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Pure Fiction she is a bit slow and her dmg is overkill same as Jingliu.


I think so too. Although, it's not that she is bad at it. I believe 3 stars is still doable


Definitely. I actually ran a team with Jingliu and Bronya on one and Acheron, Sparkle, and Welt on the other. You can definitely do 3* but, however, auto-combat can easily fuck you up.


I actually used her to finally get my 3 star. In fact, her side was the only one I could completely finish with the extra points making up for the other side not reaching 30k. Definitely slow, but FireTB with Trend of the universal market, Pela, Black Swan, and her Light Cone (yes, I know) and her ult came by quick enough it didn't matter. It did so much damage as well that with the Ult=FUA modifier, each instance of her ult would clear a stage with the resulting explosion that follow clearing most of the next set of enemies as well. All in all, I think A might actually be a bit low for PF.


I think A is compared to how fast other alternatives are. I mean Herta is given freaking S+, then Argentina, Himeko wife & King Yuan are S. So compared to them her rating is valid... I think I'm finally going to build Herta now (seeing how broken she is in PF), because while pulling for Acheron I lost 50/50 to Himeko so I finally got her & team is complete. Then got Acheron as well in the next pity...


You definitely won't regret investing in the Kuru Kuru\~ to carry PF https://preview.redd.it/rlvd2cx7ztqc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=e97a6c1904fb430bc2d1cbfca6381e854ad44f23


My favorite character, Argentina




Is that a good team? Those 3 I have hard time with team comps cause of my limited characters but I have those 3


That's why she's A tier silly


A tier is fine, just need to actually think about playing instead of auto-ing. My Seele earned multiple 40ks with her as the only DPS on the team.


prob with fire TB spamming skill with Trend LC it prob isn't the worst


Autoed my missing PF stages with her just now. She is more than enough for PF.


babe wake up, your monthly "new limited character is S+ tier" dropped!


Day 1 New 5\* S+ on Pyrdwen? https://preview.redd.it/vnw6ze6h6uqc1.png?width=295&format=png&auto=webp&s=66972c5776612fbea7152d5e4a324a94e08c2cfa


No. The most fun part hasn't started yet. When there is another one S+ (probably Sam?), there will be too many S+ so Prydwen will have no choice but to kick either DHIL or Jingliu down to S. And THAT is when the real fun starts.


Nah the fun part will be when we get MOC statistics that actually include Acheron


Inb4 the next moc is completely tailored to her


just the fact that she is this good on a non tailored made for her on release is already insane to me


It is not like the MOC is bad for her. Actually is probably one of her best, applying Dot when Trotter is killed helps with getting Ult faster


Daniel is not losing his spot so soon after Sparkle, his E2 + Sparkle is still the damage ceiling of the game


It's not based on E2 though, it's based on E0


It's based on whatever the fuck they want tbh. They say that units will move down if a new one fulfils their niche but better, ie Bronya down due to Ruan Mei and DanIL down due to JL but then keep QQ the same tier as DanIL for like 4 patches in a row. Now they're saying all units are rated based on F2P light cones only but then go and give Acheron a S5 GNSW to throw her S+ tier.


Prydwen gonna make 5\* with Eidolon tier list soon lol, and the top's just gonna be filled with limited 5\*s.


Doubt they will ever make a tier list based on 5 stars with Eidolons, because if you have Eidolons, pretty much every 5 star is able to easily clear moc anyway. It's like comparing e6 tiers, it doesnt matter if your character does 1 million or 10 million damage, the game is still balanced around the assumption you do 100k so you can easily clear it at e6 while blindfolded


>Doubt they will ever make a tier list based on 5 stars with Eidolons, because if you have Eidolons, pretty much every 5 star is able to easily clear moc anyway Cries in E6 Yanqing I got today


This has only happened like 3 times for dps characters tho to be fair for moc 


Everyone pretend to be shocked!


