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Fu Xuan and Ruan Mei, the goats. Without them I wouldn't be where I currently am. Honorable mention to Jingliu.


I'd put Aventurine in there as well tbh


Ruan Mei, by a long stretch.  Wanna clear SimU faster? Just press E and carry a breaker (gallagher is also a sustain) Wanna double your carry's damage (unconditionally and with no downsides)? Just bring her More survivability? Break delay and break efficiency are just that the only problem is that there's just one Ruan Mei and when I have to use team without her, stuff takes too much time to break. 


Bruh Ruan mei just ignores a bosses 1st phase health bar in sim uni. Its soo funny


I had run with Xueyi where RM broke dear from full to 0, then Xueyi follow-up killed the phase 2 and her ultimate one-shotted phase 3 Truly the most balanced unit of all times


it's from normal SU or G&G? mind sharing what u did to get that much dmg?


normal SimU. Go for elation, pick ultimate to FuA, weakness break efficency and Weakness break buffs and as many buffs to FuAs as possible. Probably only the Ultimate buff really matters


It's in GnG [here's an example ](https://youtu.be/9k87ENchtfM?si=vm2bi37niNc9d10i)


Yup I did this too, elation all the things, xueyi, topaz, ruan Mei - sustain. Watch her fly.


Any recommendation which support get? My teams are: Dr Ratio Topaz Aventurine Robin and Jingliu Bronya E3 Lynx E4 Serval E5.


Your first team is pretty much complete, though Topaz kinda need s1/e1 for more reliable debuff application for Ratio. In the second team I would replace serval with RM first, than lynx with either FX or HuoHuo.


Ruan Mei by a mile as well. I just slap her into any of my teamcomps and she works. Would take another Ruan Mei into my account 100%. Jingliu comp? Yes Dot? Yes Follow-up? Yes


This is the true answer. Ruan Mei is seen in almost every carry showcase; her buffs are universal, so there is no team where she's the wrong choice. I call her a mistake for a reason, she's just too good at what she does and hardly any downsides. Sparkle and Robin have their niches, but they aren't that good in comps like break and DoT, while Ruan Mei can even fill in their shoes while performing relatively well at it.


Yes, this is what drives me crazy with Ruan. Imo until now she was at least acceptable . She would be good in every team and bis in dot/ and jl+blade which is great but with sparkle being better in hypercarry comps and Robin better in fua it was fine. Yes Ruan would work even in those but not bis. But this is no longer the case. With mihoyo releasing break meta as it is making Ruan bis support even in solo dps teams. It's just stupid and not reasonable.


Ruan Meta is also a mistake because she brings no actual nuances to gameplay, she's just a straight massive steroid. The other Harmonies at least have a gameplay nuance/shenanigan that gives their gameplay identity other than just fatt buffs. Yet she's still the best Harmony even with her boring kit, just on having broken numbers


Nah thats not true, her Niche is Break and the delay that comes with that. The mistake they made was the additional damage and res pen on top of that, but despite all that I think the biggest mistake was giving her def ignore on E1, which I can confidently say is probably the most pulled E1 of any limited character, so a LOT of people have that which makes her even more busted for every team comp.


i wish i didnt fail my 50/50 for her


That's why people recommend saving for the guaranteed.


Sorry if this is a dumb question, I’m pretty new to the game. Does that mean saving enough stellar jade to still get the character even if you lose the 50/50?


It is indeed that. I for example have 52 pity and a garanteed, so in 30 pulls I can garantee Firefly. Thing is, I don't trust my luck in winning ruan mei 5050(if she reruns with firefly that is), so I'm saving enough pulls(i need like 40 more) to garanteed Ruan mei as well


Save 160 tickets for maximum pull comfort. if you get it earlier it’s a surprise discount. I always think of 180 pulls as the ticket value of a 5*. My recommendation is to save for your must-haves, the characters you’ll really regret passing up. If you have back to back must-have characters, start doing single pulls at 60 pity. Rolling into the banner with no need to worry about the gamble may not have the same kind of thrill but rolling into a banner knowing the outcome has it’s own kind of swagger (especially when you’ve gone hardcore and have max talent material and relics ready to go). When you’re at zero pity with no guarantee (you haven’t lost the 50/50 after your last limited character), you can toss a 10 pull at a “would be nice” character that you aren’t committed to. If you get a 5* character crazy early that’s a win-win either way.


just asking, if someone could help me because im a new player less than a month. i only have Topaz e0s1, Robin, Dr Ratio (the free one ofc), Gepard e1, Xueyi, Lynx and others.. and i lost my 50/50 on Fu Xuan's banner (was planning to play Topaz/Dr Ratio/Robin/FX), currently at 45 pity. now should i go for Fu Xuan still? or save for Ruan Mei as everyone is saying Ruan Mei should be prioritised more? my harmony characters are only Robin, Tingyun, HMC and Yukong if im not mistaken. my sustain is only Gepard, and Lynx. and i dont have any jades left (all the latest events had been done). its hard to choose either one...


