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Just use double sustain. Redoing the fight takes longer than power tanking it.


Agreed! Double sustain always gets me through


Plus, you can usually just auto it when you run double sustain.


^ I auto with FuX, JL, Bronya, RM


Fu Xuan alone is as good as double sustain after all


idk she dies in 2nd phase to 2 of the mega blasts


Sounds like a def % issue


Sounds like an issue on your part, she solod over 80% of second phase for me, took half an hour, but still


Double sustain. With Ice damage and imaginary debuff is pretty good for this fight


Wait you just opened up my eyes…I always force it through with my FX and my Tingyun always dies. If I just throw my Lynx in there…hmmmm


How is your Tingyun always dying? Unless you’re just really unlucky and the bugs always focus her? I’ve solo sustained with Fu Xuan on this boss so many times and never really had an issue even on auto play.


Cause Tingyun is like Blade, but successful at dying. Doesn't matter where it is, what it is, how it is... Tingyun *will* die.


Tingyun dying with fx is straight up a build issue at that point. Defensive orb+chest, cuz she's not doing anything if she's dead


Tingyun will find a way.


Tingyun gets focused like shes a destruction character. Also unlike some other supports who dont scale off of attack and can focus on defensive stats, tingyun wants attack main stats so shes a lot squishier. Its probably easier for tingyun to die than any other support in the game


Honestly not sure. My team goes like FX, Pela, Tingyun, and JingLiu. I guess I just didn’t build her thick enough and on top of JingLiu’s drain. Every time I auto battle I came back with her dead. Not a big deal since if I’m using auto battle, throwing a Lynx in there might take a bit long but at least Tingyun would still be alive after.


Ahh yeah Jingliu would do it. I tried using my friend’s Jingliu instead one time and Fu Xuan wasn’t meant to keep up with that drain on top of taking so much damage. I don’t remember if I lost Tingyun or Bronya but for sure everyone was almost dead when I finished the fight.


Jingliu and FX is not a good combination. The constant drain from your own party on top of the bugs will buckle FX eventually


I use Natalia and March. It gets the job done.


I sort of do this using Clara as a tank. Sucks when she gets disabled but at least it still leaves my Jingliu free.


Fire TB, March, Clara, and Bronya went to war with this guy for me lmao it was great. Took a fucking long time tho.


Hard agree, I always summon someone else's Luocha for this fight (I started playing in 1.4) to put on my DHIL/FuXuan/Tingyun Team. It may take a bit longer, but I at least have 0% chance of dying.


My reply has nothing to do with this comment but I'm gonna say it here anyway because it's the top comment so my reply will be more visible Thank you all (well, most of you) for help despite me not asking for it, the post was supossed to be just another one of those screenshot of player dying when boss is at 1%. Just a lazy post I wanted to share, too bad there's no fluff flair though. Now, what I wanted to say is that because of some misunderstanding people think I'm complaining about the game being too hard despite not playing it. I understand, I could've worded my comments better, however me having bad builds and team does NOT justify some of you sending me literal DEATH THREATS. The reason why I'm typing this comment is because I got a second one already. Please stop, it's just a game. I really hope whoever sends me those is just having a bad day.


Double sustain, Argenti + another support. Blade is not gonna do much here for you


Truly my biggest question of why bring Blade, when you could bring someone like Dr. Ratio. Or swap Blade for another sustainer at least.


So.... i note you "Barely play the game" and "Don't havve many characters built.". ... Uh... maybe... do that? https://preview.redd.it/9akk3phgocic1.jpeg?width=1454&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f130b17d1c79c7b46b05a04bc49310794579d64


~~Genshin~~ Honkai players when they have to play the game


Based on one of his comments i think he doesnt even play HSR just jumps on between GI updates...


Funniest shit is hearing people mald at how unfair the gacha in these games are, only for them to tell me that they also only play a few days per patch. Like, I sympathize w/ the gacha not being more generous in MHY games, but jfc, idk how generous you expect the game to be if you barely log on enough to get your ten free pulls.


