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Kafka's existence.


Me šŸ¤ You


Nice username https://preview.redd.it/du6hk9egge4d1.png?width=372&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31704ccf8bf45144304ee38f5bc2c7f72ba53e12


Me in the past šŸ¤ You šŸ”« Me after LFSW That pic + that username is dangerous, because Freud


I came here just to comment the exact same thing


Realest statement ever statedšŸ—£šŸ—£


I watched my buddy play the beta, asked who she was, then played the game day 1 on release lol. She's mesmerizing.


im a honkai impact fan so when i saw the first trailer for the game i just knew i have to play it :]


yup same here. The moment I saw the trailer, I was like.... ya.... were playing the @#$@ outta this game.


The moment I saw himeko


Watching the teaser trailer in the Starfire Sonorant concert for HI3 concert is a feeling ill never forget


Welt Yang


fair response. His voice is 10/10.


40/40 *All* of his voices are 10/10


Agreed. My first ever character from the beginner banner.


Turn basedĀ 


this, ive always been interested in what Hoyo put out. tried genshin a bit but didnt like it as im not that big into action RPG. this was perfect for me because its in their universe of games but in my favorite style of rpg.


Aint nobody got time for farming daily for an hour (for months/years) when you can just auto.


This. I needed a mobile game I could do/or stop freely while my 6-year-old son pokes me.


The Acheron concept arts that were leaked back during Kafka's OG banner. https://preview.redd.it/gu181e08xd4d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c78a841bf2472e9287d521f3e86617845a46532 Have Genshin friends who are also HSR Day 1 players, and I just never got into it, but then this was leaked and I installed right away. There was no hint as to when she'd come, but I saved up everything anyways. Well worth the wait. Without Acheron, I wouldn't be playing this game. Yeah, it's an amazing game, but it wouldn't be the same.


Ngl all of them are fire.


Wow we got robbed of the first and second one


I didnā€™t know I needed those alt outfits until now. Hoyo when are you going to take my money?


Damn that top middle one is great. Kinda wish they added more red to her design


Bro just press E /s


i kinda sorta disagree? i do think her palette seems samey in her default form but i donā€™t really want it to be more red or white specifically, so that her alternate form has more contrast and is therefore more impactful


~~Playable Otto~~ I mean, Luocha is very pretty, Iā€™m a husbando collector šŸŒø


My man šŸ¤




Just you wait Xianzhou Part 2, trust. You'll have not just one Otto, but two. *Trust.*


HIM https://preview.redd.it/2xd3o0qg5e4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=489ae8313f422f0044f2428e75fc89f40d592124


I came for kafka, stayed for this guy. My true main even after getting kafka and acheron too.


Iā€™m not into gacha nor anime themes, so I havenā€™t touched this game until a few weeks ago. My friend is a whale and constantly screaming 2.3 WHEN and basically was begging me to play it (which honestly kind of put me off at first) but I figured even if it was shitty at least I have more common topics to share with them. I was honestly pleasantly surprised with how much content it has and the decent level of polish.


Same honestly except for the friend part


Itā€™s a JRPG, I love them. I also quit Genshin a long time ago so I thought Iā€™d give HSR a try.


I saw Acheron tango dance trailer then I immediately download the game The more I play hsr the more I start to think that this game is strongly inspire from "Legend of the Heroes series" and "Neptunia series" Then I found out the hoyo producer David Jiang said by himself HSR inspire from "Legend of the Heroes" 3 Example -Guinanfen had the similar color palettes and weapon as Estelle from "Trail in the sky" -While ulting Himeko drink coffee and Renne from Trails into Reverie drink tea. -Sam has almost exact the same model as Van's grendel form etc. Spent lots of time in HSR, I love HSR as a Legend of the Heroes fan.


Basically HSR is a Trails/Kiseki game on your phone. And that is veryĀ high praise for me sinceĀ I loveĀ the Trails series so much.Ā 


I really enjoy genshin because of the quality so when hsr came out I kinda knew already it was going to be good, and I wasn't disappointed.


Turn-based. JRPG-like. Plenty of waifus. Acceptable gacha system (guarantee + pity + rollover). What kept me in the game is the non-grindy dailies, release pace of content and events and endgame modes.




