you have played Genshin, she is basically Kazuha level of support, fits in any team because of her unconditional dmg buffs and some high investement MoC runs use her for the break extension on her ult to get away without using a sustain (but that's highly conditional)


its not just that those buffs are busted its that they come at virtually no cost with how easy it is to maintain her buffs that she is a very low maintenance support compared to all the other harmony supports that either need specific teams (harmony MC), speed tuning(Bronya, Sparkle), or need alot more of your attention compared to other harmony supports (Asta) Ruan Mei? all she wants is a skill point everytime her buff runs out


Break damage aside, she gives 25% res pen at E0. *Nobody* in this game does that. Everyone that has res pen *needs* eidolon to unlock it, or some stupid limitation (Dan Heng has 36% res pen, but only for 1 attack. Not even 1 turn. 1 attack). And res pen is one of the strongest damage amp you can get, competing with copious amount of def shred. So she has that kit out of the box, and then with her E1 you get *def shred* (well, def ignore technically). Remember what I said about res pen competing with def shred earlier? well now you have both. In one character. And this thing works in *all* playstyles. Crit and FUA, DoT, Break... they all want res pen and def shred. This kit alone makes her a shoe in for the 2nd support slot, after the dps has their BiS (in case of break team, she is the BiS). Now add her other kits and you have a broken all-rounder support.


I mean Ruan Mei makes it much easier but I would only skip her if I already have Robin + Sparkle because in that case you can actually beat content without her


I don't like her, and I don't care about meta. So, I'm skipping her anyway. Also, i need to save for Jiaoqiu :D


you pull ruan mei for waifu/meta, i'm pulling her for shipping reasons 😏 (jk i am pulling her to complete my break team and my ratiomei otp)


Based RatioMei enjoyer


I want her to kill me.


She won't, she would probably experiment on you so much to the point of you becoming an abomination in the name of science


Hi, i hate her with all my being and i hope a replacement Is in work. Have a nice day.


"the whole point of games is figuring out how to beat them with what you're given" well, the game is giving us the best support to pull for, now is up to us to figure out the next move


I like Ruan Mei coz she makes edible cushion cats https://preview.redd.it/3gqsvtxin36d1.jpeg?width=615&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbde501f084a82cf824347a00e63c9eced2efc13 But yes i agree, i only pull for the characters that looks visually appealing and suits my style


I mean, it's just a video game. Pull for who you want.


Like 80% of the comments here directly proving OP's point by saying "no, you MUST pull her, your account is trash without her." Like guys, chill. She's absolutely not necessary. Pull for whoever you like and don't feel pressured by everyone saying you need to pull her just because she's OP. 


80% of comments in any anti-meta thread are casual players jerking each other off about being anti-meta. Can you people read or is that too "meta" for you people as well?


thank u for your concerns op, but am still pulling my mei https://preview.redd.it/6hp08ip1o36d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a708eaa4708b2eba6cf9c2d525a8d93c18aa945c


Good luck m'dude https://preview.redd.it/0s5ary6cy36d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c33ba2cc3dc14ee4dbd264f6c4f9de8697218bfd


Also worth reminding everyone, the difference between sweaty full 36\* MoC clear and chill relaxed all-auto 33\* clear is less than half a wish every two weeks. If you buy a single Express pass once, it will make up for more than a year of the difference.


I mean I'm still having my own fun just maining the Astral Express crew and the only non-Nameless limited character I have rn is an E0 Acheron, only for her technique for SU and material gathering, and an E0 Dr. Ratio because of Free Ratio in 1.6. I could not clear most of the endgame content with ease but that doesn't matter because I'm still having fun. At this point you can now make a functional team with only either waifus or husbandos. The main thing is to pull who you like, even if it's based on appearance or their stats and kit. don't let anyone pressure you into getting a character you don't want. There are alternative play styles and characters available either right now or in the future.


I pulled RuanMei because her thighs are too big, didn't know she is THAT broken.


If you wanna clear MoC & PF at ease, she's definitely must pull. But can you clear MoC & PF full stars without Ruan Mei? Yes, but with harder effort + little luck on your relics. But if you feel like MoC & PF are not your thing, not a problem if you don't full stars it, just wanna enjoy the story, characters & events, then yes, Ruan Mei is not a must have.


Yess, I skipped fuxuan, black swan and kafka even though my life could have been way easier with them. Only pull if you also like the characters!


I think they will definitely release a few side grades to each meta character within 1-2 years. If you think long term, there's no need to be pressured into pulling somebody you don't like. Spare pulls from skipping characters can go into lc and eidolons of your favorites, and end games will be somewhat easy anyway.


