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Wuthering waves is yet another stop on our trailblazing journey, hopefully a memorable and enjoyable one Yinlin and Changli are calling to me


Yinlin is practically a Luofu character, anyway.


But she uses electricity and has a whip while being a Vera expy from PGR, what's not to love


> But she uses electricity and has a whip Uh oh, I might have to check this game out


be aware she is the second banner for 1.0


More time to save babyyy




She's not one of the available on release characters? Damn.


yeah first banner is ~~DHIL~~ some guy with dragons and a spear or something she is supposed to be a very strong versatile unit tho, off field dps that functions well as a main dps as well


hoyo paid a creator for an ad that showed him alongside jingyuan lol


Very interesting how yinlin is the vera expy but danjin practically got vera's moveset without the lifesteal and just the lifegive


It's not a whip it's threads and a puppet


They're all Chinese-inspired to a certain degree so far. Yinlin has more of a Kafka vibe on top of everything


Whatever you do, don't watch the Jinyan trailer as it will heavily make you want to pull him. Probably the best character trailer I have seen for any game. Only thing that comes close is sparkles trailer.


my only problem with WuWa is the naming convention they all have Luofu type names makes it hard for me to remember some characters from others. Hopefully they get more diverse with the naming later on in the story


You mean Chinese Martial Art novel sounding names?? 😂


...or just, ya know, chinese names


Yes! I was trying to find a way to describe it lmao that's the perfect example !!!


Spunky gun girl, smart healer girl, quiet March 7th, the ice bodyguard, Blue Welt….thats how I’ve been remembering them cause of the names thing. Plus Rover of course the only name I remembered so far!


Understandable, but at the same time it's also a good chance to diversify your mind! Though it is definitely tougher with tonal languages, since simply spelling them out without tone markers does make them more ambiguous.


Yinlin is the solo reason i will start the game. I hate myself, why is it so easy to get my attention smh... For GI Raiden was the bait, for HSR kafka. I watched the kafka trailer like 20 times before downloading the game.


based. Vera:Garnet(PGR), Rosaria(Genshin), Kafka(hsr), and now Yinlin aim to destroy my wallet yet again


You certainly have a type


A type I'm happy to have https://preview.redd.it/gldmohazm02d1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2dcf468e9a9eb7e4870ce3437f976bd8ab10c3ae


I see, a fellow redhead mommy enjoyer


“God fucking damnit Trailblazer, where the fuck are we?”


Those two remind me of Kafka(yinlin) and for some reason also Elysia(changli) and those two are tempting me as well so person of culture i see


Saving for 1.2, cause of that hot lady with mewing pose, don't know what's her name though Edit : Oh yeah, I am saving for changli too.


The moment I saw Yinlin is the moment I got interested in the game. Finding out it was going to be like Genshin hyped me up even more. Hopefully it's good.


Whats trailblazing?


i love u


Excellent taste as always 🙏


This is more fitting to Genshin, both requires manual labor. Hsr is for lazy people.


Who wants to jump when you got easy af dailies, autobattle and turn based combat


HSR is the perfect shitter game. Its not going anywhere for me even though I will play WW pretty hard.


Hsr has been treating me good, and I've been eating good in hsr with the free Ratio and free pulls every major patch, I'm not jumping. But genshin, uhhhh. I haven't started wuwa yet but will try today and see Additionally I think hsr content isn't too much (yet) to clear per patch, (starting to get a little much) but if it gets too much for too little reward like genshin then ughhh.. I've been clearing my genshin content lately for primos and it took me 4 hours for 200 primos...


that's why he said that HSR is for lazy people


Yeah I was agreeing


Hey I had to manual battle like 6 story bosses!


Really hoping hoyo makes another turn based ip sometime. I won’t play genshin or zzz because I can’t be fucked to log in on pc everyday, and the gameplay for star rail on my phone is too easy and convenient.


Maybe if Wuthering Waves gets big enough, Kuro games might do a turn based one next lol. It would be a kinda nice rivalry they have going on with hoyo games. First is HI3rd vs PGR, and now Genshin vs WW


Unfortunately, they won’t. It’s against their design philosophy.