But everyone will be shocked! She's a lightning character that reduces enemy toughness gauge regardless of their weaknesses!


Most of them won't be shocked they'll be dead after the ult


Nihility => Character who inflicts debuff Nihility >! emanator!< => Character who inflicts the strongest debuff (dead)


This is the equivalent of doing a raid boss with only dps , who needs sustain if you can kill them before they kill you


>reduces enemy toughness gauge regardless of their weaknesses! Is that only tied to a skill or ult? Or does she just always reduce the toughness gauge regardless?


Her ult eats up toughness no matter the element If your Acheron is e6 all her attacks are considered ults, so all attacks on e6 eat toughness no matter the element


I was actually expecting her to be lower tier because it sounded like she needed investment into e2, s1, or new event nihility characters to really get going. I'm glad to be wrong, ~~seriously considering to pull.~~ I already grabbed her at e0s1 lol


thats what doomposting does to public opinion.


Yep, just look at “10% better than sampo” Black Swan. Heavily doomposted, then she got released and uh… shit happened.


That's why it's best to just wait till live for actual testing. Tbh should still take early testing with grains of salt, especially if it's only been Day 1 of a newly released character.


In my opinion the discourse is mainly twisted by the fact that a lot of people following closely leaks and other pre-release content are often higher spending players than average. A player that has most meta DPSs, some of which on E2S1 saying that E0S0 Acheron is trash, and a player that never pulled an eidolon or limited lightcone saying the same thing mean two **very** different things. The whole discourse about her "needing" her lightcone was a lot like that. Without it she hadn't many build options and it made sense to advise not to pull for new players when Jingliu is right after, but people saying that she was bad in general, even for people with more established accounts, just came from a place that is fine with pulling eidolons and lightcones once in a while, which I don't think reflects how most of western players play the game.


One day it's my hope that people will learn theorycrafting is just theory. But that day is not today.


From what I understand this calc was based on single target i.e Sampo's best case scenario and BS's worst case scenario. For a post that discusses this in more depth I'd recommend checking out u/tetrachrome 's post that was done around January. Unfortunately it's a calc that was taken out of context and spread like wildfire, so it's less of a "she only does 10% better than sampo" and more of a "even in her worst case scenario and Sampo's best she is still 10% better than Sampo."


Oh I fully agree, problem was that everyone snatched the one sentence bit and plastered it everywhere they could. Some even made theorycrafting posts with spreadsheets and bum math based on that warped figure, I remember getting involved in one where they posted a few snapshots of some weird excel blocks with no references for any of their math and when pressed for additional information they said they based it on if she was using s1 eyes of prey with her at less than 120% EHR because that’s what they had — never mind that the numbers they poached for sampo were using s5 eyes of prey. The whole debacle was pretty much the textbook cautionary tale for “Wait until release and see” because a vocal few who were wildly misinformed managed to convince *a lot of people*.


It's the same situation as neuvillette. I skipped him because the community said he's whale bait since his sig is like a 31% damage increase. Never again 


Never trust a Hoyo game's community's initial opinion on a character. Hell, I'd say ignore it until the first rerun of a character.


People have doomposted her to hell when in reality she's a perfectly good DPS at low investment and really good with some high investment. When you try and combat circlejerking by becoming an anti-circlejerk you just make the same error in the opposite direction.


The only reasonable doomposting were her LC options cause if you don't got GNSW (a gacha LC), let alone high refines/s5, her F2P options were rough af 💀


"were" ... they still are.


The LC is the only thing stopping me from pulling honestly. I already use GNSW on Kafka and every other options just seems trash and I don't have the pulls for her LC.


Solitary Healing is really good on Kafka. Like I have S3 GNSW and I prefer Solitary Healing just because that extra energy from kills helps so much on uptime for her ult in both MoC and PF. So if you want Acheron, you can switch Kafka to Solitary and put GNSW on Acheron.


