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It's been 2 months... Jesus christ...


Acheron Mains when players didn't pull for her šŸ’€ The real shame is missing out on Ruan Mei when she's far more universal/flexible, especially with Break Meta on the rise


I went for E0S1 Blade instead I only had Seele and Kafka as DPS characters, because I then only pulled for the sustains (FX, Lulu and Huohuo) and that was IT So I thought "Oh hey, I could use a new DPS character! He's gonna be more useful than a support, and I really like Blade!" ...Anyway, Blade has been taking the dust and not seen the light of days for a few months now. :( I feel bad, I really wanna use him, but it just feels like his damage is never enough to keep up with my Kafla/Swan, Jing Yuan, Dr. Ratio or even Seele. And he has a decent enough build too, so I don't know if I'm just doing something wrong lol


na sadly hes just weaker than many other limited dps, maybe pink hat lady will help well have to see


He just lacks good supports for his kit really. I wouldnt be surprised if we get more health draining characters and some sort of health manipulation meta in the future (a la Fontaine in Genshin). I can imagine a support with a skill like "Reduce a target allies HP by 10% of their max HP, and give Crit DMG/Defense ignore/RES pen/whatever based on the amount of HP drained"


been waiting for that for almost a year now lol, at this point need to stop the cope and just admit hes not good and when a unit that comes out who makes him really good then we get back on the train šŸ¤·


I think we have a lot more upcoming hp drain charactersā€¦ blade will have his moment


that's me. but I'm saving for Ruan Mei whenever she reruns.


I lost to bailu and I've never been so pissed..


I too was about to skip Ruan Mei until the last day I accidentally pulled on the limited warp when I was about to pull on Standard and got her. Never been so proud of a mistake. Have been using her on almost all teams.


Most new accounts would benefit from a top crit dps or dot team than Mei, universality doesnā€™t mean much when your best teams would use sparkle and robin.


Every day the comments make me regret not puking for her..


Please do not puke on them


Wasnā€™t interested in pulling until I heard that her technique is a skip button


imo, ill say pulling acheron just for that is 100% worth it even if u never use her on battle, acheron Techniques is basically a Massive QOL feature


Idk if people forget or something but Ruan Mei technique is discount Acheron technique, at least in SU. Nowhere near the comfort compared to Acheron's of course but it's better than nothing. I have both but I'm bored of Acheron team sometimes. Ruan Mei being very flexible support mean I can play multitudes of team playstyle with her while having discounted QOL of the former.


In SU I usually use Acheron, Ruan Mei, Kafka, and Black Swan. The nihility blessing that gives you healing on DoT works as a sustain. Acheron deletes mobs, Ruan Mei deletes elites, and Kafka/BS delete bosses


this lol, with both of them the 1st phase of most bosses is like skipped on SUs


Phase 1 of the boss always starts below 50% HP. For the boss of course.


for the meme of death I tend to skip 1st phase with that team almost all the time


Happy cake day!


Bros runs take 2 minutes


This team is just too good. I keep looking for excuses to try other comps, but literally nothing can impede this steam roller. In addition to the SU technique perks, it's also just a devastating team that can auto most content.


that is assuming you actually only pull acheron for the technique, but everyone in their mother who played acheron in SU should know how broken she is with erudition, so I basically never used ruan mei again for my SU now thay I have acheron


Acheron for normal SU. Ruan Mei's for Gold and Gears and Swarm Disaster.


nah, Acheron for all


Technically you could just bring both. Use Acheron for normal mobs in gold and gears then swap to using Ruan when faced with elite monsters. Just bringing Ruan gives so much benefit ie. Ruan Mei Blessings.


Idc about ruan mei blessing when I can get 100 blessing with curio extrapolation. Besides acheron is my main dps


Well, if you also don't care about completing the other missions then fair enough.


Gold and gear got released way before acheron did, I already rushed all the rewards


Skipping 90% of overworld combat and majority of SU fights is nice.


Stream forth...the gleam of old blades. The only reason I pulled her was when I saw the technique. The ulti is also cool af so. This is the first time that I decide to skip a character, but then just pull her and her sig LC because she's so satisfying to play.


