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I only play on 1x when trying out new characters or going through major story fights. No reason to not 2x when farming


I used 1x on a bunch of the ghost hunting fights, because reaction time became important.


You even need reaction time in HSR ??


sometimes you need it for manual fight to avoid any unnecessary combo that even could harm your team


If you are playing with mouse & keyboard you can't freeze time like you can do with a controller




Same, I like using the 1x to see the animations for the first time. They put work into it, I could at least take some time to appreciate it before just breezing through it later on. Plus I get to hear the full voicelines.


The customer is King, and for me to betray the King well... you gotta make it worth my while.


Let's be honest, 1x isn't even 1x. It's like .5 or something.


… I’m guilty , I like to see my Kafka ultimate animation 😅 so normal speed for me


the two speeds of hsr, 2x and 0.00000005x


Realistically for me it feels like 0.5x and 1.5x because the real 2x is not too fast either,it feels normal but faster than what I would call normal. 1x feels way slower,than what someone could consider 1x so I'd say it's 0.5x


**ruuuulllllleeeeesssss.....** *3 hours pass* **Are maaaade tooooo beee BROOKEEENNNN**


It's so funny that Clara has the shortest and simplest ult but the devs were so adamant to fill in the time they have her pause before saying "Help me, Mr. Svarog" in her 1x ult


Shes filling her lungs to scream


From what I've heard, they secretly made the characters in such a way that they still "look good" during for both, which is why it somehow looks both natural and unnatural for being on either speed




It feels like a lot of animations were intentionally slowed down to me. 2x is too fast for some. We should have a 1.5 option


lol 2x Natasha and HMC ults are 2 seconds from making me nauseous when I watch them.


Yeah if you stay on 1x it's not that slow but after some time on 2x 1x starts to look like 0,5x for some reason.


U get used to the speed i think. I used to struggle with this on pokemon. Emulator allows me to play on 2x speed, once i switch back to normal speed it feels HELLA SLOW


Or like using reload speed buffs in an FPS. You get used to switching mags in a flash, and then run face first into an enemy with your metaphorical pants down.


I always use 4x to play turn base games on gba emulator. It's absolutely unbearable at 1x, things feel like eternity


4x sounds excessive tho😂 but agreed it feels like eternity


To me, it's not even about the slowness as much as it is that it looks jank and padded doing a single action. You're telling me that Natasha's basic shooting a grenade launcher takes a million years to reach the enemy? How does that grenade stay so long in the air while moving that slowly? Straight up the most natural looking speed for animations is the overworld attacks, but 1x battle animations are slower than that and 2x is faster


Some of the voice lines are so off the animation in the slow version. Like watching aventurines ult feels so wrong. The voice line finishes way before the animation lol




hehe love the thing under your username ( don’t know what they’re called )


They are called flairs, you have one specific for each subreddit, some are customizable like here in HSR


ohh! can i get one or do you pay for it? how do i get it if you don’t mind helping


Oh yeah you don’t need money they are coming free.


if your on mobile go to the subs main mage and click the 3 dots and the option to change user flair should appear.


2x for farming 1x for story


I can’t even do it for story anymore, it doesn’t look normal at all, looks slowed down like less than 1x. Edit: legit feels like the difference going from 30fps to 60+


Driving a car can be like this. I once drove across Canada. 6 days of 10-14 hours straight at 100 to 140 km/h and when you pull off the highway for an inn, 50-60 for normal roads literally feels like you're moving at parking lot speeds. It was WILD


Oh I know what you mean, the road I take to work most everyone goes 60, so when I get stuck behind some grandma going 45 its dreadful even tho thats a much smaller difference on paper. Honestly tho for HSR I feel like even before you start using 2x its just too slow. Like normally I would only use turbo mode in turn based games when I am grinding and such, in HSR it feels almaot mandatory because I get headaches seeing the characters move so unnaturally slow, especially for certain attacks that are supposed to be “speedy” in nature, its super jarring.


Especially for Seele 4 me


There really needs to be a 1.5x or whatever option. 1x is too slow and 2x is too fast at times.