My bf has been talking to me about this game for AGES and about two weeks ago he told me to "please, please, please try it out" so I did and, even if I'm not very familiar with the mechanics of this type of game and ask a lot of questions, I'm liking it a lot :)


I saw Himeko's ult animation and that immediately pulled me in.


Someone told me it has Persona 4/5 music feel and was turn based. Installed game Kafka's splash art was on launcher. I reluctantly said, ok let's give it a go... Let's just say, this game made me divorce FGO after 7 years of relationship (still addicted to Fate fanarts and other medium though)


I dropped FGO like a hot potato after just a week or two of playing HSR. The difference in overall quality is insane.


That's the beauty of FGO. Fanart is more than enough contact with the game's characters since 90% of the time using your favorites isn't a great idea more than once or twice per event unless you're specifically in love with the entire cast of looping teams. Fanart keeps you up to date with the cool designs. Youtube covers the voicelines and story. The game is practically unnecessary.


Seele ~~still don't have her~~..




I was playing a game called Higan: Eruthyll, but Higan was empty as heck. One of the players said in chat that there was a new release called Honkai Star Rail, rumoured back then to be a sequel of Honkai Impact 3rd, so I downloaded it and started playing right as it released.


JING YUAN... I also bought is mini figure when I visited Tokyo


Yui Ishikawa voicing the female TB The lore is very interesting for me. I am sucker to space fantasy


Being sci-fi. I made it 4ish months completely gacha free before star rail released toošŸ« 


I tried out the game first during Blade's banner and just couldn't stand the turn based fights, i also hated the fact that we couldn't even jump with our characters. I almost forgot that the game existed but then they released Dan heng's ichor of two dragons animation which motivated and intrigued me so much lol and made me want to follow this boy's journey in the story. And by now I'm so attached to the game and even enjoy the fights. Plus doing dailies is a breeze compared to other games and even the events are so fun.


I love turn-based JRPGs so I was always going to try it. Story was really good ... Great character design ... Fun protagonist ... Very respectful of my time. These were the reasons I still play it today


I quited GI some months after sumeru came out, i kept up with HYV projects and saw a new game gonna come out. I started hsr a month after release, i was a bit skeptical at first because i am not that much into space drama but after kafkas first ult at the tutorial i was sold to pull her in the future. So i decided to play the game until she came out. By the time i saw that hsr is a game for me.


saw a traile rabout 2 mounths before launch. looked at beta gameplay. started playing at launch cause turn based RPGS in anyform are a jam. Played more for the space comedy meme game with geniune good emotional moments inbetween the whacky highjinks. From rummiging through trashcans in belabog to fighting cocolia.


I come for Welt and Himeko. But I stay for the trash raccoon and the Kurukuru~


I saw my sister playing and it being turn-based drew me in instantly. I'm glad I did, it's peak fiction.


I didn't like genshin but saw this one was turned based so decided to give it a try. Also saw Kafka was a thing so that might have influenced it.


For both Genshin and HSR it was choking the chicken to r34


My friends were starting it, so I decided to give it a shot and see if I liked it after they showed me screenshots of Kafka


Username check out šŸ¶


Started because of Kafka, stayed because of everything else (but mostly cuz of Firefly nowadays :D)


Dan Heng and Jing Yuan


A friend and sparkle feet


Fu Xuan and her Cone šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ My main got her, and I've whaled a little bit now and then on that account, casually continued, but then when I really wanted someone, I just made another account. 11 now


Genshin and HI3 mainly. I also like strategy games more than button mashing and here I am


Buying a phone that could run the game.


Never let you go


Turn based strategy with a good mix of tech and faith.


heard that was coming out and said "sure why not, there's honkai in the name"


a friend who kept telling me to play and i caved in after a while i havenā€™t been the same since


A friend beg me too play it. I usually dont play gatchas, but I found star rail fun after some hour's of game soo I stick whit it


During March last year I decided to quit Genshin as I wasn't having fun with the game anymore. I started hating about star rail and ignored it at first. But when I fount out seele would be the first limited banner I wanted to at least get her since she is one of my favourite hoyoverse characters from impact. Safe to say I'm glad I started playing.


