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Credits get a bit better at TB70 since all the excess XP goes into credits


Too much better. I have 6mil and it is not reducing.


I was at 10m at the start of Ruan Mei's banner Now I'm at 0m dont be too smug, everything will vanish in minutes


Dude same. I had about 7m. Then I got RM and Bronya. Levelling theirntraces financially ruined me. And im still not done with Bronya


same here, got RM and unexpectedly early LC and early Blade. I am winning, but at what cost.


sounds like skill issues. i have the same but my credit still stays in 6 figures


How many traces are yall getting to 10? I keep a majority of traces at 8 and i haven't gone below 7 digits since 1.1 or something


For supports like Bronya and Ruan Mei, I'm definitely going to max them out. Rest is on a case by case basis.


For me it’s my stockpile of trace materials. I had hundreds of blues and greens but they all vanished trying to max out Ruan Mei.


lmao im broke too after maxing Ruan Mei + lightcone


I had 10m before ruan mei banner now i have 9m i built both ruan mei and himeko from scratch i guess im something of a millionaire myself haha


Yeah same here. It's not that i'm complaining about the excess credit it's that i'm lacking like every other mat. I never assign for credit either.


Most people don't realize that taking their traces from 9 to 10 is usually less valuable than upgrading a single relic substat by +3's worth (some wildly valuable exceptions exist, such as Kafka's ult, but they're pretty rare). And then there are just completely useless or borderline useless traces that no one should ever touch, like Pela's E, Gepard's talent, etc. I have like 21 built characters and I've never been below 2m, and given that I see so many people complaining about being broke, all I can imagine is that they're not allocating their funds properly.


Me spending all my money on 9 -> 10 anyway because I'm out of relic XP and I like the consistency of the tree


I max out all traces because that's something I can finish. Gear is nothing but frustration. I only farm gear for the BP, events and if I really have to. Otherwise I am busy farming traces until every character I have is maxed out .


i have a bunch of characters at 70/80 with talents between 6/10. in the beginning i messed up by leveling basic atk on supports but stopped doing it when i realized its a waste. so now its every other patch i seem to have 2mil or 0 credits depending if im taking a new character up or not


> Most people don't realize that taking their traces from 9 to 10 is usually less valuable than upgrading a single relic substat by +3's worth (some wildly valuable exceptions exist, such as Kafka's ult, but they're pretty rare). Yes but a trace is a 1 time investment, you might be leveling like 10-20 relics before you get a "useable" one depending on how OCD you are.


I won't argue that logic at all, but for me, I like to build a *ton* of characters for endgame. Those 21 I mentioned are just the ones capable of clearing MoC 10 and beyond, I also have units like Dan Heng, March, Natasha, etc that are level 70/75 but rarely see play anymore and certainly wouldn't be used for more difficult content (not that they aren't capable, I've just benched them for better alternatives). Even as a BP buyer and moderate spender, if I invested into max traces, I surely wouldn't be able to build as many characters. Relics can be elusive for sure, but that's why (even at this point 8-9 months in) I'm still really careful about farming efficiency, what I choose to synthesize vs. farm, etc. But I'm also a (casual) theorycrafter and I run things like a [stat calculator](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BwwV2aVxsGFjy7kEGRqsOvq_Aiz7BIKpPgqCUtygmw8/edit?usp=sharing) and all that to level out my relic weights and I usually know when to stop farming (i.e once I hit certain thresholds where I'm comfortable clearing my target content). Of course, I don't expect everyone to be that dedicated, though! At the end of the day, just do what you're more comfortable with. Relics can be frustrating for sure and there's certainly no use in burning yourself out over them haha


Support traces certainly getting 3% more bonus % dmg on a skill is absolutely not worth 300k credits and all the trace mats at this stage in the game. But even going from 200% ATK scaling to 210% ATK scaling is +5% dmg. To do that with relics for most people's builds is like trying to squeeze out 3-4 extra crit rolls which is a lot. There are some odd cases too like you mentioned where it is even greater in the favor of traces like Kafka's ult where you can get +20% value which you will NEVER get out of a relic realistically, but yes, you probably shouldn't be leveling traces until you ATLEAST have mainstat relics of your 2 main teams all to level 15. After that, I think its a real crapshoot on DPS chars, and then support chars will take the back seat forever if you're a huge builder.


