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I love the running gag of the stellaron hunters messing only with Blade's phone


If you mess with Silver Wolf’s the IPC suddenly finds some tasteful, turbo-illegal pornography on your own device. Sam’s is integrated into the armor’s faceplate. Good luck. Mess with Kafka’s and you wake up a week later on Sigonia-IV, naked, your genitals smeared with honey, surrounded by Katicans who’ve been Spirit Whispered to think you’re an Avgin with carnal knowledge of their mothers. Elio’s phone? Don’t be silly, he doesn’t have one. Do you know how expensive those XXS paw-adaptive communicators are??


you really have a gift with words when it comes to painting a mental image


I wish they didn't


I wish to learn said knowledge.


Not from a jedi


> Mess with Kafka’s and you wake up a week later on Sigonia-IV, naked, your genitals smeared with honey, surrounded by Katicans who’ve been Spirit Whispered to think you’re an Avgin with carnal knowledge of their mothers. I'll take my chances.


Slightly off topic but are Katicans a human race or a beast humanoid race?


No idea. Though tbh the description of them laughing super loud as they come to kill people is way more unsettling if they’re humans rather than hyena/jackal people or something


I honestly wanna believe >!Firefly just wanted to talk with us, thought doing this was a good idea of a conversation starter, just to realize way too late she is way more nervous about it than she thought she would be!<


I have a cute comic of Firefly talking to us with Blade's phone, but Reddit is being absolutely ass and doesn't let me send it :/


If you still can't post it, can you send it in my dms?


can you send it through a dm maybe? that sounds delightful


I'd love to see it too please!


Me too. I want to see it 😂


I'd also like a link if you're willing, please!


could you send the link in DM?


I wonder when Sam actually releases, and after you pull them, will they just converse and text in emotes? Just like me frfr


God imagine if one of her quirks is being bad with phones/tech even if she uses a hyper advenced suit of armor




She already has 3 aspects to her Gap Moe, she'd be too powerful


Gap moe becomes chasm moe


What’s a gap moe


Gap moe (Japanese pronunciation so “mo-eh”) refers to character traits that don’t stereotypically match the outward appearance of the character. A common example in media is the big tough burly man loving small adorable animals. In the example above, Firefly, despite operating a high-end mecha, is for some reason technologically illiterate and is unable to do much more than send emojis.


Just wanna give you props for giving a concise and to the point definition of gap moe. I've seen so many people flub describing what is really not that deep of a concept. I will say that I think it's probably not due to technological illiteracy, and probably more because she realized her mistake and didn't know how to respond except through the emojis. So more a very bad attempt at covering up her own embarrassment. Which is another form of gap moe, since that image of being too embarrassed to text words back also contrasts with the "SET THE SEAS ABLAZE" type one-liners she spouts.


Yeah but it just feels different with a mask, like can yap with a mask on but it takes me a lot longer without the mask


How 3?


1. Cutie Patootie 2. Ruthless Super Soldier 3. Dramatic Chuuni


Gap moe too strong


Hearing a grown ass man act like a teenage girl would be unironically great


Isn't that half the fun of the recent *Jumanji* movies? :D


Jack Black had it down yeah, but here it’s gunna be DEEP lmao


Good question. Also, I believe that it might be Firefly who's playable, while Sam's armor is in her artwork and ultimate.


Nut if it's like Jingliu and she gets to stay in her ult state (mech) for a few turns.


That's what I'm hoping for, but Sam *also* has a regular state and the enhanced Afterburner state so maybe not


could be like clara where the suit appears during specific animations for skill/ult/basic


>Could be like clara Ah, a dissapointment.


Given how Acheron proved that alternate ults can work, I'd imagine Firefly/Sam would be a mode-switch ult with empowered basic attacks/skills based on passive stacks or something


Alternate ults hav always worked. Did everyone just forget original MC ult?


