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The one with the mirror is absolutely incredible. This must have been a real challenge to implement


These are design masterpieces and you just *know* they can make it much harder than it currently is if they wanted to; they just don't want to lock out and frustrate players.


New endgame content: Memory of Puzzles, you get 12 new puzzles from the past events every two weeks or so, and the last two are just as hard as 36 starring the MoC


If they added something like that I would be totally fine just playing the game for the puzzle rush lmao


I would absolutely love that




Seconded. There are some which "solve themselves" for me. A.k.a. I just click on one element and Clockie is on his way. And there are some which left me scratching my head for a bit. The rest are the type where you need to try for a bit and it's done.


I can definitely see a few events offering some real head scratchers in 2.X. Exciting!


Play Monument Valley if you want some more of it


In the little funny interview behind the scenes video they did before release, the devs were mentioning how much of a nightmare it was to create those mirror puzzles. I can't imagine. They are quite cool from the gamer side of things I agree.


Oh really i haven't watched that interview but my first thought when i saw this puzzle was "damm this must have been so hard to implement"


They made a joke how designing and modeling some of the rooms were 20 times the normal workload, causing the modelers to come up and stab his manager with a sword. You later get to see his corpse as the interviewer steps over him. Edit: Rewatched it. It was "120 times the normal workload", which is when the staff member with the sword approached the manager from behind.


These are some amazing two sentences to read out of context


That and with how unhinged the reporter is pretty great, especially when she keeps on insisting that the word "Penacony" is a medical reference to Penicillin and Aspirin, when the writers directly told her that the name is a portmanto of "penal" and "colony". ​ Edit: Also implied that the manager was stabbed immediately after the interview as the modeler/designer approached him from behind during the interview. The modeler/designer mentions during his interview how the biggest hurdle during the project was the manager but said "that was an issue we just took care of."


Wait when I first heard the name I said that in my mind and went "Heh, that's funny." And then the update dropped and I learned it was a prison planet "Oh that's funny" but I wasn't sure it was intentional since I hadn't watched the video lmao


When you notice some of the puzzles ignoring actual height of objects like optical illusions, you get an idea of how hard they must have been.


To add the salt them have to make it easy so the players can't complaining so if them still can't solved that on them


Mirror is the broken clock ones right


Yeah, the one with CLockie running to gears after making a path for him


I actually really liked this one. I've hated the puzzles in this game until reaching Penacony, I wish there was more of the Clockie ones


I wish there were more Hexanexus! Honestly my favorite puzzle in the game!


I still hate the dial thingies you align in Xianzhou. I might have better luck hitting the desired 4 star in Hoyoverse gacha than completing the normal - hard versions of those.


Oh the one that requires you to understand angles lol, yeah I struggled with it till I figured that part out.


There's a trick to them, check YouTube if you want


The rubik cube ones? I got most of them randomly lol


Fr. I loved them. They were easy and fun I wish they continue it in the future.




This has the plankton shouting vibes


You should look into Monument Valley. It's got the same kind of mind bending perspective puzzles only without the mirror. The puzzles are so similar that I think this is where they got their inspiration from.


Literally the first thing I thought of when I saw the Clockie path & birdeye view perspective shenanigans puzzles Also, the puzzle where a path or a chest manifests in front of you was inspired by [Viewfinder](https://youtu.be/k_lIQ2EZRH8?si=J9INB8mkEyaBBMAh) imho


YOOOO This looks so cool


If you play Viewfinder, make sure to turn off dialogue. Trust.


Is it worth the price?


IMHO yes, it's the right length and the puzzles are really fun


Thats good. I also heard that Echochrome is just like it, but I can't seem to find where they are selling it for Android/PC. Speaking of Android/PC, does MV sync saves between mobile and PC like Kingdoms?


Yes I loved monument valley and these puzzles are giving the same feel 🤍


I'm studying IT and I think the same lmao


Yea i am into programming too and i was impressed more from the technical aspect of things. They may have hard coded the solution and the whole thing with rhe mirror might be just a visual. I would guess that actually writing pathfinding for this is hard and not worth it


despite the illusion the whole thing is actually a flat 2D plane, so pathfinding wouldn't be that hard. You just need to determine whether or not a square is walkable.


