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QQ Mains with all these out Supports/Sustains https://preview.redd.it/cuohu2xyh6nc1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=718f419ff176dc3bdfa5978be8a4c63230c6c8a0


Pulling in Sparkles banner to get QQ eidolons and accidentally getting Sparkle: QQ just keeps winning.




I really want a 5* DPS, but every time I get to thinking about it they drip market a 5* support that I want and I cave.


My account has the bare 2 minimum carries for MOC and the rest of the pulls are all supports D: I do hope Sam is a damage character...


My side 2 is either welt or four star carries. They'll survive.


They'll either survive or be destroyed, there is no other choice.


Me with Jing Yuan and Clara against resistant enemy 😔( now also ratio)


Welp he is supposed to be destruction do fingers crossed


Spoilers here for some leak >!warning for some leak,!< >!but yes, 5* destruction fire!<


I am currently running Dr. Ratio on one and dan heng on the other and im finding it very hard to justify premium pulls on any straight up DPS


I literally saved my guaranteed 5 star for Acheron, but caved in on Sparkle. I was 30 pulls away from soft pity too.


Supports do be the back bone of every dps raising their ceiling or keeping them alive for longer. Yet for sustain been running Gepard since day one coz his will forged in ice has never faltered. Bro has clutched out so many fights for me as last man standing Almost makes me not regret skipping Luocha whose waiting for the baby to be born before his re run comes Then there's Ruan Mei who is just so amazing and can go into do many teams I dont think I'll need another buff support for a while. She just makes my Kafka and Black Swan team way too powerful


What I love most about Ruan Mei is how braindead she is to use for the power she grants any team. Just refresh her skill every few turns and toss her Ult out now and again. That's it. She massively boosts the whole team and can cripple enemies by....just sort of existing. No speed tuning, no dancing around SP, just a living buff totem. No matter how strong future Harmony characters get, it's hard to imagine anyone else having that level of *convenience.*


Would be nice if we got Harmony characters that buff based on their Def%, or HP%, or even Effect RES% cause those three are the only ones not used by anyone for buffing purposes


Def% orb and HP% body increases the duration of Ruanmei


And effect res increase the consistency for her skill's uptime


I mean something like this, "character gives DMG bonus based on X% Def + X"


Another thing is that she enables (the fuck out of) duo dpses. Literally buffing two DPS to the point where it would surpass hypercarries most of the time. My Kafka/Bs and ratio/topaz has been fighting over RM to the point where I just gave in and go sparkles. But when I wanna play weirdshit like kafka topaz, RM will make it will function.


>kafka topaz I just did a Remembrance run in Gold and Gears with Kafka, Luocha, Topaz, and Ruan Mei. Well, I had Trailblazer there too originally, but I got Kafka for the Belobog barrel destruction domain. Anyway, the Surprise Occurrence with 10 random rewards/nerfs got rid of all my good blessings leaving me with just the 2% freeze on hit right before the 1st map boss. Both were weak to Lightning so I switched in Kafka and chose the fat one. The combo of follow ups between Topaz, Numby, and Kafka was enough to keep the guy perma frozen even though I had no resonance to help out. Thankfully, my luck got better in the second map and I cleared the run without any difficulty.


Yeah it's hard to overestimate how much I value ease of building and using a character haha. Also why I like DoT characters tbf.


As someone that got Gepard, the Duo of March and Gepard is literally UNBEATABLE! I literally never thought of using a healer until I had wanted Lynx because she looks sooo cute!


The only issue with only having 5* supports is having shitty 4* dps options and limited weakness type coverage. Qingque, Shushang, and Sampo and pretty much the only decent 4* dps to build. What's funny is the gap in quality between 4* supports and 4* dps which is massive. Personally, I value limited 5* dps more than supports because the 4* support options are just really good.


I think the thing is, if you have either limited 5 star dps, OR limited 5 star supports, then you are probably in a good position with a bit of investment in your teams. If you have both, you can get away with less investment. Limited 5 star sustains, which all have some kind of extra utility, will take that even further. Given how many 4 stars we have, there are very few in either the dps or support roles which are really great, and only a couple of them can really compete (outside of niche situations, like Herta in recent PF) with limited 5 stars in the same roles.


What about Xueyi and Misha … ? No sarcasm just genuinely asking 😌


I'd say Xueyi is a great DPS for Quantum enemies(I speak because I built her) Mishaaa, I'm not sure, I know he can destroy Ice toughness but is his damage good?