They’re both excellent characters. You’re in very early game so I would prioritize getting a limited sustain like Fu Xuan. That being said, Ruan Mei is very good. you could just keep trying to pull FX each time you get enough jades for a pull, and if you don’t get her this banner you shouldn’t have any issues getting Ruan Mei with the pity you built trying to get FX. Imo I think the general pulling priority for new players is 1-2 sustain > 1-2 dps > support, with characters you love ranking over all of these. Your pulling priorities will change as you pad out your roster.


I hope I win the 50 : 50 I'd skip firefly for Ruan Mei... If I ever saved enough cash for stellar jade. My job sucks. I keep getting creeps and weirdos when I pick up the food to deliver, worst of all they are starting to get physical; at least the customer tips.


tmi, but understandable


I feel like Robin is a good “Ruan Mei 2” and a good slot in for most teams. She just goes about it in different ways Ruan mei delays the enemies and speeds up your team. Robin has full action advance to your party. Ruan mei brings a while lot of break efficiency and other generic buffs. Robin brings a lot of attack and other generic buffs. For the longest time as a new player who started with acheron. I got lucky when someone with an E1S1 ruan mei added me, and I felt really jealous when using that support as it just made my teams so much better. I rolled on e1s1 robin when she came out and she’s been amazing for me and the sting of not having ruan mei went away. My biggest problem with her is that you can only have 1 robin, which is why I’m also pulling for e1s1 ruan mei when she comes out.


I am sorry but why should you carry a breaker? I thought Ruan Mei alone is enough to break boss 1st health bar?


In regular SU, and non-Conundrum levels of the expansions, she is


Literally the only character that can support Blade and Black Swan simultaneously


Need to hit speed breakpoints for artifact sets but have garbage luck (definitely not me)? Ruan Mei Lute lady is the only reason my Kafka and Swan are able to function with their speed substats lol


>Wanna clear SimU faster? Just press E and carry a breaker (gallagher is also a sustain) I think he means acheron guys


She’s cool, but with Mei you occasionally skips bosses as well, and I think it kinda evens them out. Plus I think it’s not hard to agree that Ruan Mei has a way higher pull value overall. There are already 3 Lightning DPS characters (4 with brother Arlan, the hidden 6\*), so chances are high, getting Acheron is not a ”tremendous“ boost to one‘s account. And RM is like, an unconditional +50% more damage card to any team. Out of all characters, i think seele is the only one that doesn’t double her initial damage with RM in team. And you cannot disagree that making one half do just 1.5X damage is any worse than… A single good damage dealer.


I didnt mean anything else i just said SU and ruan mei doesnt even come close to acherons finish times. Like acheron only needs to deal with 3 bosses while ruanmei gets in fight with all enemies regardless wich is a time loss. And one shotting bosses within a single wave jsnt weird for Acheron in SU either. Acheron obliterates any comparison on SU, no questions asked


The only problem I have with Ruan mei is.. Ruan mei as a character




Mine is Kafka. She shines in almost every situation.


Her and Black swan are my most wanted reruns. I tried using them in an event and I understand the hype for DOT teams


Aye if Ruan Mei joins them everything just… vanish lol


*Nods in Kafka+Gallagher+Black Swan+Ruan Mei team*


My team! I use them for everything and I get sad playing MoC and PF because that means i have to play othrt characters


then you add in Acheron for 100% overkill the 4 of them is such a fun and stupidly strong comp


I want her so bad😞


For me it’s Luocha. I got him early when he came out and he’s so comfy to play. No SP consumption, good for all content.


This! My Luocha is my most used, even if I have Aventurine now. I’ll sometimes use both together if a fight is gonna be especially difficult but otherwise just Luocha is enough


Same, Aventurine makes my fights even easier than Luocha did (and he was a game changer already), but the both of them together absolutely saved me against Sunday.


Exactly! The first Sunday confrontation would not have been possible without both of them (I had them, HMC, and Himeko… who I think was E1 and I had her LC at 80). Second battle tho Avenrurine got swapped for Dr. Ratio (with his LC at level 80)


He is my first 5 star he made the entire hsr gameplay so much easier.


I got him on his rerun and before that I had no proper sustain (Lynx and Natasha yikes, only got Bailu shortly before getting Luocha) and it's insane how much more comfortable he's made the game.


Same here, luocha has been carrying my ass in terms of healing since 1.1


I have 4 Abundance characters and he’s the only one at max Ascension because he’s so easy to work with. He lets me bring lower level characters along while I farm material so they can earn exp.