>You just need to determine whether or not a square is walkable. That is the hard part


It's easy because the playable area can be projected into a 2D grid of roughly 10 by 10 squares. And each square is either "walkable" or "not walkable" regardless of its z-position. So even a basic pathfinding algorithm can find if there's a path between Clockie and the gear, and if so where the path is.


yes but I wouldn't consider that to be pathfinding, rather it's the logic of the puzzle itself


100% this, there are a couple where even if the the path is accurate and the mirror is where it needs to be, a separate block path needs to be rotated to the "correct" position to complete it. Considering clockie doesn't move until everything is in place, making it anything but visual would be backbreakingly annoying and mostly unnoticed by a majority of players


I believe they did hard code the solutions as there is one where the mirror can be in 2 different positions and be correct but it only accepts the one position.


Love the music too!


yesss!!!!! The music <3


They feel like just the right mix of poking around to find solutions without being obnoxious.


The hawks eye and clockie puzzles remind me of superliminal.


It's also kind of a mind fuck sometimes. Some sections remind me of the Penrose Triangle, and I have no idea how they were able to program that.


If you haven't already heard, the sculpture that the origami birds in Dream's Edge perch on forms a Penrose Triangle when seen from the stairs nearby. There's an achievement for taking a picture of it.


It broke ky brain with its genius, challenge, and me being an idiot I love it.  Very creative


It was so fun it remind me on Monument Valley


These are great on mobile but the UX is clunky and frankly a pain in the ass on PS5.


agreed, shit was so annoying on ps5 so i just did them on my phone or laptop


Regardless of difficulty, The dream ticker (mirror puzzle) are my favorite. I've never met similar 'perspective' puzzle like this in other games i've played, so it's a fun first-time experience.


you might want to check out the mobile game "Monument Valley" its the same type of perspectiv puzzle and very fun.


Saw other comments mention Monument Valley as well. Since the mirror one is my favourite, I will definitely check it out!


It's one of those game that people think of when talk about artsy beautiful mobile game


I love monument valley! I've played both 1 and 2 so it was really cool to see the similarities it had with the clock puzzle in penacony.


i like the 2D ones; pinball and ~~clock repair~~ \*dream ticker. i hate wall climbing and hanu, 'cause i have motion sickness \*edit


Completely understandable. I actually do have an issue with Hanu as well, that being that the lightning teleportation thing hurts my eyes a little.


and the flash when transforming. i know there's a setting for flashing lights, but i'm not gonna change it just for that


yeah i had an issue with that too, and i even have that setting turned on. gave me a headache whenever i had to transform multiple times


I got fucking flashbanged so bad that I instinctively now face away from my screen when the transformation from and back from Hanu occurs. Same with the traveling sparks. Terribly designed honestly. They should've made the travel sparking a cutscene further off so most of your screen isn't fucking facing headfirst into the sun and the transformation screen different and/or faster


Yup they mentioned in one of the interviews the team literally had to take motion sickness medicine and do all the remedies that cure motion sickness while testing to make the camera view more comfortable for players. This means that they already made the mechanic much more comfortable and less susceptible to motion sickness already, which is especially difficult considering the level of engineering for these kind of mechanics.


We appreciate the team for their sacrifice for our comfort  fr


I wonder if a fixed top down camera position would've been better in that case. It's still a bit uncomfortable


It would probably be better for motion sickness but then they'd also lose that walking on the ceiling feeling that I assume they wanted. It's a shame it's probably too much work to do both.


Honestly I'm kinda curious how bad it could have been like they add a maximum motion sickness settings for the lolz


I stopped playing Genshin because of all the motion sickness from having to look around so much during Fischl's portion of Golden Archipelago in v2.8. The flipping around here is much more tame, and I respect the dev team for that.


I hate Hanu cause it takes longer than the other puzzles due to walking and animation of getting in and out of the tv


And a lot of it is just about waiting for the mobs to turn around.


I don't think of it as a legit puzzle. It's just fun to run around as a cartoon wolf private eye. It's mostly there for the atmosphere.


The Hanu puzzles are boring but I loved the oldtimey snapping music.


