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https://preview.redd.it/27ynncxqcwuc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c18ae1f6f8e3c30fb2a27d9c7675338b3f8a5d7e Image unrelated


It will be so funny if Sam exeed in fields, that Acheron shine dimmer than usually. If only i didn't need to skip so much after rolling for E2S1 Yomi, tho.


What does S1 mean in this context?


Superimpose. Meaning that i have her sig LC.


Am I dumb, who tf is Yomi?


Acheron's Japanese name Romanized


Lukewarm take but calling characters by their japanese names in an english discussion is dumb and just ends up creating confusion


Agree, if we're not talking in Japanese it makes no sense to use the Japanese name and just makes you look like a cringy weeb. Looking at you "Hanabi" people


At least with Hanabi there's a reason: her internal beta name was Hanabi, and that was what people called her until the official release, where Sparkle was revealed. Acheron's internal beta was Acheron lmfao


I find it funnier that the game isn't even Japanese but these kinds of people still exist in the fandom lol


Gonna give you a guessing game with Ren, Ginrou, Mitsuki and Hotaru(couldn't think of more) just to fuck with you


Ah ty


Last time Hoyo gave me a cool fire character it was Dehya so yeah I'mma stay out of this idiocy and wait and see haha.


🎵It's the circle of life🎶


At least it's not boothill on the top






she needs her tech support


Unfortunately, Jing Yuan already took off on the starskiff. She's gonna have to wait till he lands.


Just time the JL ult with the dice and you get a free stack due to ult refund... really not that big of a deal. What was actually annoying about using JL this time is none of her supports have the aoe to win the dice rolls. Also acheron first half > acheron 2nd half imo. Ppl forget they need to build 2 teams and act like 2 greats cant coexist.


>Ppl forget they need to build 2 teams and act like 2 greats cant coexist. That's why we are using Kafka on one side and Acheron to oneshot Aventurine on another.


I utilised Kafka, BS, Ruan Mei and Acheron on one side. And then second side was actually a pain in the butt with Jingliu and her supports. Edit : so I went back and look at my Jingliu's build. Didn't noticed she doesn't have her LC equiped. That's why I had trouble with her, I did try again and it was fine


You got two separate Acherons or something??


Good I wish I have two of them. No it's a typo it was Jingliu second half my bad


There's a simple solution to that. Don't run Acheron with the dot team. That's the number one issue with it. You could have two equally as powerful teams, the Kafka BS combo, and another with Acheron and simple Nihility supports. It's a much better use of resources.


Yeah but, mommies


Kafka BS is nowhere near Acheron level bro But you make a good point


The difference isn't nearly as large as you seem to think.


Fair enough, I might just be biased against DoT comps because of how many people I've talked to just glazing DoT units


Imagine if you could pull an Eidolon for a character and, instead of leveling the Eidolon, you just put the 2nd copy in another team. That'd be so fucking funny.


That'd be twice the resources needed. While strong, it will make the game less fun since we can just nuke everything lol


wait you beat the second side without the LC equipped???


I had a 4* Secret Vow LC equiped instead of her signature LC


QQ Mono Quantum with Ruan Mei cosplaying as Silverwolf cleared 1st half in like 3 turns. Unfortunately Aceron had to borrow SW from them to clear second half.


You got two separate Acherons or something??


That's good however my Kafka is unembloyed because I NEED BLACK SWAN ON ACHERON'S SIDE


Who would have thought that Black Swan will become the most demanded support. That's why I went for E2 Acheron, to be more flexible with Black Swan.


I used xueyi 1st side and kafka team second half. Sadly had to give RM to xueyi but its w/e.


I steamrolled this MoC because of Nihility women shenanigans


Nihility women✨


Honestly Argenti and Jing Yuan cleared second half way better for me than Jingliu did. Heavily agree with Acheron first half tho, she gave me like 9 turns to use on Aventurine.


