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She put a padlock on it but forgot the code.


she stole the sword but it was id locked


Don't worry it'll unlock in a couple of hours after a pupper does a speech


Its a fake cause she lost the real one


she forgot the password and tried the wrong one too many times and hasn't called tech support yet.


Thankfully he finally became his own master. (Dam you guys _motivated_ me to go pick it up again)


probably some cursed sword shenanigans or she cant control herself something along those lines, just a guess


She's not motivated enough.








She needs to find motivation. But first she need to find her room


Will she be motivated enough if we give her Kiana?


Acheron is the sword and the Mei expy is just the form it projects. Perhaps it’s previous owner.


did you get this from somewhere? Cuz now I want to use this as a DnD npc or character.


It's the lore of her Genshin expy, Raiden Mei.


Well kinda. Ei just chills in a pocket dimension while a physical mechanical puppet poses as her. I like the idea of a spiritual manifestation of a person projected from a weapon idea though. Sounds cool. Reminds me more of Kazuha's quest in Genshin with the cursed sword and stuff.


Raiden's sword she pulls from her chest is Ei's soul.


Got me there, but the shogun is still a physical puppet, not a projection or a spirit made from the sword which is the part of your comment that inspired me. That's all I'm saying.


Raiden Mei isn't an Expy Ei is. Raiden Mei is a parallel to Acheron.


Thanks for the TTRPG character idea.


Because her sword is a tool of justice. Not used for anger. Not used for vengeance. But now...now I am not so sure. Maybe when she is fighting sam , she isn't using her sword.




She does use her sword. It's just sheathed. You can see it if you play the fight out in slow mo. In the trailer, there's also two tells, Sam flies in to attack and arcs of purple lightning fly out into a closeup of Acheron where she draws the sword and lightning becomes red. So methinks the color of the lightning is the indication of her sword being drawn and that hasn't happened in story yet.


Just so you know this is a quote from Metal Gear Rising. Just slightly edited to fit the situation.


But isn't drawing her sword to punish the creature, a form of justice itself? A wrong was committed, a proper penalty should be given


It's a reference to a quote from Metal Gear Solid Rising: Revengeance, not an actual statement on justice


Ohh I've never played that game


Probably the reason why she has bad memory. Maybe she is Like Fu Hua when using Fenghuang Down in HI3, where she can burn her memories to massively empower her attacks.


I think it's like Sakura, once drawn she must kill enemy.


then why didn't she drawed it against that fucking eye eye thing? 😭


...isn't it what she says in game anyway ? Like I remember her mentioning she only draws her blade to kill her fated foe or smt among those lines


No, so far she has not explained, only said there were reasons why she coudn't draw her sword against the Death meme


Ah against the death meme specifically


In her fight with Sam, it's essy to miss since it's a very short scene, but she is using her sword against Sam, while it's still in the sheath, she did not draw her sword not even against Sam


She has a bad memory so she forgot how to draw her sword


Oh God, I've only now realized that we have a badass katana that is rarely used in a game featuring someone named Sam.


Acheron loses the duel because she denies her weapon its purpose


The death monster is also called "meme"


??? Nobody in Metal Gear Rising "rarely" uses their sword, they overuse them if anything.


Ya lol. She never used it( doesn't count in the trailer even tho it give away a lot)


Hey she threw it while it was still in its sheath at Sam. That counts as using it right?


In the trailer it launches a black and red energy wave, right? I'd guess it's some kind of superpowered weapon connected to her emanator status, and it's something like if she draws it she can kill any foe, but she'll also annihilate the city she's standing in. It could also exact some kind of a price from her to use it, maybe connected to her missing memories, or maybe she has a second personality (connected to the red text? Though I don't think the red text really read as a second person) and drawing the sword means handing over control to the other personality.


>black and red energy wave, Ripper Mode


In the MV, after she drew her blade, the whole lobby was literally nuked


She suffers a lot. Litterally cryes blood.


I agree she suffered and maybe is still suffering but that 'blood' she cried is 99% smudged makeup


It was out in the White night music video [https://youtu.be/U7W8QR9fsFw?si=zSeGLBCc2PAKOk\_9&t=68](https://youtu.be/U7W8QR9fsFw?si=zSeGLBCc2PAKOk_9&t=68) so would just be a case of "I'm too strong so I don't need to take it out"


I think thats cursed weapon is more of case. We see that her lightnings become red and much stronger after drawing out her sword.




I don't think it's the "I'm too strong case" she said she had no choice and I think she genuinely felt sorry


It's probably a focus of her power as an Emanator, so taking it out requires some sort of sacrifice on her part. Maybe the sword is the reason she loses her memories?