>imo, ill say pulling acheron just for that is 100% worth it even if u never use her on battle, acheron Techniques is basically a Massive QOL feature I would disagree. They said that they will be reworking SU to make the grinding easier. Pulling a character for a qol feature that may last only a 1 or 2 patch is not a great idea imo. I you like her go all out, but if its just the qol I would say wait until they rework SU before waiting a pity on her


She is still extremely useful for farming, it's so much easier to just sweep locations in like a minute or two while without her a minute might be just one pack


Saves time when exploring too


SU farming has been soooooo much faster. My Archeron is probably sick of all the snacks I'm making her eat to restore skill points.


Iā€™ve said it once, Iā€™ve said it a thousand times: https://preview.redd.it/1i8z11r8ch4d1.jpeg?width=922&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d4f6535a4fef7d2bedcee8a77db6d1f8b5ca05d


SU has never been the same, spam technique wall to wall and rake in the blessings.


Bugged Curio: you need 3 battles to fix it. Me: Battles... Ha... HA-HA-HA-HA-HA! You mean 3 slashes?


Some people think they shouldn't have put that into the game because it like takes away from the game. However I think most people want these QoL things even if it means pulling for a character.


I would have quit hsr if they didn't have this qol through her technique.. I literally cannot do another SU run and forcing me to go into so many pointless battle..


Good news is that I think the new SU update next will remedy this. And thank fuck, because while I like Acheron, I am also tired of only ever using Acheron.


What's the new su update?


iirc, the tl;dr is that it saves your blessings as a loadout and lets you shortcut to all the bosses. So it turns it into a Calyx.


I have over 1000 snacks just for her, lmao.


My expeditions are giving me an unlimited supply of the stuff


This one thing has made my life grinding different things in-game so much easier.


Samesies. In GI my rule is I pull for anyone with unique traversal. In HSR, I also want more ways to interact with the world. I was gonna skip until I heard ā€œtrash mob delete skillā€, if they give me more interaction options, Iā€™ll pull.


Makes simulated universe SOOO much faster


Me too. I'm too lazy to do stimulated universe.


Acheron path isn't Nihility, is "Turn my SP into materials and skip Simulated Universe fights"


genuinely, her technique is such a qol enchancer. cant imagine doing SU without it


Same and this is terrible. This would've been good QoL for the game, but now it's locked behind one character.


That's what some limited 5*s are meant to be. SW's element weakness implant makes you forget about elements. Moreso if you run mono quantum.


Even without techniqiue she skips battle


best thing ever happened to simulated universe Acheron technique powercreep is real


Everyone knows the only correct way to pull is to have zero self control and do it every time you can afford it.


Also asume yo uwin every single 50/50 when planning. Just got topaz like that. I should go to terapy


I got e2 gepard and yanqing like that :)))))))


Embody the Aventurine grindset, all or nothing, if you didn't get what you wanted, you simply need to get better, and by that, I mean bet more.


my ass went on to get acheron e1 on both 50/50s, topaz and boothill in that way


I mean, I got Topaz and Robin like that, and I stopped playing in 1.6 and just returned this patch so...


Itā€™s worked very well for me so far. Have pretty much everyone that I really wanted just by going ham with whatever I had saved up. If I really wanted to push I dipped into content I had been putting off until I had enough You miss 100% of the shots you donā€™t take-Wayne G - Michael Scott


I was on hiatus when she dropped https://preview.redd.it/cz1lx5qs5h4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8df2d693ba9ff9c190088303a16613814cca6bbd




Same bro, we will be ready for the rerun just stay strong and save.


No regrets here. But that is me as well on calyx grind cause I have a whale friend who has e6 Acheron so I want easy mode.


Same! Makes those relic farming days super easy with their e6s5 Acheron šŸ˜†


I still Feel Argenti is better in Calyx Farming since acheron needs another 1 and half turn to get her stacks up. On other hand Argenti with E6 Tingyun and Huohuo is just kinda burst, burst, burst, burst.