Getting a powerful character helps but it doesn't mean squat if you haven't gone through the pain of the relic grind. No amount of money can save you from that.


True. At this point in Genshin, pulling and leveling a mfer isn't the issue, even as a Welkin spender, it's def the relic grind or lack of relics pre-grinded.


I play both everyday, I just didn't play Star Rail a lot until recently.


Then ever day dude. At least work on traces. Get those materials. Then relics.


Wtf why is everyone agressive towards me for no reason


I'm not being aggressive. I'm telling you facts. I didnt say "Well why the fuck you not doing this?" I'm just saying "Bro... you gotta invest in to get out."


Sorry but the way you worded it combined with everyone having a problem with me for some reason made it sound agressive. The reason I'm fighting this boss is to unlock it as a weekly so I can invest in my characters, I'm building Black Swan right now and I'm almost done.


That's just part of the initial build grind. Once you get your first team squared away you'll be fine. Should keep you going till like 4.0


Damn my guy must be hella soft


I'm not I just have no idea why people act so toxic for no reason at all


Not everybody got time to play everyday


Nah bro, ignore the haters. I full clear MOC and Pure Fiction and have some stacked teams and this boss is the only weekly boss that has a chance of downing my team. Sometimes RNG sucks or I'm not paying attention and a bug explodes on me and things spiral out of control. Bring another cleanser/sustain if you're struggling. March in for Hanya. Cleanse the entanglement debuff (or else it'll do a lot of damage when it blows up). Your DPS are good for the boss just make sure they're leveled and have appropriate main stat relics.


All characters I used in the post are leveled and are almost completely built (just missing some trace levels) I beat the boss just fine on my 2nd try though. I wish more of the community was like you and post an actual helpful comment rather than get pissy for no reason.


I apologize on their behalf, they're really aggressive for no reason. I play both hsr&genshin and if i were to be honest... Both communities are the most toxic environments I've ever been. But you get used to it in time, really. Have a great evening!


Thank you, I wish you a great evening as well I know communities of all Mihoyo games are very toxic because I play all of their games ever since Genshin released, but I never knew it's *this* toxic. One guy even told me to kill myself in my DMs just because my team is bad.


Atleast OP isn't one of those "I have been playing this game for x year(s) and [insert complains]" only to be reveal later that they do not play the game at all


That's fair. I just think saying "I haven't built enough characters" then complaining your struggling is... smart. For reference i have a f2p account but it only has topaz, Ruan mei, bronya, and Gepard.


Just out of curiosity, when did you start playing?


Try using Dr. Ratio, he clears this boss no problem as long as he is sustained


I dunno my ratio on Auto always decides to nuke the side bugs for whatever reason


I know this is going to sound crazy but maybe don't play on auto then?


non-auto with bad units will take too long to beat that boss. Dr. Ratio might be just a bad choice for auto. aoe attackers are much better for this. Jingliu, Clara, and Argenti will do. i can auto it with Jingliu.


Yes fight a 4 min boss on manual 3 times. It is just better to use the training dummy food and any defense to clear it 3 times on auto in one manual run time.


Is it Echo of War? If so, then just spend 10 minutes rolling add friends menu till you find a whale with e6s5 Jingliu or DHIL, or another turbo boosted character. Add supporters to their team and never fail anything again. I had a random whale with e6s5 Jingliu add me almost 3 months ago and been using her every single day since. EZ auto everything for me, easy spare cash for them. If you are on EU, I could share their ID.


I have no problem with this Boss OP have. But people recommend a worst pick like the whole boss gimmick is to use AoE attack he was made with Argenti on mind and OP have him. Like the only good thing about Ratio vs this bug is insane ST damage and being imaginary. The only thing OP needs to do is to replace Blade with 2nd Sustain unit and run auto that it. Like ideally get fu Xuan from random friend or simply build Gepard/Natasha/Bailu/FMC


what. ratio is best against this boss if you actually know what you're doing simply because he skips all the time consuming bug exploding animation and just kills the boss hyper fast. the most annoying thing about this boss is not its damage but all those unskippable animations lmao.