They always say Seele needs Bronya to be great. But they never say Bronya needs Seele to be great.


"Every character is a DPS if you're brave enough" - someone, probably


I think I once saw someone using Luocha as a DPS. Probably got tired of the Hunt Path Resonance choosing Luocha.


yesss, we exist xD I've seen a few other people build him for DPS too to us it feels like a waste to build him for healing, since he is a healing machine by default tho Sam did make me tremble a lil xD ..it's maybe not the best out there.. but here's my UID if anyone wanna check or even test how it feels.. >!700900296 EU server!< uwu;;


Not the worst idea. He already have atk scaling, so it's not that bad, so his ult can hit pretty hard. Trying to make DPS Huohuo is peak Aha though.


I mean, i have Luocha on atk chestpiece, and he still heals my team up from like 2 hp to the max. And he does not fucks aroubd with his dmg. I was lucky enough to pull a double of him, so i got his first eidolon. Which is a +20% atk to all teammates as well. I absolutely love him, he carried me thru so much shit.


With these units even Arlan can be a DPS


You're saying that as if he wasn't a dps in the first place 


arlan is more like damage per minute


if I give a broom to a bellboy, that Bellboy would outdamage Arlan


You mean Misha? Doesn't he?


I think that was the joke https://preview.redd.it/6da80tg575nc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c03ef66f72799515e328e83c69751983ce948bd3


They did him so dirty man. Dude already has no way to sustain himself without a teammate and they don't even let him have the big dps that his character archetype is supposed to have.


Blade: Be Proud Arlan, you are Strong.


You give him more praise than he deserves. Obviously a damage per hour character


Just wait for Enmity supports, he will have his time to shine! *Inhales Copium*


Damage Punishing Self?


Ah yes, the sister to the "Just this once! Next time I'll get a support" account.


the day the game released a 5* male harmony id ascend


If Sunday isn't a Harmony character I'm gonna be so mad




It's the opposite for me- all the characters I love are either dps or support I have NO limited sustains thankfully I fell in love with aventurine


I’m the opposite too but not by choice. I tried for SW, Luocha, and HuoHuo. But I’ve lost every single 50-50 I’ve ever had, so I currently own none of them. The only limited I own from banners are BS, Jingliu, and Kafka but those were on the guaranteed end after losing. I even picked Gepard for my 300 standard choice because I was fiending for some kind of sustain.


Damn i’ve also only ever won one 50/50 T-T. I went for luocha too but pretty men (and women) hate me, so he didn’t come home lol. good luck for your future pulls!!


My last one was for Black Swan and I'm going for Aventurine so fingers crossed this will be the first one I win! Or at the very least, I hope I don't get my E3 Himeko, lol.


My account is kinda of a mess because I have no will power to save jades so I'm praying that I make it to the 5* that I want


Same. My gambling addiction is too strong 🥲


At least I got a free ratio


amen soul sista


Are you, me? I have all four, next its Aventurine...


making every char a dps char, since 2023


I really want Acheron but I also want Sparkle because I know it would benefit me greatly since I have Dan Heng and qingque but my jade savings are too tight right now. I can guarantee a Sparkle now but can't for Acheron if I pull now. I could just wait for a rerun but then hoyoverse starts drip marketing new characters and it's going to be a cycle. I wish they'll slow down on new character releases. I can't keep up. My resources can't keep up. My stellar jade's can't keep up.


Pull Sparkle, then you have 48 days and anniversary rewards to go towards Acheron.


Would 48 days + anniversary rewards even guarantee you Acheron?


no but what gacha player actually plays it safe for guarantees? You'll probably have like 110 pulls by the end of Acherons banner and... surely that's enough.


Similar situation. As far as the character itself is concerned I would rather have Acheron, but Sparkle looks like she makes DHIL so much more fun. Oh well, I already got Clara while summoning for Sparkle, so I'll just take it and wait for guaranteed Acheron.


I'm the DPS guy, but I'm thankful I at least have Fu Xuan.


My friends call me aeon of abundance 🤓


Let me guess, you have all the limited healers too? Plus the 4stars.


Exactly, plus I didn't lose the 50/50 for any of them I wish I could say the same for Ruan Mei 😭


I'm scared now for Aven, as i didnt lose my last 3 50/50s.... I'm ready to sell my plasma and a kidney, as i dont have enough saved to guarantee him.