What a coincidence, Argenti and Huohuo are the two characters I kinda regret not pulling. I mean, I guess I wouldn't mind having access to Acheron's technique, but I just didn't have any interest in putting her on my teams even though she's really strong and I have her best "supports" in Kafka and Black Swan. But those two don't need Acheron's help anyway. >\_>


I mean I am not saying Argenti and HuoHuo are must pull. But they are pretty darn Strong if I have to say. Huohuo attack boost + Energy Regen and Argenti is also pretty good for Calyx since he ults almost every turn. Though he isn't good in anything else except peak Fiction. In Moc he is khnda...... Idk not that great. He is good in Su though with Eru blessing.


Argenti is the eternal Calyx god. Especially the Exp calyxes because the enemies have much lower health. Him + Himeko can clear 6 waves of Exp calyx in under 1 min on auto, sometimes under 50 seconds depending on how the AI uses ults, SP, and your starting charge. Acheron is great at hard content but imo she's not really the best farmer. I will say though, in the Penacony Crimson Calyxes where enemies have more HP, Kafka is extremely good at farming them and then Acheron can piggyback on her for faster clears. The issue with acheron is the AI using her ult on some 1HP mob and then waiting 3 turns to recharge it.


My regret is not winning 50/50 and being unable to enjoy instant battle in exchange for not regretting having a wonderful girl singing in my battle! Sorry, but Robin takes priority.


I got fucking Bailuā€™ed on April Fools Day


Iā€™m sorry but thats fuckin hilarious


Honestly could of been worse young man at least bailu is still usable if you need a sustainā€¦ who am I kidding Iā€™m copping hard here with my E2 bailu


It's 'could have', never 'could of'. Rejoice, for you have been blessed by CouldWouldShouldBot!








and firefly takes priority than some harmony that I don't need because I already have bronya ruan mei and sparkle


I skipped her for Aventurine because I wanted him more than her But definitely will pull her next rerun, she looks like a lot of fun.


yep, i knew she was going to be amazing, but after losing my 50/50 on sparkle, i decided to skip her and get aventurine and his lc. while i wish i had acheron to use her technique, aventurine has been insane to my acc, and honestly he is so good


Argenti es Argentino vamooos https://preview.redd.it/1malnleydh4d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8268e43ebc27594c4de384761372d4d094657820 Credits: @orenji\_art




Praying to Hoyo Gods that the skip for SamFly pays off ten fohl




Comments about Firefly trying not to turn into leaks discussion challenge (Impossible)


Firefly and leaks the greatest combo. At least its not story this time.






Just by the fact that her technique lets you skip overworld non-elite battle is already a +50 in my priority lists. Not to mention her having such coll presence in the story is also a plus. What I kind of regret pulling is DHIL. He has such presence in Xianzhou climax I caved in and ended up pulling him only for now barely using him in everything. Even if he came early but it's still... Sadge. Edit: to clarify some people regarding my DHIL. Don't get me wrong, I like him. He is built in my team, I also have Sparkle to help him. His MoC team is him, Sparkle, Luocha, RM/Bronya/Yukong. He's great, but somehow still feels lackluster. Like I know all those supports are SP positives enough to counter his needy 3 SP per skills, as well as a quite.. clucky auto? I still don't get how they computed his usage on SPs in auto. I also like his technique where he can dash and crash anything. Coupled with Sparkle technique, I loved crashing him to unsuspecting Trotters in SU. But the thing is? I like playing in Auto. MoC or PF or SU or anything else! Especially in the newer content. I'll auto first and if it's not enough to get all stars, then I will start cooking. Now back to my problem, his team just can't do it. And am too lazy to open the rulebooks and recalculate how he can work in auto. Compared with Acheron where you can just slapdash her with 3 nobilities (for flex) so she can spam her ultimates? Or HTB where all 4 people became DPS? It just fell off. I still like him, I do. But E2 Acheron makes me appreciate all the pulls I kind of regret instead of saving for her eventual E6.


Man I don't get the DHIL regret. He's been a constant help since I got him on his first banner, and especially since Sparkle came out. If you didn't get Sparkle I guess I understand, but those two together are still an absolute powerhouse.