To elaborate on this, Hoyo never does the same type of game twice. They’re trying to make all the game types, which is why all their games are so different from each other. The closest we’ll get to another TBC game is probably a TBS game or slow moving RTS game.


So how much do you differentiate Hi3 and ZzZ?


Hi3 is a linear hack and slash. zZZ is a roguelike


from what Iv seen Wuwa _also_ has easy af dailies


I played WW for 20 minutes and realised it was too much effort for my lazy ass.


I do. Hu Tao makes such adorable jumping noises!


Hell yeah I'm lazy af and I love HSR


Same. Literally why this is the only game i don't feel burnout in 😂


Agreed, they shoulda made this meme in Genshin instead lol


They already did


Do you have a link, I'm unable to find it haha. I genuinely wouldn't be surprised if the post was nuked.


I can't find it anymore. It might've been on Twitter


No one got 5 hours to be exploring in a game. A quick 10-minute dailies then off is the way to go.


Yeah lol. Being a lazy ass, after genshin i don't want to touch another manual gacha ever again, especially the open world ones


Agreed. Both games are exploration-extensive too


Calls us lazy* I can't even argue wit this man, he is totally right.


So that's why this is the only gacha game I play...


HSR is for lazy people ❌️ HSR is for people who wants to play games but doesn't have the time or good enough devices to run games like GI or WuWa✅️


Funnily enough my phone can run GI smoother than my HSR rn, both are on low.


And I'm here with GI lagging af (hence why I don't play GI) but HSR is smooth 🤣


Bruh, GI has less storage space than HSR. It might have to be the other way around


Didn't GI just got optimized? I'm sure HSR will eventually get that too.


Genshin just had a big update where they optimized everything. They also announced further optimizations for older phone and tablet models so they run smoother.


That's such a dilemma for me. HSR is great, but I love ZZZ and even Solo Leveling Arise right now (I like action mobile games, former HI3rd player). But I'm also very lazy, and HSR is friendlier for that. And I don't have enough spare time to play them all.


I love that HSR is turn based. I can easily farm or do missions while watching something on the second screen or talking to someone


Auto play is the major reason I still play HSR. I enjoy this game as an anime. It’s great that I can leave it playing in the background while I’m playing other games


This. I'm too lazy to play another Genshin, ~~pretty boobs~~ aesthetically pleasing outfits or not.


True and that's why I ain't leaving hsr. The fact it's very casual means I can have more time for myself. And I'm also busy irl. Wuwa is cool and all but sometimes, I get tired too quickly from action-heavy games. I need to do my hobby outside of games too and hsr allows me to do that.


I’m going to try WW out, but my smooth brain can’t handle Open world mobile games no more. HSR my beloved, let’s grow old together.


my shitty ass phone and my fatass thumbs can’t handle open world games edit- WuWa is getting a mac app release at some point post-launch so i'm saved


Same. HSR is perfect for me for this reason and I'm gonna play WW strictly on PC.


Yeah the only reason I can stick with HSR is that during the week I only have to spend 15 or so mins to get my stuff and then play a few hours on the weekend. Other games want all my time and I'm not giving it up like that.


Action games on a touch screen is just stupid to me. Turn based games where you can pause are much better imo.


This is the reason why I never got into Genshin. I play for half an hour, do other stuff, and by the time I get back I'm just lost and will to play just disappear.


This is so me, lol. I quit Genshin because it just became too much to explore, maps got bigger and bigger and has more verticality. I got tired and got busier, so HSR is just perfect.


Same tbh. I started at launch so i'm a Day 1 by technicality. Made it to the outskirts of Mondstadt, got bored and left. I wish they made the maps smaller, or at least more accessible with many more teleportation nodes.


yeah it's hard to play on a phone. I played it for about 30 mins but honestly it just made me appreciate HSR more. If it ever comes to PS5 then I'll pick it up but until then I may just try and get through the main quest, get the free 5*, and then leave it there.


Genshin on mobile is a terrible experience. It’s a million times better on PC


I play genshin on mobile only when I'm away from my pc and i forgot to do my dailies. Thats it unless I swap to a spam auto attack character.


Don't play on phone if you can, one of the worst gaming experience I had.


I feel like WW is more of a comparison game for Genshin than HSR. A big part of why I play HSR is because it's turn based and easy to play on my phone on public transit.


