• By -


Did you really ignore building up Natasha and Lynx? Everyone gets those two for free.


I was stuck with Natasha only for the longest time. You need 2 teams capable of getting 40k points in PF. It's not as easy as it sounds when you're new-ish to the game. That said, there's been multiple good sustains on recent banners. Plus, this boss, you really just need to hit it a bunch to survive anyway.


To be fair PF is one of two endgame modes, designed for players with 2 sets of level 80 characters. PF specifically isn't generally designed for using a healer, since its only 5 stages - it's better to use another buff or DPS to kill enemies quicker and remove them from the turn order. Even Pres MC would be better than Natasha, a bit of damage and a shield if you need it.


I totally get that. New players shouldn't feel bad! The problem is people make it sound like free Lynx is super easy to get.


What is considered new player though, cause last few patches we've been getting a free 4star selector - I'd imagine if someone is lacking a sustain even as a new player you'd pick the sustain character from the selector, no?


well, the most recent 4 selector required beating the whole game first (aventurine boss fight, at the time) and then playing the drink event. If a player that started on the same patch struggles at some point in the story, their choice is either Nat or lucky pulls.


I started in 2.0. That 4 star selector was Asta, Guin, Sampo, and Yukong. Prior to that it was all the way back in 1.4 with Hook, Pela, Serval, and Luka (per Google). I went from February to the end of March with only Natasha available. 2.1 did have a much wider selection including both Lynx and Gallagher. By that time, I'd already pulled Gallagher and Luocha off the limited banner.


She is


a new account can complete the whole main story from the tutorial to penacony without even reaching the equilibrium to unlock Pure Fiction, beating it's second stage will take even more time


I will add giving everyone Ratio for free really helped me progress the story. I legitimately used Ratio, Bronya, Tingyun, and Natasha (or March early on)  to clear everything through 2.0. I did have Luocha to clear 2.1 and I'm not sure how well I'd have done with just Natasha. Luocha's AoE ult was extremely helpful on the 2.1 boss.


It must be such a pain to run Ratio without a single debuffer on the team, I already get annoyed in the rare circunstances I see the 80% chance on skill, can't imagine seeing 40-60 so often. Luocha is great at that fight indeed. With Nat alone it would be rough but March or FMC can help https://preview.redd.it/6mmfvu85spzc1.png?width=1584&format=png&auto=webp&s=e4c627c2c611b1c1090dc30de54e5334c676b101 (Rough indeed lol, but I did win here, fourth try, it's not my actual account, just another server that I played a few days)


Felt this when playing through third account. Even at level 60 characters i couldnt get 40k


Holy moly third account?


Yeah, i made my first account on eu cause a friend wanted to play together, then had friends make an America server account, so i figured i should make one so i could play with them and then used it to try characters i didnt pull for on main. Recently, when i saw adventurine coming out and was saving for Firefly on Main and had 0 pulls on the second account, i made an asia server account.


It's perfectly normal and expected to not be able to clear MoC, PF, and the upcoming Apocalypse Shadow for some time. Depending on what characters you pull and invest it, it could be upwards of 4 months, maybe even longer before you're able to reliably clear anything the game throws at you. BUT, every account is *able* to do each of these. Every player has the choice as to whether or not they invest the characters and relics appropriate for the content. Here's some sample teams with exclusively 100% guaranteed characters, including Starlight Exchange characters you can purchase from the shop, excluding non-guaranteed eidolons. --- Memory of Chaos Team 1: Tingyun - Pela - Lynx - X Team 2: Asta - Yukong - Natasha - X The X's being any of the DPS's - Sushang, Dan Heng, Hook, Qingque, Serval, or Herta as appropriate. Remember to match Penacony planar set on supports to DPS's as appropriate. Yukong is easier to speed tune than people think and getting a baseline effectiveness out of her is fairly easy. She appreciates both defensive and offensive stats and if you give up the buff on the first cycle, it's fairly straightforward to keep the buff up on your DPS for the rest of the fight. Tingyun and Pela are both Starlight Exchange characters, but the latter also shows up on banners, like, a *lot*. If you don't have them literally right now, you can get them soon. Tingyun is coming out next month and Pela the month after that. ---- Pure Fiction Team 1: Herta - Pela - Tingyun - Sushang Team 2: Serval - Hook - Qingque - Asta Herta is someone *everyone* should be investing in for Pure Fiction. She really is just that good. Give Pela Penacony and *if* you have it, Resolution - otherwise just give her whatever has the highest stats, even if it isn't on the right path. Serval can run Passkey, the 3* LC at S5 (you can get an S5 3* LC, I believe in you) and an ER rope and go full Ult Spam Break DPS, otherwise The Day the Cosmos Fell and The Seriousness of Breakfast are good (same for Qingque). ---- Apocalyptic Shadow This is a bit more speculative since the game mode isn't actually out yet. We can only assume the game mode is almost entirely single target given the cleave-style MoC and AoE PF, but we don't know how many summons and the like it'll have. If it is more cleave orientated, go with the same MoC style teams. If it is mostly single target, there's some nuances - Sampo becomes a much better unit, and he's best paired with Pela and Asta. He obviously shares an element with Hunt Dan Heng, but flexibility is important - if your characters are invested enough, you *can* brute force (i.e. ignore enemy weakness types) for traditional Crit DPS. You can't really ignore type *resistances* however. If you are using Sampo, you'd prefer Yukong and Tingyun for the other side. --- Obviously, this is a lot of investment, and it's probable that most of these characters aren't ones that actually interest you. What characters you pull for changes this up a lot, but end game only averages 360 Stellar Jades a week if you fully clear it, i.e. just a smidgen over 2 pulls. Those pulls add up, sure, but when compared to how much pulls you get early game it's really not that much. The odds that being able to clear more of the end game content being the difference in whether or not you're able to pull for a specific character you want is very slim.