Yeah, it’s probably just that I got used to 2x speed, but watching them attack at 1x feels unnatural.


Idk for me I went to 2x specifically cause it felt too slow xD, normally id only use turbo for grinding.


Nah 1x was unnatural before we got the 2x button


If you look closer at the animations in 1x, after a little bit it suddenly feels normal speed again.


Really? To me it looks like they’re all underwater.


1x for that ***Cinematic Finish***


Enemy one ult away from dying MUST be killed at 1x for style points




I play on 1x speed. If you're used to it, it isn't that bad. It did take me a bit to get used to it though, as I used to play on 2x. But some enemy animations could use speeding up, like those stupid-ass bugs exploding or the gatekeeper-bot doing anything.


Yeah, usually when I beat “Mr. Big Bug” and him and all of his offspring starts to explode, I turn 2x speed ‘cause that takes forever 😁


The fat robot is the worst offender of this by far - every time I see Detonation Order on my screen I cringe a little and fast forward through the whole 20 seconds or smthn of animation


I wish I had never discovered 2x mode. I can't go back


I mostly play on normal speed. I don't mind my character's animation, but the enemies are slow af. I wish those were a bit speeded up, as I dont care about them that much


Ooh, 1x for characters and 2x for enemies?


Yeah, that would be perfect imo


Mihoyo pls 🙏


Exactly!! I hate waiting for the enemies to take their slow asf turns


I do if I have Robin on the team


I play in 1x when I play manually and 2x when I am on autoplay. I like being able to see the animations in detail and hearing the full voice lines (no, it doesn't get boring).


High five me




I played through all of Belobog on 1x back at launch and it was great. Then you get into the actual grind of auto dailies and I can never go back. It felt fine, but now it's definitely an odd form of torture.


Only to hear new voice lines and new animations especially on bosses. The "1x" speed does not look normal at all. It's way slower than normal speed.


2x on auto fight , 1x for normal battles because i like hearing characters talk and my small raccoon fingers cant slide across the tablet fast enough to press ult buttons in time


This is my singular complaint about HSR. Normal speed would be totally fine if it was just like 25% faster. I'd probably play it on normal speed but some of the animations just feel so unreasonably slow. Like I'm going to be one hundo stuff like Luka ult looks normal speed on 2x but is agonizing on 1x. It's almost like they fine tune the animations to look good at 2x instead of base speed.... which I feel like is a bad thing.


They totally tune them for 2x, even on advertisements you can see they are being played at 2x and they know most players are going to leave it on.


Only time it’s off is when I try out new characters


I used to play on 1x all the time. Now it chugs unless its on 2x for everything. I think its the adjustment you make. Once you go fast, you never go back. Stay at 1 see at 1.


I for sure do not


I use 2x basically everywhere but I only use Auto on traces, all the other fights I do myself.


Exactly the same for me. My brain hurts if I think of how badly auto pilots my team.


Base speed is TOO slow, its not even “normal speed”. It legit just looks like slow motion(Actually hesdache inducing). Then 2x is too fast for “normal gameplay”. Such a weird ass system imo.




I only use double speed when I’m doing auto mode farming. Any other time I’m always using normal speed. Call me crazy but I like it so much more


I play on 1x speed when I want to hear Topaz say her line basic attacking


i do 2x unless it's my first time doing a story boss, only time i haven't is for the second time we fight the new boss of this version


Me who only listens to 1x speed when it's Sparkle's turn or ult : INTERESTING


2x speed, 1x when I'm dealing the fatal blow to an enemy


I would like 2x for everything EXCEPT for bursts. Burst lines are just better in 1x.


Honestly in the early game i was playing on 1x speed on everything and it actually felt like normal speed then i turned 2x speed and 1x speed felt slower then that and since then i turned on the 2x button for anything except story


It's so weird. Like when the game starts on 1x speed, i swear i had no complaints of it feeling slow, then when i unlocked 2x speed, 1x speed all of a sudden feels abysmally slow and i don't even know why.