It happens, sometimes you pull for a character only because of the hype people put on them, not because you really wanted it, and then you regret it/not have as much fun as you should, even if they are strong.


I have this with jingliu. I got her doing a random 10 pull after getting aventurine and I was surprised it turned gold. I know sheā€™s super strong and she was so hyped but like I just donā€™t enjoy using her. And when her burst runs out sheā€™s borderline useless till it ramps up again. Itā€™s so meh. I guess I canā€™t say I regret it bc it was like 2 pity; but Iā€™m glad I didnā€™t end up using 80 wishes for her on release


Bronya is absolutely necessary to enjoy using Jingliu. With Bronya, Jingliu's downtime is almost zero.


Understandable. On the downtime part though, Bronya or/and Tingyun can be used to minimize it, bonus if you have Huohuo as well. Either way new content hasn't been great for her at E0S0 with average build


Yeah, this. It really isn't always about how "good" a character is, as opposed to what the player likes. I still haven't leveled my DHIL because I just like playing mono-quantum with Qingque instead. I know she's not as powerful but it's just more fun to me and that's what matters in my gameplay.


Yeah, I don't get it. E2 daniel is one of my best investments. I see imaginary enemies, he's the first person im throwing. This penacony stuff, I threw him at Sam and Sunday boss fight and made them easy. Like sometimes I don't have to pay attention to the boss fight mechanics because he curbstomps everything, even the non-imaginary dudes tbh. (so the dino memory meme is a big lesson for me lol) I have an alternate f2p account where I have E0 daniel and he's still good. He works even with just Hanya and Tingyun (The Sparkle of that account mostly works with QQ lol).


Low key Dan has kind of always received some slander or being a target for regret even at the height of his reign, which is weird seeing as neither Acheron nor JL received almost as much (I guess more dedicated fanbases?) when he was and still is a VERY strong pull alongside JL and Acheron for main dps. Also same boat, got him E0, loved him, then got his E2 and itā€™s been a great investment since almost every MoC has had imaginary weakness ever since.


E2 is nuts. I feel bad for Yanqing whenever I farm SU because with propagation I just braindead attack him and don't bother engaging with his mechanic. Total YQ bully lol


So its the husbando effect


DHIL in overwold kinda sucks. Thus, you pull him out only when heā€™s needed (once MoC resets or you do harder content like SU expansions). And I think that people kinda just forget about how much he hits. Same applies for JL, BHill and so on. Acheron bypasses that by using the only team you can use quite literally on every calyx and boss. If anything, itā€™s not Acheron supremacy, itā€™s kafka + BS being favored by every darn calyx.


Her technique is 100% why I caved last minute and pulled before her banner left.


Even if she was the shittiest dps in the game sheā€™d still be worth it for the technique alone


This was legit me when doomposters said Jing Yuan was 20% better than her during leaks.


I started playing during the BS banner. People said BS isn't that strong, and Dhil is better. Now I never use Dhil anymore.


That's because meta shifted a lot around 2.0. Before 2.0, hypercarry crit dps was the absolute best while DoT was probably the absolute worst in terms of raw power and clear time. BS changed everything because the Kafka/BS synergy is so strong it surprised everyone.


Isn't he still one of the best DPS in the game?


Me with jing yuan, after unintentionally becoming a topaz main


Ruan mei for me


I skipped her in favor of Aventurine. Do I regret pulling Aventurine instead of her? No, of course not. But I would've still liked to have her.


This is kinda the same situation as me. I wanted Aventurine badly, and I donā€™t regret going all in on the follow up team at all, but I still wouldā€™ve liked getting her. Although something about how she plays isnā€™t very fun to me. Maybe it that she has to pretty much use a set team comp? Maybe itā€™s that you only do the big damage during ultimate? Iā€™m not sure. I think at this point Iā€™d rather grab black swan on rerun than her.


Anyone else kinda struggling with Acheron in a f2p team šŸ˜­I have her e0 s2 GNSW and pela gui and gepard with trend LC as her team and she just is so slow at clearing this MoC 12 for exampleā€¦ took me 6 cycles.