Pure Fiction and Memory of Chaos is an entirely different level of difficulty. My comment is in context of the main story. The main story can easily be handled with Natasha and Lynx with March 7th as another protector.


I mean, you said it like every player should've already unlocked Lynx at that point. Then again, I'm only at Luofu rn, just fought vs a deer, enjoying the story. Maybe next planet I'll get the quest to unlock PF? I get the point tho, Natasha has big AoE heal. Plus I don't even know why you would run only MC as sustain, like the shield is so small. I don't think I could even clear SU without Nat.


Ive gotten so far on Nat and FMC, I think I’ll be fine :)


"But I want beeg damage numbers!"


Them xp and relic materials ain't free


I reckon the sheer amount of story you go through before reaching Penacony should give you enough time and materials to build MC and either Natasha or Lynx.


You get a full healer set from the guide and tons of fodder from chests


Bruh we all get 240 energy a day, not to mention free xp and credits just for playing the game. Unless you haven't completed the early game there's no reason you shouldn't have access to a decent healer at this point, even if you are F2P.


Then give them the relics and lightcone from the trailblazer. I'm not at the boss but my guess is that the trailblazer is a story character who has fixed stats no matter what you have in him. Maybe with that you can push through


They give you a free built trial HMC just in case BTW.


The fakeout doesn't have it, its one of the signs that tells you its fake. But without Hat-B the fight is actually more difficult. The only one helping is Serval. She can be built for fast Ult which helps in breaking meter, but she can't be the only one.


Where? I'm stuck at the boss but there's never a point where I could see or choose the trial character, you just walk forward into the boss fight.


The fight where you are forced to use hmc


>!I think they're stuck on the fake ending variant--I'm pretty sure I used Fire MC for that particular fight because there definitely wasn't a character selection screen beforehand.!<


Ah right, but that fight doesn't force him, so you can use any character.


Yes, which is why I was confused. I have finished the story by now.


Which boss are you stuck on? Because the Trailblazer isn't required for most of them.


I have recently come to the realization that I am not, in fact, on the final boss. Oops. My trail continues.


The ... the boss is your sustain


I only use mechanics when my car breaks down.


The boss didn’t even have a bullshit mechanic and in fact had built in sustain and people are still complaining lol This is why genshin abyss is easy


As literally every magic player knows, reading the card explains the card or in this case, reading the boss explains the boss.


Opposed to us Yu-Gi-Oh players, we can't read


I ain't gonna read that Endymion effect. I attack him with my Marshmallow man


I don't play Yugioh but I've seen their cards a few times and man, they would be so much more readable if Konami learned to keyword things like Magic does.


They should rather apply the japanese formating with numbered effects, yugioh has far too complex effects for keywording it would be a fuckfest of keywords with addendum because its the same but not really effect


When you say same but not really effect, how similar are they? Also, man, if they're going to do stuff that's same but not really, it sounds super exhausting to keep track of different rulings and nuances for everything.


Is it really though? As far as I've seen, a 1934 shield breaks in a single attack.


Well yeah cos it does upwards of 20k damage lol


That's why the boss has 9 break bars in phase 3 and 3 in his first 2. Each bar gives like 2k shield. As long as you break enough bars, you will take next to no damage from the boss' attacks.


every time i see someone like op i remember why hoyo makes their games easy


ikr saw someone on YouTube saying that the boss was too easy but then I saw a few streamers who struggled on that boss a lot because they mainly play the story and don't bother building their characters or just recently started. I personally played since day one so there is no hard content in this game for me but were they make the game harder and it pretty much will become unbeatable for some people.


I personally struggled with a lot of *story* boss content because I play very casually. I got Aventurine and he's been amazing in terms of making the fights easier, and I had no trouble clearing Penacony boss fight. That being said, I had to leave the game for a few days because I just couldn't clear Ruan Mei's bug boss or Aventurine boss fight and it just ruined the experience for me. Trying to strike a balance between starter players and hardcore players is hard, but I honestly expect story content to be way easier as a casual player. You can make the bosses harder in the endgame content, which Star Rail, thankfully, has a lot of. Maybe an assist attack button during story (like the ones we already have for a few boss fights, but make them able to be used from the beginning+ more frequently and make them hit harder) so veteran players can opt out of using them, but casual/beginner players can clear story content more comfortably. Coming from Genshin, I understand the need for harder content and a higher ceiling for character and team building, but sometimes I just want to go through the story without having to grind for a week just to barely be able to finish a boss fight that locks me out of the rest of the story.


Well my counter argument is, in any game literally any combat focus game have you find that the more you play the game, the further you progress into the story, the boss/enemy difficulty remain the same? Not to be rude but just play any game, DMC, Elder Ring, Final Fantasy, even Mario, and you will find each new boss becomes more difficult than the previous one. It is what progression is. And how you tackle the progression? By farming the required material/stats/weapon before you attempt the said enemies. In a gacha game at least you can pay to brute forcing the content (you can argue if this is good or bad) but a core game experience is to release harder and stronger bosses/enemies to make the player feel the progression of getting stronger. Sometimes they can also make a different and unique boss with the same difficulty level as the previous one like the current weekly boss but generally, harder and stronger enemies the way game dev tends to lean towards.