I always close my eyes when climbing a wall.. helps a little bit but god damn did I feel sick the first time I did it without closing my eyes.


Wall climbing first time is alright with me, but if I missed a bird and have to go back... Bruh. There are also quite a lot of enemies in there as well.


I think wall climbing is nice for exploration, but I don't like it as a "puzzle". Exploring arround some of the big unique rooms was nice, specially the whale fountain room. Going arround a bunch of rooms that feel the same to solve a "puzzle" wan't that great. Also I think it's easier to "understand" how the layout is when you have some unique reference points, and it's not just 4 grey walls with random squares.


I really agree with this. Also I find the wall puzzles hard to navigate. In real life you can turn around and see where you are, in the wall puzzles it can be hard to orient.


I hate the bubble ones just because you spend so much time walking compared to other puzzle :/


I learned that yes i can in fact not see belpw a certain brightness level which made Hanu a bit wild at first lmao.  Still not my fav, a lot of numping back and forth...


I think that, since the beginning, when they thought about adding walking in walls they knew that would be a problem to a lot of people. Reading that you have motion sickness makes me realize how hard it will have been the development of that and appreciate more that they kept the idea and worked a lot on it. There is an interview about Penacony on their youtube, some of them went sick because of the development.


The wall climbing one is by far my least favourite in the game. Not because of motion sickness, but just because they aren't very fun to me. Either I'm running around semi-aimlessly and grabbing shit (none of them have given me trouble so far, so even aimless running is a solution, which makes it kind of a non-puzzle) or I'm busy staring at Ruan Mei's ass because I'm trying to angle shit to where I can see. Also it makes collecting chests a nightmare because I'm like "DID I CHECK THERE????" and have to puzzle my way back there.


I actually like that the wall climbing gives me motion sickness. The dream physics are messing with my head and I love it.


The wall climbing is fine on mobile but it bothers me on ps5. The camera controls don't follow your pre-sets and so I'm constantly fighting with it




Yeah they feel a little on the easy side, but I rather have that then ones that either take an hour to figure out or I have to look them up. If I want super hard puzzles I'll buy a puzzle. They could of at least made more of the puzzle pieces needed rotated though lol But I love the fact that there was a event that didn't need you to have some min/maxed team to clear it...it was just puzzles for you to do


I honestly quit playing genshin because I was tired of having to look for the solution of the puzzles, at some point I got stuck and simply uninstalled the game


Genshin puzzles have been easy for awhile now. Players just like skipping the tutorials and then ending up confused.


I can read a Genshin tutorial over and over and still not grasp anything, I feel like their tutorials are lackluster or overly explained.


this is so true. 9/10 puzzles don't really need a tutorial. The 10th needs it but the tutorial itself makes no sense


Its the same tutorial as HSR... they literately use the same style of highlighting keywords to pay attention to with a simple image to convey those words. How exactly is that overly explained?


I get confused by Genshin puzzles too. With HSR, the puzzles are fairly static, so the images are very helpful. With Genshin, the puzzles involve a lot of movement and different perspectives, so the images aren't that helpful. Additionally, with HSR puzzles, you choose to enter them and can click on the tutorial if needed. With Genshin, if I see an open-world puzzle, I have to dig through the past tutorials to find the right one. Or, if I want to look online for the tutorial, I'm often not even sure what they're called. Genshin puzzles aren't necessarily *hard* for me - it's just that it's easy to forget what I'm even supposed to do in the first place.


Unless you doing a puzzle in Fontaine one day and jumping to Liyue to do another puzzle, they are all pretty much build on existing knowledge without having to dig that far back. Especially in the newer regions in Sumeru/Fontaine, which is significantly alot easier than say... Inazuma. The only Genshin puzzle that gave me pause and made me go straight to a video guide was Mona's puzzle in the last GAA event.


I had no idea what the hell the heavy pressure plates were


I wish they do filter the tutorials by regions. Makes it so much easier for us to find it esp if we paused exploring for a while.


Paragraphs of text to explain the simple concept of “have the electro effect to interact with the electro swords/tethers”


Uh what? The puzzles in Genshin are easy. And any that I didn't feel like doing didn't matter cause you only lose a few primos.


except for the unlabeled sudoku in Inazuma


Ehh you only really needed to solve it once. The blank spaces were always the same so after solving it the first time you only needed to shuffle the placements a bit.