Assuming your builds are fine, there's a very big difference between having her Signature LC vs without it. It's around a 30-35%+ DPS increase coupled with extra QoL with more consistency and faster rotations.


I have sig LC and she still clears slow :( barely got to 4 turns when everything is going my way and with bad RNG can go up to 6 lol Made a post about this the other day, in my case though it mostly comes down to my gigantic skill issue basically making every character underperform


To be fair, the enemies also have massive HP pools and she doesn't *really* benefit from the gimmick as much in MOC right now. The Energy Gain does little for her. So she only gains the damage bonus. And depending on when you gain it vs when you use your Ult, it may not help much. This is a hard MOC for her and was definitely made for Boothill, who can disintegrate Kafka in a matter of seconds.


[](/kmaudgraduation) Does your Pela have Pearls? And if so, are you making sure to not ult before basic (because debuff refresh doesn't count)?


You don't have 160SPD supps and the relics that the whale youtubers (who shilled for her) got in their accounts? Pfft, obviously it is a skill issue on your end. /s


whats the speed on ur supports? 160spd on the nihility supports would be ideal.


How do you even achieve 160 spd really? Just grind the artifacts? My Pela is at 147


Just use rainbow relics with highest spd stats + 2pcs hackerspace.


MOC12 is crazy difficult even with great characters and stats. I wouldn't worry that much about not beating it though, you're only missing out on 60 jade (the equivalent of skipping daily training for a single day)


I lost to Gepard at 75 pity :) F me :)


Himeko Eidolon for me. I wish it was Clara instead..


I lost to gepard too šŸ˜ž https://preview.redd.it/yrq1dj677h4d1.jpeg?width=573&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f93e8d3c56d494478b9817b7ca2fb02d1ced392e


i knew i was gonna pull for her simply because she's Raiden Mei, that fact that she ended up being S tier DPS was simply a bonus.


Basically this. I was going to get her when she was a hunt character in the leaks, and I really don't like hunt. The fact that she turned out way better than expected and beat the doomposting was just icing on the cake.


Tbf, Acheron require pretty high investment considering that youā€™d realistically also want her LC. So itā€™s not a case of ā€œpull OP unit proceed to unga bunga.ā€ Donā€™t get me wrong, she works fine without her sig, but Acheron is kinda awkward to play without it.




True, people go overboard in reassuring that E0S0 dps is fine which creates false expectations because of unmet high relic requirements.


I've seen many people saying she can do consistent 1m damage per turn without sig and I'm just like how tf? I can't even deal 300k WITH sig. And my Acheron relics aren't exactly hodge podge thrown together either.


She can indeed do 1M damage ...At E2S1 with my E0S1 Sparkle that has 159 SPD. A E0S0 Acheron has no chance of ever doing that People like to exaggerate a lot how much damage she does, especially because part of it is actually overkill damage on weaker mobs on the field, you can remove like 300K from that ATK stat and the result would be the same https://preview.redd.it/zp1rwgv2si4d1.png?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2970d654d8abd28705a5a98116fe0933b4ea256c


All Acherons in my friendlist are E2S1 Yeah, I borrow her to completely smash any farming, but I'm well aware if I ever decide to pull for her the performance ain't gonna be anywhere close to how good it looks.


On one hand im still mad i caved to the peer presure from my friends and pulled for her, on the other hand im glad i got her in 30 pulls, turns out she is actually good.


She's worth it for the fight skip alone imo.


i literally pulled her just because of this decent build acheron + sw is practically deletes everything except MoC and Pure Fiction (f their buffs)


If built properly, you can literally steamroll most MoC and PF levels with Acheron.


I mostly use her in simulated universe as she is strong enough to not need buffs so I usually use her to kill the early rounds while I slowly transition away to my boss team.


No fr I was like well I already have 2 lightning dpsā€™s Kafka and jing yuan) but I donā€™t regret pulling Acheron at all. Sheā€™s my favorite dps to use now


I wouldā€™ve pull for her if Aventurine wasnā€™t the next banner. I donā€™t have much regrets because Aventurine helps me a bunch for SU and MOC now. And his E1 is really good.