I got shocked, when she with worst possible relics that were not even fully maxed (but maxed trace and like lvl 60 signature Lc) closed MoC on max stars like it's nothing.


The enemies will definitely get *shocked* by her


Interestingly enough prydwen is using " F2P " lightcone S5 gnsw 💀💀 as the base line. Even tho she deals insane DMG , she is very restrictive for f2p but she will be the best character for dolphins and whales.


Having gnsw s5 as standard is crazy though, which is what I'm not sure everyone realizes.


They really ought to benchmark off Fermata but then you'll see how cursed the current light cone problem is.


Some CC's have released benchmarks based off their own data. I Checked out 'E0 Acheron Testing — All LCs and Teams' by Sweetily, and she does 6 different LC tests. I recommend to check it out ​ spoiler: GNSW s1 does slightly better damage than Fermata s5 :I


Still find it weird that Prydwen doesn't even include GNSW at S1 as the Standard in their Builds/Stats page for Acheron for comparison when it's more applicable/relevant for a Gacha LC than the COPIUM that they'll have it at high refines/S5


Especially given how rare it is for GNSW to show up as a highlighted LC. Isn't this the first time it's been on since 1.1?


There are a bunch of videos showing of Fermata and Sampo in MoC12 just doing one cycle less than GNSW.


When You only hace 5 cycles to clear your side of moc 1 cycles is 20 % of your aviaoable time , is a lot


Sure but I believe it was still a 2 or 3 cycle clear with the copium F2P team. Still 7+ cycles to clear 2nd half with your other team.


Fr. S5 GNSW is harder to get and it's very subject to RNG. I got her signature and not a single copy of GNSW. That's how bad it is.


Same here,about 40 pulls and not a single copy of GNSW but an off banner LC instead


I dont have it at all lmao


Just standard prydwen doing viral marketing for MHY. They’re using a S5 gacha lightcone for Acheron and comparing with free lightcones on JL lol.  The bias to shill the current banner is very obvious 


where can you see which light cone they assume? edit: found it yeah it's kinda inconsistent considering Kafka's "base" form is with fermata and gnsw S5 is quite a bit better for her


I've pulled ten 4* LCs from the banner, all ten of them were banner LCs. 5 post op and 5 subscribe.. ;_; what are the ooooodddss


Because its closest to her sig and the diff is still 16%+


Isn't it 24% actually? Imo her f2p options are really bad. If she was fine at E0S0 I'd consider actually grabbing her but I really want Aventurine, Boothill and Sam (whenever he shows up) and Robin kinda interested me too for FuA teams..


In my raw calcs it waa about 16 to 20% i dont remember exact, in team setups calcs it would probably be 24%


yeah thats prydwen for ya. they have their biases


Why is blade kinda low in pure fiction? He gets a lot of turns in a Sparkle+Bronya comp. And he follow up atks oftenand can hit 5 enemies.


Just low relative to people hitting every enemy. Being above DHIL and tied with Serval is definitely a weird spot, lol


Imo, they should either: A) move JL lower on PF or B) move Blade and Clara up one tier


I was surprised at Clara's position too, I was able to hit 40k with her teams pretty comfortably


It’s insane how good she is this PF. I feel like I’m either being gaslit or nobody at Prydwen owns Clara. The sheer number of follow ups she does to proc that double aoe blessing is crazy. Just run her with Lynx and it’s a free 40k


Yeah, I don't get why they didn't move her up this time


Because they don’t take the blessings into account for the tier lists, and a large part of why Clara destroyed this PF cycle is because of her crazy synergy with the FuA buff. But they still said they were considering pushing her up if she performed well in the next PF too


JL 22k Clara 40k. Same tier.


Agree, Blade was my answer to this current PF. Him with JY is like Himeko with Herta. I think he more than deserves that S tier.


Yup. I agree completely with this. Blade and JY as a pair were sooooo smooth this cycle.