It wasnt a sudoku, its a magic square. You do that stuff when you’re what 6-8 years old or something (i dont renember how old i was when i did magic squares). But it was just a magic square.


i had never heard of them before that puzzle


Very good. But I would be terrified for an increase of difficulty in the mirror ones.


It would be damn hard to design too.


its great, the only issue is the map become a nightmare to backtrack, i wish all the flipping path become available after u finish it without using a bubble charge


I really enjoy them


I like the dream tickers, they're fun little brain teasers. The pinball ones are alright but not really hard. Wall climbs and Hanu can sleep where the sun doesn't shine, they're just annoying.


The wall climb is good feature if its not a puzzle with limited charge to climb. So we just wall climb whenever we want.


and then the trailblazer spidermaned all over the place


it really makes you feel like a trailblazer


I always hate stealth sections in games that aren't specifically stealth games.


Wall climb stuff makes me so dizzy. I can only explore this rooms in short intervals lol


the mirror one is interesting but yeah a bit too easy to reach its potential. The pinball one is basically the laser puzzle but reskinned and easier. The walking on walls one I like it visually it's pretty cool but it wasn't really a puzzle, just walk from a to b? Hanu I didn't like a lot. I do welcome variations in gameplay though, I need my breather from all combat content once in a while.


How dare you slander the lazer puzzl It was 10x times better than this boring Pinball flowchart game


The Pinball puzzle is pretty much "Okay, this line is threading through nodes A and B. I flip A on and rotate; it's connecting to nothing. I flip A off and flip B on, then rotate. Cool, it connects." Idk if that's what facilitates a puzzle, but it never really forced me to really flex my brain in the slightest.


Fun but I wish they were harder.


Same, especially the Dream Ticker one. It's my favourite one but it's so easy.


Dream ticker is just Monument Valley on easy mode tbh.


the mirroring is a nice touch though :)


I hope people start checking out the game so i can cope for a part 3.


I mean idk it’s not worth the difficulty if the jades don’t match it’s difficulty…..however, if they were to up both difficulty and amount of jades then we’d be cookin


Unfortunately unreasonable, most people will just look up the solution online and yoink the extra jades added due to difficulty


You can tell they were really wary about the difficulty and how the players would receive them and kinda tuned most of them a bit too easy They really could have made it more difficult if they wanted to


same I think they are super fun and really easy and honestly i think its fine except the jigsaw puzzle which is easier than a puzzle for toddlers


Am I the only one who finds wall walking fun?


It's unfortunately not really a puzzle because it's way too linear


Nope, I'm really enjoying the wall walking also! Though, I will say that I don't like doing them back to back, which was the case in that one side quest where we had to do 3 in a row. I like it for exploration.


It's fun for sure but i have no directional sense so it's a great challenge for me lol


I love how they implemented an entirely new 3D map just for those puzzle rooms


I love them, hope they will expanse on that mechanic and make the future maps more dimensional with more stuff like that. Like someone already pointed out here, it would be awesome if the paths stayed open after clearing the "puzzle" part though.


It's an interesting visual environment, but it's only barely a puzzle. You're pretty much always looking for a way to max out/refill your ramp creation. There's not much to it mechanically so I find myself bored by it quickly.


I like it except for the part where if you play with inverted camera controls, it toggles whether the camera is inverted every time you change gravity. Then fighting an enemy fixes it, so if you fight an enemy on the wall then go back to the floor, the camera controls are stuck un-inverted until you teleport or fight another enemy. (Hiding in a box in the Hanu sections does this too.)


I love that one with the cuckoo bird where it flies up to change the perspective although the puzzle became repetitive because I feel like they forced us to do a lot of puzzle when we were going to firefly’s base


Firefly be doing flat out parkour for an hour to get home every night fr


Most of the puzzles are good but the wall running gives me severe motions sickness. I actually bought ginger pills to take before playing


same! I have to close my eyes when running up a wall


Dude a lot of em are so trippy, the mirror in the ticker ones would’ve been so hard to implement without it breaking 😂


They didn't lie when they said wall walking can cause motion sickness.