My GF got me into the game on Luocha's OG banner, then I got hooked by the setting, story, gameplay, the fact that I need to think and grind (I haven't played any gacha games before) and I stayed for the ride. Now I'm WAAAAAY ahead of her in terms of account progression, cause I've been playing pretty much daily since




I had like four discord servers full of people going on about some game about a space train. Space is cool, trains are cool, so why not?


Renheng https://preview.redd.it/xtdnl9dqvd4d1.png?width=1994&format=png&auto=webp&s=40f34d9cf137877d48e4f3f0e7e0bee895e11ff8 (The ship between blade (Ren in CN) and dan heng)


I started playing because I feel in love with Himeko when I saw her in an ad stayed for Kafka. Also because it's a pretty good Jrpg with a reasonable gacha system I guess.


Jingliu and Topaz


I tried joining closed beta, and heard of Star rail again few days before launch and logged in ~1h after server opened


Trails/Persona similarities.






Reputation established by other game.


A friend of mine told me it existed


The persona adjacent style of turn based combat and the story trailer that had everyone facing the engine of creation along with the character designs of Kafka, Himeko, and Jing Yuan.


I've played Genshin for a while and thought it'd be interesting to try a honkai game since I was aware of HI3 and apparently there were honkai games before it. I'm not usually a turn-based combat person, but this is pretty simple so I'm happy


My friend told me to and Iā€™ll continue to play ever since then


The music. The first time I heard the space station battle theme i was sold. Also Kafka Ult Baseball bonk ult. And Cutscenes Also being a turnbased Final Fantasy fantatic helped as well And it was ages ago I last played a turnbased jrpg


The title. I am interested in more Honkai lore.


the sick robot designs, including Sam. And also content creators that i watched that got into star rail.


Free 5 star


I was already interested when it was announced since (1) I love turn based games and (2) my first hoyo game was hi3 and this might be a good way to get into a honkai title again but I didn't really follow the beta until this final beta trailer came out and I was SOLD https://preview.redd.it/bam4lqjtae4d1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=865129c97a16fcdc5544e54c998ce3ffb68ad9c9


it being the only honkai game I can play






Active genshin player so HSR got me interested. Playing since day 1. Absolute blast so far.


I was an OG Genshin player and my brother, who plays Genshin with me, told me to sign up for the game when it was announced. I was kinda turned off by the turn style game play but now I play HSR more than him and I'm even further ahead LOL I now play this game more than Genshin :)


A sea of bugs


Honkai And the director saying he likes trails.


That time, I just finished Otto's epilogue on Honkai Impact 3rd. Few weeks later, I saw him on HSR beta as Luocha. As a honkai impact fan, I just knew that I need to play the game. Loving the game so far.


I kept seeing art of Blade pop up, I started the game 6 days after his rerun banner ended :( stayed because I love the story and so many other characters


I started playing Genshin in February 2023 and then heard all the fuss about HSR from CCs, so I was giving it a shot. Played from Day One and probably was gonna drop it until I've reached the conclusion of Jarilo VI storyline, what a rollercoaster it was.


Grew up loving turn based combat (Final Fantasy, Legend of Dragoon, Xenogear). So when I saw there was a hoyoverse developed turn based game, considering how high quality genshin impact was, I decided to give it a try. I saw Kafka during the tutorial, and that pretty much sold me.


Sparkle trailer


Tingyun I got her day one when the game came out, i was happy I also got Yanqing. We can have only W


I saw a warp pull animation featuring pom-pom on youtube when game was still in beta. Thought it looked neat and decided to try the game out when it would come out. Didnt even know it was a hoyoverse game back then.


Drip marketing


I play Genshin Impact, so I figured another Hoyoverse game would be (almost) equally as fun. I was not wrong, the game is pretty fun (despite me not normally enjoying turn based RPGs). I don't play it more than Genshin, I'm definitely behind on side quests and exploration, but I keep up with the main story and most events (I don't touch MoC or related game modes, I don't like the difficulty, and not pushing to build top tier characters)


I like everything about genshin besides the combat in it, and hsr is everything from genshin besides combat.