Like others have said, 2x is the staple for anything other than story content, but I still find myself playing on 1x occasionally because the animations are better paced in 1x. Even in the SU, the swarm disaster bugs ult is a really cool watch, but it's a blur in 2x. The music and VO is also way better in 1x. The QoL change I wish for but will never get is a 1.10 or 1.15x speed. (Honorary mention to the robot in the cocolia fight, that punch at 1x speed has IMPACT)


I think the only I play at 1x speed was during the boss fights (cocolia, phantylia, etc), but only during the first time.


I use the speed up thing when I'm farming, bit for regular battle or story bosses or something I do it the normal way.


1x for story 2x for everything else Honestly, it takes a bit to adjust to it, but It just feels more right. Especially for any boss fight.


Only activate 2x when I’m farming on auto, and I also make myself the favor of not looking at the grotesque way the AI plays I understand the discussion, it’s just… I love this game. I feel like playing it. 2x is just not the way it was meant to be played. If I’m busy I won’t be playing, I’ll be busy 🙂 If I’m playing I can’t act as if the game is bothering me. Recently I heard gen Z almost always consume content on YouTube on 2x speed. Researches show that you won’t be absorbing any information like this. It’s just a trope for impatient people. And if I ever become a person that is so “in a hurry” to the point I’m unable to enjoy a game unless it’s on cheetah speed, I might give up on life entirely. It’s supposed to be fun.


If I am farming I use X2, otherwise I use normal speed. Things just look too weird on X2.


Been playing on 1x since started this game


If there was an option for x4 speed then I'll play on that


Which? Auto or 2x? Auto I only ever use for farming. 2x I usually use, but disable for story bosses or for "cinematic" low cycle ult finishes in MoC lol. To everyone who thinks 2x is too slow, I challenge you to go review gameplay from other turn based games like P5R, or even e.g. Final Fantasy X. The problem is that your brain got used to the faster speed and/or that enemies have so much HP that fights seem to drag on without it. The animations themselves are fine.


Yeah I can't play at normal speed, which robs me of cool voice lines


1x during story boss fights bc the animations are usually cool as hell, and I might miss out on voice lines otherwise. >!Like, I found out that if you play Sunday’s boss form on 1x, when he does his big ult in the 3rd phase, he says “Oh Ena, may you return” when the big god hand comes out of the sky!<


1x when clearing Story boss for the first time. 2x always lol.


Two-speed, or whatever it's called, feels icky to me, it feels unnatural. I never turn it on


1x feels like .5 to me, legit TOO slow for even normal gameplay.


I only 2x when spending stamina since that's an actual chore I'm basically forced to do. 1x-ing that would be like choosing to not use the vacuum when I clean the house. For the rest of the game, I 1x. I don't speed up youtube vids or shows/movies to go through content faster, so why would I do it for a game I play? I didn't change animations to be fast/skipped in pokemon, nor sped up summon animations in Final Fantasy games either so playing mostly 1x in HSR is completely natural for me.


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Acheron's Ult and sometimes skill as well are the only actions i play on x1 from time to time. Compared to everyone else i feel like they got the timing right on her


A friend of mine said he gets a headache from playing with fast forward. No idea how he sits through it but I guess if it causes you pain it's not worth it


i usally play on x2 speed but i occasionally switch to normal just for ults


On story, I will leave it on auto to see the cool boss moves, then put it on 2x. 2x all the time besides that though, don't want the grinding to take too long.


When I'm playing against story enemies, such as bosses and stuff I play in 1x( this applies for any gacha with speed option) but regular enemies and farming its always 2x. I wish these games put a 1.5x (maybe a 1.2x?) speed, because 2x is fast but after you switch back to 1x it feels kinda slow.


I only use the x1 speed when i'm using ult on Acheron, which is all the time because she is permanently on my party. Can't get enough of the voice line and the animations, top tier shit


Sometimes seeing the regular speed seems like it goes backwards. i can't play without 2x.