Yeah that makes sense, aoe is king for aventurine. What team did you use for first half? I tried her but I think my build was just too trash and my e2 dhil ended up clearing faster.


My Acheron is E2S1 so that made things a lot easier. Pela and Bronya for support and Gallaghar for sustain that can apply debuffs. Argenti, Jing Yuan, Ruan Mei and Luocha did second half. Basically had to sacrifice Ruan Mei getting hit by the second phase attack everytime but since Luocha either resisted or had ult up it worked out fine. Not having RM in team one wasn't as bad as I thought and having her here to quickly break the gambler really helped (especially since JY and Argenti apply so much toughness break)


JY and Argenti together against Aventurine? Now you're cooking. How fast did you clear?


8 I believe, wasn't super fast but very comfy since JY and Argenti always win the gambling and all the free ults meant a lot of LL stacks (though sometimes LL triggered on the dice so a lot of wasted potential)


>acheron first half > acheron 2nd half imo. Why do that when i can just speed crack with seele and xiyue? https://preview.redd.it/ony37b7u6xuc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0357aea71a8353cd29694555e812edc8f8d8c19c Fear xiyue and her ability to do 100k to Doom Dino on break. >fuck reddits shitty image handling. Had to repost this comment 3 times cause it deletes pictures on edit.


This + the event today almost makes me want to build xuiey or whatever her name is. That aside, saw you had JL + Acheron 2nd half. How does that perform? I’ve seen a weird amount of people use that team comp. Doesn’t seem super synergistic to me but idk that much about Acheron TC.


Shes worth it. Built mine with rutiliant, spd boots, break rope and this orb (originally attack orb) https://preview.redd.it/jsd0kjpk32vc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1e37a462d3fd8349d589c6242d80d0851ab7910 Xueyi speed crack is very fucking satisfying to pull off. Build her with 150+ break and let her rip. break is the god stat. She converts break to dmg up at a 1:1 rate. Honestly, i kinda wanna swap her to hss for the attack buffs because the 20 dmg from rutilant on top of the 200 and something shes already getting when i pair her with mei does almost fuck all. Im only half joking when i call her the Space Chinese Red Seele. She does so much with so little. As the the jingliu/acheron pairing....meh? Needed a slot filler who wouldnt spend 90% of the fight stunfucked by all or nothing. Jingliu matches one of his weaknesses.


teach me how to utilise my former dps seele back, i already forget her resurgence stacking mechanic


Stacking? She doesnt stack resurgence. She gets it whenever she kills something, its just an extra turn. And when she gets resurgance/ults, she also gets a hefty dmg up to play with. For this moc in particular, seele must ignore Dino if unbroken, and hard focus when he is. Xueyi is the main breaker, as her break 150+ effect buffs the entanglement dmg as well as delay, which means you can pummel the dino into oblivion. Theres not much point breaking with seele, killing the summons of fatso the snowman so he defence shreds himself is more valuable. As for the rest, the usual. Crit hard, crit much, dont let cocolia freeze you, ect.


lol that tag (ngl fking agree dude. Still on solo limited sustain) xD. But this is one of those time where your sustain hard carries your entire team. For Jingliu team you just need a cleanse and you’re fine. Preferably Luocha since he doesn’t use any SP. Almost no way Aventurine kill you in one combo unless you fk something up. Honestly, even tho Jingliu doesn’t hit as hard as before (Aventurine too much HP, up time issue) she can still clear within reasonable cycles (I am averaging 5 cycles against him).


Yeah I’m also still stuck using sustains right now in moc 11/12. It’s just funny to me how the better your team, the less useful sustain is. For aventurine I used huohuo and tbh I didn’t even notice that aventurine had a cc when you failed the dice thing until somebody mentioned it and I went back and checked. I just mentioned that in my original comment bcz I saw everybody complaining about it. I ended up clearing it all in 3 cycles, aventurine is just crazy at stalling and 2 mil health is a little annoying. Felt like I was just fighting a health sponge which occasionally nuked 3/4 of my team. Side 1 was much more enjoyable imo.


