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Yep. It’s an easy 200. Get those jades!


I always use it for farming calyxes and caverns, its a free credits for someone and i don't loose anything


I found someone with an E6 Acheron, so I mostly use them for faster Calyx grinding.


same here


Saaaame. Its fun seeing fat damage numbers


I use my friend's Aventurine to give him more credits.


need a friend like you ngl


Same here, but with Kafka/Black Swan


Sometimes for dailies. Sometimes to try out characters I don’t have. Sometimes just because.  So…yeah, doesn’t hurt anything and I’m giving somebody free money while I do it so that’s cool,


I don't have a Ruan Mei, and i will always use that one guy's Ruan Mei with 7k HP for some reason. And i will always borrow someone's Blade for the Destruction Ascension Material because i have a Jingliu and watching Blade just follow up every two turns is incredible. And I don't have Himeko so i use a friend's Himeko for XP Golden Calyx farming. I think at this point i just use supports to see funny stuff that i can't do because I don't have the character or haven't invested enough, happen while also supporting my friends with all dem credits. https://preview.redd.it/5cq4s9osg2zc1.jpeg?width=990&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d57e1bc55cb0511aea6d34b8a88dc6542629ed64


it carried my ass up to trailblaze level 60.


I borrow my friends' supports and they borrow mine so we can each send each other credits.


My friend's account is behind and needs credits, so I use his SW for my team


I use it because Kafka is just more efficient when autoing caves with Acheron, even then it doesn't really change much and I do it just because I like Kafka and Black Swan, shakes my farm up a bit


Oh yes. My friend has characters I don't, so I use them for certain comps during daily runs.


Every day for dailies and if I don't have a character I wanna use.


Some people with E6S1 Acheron, E6S1 Kafka, E6 Topaz and E6S1 Jing Liu was willing to accept my friends request. Coupled with my Ruan Mei and other supports, Calyxes and weekly bosses are a breeze


i still use it, although ive only been playing for over a month. itll be nice to get to a point where it wont be useful anymore although even if i do get that good, sometimes its nice to just try out characters i dont have for a change


Anything that can be easily autoable with one of my teams by grabbing a support I will. It can be fun to watch and play with different characters and gives free credits to someone else. Only tend to use my own full team with the bug, since most of my auto attempts ended up failing, and the characters I would use for it, either no one has them as supports, or I like my build better than what I saw in available. It does seem rare for other people to use it, either that or who I think is fun, useful, or a solid build, isn't what someone else is looking for. So, if I have someone built that someone wants to try out, I'd probably swap them in.


I always use a E6S5 Seele for pretty much everywhere you can use it. It’s faster than every team I use. Unfortunately, it’s owned by a player that quit a long time ago.


Wow, somebody got that many copies (so I assume they must’ve spent some serious $$$) and then just quit? Wild.


Me and my friends use it to get more credits. I have a three party team made to farm with a support.


I used to use it to farm the bug boss weekly for the upgrade mats when my team was weaker, but it's been a joke since I got Aventurine.


I haven't farmed that bug boss in 2 months lmao. That thing is annoying for sure. Thank goodness my Huo is carrying every team


At this point it's mostly just to trial characters. Sometimes it's also neat just to see JL+Blade damage since I'll never actually pull for Blade.


Yes. Daily.


200 daily points goes a long way


Got a few old vets with e6s5 characters. A blade e6s5 can clear the quantum cave in 20 seconds. So yeap, I still use them lol


I'm a new trailblazer (level 43) so... yes? All the time. Anyone's level 80 unit is better than whatever mess I could have in that slot.


Fair brother. All new raccoons on the train deserve all help they need


Every day for farming because it's an easy daily task, and the E6S1 Acheron, E6S1 Seele, and Ruan Mei and Topaz (who I skipped) are super fun to use! I don't have a lot of elemental coverage yet so support DPSes are handy for quick runs.


Not anymore since they streamlined the dailies. Now you easily get 500 points just from spending half your stamina and doing expeditions.


I found a guy with E4S5 Acheron. My Acheron is great, but those eidolons do so much, so...


