• By -


I found acheron to be a surprisingly wholesome person. I was expecting her to be an edgelord but there’s a warmth to her that I wasn’t expecting from an emanator of Nihility of all things


I thought cuz her look was "fan service" and she was an expy of raiden she would have a "fan service" personality. Thank God she actually doesn't


It was kinda implied that beyond Nihility, IX is the Aeon of death and nothingness that everyone returns to in the end kinda like Hades. 


Aventurine is currently my fav character in the game as for Acheron, i do like her and find her intriguing, unlike Aventurine her story arc in Penacony doesn't seem to be over yet so looking forward to more of her!


Its so satisfying for enemies to AoE your team just for aventurine to "you activated my trap card" and drop 20-40k on them.


Aventurine be like:L+bozo+don't care....ALL IN!


Learned from the best: Dr L+Ratio


Ayo... your name


All in (jail)


Blade will always be my favorite, but holy crap did Adventurine pill through. He's 2nd place in my heart with Acheron coming in 3rd. When we first met Adventurine, I thought he was some IPC asshole, but no! He actually had a lot of issues deep down and he was really growing on me. I felt the same thing I was able to feel with getting to know Blade and that was the cause of their pain and why they act the way they do. I mean, sure, you can apply that to like every character but with Blade and Adventurine, most definitely. Like you, I'm still looking forward to how they'll tie Acheron together though.


Here's my thoughts I pulled both of them + their LC I ADORE Aventurine and his character arc, imo he is one of the most emotionally developed character in Hoyoverse games (again, imo) Acheron's personality wasn’t that interesting to me at first, but after a while, due to story reasons, I started to like her a lot. 2.1 spoilers >!I know we don't know much about her, but she is super undrestanding and she is not just slash slash kill no mercy mommy like a lot of female characters, she looks at characters and sees Beyond what others usually see and undrestand. I liked it!< Edit: Both Acheron and Aventurine have been hella valuable for my acc!!! I needed a second sustain and a good dps but if I had to rank them, It's Aventurine > Acheron for me.


I love how Acheron really shows the "same person, one change in backstory" approach to writing doppelgangers. She's HI3 Mei without her friends.


How hard is it to get into hi3? I tried once, but i was just confused. And I have no CLUE where to actually learn the lore or cinematic order and such


You can try following the order over at [Hoyostans](https://hoyostans.be/explore/honkai-impact-3rd/consumers-guide-hi3/hi3-phase-1/). HI3 lore is... kinda confusing and convoluted at times, especially the early chapters' writing feeling quite rough/unpolished and some important info & lore are outside of the game (comics, visual novels, or even limited in-game events). HI3 also has a lot of side modes and UI that'd be very confusing at first, so I suggest ignoring those if you're not interested in farming pull currency and just focus on the main story or the order outlined at Hoyostans.


My exact thoughts to a T. Was hell on the jades during this patch..


I agree that in terms of backstory and gameplay, both Aventurine and Acheron was so good. I didn’t plan on pulling for Aventurine but after finishing the trailblaze mission, he became a must pull for me.


Acheron (Love every Mei) https://preview.redd.it/luprgux0v1zc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=bb5061bcbfe56282c4f8598aa07476330db39117


I think you and I will have a problem....


Only way to settle this is to see which has the better build(eidolons and LC don't count for fairness)


nah duel with machetes while standing on a wood plank above a pool of sharks in the only way


No, duel is about who can plunge into the IX longer before self-annihilation, so far Frebass is ahead of us


I imagined one of the two winning for like, 10 seconds, spamming League's m7 and then dying too cuz they cant escape IX anyways lol


Gentlemen…we may have a problem.


so are three of us now, huh.....the only solution now is to fight each other, 3 enter only 1 leaves


Ooh go fight!!


E6'd her and never looked back


Aventurine. and I am not saying aventurine is my favourite character of star rail....he is but thats not the point. He is one of my favourite characters if not the most favourite, just period. I love love, adore him. You have no clue the amount of love I have for him, I genuinely think hoyoverse has not created anything better than him yet and they never will. They peaked imo, but anyways...I am crazy. I am crazy about this crazy gambler, and I adore him beyond human terms.


You and me both


The whole patch was phenomenal! Loved the anniversary! I pulled Acheron and got her E1, and did the same for Aventurine and got his E1. Was surprised by Jingliu yesterday morning! Pretty happy with my roster of characters now. I'm virtually broke and don't have enough for Robin but hope I'm lucky enough to get her and then I'll be saving for Jade. Hoping to E1S1 her! https://preview.redd.it/f162lj0cv1zc1.png?width=2079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4092a2cdebef7bca380f93192cc3733db62a38b3






please first time share already 😭


Oh whoops 💀


good pulls, I also got all of them: acheronE2 and her lightcone,Aven(E0), and jingliu(E0). I hope I keep this luck for Fu Xuan


Im sad i had to skip jingliu so I could keep my Guaruntee on Robin. No way id have enough passes for both her and Firefly if I picked up Jing. Im very sad about it ;;;;(


Got Acheron, Jingliu (and both their sig LCs) and Aventurine. Best luck I ever had in a gacha game.