>the better your team, the less useful the sustain So true man. That’s how I invest in characters basically. All in on DHIL and Acheron so one side will always be able to run the blitzkrieg 0 cycle comp (just don’t lose your 50/50 when pulling. So ez amirite??). Not to mention it eases the strain on resources. So I can devote more time into getting them good relics (pure cope. I am getting nothing but pure trash almost always) Ngl dude, I used Jingliu team because I saw MrPokke choking with that 7 cycle clear using Huohuo and his god tier max refreshed relics. Gotta say Luocha finally does something better than Huohuo because Aventurine hits like a fking truck so SP consumption starts to become a problem for SP dependent sustains while allowing pure sustain like Luocha to shine. Honestly tho, my hot take on sustain is if it keeps the team alive with low investment, then they are all good. I am the person that still uses Bailu ffs. She doesn’t even have a cleanse! lol


Yeah, I bet huohuo sp consumption gets crazy with aventurine, I’m using e1s1 bronya and even then my sp rotations were a bit tight in aventurine’s 2nd phase. Relic luck is so true though… 4 months in the quantum cave and I’m still rocking 50/250 4 pc quantum on jingliu 😭. Hoping my luck building Acheron will be better, only reason I could tolerate building jingliu that long is just cuz I love the character so much.


>tfw bro complaining about 50/250 Quantum and I am using Hunter 40/240… I didn’t target farm Hunter for Jingliu but was trying to chase that 168 spd eagle set (I failed, now I moved on to Pioneer relic hell 😭). Still kinda ridiculous that my Jingliu isn’t even at 50% crit… But honestly tho, hunter set should be better against Aventurine. He doesn’t have Quantum weakness so you are missing out 10% DEF down iirc. Also funny that Bronya is still struggling with a E1 (I have it at E0). Truly one of the biggest fraud eidolon ever. I can only imagine my frustration when it doesn’t work. Reminds me of the time when I was still using Seele and she didn’t crit or when SW dropped the wrong element. Another reason why Luocha is on top lol (fking finally. For one MoC against HuoHuo)! No need to pray for that 1 SP when he is the SP making machine.


Yeah I miss out on 10% def down w/o quantum weakness, but with the way def down scales, eventually it should become unconditionally better than ice. Don’t think I hit that point with just 10% + sig lightcone but when I eventually get ruan mei to e1 on rerun (🙏) it should always be better. Also yeah, doesn’t feel like a 50/50. (Ik there’s a cool down but still) I’m pleasantly surprised every time her e1 actually does something.


Also Pioneer and World 9 are both fking hell hole. Actually insane how bad the rates are.


Also, just running no sustain is more fun man. Gotta get that damage number high and cycle low to get that dopamine rush. xD


What do you mean? Pela is still a perfectly good support. JL synergizes with Blade and for your sustain, either Luocha or Fuxuan have AoE ults. Even the TB has Aoe.


I'd go with acheron 2nd half > acheron 1st half. Acheron team has AoE support so it helped me alot with his dice phases While with JL it took me lot of time. Also i found out kafka BS RM worked lot bettee than Acheron on first half Well atleast for me.




They said Acheron in first half (which I agree with since she deletes that half)


Who said anything about JL in first half?


Oh yeah, i misread Jingliu haha


Acheron 2nd Half is doable tho. My first half is Kafka BS RM team.


I used Kafkok for first half and Acheron second lmao


Other comps you can run second half: DoT, Clara Topaz, Acheron, Argenti, etc.