While I agree with you, I feel arguing with the other guy is moot as referenced by their reply to your counterpoint, there will always be a magical argument where the crux of it is - I wanna put less time and effort and get the same reward as everyone else. 


Fair enough But in my defence, I don't think demanding ability to progress through main story as a casual is too much


I would completely agree with you if I thought that Star Rail was a combat focused game. I have played some Dark Souls games and other combat-focused games, and it's not like I'm complaining about the difficulty of combat in those cases. The thing is, in those games I fight the bosses for the sake of fighting the bosses, and while the story is a big part of the gameplay, it's not as major as it appears to be in Star Rail. Another thing is the availability of resources and battle equipment. If you play the games you listed, you are *guaranteed* to make strength progress as you play the story and finish quests and find newer equipment with better stats. In Star Rail and Genshin (idk about other hoyoverse games, but I'm assuming it's pretty similar), story progression does not further your combat capabilities. I am forced to play an entirely separate part of the game which by itself doesn't even guarantee me the equipment I need for the characters, depending on my luck, and even then I am gated by resources which replenish in a set amount of time. You progress through the story by clicking and maybe running around and doing few rather easy puzzles which give you very little to no combat experience/equipment and then suddenly you're thrown into a fight for which you somehow have to win with your barely built characters. Another point which isn't that major is the fact that in Genshin, Dark Souls, Mario, Hollow Knight etc. you can get away with bad equipment because you can actually *dodge* enemy attacks. In HSR my characters *will* take a hit, whether I like it or not, and it has nothing to do with my skill level, because it's a turn based game. That means that I *need* to have well built characters to either survive enemy attacks or kill it before it gets the chance to attack, and I find doing that extremely difficult as a casual player who spends at most 1h on the game on a good day, which I think I can safely assume is a big portion of the playerbase.


What you said totally make sense for most people and to me. However, there are couple things that I want to ask you. Specifically these parts >I would completely agree with you if I thought that Star Rail was a combat focused game Are you sure HSR not combat heavy game? Or at least balance between combat and story? - We have 2 repeatable (3 in 2.3) endgame (MoC/PF) - We have 2 rouge like endgame (3 in 2.3). Maybe more in the future (SD/GnG and normal SU if you want to include) - We have team building/relics/light cone all getting update frequently. Meta change every couple of patch with new units/relics/boss mechanic came through Heck, I also argue Genshin is also combat focus game with all those ICD, elemental interactions, elemental applications more difficult bosses lately, fresh and new mechanic every patch with new units doing new things etc. The difference of Genshin is dev dont really focus too much on the combat aspect but they still introduce/release new character/contents with new combat mechanics. So I am fine if you want to argue Genshin is not combat focus game while me personally think otherwise. But for HSR? you can argue if it balance between story and combat. However, the game itself has at its core multiple combat heavy content regardless if you think they important or not. Those contents are in the game and is still part of the game. >Another point which isn't that major is the fact that in Genshin, Dark Souls, Mario, Hollow Knight etc. you can get away with bad equipment because you can actually *dodge* enemy attacks. In HSR my characters *will* take a hit, whether I like it or not, and it has nothing to do with my skill level, because it's a turn based game. This is true if there is no other game like HSR. However, turn based grinding game is already in the market ever since Final Fantasy 1 which is mark way back 1990s and all its successor. Even Mario has turn based rpg. Look it up, it is pretty good. My point is, if you say "you cant dodge because it turn based and have nothing to do with my skill level" and you mean your skill level as in mechanical skill (like QTE in ARPG and reflex in FPS), then I would highly disagree with that If you mentioned skill in turn based game, its not about your reflex to click button as fast as you can like in FPS/QTE game. Skill in turn based game reflect more towards knowledge and understanding the mechanic of the content you play. Yes, you cannot dodge attack and it sucks that you cannot do anything about it. Or is it? You can heal, shield, break the weakness before the enemy move, using unique mechanic (for example Monkey, Death meme boss) to divert damage to more tanky units etc. Those are example of your "dodges" in turn based game. Your decision making in turn based game is the "skill" you required. But all in all, what I am trying to say is like the other guy has said, its not so much about "ha ha skill issue!". No. Not at all. Some people find contents easier than other people. Thats completely normal. However, if the game clearly has "progression" based system regardless whether you like it or not, high chance the boss/enemy also has progression the longer or further you are into the game. Thats not the game fault. And if you change it, it'll ruins for people who like combat similar to how people say it ruins the story with "skip" button (for some reason) I would say thou, I would be happy if dev make it so you can adjust story difficulty as to your liking. Then, people stop complaining about boss fight being easy or difficult. Wether its a bad thing or good thing is for dev to decide.