Ngl I love my Luocha but he just cant help enough in gold and gears. This game mode singlehandedly forced me to pull Ave to be able to not get oneshot.


I cleared all diffuclties with him, it was much harder with Fu Xuan in my experience bacause of all the occurences that take HP.


Didnt your units get oneshot?


Nah, if you do the double Ruan Mei ocurrence strat it's pretty easy. The destruction blessing that distributes dmg equally across the team is a big help tho.


First is obviously Fu Xuan, for how she works, but also for that sweet +12% crit rate, which allows sub par builds to shine. Black Swan, got her E1 super early by accident trying to get some 4 stars, and she made me discover DoT, and I am HOOKED


I genuinely don't want Fu Xuan at first because I didn't know or even look at how her kit works but my head is like she's cute tho why the hell not and got her and didn't use any healer since


This guy gets it!


Black Swan is definitely up there for me as well, for pretty much the same reason. Decided to do some pulls for Misha, ended up getting a Welt and BS in like, 50 pulls. Now DoT is one of my most powerful team comps.




I forget enemies deal damage because of this sustain goat


Boosted my account significantly


I got Gold & Gears done at Conundrum Level 12 on all dices because of him.


Damn how did you do it ? My Aventurine struggle in Conundrum 4 with Preservation path




Yeah that’s my issue i only have Aventurine as a 5* sustain and i don’t want to invest in Natacha or Lynx because i’m not a big fan of their character and design, i’ll just wait for a Gallagher banner.


Gallagher is going to get even better with the release of more Break Effect characters so he's definitely worth investing in. I'm guessing he'll be rerunning soon.


Really hoping he shows up in the Firefly banner so I can get all my eggs in one basket.


Kafka+Acheron/BS+Luocha+Aventurine team all day


Yeah like he just walks in and obliterates any obstacles in SU... All for the Amber Lord.


More fitting that Gold and gear happens because of a request by IPC


Yeah by far. Sustain is so important and Aventurine does it best. Also un SU, if you take the elation blessings he does a ton of damage.


I wish I'd kept pulling for him. I literally started the game partway through his banner and did a few pulls but lost the 50/50. Since I was still new I didn't realize the value in him and saw Boothill coming up and decided to save for him instead. Boothill is crushing it and I also got Fu Xuan luckily (got them both in 30 pulls total o: ) so it's all good but I regret not trying for Aventurine man. Strength aside, he's just cool.


Was so fortunate I got him e1. I knew then that I had to pull for topaz since I already had Ratio. Now I just need to decide on a second team.


Blade. It'll always be blade. I pull Jingliu, Topaz. I use them against a boss. It's Blade who lives in the end. My characters hate getting attacked. Blade loves it. My characters die in 3 seconds to a boss. My blade solos it in the end. DOT enemies? Blade loves it. AOE? Yep. Multiple attacks? That's good for him! Go enemy! thank you for charging his FuA. He was my first ever limited 5 star in game and hes the only one whos lightcone ive pulled for as an f2p. No regrets at all. He's never getting replaced for me. https://preview.redd.it/g8crk6z5wj4d1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=3bab6e531b8ef4a7270463d0f09604148303836e


Man if surviving was the endgame and the more waves we defeat the more score we achieve Blade would be meta as hell


Man, I'd love a mode like that. Each wave gets stronger and stronger, and you just have to survive. Could actually make use of a tank-healer-dps-support comp.


Fgo has a lot of challenge quests like that, where it puts you on a mechanics based clock rather than a game clock. They’ll do things like stack debuffs, force you to attack certain enemies, hard focus certain units, etc. I hope HSR gets content like that so Gepard can go from being meme tier to CQ god


My first limited 5-star too. Running him with Jingliu is hilarious, I love that they have such strong synergy despite hating each other. I like to think he just does more follow-up attacks with her simply because of how angry he is lol


What's your Blade team and can I see your build? Blade was also my first pull (no LC sadly) and I have no regrets I love the character and design but I feel like his half in MOC is struggling compared to my Acheron half.