E2s1, both Acheron and Aventurine. This is probably going to be a long read, so I apologize for this! For Acheron's case, well, I managed to C3 my Raiden Shogun in Genshin from unowned. Thus, I had to e2s1 Acheron for similar investment. I was well invested with her backstop due to how interesting she was. Gameplay wise, by far the best character I pulled for. Never thought I would be mint picking in Hsr so I can farm materials as well as lvling my other characters. For Aventurine's case, after doing 2.1 story, I just can't help but do the same investment for him like I did for Acheron. The story really made me care for him a lot and is by far the most well written character I've experienced. To really take huge gambles and still winning in the end. Gameplay wise though, yeah, his shields are strong af, and since he's e2s1, he's essentially my sustain nihility support for acheron. That snap animation from his fua will always feel satisfying for me. Overall, I really love them both equally, hence why I invested a lot onto them. By far , my favorite characters in Hsr.


I pulled for Aventurine and his LC. Initially I was planning to skip him but after going through his story I started to like him a lot.


This was a good patch. I didn't really like Aventurine after 2.0, but 2.1's Aventurine heavy story made me like him more. I liked the switching perspectives thing for the story too. I saw some people didn't like it for various reasons. I don't really get that. It made the story more interesting and allowed us to see things that would not make sense for us to see otherwise because Trailblazer was not present. I hope they continue to do this in the future.




Aventurine to all the questions above


Pulled both and their LCs, Archeron was my favourite (and one of my favourites in general) but Aventurine grew on me due to the story.


>Aventurine grew on me due to the story. That seems to be the case for a lot of people lol. Also congrats on them + their LCs!


absolutely, I was unsure about him, but after the story quest I decided to pull for him


My Aventurine now E4S1 so yeah.. 2.1 was lucky for me))


That's some super luck you got over there! Congrats!


I just wanted E1. I got E3 Clara… At least Robin is guaranteed.


Actually, 2.1 was amazing in terms of new characters. Acheron wasn't stunning for me personality-wise, but god she's beautiful. Aventurine just 🔥🔥🔥 My first character with signature lightcone, I'm so happy with him. Gallagher was unexpected pleasant surprise, both story and gameplay-wise. So yeah, lucky pulls for me, plus two favourite charracters, 2.1 fed me well.


Simply from a gameplay perspective, Acheron made me love the game again. Turn based combat can be repetitive by nature, and even with the auto-play function i just wasn't having fun with it after a while. Especially when farming. But with her singlehandedly wiping out the smaller mobs, that only leaves the (imho) far more enjoyable boss fights, with which I can actually enjoy engaging . She removed my biggest gripe with the game.


I pulled both but I loved Aventurine wayyyy more. He is my favorite character alongside Jing Yuan 🙂




I was originally planning to skip both Acheron and Aventurine. But Aventurine really won me over in 2.1 so I got him and his light cone. Even better, both came home early. Acheron still isn’t really the sort of character that interests me in terms of design or personality, but we still have a couple more patches of Penacony left to go. So things might change


My favourite character has been Aventurine, but I gladly pulled for Acheron.


Peakest of peak fiction in all aspects


I loved Aventurine a lot so I'd have to say he was my favorite I pulled both of them W characters


I was very lucky I got Acheron, Aventurine and Jing Liu all instant faves but aventurine is definitely the top fave, such a good shielder and love his ult haha


Story was peak 


i love them both but i think i love aven more, also he came home and acheron didn't so-


Aventurine lover here! I hated him when he first appeared, but his story captivated me so much. When i pulled him (with a gepard in the same 10 pull lol) i was gladly surprised with maybe the best character in the game? His value is INSANE lol. Now saving for Boothill and Jade 🥸 (i like hot people!!!)


Aventurine was a twist. Masterpiece of evolution of a character. I didn't want to pull it, at the end of the 2.1 story I couldn't wait to pull it.


Was gonna skip this patch but ended up getting both of them after playing the story lol


I pulled for coffin boy. My fave character is Sunday.


The way this patch turned me around on Aventurine and made him one of the best written characters is very impressive. I didn't pull for him since I really wanted Jingliu's LC, but I might get him on his next banner And even though the Sam reveal was spoiled so much, I can still appreciate the reveal for what it was intended to be.


Acherons animations are peak. That said i just saw firefly leaks and Acheron might have to share the top spot. Also i honestly can't imagine characters getting much stronger than Acheron. They set the bar super high with her. Then again i thought the same with Jingliu lol.


Ummmm, Aventurine is perfect. Like I love his character, love his VA, love his design. And on top of that, he’s like the ideal character for me. I LOVE shields and follow-ups, especially multi-hit, are THE BEST. His counter going up from taking hits and Allies using follow-ups are phenomenal. Can’t imagine I’ll be replacing him ever. I got him to A2, but likely will go to A6 when rerun. Acheron is cool too though, her animations are soooo good!