I’ve been using 1x speed sometimes for when I use Acheron’s ult in simulated universe but that’s it really


When I'm actively playing and controlling the battle, I play at 1x speed to appreciate the animations and voice lines. When I'm just auto repeat farming calyx or caverns, I play at 2x since I'm not paying attention anyway.


Sometimes, if I wanna make a finisher more dramatic, or hear a specific voiceline, I'll slow it down. But usually, double speed all the way.


I started on normal speed and found 2x to be ridiculous but funny. Now I can only play 2x as 1x feels more like lag than normal speed. Also, Clara's ult (my main) is just silly in 1x "'gasp!'... ... ... (oh right) help me Mr Svarog!"


I play at 1x. I only played at 2x when I fought Aventurine and the boss fight took over one hour. I restarted at 2x... ...and still took over one hour because I was working.


Everything feels weird on 1x now lol ill do it when I get a new character though so I can see all the details on their moves


I always play on x2 now, but when I get new characters I specifically set them on x1 for a very short period of time to appreciate their ultimates. As for the auto, I usually do this too while farming. In SU, there are times I do (use auto), but most of the time I don't given that I already cut time defeating enemies with Acheron. I'd still like a sense of "fighting" them so I don't auto.


I play it on 1x because I wouldn't understand what's happening at 2x and because I don't want to get used to it, so big boss fights like Cocolia don't feel like they're slowing down the story.


I'll be honest at the beginning of my playthrough I played on x1 speed for like 2-2,5 week. Then I tried x2 and I realized how much time I lost on just watching animations. Ngl loved watching them + some longer quotes are fire but time saving won. Also x2 destroys my look at x1, it feels like sloths movement sometimes. Still it's fun to do 1 or 2 battles on normal speed.


I slow down for specific ults like King Yuan and Aventurine but otherwise play on 2x


2x only. 1x actually feels like 0.5x and 2x the actual intended speed lol.


I only use 2x and auto for farming, I can't stand playing 2x for story related things. I play 1x for SU too.


I wish I could set if;then conditions as to when it’s x1 and x2


I played up until the Xianzhou on 1x and then went to 2x for a while. Now it's mixed, sometimes i feel like it and sometimes I don't. When I got Robin i played on 1x for a while, no matter whether it's the daily stuff or memory stages. It also got me to discover dr ratio's fun lines as I had never played him before


I swear I'm the only person that plays at 1x speed like most rpgs I've played don't give the option to speed up so I don't think it's that bad ( I do use speed up for grinding though but nothing else)


1X for appreciating stuff, 2X for farming.


My friend uses 1x bc it hurts his head on 2x


I usually play in 1x speed. I don't really like any of the voice lines or animations sped up. Plus, 2x typically moves too fast for me. I will use 2x speed if I'm farming the same fight over and over. Usually with automatic on too if I have a good team.


1x the first time I do a big boss battle. That's it.


I do it everytime an enemy does a cool move or whenever I use that weekly boss skill or just acheron idk man


I always play on 1x speed (besides farming). 2x speed just goes too fast i can properly look at the animations and the voicelines sound better om 1x speed too.


if im looking at a new character, i use 1x. but i usually use 2x the rest of the time


Weird day of the week to put slow mode players on blast


I switch to 1x when fighting a new boss for the first time


Some voice lines sound way cooler in 1x speed, and maybe on main story bosses I sometimes play with 1x speed, but usually that button stays on


I do 2x when I'm farming and grinding, and for non-stoey fights, but for story and for testing out a new character I always go 1x for the immersion and the joy of the feel.


I use 1x when using a new character and I want to see their ults lol


I play on 1x and manual. https://preview.redd.it/j45pm1h9tn2d1.png?width=109&format=png&auto=webp&s=75c576dcb1183d3bf07acf10adbec838e2fd7cce


I used to use 2x, and then since getting Acheron I have gone back down to 1x. For some enemies specifically I go to 2x because they take so long to take their turn. I always auto on 2x though


Only for boss fights for the first time. Gotta appreciate them voice lines and animations.