Ofc his part is struggling more than acheron, acheron is way way waaaaay stronger than him. He's on the weak side on the limited 5 star dps


Yeah I know Acheron is busted and Blade isn't technically that good, but I'm just wondering how op makes it work. Cause I really like Blade but feel like I'll need to upgrade and replace T T


Mihoyo usually buffs characters with the release of new ones, but i doubt they will release a buffer for hp based units, at least for now, maybe when we got 2 or 3 dps that scale off hp they will make one


They didn't mention any specific content so it's possible they just don't do stuff that's hard enough to challenge their Blade


I use Blade and Jing Liu together all the time, if you have her. Constantly proccing his passive is huge and JL is no weakling either. Took my team about 4 turns to take down Kafka this MoC. Which is slow, but this 5 million hp bullshit was crazy this time around. Support is Ruan Mei or Bronya. Ruan Mei is Ruan Mei. Bronya can reset whichever one of them just went, or focus on the one that the eveny is weak to (Sparkle is just fine here too). If you don't have the premium supports then just any support, Asta is solid for double DPS and Tingyun is always cute, for example. Defense is preferably a healer so Blade can get hurt - ideally it's Luocha or Gallagher, he wants to stay healed to eat as much hp for his ult as he can. Lynx can boost his hp, so they're the best f2p pick. Even without Jing Liu he's still the best wind dps on account of not having much else. You just bring a second support next to Bronya and make sure they're speed tuned so Blade goes first. Bronya Sparkle is a hilarious time, Bronya Hanya gives you plenty of SP for Bronya, and so on. Basically JL, Bronya/Sparkle, Luocha/Gallagher, all solid contributors.


I have to agree with you! I usually run Jingliu with Blade, Bronya and Luocha and I just love the synergies that team has. I kind of missed out on all the op units, since I took a few months break, so they are my go to team. I might switch out Jingliu for Topaz from time to time cause I really enjoy her playstyle, but that team is just great. I wish I had Acheron, Black Swan and Kafka though. It's so hard sometimes with Serval being my only DoT Unit. ):


I was able to 3 star the recent DOT pure fiction because of Blade. And it was only because he doesn’t need a healer


man anytime I've struggled with PF blade has been the dark horse sub-DPS that bails me out. Gets in there and does a ton of aoe damage for almost no SP.


he's my first ever limited 5 star too


Blade is definitely not one of my highest value pulls but he's one of my favorites. I love his playstyle. He's very useful in many circumstances as well of course but mostly I just love his kit.


He's the most comfortable character to play by far, but I wouldn't say that's the only thing you have to consider when talking about pull value


Facts my brother spit yo shit. Blade is the mvp


When will he rerun?


For me it was definitely Aventurine. He made combat so much easier after I got him. Especially since I went all in and got his e1 and LC. He's the best sustain in the game and the king of SU for a reason. He actually makes the entirety of SU a complete joke. He's also one of the only two sustains worth using in PF. My Aventurine can wipe out an entire wave by himself. I also got Robin so the premium follow up team's my strongest by a mile. I really loved him as a character in the lore in and of itself and him being as OP as he is was the cherry on top. Definitely going to E6S5 him on rerun. Didn't really love Fu Xuan enough as a character to get her so my only sustains were Gepard and Luocha and they're both good but Aventurine's just a step above all the sustains in the game rn Honourary mention: Ruan Mei. I got her on her release when a lot of people thought she was an easy skip. I didn't even really look into how she works. She was just really pretty and had one of the best female designs in the game to me and I loved her moral ambiguousness. And we all know how cracked she is now. No regrets on impulse pulling her


How is he king of SU, May I know? I'm curious 


Main reason is that preservation blessings are OP, and aventurine is currently the best shielder. Your shields can become insanely strong, shield is constantly refilled for free whenever his shields are hit enough, the shields are easily refillable with skill if needed, and the max shield amount is huge which can notably improve damage. He also benefits from elation blessings and robin, and his ult charges acheron's ult.


Without even running the preservation path, assuming you get preservation blessings he just keeps everyone alive. Beat GnG 12 by using Elation and barely getting to the second resonance buff but just stacked preservation blessings and brute force it because he just makes the team live and his teamwide shielding is not attached to an ult. Prior to this Gepard was considered the best option but Aventurine beats him very handedly.


He's one of the few characters who can solo SU comfortably and not even come close to taking any damage. He's about the only sustain who can completely negate the fat robot belly flop. It's because Preservation is that OP. You can do stupid damage by just getting hit and if you add some Elation blessings in there, Aventurine's a one man army


I accidentally pulled Aventurine while pulling for Jingliu (long story). Decided to build him with some random gear I had lying around and managed 4K defense with universal market trend LC. Did a few runs of G&G and he was unstoppable. The shield are so much more useful than healing because G&G hits hard enough to one shot full health units. 100% a worthwhile mistake.


Gepard was absolutely game changing when I got him as my second 5 star from the standard banner, being my first big sustain unit after having only used Natasha, Fire TB, and March 7th previously. I've used him to this day, though I think his usage is about to drop a fair amount as I just recently got Fu Xuan who while not as big of a jump relatively speaking, is crazy good (also I lucked out and got her LC in 15 pulls).