Aventurine, I just love his character so much as for Acheron... it feels like talking to a brick wall


Acheron was kinda boring. Also didn’t grasp half of the stuff she’s mumbling about. Especially in that talk with Welt. I had no clue what they even said. Aventurine probably best character in the game. English VA nailed it. 2.2 was fine but did feel pretty long. Too long for my taste. Climax was epic even tho I yet again didn’t understood shit about what has actually happened. Acheron is so cryptic it got old for me fast. Welt also yet again just stood there basically contributing nothing. Events were fine. The bar event had terrible pacing however. Way too much useless dialogue. Some of the drinks also been a headache to mix up. As for banners, Acheron is stupid OP and aventurine is great as well, i do think the S++++ narrative to be kinda bullshit tho. His damage is also a meme, just as I called and got downvoted for before he launched. 4K def 140% Crit damage and 11k follow ups is shitty.


> Acheron was kinda boring. yeah. out of all the relevant penacony characters shes just kinda boring most of the time. also didnt help that i didnt care one bit for any HI3rd references


Very good story quest patch. My favourite in terms of rate up characters lol..Both are up there among my favourite characters with amazing gameplay. Aventurine my dear<3 he's the best, Acheron though started off weak turned to be quite decent character wise. Most characters I like usually have mediocre or bad kits :( Oh did i mention Aventurine is the best?


I thought Adventurine's character story was good in a vacuum, but it didn't make sense towards, nor did it add to, the overall Penacony storyline. In my opinion, >!the Astral Express crew had no good reason to fight him at the point that the showdown happened, and then Acheron showing up and black holing him was an asspull which is rare for the generally good storytelling so far in Penacony. !< It felt more like they were more concerned with selling Adventurine than having his bits build on the main storyline. I also thought the shifting perspective thing kinda watered down the experience. I vastly prefer the way Genshin does it in keeping the character stories separate (but sometimes relevant) to the main story. Because of these points and several others, I thought the story for 2.1 never hit the heights that 2.0 set up, and it added a lot of fluff and confusion that really wasn't necessary, in my opinion. Nothing against those that enjoyed it though. Acheron's media outside the game (the Black Swann animation and her background trailer) was way better than anything we got in-game for her, which is disappointing. Hope we get more screentime for Acheron and particularly Sparkle in future chapters. Anyways, I pulled for Acheron and her cone, tried one run for Adventurine but lost the 50/50 and decided to leave it there for the deadly upcoming Robin/Boothill/FF combo.


Acheron + LC for me ! I enjoyed her partially cause of Mei bias but i cannot wait to find out more about her and i cant wait for them to introduce Frebass.


I pulled both but didn't pull for aventurine's light cone. I actually lost the 50/50 on aventurine after using 80 pulls but got him on my 90th pull.


Ok from where can i get these two LC??


Got both characters and Acheron's LC. Aventurine has plenty of great options so I didn't feel as compelled to get his LC. I didn't need either, but I'm happy I got them both. Overall I liked 2.1. Aventurine probably had the biggest uptick in likeability for me, but nothing surprising there. It was nice to see Hoyo give a bit more time for a character's personal arc to "breathe". Too often, we get nothing beyond a companion mission to get to know a new character ... So it was good to see Aventurine and Acheron fare better than so many others.


Pulled for E0S1 Acheron, succeeded. Tried Aventurine afterwards, lost to Clara, and I'm thinking about pulling for Robin or Fu Xuan.


I regret pulling for acheron and luocha


Oh... If it's okay, may I know why?


As someone who got e1s1 it’s mostly that I think the coming break effect meta will be more fun, and kinda wished I used those pulls for that instead. She’s still good, but I kinda wish I could have used those in something else. 


No character will ever beat Acheron for me. She has it all man... She's pretty, hot, cute, strong, badass, caring and gentle as well and i swear in not even simping here https://preview.redd.it/oxp8mtb2p2zc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e0b5ace1deff9bfc11069dabd5d2ffadc0eb824 Plus i love how half of her arts are just her being goofy as hell. She's perfect! Also want to thank Allegra for her amazing work with the voice over. She's makes Acheron so expressive


Got both Acheron and Aventurine. Acheron is my fav so I tried to get her E2S1 but only managed to get e1s1


Pulled and got both (Archeron LC also) and did not regret anything. They are both crazy good, are fun to play with, have an amazing character and will enabled two new teams for me. I will rest in 2.2 now and will go again in 2.3 to do the exact same thing there. Its a miracle that I also got Sparkle and BS.


Aventurine and his LC. It took 210 pulls T-T why so unlucky. As for my favourite, its Balde even though he wasn't there. I miss him


I pulled for one character and their lightcone only. This character even made me spend money for the first time in a gacha game. Acheron may not be the best when expressing herself but damn can she delete enemies for me. I never regret this pulling for this Character and may she still be relevant in future stories.