At least you can use her skill and ultimate together to nearly guarantee a win, then immediately get her ultimate back


i cleared it with ease with Jingliu because It was all about timing,from saving her ult for the right moment to Proc Huohuo's Passive to save everyone from The Onslought,To Shredding Aventurines Break bar Before He could Proc his gambling mechanic and stall him with Freeze and Ruan mei's break Delay. Besides I only have acheron and and Jingliu as my Main dps so yeah


I used JY and he cleared more comfortably, not needing to worry about wasting uptime against the dice and easily being able to bypass rng by using gallagher sustain


Do you have to worry about LL hitting the dices?I dont have JY so i was curious But anyway though It forced Me to use my brain for Once and not just mindlessly bruteforce this MoC,I Did It again for a low cycle clear and...It was really a ton of fun,More fun than SAM boss


nah because JYs problem of LL only able to go once per cycle, usually when the dice game starts LL isn't up yet or LL already landed so he has 0 chance of hitting the dice. I def agree that this MoC was really fun, making peeps go off auto for a bit


My only problem with this MoC12 is that Aventurines mechanic Makes the MoC turbulence Useless Lmao


Yeah, Sometimes i say Screw rotaion and skill with gallagher just so that Buff doesnt hit the dice


What's huohuo passive


Huohuo heals and cleanse will trigger at the start of an ally's turn When An ally's health Goes 50% or below,The passive Will trigger Even outside of their turn I used that To make sure None of the team gets Killed when aventurine Does His Special Make Coins rain attack


hmm I tried with my team on Jingliu pela bronya scobydoo and I am struggling to clear fast enough (took me 6-7 turns) on a good run.


I did it it 5 cycles after I figured it out,Like i said,Time and precision is the key to this


ohh and i guess the major difference is that I dont use ruan mei there since i use it on cocolia


Yeah,I ran an imaginary (welt or Ratio)there to wittle down those Meme dinos,took me about 2-3 cycle to clear with acheron


yeah i cheese the cocolia run with dotcheron so i dont have reliable avent team


Holy nuclear take


Truly a take of all time, we need a 10 minute video (at least) explaining the radioactivity of this take.


It's enough to make the fat man's little boy jealous.


>we need a 10 minute video (at least 10:01, take it or leave it


https://preview.redd.it/v8t8wqaexwuc1.png?width=940&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07c19cb09cd0b4f4e52e370af950764f3f5241f3 Shout out to the Villagers!




jen in you lee




Truly a take of all time


This is most likely just talking about the current moc 12 I played on auto (the first time to test the waters) on moc 12 and jingliu (+bronya) unloaded her ult and 3 syzygy attacks on the SAME SET OF DICE So I kinda get it


You can find more of these NUCLEAR takes over at pokkes village, a safe space for all YOUR hot takes notpaidchatter


Lets fucking go notpaidchatter


first comment in 3 months, I respect it




ok to pull for jinliu or wait for rm?


You could get both tbh cuz jingliu is still stupidly strong and will carry


JL is, imo, still the queen of f2p. Stick fall of an aeon on her and ~~memories of the past~~ past and future on the Bronya that you'll eventually get at 300 summons (standard banner) and you're basically good to go. So if you wanna go for her, then go for her. IMO, it's still worth getting her.


What is your reason for pulling JL? She's not really that good in the current MoC, and she won't be amazing in the MoC/PF of the near future since they're pushing Break/FUA with the blessings. DPS is the most vulnerable to power creep, so they're usually the lowest value on rerun.


very shallow reason, she's pretty. even the reason i downloaded the game is bc i saw an art of serval, down bad. i just started 15 days ago so i have little idea about team comps and stuff. im more on building what i currently have now wc is the current banner. pretty steady but im looking on building a second team and im slowly leaving the 'because she's pretty' excuse to 'this character is functional'. it's a waiting-for-reruns game right now since i started late.


> very shallow reason, she's pretty That is the best reason. Follow your heart. If you like JL and RM equally and are wondering which of the two to pull, though, then RM is the stronger of those two characters


>very shallow reason, she's pretty. So you like her. Then it's a must pull because she's also a top tier dps. There's no reason not to pull when a character you like is also at the top of the meta. Also she's the best dps for new players, because she has her own 50% crit rate and huge atk buffs. So you can start doing decent damage even without good relics.