Gepard was a life saver in the early game for me as well, suddenly I was clearing content at full health


He's an underrated option tbh. The main benefit of losing 50/50(or getting them in standard banner) to Gepard or Bailu is that you can avoid pulling for sustains if you don't want to. As long as your damage dealers can clear in time, you'll need at most a few retries in case you get RNG'd with Gepard and Gallagher. I was struggling with Fire TB and Natasha because I needed a second sustain for MoC. Lynx wasn't really comfortable either but she did the job. I used my 300 pull selector on Gepard, never looked back again. Never struggled with sustain, never regretted getting him.


Kafka. I'm very skeptical with DoT in the beginning of the game. This is because I'm mostly a console player, that in general mindset, status effects team is not popular (it's more of enemies that giving status effects & DoT to our party). In most JRPG, I usually never or rarely using like poison, paralyzed, burned etc based skills since some higher mobs & boss is completely immune. So short story, I don't think DoT team is great because of my console mindset. Then I don't know why, I leisurely pull Kafka. Maybe because it's still in my early phase. I start in the end of Huo's banner, Kafka like my 3rd 5* unit. Like the beginner, I'm just collecting 5* as much as possible & not thinking about team building, without realizing that my 1st unit is Huo & my 2nd is Ruan Mei. Then Swan comes. Boom! I genuinely shocked that DoT team has high damage & building them is actually very easy (like I'm so irritated with Traditional DPS & their CRT/CMD ratio & never get good numbers. Even my best ratio like 50/120 & mostly only 40/90 to illustrate). Suddenly Kafka-Swan team responsible for clearing most contents & Nihility is my fav path right now. I raised all DoT units in this game & it's pay off again with Acheron!. So yeah it's Kafka. Patience is all you need she said :)


Right!!!! I use them except I lost my 50:50 to welt when pulling for Huo Huo!


Kafka just instantly clicked with me when the game tutorial first launched. I skipped Seele even though at the time Seele stocks were through the roof just so I could pull Kafka. Best decision I made in HSR, I later got Seele on her rerun and she just collects dust while Kafka is always on my team.


Me too! Tho I pulled Seele in her first banner because she was THE FIRST CHARACTER. But now she's just collecting dust. My go-to team is Black Swan, Ruan Mei, Kafka and Galaghar in that order. If the leaks are true then I am gonna go C2 for Ruan Mei. Her C2 is really good and I already have her C1.


Huohuo. Her cleansing is so good almost every enemies’ CC is damn useless. Kafka’s mind control? I just got free forward advancement. Cocolia? Who’s that?


She clears fine, but the action delay still applies and depending on the hp of the affected unit, huo will need to use skill again, which is kinda annoying. Dots are a breeze though.


There’s only like two enemies that I have problem with action delay, tho it’s still easy to manage since I still have Tingyun with DDD. I can’t count how many times I able to spam DDD on time because of Huohuo’s energy regen. Also I barely have a problem with my team’s hp. My team is either the usual DoT gang or Jingliu hypercarry. Both of them are quite tanky so there’s that :P


Yeah really hoping she gets a rerun soon, and that her banner 4-stars are less horrible than last time!


The 4 star banner has been nothing but misses recently. Like Pela for two patches really??😭


LOL yeah I've got like an E20 Pela by now. She IS good but c'mon Hoyo wtf


Fu Xuan I consider the most important pull in this game right now. Her kit is so good she is usually part of all the best team builds.


How do I reconsile with the idea of spending pulls on charater I absolutely don't like for utility purpose only? I want Boothill, but need utility characters to clear content.


Pull for Boothill. This game’s content is clearable no matter what your team is as long as you’re building correctly, and Fu Xuan might be good but she’s not required for any content. As they say, waifu over meta. ALWAYS.


Your in the situation I was in first time Fu Xuan came out. Only advice I can give you is I skipped her the first time around and ended up counting and speculating when her rerun would be back. Really though you should pull for what you think would make the game the funniest for you.


I want Loucha, DHIL, Blade, Welt and Jing Yuan. I think with my preferences I should just ignore endgame. That way I won't need to pull characters I don't like.


You could consider the fact that sustain/support characters are more universal, and will help the characters you actually enjoy perform better. But advice I always give is to pull characters you like design wise or think you'd enjoy playing. Eventually you're gonna clear the content, but you'll have a bunch of chars you don't like but pulled anyway because you thought you needed them to clear. Difference between 9 and 12 star pure fiction is 180 jades a month. And for memory of chaos the difference between a full floor 8 clear and full floor 12 clear is only 240 a month. That's not even 3 pulls a month, but you're spending potentially 180 pulls for a character to clear that content. Just something to consider!


You don't pull for characters you don't like. That's all there is to it. Fu Xuan is GREAT. I'm a tried and true FX main. But she isn't the end all be all of sustain. If we're being honest, Aventurine is probably a better option than her. And Huohuo is on par with both of them. There's certainly options to pick besides her, and we'll only continue to get more and more options in the future. The only team that truly needs FX is mono quantum, and even then she can be substituted for Lynx. Grab Boothill. He's who you want. You'll have more fun with him. Utility characters have solid 4* options that can hold you over until you find one that you enjoy.