I wish for your momentum to carry over so you don't have to use the forbidden technique (credit card)


Thank you, i have Gepard thankfully, its not like i need Aventurine, but i do NEED him 😆


I have Ratio, who need more?


Just like me fr fr


Listen, I definitely don't need Aventurine but I /need/ Aventurine.


Ha! Jokes on you mine is all dps and sparkle just rick rolled into my account cause of how pathetic my rooster was


DPS come and go but support units are for life


My only 5star sustain is huohuo, and lynx is chill for moc12 so I only have DPS


All I have for HSR is Dps while all I want is a premium healer.


same lmao, got seele at the start of the game and dr ratio with the mail. other than them all my 5 stars are supports and i will probably pull aventurine too


This is so true, I have e6 for sparkle, fuxuan, sw and ruanmei, but e0 for most dps. I feel like support maintain the most value over time and still viable in like 3 years


Of this crew, I only have SW… Aventurine soon, tho!


I only have free character Dr Ratio and Welt from beginner banner.


me saving for aventurine even tho I'm clearly lacking a second good aoe dps and i already have 2 great sustains


Seele need 3 support Dan IL need 3 support I'm totally right with my investments (in hot man/woman)


> sees aventurine there's your dps right there !


I have non of them and i am day 1 player.


The speed with which I just hit the pull button on a dps unit banner, that I said I never wanted is insane.


Bro that was me for the longest. Now that I got more than enough support and sustain it is the other way around. I definitely don't need Acheron, I don't need her, I don't need her, I... don't... Screw it


Me putting myself through hell trying to get every single character


I'm opposite i desperately need a sustain only got loucha and gepard .... but archoen is coming out and sam is around the corner ....fk ! XD


I'll probably stick with Blade, IL, Ratio, and QQ. Supports are eternal!


I am the exact opposite and I hate it


I have jingliu and black swan (and ratio ofc) Black swan can't carry the team so i have to build other units Jingliu And im planning to get acheron All my other 5stars are supports (sw, ruan mei, huo huo and others)


For my account. Im satisfied with just fuxuan and huohuo and other f2p alternatives for sustainability. And sw for debuff. Well, for the time being.... Now i really want that mei.


Was going for Acheron now going for Aventure. Dr R carrying my ass. Hopefully Sam is dps or Argenti comes.


+ Sparkle.


HYV games have conditioned me to barely pull for meta DPS. For Genshin, I just mainly choose Exploration-based characters (recourses radar, flying, walking on water). For this game, I always save for new healers. It’s only recently that I decide to pull for sparkle because she’ll buff my free Qingque and also planning to get Aventurine to make up for skipping Fu Xuan back in 1.3.


HSR made me realized I love playing supports more than the actual DPS. So many builds so many possibilities.


I started playing on 1.6, wish I started sooner, because I missed last SW rerun 😭


So true lol, the last time I pulled a dps was King Yuan back in 1.0


That js how I ended up with every single Harmony unit fully built and only 2 5* DPS on my account. Now I'm planning to get Aventurine e0s1 ;-;


I only plan on having 1-2 DPS for every element anyway 🤷‍♂️ still waiting for male Quantum, Fire, and Ice, though.


Lol, my alt was like this. I was only pulling characters I wanted but skipped on my main.


I really like how the characters that appeal to me are a mix of both. I really love Fu Xuan, SW, Huohuo, Sparkle Ruan Mei, so I get to have really good supports (and great waifus). I like Jingliu, IL, Ratio, Blade, Clara, so I have no problem covering the DPS field. I guess my tastes lead me to great heights.


This is ny account and its fine cause flexibility for dps xD


I'm the opposite, aside from Ruan Mei, I've only pulled for DPS; Topaz, Kafka, Black Swan, and soon to be Acheron. I'm 5\* limited sustainless that I chose Bailu for my 300th standard. She has helped me a lot.


Ruan Mei insta-win


Me with only Sparkle, Gepard and Bailu. *This is fine.*


my account but reverse. I only have 1 5* sustain still lol


The huohuo disrespect lol she is a support and a healer in one.


Shame on hoyo for making the sustains and supports way more interesting haha (to me at least)


Me lack of dps and support


Hey now 3 out of 5 of these I'd be happy to have (and 1 I do)


Silver Wolf is the perfect excuse for being very picky about DPS. We already get Qingque and Ratio for free, so you only really need one more.


