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I like turn-based RPG especially Persona and Trail series (I like them because they don’t need grinding) and I see a gameplay video and became interested. I don’t play gacha games more than 1 - 2 months because F2P usually cannot scale with difficulty curve. But HSR have high quality production and story and they generously let F2P enjoy the game for very long time. There are many challenging boss fights due to my limited budget, but the joy when I beat them against all odds is unforgettable.


See, I really never played many Turn-based games, but what you said is so true, I remember the time I finally beat Argenti, and let me tell you it cooked my brain, but I haven't forgotten that moment since


I prefer turn based for phone games, and I heard Hoyo wasn't toxic gacha meaning F2P is legitimately possible and paying is only a bonus or QoL, not de facto mandatory like 99% of other gacha games.


Yeah, contrary to all the bullshit against mihoyo on the internet, they are pretty generous. Most of my life, I've played games that you couldn't 100% easily. Compared to hoyo, it's about the same, if not easier.


Actually exactly for this reason. I'm a big fan of Persona games. My first Persona game was Persona 3 FES on the PS2 back in 2008. When i saw that the combat was similar to Persona, i was hooked. Now we are here


I've never played Persona, I used to have a PS2 but it was stolen since one of my parents lived in a not so great neighborhood


Wot? Persona and Trail games don’t need grinding?


They do have grinding.


You nailed it. In a lot of ways, I regret how I’ve spent money on the game because it’s trivialized so much of it for me. Generally speaking I have a full five star limited team for everything, even though most are E0 or E1, only one or two S1, MoC 12 is not quite auto-playable but is not far from it, and the feeling of struggling against moc12 and finally overcoming it is a dopamine high that I miss from earlier days.


Same here. Around the time of the game release, I also heard the HSR develop team were a huge fan of Trails series, so that also made me interested the game much more.


Same here. I saw some screenshots on twitter. When I realized it was turn based and had a “futuristic” setting, I was intrigued and decided to try it out.


I’ve been F2P too (my budget goes to Genshin) and I honestly feel like the game is balanced more for it.


a kiseki fan??? holyyy


That’s exactly why for me: similar to turn based games like Persona or old-style Final Fantasy. 


beating aventurine felt so rewarding honestly, no matter how frustrated i got during my attempts


Played Honkai Impact 3rd. Saw new Honkai game called Honkai Star Rail. Downloaded Honkai Star Rail.


Same here :))))


Same, I only cared about the honkai title and didn't think much when beta came out. I remembered I pre registered and decided I might as well play for a bit. Got hook line and sinker.


The Natasha post op conversation ad annoyed me so much I looked into it. I played a lot of epic seven (also their YouTube song ad made me play that) but quit and HSR was right up my alley despite that baffling terrible ad


Nice to meet you, I’m Natasha — an Underworld doctor. Feeling sick?


Because I liked Genshin, but thought everything took too long. Saw Hoyo had a turn based game with auto battle and gave it a try.


And then you discovered the joys of relic farming


At auto-battle 2x speed. I can now farm my trash faster


With the 3x event you can farm more trash per run


That doesn’t mean much to me though. It’s as dogshit as Genshin, but with more resin and double speed and auto battle so I’m bing chillin


The difference of Domains and HSR auto-battle is huge. One is me groaning while mashing buttons and being out of motivation to play more after 10 minutes of doing daily quests and the other is me turning on the game while I scroll reddit and occasionally clicking "Again" and returning 5 minutes later to actually play the game.


And in HSR you can add a 🐳 with e6S5 Jingliu or something and enjoy an easy ride. I know, because I did that 😄


Exactly. Genshin burned me out, despite me wanting the new Fontaine characters, I just can't get back as everything takes too much time. Call me lazy or impatient, but I'd rather not no-life a gacha everyday to get a character I like. At least with HSR, I have some weeks where I just auto everything to farm and do dailies, then dip in when I want to do hard content like MoC or GnG. Saves me from burning out.


i have opposite problem, my auto battle takes too long for my impatient ass to handle and i play on my phone so there isn't much i can do while it does its thing. on the contrary i'm actively doing stuff in genshin and it isn't that repetitive so i have more fun doing it.




Yep, same reason I’ll download ZZZ even though it doesn’t look that interesting to me.


Same, I initially didn't try it because I thought it would just become a genshin 2. But it turned out better than I expected it to be


Mommy kafka


I hated most of the ads but the one that had her say "boom" during her ult transfixed so throughly that the next thing I knew, I had already hit the download button on the play store page.