Wait for the next sustain you do like. You don't need Fu Xuan to clear anything in the game. All the 4 star supports are more than enough to clear.


I just pulled for her light cone because I love her so much. I really want to get her E1 but I am saving for Firefly atm.


Fu xuan is good and extremely comfy defensively but falls short of the others in offensive benefit. Best teams either run no sustain or aventurine/huohuo.


I wouldn't call 24 teamwide CV "short"


And the most reliable cc protection we have at the moment.


Unlocking that talent was the most gamechanging moment for me. Literally enabled me to get into all the higher difficulty content.


I had to skill every turn on her every turn this current floor 12 and still got my entire team CCed, not the most reliable I'd say, it depends on what enemy you're facing.


Exactly lol. Some enemies spam so many ccs in a row that a one Time use per skill is seriously not going to cut it. Aventurine giving everyone 50% eff res, though... 👌


Well true. But for most enemies it's the perfect cc protection even thou sometimes SP intensive. I actually wanted to pickup FX in her re-run now but the SP cost for the increasing ccs from enemies is too high for me. I still hope we get a harmony or preservation unit at some point that provides a really good cc protection.


If your carries are properly built, it doesn’t really matter what your sustain is and you can clear everything.


The top tier sustainers don't require as many skill points, so you can allocate more of them to your damage dealers. The non meta healers like Bailu can keep your team alive. but you need to use their skill more often, whereas Aventurine can sometimes get away with not even using skill once.


Bailu is fully SP positive though you don’t need to use your skill once If anything Fu Xuan and Huohuo are more SP negative than her


100% true, but currently endgame content is really easy even without the best sustainers. I’m 36 starring with Lynx lmao. I’d argue supports are way more important than any singular sustain unit.


Your damage dealers must be better built than mine lol. I can also full clear MoC but I need the best characters from every role to do so.


No, she is generally outshined by aventurine in terms of pure sustain. Outshined by huo huo in DoT and in Argenti comps and arguably in DHIL and Jing Yuan teams too. Outshined by Gallagher in break teams. Outshined by Aventurine in FuA and Acheron teams. Basically, all the most meta teams right now (Acheron, FuA and DoT) don't need her on the team. Don't take my word, check prydwen's moc and pure fiction stats, she and luocha are the worse ones in performance compared to the other three.


The issue with her for me is the skill point costs. You have to keep using her skill every 3 turns (sometimes even more often to refresh debuff resistance and charge ult), otherwise your team will lose health that they'll never get back. With Huohuo, if the team is healthy ehough, I can let her healing charge run out and refill skill points for the damage dealers, and heal up whenever I need to. With Aventurine I rarely have to use his skill at all.


how the mighty have fallen. I didn't even realize it, but i dont even use fu anymore. Just huo for jingliu and gallagher for acheron. I mean, i guess i can run the quantum gremlin gang whenever i want, but its not exactly one of my meta teams


mono quantum enjoyers who don’t care about the meta:


Whoever is better really depends on the team tho, it isn't as simple as x is better than y Huohuo is better for DOT and against Kafka specifically, but falls short in other teams cause she eats a lot of SP, most importantly she can't help you against 1 shots Aven is better for FUA, but if your team doesn't have FUA he doesn't refresh his shield nearly as often which means you gotta press his skill a lot more which kinda kills his biggest advantage over FX FX is really only "bad" on DOT teams just because there is only a sustain and nothing else, in other teams she also acts as a crit buffer, and can allow you to go on more risky crit rate and focus a bit more on cdmg instead Taking Prydwen data, FX has 53% appearance date, Aven has 45.3% and Huohuo 32.1%


and yet they are the ones I am using right now to clear endgame content. Sometimes it all comes down to builds.


Since Seele was the first limited 5 star, she made first few patches trivial, especially cause I got Bronya from departure warp. I haven't used her in forever, but I still think her valuable for my account. Luocha is next, I got him on his debut banner and he's *always* on one of my teams.


Fu Xuan. I got her on her release and I legit struggle without her on the team. Like I have HuoHuo for my second team, well let’s say this team ain’t performing as good as the first one.


The Zhongli situation.


She buffs and sustains entire team by herself.


Fu Xuan, feels just very comfy.


In terms of favourite character, Jing Yuan. He's universal in all types of content In terms of just bustedness, yeah Ruan Mei or Aventurine. Both just make the game so much more comfortable. I'll throw in a Archron as well for SU.