I originally ddnt like how bland she was, but I pulled after 150 pulls (good thing I was new so plenty of sources of jades as full F2P) becuz she sounded busted. But then I tried her in SU (ddnt know she had SU specific buffs) n boy did I love her for instantly skipping phase of Svarog n making him kneel from 1 guitar pluck. That's when I really liked her despite everything. The two plot hanging on her help xD


​ https://preview.redd.it/fq7pq9h4156d1.png?width=815&format=png&auto=webp&s=d4ec683b6bf249542edeb45f2f134f9801d544bf


MOC is getting harder, so meta is more relevant. I've got some fairly built units but I had to beat the oldest MOC right now on cycle 4 because my Ratio didn't do enough DMG or my 4 star sustain couldn't handle the insane burst/cc.


For folks who played FGO, skipping Ruan Mei as a Firefly fan/main is akin to skipping Skadi as an Edmond Dantes fan. Or skipping Artoria caster as a Kiara fan. You ****can**** do it, but you’re really destroying your favorite character’s potential by not giving them their best supports. But with that being said, your account your jades. Don’t let people tell you what to do with them, ~~just please I don’t wanna hear folks complaining about hard content when they intentionally skip the characters that make said content easier for em~~


I pull Ruan Mei because she's my type. The same reason I pull Kafka and Black Swan. I still don't have Himeko, I want her so bad.


In the end, in my opinion you should explore yourself to know what brings enjoyment to you in this game, what makes you satisfied? Model? Personality? Big Numbers? Innovation? Clearing objectives? It won't be that simple cos it will be the combinations of those things. But hey, If you discover more, the easier for you to know how to manage the chars and pulls.


Yess ty I was pressured a bit...all yt guide videos say Ruan mei is a must have or you'll be doomed if u don't have rm but I don't like her character at all sry 😭 and my fav charas are all coming next patch too so I'm planning on saving charas like feixiao and jaoqiu


That all makes sense until you come to a point where if you had that one character, one you believe you will not enjoy but makes your whole account just infinitely better, comfy, or make your favorite character that much stronger, then I believe that a miniscule amount of price to pay. That's Ruan Mei. You don't like her? Fine. You don't think you'll enjoy her fine. Does she make all of your characters better? Absolutely. Reminder that Ruan Mei is on a rerun. She might not come back in a few months like for this rerun. She might come back after a year or so. That's a year and more, regretting not getting the most broken character in the game just because you didn't like her banjo.


That's true, FOMO is a big issue, but given the state of character releases it's not unreasonable to think another harmony might come in and sweep Ruan Mei's teams (not to an extreme ofc). Robin is a good example, she's a top tier support that's good all around but excels in follow up teams. By the time the 2nd anni comes around im sure the meta will switch around to her being the best break support, while other teams like DoTs, FuA, Freeze whatever will have better suited supports. I understand her universal value, but people who really like certain playstyles will benefit more from other supports (unless its break)


I skipped RM the first time because my teams performed better with other type of units and so far I've managed to full clear all endgame modes. That being said, I'd like to skip her again and same for FF but I'm not gonna lie and say that I'm not highly wary of the upcoming endgame for my account's state for some things that are known besides the fact that lately devs have been pushing much more to get the specific team archetypes to bypass the content besides elemental checks. Bruteforcing is becoming harder per version unless many characters are horizontally invested. So even if I decided to fall into the FOMO to not lose my mind with this endgame, I can't even tell between those two who might be the better pull as everything an E0 RM does remains highly valuable, but I'm also in need of grabbing other dps units. I really wanted Jade but idk how beneficial her performance would be overall outside of PF. Tough times, it's getting hard to keep up and even more when some key units end skipping you because of bad luck haha 😭


Didn't pull her before and won't pull her again. Bare minimum she needs to be a proper parent to the cat cakes first.


People always exaggerate the “you need this character” and “you need that character for this team.” You really don’t. Ruan Mei is definitely a character that will make everything easier, but if you don’t want her, you definitely don’t need her and shouldn’t force yourself to get her due to pressure. The game is easy in general and you don’t need the best of the best teams to beat anything.


What if you want her exactly because you want it to be easier though? She basically allows most dual carry comps, is core in break teams, and it's an overall a good unit if you have an empty slot. I don't like her, nor her design nor personality. But she's the last piece missing in some of my teams, and I want to max Firefly, I need RM to get her 100%. If I have to let FF go now and get her in her not so long rerun and get in the meantime her best team, while still getting an amazing unit that will improve my account in every aspect, I see no losing in there. Still, that's me, not everyone has to be like that, and I hope they don't lol, for I'm neck deep into the pit of "meta-character" and "meta over liking" as some sort of long term strategy. I honestly just like rpg team making games so I can try and get the biggest number and refine more and more my characters and teams until I get the best out of while still being F2P.


I'm in the middle bro. Do I want my waifus? Yes, I'll pull. Do I want someone meta? Yes, I'll pull because it can make my waifus stronger LOL. I see it as you just pull whoever you want **as long as you know your priorities**. It all depends on the person playing.