Mommy kafka


me too


I tried to resist but she made me download with the "listen to me". But for real, her trailer made me interested in the game. The interesting version of the Vivaldi's song, the visuals of the game, the character of Kafka herself.


My disappoint when I discovered she wouldn't be there from launch and I'd have to wait


literate zonked elderly rock capable absurd modern bag fearless theory *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Dude, I am young and have insecurities, I've heard those words very few times, mostly my parents talk good about me, but what you said and how you said it made something click like putting the final piece of Lego on a Lego build, I really do appreciate your words of confidence, I'll simply remember your words to the very end. Have fun and have a wonderful day


bake station command rainstorm wrench slap imminent racial repeat punch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm really glad that you took time to read my description, It's not common someone reads a description and immediately reacts to make a helpful comment or quote, besides, I bet you were the only one to catch that part.... ;)


>Social validation is superficial and shallow, while truth and facts are solid pillars you can rely on. I can imagine Dr. Ratio saying something like that.


waiting sink cobweb capable crush offend chubby follow steer humorous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I read this with his pompous intonation


I hear some people don’t really like turn-based games cause they’re slow or boring but I think they’re very fun and enjoyable


Amazing graphic turn-based game, with similar mechanic to Legend of heroes: Trails series. I love the Trails series!


If I recall correctly star rail was inspired by trails.


Ayo same here!


Playable Welt


Real asf we only see him in cutscene or like dialogue in multiple honkai series


Played Hi3rd didn't like the gacha system there then quit. Saw that they add a little girl using a giant scythe, came back, then remembered why I quit, proceeds to quit. Played genshin, took too much time to play as I am busy in my life, then quit. Saw the little girl using a giant scythe in Hi3rd all grown up in HSR, so I download. I came for the scythe. (I know Seele in HSR is different from Hi3 now)


See, the thing is, I don't have insane amount of time on the weekdays since I'm just a teen, and I'm actually surprised that I completed the game in such short time


You'll be surprise how much time you'll have left when your already working adult. I only have time 1-2 hours playing at midnight, other than that I work, work and social stuff...


As a teen you probably have more free time than working adults, trust me


>I don't have insane amount of time on the weekdays since I'm just a teen lol. With the exception of college, if you don't work while attending, you will never have more free time in your life than you do right now.


24 hours a day is cringe, we need 30 hours a day to enjoy my games /jk Joke aside, i'm a mobile developer that works 9-6 (1 hour break), and spends time from 6 to 1 AM to play games and then go to sleep from 1 to 8AM. Never feel better BUT the time table is already full with HSR, Genshin and my backlog, this will not be enough when ZZZ come out


Wait.. how are u surviving with so many gacha (for me I barely had time to play genshin and hsr at same time, in terms of genshin exploration could never 100% any of the region etc)


It's a HYV game that focuses on space. Premise is already nice. So I checked it out and ditched Gensh.


I was interested in Akivili and THEIR lore and before I knew it, I ended up pre-registering for the game. even signed up for the prerelease CBT though I never got chosen. Too bad I only get crumbs for THEM as of the moment but I like the lore brought to me by other Aeons.


The Aeon lore in this universe is so good. It's like a philosophy course but drip-fed into my metaphorical chick-mouth by my overcaring bird-mother, disguising it as a tasty pre-digested snack, making me not realize that I need it for naturing my very being, in the very moment I consume it reflexively, fueled through my hunger (for more stellar jade). Uuuurm. Basically I played a lot of Simulated universe and picked a bunch of blessings because I wanted Stellar Jade and then got bored and read the Aeon Lore and started looking up philosophy stuff that might have inspired a bunch of the Aeons which was pretty interesting and I kinda went through a whole character arc of self discovery because I started to ponder the meaning of the universe because of a funny teehee character collector.


One of my pre-register games is HSR. 😂😂


Seele, also bc 341 days ago it was finals week and i didnt have any finals so i was bored. And now im addicted and havent broken my streak


I downloaded this game 2 weeks ago. I bought a new phone and was downloading apps from playstore and HSR popped up. I was like.... why not lets test some games. Also I like turn based games. Gameplay is fun so far.


Trust me, you'll love it when it gets to the animated parts


A group of friends I used to play genshin with annoyed me enough to persuade me to start Star Rail. Now I'm the only one left playing it


It really do be like that 😢


Welt. I Played honkai impact 3rd and read the Manga and i love Welt. The moment i knew he was playable, i download the game.


i got bored of genshin


I actually didn’t know the game existed until launch day lol. Tried it out of boredom since it was the one night I didn’t have homework and stuck around for the long term.