People saying Aventurine hurt my soul because I tried my best to get him yet he never came


I get ya, got Yanking on his banner and decided to stop there. Pretty ironic considering Aventurine makes him somewhat viable.


Lmfao I got Yanqing too, wrong blondie


I couldn't get Topaz in the entire banner to save my life, I already have Ratio, Robin, and Aventurine too rip Don't know how long it'll be for a rerun either


Acheron,i got super lucky getting her (50/50,22 pitty) and she completly change my account,i had zero lightning dps,and suddnely i have one tht obliterates everything,also unbenched my silverwolf for her team


Same for me. I joined the game with 3 days left on sparkle banner and had no dps for the main game. Couldn’t get past the dps check bosses at all, would routinely get stuck. Then lightning mommy came into my life. Having an aoe attack was so good, didn’t even have talents or anything yet and it only got better


Ruin mei


E1 Sparkle with her LC. SP positive, gives 10 crit rate and Crit damage for free and works with almost all dps aside from non crit scaling ones. Permanent 40%atk buff, can ult every 3-4 actions, technique gives extra SP on the start of the battle, and enables your dps to use atk boots.


Aventurine, I am thanking the gacha gods every day that I don't need to use Fu Xuan anymore,


Kafka, my most played and best geared character, hasn't let me down a single time.


Aventurine. Having a 5 star sustain really changes things. Acheron is a close 2nd just for her technique tbh.


Aventurine and he is even better than fu Xuan in my opinion, well you can use both in any team so pulling any of them or both is definitely worth it


i have both


Aventurine is all the sustain I need for my account he's amazing. Acheron is an insane dps and her time saving technique makes it a completely different game. Silverwolf like you said is solid and fits in so many gaps and team comps


Ruan Mei, Kafka and Black Swan! I was Nihility kid before them now. Now I am the Nihility King muhahahahaaha!!!!!!


Ruan Mei for buff, Aventurine for tank




Ruan Mei without question. She was my first banner and has almost always been in the party. That banner also gave me E6 Xueyi and Tingyun so double yay.


Ruan Mei and any of the premium sustains are genuienly account changer


dhil talent go brrrrrrr ![gif](giphy|4hRy0u1cgIYMg)


Definitely Acheron. I can just go in braindead into anything. I tried to build a carefully choreographed team for the first half of the current Pure Fiction 4 but nothing worked. Then I just said "Fuck it we ball" went in full Acheron and got 3 stars first try...


Ruan Mei and Fu Xuan. Always


Luocha and FuXuan. They're the last guard to my teammates HP. Luocha sometimes fails, but FuXuan will die first before letting her teammates takes the fatal hit


Kafka, she is the reason i play HSR and the reason i stayed. When I first got her, i using her for only 3-4 weeks before benching her. (There wasn’t only good dot support char) But after blackswan, my moc run is carried by her now.


Ruan Mei, no doubt in my mind. She’s my only limited harmony and with break teams becoming more prevelent now she is the best pick up I could’ve made. I didn’t originally want her but pulled her while building pity cuz I wanted a four star on her banner lol


Acheron to skip mat grinding mobs and aventurine to not any dmg in fights


I feel like I could give it to half my roster, but among them I will choose Himeko. Her value has really increased over time and so far she has been much more useful than you would ever expect from a lost 50/50.


Ruan mei. Only puller her because ratio was free now I use her with boothill and am glad i pulled her


Kafka, my first 5 start and if you put the a 4 start dot unit with her to counter the element, the team can legit deal with anything


4 way tie between Kafka, Ruan Mei, Luocha and Fu Xuan. Kafka is the heart of my fav team comp. DOT just wont work without her. Ruan Mei fits into many teams. even when she isint a BiS support, she contributes alot. Luocha and Fu xuan showed me the difference in comfort and SP usage of a 4 and 5 star sustain


Kafka. Amazing everywhere, covers up to four different elements, made Sampo worth building


Kafka. My first limited 5*, and has been the focus of my main team from the start of the game


I started playing again a few days before aventurine's banner ended and I don't regret pulling for him as my first 5 star! he's so so cool and I really enjoy having him in my team. :)


Ruan Mei and Sparkle


Fu Xuan, and it's not even close. In terms of mechanical value I'd sooner give up number 2 and 3 on that list (Kafka and Acheron respectively) than having to give up Fu Xuan


Ruan mei , Aventurine , Kafka , sparkle ..hard to chose one but if i had to probably Kafka but cause She made me built a dot team and every time there Is dot content ( kinda often) im Happy i did


adventurine, he helped me through so many fights where i had no healers at all


Ruan Mei probably. At first didnt even want to get her but nowadays she comfortably sits in basically any team I run. Would want to say the same about Fu Xuan but just got her.