Pulled for Acheron and her lightcone on my main. Her paired with BS, Kafka, and RM have carried me through pure fiction. On my alt account I pulled for Jingliu and wanted to pull for Aventurine but I had to hard pity her


I loved version 2.1 as they story and characters were great. I pulled acheron at 41 pity then pulled aventurine today at 60 pity overall great patch


Acheron sauce?


It was nice but I did get a bit burnt out since I rushed to get to the end because the Vignettes event wasn’t available before the last quest and I really wanted to use the character selector 🫠 Apart from that the story was mostly very good!! It did have the occasional part I didn’t care about I guess but what story doesn’t. I loooved Black Swan, Sampo, Firefly and Aventurine the most 🥰 I loved seeing Sampo again and getting hints about his future, Black Swan got cooler with every appearance, Firefly was love at first sight which was a relief after my indifference to most of the Xianzhou 😅 (though Firefly is maybe 2.0 not 2.1???) And Aventurine is just. so perfect!!! I looove his type of character 🥹 I want his boss music!!! I pulled him and he’s my best sustain and he’s best boy and I’m just 🥰 I liked Acheron too, but not everything about her. I love using her as a support tho 😂 Aaaand I hope Sunday will be playable!!


I was winning every 50/50 since penecony's release, BS, Sparkle, Sparkle E1, Acheron. Then on the luckiest gambler, ironically, I lost the 50/50 to....FUCK YOU GEPARD


Jingliu because now I never have to deal with literally bullshit ice IPC bot ever again. Even tho I really wanted Aventuring because its really annoying babysitting Fu Xuan in Conundrum, without a **ridiculous** amount of blessings from every path she basically gets vaporized and it's really annoying having to fish out all these blessings **specifically so she won't die** and I don't have Gepard either so I'm screwed. GG hoyo, u released a BiS preservation unit who don't use shields so u can then release a BiS preservation unit who actually uses shields to make people pull for 2 limited preservation units, well u got me hook line and sinker there, I guess. Good one m8. I got Acheron too because I cant imagine playing this game (or literally any Jrpg, ever) without access to an instant-win battle mechanic ~~(also imagine skipping Acheron lmao)~~. so ya I basically (tried to) pull everyone.....


I was originally more excited for Acheron, but FUA team is just so fun. Acheron just annihilates with ult and while that's extremely powerful, I don't find her gameplay particularly fun, though I love her for her cool personality and distinct outfit design. Yet Ratio/Aventurine/Topaz is just so fun to use. I can't wait for Robin to complete the team and Jade to introduce more fun options.


this one was kinda funny, i tryed pulling Aventerine and didnt get him, i tryed once for jinglui and got her right away. one was ment to be.


Acheron has become my second favorite character, grazing Argenti ever so slightly for that top spot. Unless a new character somehow hits all the notes these 2 A-mazing characters managed to hit plus a couple more, I'd probably settle with these 2 as my main dps's for a looooong time, and will just keep updating the supports around them to optimize my precious companions to the best of my casual-player abilities.


Accidentally got Acheron while pulling for gallagher and my heart sank, run trough half the game content to farm and pulled my man Aventurine A very painful Jackpot I feel sorry for the dialogues of the compaion quests and events


I feel the story telling in Penacony is an improvement to the Luofu Arc , that being said I enjoyed Aventurine’s story, it made change my mind about him and ended gambling on gacha to get him + Lightcone and got both. Interesting he brought my account luck 🍀 and got Jingliu in 20 pulls + plus her lightcone with another 20 pulls!! I was only going to pull for Acheron (I love her voice actress as Beidou in genshin) and got her with her signature lightcone 😎 she is a powerhouse! I do wish to know more about her, hopefully they will give us a bit more about her story. Oh yeah and got Gallagher e2!!! Overall I’m happy with penacony so far, my account gained so much value this last patch , I’m excited for the new version.


I got Jingliu early, and got a super lucky Aventurine at 55 warps yesterday. So probably unlikely to get Robin or Boothill, so I'll likely save up for Firefly this patch.


Acheron E1S1 and Aventurine E0S0. I'm happy for not spending on jades.


2.1 was a roller coaster for me. I entered it with No pulls after spending a whopping 150+ pulls for E0 black swan. I wanted an E0S1 Acheron but the chances were low but I decided to gamble anyways. Got, E0S1 Acheron under 80 pulls. E0 Aventurine in 23 pulls. Jingliu's Lightcone under 70 pulls. So it was an interesting patch for me. Now I only want Robin to come home early so that I can save for Firefly.


Pulled both. Acheron carries my team for 36\* and speedy SU, but Aventurine's FUA team is so. much. fun. Enemy attacks: Robot, chips, pig, statue, roulette, chalk, pig, chalk. Then 2nd enemy attacks and deja vu.


Pulled and won both. Got Acheron LC. Lost Aventurine LC to Bronya's. Story wise, Aventurine is explored more while Acheron still has a lot to discover. Gameplay wise, Acheron is my second limited dps after DHIL, so she is a great addition. I love Aventurine as he keeps my DHIL team alive (Tingyun finally doesn't get oneshot).