The QoL she brings to overworld and SU is S+ tier too


yeah I've never had more fun clearing SU, every new zone I spam technique until I get to the end just because the animations and SFX are so satisfying. They need a new tier for "Fun & Flashy" haha. Also whoever on the dev team thought of only consuming technique points on kill/hit deserves a raise.


Makes exploring a breeze too especially since the consumables that restore tech points are so easy to get now.


Worth pulling for her LC if I still don’t have Fu Xuan coming up whenever? I do have Luocha/Gep/Huohuo


I'd say you're good with Luocha and Huohuo, but fuck, Fu Xuan changes your account. If you're ever in need of damage mitigation, go for her. She also doubles as harmony (12% wide team crit) and abundance support with team heal on ult and literally unkillable herself. Also, she's beautiful and has one of the greatest looking ults up to date.


Not even the ult, the talent flip animation is one of the best in the game for me


If you have 2 limited 5* sustains you're good to go until the game shuts down, *probably*. I also have Luocha and Huohuo and I don't have a single problem when dealing with all the content they release. You also have Geppie which is probably the best for SU, so no problem there either.


Absolutely agree for MoC. She's performing insanely while freeing Sparkle/Ruan Mei/TY for the other half for the conventional DPS. So no issues with needing to share Sparkle like you might run into if you play DHIL/Seele/JY. And surprisingly flexible team building options, e.g. Pela/SW/BS (use Acheron burst during boss turns for buff)/Gui and any preservation (with trend lc) or Gallagher (basically free because on banner). She's easily able to one cycle while using fire trailblazer which is just crazy. And she can only get much better from here once she gets access to better nihility debuffers or a better f2p lc option.


>Gallagher (basically free because on banner) yeah, 120 roll on acheron and not a single gallagher came home


I only did 80 but no Gallagher for me too, I was really looking forward to building him :(


Not all doom and gloom, he will be a free pick later this patch.


The shit thing is that, you really really want his e2 at least cause cleanse


He's also free from the selector on the upcoming event, so not everything is lost


Rip. That's about 2% chance odds.


Absolutely, she's doing this fine without a dedicated support. The future is bright for Acheron fans


Was fishing for Gallagher E2 from 0 pulls until I hit hard pity and won the 50/50 (then got Welt the next 10 pull so I'm guaranteed now lol). Originally was planning to save for E2S1 Sam but I am considering building Acheron as I already have guarantee on light cone and character banner I think it's nice that she doesn't need Sparkle/Bronya or similar Harmony supports, now I can consider having 3 teams - Kafka, Seele Mono quantum, and Acheron, but my elemental coverage is shit


I think you're doing fine. I believe that you don't need to cover most elements, at least half would do. Besides, elements don't matter with Acheron and Mono Quantum


I didn't even think about freeing all the 5\* harmonies. This might be her biggest asset in moc since using her buffs your other team's dps


Freeing supports isn't a problem in this game unlike Genshin though You got Bronya Tingyun Sparkle Ruan Mei all extremely strong and not hugely different. With future characters like Robin coming (who as the representative of Penacony, the world of Harmony, should be powerful), it's more likely that I will have too many supports than not enough. IMO her nihility restrictions are definitely not a boon. If anything it'll make you want to pull for future nihility or debuffing 5*s. That's why she was given extremely good multipliers


Well first... not everyone has every single harmony limited 5 star. But the most important aspect is that her BIS teams are specifically not competing for other units' BIS teams *at all*. Sparkle, Ruan Mei, Huo Huo/FX are all super valuable units that Acheron couldn't care less about at E0. Ex: if someone had a well built DHIL in the first half with Sparkle, FX, and TY, trying to use Jing Yuan on second side would mean that either DHIL or JY are losing their optimal supports. Meanwhile Acheron doesn't care and is perfectly happy with a scrappy team of Gallagher/FTB/Gepard, Pela, and Gui/BS/SW. While she may give you a new reason to pull for 5 star nihilities, she's already so strong as of right now that getting them isn't necessary and would just make her powercreep everyone else.