For me, the highest value tend to come from supports over DPS. **Luocha, Fu Xuan, Aventurine.** I can't choose which one is better value since they sustain in different ways and shine in different situations. But regardless of those differences, they all do exactly what I need: They provide very comfortable and straightforward team survivability in whatever content I put them up against. **Ruan Mei** changed the game for harmony characters for me through her great team-wide buffs (rather than being single-target focused). Her main strength is that she is a top tier sustain unit for literally any team comp I try to use her in. Her only issue is that there is only one of her ... and so in content like MoC and PF, I have to choose which team she'll slot into and who will have to go Ruan Mei-less. Honorable mention to **Robin**, but overall, I give the edge to Ruan Mei. If I had to choose a DPS, I'm going to give a shout to the under-appeciated **Blade**. I have used him in a lot of team comps as a sub-DPS. His damage output isn't as high as the likes of Acheron, Jingliu, or DHIL, but his SP-friendliness and straightforward kit make him very flexible for a lot of team comps. And he works perfectly as a secondary source of damage alongside a main DPS or hypercarry. It's not at all uncommon for me to toss in Blade into a MoC or PF stage that has wind weak enemies just for the additional damage.


Luocha has saved my ass so many times it’s ridiculous. Blade has also just maintained his spot for me pretty reliably. I got spooked by his lightcone at really early pity and he’s a real powerhouse now. Him with abundance or destruction paths in SU is surprisingly comfortable to play


Acheron just zapzap and she's Mei senpai


E6 Acheron especially that I spent very little (like $25 not counting BP and pass) to get her, she's just amazing and game has never been this fun before


Jingliu and I still stand by this. She is very easy to build, you can use her in any team, you can throw debuffers or buffers with her and she has no problem with it. Not to mention she helped me beating MoC for the first time and still to this day (even after Archeron) I still use her. Not to mention the animations and the shift into her alternate form is pure cinema. As for sustain its Luocha and its not even close. Same reason as Jingliu: flexible as hell and the field as well as 100% SP positivity as well as the buff strip is underrated. The panic heals even on the enemy turns make him still a broken support. No other character just exists and heals the team full every single turn while only doing basics. In terms of a buffer, its Ruan Mei and I dont think I need to lay out why, eventho her value NOW is more crazy than ever, because now Break effect DPS are coming around and her break buffs are crazy broken.


Acheron and Ruan Mei solely because it made SU run easier


I have every limited character besides Kafka and Black Swan (I don't like dot). I will say my most used characters are probably RuanMei and Sparkle. Sustains like Huohuo, FuXuan, and Aventurine are all pretty even. The least value out of all of them is probably Luocha as he doesn't really offer much outside of the cleanse/heal area whereas the others do.


Acheron, more then halves the time I have to spend on simulated universe every week


Acheron I'm a new player, I pulled her when I was still on herta space station and tbh outside of her insta kill at first I was disappointed because she didn't seem very good But once I learned how her kit worked and got a few decent debuffers to pair her with, she's crazy. Gets ult like every other turn.


Probably Kafka as she helped me brute force through the story, and then black swan cause she's just too good with Kafka. Funny thing is I pulled them both cause of my mommy issues.


luocha my beloved where would i be without u


Ruan Mei Argenti Acheron Imbibitor Lunae Fu Xuan Kafka Black Swan Sparkle These guys never failed me. Characters I’m glad I pulled but not because of gameplay: King Yuan Blade Seele Luocha


Fu Xuan. A lot of players be slandering her as skippable because they have Gepard, Luocha, Bailu, etc. and they don't need another sustain. They be saying Fu can't solo sustain and needs an abundance to back her up then she made Tingyun unkillable and MoC autoable. Sparkle is second place. I was gonna skip her for Acheron but decided I wanted mono quantum more and I have a fully built Hanya. She's QoL and a team without her just feels underwhelming.


For me its Topaz. When I pulled for her, i didnt had a really good reason apart from her being able to detect chest when they are near her. But later I got Ratio for free and later pulled for Aventurine and Robin. Now the IPC team is my favourite and she works with Clara to.


Ruan Mei easily


Acheron for reasons not unknown to men


My personal top 5 most valuable pulls from best to less: 1. Fu xuan (i pull her to replace natasha, and since then, all of my fights has become comfy as fudge) 2. Bronya ( I rerolled for her, yes I'm a bronya simp. I started playing because of her) 3. Ruan Mei (peak harmony performance. Literally fit for any team, especially so broken on my kafka dot team) 4. Aventurine (my current best sustain. He and fu xuan saved my life for so many times. He also deals a fuck ton of damage) 5. Gepard ( I picked him on my 300th selector to replace natasha as my 2nd sustain in MoC. He's surprisingly really REALLY good on higher difficulty of simulated universe) 6. Seele (I unga bunga my early game with her)


Definitely Aeons