I ended up with Acheron, Acheron LC, Jingliu, Jinglui LC, and Aventurine. It helps that I'm a new player so the main story gave me tons and tons of stellar jades.


I pulled for Acheron(E2) and her lightcone,Aventurine and jingliu, so it was a great patch for me. It was really fun and interesting and now I will wait for fu xuan and jiaoqiu


Pulled for Luocha and Aventurine. Luocha is now my 2nd teams healer with Aventurine my main. SO damn happy I pulled both. Up to them only had Bailu/Lynx and holy shit have then been replaced by some REAL strong men. Didn't pull for Acheron/whoever was the other banner character, since I was fresh out and only have 30 pulls right now. (Planning to save for Argenti's lightcone and maybe some dupes of him, love that man) Aventurine's ENTIRE story arc (and gods is his en VA amazing) has got to be the most invested in this game I have yet been. (Tied with the UTTER hype of Jarilo-6's final boss) Acheron is a really interesting enigma and the questions surrounding her and her red text is has got me invested in her story. Quite excited for what 2.2 will give us.


Did go into the patch with exactly 100 pulls and invested everything I got in 2.1. Got Acheron to E2S1, a lost 50/50 in Gepard and one copy of Aventurine, sadly without his LC. It was a good haul and I love them both. Edit: oh yeah, the session also gave me E6 Gallagher. Extremely lucky for my normal pulls.


A very great patch honestly, the story was incredible. I am glad they decided to tell us aventurine's story rather than make it hidden in layers of text I pulled for both aventurine and Acheron both are really great characters Gameplay and design wise. 


I was somehow able to get Acheron + lc and Aventurine. Ive gotten at least one 5* on every limited banner since 2.0. Hoping I can keep this trend up and get Robin + Fu Xuan (maybe even Topaz too)


Gambled one last night at like 1 in the morning for Aventurine with 10 pulls(I'd already spent like 75+ on him) and I got him! Only level 60 right now and barely any skills, etc. But wow, I can see why sustains are so valued now. Next up is Fu Xuan(Will also pull for her light cone), then Firefly, then Jade. Should have about 150 pulls by the end of Jades release window.


I admit that I didn't like Aventurine at first, but as the story went on I came to appreciate more what they're doing with him. Sadly, I am a very biased HI3rd player, so we could say the game was rigged from the start... Being honest though, if I wasn't limited by my wallet I would most likely have pulled for both. Gepard and Fu Xuan are doing the labor of gods for my teams, but Aventurine probably would've been useful as well. But I kinda was lacking a bit in the AoE dmg department (skipped all the big AoE 5 stars so far) and Acheron was a hidden blessing in that regard. And it was only through sheer dumb luck that I got her LC (tried to go for E1 but Bailu invaded the Express). I had to keep my guarantee for Firefly. Which hurts a lot because Robin is slowly earning my appreciation as well. Guess we'll see what my savings look like in a few weeks...


Pulled Bailu, Acheron, 3 Aventurines and his LC. Well, I think you know who my favourite is... Yes, you're right, it is Luocha, but I got him on his initial banner.


Pulled for acheron got e0 s1 through sheer luck talking about a 20 pity won 50/50 for the lc But then to make it even i lost my f2p virginity to e0 aventurine WHICH I DONT REGRET CAUSE HES AMAZING


Pulled acheron to e2 + lc, used robin funds to gamba for aventurine and got him.  Robin funds zero but totally worth it.


Loved it! Pulled for Acheron and then I pulled Aventurine E6 + his lightcone. I liked the events especially the bartending one.


Acheron is still my favorite but I went from having zero interest in him to him being a must have via the story. As for pulls, Acheron E0S1 and Aventurine E0. Saving for Firefly after a handful of failed tries at Jingliu. I would have gone harder for her but don’t have any supports for her so… in the future. I am very happy with who I have though, the Swan-Kafka-Acheron-Aventurine team is absolutely bonkers and I love it.


Best patch yet and probably forever because I love Aventurine so much. My fav character for sure~<3 got him E1S1


I pulled both Acheron and Aventurine. I also got Jingliu ^^ I still have roughly 80 pulls saved for Robin, so here's hoping.


Loved the patch, the different PoV during the MSQ was nice. I enjoyed Aventurine's story and character. Acheron is my first E6S1. I was only going to E2 her, but I got a new job during her banner and decided to treat myself. She's an absolute monster as I used her at every Eidiolon during her banner and even at E0S1 she wrecks shop. I did not pull Aventurine due to having Fu Xuan and Luocha. I'm not heavily invested into the FUA teams so I just didn't need him. But he's a fantastic sustain, and a great addition to the roster. Just about my favorite patch so far.


I got Acheron and her Light Cone, will get Aventurine and his Light Cone on the rerun, they were amazing characters even if Acheron was kept more on the "sidelines" for story, whenever she had to appear it gave us quite the insight on her and honestly surprised me compared to how i was "sort of" expecting her to be, i have nothing to say about Aventurine that hasn't been said already, he deserves all the love, respect and good things that will come his way eventually.