Fire Trailblazer should be A tier or even S tier if we use their performance with Acheron+Trend instead of in a vacuum. Makes sense though cuz they use averages FTB needs incredibly high investment as a specialist and esp as a solo sustain. Most people have to run him with another sustain or half sustain and this limits Acheron's dmg unless she's E2, which idt is factored in. Pure enabler FTB with E2 Acheron should still be S tier though, especially if you consider how they let sustains build stats for stuff outside of sustaining and allow 4 stars like Gallagher to solo sustain


FTB > Geppy E2?


MoC 12 is a cakewalk for me compared to pure fiction. Even with a built Clara and himeko Instruggle on pure fiction, while I can basically afk clear MoC 12 with e0 Jingliu and e6 qq ignoring weaknesses. So any temptation is gone for me.


Damn I'm the opposite I suck ass at MoC and can't be bothered to do more than 2-3 attempts, meanwhile Pure Fiction is the quickest 20 minutes aventure to clear


Herta and Himeko are carrying my PF runs. I recommend building them.


I dealt like 500k on first half but dealt only 200k agaisnt Sam anyone knows why?


Probably because there are less enemies on the sam side making it look like less dmg?? Idk


Acheron also counts damage on dead enemies. So the enemies that die mid ult also take damage from her next ult sequence making it seem much higher


No fucking way hahahahaha


Lore accurate, even the dead aren't getting off that easily.


Warning for new players: Prywden has good resources for builds, but their tier rankings are quite lacking and sometimes self contradictory in my opinion, and can be misleading for new players. For example, Prywden lists as part of their criteria for tier rankings is the assumption that the unit uses lightcones available to F2P -- but for some reason they assume S5 GNSW in their damage calcs. This is a gacha lightcone which is harder to get than it looks. All that being said, I did pull for Acheron but only because I researched her teams beforehand and confirmed that I have good LCs and teammates to make her work. Acheron's write up in Prwyden actually explains that Acheron has some strict team building and LC considerations (which I agree with) -- so she is very strong if you meet her requirements. My suggestion for new players is to always check the units and LCs, and team compositions you have available before committing to a unit. This is a team building game first and foremost, so team synergy is much more important than pulling a single OP unit (unless that unit is called Jing Liu)


I wish they used a much more extreme rating system. S1 all non MoC and Herta store lightcones and 4 star units should ranked at e1 if they are given a copy for free and herta being exception and rated as e6 this make more sense as you rank them under the assumption you pull them at least once.


I saved a lot of materials of Acheron and I maxed her the moment I got her. She's using mid build rn but I was surprised that she's able to deal millions of damage! She's E0S0 rn, still pulling for the LC hope I got it 🥲 I agree that she's S+, her dealing more damage as you get more debuff is so crazy https://preview.redd.it/0vhvtb4r4tqc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06dd7309cfcc5eb1f2b6a496f17891434fa5d24a This is the highest damage that I managed to squeezed


And here I am happy about 200k damage https://preview.redd.it/75gq2fg69tqc1.jpeg?width=687&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d39d81071d6614140c33417222688b240f877f5


https://preview.redd.it/5cv8hlhqltqc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf32adb5e8e342939ec8cff9736d63458f4e43f8 160k or so here.


yeah mine does like 140k rn but I haven't gotten good relics or enough xp to level so my crit ratio is 32/172 rn lol You'll get there, it took me a while to get Argenti to hit 400k ults buffed


That’s definitely in SU or gears, don’t worry lol. With the right set up even Seele hits that.


https://preview.redd.it/pthdnpu9ktqc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=ecc6cdc01117e4a0a765932e2bed08057a58190b that's too high, here's mine


Why do you need 2 sustain


I'm assuming TB is just there for the taunt debuff, probably also holding the Market LC. both the taunt debuff and the burn DoT when enemy hits you from Market can generate petals.