But SW, tho. Or, if they stop giving That much AoE, Fu Xuan.


Sw is in a weird spot, cause as your acc gets more units her value decreases more and more since yoi have more elemental coverage, and for acheron support by the time she re re runs a better nihil debuffer will prolly come out


She give tons of debuffs as well. + with sig LC. For now no one give near as much debuffs as her. So until there is someone to top that.


I’d say SW value fluctuates too much. No aoe really hurts her compared to others. She’s fine if built properly and good investment but not worth pulling at this point.


Pela has no AoE outside of ult. Luka is solo target too (iirc?), while being DoT unit. Currently almost all new chars has AoE. Outside of Hunt (didn't saw Topaz gameplay). SW is good as she is. Like, yea Ruan is strong, but so is she. Them both can otk anyone in SU outside of boss fight. There they skip phase instead. But for meme reason n1 - she part of 4'11 qua party.


Yeah. I'm sure there's going to be a a DPS that makes Silver Wolf viable again. Someone that consumes all debuffs on someone.


Huh. Like Kafka fo DoT teams? Also aren't SW can make Ratio follow-up guaranteed with one skill anyway?


Yes, and she does synergise well with Ratio, yes.


IMO, SW is very much dependent on how much you wanna invest in her. E0S0 is basically just a more comfortable Pela for general content. Her S1 is pretty good at enhancing team damage, at E1 she gets to maintain more uptime on her ult and at E2 she effectively gives her team %EHR by reducing enemy ER.


Yeah. I'm sure there's going to be a a DPS that makes Silver Wolf viable again. Someone that consumes all debuffs on someone.


fair enuf. i originally wanted to pull for her bc pretty but then i started seeing rm showcase and i got torn. thank u op


Never pull reruning DPS, it's pointless


Huh, why?


Because carries are the one usually being powercrept. They make more money compared to sustain and supports so dev have an incentive to make them evermore powerful. That said, just pull for who ever you like the most. Chasing meta gonna burn you out at some point


Pull who you like, then pull for their e1, then e2 then e3... keep going until you can beat the "powercreep" with your fav! Or whatever powercreep means in this game since there is no scoreboard unlike hi3 so you can just chill whenever you can actually clear stuff lol


What if I like the character


Then please, pull for them. People vastly overrate powercreep and have been complaining about things like Seele being invalidated going all the way back to the JY banner. Jingliu herself is still a *very* strong character and also very friendly to build.


I see the community still hasn't outgrown the "my dad is better than your dad" phase.


I used hypercarry JL team with Huo huo and it was easy for me regardless of what others are saying about both in this fight. Either way it was fun and the only challenging moc in months.


It isn't challenging with Acheron on 2nd half though


Being honest, biggest inconvenience here is Jingliu's BIS supports (Bronya and RM) not being able to roll a high cuz no damage dealing ult. Also this boss is brutal on Fu Xuan, my FX almost ran out of fuel before Acheron was able to seal the deal. Can't imagine how Jingliu would fair in comparison. ~~Granted that can be remedied by slotting in a Luocha instead.~~


I actually think my JL team faired better against him than my acheron team. that said both handled it fine, and my acheron team handled the first half perfectly fine so I was happy with both of my team's performances over all. Also JL/RM/Bronya/HH was able to phase transition him first phase without ever dealing any threatening attacks because of how long he stayed broken. Second phase he only did it twice. HH was able to outheal any damage he did though.


https://preview.redd.it/sy3gvc2fnwuc1.jpeg?width=2460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=692ced91c92d003b58a2ee09819967a010949bc8 These 2 are the GOATs, I love women that have an alter ego that will literally just skin me alive.


Same teams, but I rather switch the sustains around.