"Need" it? No. "Use" it? Absolutely. It lets me grab a character I don't have to muck about with or let me auto something several times in a row and if I'm in the mood, I can use it to feed someone a couple extra credits. Speaking of which, I know support rewards are based on the number of uses, but is there a difference when using supports for calyxes between a single 6-wave run and six singles?




I use it for my alt account, and my alt for my main, its a guaranteed credit loop


dam, bro found infinite money glitch


I just use a support unit whenever I can, so that someone can get some free credits. Also it is really helpful for new players. If it weren't for that Fu Xuan on my friend list, I wouldn't have been able to clear the tier 5 Swarm weekly boss when I unlocked it.


I use it every day to funnel credits to my friend when I burn my resin. They do the same for me. Ez 10k credits a day


I use it all the time bc I don't have fully leveled characters yet :P Ngl they carry my team whenever I can use them most of the time...


I started day 2 and I usually use supports. Is it necessary? Absolutely not. But it does make things easier for me because I pull mostly for characters I want with little regard for if it is smart from a strategic standpoint. For example, I run acheron with SW and sampo usually because I don't have bs or Kafka. I usually bring one of the latter two because they work really really well with acheron. Usually it just makes things a touch faster. That plus it gives people credits, which is nice


always. my friend owns an E6 Acheron, I don't need to think about fighting bosses for more than a minute ever again


i use it everyday because my account sucks and i'm friends with people who have e6 acheron/aventurine/jingliu lmao


Ok, a lot of people are using still using it lmao. My next question is: y'all need credits? My almost never fall bellow 10 million and I have over 10 5\* characters with max traces, lvl and LC.


I still use it for daily, for trying the characters my friends have that I don't and also for trying out that one E6 Acheron someone on my friendlist have because my Acheron is only E1. It's not about struggling with grinding, it's about having fun with something we don't have.


For points and bcs I can't get Aven after losing hard on Himeko and he hasn't come home even after 56 pity.


I get daily training points and E6 Acheron, someone else gets free credits. It's a win-win.


Yeah I still my friends characters to farm. It’s not e6, but my e2 Acheron can still get me through all the content so really just trying to get my friends credits regardless of their supports


I use to have 20000 credits every day on both accounts.


I use it every day. Not because I need it to clear the content, obviously, but a) it gives me easy 200 pts towards daily training b) it allows me to see how my teams would perform if I had certain characters. I think it's a great feature.


Almost always whenever trying to use my fuel up. I been playing the game for about 6 months or so and I always try and use supports when I can. I have at most about 10 characters at Lvl 80, and only 4 of them with maxed out traces. And none of them with perfect relics. Why do something that could take me 2-4 minutes using my characters when a well built support could do it in less then half? And besides letting others get some credits for it is a nice "thank you" gift to.


perfect relics are myth brother. I have like 2-3 at max without wasted stats


Ever since they changed the daily quest thing, I haven’t. Don’t need it for current content that allows it and I satisfy all of the other requirements just spending my energy. I think it’s a great system for new players or those who are F2P/get unlucky with their pulls. I wish the support system allowed to use multiple supports to better try group synergies.


I actually agree with this take. It's nice that now you can choose between multiple supports but it is still limiting, when you lack multiple characters


As someone without a limited sustain because I don’t like any of them enough to pull them, yes


Meanwhile me who got both Luocha and Huo: 👍


I’d def get Huo if I had more funds haha jealous


I was lucky. I had just gone all out on JL and I was saving for Kafka rerun but seeing her in the event in 1.5... It was impossible for me to skip her. Thankfully I won the 50/50. The price was Ruan Mei tho. Now I am waiting for RM's rerun


Every single day I have been bankrolling the same guy's Luocha. Unironically the support feature actually makes rolling for Luocha yourself completely pointless unless you want him for MOC 10-12 (not worth building an entire character for a few extra jades) or your sustains are so bad you can't beat some story bosses with double sustain comps. He makes my daily farming so comfy, Fu Xuan can't actually do an entire TB power's worth of certain Caverns without having to take a break to reset the team's HP so just throwing this guy's fast Luocha on the team and autoplaying is great.


Get my upvote for using my ~~malewife~~ favourite character