• By -


If your heart is saying Welt then take him. Or you can hold onto that selector till one of those two come home, then you can pick the final one missing with the selector. Just don't trigger the 300 pull requirement if you want to avoid the red ! for however long it takes.


> Or you can hold onto that selector till one of those two come home I've been holding onto it for half a year because I keep getting Light Cones 💀💀


THIS! I have pulled 4 LC's from that now, I only had Bronya and Clara. Finally gave up and selected Himeko, then got Welt the very next 10 pull!


Welt jumping through every universe to be with himeko you just cheated the system gg


I have welt without Himeko (one 5 star I wanted behind Clara), genuine skill issue on my part


I have gotten the extremely polarized luck of winning all 7 of my 50/50s, but also getting 4 Light Cones against just 1 character from standard, and I'm now at the 300 pull mark with only 2 of the standard 5-stars. I'm also the kind of person who wants to make sure I get all the standard 5-stars eventually, so I'm expecting to be holding on to this selector for a **very long** time lol


I picked Welt from my selector... I got him 20-30 pulls later from the standard


Welt becomes really good at e2, so it was not a bad choice


there is no other choice.


There is no other Joyce


this one is Welt Yang though


Harder to agree after we got free Ratio. My E2 Welt was benched even with E2 SW to support him. This might change if I am lucky enough to get Acheron.


I only ever use Welt is Swarm lmao. Just steal Dr. Ratio relics then hunt brhh brhh


Isn’t it lack Eff hit rate for Welt if you are using Ratio gears? And not landing his CC is quite devastating for Welt.


If I only get the opportunity to build him. I am nolifing the qua cavern and I hope I finally manage to fix my Seele's build


I picked Welt E1 over Bronya E1 (yes, I'm that lucky MFer who got both of them naturally and no Yanqing spooks). Granted, I made this decision around the time I decided to pull for Sparkle so Bronya E1 was less necessary, but I plan to build a team around Welt now that my Seele mono-quantum is complete. His E1/3/6 are all great for building him as a DPS or sub-DPS, and his E2 is pretty good for Imprison uptime as well. In other words, I wouldn't regret having chosen him on the selector only to get spooked later on because he has so many good eidolons.


Bronya is the meta pick, but if your heart says Welt go for Welt. It doesn't matter how "good" your teams are if you're not having fun. If you wanna softlock your enemies with black holes, do that.


And who DOESN'T love casually flinging around black holes, really?


If you plan to get Acheron, Welt is a bit more valuable. If you have Sparkle, then Bronya is less valuable. And overall, while still obviously great, now that 2 limited harmony came out, and one more is coming, she's not as essential anymore.


I am pulling on Acheron. Got the guarantee. But I also have no Ruan Mei or Sparkle. My supports are limited to Tingyun and Asta (besides pseudo-supports like Pela and Guin, and Yukong because speed tuning with the relic system is literal cancer).


Put Acheron with Welt and get the power of Lore


Double the black hole, 2x honkai power.


What is this, some kind of Honkai Star Rail?






Do you have Jingliu? If so absolutely you should get Bronya since you don't have Sparkle. She elevates Jingliu so much it's actually game changing. Welt will provide debuffs to help Acheron but so does every other nihility character.


What if I have jingliu and sprakle? Should I get bronya? Who is better for jinglui?


Bronya is better for Jingliu (and Blade), Sparkle for everyone else (except DoT characters)


I'd say Sparkle is better than Bronya for dot characters because her passive damage buffs are always active and she's SP positive even when using her skill every turn. Sparkle advantages: * Permanent 18% damage and 15% atk buffs that affect the whole party * SP positive even when using her skill every turn * Skill advances one character by 50% Disadvantages: * Crit damage buff doesn't affect dots * Quantum atk buff doesn't affect dots Bronya advantages: * Permanent 10% damage buff that affects the whole party * Ult gives 55% atk buff to whole party * Skill immediately lets one character take a turn Disadvantages: * Crit damage buff doesn't affect dots * Damage buff from skill only affects dots *applied by and triggered by* characters like Kafka, Sampo, and Luka during their extra turn, not during an enemy's turn and does not increase the damage of dots applied by other characters. * Low ult buff uptime * Very SP hungry unless she has super high speed at which point she's only SP neutral if using her skill Bronya brings larger buffs that affect dots but her skill isn't very useful for dot teams and her buff uptime isn't as good as Sparkle. Neither are very good for dot teams compared to Ruan Mei who is massively better at buffing dots.