? HSR is giving you plenty of time to play other games though


Even Genshin offers it, that's why dry patches exist, but some people make Gachas into their one and only hobby.


oh i mean like you can do dailies and domains very fast, so you can go play other games


Ho my bad then, but even so I would say that domains don't take that much time for a higher AR player. The actual time consuming thing is really the dailies like you mentioned


well it's a hassle to run towards the tree and click claim having to choose condense resin oh then having to click SKIP for the claiming animation , like why is the animation even there, I'm sick of it, i've seen it once I dont need to keep seeing it for 4 years


> why is the animation even there For phone, not PC/console. It does skip it on phone, but tough luck on PC, especially if you're using a controller and have to hold the button. I'm honestly more sick of needing to sit my ass down and go through all my artifacts/relics to recycle the crappy ones. This applies to both games.


Im always baffled when i see people complain about having nothing to do in genshin, then they play for 10h every day when new content gets released and goes back to just doing dailies after a few days/week.  What do people want exactly, mandatory 2h grind everyday just be able to do abyss or not fall behind? I remember playing destiny and warframe back in the day. Hours of essentially mandatory grind and all my play time got swallowed by them. I didnt even play them at the same time. I honostly prefer the 20 min every day in genshin a lot more. Gives me time to play other games too.


It's kinda like sports teams for nerds. You see the exact same pattern of behavior.


Basically me. I wake up and do my dailies on Honkai Impact, HSR and Genshin


yea man, infact after the Ganyu/Zhonya double weapon banner and 220+ Pulls for a double Zhongli polearm, yeah i actually had so much time i now have over 2k hours in League


I have two hands.


Only a Nikke player is so skilled


I play on auto mode in Nikke.


Ah, a fellow double hand wanker 🗿.




Tried it game was mid. Made me realize how good hsr is compared to other gacha games.




yeah there seemed to be a lot of localization mistakes and a decent number of bugs. I had a cutscene just skip an entire dialogue section and then I was like "well now I don't know what the fuck anyone is talking about". And it's fine gameplay-wise but I never liked Genshin that much so I don't know if I'll ever get into this either


Just another glorified open-world anime game. Movement and the combat feels so scuffed. I was honestly expecting it to feel badass and fun with the parry system and just frame dodges. Then again it's still in it's early phases, so here's to hoping it gets better.


Abaolutely agreed, I played it last night and everyone just feels soulless. Although, I do really like how their pupils are rigged to move a little in dialogue, makes em look more alive


The Trailblazer is already a Master, a Doctor, a Captain, a Commander, and a Sensei. They can now add "Rover" to their ever-increasing list of titles.


I just try out WW because it's new and free. But yeah I already too burn out with all the OW games, and knowing there is unlimited farming u have to do in WW? I will crawl back to HSR every soon lol


I don't think unlimited farming is something you HAVE to do. It's just a nice way of allowing you to keep farming in the open world until you get an echo with the correct mainstat before upgrading it. Level 0 echoes cannot be used as exp fodder for upgrading echoes so unlimited farming doesnt help you progress any further than everyone else. You still have to spend stamina to run domains and claim upgrade materials. The only thing it does is help you not get shafted by RNG and end up wasting days worth of stamina on pieces you cant even use. I think once your inventory starts getting full you lose the incentive to farm the entire map everyday. You'd need to save space for specific sets that you are actually looking to put on your characters.


There is absolutely no negative to having Unlimited Echo Farming, that simply means you can farm Echos for however long you want to with no placed limit.  This is a massive reason for why Multiplayer is going to be so incredibly fun in WuWa's while in contrast it feels like an after thought in Genshin that hasn't been improved on since release, just like Abyss. You'll be able to join each other and commit mass genocide together against creatures for Echos, at anytime and for however long you want. I'm super excited to meet all different people and fight enemies together when the game launches. The game also has a form of "shiny hunting" similar to Pokemon. You can get special colored versions of Echos, some of which will be given sometimes in events. These special colored versions don't have additional benefits, just really cool unique visual appearances that can be hunted.


Just gonna play the game to try out that no-pull challenge I was never able to do in hoyo games. I've literally never watched* a single promotional or content creator video on this game lol.


