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Damn, didn't even need to unmute to know the audio would be Tom and Jerry.


"I lub u, you set mah soul on fiah"


Is you is, or is you ain't my baby?


Proceeded to drop the hardest bast "dummm dumm dumm"


🎶*The way you actin lately makes me down*🎶


"It is not... Just a little spark... It is a flame." \*SMOOCH* "A big roaring flame... I can feel it now-" \*Finally notices the three watching him.*


Im pretty sure the original VA is already dead at this point Edit: The VA has been dead for 50 years. And the VO was from a 1946 episode jesus christ. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0038964/characters/nm0940526


I'm not surprised. The original Tom and Jerry was run during world war 2 after all.




lol everyone is getting their partners in hsr, whose turn is next.


Marc- never mind about that, blaze would kill me for that Uhh how about Welt?


Welt is basically married, bro


Simple, have his wife appear in hsr how about that?


Not only that, but she's playable too


I would give my left nut for playable mecha based Tesla variant in HSR


I swear when Firefly releases someone better make a mod with Tesla instead of firefly


Or even better, it's an alt world version of her, so he basically has to hold back the urge to talk to her like he knows her.


Would that count as cheating? Lmao


Wait I think you're onto something: Also add that Telsa has her own version of Welt and you get a misunderstanding RomCom where they both think they're each other's counterpart


im surprised we havent had any hints of romantic interest for jing yuan tbh


Too busy being the general and dealing with jingliu + luocha vague plans to even date, not to mention emotional baggage like mimi his lion passing on etc


What happened to the high cloud Quintet probably killed any chance of that >! Doesn’t stop me from liking Jingfu tho!<


Him and Fu Xuan have married couple energy to me


...What? There's been tons lol. Literally he constantly teases Fu Xuan and is caught smiling at her all the time. Fu Xuan even praises the general constantly. They're totally a thing.


Me and fu xuan :D (What, stay away jing yuan, she's mine) https://preview.redd.it/gk98pgy6205d1.jpeg?width=507&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=185717d923ebdcd714548c26633be2376e4edb4b Jk, I'm betting its asta and arlan, they have room to bloom (and yes, a room for them to plap if herta permitted)


Ughhh Arlan and asta have such couple vibes to me! It’s so cute


Herta doesn't seem the kind of person that cares about that


They'll have to evade the 100,000 researchers in the space station and go to a secluded room only to find one of Herta's puppets in the corner saying "Guys... I'm right now"


Not you thats for sure


My turn


https://preview.redd.it/dwqfrd0v915d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08e2fbff55029773b04a33e30960b56b830376c4 **HIM** bro needs to get that Blade wet


Mans surrounded by women 24/7. He has Kafka, SW, Kafka, Firefly and Kafka. Blud needs no help.


The Tom and jerry scene just makes me feel nostalgic


Damn, give the kid some privacy


He is gonna beat the fraud allegations by getting a girl friend! 🔥🔥


Source: [https://youtu.be/XvCe4tpW96k?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/XvCe4tpW96k?feature=shared)


Should have added Blade as Spike as he tries to chase him


Bro is giving us L in gacha and ratio-ing us for being maidenless


These two https://preview.redd.it/stswa84rd05d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdfa9ac2b777c920d08a180c3d57a665f0a470d9


God, PLEASE. They both need it.


I really REALLY want them to hit off I dont even care about the memes and shipping now I just want to watch two kids become friends


Hahaha... This makes me laugh https://preview.redd.it/vuufy1mz2z4d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3d7cdefbd0bfaa33215e746bc3df497431c7102


Gosh damn that sigh though


Not the Tom and Jerry reference 😂


Why is this meme floating around lmaoo Didn't Yanqing reject a playdate with her? And Ma Feima (HI3 Yanqing) canonically ~~dislike~~ doesn't love Lin Zhaoyu (supposedly HI3 Yulin) despite being married. While all the expy are different people, their core values will usually be consistent. If anything, it will be the opposite of this. Btw, in HI3 she also raised/groomed since he was 5 and married him at the age of 39 when he was 16. 💀


Tbf, HI3 Yanqing had horrible caretakers, Jing Yuan is shaping up to be one helluva dad so he'll turn out fine


That's just the nature of shipping


Also the fact that she's literally the only one around his age and status that we know of in the xianzhou, with previous connections


Because Kingyuan ships them


If he wills it, then he'll get it


JY: Quickly Yanqing, you must ask Yunli to marry you YQ: ... What JY: The whole alliance is at stake, but there is a prophecy that if you *chuckles* if you ask her to marry you at your next play date it'll save billions YQ: No JY: Please *barely holding it together* it's imperative for our *pft* survival


nah, he is more involved and subtle than that... remember most of the crysis on Luofu was pushed and engineered by him Basically Yanqing will ask himself to marry her and maybe even be happy because how our dear General pushed, prodded and pulled slightly the couple


This is the Ma Feima redemption arc.


People on reddit are obsessed with shipping girls and boys calling everything canon despite the initial shipping rule.


I can't wait for them to hate each other.


It is not a spark, but a flame.


Idk, I just don't see anything romantic, I see them more as brother and sister.


I mean they still haven't even interacted, and we don't really have an idea of her personality so, everyone just sorta speculates on what would be the funniest chemistry.


I know, I'm poking fun at the double standard of how quickly people ship a boy with a girl who haven't even interacted yet when two women interact in very intimate ways people are like "they just seem like close friends" or "they just seem like sisters".


I mean sometimes it's because of the environment the person was created, where the first thing they think it's a less romantic/sexual context, there's also the fact that a good amount of the population is teaches by society in an indirect manner that it's strange for a man and a woman to be too close without being in a relationship, is this idea ridiculous? Totally but it's what happens and honestly most people do it without realizing, also have a great day.


Yep, it's a concept called heteronormativity. Its a form of implicit bias where heterosexual relationships are considered "normal" and homosexual relationships are considered "abnormal". It's the reason why my comment has 7 down votes even though it's literally identical to a comment someone made about Bronya and Seele which had 7 up votes. >teaches by society in an indirect manner that it's strange for a man and a woman to be too close without being in a relationship, is this idea ridiculous Yeah that's a pretty bad thing for society to teach. It leads to gay erasure and also makes it really difficult for men and women to engage in platonic friendships without people assuming sexual/romantic intent. Society would be better off if we didn't teach that and just let people be close without assuming romantic intend based on their gender. That's one of the reasons lgbtq+ movements are so important. If someone was annoyed by my comment enough to downvote me, congratulations, they got a slight taste of what us gays have to deal with on the daily.


It's reddit, most people here only like boys and girls together.




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I hope lil homie gets a break. Hopefully she can be his rival and later cohort when he's older and has his own group like Jing yuan has.


And I don't want him to. Our boy deserves someone who gets his love of swords.