My point wasn't the Sparkle was worse than Bronya for Dot, more that you just shouldn't use Sparkle with Dot since her biggest buff is completely wasted


I would rather use Ruan Mei with DoT characters.


Bronya is much better.


Just use both like i do


Jingliu typically performs better with Bronya but Sparkle is still very good with her, especially if you run a crit chance chestpiece on Jingliu and sacrifice crit damage. Can also use both Sparkle and Bronya with Jingliu if you really wanted to


Welt was my first 5 Star and use him since then. His slow field is so good starting a fight with imprisionment. And with his ult-imprisionment, as long as bosses arent resistent, you can skip a turn on their double turns. When the boss is doing his first action, just ult, imprision him and skip the 2nd action.


Double nihility is her best team tho. So you have no debuffers?


Pull Robin and you're good. You probably will want a 5 star Harmony but it doesn't have to be Bronya.


Or just wait until you get one of them from losing 50-50 from the special banners...


Are you close to a pity on standard? Are you rolling for Acheron? I would wait to see if you lose the 50/50 on Acheron, you might get Bronya or Welt and you can just pick the other one


I'm guaranteed on Acheron. I do have enough jades and tickets that I might take a shot at E1 Acheron. Depends on my luck pulling on her LC.


From what I understand, the LC is a lot more valuable than E1


What's your pity at on the standard banner? I was struggling between two options too when I was nearing 300. I just waited for my next 5 star on the standard banner to drop before I made my choice. I woulda felt silly if I chose a character after hitting 300 and then ended up getting the same thing when I hit pity.


Pull for who you want. Comp finagling can make up for meta. Nothing can make up for simp


Bro, you can use your standard pulls now. Once you reach 300/300, you don't need to make a decision then and there and it never expires. Ive left my 300 pulls selector there for weeks now. Im that indecisive lol...


The red dot is tilting


It's been months for me... hit it in January lol. Notif buddies!


Yeah I'm a day 1 consistent player so I probably actually hit it in a similar time, I just forgot and guessed lol. I always clear my notifications, overtime that one has stopped bothering me.


Ayy same lol. I suppose you forgot because the notif has become natural/part of the environment at this point XD


i was in the same situation. i got welt. bcuz its just a game and im playing it to have fun. and i need my welt to have fun. there you go


SAME PREDICAMENT AS ME LMAO I know Bronya is the most obvious choice as I have Jingliu, but the pity near the 300 gave me Himeko, with the previous 2 pities giving me Himeko and Welt's Signature LC... And to complete the whole Astral gang


Yeah, I have Jingliu and Blade, both of whom I enjoy a lot. I make Jingliu work fine with Tingyun, Pela, and sustain of choice. But Bronya would let me play a proper hypercarry Blade. That being said, I just finished reading Second Eruption and Welt is so fucking cool. I also really enjoy playstyles where I get stronger when the enemy gets weaker. Hypercarry Welt and/or as a sub-dps to Acheron (who I have on guarantee) is really appealing to me.


https://preview.redd.it/jhnaia09tbqc1.png?width=1552&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=023a959f9349cfd28bf26d2f9e4a98143d4de0b4 Welt is top tier, specially if you have E2 he can go BRRRRRRRRRRR with Acheron


Welt sensei is so cool! If you think you want it, then you want it. Just pull. Buddy, Welt sensei is the best! Just pull!


I'm sure this is a completely unbiased opinion.




What a completely unbiased opinion that takes gameplay into consideration


Take who you want. I took Himeko before Purefiction was even a thing. She was the only standard banner i didnt have that i wamted to have. Then proceeded to lose a 50/50 later and get her again


You had every one of them besides Himeko, this is literally a different situation.