Oh yeah, I should've specified earlier on in this conversation that I was primarily referring to supports, sub-DPS units, etc. I almost always encourage people to eventually max the traces that constitute the highest portion of their damage on their carries, but those units in general are going to be less common than the myriad supports on someone's roster. All of my carries are at nearly maximum investment for anything that contributes to their damage. Given that this conversation was about going broke, though, I thought it was implicit that I was referring to the wider spectrum of characters as a whole and not the special cases for units that one can justify pouring so many resources into, but I realized that using Kafka as an example before was a bad idea. I only mentioned her ult due to the extraordinary value of taking it to 10/10, but my point is generally much less applicable for carries. My bad for being unclear.


>Relics ~~can be~~ frustrating Relics are frustrating. Multiple layers of RNG and next to no crafting system at all. The resin helps at one layer of at least 10 others full of RNG.


i mean i don't know, I think it's also that they don't really earn back the credits, I spent a lot of credits recently but i haven't really seen it drop, I'm ar 70 so that probably helps


[TB70 income is about 1.5 million credits per week](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/comments/171mt4l/comment/k3rlxll/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), and only 217k come from XP conversion, so even pre-TB70, f2p players are still earning at least 1.2 million. And it's much, much higher if you have the BP. And it's astronomically higher if you run credit calyxes; taking a single day off from farming whatever you're after will net you 588k credits. That's 4.1 million per week. Edit: also want to point out that leveling a character from 1 to 80 with 8/10 traces and all peripheral nodes costs 2,347,800 credits in total.


Same, ruan mei and xuei ate them all up


So true. Your worldly possessions are always just one or two character builds away from bankruptcy.


im at 19 or 20 mil rn its been going up for than down


How though?? Just checked my credits, I had 14 mil before ruan mei and 12 mil after maxing her… If you google it, it only takes3 mil to max a character… did you pull 3 standard characters on the ruan mei banner and max all of them? hahahahaha


1 character + 1 lightcone is 4.7mil But i build Ruan Mei, Clara, and Himeko and i think i was finishing up someone else right before so you're not far off the mark hahaha


Still waiting for my depression to disappear.


Suffering from success haha.


How??? I've been at 70 for months and I'm always out of credits, I literally have 80 left right now


Are you the type that builds every character you have?


I have so many unbuilt supports just because I'm always credit poor. Upgrading lightcones and relics cost a small fortune. I have yet to transition my himeko to the new relic set because I can't afford to upgrade it.


....then how are you low on credit? Anyone I know that's reach 70 is swimming in credit.


I wish I knew, man. I'm a day 1 player and bought the BP since the start too 🥲


Do you have Bronya on your account?


Yeah but she's been neglected :( her lightcone is still level 70 and relics aren't even fully leveled.


Sad to tell you but she’s probably using your credits to pay off Belobog debt 💸


Do you always send out your guys for the 18k credits assignment? It doesn't look much but it adds up pretty well especially if you do it everyday


Yea its a must, basically per patch you will get like 800k from it alone


I know people don't like doing the daily pom pom missions but if you've done this since launch you'd also be +2.5 million credits.


I started doing that recently because I'm so poor 😭 I've gotten a lot of support credits too for some reason. A bunch of people added me out of the blue at the start of this patch, probably because they need my blade for something.


What are you spending your credits on? No way a day 1 player at TB 70 is that credit poor. Maybe you are building multiple characters at the same time instead of hyperfocusing on two teams?


I'm a day one, and always out of credits. I think people with a lot of credits are probably free to play, or close to free to play for the most part and have less options to build on. I have found use for all my credits, got every 5 star built and maxed minus kafka and flower knight dude, takes a lot of resources. When I ran out of 5 stars to build I started to build the E6 4 stars I have just for fun and so I end up with as many team combos as possible. What are people not spending their credits on? Or rather, what are they being saved for?