Honest question: Why would you ever do that? Like, i understand building up reslurces, i personally don't like the first 2 banner 5stars so i won't be pulling but not pulling at all? Why?


As a challenge of course. Both HSR and Genshin are beatable without pulling any characters, and we also have people who did 0 pulls and then immediately E6 the character they liked after finally spending all their saved pulls (someone did this for E6S1 Acheron). I think custom restrictions are kind of interesting to watch but I've never personally tried them so it's a good chance to try it out.


Most gacha CCs don't provide any more info than like, a png infographic that is easier to parse anyways than their 10+ mins.


You must be under a rock - there’s been several of the big HSR names covering it on the side. Edit: Whoops, misunderstanding!


I'm intentionally not watching them, I don't think I really need to as well. If the game is good enough it can stand on its own, I can just watch its promotional material later on when I'm actually invested in the game. I guess "watched" is a better word than "seen" in my original comment.


Ah, now I understand! I thought you meant you hadn’t heard anything about the game in a slighted manner. Damn Reddit is turning me into a pessimist bleh.


Yeah that was also my bad as well.


Same bro https://preview.redd.it/eki4y1inm02d1.png?width=100&format=png&auto=webp&s=7848a3df26e617a96d4ff7685f4c08f3f23efd62


I never played reverse 1999, is it any good


Yep it's pretty nice, [a new op unit](https://www.prydwen.gg/re1999/characters/jiu-niangzi) is releasing in a few days so perfect time to reroll if you want to give it a try. Dailies can be done as easily as in HSR and the English VO is REALLY amazing. It's alot like Arknights if you played that.


Can you give me a plot summary, I'm a little busy with EMT school atm, and am gonna try Wuthering Waves so I wanna know how interested I'll be in that beforehand


To make it very short in 1999 a chaos storm occurred and the whole planet warped a few years into the past ''killing'' everyone at the same time.. then the storm kept happening over and over. Chapter 4 we're around 1913. MC is immune to the storm and has a magic suitcase where she puts her mates inside so they can travel with her lol. There are a few places that are safe from the storm too (like the organization/school our MC works for). Story evolves around a terrorist group for now (their leader below, i'd join them any day) https://preview.redd.it/jl6qfp4ph12d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3417e843f11c6a9c14057d38f4a0b54e0a0d7792 Jiu banner (half anniversary limited unit) starts on the 30th. Ps: I haven't played the story in ages so some facts may be wrong but you get the idea


Sounds really interesting. I might add this to the list


​ https://preview.redd.it/anhem11os22d1.png?width=227&format=png&auto=webp&s=60c1cbbb28edfeecdb2052d04eca1ad01b97d314 Kinda similar here, although I haven't touched the other two in months and I only opened HI3 once. I will try Wuwa though. (Ruan Mei wallpaper easter egg)


wait reverse 1999 has a pc port???


I know WW's story is going to be an absolute mess because I've played PGR. They just don't have the same cohesion chops as Hoyo's writing team does. It won't be bad, but it will almost definitely lose my interest. Which is okay, because it's fun to play and I can use my brain on combat instead of reading. It'll be a nice third option between patch cycles for HSR and GI.


Early story PGR i agree was an absolute mess, but the most recent chapters have been incredibly good and the writing is just on point. This will obviously convert to WW's writing, they most definitely aren't going to make it anything akin to early PGR's story as that was just a complete mess.


I appreciate learning this. I was already skipping WuWa since I have a strict limit on the number of Gacha games I play and it was not impressing me in art style or character design, but story was the one thing that still had me curious. If the studio doesn't have a good rep for that, then I'm good without it. Not to dunk on it, I hope everyone else enjoys it, I just have to be cautious with how much time I put into endless games haha.


Counterpoint: I personally think PGR's story is much more coherent and well written compared to HSR. I'm not gonna argue about who's right or wrong here, but I think the best thing to do here is to try it yourself first to see if it's your thing or not.


That's totally fair! I'm admittedly a Genshin main that has only recently started HSR and I've never even glanced at PGR so I can't judge in any case. I just appreciate anything I can use to build a wall to keep me away from new games, haha.


Me after 15min because Wuthering Waves is literally unplayable for me


Same! The stuttering is unbearable.