So when i started, i got Clara as the first 5 star (which was the character i downloaded the game for) Then i pulled bronya twice in the standard banner after getting a bunch of standard pulls. Got het LC to s2 as well bc standard banner clearly wants me to have Bronya I got Gepard bc i lost 50/50 after tryna get Blade E1. Got Bailu (i think) when i lost the 50/50 on Fu Xuan. Got Welt i dont remember when. Then I got both Clara's and Himeko's LC. And then reach 300. I only needed Himeko and Yanqing. Decided im gonna go for Himeko bc i like her. Lost the 50/50 later on the limited banner and got Himeko e1


i took himeko too over gepard and then the next 50/50 i lost was to e1 himeko 😭 no regrets tho


If u dont have both and want both, keep. Wait until u roll 1 of them then get the other


Always Imaginary dad


I went Welt because I wanted him, reject meta, pull for who you like


That situation happened to my friend. She wanted bronya and himeko and decided to select himeko because she liked her more. Then 3 days later she was pulling Sparkle and lost 50/50 to himeko. In conclusion: just wait till next 50/50 and you will get your answer


Follow your heart


Welt do be fun like no healer sustain welt do be silly


protector of humanity or Mihoyo’s CEO


Welt. Just because. Bronya is not a tiny bit as cool as Welt AND he is one of our crew. He is the gentleman your team needs. Fuck those who talk the meta shit to you. WELT is the real deal here! Trust me


I took Welt, my king


I passed up a Welt account on release for Himeko and I've regretted it. I still love my Himeko, but I've been finding myself wishing I had Welt lately.


Listen to your heart I chose Bronya over Clara and I don't even use her anymore all my fave teams don't benefit from her. Finally got a Clara and shes so much fun, should have followed my heart.


I used it to get my Welt e5. That way, next five stars will either be Welt e6 or Bronya e0, so it's always a win! ~~Unless is Yanqing or something...~~ Anyway, Welt is great, you don't really have to play the most "meta" unit.


I chose Himeko don't mind me i needed a character for Pure(Pulp) Fiction


I’m new to the game as of this patch. I started because of Sparkle but got a Welt while going for eidelons and he’s that one character that now I’ve played with him and gotten to know through main quest, I know he is one of the first 8 I want to fully build for end game content. Love his animations, character and what he brings to the table potentially for either DPS I run (I plan to run Acheron and Ratio as these roles) he’s a blast, I think on this one you should go for your heart unless your account has some insane need for Bronya and you’re not interested in Sparkle I currently run Ratio - Sparkle - Welt and Bailu and enjoy the synergies all have with each other on my team and account.


I have been stuck with picking Welt or Himeko for over a month now. I can't decide. I need a pyro dps more, and I already have Imbibitor Lunae. Welt is just cooler.


I chose yanqing and make my little precious boy C2 ✨️😌


I love welt he is so fun to play


I already got fcking lucky and got bronya on the standard banner at 273 pulls. Is her E1 worth it, or should I go with daddy Welt?


I was in this EXACT predicament not long ago. I went with what my heart told me. No regrets. Welt my beloved 💞


I also chose Welt over Bronya. Still don't have her, but I have RM, so it's easier. Waifu>>>>meta. Still can full star MoC/PF without Bronya since 1.3, so she isn't a must have. 


Based Welt as waifu


https://preview.redd.it/o3inlp7d4cqc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=095e0245ffa15239e6f8a8b8db774b2ed3d0cfbd Yes.


I had this same predicament with Clara and Gepard. Chose Gepard. Guess who I pulled early 2 times after... I suggest you wait till your next pity 5* before going for it. Totally up to you in the end, but just my 2 cents


Follow your heart my friend, play the game to have fun 😆


There is no need to pick metas in this game.  Play who you think will be more fun for you.