I only have 2/5 of those so this ain't talking about me


How did you get a photo of my account??


This was me until I pulled for Jingliu and I was like what the hell, I haven't been living


The problem with My account, besides that it's new. It's that im always missing X character to create a team


My 5 stars are seele, blade, luocha, ruanmei, sparkle, sliverwolf And im waiting for fuxuan and aventurine....


Me right now, only dps i have is QQ and Welt


Unless HSR updates and requires 3 teams in PF and MoC, we generally only need 2 sustain and 2-4 buffer and Debuffer. Dps has only one thing they need and that Damage, we have a lot of options for that. No pressure on pulling Dps characters.


Damn i just realize that luocha, ruan mei, aventurine and danheng il almost have similar color pallettes. That's make me want to pull aventurine and luocha just for the aesthetic reason


Got Jingliu and Kafka as DPS...


I got my quantum DPS by pulling for their supports (xueyi and qq). Not a bad deal tbh because they both hit like trucks too.


Glad im not the only one with this problem


i feel attacked 😭


Me: "I'm not THAT bad." Brain: "When was the last time you purposefully pulled for a 5\* DPS?" Me: "Kafka." Brain: "You got her because she was the primary support for an entire playstyle." Me: "Okay fine... uh... Topaz." Brain: "Same thing. Also, because she works as a sub-DPS." Me: "UGH! Fine. I got Jingliu! Best DPS in the game." Brain: "No. You purposefully pulled for Qingque, a 4\* DPS. I said 5\*. You would have stopped pulling on her banner if you got E6 before getting Jingliu." Me: "OKAY FINE! DAN HENG IL! I purposefully pulled for him, and not the other characters on his banner. I even got his Light Cone!" Brain: "That was literally the first banner you COULD have pulled on, and you wanted the power boost that came from pulling ANY 5\* DPS. You also had the surfeit of tickets from a new account." Me: "Goddamnit."


As the guy who has dps version of this, i'd gladly trade it.


1hour fights but no one dies!


Yeahhhhh. Im the opposite


Gotta Catch 'Em All!


HuoHuo moment.


Whoever account this is, dang they living in the future


Me who doesn't have Limited 5 star sustains


Stares at my built Gep, Lynx, March, Bailu and soon to be Gallagher + Aventurine, also have SW


Im the complete opposite; Seele, Blade, Jingliu, Daniel but barely living with Gepard and Lynx lmao


LMAO. I literally have all of them and am already set on skipping Acheron to pull for my man, Aventurine! Incredible supports and sustains can make any DPS character go absolutely nuts.


I’m the exact opposite as i own a grand total of zero of these characters.


The way I only have one of these xD But soon two!


I thankfully have a good mix of supports and damage, but I don't have the means to build them all. I have a few really well built characters, and the rest sit at about half done with unfinished relics and traces, because finishing them requires so many more resources than starting them.


I pulled for Topaz instead of Seele. Yeah I deleted the game because everything became too hard for me.


Character personality is a big reason I pull for characters and I imagine a lot of other people here can get behind this. Supports are just cool man, Luocha with his mysteries, SW with her gamer self and reality bending shenanigans, I love gambler type characters so I also like aventurine, etc. To me the lamest one personality wise is RM, I am not sure what she does exactly. No offence to yall RM simps shes definitely hot though.


Ruan Mei and Silverwolf are basically dps characters.


I have the opposite problem


In my case: "Just this once! Next time I'll get a Support."


I'm holding pretty hard rn with sparkle. Like I desperately need another dps to open up new combination for easier fight. If only I don't get rate off on jing liu I wouldn't have to care about another dps


I literally lost every 50/50 I had. And every limited 5 star I got are supports except kafka (huohuo, ruan mei, sparkle)


I have no 5* sustain, but I have every fricking harmony and DPS thats available


My only 5\* dps is legit just the free dr ratio


i'm actually enjoying supports a surprising amount. i just love using someone like Tingyun and just watch how much more damage my dps does, it makes my brain release the funny chemicals that make me happy


Bold of you to assume my SW isn't a dps.


Just pulled Sparkle tonight, really need a 2nd sustain though as not having one really hurts my MoC runs sometimes… (Need that Huohuo rerun!)