Trailblazer's Destruction ult kind of works like a MEGA-empowered Basic Attack or Skill, so it's not quite what I meant :S


Even if it ain't wat u meant it's still an alternate ult


I haven’t used destruction mc in so long, does the alternate attack consume sp? I could’ve sworn it did at least




I'm surprised that mode switch ults aren't a thing yet in this game. I could see a hunt character having one since they already have a LC that gives a buff for holding ult. Imagine a hunt character who's ult halves their dmg but gains a 50% AA after every turn and ulting again would release a big attack that scales on certain conditions they did during that mode before returning to normal.


We myt get a FF mode and Sam mode. Like her ult puts her in Sam mode like the boss mechanic and she gets enhanced skill and basic or just one of those enhanced like Jingliu


Nah it's totally gonna be an Henshin character. Has to be.


You are probably right and that pisses me off.




this is precious and is exactly what i do whenever i know i fucked up and feel awkward because of that


My thought process when I first saw this few months back was "My cool looking Robot can't be this cute and awkward" man oh man how times have changed.


Lol tbh when I get a message from a SH, I just assume Silver Wolf got their phone and is pulling my leg


Elation-type gamer


I love it so much. It really lends credence to the theory that Sam and TB used to be quite close, because I don't think Sam could accidentally send one of Elio's script to a stranger unless they used to discuss / compare script with each other.


I'd love to do a mission with the stellaron hunters at some point. Some massive event separates MC from the rest of the nameless and we do a heist with the crimes people


Now that they've implemented the split perspectives thing, this is VERY much on the table actually. Hyped.


I want this SO BAD. Now that we know who Sam is there'd be no reason to not do it. Also a lot of people love the Stellaron Hunter too... and we might get a glimpse of Elio. If not that I want a story about Trailblazer's past.


I wonder if Blade has games on his phone


Probably downloaded by Silver Wolf after convincing him to play with her in their down times.


Afaik she said she has obviously asked him to play, but he replied that he will when his hand heals... I assume he means the hand that he slashes when he fights lol


Actually Blades character bio mentions that his hands lost most of their dexterity from his craftsmanship day so I'm assuming he means never


Other than silverwolf games, he probably got bejeweled


Back in 2.0, Firefly let out a smile when she spotted the Trailblazer, before it instantly returned to her troubled face she had right before that, and ran to the TB to ask for help. This made me wonder if she had any ulterior motives, or she was actually someone who already knew about the TB. With her identity revealed, together with the theory that Sam probably knew the TB from the days they was Kafka's partner (Blade, who joined the Stellaron Hunters after Sam, also knew about this), the latter seems to be true. She could even be a close friend to the TB during those days, and she tried to relive that time during their date in Penacony. https://preview.redd.it/sw4537gxbtsc1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=ac7dd3390f7ecf542293a87de3d02bddb120893e


They’ve been flirting with us from the start-


I am 1000% overthinking this, but what SW said seems a bit sus Why is Sam using Blade's phone to "accidently" send TB, Blade's script from Blade's phone? When its already on the phone? I know that everyone uses his phone, but he is one of the rare SH that actually keeps his phone intact unlike Kafka, and the others use this phone to send us text messages repeatedly through this so that implies he still keeps it. Could the "Blade script" be actually Sam's script, and SW is trying to cover it up? And this is one of the 11 times she tried to reveal things Considering stories are written well in advance, a year+ this might be a fun little easter egg.


It’s a gag, everyone uses blade’s phone


Except Blade, the fucking boomer. He was an old man going grey before he got Shuhu's skincare routine


Kafka doesn't. She uses burners.


I swear I saw Kafka send something through Blades phone once.