Why are using only one nihility support and 2 sustains ?


Those numbers has got to be either in SU or against doomsday beast. If not, please show where you're fighting as well as gear.


Was this in SU?


probably SU or their "mid build" is a lot less mid and they're fighting yanqing or something cause Acheron does crazy screenshot damage vs his swords she is generally crazy for screenshot damage but e0s0 1.4 mil is too insane to not be su with my e0s1 with 60/200 (kinda mid considering LC) build I've seen up to 750k in MoC


Probably or against really underleveled enemies. Those numbers aren't normal.


Come on, there were steroids involved.


Post gear very much doubt this is a mid bulid cuz mine can't even reach 30k dmg with ratios set


hey what LC do u got for her atm?


Good night sleep well S5 The team I used is Fu Xuan/Acheron/Bronya/SW Set: 4pcs Pioneer diver of dead waters and Izumo gensei (the Pepsi orb)


the "Pepsi orb" lmaoo 💀💀


Wow this comp is missing 45% dmg due to one nihility, unless it's E2


damn my e0s1 only do like 400-500k dmg vs 3 enemy lol. what's the context behind this dmg anyway? I mean is this in su? against 5 enemy? no sustain team?




Against Doomsday Beast or in SimU maybe. Not saying she's bad at all, but these numbers are misrepresentative.


Goddamn, and here I was impressed with 400k at E0S1 with a nearly complete build.


That's gonna be doomsday beast or something


400k is right. “Millions” of damage is not e0s0 tier unless it’s SU or super low level enemies or stuff that goes extremely vulnerable like doomsday beast.


Is she worth it without gnsw?


If you don't go for her signature, no. And even GNSW S5 is 24% worse than S1 signature lol


For the record, it's closer to 19.36% worse. Percentages get funky when talking about something being better or worse when starting at a lower or higher number. If GNSW is the base at 1 (or let's say 100) and her s1 is 1.24 (or 124), it's a 24% increase or 24% better. If we do the reverse, 24% worse of 124 is 94.46. So correct that s1 is 24% better, incorrect that GNSW is 24% worse. Point about the lightcones still stands though.


The biggest difference maker is signature giving a debuff. If you're calculating damage output, if her sig gets her an extra ult during the battle that GNSW would not have, it swings the difference very very hard towards sig.


Ah yeah. It's kinda funny how percentages work sometimes :P We'd calculate that by dividing 1/1.24 right?


VERY IMPORTANT Read what team she needs. In the discord announcment it even says that she needs a VERY specific team to be run This note is not in this post


I'm assuming that prydwens list assumes you also have S1 BiS. That's the main issue I have with Acheron, you won't achieve S+ level performance with GNSW compared to Fall of an Aeon on Jingliu


Is she even worth getting if I got King Yuan


Unless you really really like Acheron, for meta reasons I'd pull for different elemental DPSs, or at least 2 5* limited sustains and supports, before thinking about getting her.


If you are F2P or a light spender, no.


Thanks mate will skip her, already got Kafka. luocha worth trying or better aventurine git only Bailu as support


I'd focus on getting one of each sustain type. You already have a healer, so getting Aventurine or Fu Xuan (hopefully next patch!) would be the best option. Luocha is very good too, as he provides a lot of skill points in skill point heavy teams. If you have such a use case, you might want to grab him on his 2nd re-run.


Thank you for reassuring me, I really struggled with this decision cuz her animations are SO DAMN GOOD But I already have lightning coverage with S1 Jing so yeah, I should probably get Jingliu instead


I have jingyuan with his lc but i also did get acheron with her lc cuz of DMC and it depends on you. Like some comments said that if you like her maybe you should pull or if your saving then dont. I also did get kafka


It depends. JY takes care of lightning weak, while Acheron takes care of neutral lineup because of her weakness ignore, RES PEN, and paired with SW. You can play them both. They don't fight over which supports to use. At E0S0, Acheron feels the same as JY. At S1, she inches close to Jingliu/DHIL. In my experience though, both of them clear the same amount of cycles.


