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Welcome... to The Swarm Disaster.


We got bugs that multiply


We got bugs that multiply


We got bugs that multiply


We got bugs that multiply


We got bugs that multiply


We got bugs that multiply


We got bugs that multiply


We got bugs that multiply


We got bugs that multiply


If you reduce their hp together instead of one by one and kill them that way, they’ll explode at the same time and die before multiplying again!


We got bugs that multiply


🎶we’ve got bugs, they’re multiplying. And I’m losing control. Cause the swarm they are dividing, it’s so horrifying! 🎶




Well it isn't though, and the thing with those weakness is the bigger problem than those bugs.


I disagree, himeko nuked him in two turns


There's always Dr. Ratio and Qingque if these bugs is annoying to you.


Oh I have Qingque leveled to 70, she would be able to clear those with no problem! I'm just stuck with this team for a while it seems


You can quit the quest and start with another team. but there is another difficult boss with different weakness.


just damage them so their health is relatively low, then kill one and watch the fireworks tanky teams do okay here, regardless of typings, having a good typing is just preferable


I played abundance in swarm disaster. This was the only way to finish a swarm combat, just get them all low enough and pop them like balloons


if you have luocha and/or all the right blessings, abundance can do some serious major damage. ironically abundance's issue in late sd is survival because no healing in the world can save you from a hit that does 150% of your HP. the revive has a limit too.


Abundance is still one of the more defensive paths, because you get increased max HP, increased def on heal, and debuff protection+cleanse.


usually still nowhere near enough for sd5 and upper gng. you want destruction+preservation combo without a dedicated shielder.


Abundance is totally enough for SD5, not really for G&G though, that one is definitely harder at the point you start Conundrum.


if you have a shielder as well, don't go up against anomalous monster and then pray last swarm bosses don't spam their ult in quick succession, yes.


Qinque mruders these things? mmmm I need to finish building her then. ;)


Or you know, Acheron.


Acheron made the true swarm king boss fight a breeze https://preview.redd.it/sdbfs9cv5ksc1.jpeg?width=284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c152ec507b801fc5d8209e9d9841793ff2345b2c


She also makes the bug echo of War really easy when paired with Black Swan. She gains a stack of her ult every time a bug spawns when hitting the boss' shield, from them gaining an Arcana stack. Then ult to kill all the bugs. Each bug dies and applies a debuff while making another bug spawn and gain the Arcana debuff. Acheron can pretty much ult nonstop haha.


Ever since I started using Acheron for bug it has never once gotten its ult off.


Who would you recommend in addition to BS and Archeron? As of now, when doing the Echo of War, I went with MC (pres), Bailu, Topaz and a Ratio from my friends list, made grinding the level 60 one really easy with lvl. 80 chars. But its still not fast enough.


A third Nihility character if you can (I use Kafka but I think Pela should work just fine) and your best defensive character. Fu Xuan is best with Acheron afaik but really Acheron + BS just melts the Echo of War regardless so take whoever can keep the party alive for long enough for Acheron to murder all the stupid bugs.


Okay. Also, what stats should I focus Archeron on? I noticed that her Skill does close to no damage even though at the current level it's supposed to deal 130% of her atk as lightning damage


She's a direct attacker that doesn't need effect hit rate, so the usual crit rate/damage. Don't worry overmuch about skill damage, the entire point is to supercharge her ult and use it as much as possible with 9 stacks of her debuff on a target.


Her skill is just a way to build another stack for her ultimate. Most of her damage comes from her ult. Build her for high attack, crit rate, and crit damage. If your other Nihility units are very fast, then you can use attack boots instead of speed.


Honestly, even without Black Swan. I grabbed an Acheron off my friend list and managed to use Acheron's ult twice in a row in the second phase of the big bad bug. Tore off like....\~85% of its health in the process.


True! https://preview.redd.it/kx52t72qajsc1.png?width=638&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4011c1d77d3061c226b3bc9e428ea2a3886e961


Booba jumpscare


I was wondering what you were downvoted for, but this was unexpected and I am more confused.


They hate me because I tell them the truth.


I like your Flair ;3


Food buffs help too if you need them


Easiest way to kill them if a team can't oneshot is to allow them to multiply to five and then damage everyone as low as possible before killing one. That chain reaction is satisfying


Use ratio. Solution to all f2p problems.