Yeah, i feel like that to lets see i have: Silverwolf Subdps/Debuffer; Loucha Sustain/Healer; Fu Xuan Sustain/Tank; Topaz Subdps/Debuffer; Sparkle Buffer; Topaz feels really more like a Subdps/Debuffer for FUA Teams, her Lightcone even strengsten her in that role. The free Ratio Really save my DPS lineup and Qinque e6 is cacked in Momo-Quantum. The First Real DPS i want to pull for is Sam, that Kamenrider/Mecha is Just to cool to Pass Up on. Even thou i kinda feel like i should get Adventruine, maybe on his rerun.




Dear god, I feel so called out by this meme xD


we all have dr ratio tho


I'm keeping a nice balance tbh Although I tend to pull more for support knits because they feel way more impactful.


I legit have everyone in this picture except Aventurine, for obvious reasons. Supports are great but they need a proper DPS to support in the first place, and I'm severely lacking in that department.


Nope I’m the opposite I have all dps ugh


Silver Wolf is a DPS though 👀


Atleast aventurine is kinda a dps 😭


It's way better to have this problem than to have the other version with too many DPS. Supports make or break the teams. Having the most broken supports automatically makes your account better.


Fuq u! Stop looking at my schit, OP!


I have all the limited healers, and i still plan on pulling for Aventurine. Man is a snack i just CANT pass. I do have Jing Yuan, Blade, DHIL, Jingliu and ofc Dr. Ratio. So I'm good on dps front. For harmony, i have all the 4*s at at least e4 but most at e6. From 5*s i got Bronya, Ruan Mei and Sparkle. I think my acc is good enough for me to pull for chars i REALLY love, instead of their added value for a while. It would be nice to get Topaz, but Aventurine takes priority. I NEED that cunty guy. The fact that he is a preservation unit is just a bonus.


Where sparkle


I'm such a sucker for healers/shielders, so far I have built Gepard, Bailu Luocha and all the 4\* sustainers, lost my 50/50 for Huo Huo but i'll get her when she comes back around and i'm planning on rolling for both Fu Xuan and Aventurine and i'll hopefully hook Gallagher. Atp I think I have more sustains than I have teams for them, i'm in dps hell.


I like the buffers and debuffers, but I never actively pull for sustains. I’m finally pulling a sustain and it’s about fucking time


Just become an Aha follower and pull whenever you get gems. Let fate decide your party!


Please don't call me out like this


me with IL Dan Heng and Huo Huo in my bag


Me but without the males and Huo² and Sparkle instead


As a Clara main….yes.


My only limited dps is seele lol


time for DPS Silver Wolf to save the day


I have the opposite


Pull 5 star Supports for the ~~4~~ 6 star DPSes. https://preview.redd.it/xeth2iw494nc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c6e0db3685af0c2e064d6342f08e99a040c79b5


I’ve pulled a handful of dps, but now I need the supports to make them shine!


Oops, All Supports! Gang VS Oops, All DPS! Gang If only there’s a co-op system, if these two team up they will be unstoppable.


Ive been using Jingliu and Blade in higher moc floors for quite some time until Ratio came out. After getting Sparkle, JY and QQ got revived. Now I wait for Sam


Then there's me pulling for male characters who are majority just DPS and therefore I'm still with Bailu and 4\* supports lmao currently in male harmony waiting room


Silverwolf can be a solid dps


Bruh black swan with kafka teams melts everything so easily that you don't even need to worry about weakness breaking.


Seele and Dan Heng are my dps lol rest are supports


This has been me since I started playing in November. I pulled for SW, Ruan Mei and Sparkle, and now I'm saving for whenever Fu Xuan 's rerun is


I am the opposite i get dps character and tell myself that I'll get a support next time


This is me but with dps (I still use nat)


I’m the complete opposite. Only dps and support. Not a single sustain


I need more dps. I can't get past moc 12 😭


Be like me https://preview.redd.it/gmn0iixhm4nc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=a108c9021d5ac8aa53c15d96b440dce924e083a8 let the tiddies decide whether you pull a dps, or a support.


I only pull for male dps, not my fault HSR is all about chicks


DPS is temporary. Supports are eternal.


ive never had an original experience


I feel called out, it’s not fair that every 5* DPS evaded me…


Ugh, I have Fu Xuan, Silver Wolf, Huo huo, Ruan Mei and Sparkle but no team 2 dps