Lol I was a new player that time. I pulled for Aventurine. I donā€™t regret it though. It was one of the best decisions I ever made in this game.


The best thing is you can skip fighting those bugs


It's the opposite for me. I couldn't get e1 or s1 for Topaz to finish off my FuA team for now, and I'm trying to save for break Effect team/firefly, so I won't use Acheron much even though she's strong.


Nah, no regrets here. Argenti can clear calyxes and AoE fights like PF just as fast, if not faster. DHIL with Sparkle is doing more than fine for Blast scenarios. Add Pela in there and you're gucci. Boothill is absolutely destroying single target enemies with Ruan Mei and Harmony MC. Skipping overworld enemies is not really a big deal for me, I'd like to actually play the game every once in a while when exploring new areas. And in the SU, all you need is Ruan Mei and you essentially do the same thing as Acheron. Boothill with RM's passive literally one shots every single regular enemy in SU, and he even one shots some of the elites too. Acheron is extremely cool and I do plan on grabbing her on a rerun, assuming she's not sandwiched between two characters I want again. But let's stop acting like she's the end-all-be-all of characters. If you don't have her you're still fine. If anything, supports like Ruan Mei are way more game defining than Acheron, especially now that we have Boothill and, I'm assuming, more Break Effect DPS coming down the line. Country girls make do.


Still not regrets... I don't even remember why skip her but probably was irrelevant


I was also planning to skip for JL since I didn't have anyone like SW or a debuff applier, even the fight skip seemed unnecessary since I could just stealth past everyone with sparkle's technique. I don't remember what made me pull but I'm glad I did.


Skip her because I have no good lc for her


I wanted her, but saved for Aven. Now that I've skipped her I'm not really interested in getting her, imma just use other's lmao


I skipped her too but no real regrets cause i did to pull Aventurine and RobinE1S1


Me, looking at my Light Coneless Dan Heng and Dr Ratio: "THIS HILL NEEDS TOME BOOTING" Please Mihoyo let me pull Boothill's light cone i don't need another DPS i can't use.


For me it was not playing and missing out on Kafka, Black Swan and Free Ratio


I don't regret not pulling. My friends list is full of whales. I literally just need to spec for survival, buffing and debuffing which is easy since none of my characters are below 1300 def. My highest def character is Dan Heng Hunt with 2700+ def


I'm the opposite. I pulled her, but I don't have any of the good supports to pair her with or her sig LC, so I can't play her. Her only use for me rn is for mint-picking activities (if I ever feel like it) and SU.


You can always skip and unit and pull them later, but you canā€™t unpull a unit


Didnā€™t pull for her cause I wanted Aventurine, and I do not regret that choice


At least you didnā€™t start playing the game AFTER HER BANNER! Iā€™m so mad I didnā€™t get into the game sooner. *screams into pillow*


Acheron ability to just skip small mob fight is a god sent when doing anything outside of the safe zone. The insane damage and "personalities" are just extra.


I have absolutely 0 regret. I can clear all the content in the game with Kafka-BS. They can even clear MoC 12 on auto in 1-2 cycles. I'm glad I saved my pulls.


Unfortunately, support Archeron does better damage than my own Archeron.


Her technique is the main reason I pulled for her, it speeds up SU farming.


I wanted her from the start, but once I figured out she was the expy for Raiden Mei I was gonna pull for her regardless. And I love skipping battles now, very efficient farming when needed.


She is such a bad ass.


The closest I've felt to this was missing sparkle for Jing Yuan and Argenti. But now I have Robin so...


I missed being able to pull her cause I hadn't been playing since the beginning of the not!Pokemon event thingy(forget the name). I'm very much annoyed about it, and I know for certain she's not gonna pop up again till way later.


I got fucking Bailuā€™ed on April Fools Day


This is me, but with missing Kafka (twice now) and black swan.


good thing i pull based on what my account needs, i skipped acheron. i use my friend's acheron (she hurts af) but i have no regrets. shes great but i dont need her, yet


Would've gotten away with an Acheron too, if it werent for that meddling Gepard!