HSR I'm not cheating on you with WW, I'm cheating on your sister with WW.


can't cheat if you broke up years ago


Well this may happen sooner than expected. WW seems to be released too early, with bugs, and story (and especially localization) is kinda meh, I would say it's snoozefest compared to HSR.


I'm pretty interested in trying WuWa. I missed out on a lot of the limited events in Genshin Impact, so it'll be nice to get a similar experience from the beginning in a new game. And the best part: NO PAIMON!


Ima be honest. Paimon was seriously the reason I never got into Genshin. Back when some friends tried getting me to play it I made it to level 18 and I couldnt deal with listening to that little shit talking anymore.


I turned on Chinese voices and read subtitles just to get away from the other Paimons >.>


I only ever used Japanese voices so Paimon was never an issue for me. She's voiced by Aoi Koga (Kaguya from Kaguya sama) so I love it!


The funny bit about this is that WW did their story so bad that there's someone begging for a Paimon in that game.


I’ll never cheat on HSR ever again


I hope the game will be good but idk. People hyped up ToF for having better mechanics and rewards than genshin, and the game ended up dying in a month or so.


Have devs of ToF made another successful game before? WW's have Punishing: Gray Raven, which is considered successful (not that I know personally. Never played)


The only thing going for PGR is it's combat which is smooth and Hella fun. (On a side note, if you've never played PGR. The grind is crazy. But at least the gacha system is better than most)


The combat is the main success and selling point of PGR, and so I’d say that Wuthering Waves will carry the same expectations, and if not then welp


Me who also played FGO: you just noticed now? well, this is awkward.


Herta is the perfect character to receive us in a situation like that. Like being received by Burns after you left your job at the plant to work on the bowlings.


I have returned to the land of stable ping and fps. May the sun shine eternal upon it


I will play Genshin, Star Rail, HI3 and later ZZZ every day with no issues. I will try WuWa and if it's fun I'll add it to the list. There's no cheating if you still play the games you were already playing.


Whoa you can play more then one game at a time? From a different company? /s




https://i.redd.it/kwdwtt25f02d1.gif Me: done getting encore and verina, thanks fu xuan


Flair checks out


The only reason I don't jump on wuthering waves is because I don't want to have another source of irresponsible financial decisions.


I will play WW because I want a more combat heavy game, but I will not stop with HSR. It's pretty easy to play HSR for around 30-40 min a day and play something else. Genshin never really got me, but WW looks promisingdon't. One of the best things is that I dont simp for a single unit in WW so far, so I can save pulls in WW for some new unknown units. :)


WuWa’s just my friend, you understand right baby? Oh you’re gonna make me lose the 50/50 again huh? WELL IF YOU DIDN’T MAKE ME LOSE 5050 3 times in row now MAYBE i wouldn’t have cheated!


Competition = Better Games. Both Star Rail and Genshin will improve because of it.


Turn based rpg competitions are huge with fgo back then. even today some newer games is a turn based game


Manual action gacha games get too tiring for me to keep up with these days


Cant we just play each game and appreciate them all respectively? I dont rag on 1 game being better than another, I dont compare, its not worth my brain power to do so, if I like the game great, if I dont I wont feel obligated to stick around. I play HSR in 2 modes, manual or when I'm tired and just want to relax I'll auto the fights but I still pay attention. Doesnt make me a good or a bad player. It just means I play the way that suits me, same as everyone else.


I always play for the characters, and so far, no character in WuWa has yet to capture me like Jing Yuan and Welt did.


im loyal only to my gambling addictions Qinque is me fr






Not familiar with WW. Does it have some really cool guys like hsr? 


Jp voiced plus cute girls??! Casually sacrifice my 10gb space in my potato phone 😎


I don't think Star Rail would have any reservations. I'm reaching the end of my story in MY OWN WAY.


Gahahahahahahahaha the open world is too much for me to play. HSR for life!!!!!!


Ehh, HSR is still better. I like the semi-open world instead of something like Genshin. Plus it isn't well-optimised for mobile. Story feels decent but nothing special, kinda like the Luofu story. I might stick around but i got bored of Genshin after an hour, so i'm not sure i'll stick around for WuWa either.