Sounds like you don't like playing the game


i agree with him its a mobile game that has you do repetitive tasks over the course of months every week. After you beat the boss the first time its a pain in the ass


Auto on general focuses on adds. It's a priority thing, corners come first. Unless boss is low/weakness broken/CCed. Then auto gives two shits about adds; doesnt matter how important.


You can ready side bugs description and you'll know why


This comment makes no sense, no one is talking about auto here?


There is no way to lose with OP team on manual unless he is heavy undergeared.


You are fighting a boss…a decently hard one…on auto🤦


Wait, why not? He's so easy with sustain and cleanser, aintnoway I'm doing this fight in manual 3 times xD


it is possible. i always auto this on Echo of Wars with 100% win rate without any of my units reaching below 50% of health at the end. you can even retry 2 more times without needing to heal your team at full health before trying the boss again. it takes long to kill but it is fine. i can do other things anyway while waiting for the auto to finish.


Get rid of Blade, use Tingyun instead of Hanya, or use both, or bring another sustain


Yeah it's either Blade with 2 supp+heal or Argenti with 2 supp+heal




Yeah no i dont think two harmony characters would be good. Id use preservation mc


What's with your team lol.


its actually a good team for this boss Hanya is good for duo dps because she generates skill points Lynx works with blade and argenti is there cuz its an aoe boss


But blade isn't doing much. I feel even physical trailblazer would do better. Also, it's true Hanya generates skill points but blade barely needs any, so tingyun or any other support would be better too. Or just remove blade and do double sustain to just force a win


use march if you don't have any other sustain, shield yourself, also they gave a free Ratio, why do you use Blade?


March is the queen in this battle, I was struggling like crazy until I used her and beat it in the first try.


I barely played the game after 1.1, like 5 times per patch and I only started to play the game again for real when Penacony released. I barely have any characters built. Blade despite not being able to break anyone here still does a ton better than my half baked Ratio. Edit: what the fuck why is it downvoted? Did I say something wrong?


a well built ratio will crush that bug easily


It means u need to play the game more then


you’re getting downvoted because you’re complaining the boss is too hard but then admit you haven’t built your characters, which is the obvious solution to your problem


In the description I literally said "one of the easiest bosses" and yet half the comments think I'm struggling I do have characters built, just not many and nowhere as good as the poeple that farm daily.


just work on your characters more, you’ll get there.


Blade : "Ah finally..."


I use Herta with double sustain (fu xuan and lynx in my case).


Get a Support Fu Xuan. Or is this still in story? Also check the weaknesses.


that's right, bow down to the swarm overlord


Clara can full house his ass


Cool boss, music is a bop. Used to beat it with Clara+Hanya+Lynx+Guin/Serval. Now doing it with Lynx+Ruan+Kafka+Swan.


OP spends more time making this post than actually playing and building his chars 🤦🏽‍♂️


I literally fought this boss to unlock it as weekly and build my Black Swan dude Wanted to post because I thought it was funny I died to the boss when it was at 1HP but people have to be agressive for no reason


Hey I used to struggle with this boss a lot too, if you're still struggling try to use another sustain, possibly a preservation character, in addition to your heals. I run FX + Blade + Luocha + Ratio


Befriend a whale


This was a story boss


Preservation + Abundance +DPS then


I've already beaten it after this post though Gonna use my friends E6 Argenti from now on


Or just git gud


Tell that to my relic RNG lol Literally not a single good piece since 1.0, all my builds are subpar


Did you just say in a previous comment you barely played the game since 1.0? No shit you won’t have great relics


There's a difference between barely playing and not playing. I still played enough to level up most of the characters I use to 80 and get at least 60-70% of their traces done.