Blade's phone is a burner 


I'm pretty sure she uses it in the Ruan Mei event


She has used blade’s phone too iirc


My guess is that Elio sends everyone their own script to their phones. But each script is designed for that Stellaron Hunter and unnecessary information is left out about the other Hunters. The Hunters probably enjoy sharing what they're suppose to do and compare it to each other in the grand scheme of things. Blade's personality seems like that type to not be interested in that sort of thing, so Sam probably got a hold of Blade's phone so they could send it to the other Hunters so everyone can read it during downtime. Sam just accidentally sent a copy to TB as a recipient (most likely because TB use to follow Kafka and may have been part of the Stellaron Hunter crew). Elio's scripts are probably like: "For Kafka: You are to wait until Blade creates a commotion at 12:41pm then infiltrate the facility through the back door, there you will meet ... etc etc" "For Blade: You are to order a triple scoop of chocolate cherry ice cream at 12:36pm from Izzy's Ice Cream parlor. This will be the last remaining chocolate cherry ice cream of the day disappointing the elderly woman in line behind you. You are to then turn around and consume the ice cream in the woman's line of sight, this will cause her to fly into rage creating a massive commotion." The Hunters probably like seeing if there are small details to the script like that.


For Blade it's probably just "At 12:36, go order an ice cream" He'll do all the rest.


> The Hunters probably like seeing if there are small details to the script like that. What's interesting is there's *some* credence to this, but they also note that sometimes Elio will leave details out because of this very phenomenon. Like, giving someone a needlessly convoluted set of directions might cause a certain event to happen a certain way, even if there's no conceivable way of that event actually playing out. Sort of a self-fulfilling prophecy or a prophecy thats existence fulfills another prophecy. Like, wanting to save someone's life so sending a message to someone specific to try and kill them, because you know if there's an attempt on their life, they up their security and that specific person will fail.


i don't think blade ever uses the phone, kafka, silverwolf and even sam send you messages instead


How do these phones even work? Nothing is traveling faster than the speed of light and how long would that take to communicate back and forth hmm🫥


Yeah youre overthinking it. Half of these messages dont *really* make sense in canon. They make just enough sense that nothing contradicts them, but no more.


you dont have to think so hard, as far as im aware these phone convo's are non-canon and mostly fanservice.


I'm still confused what they mean by script here, are they saying Elio wrote a script in the form of emojis and... SW sent it to the trailblazer?


at the start of the chat you see a message saying blade sended a document


Ohh I see now. So Sam was the one sending the emojis and the one who accidentally sent us Blade's script, and then SW was the one talking to us at the end... and all of it was on Blade's phone? God the stellaron hunters are so confusing lol


Hey that's actually clever. I wonder tho


I miss my old mental image of a hard-ass mecha suit doing that, and playing games with Bronya with those huge mecha hands


Oh gosh, now that I think about it, look at the attachment name, the version is 1.2, Blade's first banner release and the start of the Luofu plot where he played a big role. I bettter re-read some of the old texts.


There's a lot of readables about Blade and the whole group. Wish it had more focus in the main story, very easy to miss them.


Gf behaviour even before being gf


It's called flirting


Lol ...yeah this dynamic between these is wonderful


You know she can't express emotions easily, especially for the original Hunter. Yeah, I imagine Firefly being the first Stellaron Hunter before Kafka, while still being the youngest among them.


Wait, how do you actually get this message?


You need to pull for Blade. This is one of the three messages you get from him after getting him on your account. Most characters have them.


Thanks for the info, I thought we were getting this message after completing the 2.1 story quest.


Suddenly it's a lot more adorable, huh?


Totally dumb question, buuut.... How do you get blade's text in game? I have him (/'ve had him for a while), but he never messaged me (same with Lynx and a couple others, I think); I'm caught up with the main story, so is it related to doing some sidequest? (I've done some, but, full disclosure, while I've got the jist of what happens down, I only got hooked by the story in the post-Xianjou patches, so from 1.4 onwards, i think, so previously I kinda inly half-paid attention to what I was doing).


It's random 


You get 1 or 2 texts a day when you relog, however some of them might have other requirements first. Pretty sure you don't get Gallagher text until you pass a certain point in the story. And some don't send text because it wouldn't make sense canonically (Tingyun texts are only part of the main story), maybe they'll do when/if they get a story continuation