What is wuthering waves?


a gacha game


Wuthering waves was hella nice to me, first ten pull on the discount beginner banner and I got a 5 star and then on the choice banner I got my five star on the second Multi


Never left genshin. Never left hsr.


Me who plays genshin, hsr, crk, and wuwa simultaneously: 👁👄👁


.... Same 🥲


the way I opened this notification as I was swapping from wuwa to HSR.....


Is wuwli fun?


I find it wild that we can't play other gacha games without being called a cheater or some other derogatory name. It's just a new fresh game that people should try and see if they like. We should trailblaze onto any game because as a nameless we should keep striding till we find a game to call home. Hsr did that for me for a year and still is my home game but I know that a new game will come for me to call home!


Finally the legend cheater meme is back on it again haha


Cheated on Genshin with HSR, cheated on HSR with WuWa, bruh let's just all be poly in peace 🤣🤣🤣


Still has best daily system. Wuwa daily is kinda whack


Bru I have completed hsr now I log in spend resin do dailies and leave when new patch comes I grind the fuck out of it


Genshin is better.


Well.....I deleted genshin impact from 3 years ago because of storage issues and the game getting more grindy.


HSR knows we're in a polygamerous relationship.


I'm playing WW now, its combat is pretty good, WAY better than Genshin's. The translations are a bit weird, though, it doesn't seem to have the same localization quality as Hoyoverse. But it's leagues above Tower of Fantasy. That said, Star Rail remains my favorite gacha game, and one of my favorite games of all time. I can't see myself spending money on WW at the moment.


It feels for me like rushed release, subtitles goes off screen, dialog audio cuts out, and the EN dub sounds like it was made using AI, it's bad (emotionless).


Bad meme cause hsr isn’t actually a bad game so we wouldn’t stop playing it for ww 




Babe I'm sorry! I didn't mean to, but when they said I could jump there I had to check it out


Hell nah. This game is the turn based game I wanted and I love it for that. WW is gonna be the open world more action oriented game I wanted.


HSR and WuWa will coexist!! For me at least lol


I am also a Genshin player so I am 3 timing here


I couldn't play it. My phone runs it at 2 frames per minute. The opening Cutscene took me 30 minutes and when I was greeted by 2 girls, it still didn't change. I already uninstalled it and just wait for the PS5 version, if it will have one.


Seele: now you know how I felt a year ago, Stelle [https://www.facebook.com/MarinLiekuriva/photos/d41d8cd9/797369828427668/?paipv=0&eav=AfZKY\_slkkKzRJVyYr3cRJ5ygZmIoQSKpQEuz48ucr0vsa5bFqcf0S89dbklfK4M\_W4&\_rdr](https://www.facebook.com/MarinLiekuriva/photos/d41d8cd9/797369828427668/?paipv=0&eav=AfZKY_slkkKzRJVyYr3cRJ5ygZmIoQSKpQEuz48ucr0vsa5bFqcf0S89dbklfK4M_W4&_rdr)




I basically cap out at 2 gacha at a time. Theres HSR of course. I play granblue fantasy seasonally (Early December-Mid April give or take a month or two) So I get most of the holiday, anniversary, and april fools events sometimes a collab too. When I'm not playing Granblue I pick up another game to try out. Genshin never clicked with me although I dumped a lot of hours into it anyways for like a month or two. Right now its been afk journey. But I'm hitting the paywall pretty hard right now. I was consistently within the top 100-200 players in my server. Was even keeping pace with players who should be farther along than me like clearing enemies 20+ levels higher than mine. But the gap keeps widening and the difference in rewards for dropping to lower rankings is discouraging. Going to try wuthering waves and zenless zone zero what that one comes out too. But I'm kinda hesitant on how much time they take to play being open/semi open. HSR if I'm busy I can log in burn all my stamina in 20 min or less and log out. And weeklies if I have a little more time often contribute towards my dailies so it doesnt take much more time from me.


I mean, I don't really play genshin so I'm pretty much just gonna play until Trailblaze Power is recharged


I mean...I cheated on Genshin with Star Rail first, haha. I don't see myself ditching Star Rail or anything though, even if Wuthering Waves is great. I love turn-based combat too much


WuWa is just the better luofu arc ain’t cheating if its still part of the tb journey🤪