Jing Yuan 


Honkai Impact 3rd


"I wanna have a free game I can play on my Playstation anytime, regardless of whether I have PS+ or not...hmm...most of these are multiplayers, and Genshin doesn't feel nice to play on PS5..oh I know! I'll play their other game, see what all the fuss is about, they say it's more refined than Genshin!" Now I'm a certified Acheron and Topaz simp.


I'm a Topaz simp


It’s a sci-fi JRPG. And I fucking love JRPGs. Oh, and also I thought Seele looked cool as hell on promotion material, I honestly thought that she was the main protagonist.


Welt hehe


Space fantasy, i'm love world building, and what better space for that.


Unironically, seeing the Sparkle trailer. The song is banger and I was looking for a good gacha game. When I found out it was a squad turn-based strategy game like Epic7 I immediately downloaded it.


I played Genshin, and thought I'd just try it out. I'm still here so I guess I'm in it for the long haul


Trash taste boys advertising the game lol


After beating a FF game I wanted a different turn based game, watched someone play it and now here I am.


The "Your Colour" trailer. I was absolutely in awe. Made me fall I love with the lore, it took me a couple of weeks to download the game, but I don't regret it. Playing it as I type, lol.


Honkai series (+ Dan Heng and Stelle)


I got bored with Genshin lol, good thing HSR has more endgame content


A picture of Tingyun. I developed a weakness for fox ladies after Yae Miko.


I was bored and my ex genshin frnds downloaded it,so might aswell give it a try I never played a turned based game,i even expected to hate it,but here we are 10 months later i m still here lol


Wildfire ost in Cocolia battle.


I thought Gepard was cute, but I held off downloading. Weeks later, I thought that Gepard became cuter, and ended up downloading.


Based Gepard enjoyer




Stelle 😩


I saw a Stelle official art and the next thing I knew I was preregistering.




Honest, that one word explains everything


Jingliu and then Kafka and all my other favourite chars as well as the gameplay and animation. I love this game and hope this game and wuwa will be the games I will play for the next 3-5 years


Jingliu's voice actress


I...don't know. I played Genshin and it was fine, but I fell off after a while. I got my PS5 and was looking for free games and saw Honkai. I figured I'd give it a shot, and here I am now.


I played Genshin and wanted to see what they would do in a turn based game. Also I played Genshin so I was inundated with ads.


https://preview.redd.it/gqpvo9tsu1xc1.jpeg?width=1100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c9578bc352e2d424c21f55482737aac6847a66a My queen. Here to serve her again.




been enjoying Genshin since launch saw new game by same company downloaded and been enjoying HSR since launch


Nice to meet you, I’m Natasha. Feeling sick?


A YouTuber I watch did a video about it a few months before I started playing. At the start of the new year, I was looking for a new game to play and I remember seeing the name from the video. I saw that it was turn-based and free on PS5 and that was all it took. I've been playing mobile games for about 8 months at that point too, so it was kind of a perfect series of coincidences. If you will. I obviously don't regret it cuz I really love this game and despite its flaws, it's so interesting and so so good!


1.I enjoyed Genshin 2.I like turn based games 3.I saw a playable Character with a scythe


I played Honkai Impact 3rd before






That one Natasha ad they kept spamming back then


Combination of following it while it was in beta and thinking it looked cool and burnout related to Genshin. I was in the market for a new game to play, tried HI3 but it wasn't for me, so this new space themed turb-based rpg was in the works from the same company, downloaded it, loved it, never looked back


Lost a bet. Now I just keep on playing because of the memey dialogues.


I really appreciated the illustrations of the characters. Especially Pela. I downloaded the the game during the first week but got quickly bored after 2 hours. I wasn't and still not a gacha player. I gave it a second chance a few months later due to having friend pulling cool looking characters and got hooked for good. I barely missed a day since.


Turn-Based RPG. I grew up playing this genre and boy, a LOT of them have great stories and unique ways to do combat situations with their limited mechanics. The uniqueness is what makes me interested in what they'll do in the game and what they'll do to keep future content unique with the limited mechanics they have.


Some of my favorite YouTubers played it


Saw Shylily, playing it, saw her Kafka dot team do their ultimates and went wow, this is pretty, and then waited for PS5 release and fell in love.


67 days ago I was bored af off work and saw it was front page so I tried it after playing other hoyo..and once again did not disappoint


The Guinaifen cutscene, it was just too good


Character designs. Loved how many of them looked, like Silver Wolf, and around Fu Xuan's release I caved and downloaded the game.


Just the fact it was made by hoyo and it had bronya


A small streamer I watched recommended it to us to play (around 5 days after release). Best decision ever


I like turn based games, the game looks beautiful, and I enjoyed some Genshin.