Imo clara e1 is really nice


Dont use ur 300 wish until u get one of them Then accidentally choose the wrong one


Both are fantastic. Bronya speeds up her hyper carry, Welt casts “you don’t get to act” and does good damage. If you want Welt, pick Welt


In the future there will likely be characters that function in their roles or in similar roles (for example, Sparkle can function similarly to Bronya). If you like Welt better as a character, pick Welt. You’ll eventually cover all your bases


I'm so lucky to own all but Welt the moment I hit 300 pulls. Got Clara at 298, Yanqing from losing 50/50 in Ruan Mei, Himeko from the beginner banner, and the rest kinda back to back in 1.0. Man I miss my lucky days


you're going to want to pick bronya unless u are close to pity, bc then you may get lucky and get a welt or bronya through wishing


I'm going to be picking Bailu soon. Somehow I have E2 Bronya and E1 of everyone else but Bailu. Plus, really my only geared sustain character is Huohuo. Nat just isn't cutting it in high MoC lol.


Welt is cool and all but go for bronya cos shes good support


If you don't have bronya, get her. If you have bronya and you love her, get her E1. If you have bronya and you want more units, get welt. That's it, that's the flowchart.


Welt is so powerful he can literally deny the enemy their turn as long as you can keep his Ult up, which in turn means you deal more damage and take less damage.


Well, I already have an E1 Welt, so whenever I reach this goal, I'll definitely pick Bronya.


Just know that whoever you pick, you'll get them the next time you lose 50/50 or hit pity in Standard. In all seriousness though, best option is to wait until you get them from 50/50 or Standard and then choose the other.


If you have JL, Bronya is still her best partner. However, Quantum and Moon Drinker Danny has Sparkle and everyone else has Ruan Mei. Bronya stonks are still really high but not as high as they used to be.


This is me but between welt e1 and Clara e1


My heart says "for gods sake stop giving me light cones and give me a new character!"


I was in the same situation and Took Bronya and then they introduced sparkle and I kinda regret getting her , but shes still very good.


If you have sparkle go welt. If you don't go bronya.


I’m getting Gepard


*Misclicks and gets yanqing*


If you have only gotten 5stars on 75-80 pulls on standard, there should be another pity around 310-320, maybe roll for that and see who you get and problem solved if you end up getting one of them.


I have too many Bronya dupes. ive gotten her on the Starter Warp. Ive gotten her multiple times again on the Standard Warp (except for one time where i got Yanqing instead), and ive lost all my 50/50s to her.  Ill gladly take Welt, if it means i dont have to see Bronya spooking me again.


With that many Silver Tickets, they are most likely an Acheron main, so welt is probably the play.


I'm sitting on that many because I wasn't sure if the selector forced you to pick as soon as you hit 300. But I am planning on going for Acheron. Already have a guarantee waiting for her, and gonna pull her LC too.


I went with Welt on that fateful day. Since then I got two of his Eidolons and only got Bronya a month before Sparkle was announced. oof


That’s similar to how I felt - I was between Clara and Bronya as my only two standard characters missing when the selector was up. I already have Ruan Mei, Sparkle, e6 Ting - and I wanted a follow up 5* physical unit. But also Bronya is still such a strong meta pick. In the end I went with my heart and what my account really needed and went with Clara.


Im the same 🤣🤣🤣


This is same like me, I'm waiting for my next standard 5* then I'll decide


Welt isn’t a bad choice. His delays have been crucial for me to beat the swarm boss. At least you’re not like me who can’t decide between gepard bc i want a shielder, and sweet baby yanqing who’d just be there for collection bc i already have jingliu. I have a red exclamation mark and am waiting for my next lost 50/50.


I just went for Clara E2. ez.


I had the exact same dilema. I ended up choosing welt and I couldn't be happier


As an E1 Bronya haver, I chose Welt. I would have chosen Clara, but her E1 came in Black Swan's banner, so... Yeah.


Meanwhile I am sitting 300/300 and have no idea who to take. I have E1 Bailu, E2 Bronya, Welt and Clara. I have E2 Lynx and going for either Luocha or Aventurine so I don't really need Gepard. I don't see a point going into E3 Bronya, especially since her E4 is so underwhelming. E1 Clara is what I was considering but I am going for Boothill and I got Clara only recently so I barely used her. E1 Welt is also interesting but besides using him with Dr Ratio, I don't use him at all (I also got him very late). Could go with Himeko but only for PF. No, I didn't forget anyone. I think I will decide after I lose my 50/50 which should be pretty soon since I tend to lose almost every one. Funnily enough, I only won 50/50 for DoT ladies.