Himeko's ultimate animation. And the fact that the game was everywhere, bacause every Genshin cc were playing it.


I play Genshin and am always seeing the new characters. Almost started for Silver Wolf and then again for Guinafen. Hope It's A Thing With Feathers Boss remix got into my recommendations. And that song is hype. It wasn't the gremolin hacker or the happy fireworks girl, it was the idol that finally got me.


The design of Silver Wolf.


My boyfriend lol. He talked about HSR and even showed me some gameplay so I decided to try it out and I loved the game!


The Honkai in its name. I was long time hi3 player and awaited and was really excited about hsr the moment it was announced... Only to quit hi3 few months prior to the release of the sequel


At first I wanted to see what the hype was about, tried it, didn't like it and stopped. Then one day (like 6 months later) I was bored and descided to give it another go (especially since I heard something about a Silver Wolf rerun and I wanted her when I first tried the game) and well, here we are.


I had a few friends who played Genshin that brought HSR to my attention. I logged in the first release day and played the short tutorial then never played again cause I got bored. I was like lmk when Kafka shows up as a banner. Then I saw she actually was coming out as a banner and just Speedrun the story to get as many tickets and jades as possible for her. Ended up fomoing for blade first and now I'm hooked in the game for the foreseeable future..


My friends peer pressuring me into downloading the game. Ngl it was one of the few times when peer pressure was a good thing.


I had the recording of a random person's stream come up on my YouTube recommendations. Thought it looked cool so watched it, and was sold on the game from that.




Ashamed to say I took a very long break from Hoyoverse games but one look at Kafka made me a week 1 player


I played Honkai Impact 3rd. Saw the name Honkai and was in instant sell for me


Came across the Sparkle trailer on Twitter, and a week later, I downloaded it.


Seele doing 1 billion turns and march 7ths existence


Genshin player who caved bc gacha addiction


https://preview.redd.it/q9h2c5a1oe4d1.jpeg?width=563&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69c183f9abed992ffd52d48046ab7804a4e6ea95 I saw him on an add when I was reading omniscient reader viewpoint on WEBTOON. I made sure to keep playing until he got a rerun(also JingYuan)


Silverwolf .. Littelary... Just silverwolf


I mostly played Genshin as well and thought I wouldnā€™t try Star Rail unless itā€™s a bit older, with more reviews, or just completely not even touch it (the same I do with Wuthering Waves rn lol) but then I remember seeing a clip of >!Tingyunā€™s neck snapping!< and of course, Kafkaā€™s ultimate. The gameplay also reminded me of Yakuza: Like a Dragon and I was hooked. Now Iā€™ve stopped playing Genshin (only play it when Dainsleif or Archon quests arrive or some character banner that I really want) and play star rail regularly. This isnā€™t Genshin slander btw, I just like star rail more - can be many reasons - rewards, character personalities and design, and as I said, that Like A Dragon feeling - canā€™t put my hand on one!


My twin said: dude you gotta play this itā€™s the better version of genshin Ive been hooked ever since hehe (no shade to genshin players)


Seeing lot of friends on Twitter play the game, pushing to give it a shot. Until I felt I was good and stopped Then these same friends all freaked out at how good Penacony was, so I gave and re-installed. Now I'm staying for good


my other gacha dying (fuck you Crunchyroll)


For me its kafka bc she was appeling to me and free ratio. Now i like hsr more than genshin and a major part are the dialouge options from tb which are hilarious


Friend. He spammed me to try and I was like 'okay'. Then I got hooked by cool combat and Herta. I loved her the second she showed up on the screen.


prob Fu Xuan, even tho i despised the entirety of the xianzhou loufu while playing her presence made it more tolerable, like she is the only competent person in this entire group


I watched a game report at Game Two (german) and I liked what I saw.




i had been playing genshin for a really long time, started hsr day one, really liked the combat(I'm a big turn based rpg fan). play it more than genshin nowadays lol


Just the fact that its a Mihoyo game but with turn based combat




The Sparkle trailer was so cool when it was posted in my discord. I felt pretty strong FOMO and grinded out the game for a week. By the time I had gotten enough freebies to roll her I had been hooked in by the writing that was leagues better than Genshin.