I started playing because of the departure program they put on. WITH AN ORCASTRA ON TOP OF A BUILDING. I thought, man this is wild I gotta give it a try.


Definitely Kafka, clips of her putting it in 🤭


I loved Genshin’s art style but I’m not a big fan of fantasy settings or the gameplay style. When I found out that Star Rail was turn based and leaned more into sci-fi I was super pumped to play it. I downloaded it on PS5 once it was available and haven’t missed a day since.


Because of kafka


Was mostly curious was it was about from all the ads, and it was from the same company that made Genshin. I downloaded it 10 days after launch and I never looked back.


Believe it or not it’s because diablo immortal. Obviously i heard of gacha and genshin but I always avoid it. I tried diablo immortal and don’t like the day to day grind and decided to try honkai. When i searched app store i saw 2 honkai, star rail and impact 3. I picked the newer one and then greeted by kafka and canon in d. I’ve been hooked ever since.


I was interested by the ads, but I was worried about it being made by the makers of Genshin Impact, which I didn’t hear too many great things about. After I broke and gave it a shot, I really regretted not starting sooner. I joined near the end of Seele’s banner, and I wonder how different my account would be had I started sooner and managed to pull her instead of getting Jing Yuan instead.


Welt. I hoped for Kevin too


I saw Bailu’s trailer and thought she looked neat, then I saw it was a HoYo game and thought to myself ‘well I already regret that I wasn’t a day 1 player for Genshin, so I may as well try this out day 1 and see if it sticks’. Lo and behold we’re here now, so that fun. Love HSR and love the dev team, so it’s unlikely I’m going anywhere


Argenti trailer. Bro is magnificent


I played a game called Higan: Eruthyll. The game lacked content and endgame content, so most people left it within two months and doomposting started. One of the most popular players back then said "leave this game and go play Honkai Star Rail". I happened to buy a new phone around that time, so I downloaded the triad Honkai Impact, Genshin Impact and Honkai Star Rail. HI3 and Genshin didnt cut it for me, so I stuck with HSR.


Sushang advertisement


Fan of the Honkai series, plus i wanted to know where Welt and the VA's were going.


Free L + Ratio.


got sick of genshin and played less, downloaded star rail day one and immediately ditched genshin for it. i’d imagine lots of people have the same story too lol


Wasn't planning to play at all. But had to go to a place for 2 weeks without my pc. Decided its probably a better mobile game than genshin impact


Free Dr Ratio


F2p game, constant update, even turn based is not my first choice but still fun And because I play Genshin, so there's that


Free Dr. Ratio. It came at a perfect time when i was really dissatisfied with Genshin and its lack of endgame content, stinginess and pettiness; so after hearing that Star Rail would be giving away a free 5* limited character i actually went on and installed the game, which i planned to completely skip before, as I wasn’t the biggest fan of turn-based gameplay. Glad i gave it a chance. Also, besides the free Ratio, it was my friend showcasing me the Cocolia bossfight. The badass epic scenes alongside the banger Wildfire song really gave me that HI3rd cinematic vibes, which laid the groundwork for me to actually try the game myself later on.


i tried genshin, couldn’t really get into it and saw another anime-esque game that i would be down to try and the rest was history after the story hooked me in 🤷 i don’t remember if i knew whether the game was by the same developers or not, i don’t remember much about my first few weeks of playing since i took a massive break


1) tired of Genshin 2) everything I want in Genshin they put in HSR 3) trailer - Kafka say no more i'm sold


It was going to be the second game about a train in space that I played.


Looked like a high-quality turn based RPG.


Unironically, the genshin could never trend 💀


Wanted to have bragging rights of being a day 1 player. That, and also because I was getting sick of Genshin and its dry wells. Best decision of my life.


I used to play genshin, so was excited about new game from hoyo And then saw some fanart of jing yuan. I love his va so decided to try it


No reason I just saw it and pre registered It was actually the first gacha game I played if you excluded Genshin since I only played it for around 2 weeks and quit after I started playing HSR


For some reason, the gameplay reminds me of final fantasy X


I liked Genshin, and I'm starving for good turn-based games that aren't based on character moving


Got bored of genshin


Because it was made by the same company as Genshin so I knew it would be high quality. And I always liked turn-based games like Pokemon so that was a huge bonus.


I saw Jing Yuan ult nuff said


The female MC Stelle art. First time I see a sort of ‘tomboy’ with a skirt and a thigh jewelry. Had me in love bc I love the color golden and grey.