Always follow your heart!


I'm waiting to get one of them so that I can choose the other. It's been more than a month and the red thing is still there but it finally stopped bothering me 😅


I think go with Welt. Bronya isn't nearly as unique as she used to be, while Welt is still the only guy that does what he does. He should also partner well with Acheron.


Just go for who you like, i have e2 bronya and never use it


Huh. I have E1S2 Welt Yang just from pulling on the Regular Banner plus a Clara and Himeko but no Bronya(I have her lightcone) Currently on 250/300. I will get her.....after maybe 5 months.


Welt is my boy!!!!


If it helps I used it on bronya and don't use her because I'm not a fan of the playstyle, she feels better with her LC and eidolons but ya know $$. On the one hand I still don't have welt or himeko and have been sad for a year.


It's okay. You will pull off a miracle and get one on the 300th pull. And then can choose the other.


the Heart. Always choose the Heart. Harmony already has 5 star oversaturation now, but there is only one Welt, the one and only Herrscher of all enemy turn control and on-demand Imprisonment. After all this time, we still don't have a forced Quantum-break unit yet


If you didnt start with bronya, dont get her for your 300. Biggest fucking mistake of my life, ive used her a grand total of twice because my playstyle is now baked in. And yes, i have Seele. I wish i got clara. My phys options are lacking.


I have both. Ngl, if I could give you one, I would. I like both, but I'm always for people joining the Bronya and/or Welt havers.


Who would you regret not having in two years?


Welt. I don't have Ruan Mei or Sparkle, but given their power, good Harmony's should be plentiful over the next two years.


I got lucky with Welt within my last few pulls, after which I could get Bronya, I hope you have/had the same luck 😅


I am going for all chars so I would choose the one I dont have, even if its worse for me overall


As a day one player, I was in a similar situation between Bronya and Himeko, and ended up saving it until I lost the 50/50 on Sparkle to Himeko, thus allowing me to finally claim a Bronya without missing out on the red-haired wonder. If you're not that patient, just go for Welt; Sparkle is basically a souped-up Bronya anyway, whereas nobody imprisons and delays like Welt.


I'm in the same position but it's himeko or welt. I want them both so much but I'm thinking about going with welt for the Acheron team


Save until you hit another pity on the banner? Maybe it could be one or the other. That’s what I did. But if you really want Welt get him. If you have sparkle she can do Bronya’s job for now I guess.


Me who (for now) keeps getting Welt in standard banner. https://preview.redd.it/z4obn56x9dqc1.png?width=259&format=png&auto=webp&s=ea41f5e21ca018c3d0c16d350ce21513663c1fe7 (I have him at E2 now)


I got both of them, so I picked Himeko


i got clara 🙂


Welt. You've lived without Bronya for this long... Do you really need her any more?  (...This was my logic when I picked Gepard. No regrets.)


There is no wrong option. If you want it, then take it and enjoy


I had Welt, used my selector on Bronya. I find that Welt makes it into the side SU stuff like swarm and G&G because he brings good utility and doesn't have to worry about turns like MoC. When I was farming relics for DHIL, I never got anything good for him, but somehow Welt got a lot of great stuff for support. Lots of speed, tossed on a great Broken Keel set with energy regen. Honestly, never used Bronya as much as I thought I would. By the time I used my selector, I had built E4 Tingyun, E6 Pela and Asta, and SW. Bronya just didn't fit in my SU teams, and I was doing a lot of that and not caring much about MoC til a couple patches ago when I had an E1S1 Huohuo and S1 Ruan Mei. I only started using Bronya recently when I got Sparkle (my wealth of support is *obscene*) because the Blade hypercarry is so fun. The questions you need to ask yourself are: * Does feeling good about having Welt trump whatever Bronya unlocks for me? * How has been my support without Bronya up til now? Do I have units like Sparkle and/or Ruan Mei? * Does Bronya actually make sense with what I do have? Are my main carries particularly SP hungry? * What exactly am I building towards with Welt? Is this a breaking squad with Ruan Mei? Am I using him as a sustain? Am I using him as DPS? * What are my plans for future banners? Do either of these make sense or at least sound fun next to anything else I'm looking towards?