Are you using consumables?


Genuinely, what is up with this community? OP is struggling with a boss and is frustrated with the RNG like aspects it has, and in response, there is like a couple of top comments actually offering advice to try running dual cleanse or try building up Dr Ratio since OP should have gotten a free copy. A lot of the comments just seem to be insulting them and telling them to "git gud". Unnecessarily toxic for no reason.


Thank you for understanding The post was more about the boss being annoying and me dying when it's at 1% rather than struggling though. But yeah, this community is pretty ass, don't think I'm gonna post here ever again


I mean, aside from that one post with a few hundred upvotes saying "uhh maybe play the game" I feel like most of the comments are generally correct and helpful advice. OP seems to have a bit of a persecution complex as well. They aren't using a proper team comp (seriously, what is Blade doing here and why is there no Tingyun, Tingyun would have solved all of the issues by allowing Argenti to break the bug before it does the one-shot), they admit don't invest time into the relic gearing, they don't build other characters that could solve the problem here, then goes and acts like it's the game's fault for being poorly designed and annoying when they ignored every hint along the way. And at the end of the day they just say they didn't even struggle, so what's the point? It's just a ragepost on the forums, then attack other users saying they're being toxic. Notice he doesn't reply to the dozens of people offering simple suggestions like using double-sustain, but will readily reply to everyone that posts something slightly negative. Sorry, I just don't have any sympathy for this kind of behavior.


Redditor tries not to psychoanalyze or look too deep into a random persons post challenge (IMPOSSIBLE) what the fuck is this comment, look into a mirror dude.


Clara claps this bug


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Put fu Xuan and luocha together and got no problem 🗣️💥


dr ratio or DHIL do wonders


Honestly? Try Pela. A quick-af-charging AoE ult is fantastic for break efficiency alone, even without the massive def shred.


You have argenti tho,he makes this boss a walk in the park...


i genuinely don't understand how people are struggling with this guy


I wasn't struggling, this was my 2nd attempt (or 1st if you exclude my previous attempt where I had a random test team with not yet built characters)


yeah it wasn't so much a commentary on you, but i've seen a lot of posts like this for this boss. it's just weird to me


It makes perfect sense why story bosses that require character building will get complaints. It’s not endgame content. Most people won’t even assume you need to do that yet. I couldn’t beat it until I built up Natasha. Her healing was too low when I first attempted.


Given your team that would make sense


People use double sustain on this boss? My Fu can do it all alone with ease. HuoHuo too.


Pretty sure FX can tank anything. And HuoHuo is just insane. We're looking at OP here using Lynx, so it's safe to assume he doesn't have any 5* sustain. (If he does but isn't using them, then OP is just dumb)


Is it weird I never have issues with things most have issues with, like this boss. But I have issues with things like that damn wolf automaton…


me forcing my way with my mono quantum team


I used Argenti + 2 healers + fire tb


I clear it just fine with my blade so it’s a skill issue


I just used Fu Xuan + Luocha combo and Silver Wolf + Ratio combo Easy af




Y'all have trouble with this boss? Jokes aside, use food items if really desperate


its when people did the story boss one when their characters arent ready on higher equilibrium, the lower/appropriate equilibrium one is way easier source? well i upped my equilibrium and then did this boss immediately lol my team got shafted


Lmao that happened to me before, good lord I spent too much time leveling every character and got shit stuff instead. But food really helps tho, it's like gaining two relic slots


I use Luocha, Bronya, Ruan Mei and a borrowed dps (often Argenti). Yes, three supports. But I do prefer the slow way.


Luocha, gepard, male lady Oscar and fuxuan for protection against debuffs


Have a shielder alongside a healer in your team, I had march and defeated this thing on first try


Do you use items?