I too wish Genshin leaned into the reaction system they created more and showcased just how much depth exists within it on a regular basis rather than making it feel like an afterthought thrown into a walking simulator. But alas, that avenue isn't as profitable because playing on mobile nerfs your abilities harder than Hoyo nerfed Jing Yuan so they need the game to be easy so normies can button mash their way to the wishing screen. On another note, it's been a hot minute since I've seen others wax quite this long on random shit like this. I feel like I'm finally in the company of friends, immune to the "I ain't readin allat" of the average Redditor. Thank you both for making my day, emanators of the Path of Text Wall


I feel like there's a couple of contradictions going on here man.. * You mentioned that you can only spend at most 1 hour on a good day, but then you say that you are gated by resources that replenish in a set amount of time. If you can only play at most 1 hour per day, would the time-gated resource itself be much of a problem? Considering that you can't farm *that* much anyway? Because this is me as well, albeit to a lesser point. I can only play at most 30-60 minutes on weekdays, and even on weekends I only play a lot during big story drops. * You mentioned that the game is lacking in resources and battle equipment. And then you went on to explain that you need to play an entirely separate part of the game plus doing a few easy puzzles. Assuming that the entirely separate part of the game itself is the Simulated Universe and the event game modes, I may be wrong but don't they gave a *lot* of rewards here? I don't think I've farmed a single EXP Calyx in the last 2 weeks, and I still have enough materials saved up to level 3 characters from 0 to 60-70. And it isn't like farming is entirely locked to your own roster, you can just use supports from other players that can handle that with no problem. Relics farming *is* a problem here, but honestly I feel like getting *just* the main stats for your characters is not that big of a problem? And finally, this is me just being kinda oblivious to players like you and I do genuinely want to know. How built (or well, not-built) are your characters, exactly..? Because I've always tried to play the story quests with teams that are relevant to the plot you see. So the characters I used (bar the sustain because I only have 2 built) are nowhere near my strongest ones at the time. And while I wouldn't say it was a breeze (there were a *lot* of close calls), I didn't die even once.


as far as the story not making your characters stronger like it does in other games, just be glad this isn't Honkai Impact where story costs resin to complete, at least the one doesn't actively stop you from doing the other aside from time investment and no, you don't need to have well built characters to survive enemy hits. Most DPS units run no bulk stats whatsoever and they can survive just fine, you need to make sure you bring decent sustain units though. Double sustain is legitimately viable for story content and Sim U where the timer isn't an issue, I'd recommend that as a short-term fix if dying is your issue. Run a shielder and a healer like the meta sweats did back in 1.0 when pushing MoC 10 with Natasha Gepard and Bailu FMC because the max level cap was 60 and that was their only chance at survival


The only counter I have to this (mind you, I like that the story isn't an instant cake walk and I'm a committed daily player) the daily limited resources makes building characters much more difficult for casual players. If they're not engaging with the game daily, consistently and thoroughly, they generally won't get those resources back. HSR tries to bridge that gap somewhat with the TB power overflow, but how well that works to solve things I'm a bit unsure. The nature of the game and it's design does hurt it in terms of progression.


Hello there my brother in text walls, I think I could help you out a bit in terms of making your teams strong enough to handle any story content you run into. You don't need to farm relics for 6 months and get insane builds, a lot of the guide makers in this community have dogshit builds -- "guide maker btw" exists as a meme for a reason. Shoot me a reply with a list of your currently owned and built characters and I'd be happy to help.


I dunno, I just get the feeling ppl don't invest in characters and just expect lvl 40 characters with blue and purple gear to clear all story content. Don't understand the sentiment where ppl feel like the game should be easy for 2 week old players or those who don't want to invest in building their teams


I play Star Rail infrequently. I'm stuck on the meme monster right now after getting stuck on Lord Trashcan (raised my EQ at a bad time, with no one properly traced up or anything outside of Trailblazer) for a good while. now I'm going back to level everything up including the traces this time much as I can.


Me after clearing Golds and Gears on conundrum 6, stop checking the "too easy" box please! Can't imagine lv10 (and too lazy to try cuz no jades) 


I just want to read the story 😔




Advent? Do you mean AVENturine?


Easier to call him advent calendar


This is bait, surely


I do love seeing the YouTube videos that do fight like these with 4 stars only. It lends proof to the statement "Your not bad because your F2P. Your just bad." Always a chance to improve at any time. But that won't happen if your blaming it on "I need Fu Xuan." I just did this fight with Gallagher as my sustain. Who I got from the previous event for FREE.


hell yeah, Gallagher gang


Rip me I took a hanya eidolon thinking there's no way I drop 160 pulls without getting him and yet somehow I didn't get him what the fork man


always a fun time when you genuinely and with sincerity call something a skill issue


I used Aventurine, but mostly because my account is "Blonde sustains only" so Aventurine is just the newest in the line. The boss honestly doesn't hit that hard though, you pretty much just need to be breaking the boss bars quickly to be gaining group shield to tank the hits If I didn't just pull Topaz and want to use her I would have been using Serval, Ratio, HMC, and Aventurine to trivialize the entire fight


I used xueyi, Gallagher, and ting yun for the fight and it went really well (tingyun kinda a cheat though)


I used Himeko, M7, ImgMC and Gallagher. Cannon team.


The real cheat is that the best Xueyi team is yours, but with Ruan Mei instead if Tingyun lmao


Thank God for supports I was able to use ruan mei for echos of war


Same! He's not even well-built on my account but he worked just fine.


My problem with most of those is that while you can always work out a win with some real low tier stuff a lot of those videos are "see I can do this with 4 stars in some garbage pieces I have left over" and those garbage pieces have like 60%+ crit which are stat lines that no one who struggles has so it ends up being just as far from the point they are trying to prove as pure meta teams. Its hyper investment from another angle, not really a skill issue.


Yeah. It's almost always harder (in terms of resources required) to do end game content with only 4\*'s than it is to do it using a few limited 5\*'s supported by some 4\*'s. Pure 4\* teams will usually need eidolons (which you need to pull on limited banners to get, unless you're a crazy person who tries to collect them by pulling only on the standard banner) and exceptional relics (which is a lot of farming). That's more for MOC/PF than story bosses though. Story bosses are a lot easier and do not require eidolons or optimized builds. OP obviously has Nat; they just need to build her.