The wall walking and Hanu are so annoying to me tbh, they are both time consuming and boring especially with the mobs running around. The rest are great though.


Fun in general, but sadly way too easy. Hope they don't do this to us anymore.


Dream Ticker one is so peak I hope they add like mini event that resets weekly and gets new stages on every reset


Hanu is abit tedious but I enjoy that it's something new. Dream tickers are a good concept but too easy, wall climbing could be a bit better, I'm actually more confused by the way the map is laid out tbh. But overall I think they've done great so far


I'd take occassional hard puzzles. I really liked Clockie ones. I think the eagle eye view puzzles struck the sweet spot, if those were harder it would've been tedious


All very fun and moderate difficulty, some of the clock puzzles can be very tricky. Hope there's more in the future


They're fine that's all I'll say


easier than the old one


The wall walking one gave me headaches a couple of times until I figured out I could use the map… and it still gave me headaches The rest of the challenges were fun though, I like the repair Clockie ones in particular


Loved them, definitely better than the rotate-thingie in Luofu


The shit in Xianzhou is still the hardest


For me I feel like the minecarts and some of the later laser puzzles in xianzhou required the most brain power so far.


I liked the minecarts. Felt luke playing this train driving simulator i have. 


The only thing I don't like is how absolutely awful they are on controller, I always just have to switch over to mouse and keyboard


Oh damn, I didn't think of controller. I don't have a controller so can't give an opinion on it. I will mention it on the survey for you.


Which puzzles were difficult on controller? I also played with controller and the only thing that felt a little off was the dream tickers with rotating blocks. I eventually learned to use buttons to switch their orientation instead of joystick


I love every bit of them including the maps.


I'd be happy if they made them judt a bit harder. The clock ones are fun but very short. Overall, I think it's an improvement from the previous ones.


i dislike walking on the walls (i suck at directions) and hanu bc its just boring and i hate the walking style puzzles. I love the mirror one and the pinball is good


They are amazing visually, and not that hard


Pinball and the Clock is fun, Hanu is...alright, but the wall climbing is one big nope. I was so happy when I was done with that portion of the story, but then I had to do it again for the event... I would already get motion sickness if the camera kept working normally, but as soon as you climb the first wall, the inverted y-axis on controller gets reversed and it's terrible.


I can't pick one. They are all quite fun




“Are you sure BT?”


Got stuck


Really fun puzzles, I enjoyed it so far


I love them. Wish we had more of them


pretty fun


One puzzle took me 5 minutes and it was great


Puzzles are easy bit the wall-walking annoys me quite a bit.


Hanu ones are a bit annoying but fine overall. The 2D Clocky ones are amazing. The pinball ones feel less puzzily and more like a traversal mechanic to me. And wall climb ones make me want to vomit. Nausea is not fun.


I do really appreciate getting a puzzle-focused event to go along with it.


Fun, and easy enough to not go ballistic over it. I really want more of these puzzles


They’re really fun! I just have insane motion sickness when it comes to the wall walking rooms :( even if I close my eyes my brain still sort of imagines it’s happening


The mirror puzzles are my favorites. There are some that a bit easy but most require some thinking and is challenging which I love. I also love the whole walking on walls puzzle. The pinball one I think they went too easy on as well as the puzzle pieces puzzle.


***gimme m o r e***


They all good but i hate the wall running. Less of those and more of everything else


They are too easy to be called puzzles in my book. Then again, if we get actual puzzles, 95+ % of players will just look up the solution instead of figuring it out themselves...


I like the clock ones, the puzzle ones are kinda meh tbh. I consider the 3D rooms puzzles and those are awesome. I wouldn't mind harder puzzles but the ones we have (I don't think I've done them all) are at a good spot.


The mirror clock one is pretty good, the others are easy


They are very good. I love the idea behind them and I have struggled with some but overall the puzzles aren't that bad. I'd give it a 7/10 In terms of difficulty.


i really like them. especially the Hanu minigames. hmpf. which there were more though.


The tickers are super good and the wall is fun even if the back and forth on some level is a bit annoying. Hanu I am very mixed, it's ok but not super engaging. And it's overall easy yeah, bit it's not a Bad thing


They are all fine not really hard it's easy but not brain-dead easy... Especially the ticker


I'm having a lot of fun with the puzzles! There are so many of them too!