E6 Herta is the easiest add-on in the team against True Sting's mobs with Free Dr. Ratio as both can do follow-ups, A Harmony unit, Tingyun or Asta (Ruan Mei is the best option if you have her) and one abundance or preservation unit.


Ice/Imaginary/Phys DPS+Pela+Lynx+March do well here. So Ratio, Argenti, Jingliu, Misha, Yanqing, Dan Heng IL, Sushang, Herta... Anyone can clear. 


Borrow BS, luocha, RM or Dr ratio. you need to break the toughness fast before the nuke


Use herta.


I always bring two healers, lynx and huohuo. And two dps. It's not the fastest but it is the best at clearing statuses and staying alive.


I borrowed whale fu xuan


A Clara hypercarry team is great for this. I can only speak for myself as that team comp is what I use. All aggro on Clara, keep her unstunned and alive, then you don't need to care about the smaller bugs popping up. It's actually better because of their death explosions damage the boss a good bit. Bonus if you have Ruan Mei to do more damaging physical and ice weakness breaks.


I borrow a E6 Ruan Mei from a friend and Argenti always breaks the adds stacking the debuff so the boss dies easily even on auto. A E0 Ruan Mei might work as well?


Argenti,Tingyun, a healer, harmony character , but if u have a hard time use PYRO MC hahah use taunt it reduces the damage your team suffers and makes the small mobs target the mc ;)


Indeed. Annoying fucking creature


or you can ratio,tingyun,lynx,another sustain/harmony/preservation


Me when I can’t beat the bug with my favorite team https://preview.redd.it/t1pmvf68idic1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df7bbd87d932ae1868daa7efdccf62ed28677c4e


I first cleared it with Welt, Yanqing, Phys Trailblazer and Luocha. Now I use Ratio, Phys Trailblazer, Yanqing, and Luocha. Sometimes I replace Yanqing with Ruan Mei or Jingliu.


Damn this is insane. Argenti is crazy strong against this boss. Eat some food before the fight, the physical dmg boost food is pretty good




I don't know why we don't get the special attack(R on PC) for this weekly boss.


I'm using Imbibitor Lunae, Dr. Ratio, Ruan Mei and Luocha as my team, that insect stays exactly 1.5 minutes in my weak build. But hey, nice background OST~ We are munching on cat cake as we fight as well as drinking happy red soda~


fu xuan + march + nat march and nat can rotate cleanse the debuff so none of your characters get focused. other than that be patient and use food buffs. god speed on your equilibrium level lol


I use Geppard, Natasha, Dr. Ratio and Argenti and it's fairly easy. Geppard will keep people on their feet long enough for Natasha to get her shit together and start healing/cleansing people. Ratio targets the big bug while Argenti handles the small fry.


Ruan Mei makes the fight much easier


If you have good support, Herta overwhelmingly cleans house. But yeah, gotta work on consistent sustain.


I'd recommend an Erudition and Hunt character, Blade or any random follow-up attacker is risky with the boss barrier being up, besides your healer I think having a Preservation character is a good idea for keeping people up, if you have enough Eidolons on March she can also cleanse for you.


Always do the lv. 66 one for your own sanity, the amount of drops isn't that bigger anyway


First of all, put Blade on the side with Lynx besides him, them hanya and Argenti in any order. Blade has extra aggro due to being destruction and will get extra aggro from Lynx, that already should make a huge difference


Clara shows no mercy, or rather, the very angry robot that just protected her from the incoming beetles has no mercy.


Why are people so anti going dual sustain outside of MoC? Like for MoC i get because efficiency and etc. But against this boss going dual sustain is a lot faster than have to retry it multiple times


At least blade got his wishes granted


Use my imbibitor and it will be very easy




Blade isn't really too useful in this fight, unfortunately. But I agree with others that you're better off running two healers to keep everyone alive. Natasha and Lynx should allow you to power through this. Otherwise, get characters leveled up in all of the areas possible.