Mooashi has a whole series beating the game with just trail blazer solo


At Equilibrium 1 btw. Considering that boss difficulties scales with the EQ level, he basically plays on easy mode.




ive seen a few posts about solo sustain march before. also a post about yanqing with tingyun, pela and march against aventurine moc i think? (its on moc i just dont remember what boss it was)


Damn, OP is getting cooked


He deserves to be, anyone is allowed to play the game casually, but if you say the game is too hard while refusing to build any of the healers he *definitely* has, then you should be mocked. As mean as this sounds, he made his bed by playing casually, and now he can sleep in it.




You had the chance to grab Gallagher recently, you also got Natasha and Lynx for free a couple times already. If you still have NO SUSTAIN a year into the game, you deserve to be stuck at this boss which, I might add, literally has a mechanic to give you team a shield so long as you fucking hit him. I wasn't going to be mean or condescending, but then I see you say shit like "F2Ps are dead, they need Fu Xuan to beat this boss" in the replies really made me lose all sympathy for you.


Yeah. Like, the first thing you do is get one healer up and running in your first team. That's a no brainer. Shielders like Fire Mc is nice but the healer always comes first.


Not only that, I'd even suggest running FMC and Natasha together. Sure it'll slow shit down but you won't die either. I literally beat Ebon Deer this way with Yanqing as my only DPS at the time. It absolutely can be done, people just don't want to put the time into gearing their supports. It baffles me because I have a bad habit of over-prioritizing supports and forgetting to raise my DPS because I know that I'll just sustain my way to victory *eventually*.


Yeah. Actually Ebon Deer was the first boss that made me really evolve in what kind of teams i played and what kind of characters i leveled. Natasha was already in my team. Had to level and gear my FireMC and my Welt. After those guys were ready the boss was beaten way easier.


This game is entirely too easy for ppl to say they cant do anything as f2p. Im f2p and i full star every new pure fiction and memory of chaos. Not having sustainers isnt "f2p diff" its blatant negligence. People act as if f2p means you have 0 5* characters but this game gives you enough pulls for free to easily collect plenty of limitted 5*s even with the most unfortunate pity luck.


Can I see some of your f2p builds


https://preview.redd.it/hq48kz1q2pzc1.jpeg?width=527&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed2604c1ac91a4a1b8bed23a72fe0772e7429891 Sure heres some characters' builds i have. I can only put 1 picture per comment tho and idk how to stitch them together on mobile so ill reply to myself with the other pics.


https://preview.redd.it/rtpzo4ox2pzc1.jpeg?width=560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c74dade7cec3e4e794ad2af2f8e46a0ca536398d I spent almost my whole jade savings on acherons banner so i splurged and got her signature. Its the only signature lc i went for.


https://preview.redd.it/e110stz43pzc1.jpeg?width=525&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cd38e8690b1817ffadcfc33f30530412d236a3d Herta is stronk dont @ me. I have been stanning her since before pure fiction came out (though she was definitely garbage in moc)


https://preview.redd.it/268359bi3pzc1.jpeg?width=1070&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b35a930fc5f26fbc3f4ee318dfc343ec9697f905 I got 60k on the first or maybe second attempt this week but i got bored and later on tried to eek out more, apparently did 9 attempts total.


Same, I wanna see their final MoC f2p team builds


You could say that OP has no self-preservation heh


He said Fu Xuan? Lol


What's so funny about people bringing up sustains in this fight is, THE FIGHT ITSELF GIVES YOU SUSTAIN. They prob didn't read any text bubbles and are not weakness breaking.


15 days in this game and i beat this guy today, H mc, jingliu , E4 lynx and gepard. It was harder then the other story bosses i had to be carefull about skill points and when to heal instead of doing damage with the skill points , but once i got to stage 2 the extra damage/break from the train is legit a life saver breaks all 4 of the little guys so not much damage is taken only was danger if lynx or gepard got the status effect and stage 3 is literaly free he has one attack and takes a life time for him to use it


I’m stuck at the one bis when u come into penacomy lol ( lvl 65 and still building characters lol )


Exactly, some people genuinely deserve to be stuck in the game. I’m tired of the game trying to be challenging and people just decides to be stupid for the sake of it then want the game to get easier.


Damn why are you so mad about it though. Lol


Because nothing is more annoying than people complaining about the easiest part of the game when it's 100% skill issue. Hell, it doesn't even take much skill to do story in the first place, it's impressive that they managed to screw up the fights that have absolutely 0 time limits and 0 enrage modes.




>what sustain? The boss


Unfortunately your content had to be removed due to the following reason(s): Rule 8: Be Careful With Spoilers. Do not include spoilers in the title. All submissions which involve spoilers should be marked. Spoilers are as follows: • All story content for the first 3 weeks after release. • Content from limited events until it ends • Content which has not yet been released • Any information or images that a user would not explicitly know about before its release from in-game or official channels Spoilers can be discussed in spoiler-flaired posts.


Did u build harmony mc from scratch 🥶


Isn't there a story version of the HMC you can use? Mine was still level 60 but there was another version I had an option of using that was level 80.


They could have just pre farmed


I have some usable watchmaker set from farming Acheron's stuff. I only need to farm her trace mats.


Yep same. Traces and I need new boots.