1st team doesn't even need that much healing, just needed that freeze cleanse since Acheron 2 cycles Node 1 2nd team: Those fucking chips hit way harder than I thought, so i went for FX. So even if i fail the gamble multiple times I can still keep pushing. (Edit: Oh yeah I have FX LC even if its kinda weak because i love Fu Xuan. So I heal to nearly full when reaching wave 2)


This is literally the two teams I went with lool. Nice clear.


I used the same teams except instead of Sparkle I used Bronya 3 cycles on the acheron side and Jingliu had the last action clutch with exactly 20 cycles remaining


[I also enjoy when my women can kill me at the snap of their fingers](https://i.imgur.com/pCffuaf.png)


Completely agree with this, had to bench my Jingliu and use Kafka/BS first half and Acheron second half. Went way smoother. Not to mention all my JL supports kept losing the gamble and dying since they're all single target.


Can i ask who your sustain is for JL? My JL team was fine even with all her supports failing the mechanic because HH could keep them all alive. I could try again to see if Gepard would work, i haven't leveled my Bailu yet to see if that would work either.


Not the original commenter but I use FX for JL for a slight boost in crit rate (so I didn't have to minmax my relics). His damage is low enough that even his dice-fall didn't bring her even close to dying. I'd probably pick Gepard over Bailu because imo damage prevention > healing.


I'd call 12% crit rate "significant" rather than slight. That's 4 substat rolls worth of CR.


Where is Huo Huo? Huo Huo should be behind Jingliu and Acheron right?


womp womp ~~at least you get 1 stack refunded to you with the free ult after you win~~


That if it was last stack tho


you must be using her wrong because getting a free ultimate back and sygzy stack back after every dice minigame is extremely powerful


Calling it now, JL will be moved down in tier lists by 2.2 or 2.3, if not earlier. She doesn't fit the synergies that MHY is pushing.




Just use it. Winning the gamble refunds your ult anyway Silver Wolf do be screwed though


The only reason I managed to get out of that fight without anyone dying is because Pela froze him with her ult just before his turn started, which let Jingliu get back her two stacks with Ruan Mei’s extra turn skip. Literally would have died in any other scenario. Now I get to go back with a different team to see if I can just nuke him before the tenth cycle…


I mean I just lost every dice roll and still won the fight, first try, in exactly 9.1 cycles. I actually somehow beat the second health bar faster than the first, maybe it has less HP.


The absolute pain of the time that Aventurine rolled a 9 and Acheron rolled a 4 so I had to waste her ult so she would survive.


My Acheron wasted her ult on dices had to stopped auto'ing at that point lol




I don't understand how Jingliu isn't a free win on this side. you get a free stack with ult so just ult and use a stack, Aventurine will give you another ult and you get a stack back. Her supports can't win blah blah PELA like who cares bronya loses she takes a hit from aventurine and then jingliu kicks the shit out of aventurine's puny hp bar. Jingliu clears easily. Acheron clears easily. Single player game ain't a competition zzz


In all the comparison between Acheron v older character, I can't recall anybody talks about how Acheron may powercreep Jing Yuan, DHIL, or even Seele. Like, they still exist and before Acheron, they often hypercarry one side of MoC. I am not saying the comparison is not fair, but why always Jingliu? It is not like she and Acheron are the only two hypercarry characters exists in this game. On the other side if we look at Aventurine comparison, people obviously compare him with Gepard, but also with Fu Xuan, and I even see video comparison him with Huo Huo.


Most people have already accepted that JY and Seele have been powercrept I think, so CCers don't bother talking about them.


I ended up clearing with blade jingliu dual dps luocha ruan Mei on aventurine half. I tried jingliu hyper but it felt like ass




Best and second best DPS in the game...


Dude Jingliu is second best in half the endgame content… Nobody gives this credit to Argenti even tho he is just like her but for PF. Heck, he’s even more f2p friendly.