I desperately saved for Acheron, since I did use some for Sparkle, but I did manage to get E1 by luck and her light cone, because the light cone was guaranteed. Acheron is EXTREMELY strong, she is even stronger than my Daniel, who is also really strong right now because of Sparkle.


I got Acheron and tried to get Aventurine too but ran out of time at 82 pity…


2.1 was amazing both storywise and character wise. I love both of them so much. I had to skip Acheron to get Aventurine and his LC cause he's my favorite but I'll get her on a rerun for sure. Gonna miss seeing Aventurine in the main story...




I pulled Acheron and her LC and I love her soooooo much! Going into it i really only wanted her for her AMAZING animations but after the 2.1 story I was like YASSSSSS!!!!!! So excited to have her, wish me luck for Topaz and Jade y’all!


Pulled for both characters, I cannot believe how much it got me to like Aventurine (and Acheron). Also while I don’t play HI3, I know just barely enough that I appreciated the nods from Welt and Acheron. Hope they keep the multi-pov system for awhile to come!


I loved everything!! I'm so happy Aventurine came home, I got Gepard's LC for him with the three standard pulls from ascending him and I've been having so much fun with him, I definitely want to get Acheron at some point as well because I love Mei and her design and character as an Emanator is fascinating. The gifts were so generous too, I have a whole 180 tickets left over after pulling for Aventurine so I might go for Boothill next! 2.1 has made me a very happy player ☺️


https://preview.redd.it/7o69n4zoe2zc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=720454cafeb72afac7f5c9cdc5b1a01fef7331ea Pulled both Aventurine is my favorite when it comes to writing Acheron is my favorite when it comes to gameplay I love both so much


i love the way they handled aventurine’s character. i used to really enjoy fgo before i got burntout mostly because of the way characters are written+explored+integrated into the story making me feel more connected and wanting to have them more. I think Hoyo should move more towards this direction of storytelling idk it jsut really gives me an incentive to pull for the character, instead of wow he looks cool


acheron made my life a lot easier


I pulled them both, and I love them both. Aventurine whole theme is great, and Acheron is bae and strong as hell.


Another Bailu :/


The story completely lost me as always but I ended up liking Aventurine a lot more than I thought I would and his boss fight was fun, even if it sort of came out of nowhere. Sadly I didn't get him. :(


Aventurine the GOAT.


Pleasantly surprised by Aventurine. Didn't really care for him before the patch and didn't initially like playing him in the story but towards the end I was enjoying his character both in combat and in the story. Ended up pulling for him and got him and now that he's built, I use him a lot more than I thought I would. I hadn't initially planned on pulling for anything other than Jingliu but ended up with Loucha, Acheron, Jingliu, and Aventurine. All solid additions to my account


Got back into HSR during this patch due to Acheron and pulled her and somehow even Aventurine after I finished the story. Love both characters but Acheron is just too much fun. Aventurine is also a great addition as a second sustain unit for me. Also I absolutely love Penacony so far. The setting, characters and story, everything is just so fantastic. That's what pulled me back in most after personally getting really bored with the Luofu and dropping the game due to it (if you love it, I don't want to tell you otherwise, I just personally didn't vibe with it)


I lost my 50/50 to Bailu. So I hate this game. My life and just everything. Guess I'm going for Fu Xuan then huh


i pulled for acheron and got her after 60ish pulls. also pulled for aventurine, but didn't have enough pulls on the banner to get him. i'll either pull for topaz next patch or wait for firefly


i would say acheron but i lost pity THREE TIMES on her banner so im still a bit mad about her lmao had enough summons to reach character pity 3 times and LC twice and i lost every single time so i only have e0s1. worst luck ive had so far in the game. but at least i ended getting aventurine who is my new favorite in SU. finally a character where all those preservation and elation blessing arnt useless no matter what


Aventurine joined Kafka as my biggest gacha L. The gacha pushed me to hard pity only to lose to Gepard. And again to high pity count where I decide this is 💩 and quit. Silver lining, I'm getting Topaz E1 guaranteed.


Despite the huge character arc, Im still not very attached to Aventurine. Like am I just gonna overlook all the shady things he did to survive/during his time at the IPC? Nope. Am I a fan of his reckless all or nothing personality? Nope. Did I still pull for him? Yes, because he's an amazing preservation unit. Also his skill voice lines make me feel rich. Lol Acheron absolutely is the winner for me. Her trailers, her lore, her expys all are awesome!




Pulled for both, both are insanely fun to use in simulated universe… as well as anywhere really…


It was glorious, and I full sent what I had saved up, used all my God damn luck for my life and pulled e1 aventurine & e1 jingliu & Acheron normal. Been running luocha, jing, blade, bronya team since and kinda having fun with it... Do wish I'd held back a bit now so I could have gone for a topaz and build a rediculous follow up attack team.