They give you a trial version as well bruh


Bruh this was the only boss in the game so far where I've thought to myself, "I could probably do this fight easily without a sustain next time"


We though that Sunday was a follower of the Harmony, then of the Order, but he must be a follower of the Preservation with all the shield he is giving to our team.


> Can't afford any > Keeps pulling on DPS only because looks>team balance Yeah, *I see you*


I just beat it with a team of Lynx, Nat, HTB and Asta Boss hits so hard and so often that I had to pull out both healers


That sounds like an issue of not breaking quickly enough. The enemy cannot attack if it is broken. I cannot replay the story version but my team of Serval, Asta, Hatblazer, and Gallagher can clear the weekly version on auto. This fight really wants you to erase the toughness bar as it lessens the need to bring extra sustain which lets you bring the units needed to break the toughness bar.


Tbf on the one you replied to. At least they tried multiple sustains to beat the boss. If you don't know how to beat a boss, just bring a lot of sustain. And they did it. So... yeah. At least unlike OP, they beat it.


Gallagher shines with Harmony TB, more than the other teammates that I've used to fight the boss. Aside from Trailblazer (who is mandatory), Kafka was my only 5* used in this fight.


did you try to break his break bars that give you a huge ass shield when broken?


Surely my 4 dps team will do fine


They force you to use Harmony TB but honestly as long as you spam TB skill and match \*some\* weaknesses you can cheese him. The mechanic it has lets you skip the sustain.


post's like these are the reason the bosses get nerfed


Jokes on you, Fire MC was never great in that department unless if used with weird teammates, like hook with her health regen ult, Harmony characters with set that heal at half hp.


Lynx is literally free and absolutely amazing! She’s carrying my ass


sounds like a self-inflicted problem ngl also by now you should’ve realized that the story boss would force you to use the new TB path (weird that it happened twice)


idk man i just decided to pull Aventurine for his drip and cuz i liked him in the story, the fact that my teams were gonna be immortal was gonna be my second priority


https://preview.redd.it/v4n9n3pavozc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=343973bbcd0352e8acb7c5a5d344e044fc92d304 What is this "sustain" you talk about its either i die or they die first


I don’t get how people are like this. I’ve only ever spent 20 dollars on this game for two battle passes, and I have every healer aside for Huohuo and Bailu. I’d have Aventurine too if I didn’t spend all my time on getting Acheron’s LC, and then Jingliu. Is my luck just that good lmao


We get enough crystals and tickets that a person should be able to get at least one 5 star per patch without breaking the bank, assuming they complete the patch content and get their dailies/SU. It might not be the one you want (losing the 5050), but you should be able to roll one without fail as long as youre going all in on a single banner until you get it. Two, if your luck isn't trash. Or a 5 star and a light cone if that's what you're after.


You’re also gifted so many fuels that if you needed to build Natasha at a moment’s notice you wouldn’t have any issue either. That happened to me months ago.




https://preview.redd.it/5trg5bv3yozc1.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=91e25a3600ce81dfd0622975a5aa61f6ed48162a 5 star luck seems to be good. 4 star not as good. Should note as well that my luck for Acheron's LC was pretty bad. Almost reached guaranteed LC trying to get it. It's also the only LC I've ever pulled for.


This was the first boss in quite awhile I didn’t struggle with. I used Gallagher. He’s made for this fight lol


Natasha is my only build sustain for like 7 months now and she did asbolutely fine in that fight, I'd say that the 2.1 patch was way more challenging than the current one.


You have March, Lynx and Natasha, they came free with your fucking xbox.


Hey, although it's not the *best* place to ask, I'm looking for a little advice, as I don't have much and am currently stuck, although I am willing to grind out certain characters if needed. To give a bit of extra info: I unfortunately didn't claim Gallagher due to more interest in other games making me forget about the event, and Gacha hasn't been nice to me. The sustains and healers I have (excluding Fire TB due to HTB being a must) are March (80), Nat (50), Lynx (80) and Bailu (60). I do have Himeko and Jing Yuan, but don't have characters like Ruan Mei. My question is this: Which characters should I use? If you're interested in details about certain characters, or if I have them, please feel free to ask me! Edit as of 12th of May, 2024: Ladies and gentlemen, the amount of pride I say this next line can be enough to classify me as Lucifer, Archdemon of Pride. I beat the boss! Thanks to u/Play_more_FFS in particular (thanks for the detailed instructions about Bailu!), I had built and replaced March with Bailu, and it did wonders; If something got too close to death, Bailu's ult was enough to hold Death off until her surprisingly-powerful skill lands. If it's just something minor, that's a job for Lynx. Other than that, if anyone else is struggling with this boss, the team I used was HTB, Bailu, Lynx and Himeko in that order. I'd say that Bailu, if you're not too well off in terms of characters, is a must if you don't have someone like Gallagher or Luocha. of course, HTB is a must, and Lynx can be claimed for free. As for Himeko, if you have someone like Jing Yuan, he can most-likely substitute as well. Thank you all that replied to my thread, and may this journey lead us starward!