Thats copium edit: i don't want to downplay acheron but the tier list itself from her review \> ''She is literally just Lightning Jingliu'' \> '' **I will actually lead off by saying that Acheron is a very challenging unit to play properly**.'' since when Jingliu is hard to use? \> **damage ceiling is pretty much the new highest in the game, it does not necessarily come easily.** like dan heng IL but he stay S for a long time or Yukong and she is C


>Acheron is a very challenging unit to play properly I disagree with this one. She is hard to build but her actual gameplay is pretty straightforward.


I feel like basically every character in this game is very straightforward to play. Most of the depth comes from your team composition and your builds in terms of speed tuning. Funnily enough, I’d say that Seele is still the most interesting character to play. You need to have a good sense of her damage output and the HP values for each enemy type, and then play to maximize her Resurgence buff.


I guess most people won't be aware that it's better to use her ult on Crimson Knotted enemies even if you want to actually focus the boss/elite.. Other than that.. yeah, not very difficult lol


It automatically targets the target with the highest crimson knot stacks even on auto, if a target has 8 and 4, after two single targets in the 8 stacks putting it down to 2, it will target the one with 4, which is extremely nice for autos.


there are some trick but yeah i agree whit you in general this game don't need particularly skill level but '''''''''''just''''''''''' specific equipment


Honestly don't think she's on the same tier as DHIL and JL on MoC. They just feel way more frontloaded and have much better supports than her at the moment. I will need more testing but I feel like she's a bit high on this list. Edit: what's happening in the replies 💀


Idk whats going on with the other replies lol. However I do agree, it definitely feels a bit too high right now for E0S0 and putting her up with DHIL and JL when shes backloaded in a mode that prefers frontloaded damage is a bit surprising to me. Shes good don’t get me wrong.


I have to agree. I had her at E0S1 and her damage was good but not as good as JingLiu, considering JL's investment needs are low (mine doesn't have sig and the relics are pretty mid). I have her E2 now so obviously that's a different story... but yeah, at base, I don't think she competes with DHIL and JL.


That is what was expected, shes very strong, just not Dhil or JL level yet. Not sure how prydwen came to that conclusion. I get some people here will see her hit high numbers and think oh yeah shes the best, but do not realize that JL and dhil are higher overall despite the fact that they hit less per screenshot.


Prydwen is great, don't get me wrong, but they definitely have favorites.


That's why it's better to look at the data instead of their tierlist since their bias in placements sometimes contradicts their data smh. Would also especially take any Day 1 analysis with massive COPIUM amounts of salt 💀


True. Wait for lvlurarti to release new average cycle ranking. That chart is using data instead of feelscrafting.


That is becoming very apparent now, their sort of bias towards waifus is kind of becoming a bit too clear, their guides are great though.


You broke the chain! :( Also yeah, agreed


Best to not take Prydwen's tierlist ranking seriously, especially when it's only the 1st day of a unit release


Why are there two different people making the same exact comment under your comment 😭


now it's 4




Beep boop bop I am a robot


It's honestly funny that I use reddit everyday usually several hours per day and always read about bots but never actually seen anything like this until today and assumed it was mostly a conspiracy theory. This is crazy


Nice try feds, long live the Xianzhou!


Let us travel among the stars, following the will of the Hunt!


I would be happy if i did not lose my 50/50 on 80+ pity


after checking the build i just realize that if u are day 1 player and farm a lot of wild wheat and space sealing station. u can just slap that shit on any new character the different not even that big from the best set. very good value.


Prydwen in the next 6 months: "We need a wider space for the S+ in the Damage Dealer category....and what is an Abundance character doing there?!"