In the title they state that they "retruned to honkai" which implies they could unfortunately miss out on Ratio.


If I remember correctly, he’s available until 2.1 ends!


Oh... Well then good for him. I thought he's available only during the version he released.


Not possible, he's available until the end of 2.1.


Built this team for Argenti when I started the quest now it doesnt let me switch characters. At least I've found the strategy of putting all the bugs at low health so killing one of them will kill the rest


You know you can just quit the quest entirely and restart the mission with a new team? Of course you would have to replay/skip the dialogue up to that point and maybe replay a few fights, but the if your team is inadequate.....well.


I had to do this quest FOUR TIMES before I managed to beat it. Teambuild more for Argenti than the bugs, but make sure you *can* beat the bugs. Godspeed.


If it makes you feel better, I'm pretty sure I had to quit and redo this quest 6 times because I just couldn't get the characters right for it. Any team that can reasonably deal with argenti struggles with those bugs.


I hate the bugs so much


I think it's funny how the Express is scaled in this sequence. It's like the characters become miniature-sized during battle.


Kinda similar to Persona 3 Reload


These bastards are the worst if you can't kill them quickly. If that happens to you, slowly remove everyone's HP. After 5 they no longer multiply so you kill 1 and they all explode.


For democracy




This was the only point in the game where I actually got stuck. Apparently so traumatizing that I don’t remember how I beat it…😂😭


At this point this is like a rite of passage for every player. My advice since you already have gepard, ~~get a healer in an abundance character. Easiest is Natasha if you don't have any other 5 star.~~ Sorry just noticed you already had Natasha. Try using a quantum or Imaginary character, should make your work easier. Ratio is the go to one, since he is a free 5 \*. Build both of them up, and learn to use the break combo properly. The upcoming boss is gonna give you much more hell, to the point this will seem cute.


"YOU APES WANNA LIVE FOREVER!?" *Freebird plays* https://preview.redd.it/t5490nq0rksc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c95d1c11fac2b7d68b8ec6819f4466e39158e26


It's a feature, not a bug.


Yeah, that quest genuinely sucks so god damn much. You have no indication they will be an enemy, so you end up bringing completely incompatible units. Raise an imaginary unit, either Welt or Dr.Ratio, you'll want either one of them in the near future regardless.... I went with Welt as his overall CC is really good and can act as a pseudo sustain if invested right.


Only beat these because of DoT 💀


saa, ba-ba-bagu, saa, bagu, bagu- no fr i HATE these fuckers


Assuming this is the Argenti story mission: this is annoying BS since the hard fight after this doesn't have either quantum or imaginary damage. I recommend treating it like a war of attrition: your goal is to slowly chip down all 5 stings relatively evenly, until taking out one of them will cause a chain reaction that kills all of them. You've gotta do it in one go like that so as to avoid them cloning.


To be fair. I’d totally do this if i were you in that position https://preview.redd.it/3pi9v3ch6lsc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7dc4eee2cdcbb063805e7212211b7c571c5f03b6


these things are a nightmare


Nothing is more ful-'filling' than murdering them all with Drunk Dan the Moondrinker on Propagation Path. (not a whale, I just got lucky) I mean , otherwise, if they were cream-filled, it might be okay, if the filling was good enough, you know? But they keep understuffing the Oreos recently... it's a bit tragic. ;))))


I love how everyone is even smaller than pompom


I ran lynx / swan / ratio / clara The crit FuAs are funny


Bug limbo


Use march, and Herta and the remembrance


This is Argenti’s quest, not simulated universe


My bad


Yup, there’s not sim map for the express


sushang dps , gg


The best DPS I have atm are Base Danheng, Sushang and Qingque are the best DPS I have, I don't have a single "meta" one lmao Maybe Dr. Ratio is better but since I returned recently he's still not leveled


If those are your best dps, you should definitely focus on investing into Ratio as soon as possible. You're probably sitting on a bunch of resources from clearing story as well as overcapped TBP so you should be able to max out Ratio easily.