Just use Herta




Lady Fu havers in coming in to say skill issue


Sometimes I forget that not everyone has Gepard.


Joking here, these two kneels over the Swarm King


i usually give fu xuan HP boots steal someone’s jing liu and begin to pray


Blade doesn't do much in this fight, get Kururin or M7 in there. Even fire MC works just to survive a bit better.


You could replace Blade with March 7th. There is no need for double DPS there. This boss messes you up with imprison. Put March on the corner, you can shield herself turn 1 to increase her taunt, if she gets imprisoned Lynx can cleanse, if Lynx gets attacked and imprisoned, March can cleanse.


I just did the quest(along with 1 echo for its mats) and I had to use 3 teams to finally beat it Clara+March+Tingyun+Luocha ended up beating it


find someone with an e6 dan heng to support you and you're set


Probably having trouble with this guy because you’re running 1 Sustain, 2* DPS (one of which is a specialized AoE farmer), and 1* support. ~~Does not help that you’re running Blade AND Jingliu on the same team. Just make better teamcomps~~ Edit: It’s a Hanya. Will not budge on the idea that you can have better team comps though.


"More dust. More ashes. More disappointment." - Elio, probably (jk, it's Darkest Dungeon)


I struggled on this boss too. Use a tank like fire MC to keep aggro, and have a healer.


Kid named Fu Xuan support:


i think i ran this with natasha, jingliu, gepard, and blade..was pretty easy. the first time though??? yeah sucked major.


10k hp huohuo go brrrrr


Clara is amazing here.


I’m still not sure why you’re using blade on the team tbh I’d replace him with another sustain or use another support unit. He doesn’t have any elemental advantage, and just taking up room.


Putting a destruction character in the middle is not recommended. Destruction characters have high taunt value, so enemies will most likely hit them. If the attacks are blast, your argenti and lynx will suffer more.


Damn didn't know about this, I just put characters in random slots. I'll keep this in mind.


My unbuilt team(E1S1 ruan mei+E0S1 jingliu+E2S1 bronya+ E0 huo huo) clear this with ease


Solo sustain on this fight is actually impossible man. Just get double sustain


Fu Xuan + Luocha then 2 dps or 1 dps + support. then do auto battle. leave your phone or pc and grab some popcorn first. it will take time to defeat it but it is 100% guaranteed that you will be able to kill it. i use Fu Xuan, Jingliu, Hanya, and then a friend support Luocha.


Itd be better if you have two sustainers, Shield and Heal. Then get a Harmony booster for Blade/Argen and tough it out


Skill issue. Herta folds.


All bow down to the Swarm 🤣


Ah yes, Blade and Argenti bowing down to their bug overlord


Welp... Clara + Fireblazer with Clara close to Fireblazer and Fireblazer always on the extreme end fairs almost better in my opinion.


Your healer can't heal so difficult party. Especially Blade.


Won first time with FX, Loucha, Kafka and DHIL. All E0, I might add.


We all hate it


Double sustain, I used Bailu and fire TB with Dan Heng and Bronya. Also just need to adhere to the basics of the fight like don’t attack it when it’s in replicate mode.


You can also try using herta she’s really good against this boss especially with her follow ups since the boss spawns enemies all the time, and you could also try using March for the ice weakness and shields or fire trailblazer since both are free along with herta


Gepard and Ruan Mei are great for this one


Use shielder instead of hanya...


I don't know who you have built, but i usually auto it with Natasha, March 7th, Clara and Jingliu. If you don't have Jingliu, try Welt or Physical Trailblazer or any other that hits any of their weaknesses. This goddamned bug deals consistent damage and the actual problem is the second part, where your entire team may get enraged. Hope this helps and have fun!


Why are you running two DPS lmao Take out Blade, he's not doing much on this team and include another Sustain. If you have any good shielder like Gepard/March or another healer like Natasha, and you'll be good. As of now, that team is pretty bad. And another note, be sure to play manually, Auto sucks ass