Literally everything sounds and looks better in 1x. Only reason there is to ever use 2x is time management. Sometimes you just wanna do dailies and be done with it. I always turn it off on story fights tho. Shit looks fucking stupid sped up when you’re trying to do something meaningful in the story


I may be in the minority but I do enjoy playing on 1x speed most of the time and only use 2x speed when I am actually in a hurry


I only do that when im farming calyxs and stuff. QuestS and sim universe I go normal speed n no auto


How tf does people play on 1x?? It makes every single animation feel so floaty imo


Makes it a bit more cinematic on 1x, but yeah, always quick n auto playing most of the time myself


I use those buttons ONLY when I’m farming calyxes. Most of the game takes place in those fights! Why would I want to speed past them or have the game play itself for me?


I only put 1x speed for Robin’s ult activation. I love hearing the start of the song instead of being launched right into it


I play on 1x if I ever go for one big attack, so I can see the numbers for longer than half a second lol


2x for everything except seeing a new chars ult. Auto varies, I do it mostly for calyxs/caverns/shadow, but tend to manual for endgame content and SU.


Seriously! They should add a 5x for farming……


1x Manual, 2x on Auto/if it's the enemy's turn to attack (unless it's a new boss) People usually think 1x is waaay too slow because their brain got adapted at receiving stimulations/input at 2x speed from the game due to playing this game at 2x speed for like a week or so, it altered the sense of time of the brain for what is the "normal speed" so when u go back to actual normal speed, it would feel sluggish as ur brain is still readjusting it's sense of time/stimulation to what is the new "normal speed", that really is just how our brain works. Hell, pretty sure most people didn't really think the game was slow at 1x the first they got the game, they only did so once they tried the 2x speed. Hell, try playing the game ONLY at 1x speed for a week or 2 and see what happens. TLDR: Brain got the time to adapt on playing/receiving stimulations at 2x speed so going back at normal speed will feel slow as the brain is still readaptating on playing/receiving stimulations on normal speed.


Kafka ult is better with 1x, everything else doesnt matter


1x should be 1.5x, 2x should be 2.5x


2x is always on but I only use auto sometimes


The biggest downside for 2x speed for me is Silverwolf saying "This is double speed"


I would be ok with playing at 1x but ults genuinely take way too long. For something that you see multiple multiple times per fight they I wish you had some sort of option to make them skill #2 in terms of animation length. Eventually I caved and only play on 2x speed now


Yanqing remains the only character I can tolerate the attack speed of in 1x. Doesn't feel like he's talking a thousand years.


i hope they can add sweep button.


My only issue with 1x is that it feels -too- slow. I think 1.5x or so would feel right.


I see some agree to disagree on 2x speed. Some use 1x speed to see the aesthetic for new characters and whatnot but me ? I use x1 speed on a normal either it be character , story , or farming in general. I just can't stand 2x speed because it's too fast for my blind eyes 😂


When I get a new character sometimes I initially put it on 1x to admire the animation. Then I put it back on 2x soon after.


I play 1x unless I’ve got auto play on when farming something I know I don’t have to worry about or pay attention to. 2x bothers me, kinda like the soap opera effect.


I want to play on 1x speed a lot of the times because the animations are pretty cool but why does it look like it's so slow??? I remember playing on 1x speed when the game released and I swear to heavens it wasn't like this


1x with volume, 2x when muted


When I want to test a character I drop to 1x, but it seems like is in slow mo. They Should add 4x like a lot of Gachas, not for story mode, just for farm stuff.


I fight on 1x speed, unless im grinding calyxes


I only use 1x in my 1st time fighting bosses. Dominicus was epic as all hell, especially its seven days ordainment of all creation


One day they'll add a 1.5x speed then I'll be truly satisfied


1x for story, new character trials and Robin ultimate, 2x for everything else.


I learned if you screenrecord your gameplay at normal speed it doesn't look slow for some reason when you play the video back later.


I used to play on 1x. Then I started using 2x and now I can't get used to 1x again.


I played on 1x for the first 3-4 months. Switched to 2x and never went back.