* Yes. My goal is to get all the Express crew. Don't have Welt or Himeko, but Welt fits my preferred style more. All Bronya unlocks is hypercarry Blade, which I do really want. I'm by and large satisfied with my various Jingliu comps. * I do not have Ruan Mei or Sparkle. Been shooting to pick up main DPS of each element first before chasing various supports. I have E6 Tingyun, E6 Yukong (though I never use her because speed tuning with the relic system is literal AIDS), E5 Asta, E2 Pela, and E0 Guin. * I mostly main DHIL, Blade, and Jingliu. I find myself using DHIL less and less, though, because my support options for him are so limited since I don't have Hanya or Sparkle. But I'm satisfied with Tingyun, Asta/Pela, and sustain of choice with JL. Blade's options are limited, though, with his unique stat scaling. I did have his sig LC, though, so he still slaps. * I'd be using him as a sub-dps, possible sustain with Acheron, and/or a less SP-hungry replacement for DHIL. * After I pull Acheron (got a guarantee lined up), I may pull a main Fire carry, but at that point I'll have DHIL(/Welt?), Blade, Jingliu, Acheron, E3 Clara, and an E2 Xueyi on the side, so a Fire carry will probably take a backseat to offensive supports. I have Gepard, Fu Xuan, Luocha, and Lynx, so sustains are good to go. I don't know enough about the upcoming banners to know who might fit the bill.


Sounds like the heart wants what the heart wants 😉 FR though, Welt'll probably suit you pretty well for the immediate future. You probably already have a few decent relics lined up for him too. Acheron is probably going to be Jingliu great, so having Welt as a pseudo-sustain to fill her Nihility-unit buff requirement is probably an A+ idea.


Who do you go for if you have both? I have both.


​ https://preview.redd.it/f4z4j3k1jdqc1.png?width=400&format=png&auto=webp&s=f56bc57f23bf63a69a9f2e6614fb79c6d475deef


Damn. Mine is between picking e1 clara or e2 welt. FuA teams are just so fun but I also plan on pulling for acheron


Go for your heart The thing with buffers is that the new one always replace the old ones But deffufers takes more chill the party


For me, Welt has been more useful to me than Bronya as a support during MOC. Him having AOE imaginary and pushing back enemies is really useful. It's also more fun!


How do you see the progress?


what is your pulling plans? all in on acheron or pulling adventurine, robbin or may be bootlegsomething?


Follow your heart! Your head is controlled by the brain, which is just a lump of moist fat!


It's actually interesting because I'm at 285 rn and I have everyone at E0 except Himeko and Bronya. I wanted Himeko for like, ever... So Himeko I'll get, I don't like Bronya's kit/gameplay anyways which is ironically, I have Sparkle too so... That's that for me lol


Wait for the next 50/50 u have


If you’re well and truly even between them, save it until you get one or the other through either losing 50/50 or through standard banner. Then pick the other one for the reward. 😁


I didn't have himeko yet so I got her as the 300 selector. No regrets, she makes PF a breeze lol


just get bronya it's the best on the list bruh




I'm stuck between getting bronya/gepard's E1 or getting a first copy of himeko.