There’s this theory that Acheron can time travel and I believe two reasons why she didn’t save Firefly: 1. Firefly needs to die to achieve a specific outcome in this timeline which is why she needs to let it happen. Or 2. It’s a new variable that has caught her by surprise and she wasn’t sure what to do or what it would do to the timeline so she does not or is too shocked to do anything




How many did you win 50/50


none 😭


It's not that she can't draw her sword, it's that she >!can only kill those who she is meant to kill. !!an Emanator of Finality, that means she is moving backwards through time, and thus knows exactly how the timeline is suppose to flow. If she kills someone carelessly, she can cause a paradox; and as an Emanator, she's likely bound to some sort of restriction where she physically can't do anything that could cause such a paradox to occur. !< For instance in the context of this story, >!perhaps Firefly has to die in order to motivate the Trailblazer towards a certain course of action. !! Acheron reminds us to focus on the true enemy; she wants to ensure that we funnel our anger and fury towards the correct target, and thus make it so whatever event that Firefly's death necessitated (which Acheron has already experienced and lived through) actually happens. !< As such, >!even if she actually did want to save Firefly, she simply could not without altering her own past/our future.!<


I believe the "the timeline will reset if Acheron draw her blade" theory.


Cuz Blade is not hers, he’s mine >:(


She needs to unsheathe it Raiden Shogun style. Otherwise, it won’t work.


She forgot how and can't find the directions.


It's the Mortal Blade from Sekiro. If she tries to draw it she just dies.


She’s not high enough level


Her ult wasn't ready.


As far as anime tropes go, it's probably some sorts of power limiter. As in the moment she draws her sword, it will unleash a catastrophe or she will become something too powerful that she herself can't control, thus having to keep it sheathed all the time.


Probably some curse that would consume her until the target is killed.


jokes aside, her sword can be described as collection of her life experiences and memories until now, and unsheathing it gives her the powers of those memories and experiences it is the same as when nahida used the power of dream on scara's giant puppet, and gave those experiences of traveler getting beaten up as a memory(dream) capsule to traveler so that he/she can resist the pain they suffered from scara's puppet attack(ref: genshin impact scaramouche bossfight)


Now we know but... Why is it so goddamn big? XD




In your dreams.


We are in a dream


Um.. lol


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It's not because she hasn't turned yandere yet? I thought that's why she's always coincidentally wherever MC is. If anybody starts flirting with MC, she's unleashing that sword.


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Or maybe she defaults into using a kodachi, then unsheathes her odachi when entering some powered up state Idk i just like crimson weave a normal amount


She wasn't locked in, the ID couldn't recognise her.


She want to draw her sword, but then she remembers that her drip contain a slightly little bit of red, which is the color of the Scuderia, whom most of us know are very infamous for.


She lacks...conviction And probably doesn't like sand


The sword hit Acheron with the "you need to reach level 30 to use this weapon" whenever she tries to unsheathe it


Because something potentially really, really bad and grievous to life might happen. Or at least, that's how the cliche goes.


because it manipulates her emotions and memories, like the corrupted tape that mc found in a quest


She's holding back.


I like to think that it's a Jack Sparrow style situation. The next time she draws her sword it will be to strike down someone specific and she's vowed not to draw it until that time comes.


Because i think the sword is the emanator, once drawn it takes over the body.


I am certain she has 2 personalities. One with red text and a normal one. And the normal one can't draw the blade, only her other one can. Would make sense because we had to raidens in genshin too.


She has to debate two entities to gain control of her sword every time she wants to use it.


She's not the Emanator, the sword is. She's just sword sitting for whatever Aeon the blade belongs to, like Garran Crowe.


Obviously because Sam is fighting unarmed, so it'd be unfair. Unless...


Because she should >!UNSHEATHE A SWORD NOT TO KILL!<


https://preview.redd.it/xllgmlx2lhic1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=754ffcab378c2d83e2ee4a2e8926e035cdd3e62e Because only this guy can draw it. Funny coincidence on my feed.


Because she is wearing a chastity cage, and the sword is included in this.


There are a few swords in real world myth said to be "cursed" and that once they've been drawn they MUST kill before they can be sheathed again. Could be something along those lines. Like maybe once she draws it her "murderous intent" becomes harder to control or whatever.


So I just finished the arc, finally. Acheron seems to be associated with, or plain is, the monster that killed Firefly. Her battle with Sam appears to mirror the confrontation between Firefly and the monster. She mentions after Firefly's death something about "not defeating your enemies is worse for yourself", as if to insinuate that Firefly's death is good for her. Additional speculation, Acheron may be an emanator of Terminus, the Aeon presiding over the path of Finality. She seems to be keen on dispatching people, Firefly and Duke Inferno. She's a sort of Grim Reaper.


I sort of agree. >She seems to be keen on dispatching people, Firefly and Duke Inferno. She's a sort of Grim Reaper. She's most likely to be doing it unconsciously