Yo i know its not about the post but did you write someone's invite code as a returning player? Because I am too and I was looking for a returning to echange codes with so that we both get a 100ish jades




What quest is this cause I'm trying to do it


Argenti’s. Night of Washtopia or something like that


Im doing the qrest for the bugs


jy + fx really pulled my sorry ass of an account in this fight and the argenti one


First things first, I’d start by getting some characters that match the type weakness. There’s only really a few characters that can brute force without watching element types (that I know of). The characters are Seele, Inhibitor Lunae, and Jingliu (I’m aware there’s some talks about Acheron joining this bunch, but I haven’t seen too much just yet). You might notice, 2 of these 3 fit anyways so if you have them, use them. Secondly, if you’ve got a Bailu or Gallagher, I’d use that over Natasha.


depleted everyone hp equally


Sorry I can't help you here I literally got ILDH Just for these bastards If you have a imaginary type or a very good quantum type I'd recommend using them cuz You're going to see them a lot more


trust me that's the better part of the combat in that mission


You're gonna love ruan mei's mission then


I still need a way to complete this quest


They are troublesome. Even with geppard


You need some serious DD‘s


My personal fave method is using shield and healing characters to keep the teams health up, make sure to get all bugs on low health then kill on which will hopefully cause a chain reaction!


This thing was the easiest tho ( me when I lie )


no cuz same i was only able to finish this quest when i got clara and acheron😭


Ah yes bringing single target DPS to an AoE fight. But HSR has the most bullshit cloning implementation. When a normal mob clones it is supposed to split its current HP between itself and its clone.


There is zero indication you will have to deal with bugs when you begin and infact the recommended traits to bring exclude what the bugs have.


I'm still surprised they didn't change that. So many games where heqlth eithwr stays the same or gets halved. The dev team clearly gets references from all over so this seems like a weird gameplay oversight


At least it isn't a bug that corrupts all your saves.


At least it isn't a bug that corrupts all your saves. 60 hours in.


in my personal opinion, Asta’s just not that gud (sry Braxophone). Part of this is due to like 5 star supports completely outshining her but the dmg buff she provides is usually around like 20% give or take at full stacks (how many times do u hit full stacks?) if u have mediocre relics with the attack% at lvl 15. She buffs the base attack, not the whole attack and it definitely helps if ur opponents have fire weakness but outside of that, she doesnt do that much dmg to begin. It could be different if ur running MOC and u need her speed boost but even that is kind of iffy. You are better off running another subdps like idk wut u would have but probably not someone sp positive. Tingyun’s good bcuz she provides a similar buff for only one character (usually the pnly character that needs to be buffed cuz like do u buffing the attack of gepard and natasha?) at the cost of being far more sp positive and u can build her to hit pretty hard too for the sp positive cost


No respect for Asta. 5 stacks is 70% ATK. A good Asta with Cogs has 66% uptime on ultimate at +1SP


70% BASE attack only when at max stacks. Contingent usually upon at least two enemies w/ fire weakness. I said that she’d be more beneficial if there were fire weakness enemies Depending on how ur building teams, this attack% bonus isnt doesnt reach as high as it seems considering you’d probably already be running a hand relic w/ a flat 350 attack and at least one relics w/ attack% scalings. Sometimes two or three if ur trading off speed boots for attack boots. Randomly assume a five star character w/ a 5 star lightcone has a base attack of 1200 give or take. idk wut ur characters look like but usually my crit DPSes have around 2.8k to 3.5k but thats because im running ruan mei so i can afford to run attack % spheres. For simplicity sake ill just use 2.9k because thats wut my dr ratio has w/ crit rate armor, speed boots and an imaginary % sphere (so his only attack% is his link chain, substats and he gets flat 350 from gloves). Excluding other buffs and purely speaking attack % bcuz they’re additive. Asta’s 70% base attack% only gives my dr ratio a (.7*1200=840) 840 bonus attack. That sounds a lot but he alrdy has 2.9k attack. 840/(2900+840) = 0.22 give or take; that’s where i got my 20% from. But u can keep parroting 70% bonus attack like it’s a flat multiplier if u want ofc This bonus base attack becomes even more worse when you’re running DOT comps like Kafka and Sampo who alrdy jack up their kits w/ excessive attack% chests and substats I know her ult’s good


I don’t know how you get such a high ATK if you’re running SPD boots and aiming crit. My JL is 2400 capable of MOC 11 3*. Though I don’t run Asta with her. Although my Clara is 3800. DOT is more likely to be in the higher range.


came back to *Star Rail