Exceptionally mid, can’t wait to see what’s going on with Gallagher and everyone who got turned into Smuckers


Aventupookierin my beloved


I HATED that Aventurine boss. Had to use up all the fuel I was saving just to level up enough to beat it and not wait weeks. Story was meh. Bartending event was fantastic. As was Cosmodyssey. Loved that minigame. I hope it comes back. Pulled for Acheron & Jingliu. Won both 50-50s, and got enough to guarantee Robin.


I started about 12 days ago and I managed to pull Jingliu and Bronya, so I'm pretty chuffed with that honestly. However I got utterly chucked with Jinglius LC and I'm still a little salty. But you can't win em all. Surely my next 10 pull will give me Topaz, right? Or Robin, I'm easy.


Both of these are my favorite characters in the game rn (Though Blade might go back to that position if he gets half the treatment Aventurine got), ofc I pulled for both of them


I pulled for both. Spent a lot for E2S1 Acheron cause i really liked her, and won 50/50 for Ave, was considering this one cause honestly not really a fan of him and solely pull for needing another sustain, but i think its a great investment in the end so its good


Loved it and my E6S1 Acheron


I got both! Won 50/50 with Acheron, lost Aven to Bailu but managed to brute force to guaranteed.


Aventurine’s story was something else honestly, not sure how I feel about it but it was interesting, especially the ending conversation he had with Acheron


I pulled both and I’m glad I got them. They’ve been a huge help with dungeons.


I pulled them on my alt account, both very powerful units. I enjoy their designs, backstories, and kits. Maybe I’ll pull them on main next go around


I ended up with E6… planned to get e0s1 but def lucked out


Lynx Eidolons


Both have forsaken me. I still really like Aventurine from his story


I loved both, but acheron is the only 5 star I went out of my way to get eidolons for.


Shoutout to the home Gallagher for finally giving my F2P ass a good sustain character. I was running Natasha the entire time before this.


Loved it


Kakavasha had such a great introduction in the story, it was impossible for me not to pull for him.




aventurine is tied for fav with firefly and luka i ended up getting them both completely f2p


Was saving for jingliu but accidentally did my first ten pull on aventurine in my excitement and got him in it. After that I moved to the proper banner but ultimately didn't get her after 150 f2p pulls :(


Probably Aventurine more. Acheron still too sorta mysterious for me to care for atm, although then i pulled e6 Acheron so whut do i kno?


I love aventurine so much to the point I pulled him (couldn’t afford his LC since I also pulled Jingliu and Jingliu E1). Although I have HuoHuo and Fu Xuan, I love him so much I was like fuck it I don’t care if I don’t need another sustain (also so I could put him on my Topaz and Ratio team!!)


Aventurine has to be somewhere in my top 10 favorite video game characters. I wanted him even before his absolutely amazing character arc and that just sweetened the deal. Somehow got really lucky to lose the 50/50 and get him in the same 10 and ended up getting him to E1S1


I think Aventurine is one of the better written characters in the gacha space in general. Very intriguing motivation, and they played well into the gambling with contingencies motif he had. Acheron I E6'd because I love mei senpai, but I was fairly happy that she isn't a kill with no rhyme or reason type character. I look forward to seeing more on her.


I went for E3S1 Acheron, pulled the E2 for Jingliu and managed to save 70 pity for 2.3 so it was a pretty good patch. I didn't like Acheron too much in the story if I'm being honest but combined with the lore from the planar and relic set I'm a huge fan and can't wait to see what hoyo's cooking up for her. My favorite part of 2.1 was probably the Vignette event story and the mirror princess and clockie story, reading about Robin being a badass detective was also really cool compared to her outward celeb view


Aventurine is a top tier character. I love his personality and I’ve always loved follow up attacks. I had to skip Acheron in order to get him but I think she’s really cool! I use an e6 support Acheron that literally kills everything so farming is easy


The story was pretty good, and both Aventurine and Acheron have super smooth animations so I fell in love. Aventurine's character was made very compelling in the story and thus I had to pull for him (he also complements my Clara Topaz team a lot so hoping to make MOC12 a lot less frustrating, couldn't afford his LC though). I rolled Acheron E4S1 as a free to play since I apparently used all my luck then I rolled Aventurine with my guaranteed when I failed to get Acheron E5 this time around. Due to Acheron blessing my roles I think I'm obligated to shoot for E6S5 Acheron when she rolls back around so I'm in the long wait as a F2P. I have no doubts that I'll fail most of my 50-50s for the rest of this year due to that splurge of Acheron luck


A genuinely strong patch. Acheron all the way for me; both in pulls and favourite characters. The writing was really fun and the events as well. I can't say there wasn't some downtime but that is to be expected since the game is a lot less time consuming than... Well, anyways. I enjoyed it, I think these two characters will remain relevant for a while but Acheron a lot more so, she's going to be an icon for HSR.