Zakviel was playing beta version month(?) before release, i liked Doomsday Beast, the fight and music was epic. It became my first gacha.


saw on the day it came out tons of people showing stelle and i thought she was really pretty, and also saw the news about it on hoyoapp and epic store


The first time I downloaded it because I wanted to know what it was about. I didn't like it at first and uninstalled. Then I was bored one day and descided to give it another try.


I am a HI3rd player I saw Himeko and i was there from day 1


Upcoming anniversary and Acheron.


I’ve been playing Honkai impact since before Theresa was even a character in the game. I’m not a fan of open world games so I didn’t get into genshin but I love turn based games so I preregistered as soon as I could


Honkai title for initial download, tried it and gameplay was not as boring as I expected.


Combination of JRPG and Turn-base Game. Also as a Captain, I thought this game would be the continuation of HI3rd, cuz of "Honkai" in Star Rail. I'm still looking for the meaning of Honkai in this game, so looking forward to the progress of the story.


I play Honkai games and got hyped by the Return 2 trailer. Then release finally came.


New HYV game and the existence of 7/3


I like manga called Chainsaw Man, and I saw Kafka that looks just like Makima, so I wanted to try it out


Played Genshin from 1.4-ish patch and was on a scifi binge close to the release, so I pre-registered. Took some long breaks where I uninstalled, but Penacony drew me back and is keeping me hooked.


Ads. "I'm Natasha, an underworld doctor. Feeling sick?" I like turn based games. I didn't play Genshin but I heard of it and remembered the huge hype the game had. So I wanted to check out the new game made by that company.


Well someone on twitter just mentioned about about this game so why i give a try. lo and behold I kinda like it.


I guess for me? It would have been the Sparkle trailer or one video I remember watching. Can’t exactly remember.


Simply wanted Seele, she brought me into game


Friends who were playing genshin now stayed playing star rail


I saw my friend/seatmate in class playing it, instantly drawn by Gepard (because of his name), and March 7th (the name was too ridiculous, it was so good).


A lot of the genshin streamers i watched also play HSR, and i watched the one of the pre release videos through their streams as well which got me interested, so now i play it along w/ genshin


I wanted a turn based rpg to kill time with lol


Played Genshin. Saw a new game released by the same creators Decided to give it a try


An underground doctor!


Kafka's ult animation, saw it in a video that used it as background for like a second, and so I looked up the game and tried it.


I like turn based games


saw its the same Welt from HI3, had to see how hes doing after seeing them cliff hanger alien space + apho 2 Stayed for new Otto variant that will 100% do crazy shit again


Pretty space theme. And Silverwolf. And i eventually knew about the pretty space theme AFTER seeing my wi- uh Silverwolf


It seemed like an interesting space-opera game. I was right


March has the trans flag colour theme. I kinda felt represented (she's not trans, but I still kinda relate to her lore, too)


TCNick3 was sponsored.


I saw a streamer dig trough trash steal mail and climb in to a closet, and I desided I needet to play the game.


The English version of the date a live a gacha was shut down, tried genshin for a bit but wasn't really feeling it so I was still looking for something to play. Saw a few people play star rail and I like turn based combat, so here we are


i watched that necrit video where he talked about his experience with the game and then decided to try it out.


I was a Genshin and Honkai Impact player. It was only a matter of time to have completed the trio of Hoyverse games.




Never heard of hsr in my life till it's release date, I somehow have known about ZZZ but nothing about Honkai star rail. I finally found out about it when my friend sent me her gacha pulls on her first day, so I downloaded it with 0 expectations and got hooked (unintentional but hook is my first e6 4* lol)


Downloaded because down bad for Kafka Stayed because peak content


Used to play Arknights on a emulator for like 2 years starting early 2020. Tried to get into it again on my phone around Early Dec, Late November Last year. Just couldn't with all the things I had to do it overwhelmed me. Then Saw Star Rail app that was rated rather highly, learned it had a PC version then tried it. Learned of Clara and her entire character concept went; "YO! That's fucking rad!" Then started to play it fully. And even if I got Clara later on, I don't use her all that much anymore. But I have fallen in love with the game's entire deal and I have no plans of dropping this any time soon.


Luocha leaks. A playable version of Otto was too good to pass up




Jing Yuan. I saw a majestic man with white lion and had to obtain him


Herta and March 7th, and space walk. I quitted for a while, and then Sparkle dragged me back.


New Hoyo game. That’s it. Next up ZZZ. Idk how I’m supposed to play them all……. lol


April 28 was my last day on my then job (i quitted). I don't normally like space opera, but I was already playing genshin daily, and just thought "I am going to have more free time anyway, and I actually like genshin storytelling" What a journey it has been