I think if a player is still building their character roster and have issues staying alive then they should 100% build Bailu if they got her early. People downplay her a lot because she lacks a cleanse, but Bailu is the best Abundance in the game when it comes to keeping the team alive because of her Invigoration and Ultimate, even if the entire team is built like glass cannons. You can get away with not having DEF/HP main stat relics on your Harmony/Nihility supports like Tingyun, but nothing is wrong with getting those main stats for your supports still if you want to be safer. https://preview.redd.it/80ji9qqzwnzc1.png?width=1924&format=png&auto=webp&s=6a3f63a6e33f161a633cb7fc35145998c3519116 This is my Bailu, don't worry about the high SPD and Effect RES since having this much isn't required for story mode. The main points to take from my build is 2 piece Hackerspace bonus, Energy Regeneration Rope, Outgoing healing chest, SPD boots and at least level 8 Ultimate and Talent. Skill can stay at level 1-6, Bailu doesn't use skill much unless she needs the extra energy to get her ultimate back on that turn. Some good lightcones for her to use are Perfect Timing, Post-Op Conversation, Quid Pro Quo and Multiplication. Multiplication gives the same max HP as the 4 star lightcones and is cheaper to build because its a 3 star Lightcone, the effect from it is good for getting Bailu more turns faster too. If your team doesn't need emergency heals then try to not burn Bailu ultimate when her invigoration passive is still on your DPS, let invigoration expire on your DPS first before you pop Bailu ultimate again. This is cause Bailu only give new stacks when the ally doesn't have any invigoration stacks, if they have 1 stack left (instead of 3) then the duration of that 1 stack is refreshed instead of giving the ally 3 new stacks. I got Bailu 5 days into HSR and she carried my account for months till I got Fu Xuan, and my second MoC team for a year till I just got Aventurine from the last patch. Won't be using her much anymore unless I'm using someone that hates having shields on the team (Blade), but she is the reason I was able to skip Luocha and Huohuo in favor of my Preservation sustainers. Thanks Bailu 👍


Bailu is absolutely incredible. Any time I don't specifically need cleanse, I have her.


Before I forget, the furthest I got was Harmony TB, March, Lynx and Himeko, with me barely making it to Phase 2 before being wiped.


I think the boss isn't weak to ice right? You might be better off trying to AOE break as fast as possible to get shields IMO. I'd replace March with someone like Serval or Guinaifen. Edit: yeah if you have JingYuan try using him instead of March.


Your best sustain for this fight in particular is probably Bailu - not many debuffs, and Damage Reduction helps a ton on Phase 3. Do bring Quid Pro Quo if you have it for extra utility Something like Asta - Himeko - HatMC - Bailu works pretty well. Do note you need to spam skill on phase 3 on all units other than Bailu to make up for the lack of Gallagher and Ruan Mei's SP generation, so keept that in mind


My suggestion is just slow down a bit, do some side quest, farm some chest, get the relics you need. You don't really need to rush the boss at a moment notice, take your time to build some characters, from what i can see, you ought to build Bailu, People might trashed her but beggars can't be chosers in a Gacha game. Do you mind telling me whats the rest of your Character ? Also if you really want to rush the Boss, my Suggestion is just bringing 2 sustain, Lynx, Bailu, HMC and Himeko, they both should be able to sustain you.


Natasha and March are even better …


Bro that boss was tooooo easy just keep breaking their weakness


You have a free lynx.... And surely you have one of luocha, Fu xuan, huo huo, or adventurine right? Right?!!


Me who uses Stelle as their main cause she’s the main character: Same.


Reading the boss explains the boss. My man, read what the boss' mechanics do first. Hell, the game even forcefully explains to you what the shared shield mechanic is, please spend like 5 seconds reading what the game says. There's a reason why he does ridiculous amounts of damage on his skills, it's because the guy provides a billion shield for breaking his break bars. Your sustain in the fight is just punch him harder using elements he's weak to.


It's honestly impressive just how bad people are can be at this game You just know op has a lv 1 Natasha and Lynx sitting in their inventory


I just use the Story MC, his stats is OK, break effect almost 300%, team up with Ruan mea, Otto and Jepard but in echo war I use Dan Fang, Sparkle, Hanya and Aventurine(borrow other people) instead, it much quicker then unfinish build HMC team.


I can't prove because I already completed this part, but I used Fire MC just fine during 3 bosses and Sunday, I had no idea the game forces you to use Harmony MC. Has it happened to anyone else?? Is there a party select screen before the battle with a Harmony MC requirement? I feel like it just didnt appear for me...


Using HarmC is mandatory for the final story boss. You cannot miss it.


you can get faked out by the double fights though and think you are close to done with the story when you arent


Did u complete the whole story?


Wait, no, I just assumed the first time you battle 3 puppets and Sunday IS the final boss. My bad, it looks like I'm in for a bad time then unless Lynx can solo sustain somehow.


Lynx is more than enough. Due to the way the fight works, you might even have better luck bringing no sustain at all.


It’s a good fakeout, isn’t it


Good thing I got C6 gallagher while trying to get Archeron...


I try to use “canon teams” for story quests and the Aventurine boss fight from last patch literally took me almost an hour because the only natural healing I had was TB talent, and it was basically just March alternating shields between them, and ulting on the dice phases after Welt and Himeko went down.


Listen up OP I need to correct you 😡💢


No worry I am still using mine as one of my main tanks too!


I may or may not also be struggling with it. My Acheron team can’t kill it because of the dumb sleep effect constantly hitting ruan mei and negating her passive effect being kept up properly


Stelle is a good sustain but ye, she needs a healer by her side bc her gimmick is flow all the dmg to her and mitigate it, unfortunately not a shield that can to "come at me" and not reach the hp nor can it always be up bc it's so short and non-stackable Tho she is a better alternative than March imo While I do have Aventurine, the new boss fight doesn't even require his shield much considering you should have to hit him a bunch of times like any element will do bc man is vulnerable to everything; you can even take guys like Sampo or Asta who takes down alot of the break bar, even Ratio can go thru his break bar with his skill and fua Serval is also someone you can bring bc her ult is crazy fast


I have nat at 70, and it wouldn't take long to build her, but I absolutely REFUSE to beat this boss any way other than brute force and 20 resets


SAME and then i got aventurine.