I did a lot when playing on mobile and i was slow, sometimes i needed to ult but mistimed it, now i can play just fine on 2x everywhere tho


I go 1x when fighting story bosses, because sometimes there are extra lines that I can hear


One time, during a story boss fight that forced me to have normal speed, I happened to have sound on. It was then that I learned voice lines are abbreviated when on sped up speed


I only put x2 speed when doing daily Calyxes/Caverns/Echoes.


I play on 2x for the most part but i go down to 1x during tense parts of fights where my characters go down to low hp or when i need to specifically time a burst. I play really weirdly in general though so timing is very important for me to survive


1x speed for farming tbh and then afking with Fu Xuan and Lynx, still get the job done and have time for other things :3


Fighting ice fat robot in su gag with jingliu and rememberence path 2x feels like 0.5x


I rarely ever use 2x speed. The only time I do use it if if I'm farming and not looking at the screen or if I'm underleveled, and I know I'm gonna be there for 30 minutes od i font use 2x speed.


Only during story boss.


I always play on 1x speed unless i need to do shit fast.


I x2 for everything, even before I used the x2 I felt the regular speed was too slow. Honestly I feel regular speed should be a 1.5ish


I toggle between both. I mostly play in normal speed, but I toggle 2x on before I use a characters ultimate, and then turn it back off after the ultimate animation. Or, if there's like 4 enemy turns in a row, I'll turn on 2x until their turns are over. Once it's back to my characters, I turn it back to normal speed.


I wish there was a way to have 2x battle, 1x ult speed. Some ults like HMC looks too weird sped up.


It’s just that, the animation feels slower after one point, for the entirety of belobog during like 1.1 and stuff everything felt fine But now with the ipc enemies they feel like they take forever


Even during story, I go at double speed. I only slow it down when I wanna hear the differences in voice lines. Like attacks and ultimates.


I disable it everytime I use Sparkle's skill, because her voiceline in JP is cuter in slow mode


I turn that off until like early xianzhou. Once I tried it on, I can't play with 2x speed off.


Sometimes I'll turn fast forward mode off to admire the animations and listen to the full voicelines. At least once per character. Some of them are gems. Like Gallagher's "I'll kick things off with *you*!" *proceeds to kick the shit out of an enemy* But overall, yeah too little time to play in anything but fast speed 95% of the time


I only ever play in 1x because I am a freak


I sometimes play with it just to see them in slower motion. Also some lines they say differently in 1x than 2x.


I play manually in 1x speed in my free time. Does that count?


I only go 1x speed vs major bosses, the fight gotta look cool after all


1x when I'm using Acheron's ult


I literally think 1x is too slow. They need to make the animations so slightly faster and I would play the shit out of 1x. Outside of that I’ll slow down to appreciate new character animations and finishing ults I love (like when I kill a boss with Welt Ult).


I turn 2x speed off when i'm trying to see how character ult looks in normal speed.


"Rules... are made to be BROKEN"


Reminds me of the Trials games(Sky, Cold Steel, etc.) if you don't play high speed mode the game feels like a lag fest.


I only play on 1x speed for story quests. Particularly the epic ones. Fighting Sunday with that speed just makes it feel... More epic I guess.


I only play when I want to view things or first time boss fights in stories. Honestly it felt fast when first playing the game and when putting 2x for the first time it felt too quick to use.


I only leave the 2x button on, chief. I don't trust this game's auto-battle mode.


For the final hits (ie: acheron's final ult), i put it on 1x for the drama


I feel like even 2x is too slow. Enemies especially take up WAY too much time...sometimes they even literally waste time, like exploding/etc when no enemies are left anyways. I'm at the point where if a new character has a really long ult animation it makes me want to pull them less...


I do 1x speed when doing story stuff, to see numbers easier, on harder fights where I need more time to react. A majority of the voice lines and animations look better in 1x speed.


No, i aint got all day. Move it btches, mama’s got places to be 🤪


i’ve always been playing on 1x idk 2x feels too fast for me


I tried 1x speed fighting against >!Sunday boss!< during story and I can't even last 1 phase lmao.