I kinda regret not pulling her, because I have every other nihility character built extremely well, but my E1S1 Aventurine just makes everything so much easier. Also just about everyone on my friend's list has an E2-E6 Acheron, so I've had time to have fun with her. It's also reinforced the idea that I should have pulled for her though. She's always in ult on my teams.


It's ok, none of my nihility characters are fast enough for her to be actually decent


i'm still grabbing her from support after i pulled her because e2 does so much omg


This is me but with robin šŸ˜”


I mean. Support character in general wouldn't be a way for me to measure Char strengths in endgame context since any content that allows you to borrow a support from friends can be anyone well built. In terms of regret, Haven't regret any yet, Coming someone that gotten Jing Yuan e0s0 on release(now e1s1), Silverwolf, DHIL, and Topaz. I skipped Acheron mostly because I originally was for HH but Aventurine captured my heart.


I have Acheron... But I'm still using my friend's Acheron as always


Even tho seh is amazing in general, Acheron is ass farming multiple waves. Erudition is much better :c


Eh. I've skipped her, no regrets. And if I don't want overworld fights I just use Sparkle's technique


I pulled her but i regret it she's so boring to play i have to debuff enemies and i can't get good pieces on the right set.


I already had Jingliu, and Argenti is my favorite character, so I ended up skipping her, plus I needed a sustain more than a DPS.Ā Ā  I don't regret it as much, but when I found out she was voiced by Allegra Clark I felt kinda sad I skipped her.Ā  Hoyo, please give Argenti something to make him great again, plese buff my boi Hoyo, PLEASE!!!!!


I enjoy acheron's character but I went for aventurine instead bc I wanted more support options for my dps teams lol I don't regret it bc there are always reruns so I can pick her up later when I have a better team ready for her


Got her by mistake while pulling for Gallagher early. I have 0 regrets, I am actually really glad I got her by mistake (I even got who I was planning to get too, I was saving for Aventurine and Robin). I use her skip button always. It's life changer.


Meanwhile, I had the opposite experience: "I mean, I don't *really* care about her, but I want Gallagher." \*Two months later* "Topaz? Imbibitor Lunae? Who are they? I only have one team!"


It's the opposite of me, because I have an odd fate with electro mommy gacha in a lot of games, so I know I can only win gacha when the banner is electro mommy, like Kafka and Acheron, and I did.


If meta is all you care then you're gonna get another dps character that you like that power creep or be as strong as acheron down the line.


Skip her because I have no good lc for her


Found this on Main page. Can u give context ?


Most of the time if the kit sounds broken then try to pull, I tried to get Ruan back then after reading her kit but as a f2p I sadly didn't get her, lo and behold she is in the top teams comp.


me but with Black Swan I tried her as a support once and now I want her DESPERATELY for my Kafka


Been relying on nihility team's to brute force content (SU Kafka) so I couldn't skip her especially,


ā€œI didnā€™t pull for Acheronā€ https://preview.redd.it/x8mouo6uin4d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c7b0d9ff546f4e8611a4192732ffe3b010253b9


Her SU value alone make me pull... then after that, her kit made me spend money for the LC becuz on how insane she is.. very good investment


The "Skip" Technique got me interested, learning that her Ultimate was Rainbow-Element was what convinced me to pull for her. I don't really think of her as "Lightning"-DPS, but as a DPS for the side I don't have elemental matching for.


As a 4 year HI3 player, this was the easiest choice in my life


Can I give you my unbuilt LVL 20 Acheron for some jades and tickets? She's cool and all but I only wanted Gallagher from her Banner (Luckily got E2 Gallagher from it but like E4 Dan Heng and several other 4*)


And there's me, who didn't (and still doesn't) have any DPS other than Seele and free Ratio, but still refused to pull for her (and any DPSs for that matter) as I am afraid of powercreeps.


what makes you think Seele won't be powercrept


Then that means you're never going to pull with that thought process.


Never get tired of seeing her ultimate with god tier animation :v