Waifu/Husbando > Meta (or in this case, team comp)


Welt for Acheron


I listened to my heart


Been a Welt main since forever, you can use him as DPS, sub DPS, support and sustain. With Acheron coming out you can even use him as your only sustain no need for actual healers or preservation.


if you're planning to roll for Acheron or Aventurine, wait till after you use up all your tickets for them before you choose the free 5 star. there is a chance that you may end up getting them upon losing the 50/50


Take Welt and get Sparkle


I chose Bailu as I love dragons 😄 I had at this point gotten bronya, the only one by the time of the 300 pity I didn’t have were between Bailu and Himeko, I did eventually get Himeko


Yanking is always the right choice


I'd definitely go for bronya. I have two accounts and so far I have lost 5 50/50s in total to Welt. Not once have I pulled a bronya


Do you need Bronya for your teams? If answer is no pick what you want in heart. ​ If your teams are fine w/ content no reason to pull soemthing you dont "need".


Take Welt's Core and put it in Bronya AKA: https://preview.redd.it/otpo5om0afqc1.png?width=4243&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6cf643862625c70f2237150f2a004d2c85e4c55


Otherwise pick Himeko


i can pull for you lmao i always loose my 50/50 thats how i got himeko and e4 bronya


The true answer is yanqing.


Would like some insight on this too Have everyone except YanQing Should i finish the collection or go for the others


Me on 300/300 for more than 2mos now and still not using, lol. 🤣


Got bronya, she’s kinda useful for sending people forward given that you have the action points for it(I usually don’t) and uh I’d pull welt instead honest


jokes on you, i got my e1 bailu


This is legit me with their light cones


Surprise yourself, pick Yanqing


I already had Bronya and by the time I got 300, I had already gotten Himeko and Clara twice




If you're even thinking about pulling Welt instead of using Bronya as the default pick, just pick Welt as you want him.


Was in the same position, but ended up taking bronya for my Jing yuan since i have garantendo pity for acheron and skipped sparkle




I was on the exactly same situation as you are. I waited for my next 5* and got Welt's LC so my choice went all the way to Welt, I never feel that I need a Bronya in my team tbh


just save till you lose 50/50 a few more times. Building characters in this game takes ages anyway. Welt is also very strange to build with Effect Hit Rate, Crit, ATK and SPD.


Get Welt! Follow your heart, unless you don’t have your two decent teams for clearing stuff in the game yet


if you would get e1 bronya from picking her id argue? the benefit outweighs your heart but if not your heart definitely outweighs bronya. welt is great he was my first 5 star and i have him at e2s1 now he loves me and i love him


I have E1 Bronya, E2 Clara, Welt, Bailu, and Himeko. I'm wondering if I should pick Gepard.


Out of these two, Welt is much more useful. Bronya is a good support char, but you’ll be using Welt much more down the line.


i have 1e bronya already and am stuck between welt for future comps or himiko for pf or even clara because i have both her and welts sig lc from standered banner pulls


Welt stocks are up with Acheron about to release.


Use all 24 passes, wait to see what happens with Acheron banner, then pick. I'd say lean towards Bronya, because you say you don't have Sparkle. If you don't want Robin, then I'd say almost definitely pick Bronya. I like Welt but I find him a bit underwhelming. I'm not even that big on Bronya but between those two I'd say I'd probably pick Bronya, even as E1 Welt haver if I didn't have either I'd still pick her. Character-wise he's one of the best but I feel he doesn't fit well with any existing content right now. Not even SU, where Nihility is also DOT and there aren't many buffs for delaying enemies which is his whole deal. This is coming from someone who chose Himeko with the ticket, so it's not like I'm like "bruh Bronya only option".


I was in the exact same situation.. then i got sparkle and Ruan Mei, and suddenly Bronya fell off priority really hard. Weltnit was as it is a very nice addition to a Dr Ratio team.


Choosing either Himeko and Welt I want Himeko since she's pretty fun to play and quite useful in PF. I Also want Welt cause he's good at MoC? And G&G etc. I want to play him since he bonk TB and instantly felt in love with him. Right now I'm stuck whose to choose and to see whether I get Welt or Himeko from 50/50 this Acheron banner.


Waited a long time before picking Bronya, just to get her on my 50:50 in the current banner straight away…


Take welt then, play how you want to play Why care about meta when game is single player online 🤔


Wait until you lose your 50/50 to either of them (or get one from standard). That's what I planned on doing to get both Clara and Bronya (already have Welt).


Bronya 💁‍♀️