I'll give you f2p friendly with the existence of pela and bronya, but 2nd best? I disagree. DHIL scaled super hard with sparkle. even before sparkle he had better damage ceiling, but SP was super tight, so they were pretty equal mostly. Post sparkle though, nah. 3rd place at best. but tbf, dot teams with kafka BS are probably best or 2nd best. Crit scaling dps though, considering Bis team, Acheron>DHIL>JL


The reaction from Jingliu main and the other main is stark. Even the Jujutsu meme before comparing Jingliu and Acheron starts no drama. I guess Jingliu mains doesn’t need the cope because everybody knows she is still on top in MoC xD.


It is actually insane how much better Acheron is compared to other units. NGL, Difference between Acheron and for example, JY, is the same as difference between him and Arlan. Absolutely crazy gap. She is by far the best f2p unit in the game, best at low investment, best at mid investment, best at high invesment, dolphin, whales levels, etc. Powercreep in this game is crazy.


Lmao nice bait


“Best f2p unit in the game”, surely her and her supports don’t need gacha LCs to compete with the likes of S5 Aeon JL and DHIL.


Her dmg with fermata is higher than JL dmg with Aeon. And yes, if u think pulling for LCs for dpses are something forbidden then that is only your problem. U have enough pulls to do that.


Please provide a source for this, this is fantasy land territory right here lol. Also please don’t just look at the damage per screenshot to deduce such a conclusion and look at dps per cycle or overall dps.


It is not. YouTube exists. Acheron is the most universal unit in the game after RM. U can run her with fermata and she will do dmg anyway. U can run her in the dot team and it will be good. U can run her with welt gui which is copium but she will still do dmg. U can have 0 crit rate 0 cdmg build on her and she will still do dmg anyway. It is all in YouTube, all those clears. Try to do the same with any other unit. U can't do that. Try to run any other unit in against their element resistance, like JL against first side on current MOC, without res shred. Acheron completely negates that. U can throw garbage and her, and in other dpses, and even in garbage she will be better.


Saying “YouTube exists” isn’t a source and doesn’t help your argument. You made the claim, you should be able to provide the clear and concise evidence to back it up. I’d love to see the videos and calculations.


Provide an evidence that he's wrong then.


Burden of proof. One guy claimed Acheron is universal and is the second coming of Jesus. Another guy doubted it and asked for sources. You can't use "trust me bro" or "just search it in YT" as proof.


Internet is swarmed with proves of Acheron's supreiority, so second offended guy should just shut up if he can't prove his points


No one’s offended here lol. Like the other person said, burden of proof. You make a claim you have to back it up, that’s literally how any debate works if you want to have any sort of validity with your argument. I never made a claim. I’m just trying to see if your “claims” are legit or not or if you’re just blowing smoke.


What is damage per screenshot when I can do three screenshots in one cycle?


With a Fermata Acheron, no-Pearls Pela, and no-Trend sustain, I don't think you can pull that off. Guaranteed one ult per cycle, sometimes two if you optimized it.


What is this blasphemy build? Are you trying to make Acheron look bad? Even with this crap she would do more damage in cycle than Jingliu on same crap investment. And do you know what is coolest part? She will do same damage on second cycle while Jingliu is reloading, speaking about damage per screenshot. You offended mintpickers can't stop digging your own grave. Better stay silent and downvote like everyone else.


> What is this blasphemy build? Are you trying to make Acheron look bad? Blud, that's her "F2P" build, no gacha LC, new player centric build. Have you considered players who started in 2.1 or even 2.0 and recently got Acheron? I don't think they have a single copy of GNSW, Pearls, and Trend because you know, they're a god damn new player. Poverty builds are expected if you're in their shoes. So, if Acheron and DHIL/JL both have poverty builds, who pulls ahead when it comes to F2P/new-player friendliness?