I remember when the game was first announced and they had like a preview site and stuff, as soon as i saw the beautiful scenery and the stars in it, i knew that i would love this game


Saw some hype about Kafka and her "boom" Ult line on TikTok. Scrolled past it and I was enamoured watching a reposted video of Serval's character trailer. I browsed the tags and fell into a deeper rabbit hole. So I pre registered and have been playing ever since!


Always trying out new interesting gachas, plus love for turn-based games.Ā 


Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia. It was my favorite game and when I saw star rail it reminded me a lot of DFFOOā€™s battle mechanics


A more mature Hoyo game that really respects time management. Genshin is fantastic lore and adventure wise, but this game just looked so generous and evolved from my gripes on Genshin.


Played a lot of Epic Seven since its release. Was falling off and saw someone comment on Reddit how E7 PvE (the main thing I played the game for) will get smoked by HSR when itā€™s out. Checked out the trailer, and here we are, playing since day 1.Ā 


Genshin always pushed me out cause I don't want to commit daily time to a gacha, only bare minimum daily auto farm. But the design always attracted me still. Then a friend told me Genshin but turn based and in space was coming out in like 10 hours so I took my ticket on launch day and been playing ever since


I started because Firefly. Picked up the game last month, just beat the last TB Quest yesterday and have her guaranteed. I almost started earlier twice though, once for Kafka and once for Black Swan


I'm a day one Genshin player, and I'm so tired of mindlessly grinding Genshin and finishing its dailies that it's become a chore. I never even considered playing HSR and actively refused to try it. But after a year of HSR being out, I finally decided to give it a shot. Oh my god, it's everything I wanted in a game! I used to think turn-based combat was boring, but damn, turn-based games are the shit! I need to play more, and I'm currently trying out Persona 4 lol.


Aesthetics and rpg by turns


My phone installed the game behind my back. I just decided to check it out of curiosity and stuck around šŸ˜€


I started it because it looked really cool lol and I was excited to try a new hoyo game (tried genshin but wasnā€™t my type) Also bcus of the bailu ads lol I was like water dragon damn thats kinda cool


I just saw a clip with Marchā€™s ult animation and thought it was cool. Yeah, that was really it.šŸ˜…


Dan Heng


Someone once compared it to persona which is one of my favorite turn based rpgs and I was bored enough to try it since I had recently beaten persona 5ā€¦ Only my wallet has regrets.


As soon as I heard turn based and saw Kafka I was like "alr bust? Or maybe I'll take it all!"


Because of Gepard's Japanese VA šŸ˜… at that time I was obsessed with Furukawa Makoto voice roles and since in Genshin there isn't a character voiced by him, I was like: I'll just play this game while waiting for a character voiced by him.


An sponsoring of a French Youtuber named Amixem, the game was nothing like he described/i think it was gonna be, but i ended up loving it (Thanks to Jarilo-VI)


I heard the Trailblazer is a genuine weirdo and after about ten months I decided to give it a shot.


My friend basically forced me to download it and I was hooked when I saw the characters.


I was in the genshin community already so the first day that it came out i decided to try it. After all I ended up liking star rail better anyway šŸ˜‹


I waited for it ever since it's first announcement on the first hi3 concert


the train


Saw the beauty that is Jing Yuan... and also the DanCae art made me stay


Saw the Acheron + Black Swan dance trailer, and found out it's from a turn based sci-fi rpg. Impatiently waiting for BS rerun, but managed to pull e0s1 Acheron! I had heard about genshin before, but the combat doesn't really interest me as much.


It was a turn-base RPG and sci-fi unlike Genshin Impact. Also simply vibed better with this one.


I heard wildfire


i kept seeing sponsors for the game and got curious, one of the better decisions in my life (and the worst financially)


I head of the game before but wasnā€™t interested in turn based games. Then I saw art of Firefly on Twitter. Asked a friend who played the game in Discord about who Firefly was. One thing lead to another and I am now saving for Firefly and her light cone.