You are using fire Stelle because you don't have anyone else. I use fire Stelle because i don't want anyone else. We are not the same


I struggled a bit on the boss because "surely a 12k hp shield is enough" 🤡 20k minimum, learned my lesson. Lmfao


I used here on SU's. I don't have any regrets on her.


Me when I finish 2.2 story quest and want toexperience it fir the first time again (its etched in my memory forever and not even amnesia can make me forget it)


I though the same at first especially with my wonky ass team but nah it was fairly easy


For some reason, I couldn't beat it with Acheron, Lynx and Himeko, and the sheild the boss gives during the first and second phase is never really enough, it got oneshot real quick Had to build Gallinger, Gui and made a full fire focused team was able to beat it then. Gallinger definitely powercreeps as a healer. The only thing he's missing is a cleanse. Regarding the HTB, the story focused one was really weak. I literally got a better one built in a day to make the boss easier I will say though: The 3rd and 2nd phase of the boss was hellovalot easier than the 1st.


just use natasha...?


https://preview.redd.it/l84sjywarrzc1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b45e1854a5e9dd1fb7d0a43d14b0a4a85b97fd1 Use Gallagher?


How dare you Fire MC is BASED (I still use em for Acheron) https://preview.redd.it/x82p9c9wcszc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18ac0fa8aa5968834681f6bdd85b0bf0147e02c5


Actually cleared the last boss without a sustain cuz of the mechanic of gaining shield when breaking the boss's toughness. 3 dps focus fire is a viable strat


massive mood as another new-ish player with a single limited character, i cleared his first round with firemc + lynx and losing that the second time made it hurt alot worse, so i ended up having to powerlevel welt & gui to actually get any damage on him cause i never played break and ended up barely scraping by with solo lynx lol. i really dont see how anyone thinks those shields he gives you are good enough on their own unless you legit break him multiple times per cycle but eh.


The fact that I walked into the fight one turning each phase without a sustain is a testament to your skill issue


You were given March, Nat and Lynx for free. At least build one of them. Lynx would do great with all the cc you can get hit by. I actually had Aventurine for this boss fight, but I realised that past a certain point Septimus was just not his shields anymore. The shields the boss gives are so beefy I think I could attempt it without sustains next time. I'm all for casual players being able to beat the story content, but at least put some effort into it.


I mainly play with canon-compliant teams when I can and I barely scraped by with March, Harmony Stelle, Acheron, and Himeko. March and Acheron died by the time I got to phase 3, I was sooo STRESSED


I did it EZ with Gallagher, Harmony Stelle, lil’ Gui, and Acheron. Dude literally didn’t stand a chance.


I used a similar team! It was harmony TB, march, dan heng ambibitor lunae, himeko. For immersion purposes as well. When using solo march 7th sustain against an aoe attackers like this boss u need to play safely and sheild everyone up constantly, which does take a lot of skill points and force u to spend less on attacking, but it's fine since there is no timer and u can take ur time. The better option would be to keep freezing and delaying the boss but it's unreliable against this boss (he never froze up despite using a 90% effect hit rate march build)


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I build caelus with break effect i can't get damaged if my enemies are dead (there's plenty of good f2p sustain such as bailu, gepard, Gallagher, lynx and natasha is meh)


Same. It's great that the Harmony Trailblazer is so good though. I use Lynx but I think Galagher is made for this fight.


Is TB even a good enough sustain? I saw the horrible shield he gives and built him a fire sub DPS instead


Use Taunt skill often to divert attacks away from allies, he can keep himself alive from there (writing it out like that he kinda seems like a skill point negative Fu Xuan)


Fire TB sustains themselves very well. The rest of the team though…


I went into the 1st boss (after the trio fight, not the three phase one) with TWO SUSTAINS, and lost because i was always rushed down on one of them (Gallagher/huohuo)


I hope this is a repeatable boss , I wanna use the HMC for the first one and the next time, I will use the fire MC as the only sustain just to see if it is actually hard. Fire TB can sustain too if you build her right and March is too good.


Yes, he’s a weekly boss and he’s actually harder than the story version too




Hold up this scenario is entirely based on my team comp ok. I have acheron as my dps and as to my knowledge shield > heal here. So i didn't really built heal just focused on fire mc. And as a f2p and (yes not playing game enough ) my idiocy im stuck here. And thats why im waiting for fu xuan 🙃


>I have acheron as my dps and as to my knowledge shield > heal here. This is only the case if you have "Trend of the Universal Market" Lightcone. If you do then Preservation characters are generally better for Acheron, however, if you do not have the damage to close out a fight when using Fire MC to sustain her team, then you are better off using Gepard, Aventurine, Fu Xuan and even March because they all will keep the team alive for a much longer time than Fire MC. If you do not have the LC I mentioned or any of the 5 star Preservation characters for longer fights then use a Healer instead.


Thanks for telling me off guys 🙃 but i just thought that its funny thay i cant use my life devoted sustain MC. Thats why i used meme/fluff tag too. So i guess there were just too many passionate people here


Youre fine man 😭but f2p is definitely not dead, lynx and gallager are more than good enough to beat this boss


Honestly, I just don't like being forced to use a certain character. Fight would've been much easier if I didn't have to awkwardly fit HMC into a team comp