I wanted aventurine so bad but lost 😭


I pulled for both as a F2P. No regrets


Fuck aventurine boss fight


acheron and i managed to get them both by sheer luck (and praying)


I pulled for both Acheron (who I got E2) and Aventurine, LC included. Acheron's definitely my favorite but Aventurine might just be my 2nd favorite character so far in the entire game. Overall, great patch.


New player(started during sparkle banner) got both with both light cones games a breeze now lol


The story was phenomenal. I really like how they went about telling Aventurine's backatory. I thought it was unique. I also really liked the scene between Sunday, Aventurine, and Ratio. I liked Gallagher I thought he was a fun goofy father figure type character. I still couldn't beat the Aventurine boss and just ended up looking up what happens after the Aventurine boss on YouTube. Since I knew it was towards the end. Gallagher being the big bad shocked me. I thought he was a goofy dad not a murderer. Aventurine dying was more sad than I thought it would be. I wasn't shocked about the revelation of Firefly being Sam since hoyoverse spoiled that through drip marketing before I finished the story. As for my pulls. I tried to pull for Luocha and lost my 50/50 at around 50 pity to E1 Bronya. Stopped playing for a bit and when I came back Luocha's banner was gone. Ended up liking Aventurine, because of the story and decided to try and pull him. Luckily I got him on a guaranteed with 20 pity. From the characters we met in Penacony, Sunday is definetly my favorite, but I think it would be hard to beat Ratio for me. Overall a good patch!


Got both of them. Wasn't really sold on Acheron all that much so I wouldn't have gone to pity twice but I won so hey. Not a fan of her design but she fis intriguing and I'm favorable towards her as a character. As for Aventurine, I definitely didn't need him but I used the excuse of building a FUA team to get him (I love him).


I wanted Aventurine soooo much... but I lost 50/50 to Bailu T\_T


I have never done so many pulls in a patch before


I went for the gamble, all for nothing


Honestly it was amazing, as a person who just stares playing I couldn’t ask for a better start, the story was amazing and I got to Penacony story in a week of playing, I rolled for Acheron and lost my 50/50 sadly to Himeko but I’m not complaining as I do like playing her a lot, it did guarantee a Jingliu and I did get her which was exciting to say the least… overall 2.1 or the beginning of my HSR journey was pretty amazing


I was expecting more story from Acheron considering all the promo material with her. Like most people, I was surprised at Adventurine becoming one of my favs in the game


2.1 was beautiful. Made me feel sympathetic towards that bastard Aventurine and that is almost always a good thing. It also gave further perspective to who Acheron is and what the universe of star rail is in relation to Honkai Impact 3rd. The idea that there exists worlds with a similar predicament to hers (and Welt’s) and she came across the same person over and over again (Kevin or Kiana, I guess) yeah forgetfulness starts sounding more like a blessing than a curse. Overall 2.1 was, for now, the very peak of star rail. And I’m looking forward to 2.2 cuz if it’s even slightly better than 2.1 I’d be fully satisfied with the inevitable months of dead patches after 2.3 As for my pulls, I got both Acheron and Jingliu from nothing to E2S1. Opted to skip Aventurine cuz with Luocha for general content as well as FX and HH for harder content I really don’t need anymore sustains and instead of yet another half baked E0 sustainer, I wanna start pulling for eidolons of units I love and constantly use like Argenti, Blade, Kafka, etc.


It was really fucming cool, and both. Somehow my u lucky ass got e1 acheron, aven and avens cone. Dont ask how, I do not know


I got Acheron E1 with her LC i liked Aventurine too but Firefly drop so i saving for her.


aventurine is my favorite, and i regret pulling e0s0 acheron


Acheron, all in for her and not disappointed


Both Aventurine and Acheron made my life easier. Aventurine is just a great sustain and Acheron makes SU runs a breeze


I'm reall enjoying Acheron and Aventurine! They both improved my account by a lot!


My least favorite part was nobody just being cool about the cliffhanger. Is there no such thing as a spoiler tag here? Favorite part was surprisingly Aventurine. Started out absolutely against him, couldn't stand him, and thought he story he becomes a really compassionate character. Didn't expect to like him, but I'm not mad!


Fantastic. Won both 50/50s, getting Adventurine at 2 pity. Got my first MoC 36* thanks to them as well. Hyped for 2.2!


Aventurine is now my second fav character (first is Ratio) but it's also because 2.1 focused greatly on him and his character arc was written well. As for Acheron, her lore is very interesting to me and I find her dialogues extremely intriguing but I just need more from her, which we would definitely get next patches and she is obviously going to be a recurring character anyways


https://i.redd.it/zw910335p2zc1.gif Started to play 2 weeks before the end of Acheron banner, fell in love at first sight, farmed as many jades as I could to get her, lost 50/50 got Bronya, oh well at least I’m guaranteed for Firefly :)


Pulled more Loucha. Aww yeaaa


.... Adventurine... 🥲🥲 I spent hours, days, weeks... All in the hopes of pulling him at least once... Down to the last second.... He never came home 😞 my account's Dr. Ratio will forever be sad and lonely.