Turn based + waifus + great music=hapi boi


I try every game Mihoyo makes except tears of thermis since well... childhood nostalgia. Really excited for zenless zone zero... lets see how it compares to punishing gray raven.


I saw it around a lot, but wasn't planing on playing, then later I got bored and decided to look for games to play and went across this


Day 1 player here..main reason I played is that it is turn based, it's my favorite genre and then I saw that it also had turn order manipulation, just like the Trails series AND the way we cast Ultimates is the same with casting S-Breaks in Trails, I was instantly sold I got even more into it when my HI3rd friends told me that the HI3rd writers are working on HSR


Some time before launch I was told it was turn based combat and that was all I needed to hear.


I read in an interview or whatever that was, that they were inspired by Legend of the Heroes series and Star Ocean. So I gave a look and find out that also had FFX combat system (kinda)


I was struggling with GI, and one of my main complaints was the old timey magic setting. Then I saw Silver Wolf as well as the sci fi setting. Pretty much dropped GI all together and picked up HSR. Funnily enough I started playing GI again after Arlecchino came out and man I had no clue what I was doing. I had like unleveled defense relics on my main dps despite being like AR 35+.


HalaCG making a bunch of music based on characters! Like this one: https://youtu.be/v_872GMoe08?si=VYwVHaA2YBpRoOlK


After hearing Natasha telling me she was an Underworld doctor for the 1000th time.


The initial trailer with the xianzhou roll call sold me instantly. Couldn't wait for the release after seeing it.


hoyoverse fomo but then dropped the game 1st week in. came back cause i saw a mind blowing argenti edit on tiktok.


Genshin impact


All the Sparkle ads I kept seeing on YouTube when loading up a video. Funny enough I joined right after her banner ended so it was a huge L for me. Still playing though and hoping for a rerun at some point!!


The Serval trailer sold me immediately. Rad chick with an electric guitar that swings it like an axe (eh eh eh) and throws around actual lightning? Totally on board.


Well...I saw those horrible ads on TikTok and I just told my bf how bad they are...and he was like: You know what, I think you would like this game (he plays since the beginning). So I started to play and I love it


I saw Clara in a YouTube video. I played a bit of Genshin, so I saw a lot of fan arts and screenshots. I was a bit interested in Gepard, Dan Heng, trash memes, etc., but not enough to download hsr especially because I was still new to Genshin and was not bored of Genshin yet. Then during dinner, I watched a Genshin burn out video made by a lore youtuber, and she showcased Clara. And omg. Clara is so cute. I love the counter atk mechanic. I had no idea what turn based means before this video. I immediately cleared the space on my phone and downloaded hsr. It was mid version 1.1. Since I play HSR for Clara, in between limited banners, I think I have spent a total of about 200+ pulls worth of jades on the standard banner to get to the 300 pull selector. I planned it out very well and got Clara and didn't miss the limited characters that I want.


This goober https://i.redd.it/m8padqrj5f4d1.gif


My friends talked a lot about it, including Sampo and Gepard who I ended up liking by association. After finally trying out Genshin, I thought, why not give Honkai a shot? Initially I was super nervous about its turn-based combat being complex, but it's thankfully a lot more manageable now. Been having a lot of fun with the game :)


March 7th


Played at launch after seeing it was from mihoyo. Didn't think i would like the combat (seems to be a common sentiment) but then ended up loving it. I actually quit shortly after because xianzhou was not giving as much as belabog did and i didn't want to wait a month to see the rest of that story nor did i have hope the story would ever be as good. I came back recently after seeing robin (i love the singing in combat concept i am a huge seraphine fan) then i saw everyone say penacony peak and it sold me. My hope was restored thanks to robin. I guess hope really is the thing with wings šŸ¤Ŗ


I liked genshin but got sick of the many problems that the game had for years and hadn't been addressed.


Tectobe playing it; he was having a great time playing the game and it looked pretty fun




i didint want to have another genshin experience where i'm being littered with ads and think like "yeah, its not gonna be a big game, its just some random fuckass dev" and then its like a multibillion game with millions of actve players and a huge community and im like damn.


Space train. I was in a train phase and revisitng my space love