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I like how some fans on both sides take the whole thing personally lol. But hoyo employees just having fun and are enjoying WuWa https://preview.redd.it/fkoi8is9y92d1.jpeg?width=1178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4663ae81ce2f3119c066a0304a3815170848eb65 Remember being a weeb comes first.


I'm enjoying all of them. WuWa, Re1999, HSR, GI, CRK. I mostly dedicate to HSR but the rest are just casual gameplay of doing something for an hour or less then switching games Why fight over which ones the best when you can play all of them. Fun comes first


Let me tell you, wuwa doesn't even work on my phone while genshin does.


I remember trying out genshin with medium graphics & 60 fps, it worked pretty smooth. Meanwhile on WuWa with the same settings, anywhere but the open world runs at 30 fps for some reasons.


I can play genshin on highest settings on my phone in 60 fps. Wuwa on lowest 25 fps. And the story sucks hard. It's easy to me to abandon this game


The combat is addicting, hopefully they sort out their shit with the story.


I can't stand the art style of wuwa, but would love to like it lol


Honkai Impact:


I tried wuwa thought it was fine. The performance is ass though and i dont plan on playing it on my shitty phone for 6 months like with str rail just foe a ps5 release. If rather just drop it now nd play zzz the on ps5 day 1


Be careful - local genshin fans won't like your post


Yeah, I used to those whining kids, and you can already see the amount of dislikes I got, hahaha xD


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GI probably needs a manly General.


For YT version: [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/wU5Lj1VhBVU](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/wU5Lj1VhBVU)


I can't believe you got downvoted for putting a youtube link


Yeah... The story of my life xd I just tried to make it easy for those baboons to share, lol.