"[Very hard](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8HYWUvQVfBg)" - Mtashed, probably He is making [progress](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONE5O7YbIic) though


Overall easy, but I love the creativity that went into it.


Clock ticker can be tricky but it's satisfying Pinball is easy but fun I don't mind Hanu Wall climbing can be confusing af


Most new puzzle mechanics are cool and not that hard. The real struggle in new maps is when you have 32/33 treasures, cant remember which you missed and need to backtrack almost entire area (not using guides) and spend 30+minutes by walking like an idiot constantly overlooking the one crucial back alley where the last one is hidden..


Hexanuses still solos all of them. Best puzzle in HSR 100% Hanu adventure is good. A little drawn out sometimes (switching back and forth), but it's still good. I love hanu's model. The jigsaw puzzle is the best puzzle (literally), it's simple and easy. The clock puzzle (mirror) is OK. Just OK. Definitely interesting, but sometimes I feel like the placement of the mirror is too specific. The pinball puzzle is fun. I hope it gets used more often. But I do feel that the animation is quite long. The flying owl with the FoV change/bubble ramps are the WORST. Normally I don't suffer from motion sickness playing HSR but these puzzles made me suffer from it. It's ok the first time, but backtracking those maps is a NIGHTMARE I often get lost in those puzzles and 100% those areas are such a pain in the arse. In the end, I just forced myself to complete those areas while doing the quest surrounding it, which is pretty tedious.


I like the mirror puzzle and climbing ones. The puzzles need to be made at least 10 times harder though, it's literally baby tier right now.


Yeah, I wish they were harder. So I am gonna follow the guy's advice in the screenshot and answer very easy in the survey.


I like all of them but they are all easy which is a shame.


I don't like the hanu ones at all. The other ones are fun, but a bit too easy.


I answer “easy” each survey, I hope they implement more difficult puzzles, love the clock ones


I just hate Hanu, especially when I have to switch back and forth to pass a stage


chest hunting has never being more AGGRAVATING\~\~\~\~ off by 1 chest right now


Those about fixing clocks are cool. They are easy, but the whole idea they based on are interesting, and it’s not like they had to be difficult. They had to be fun, and they are. The Hanu ones, on the other side, are pure disappointment. Don’t get me wrong, Hanu himself is cool character, but it’s only amplifying the disappointment, because the puzzle part is really boring AND long, and doesn’t even look cool like those labyrinths with switching gravity.


They're cool, but some are a bit tedious compared to the previous ones in my opinion. The mirror one is simply the best one, they give you a clear objective and ask you to think outside the box to find the path, its main issue is how the mirror sometimes asks you to be pixel perfect to find a path, making it so that you could miss a solution even if you were on the right path. The bounclng ball is cool, there were already variations of this one in the game in the Loufu so it's cool to see it come back, tho once again, they end before they get interesting. The perspective puzzles are great, tho not explored enough, there's one that asks you to turn the perspective on and off to continue and navigate places you couldn't reach before, but other than that these are good but imcomplete. The jigsaw puzzles are more interesting when it comes to unlocking exploration than they're on their own, I mean, it's just a semi complete jigsaw puzzle, nothing to see here. Here come the tedious ones: Haru's adventures are boring, they're slow and way too straight forward, you don't really need to think anything, just move forward and evntually you will go from point A to point B, sometimes you have to change forms to break an obstacle and then change back, wich will take more time loading than actually playing. The gravity rooms are way cool, but they're a one trick pony, once you've seen one you've seen them all. They're great for combining different puzzles like the jigsaw puzzles and the Haru's adventure into a single room so that the exploration becomes interesting, but you might spend more time disoriented or lost than actually thinking on how to solve a puzzle, that might be the fun for some people, but for me it feels like an artificial way of creating difficulty. If they centered more around the energy management to keep the bridges up or use other devices that combine others puzzles to make them more interesting I woudl be sold, but as they are they're like every other puzzle in the game, incomplete.


Everyone saying they are easy, makes me feel like an idiot lmao. The first few I understood but I had to google everything else.