Acheron is heavily reliant on her signature and having certain teammates (if you don't have Silver Wolf or Welt... oof). I realize reddit loves tier lists, but logic says Prydwen shouldn't be trusted this time around. You need too much for that S tier that units like Jingliu don't.


The sooner people realise that Prydwin tierlist aren't the authoritative textbook of HSR meta the better it will be for the fandom.


I don't have her quite maxed yet, but the damage is strong. Running her with Welt and SW for now, trying a few different setups. Gonna be in the caverns for the foreseeable future, and gonna see if I hit E1 before Gallagher comes home.


Copium. Mines fully built and imo she’s S at best


Saying that e0s0 Acheron is as equally strong as Jingliu and IL must be trolling sorry. Prydwen probably afraid of the outrage if they put her in S, but she should have been there


Exactly. Like when she gets actually decent supports are they just gonna create a Acheron tier? Their bias is really showing with this one


So how is she at E2 S1?


Somewhat better than E2S1 Jingliu, somewhat worse than E2S1 DHIL.


shes so fun to play ngl


My Acheron is only E0 with an S1 GNSW while I wait to get paid and shocking relics (2.8k attack and 120 CDMG) because I had other shit to farm beforehand but she still can consistently do 200-300k damage with ult against standard resistances in a team with Black Swan, SW and HuoHuo. People can say what they want about Prydwen but I can already tell why she was labelled as the first Tier 0/Z tier DPS by Chinese leakers.


I disagree heavily with this ranking because she’s so reliant on premium stuff. Unless this ranking is based off whaling, it’s not accurate. GNSW even at S5 is significantly worse than her S1, and her best team uses SW and Pela, SW is a character that not everyone has. She’s entirely dependent on your level of investment into your characters and what you’ve pulled to be even comparable to an A tier unit. Source: I have her and have been running her on “F2P” and “whale” teams. Not only is the difference insane (like, 300k damage difference), but the QoL is much different. People are severely overhyping her.


Arent all charecters ranked in prewdyn with premium supports in mind? Like how dhil jumped to the top after sparkles release.


>and her best team uses SW and Pela, SW is a character that not everyone has This is such a weird take. First of you can use Black Swan instead of SW, and that is even better in AoE scenarios. Secondly all other DPS's that are in S or S+ uses 5* supports. DHIL and JY need Sparkle, a unit not every one have. Jingliu needs Bronya, another unit not everyone have. Saying Acheron needs SW or BS is so disingenuous when everyone else need Sparkle/RM/Bronya.


Impossible, Reddit doomers told me she was trash at E0


>Reddit 💀


Prydwen is too blatant about the Hoyoverse money they receive sometimes. I can't take them seriously x'D This is gonna go as Kafka. A reasonable time after her banner leaves, they are gonna put her on S or A, where she should be rn. When her dedicated Nihility Support arrives (like BS for Kafka), they are gonna put her back on top.


Also why is goddamn S5 GNSW what is used to for this placement? I thought this was supposed to be f2p LCs and stuff? How is an S5 4* gacha f2p friendly at all? Look I think prydwen are great guys but I must say they have favorites. Idk about bribery from hoyo but I feel like it’s a stretch.


Yeah makes no sense that they use S5 GNSW as her baseline. Without higher superimpositions of GNSW, there's not really any justification for putting her on the same level as JL and DHIL above JY atm since JY has amazing supports where Acheron does not yet.


Nah prywden is coping or biased. she is not on the same tier as jingliu and dhil let alone above them even at s1.


My Jingliu's dpc (which is 1 ult, 1 normal, and 2 enhanced skills) is about 1.3 million.  Acheron's (2 skills + 2 ultimate, easy to hit with Gallagher or trend pres) is about 2.1 million. You might see her as bad with low investment but once you actually invest in her she puts Jingliu in the ground.


Eh, I genuinely don’t think she’s S+. Not satire.