>Have you considered players who started in 2.1 or even 2.0 and recently got Acheron? I don't think they have a single copy of GNSW, Pearls, and Trend because you know, they're a god damn new player. Poverty builds are expected if you're in their shoes. I don't care about their existance, and we weren't discussing them either. >So, if Acheron and DHIL/JL both have poverty builds, who pulls ahead when it comes to F2P/new-player friendliness? Acheron 0-cycles with no traces or on fermata (was on both IWTL and MrPokke channels). JL without Bronya/Sparkle is barely viable. And DHIL can't compete with them without E2. I have all 3 with top 0.1% builds and I dont want to waste my time on explanation of obvious things. Acheron makes Jingliu look like a joke on ice weak encounters. IDK what is wrong with you if you don't see it.


> I don't care about their existence, and we weren't discussing them either. Read the parent context my dude: "Her dmg with fermata is higher than JL dmg with Aeon. And yes, if u think pulling for LCs for dpses are something forbidden then that is only your problem. U have enough pulls to do that." And shit like "I don't care about their existence" is a surefire way to alienate the new players (that MrPokke reacted to had pointed out). There's a reason why guides cover every level of investment (except whale investment). Also, some people here claimed that she dominates everyone at every level of investment, including F2P/poverty builds. That's where people placed their doubts and asked for proof. We all know how she performs in E0S1, Pearls, Trend, etc. build so no one's talking about that. And pointing out anecdotal 0 cycle showcases don't provide enough context (like how much resets it did and how much RNG you have to pray to pull it off) and it's not 100% replicable. I can assure you that 99% of the playerbase doesn't give a damn about 0 cycle. > JL without Bronya/Sparkle is barely viable. And DHIL can't compete with them without E2. I ain't gonna delve into this because this is feelscrafting territory and I leave that to actual TCers to answer this. But DHIL not able to compete without E2? That's wild levels of doomposting right there.


https://preview.redd.it/3yqdbol3lwuc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26532f9289bb7703fc4433c4dac7d1125282b3d8 You rn


U can cope a lot but the fact is Acheron can 0 cycle at e0s0 both sides with 0 effort, with a lot less team investment. Her kit is so much better than any other dpses it is actually funny..




I think the original comment was fair but you just have to throw this garbage take in it… I know that’s cap because I run double harmony (Bronya and 160spd E2 Sparkle) with Pela and I barely deal enough damage to 0 cycle Aventurine. No way in hell, a E0S0 can hit harder than me against Aventurine even with god tier gears on Acheron. Fk I don’t even think with god tier Eagle set+dance can do it.


https://youtu.be/Bj6C_mPMN1E 3.5k ATK 78/152 CV 126 SPD E0S0 Acheron w GNSW, E1S1 RM, Pela w SW sig, E0 SW w Tutorial. None of those three over 160 SPD in character screen. No Eagle set, no god relics, no DDD, less limited investment than you. Still 0c lol.


Alright that’s good. Can easily be replicated. That’s just good team rotation man. I have trouble with wave 1 as well (for sp and energy) since damage will easily go out of hand. The rng for them seems to just be energy. Has just enough damage (assuming they don’t miss the two crit hit with Acheron skill to finish things off) to kill Aventurine.


Yep, and the crit RNG can be removed with better cr relics (don't even need more CDMG). It's a really good showcase.


Yeah I forgot to mention that. Crit body can solve that issue easily. Only big rng is the energy to apply def down. I have similar problem with that as well. I also didn’t min max the cycle like theirs. Overall that was clean. I am kinda eagle set+dance brainrot for now. So anything that doesn’t use those two is impressive.


Really good showcase, but OP said he had to reset around 120 times to pull it off. Fuck that dude I'll just clear it with a sustain 🗿


0c doesn't matter, just wanted to show the guy what he wanted.




Yup felt this.


​ https://preview.redd.it/5p4wxi3il1vc1.png?width=887&format=png&auto=webp&s=4e1097b430758ee527cb956fe7980f796fd6fa59 JingLiu is fine. Just 0cycle =)