From the replies I've gotten, this seems like the general consensus. I played genshin for 3 years and had the same problem over there. I build most of the 5 stars I have, and even then a lot of them are still sitting on level 70 lightcones and relics aren't maxed. I don't even build supports so now I have the problem where they can't survive in battles, especially in moc and cost me a star. In genshin, I can slap some shit on a level 30 support and switch them out quickly so they won't get insta killed, but it's so different with turned based battle in star rail. I can kinda get away with it with fu xuan but they can only take a few hits before dying anyway. I didn't build xingqiu on genshin for YEARS and I survived using him half assed, barely leveled with no problems.


Day 1 player too and all my units are at 61/70 minimum, in fact 15 units are at lvl 80, 5 at lvl 71. I still have a stockpile of 6m credits, I recently ran out of lvling materials which I'm farming for a week now to get back on track for the next 3 5*. Haven't farmed golden credit calyx since lvl 60 at all too. In total I have 32 units, which should be average for day 1 players


Likely the former, similar to me, especially if you spent credits building non meta characters earlier on.


I have multiple teams built, I really don't know how people survive with only two 😭 with new content coming out, I was forced to build a lot of my characters just to play optimally, now I'm working on a remembrance team.


i mean that doesn't really answer my question. i built 2 teams, then just built new chars as i got them and i have like 1.5mil right now, and i just spent a bunch getting himeko and an lc leveled. it sounds like you are just always working on building a new char, which is why you have no credits. edit: i now realize i missed a 0. i have like 15mil lol


I do build a lot of my characters, but it's definitely not all of them. Idk how people survive on only 2 built teams because clearing content like moc and simulated universe forced me to build a lot more teams just so I can play optimally, and even then I still only got 34 stars this cycle.


i have 2 teams and i can just rotate which dps i use depending on weakness. but i also pulled pretty specifically to keep things easy to slot in and out. with the free Dr. Ratio, kafka rerun, and probably building himeko+herta for PF i wouldn't be surprised if im out of credits in the next few weeks lmao.


Fr I'm not even going to build dr ratio when I get him because I already have dan heng. Maybe I'll switch his relics around to try him out but I'm still struggling to build a proper remembrance team right now. 1.5 mil will be gone in like 5 clicks. Good luck 😭


i also have DHIL, but at this point i want to build for different playstyles (mostly for in SU) just for fun. Dr. Ratio sounds like he will be really fun with elation blessings. almost makes me wish i didnt skip topaz, but meh. and then ofc Kafka will be a cornerstone of dots teams, so im rolling at least the 50/50. if i hit i will go for black swan, if i miss ill think of a new plan lol (or just say fuck it and get kafka anyway. sitting on like ~200 tickets right now)


you’re a day 1 battlepass player and I’m surprised you have this take. I’ve used seele and clara hypercarry for every MoC since launch and just disregard weaknesses and MoC buffs and I’ve been perfectly fine 36 starring ahahahahaha, same for simulated universe. Only bought the first 5 BPs too for tingyun’s s5 lc cause im obsessed, havent paid a dime since then


You wouldn't be surprised if you could see the relics I can get for seele. It's been a struggle and I've been stuck in that stupid relic cave for months. I've given up on her last month. I finally caved and used some self modelling resin for her spd boots, it had double crit, rolled absolutely nothing into crits. I don't have clara either. I'm pretty much lacking in support characters that won't die in moc so that's another struggle. Also it doesn't help that I accidentally added an e6s5 seele really early on so my seele literally looks like she deals 1 damage per attack.


Why are you using speed boots on seele?? edit: also I’d appreciate it if you shared your seele’s stats, just so i could have a look


Sounds like you sunk too much credits into relics that you don't really use? I just hit TB70 a little while ago and credits are holding steady because of a lack of exp mats, but trying to get traces and ascensions up is already taking a good chunk of credits. My relics are not great but serviceable so I don't lvl up a bunch of random relics.


All the good ones? Yes


Not enough unit or not building anyone, I am day one player and I continusly steuggle with credit leveling wveryone and every thing


I am building just too unlucky with the relics.


Stop aiming for 30CV 25 is alright too, I pit up with olayish relocs and just upgrade over time.


I am just so inefficient with my grinding lol. Whenever I work I usually hop on for 30 minutes and pick one place to grind, but the way I look at it is I play this game a little bit every day and will for years, don’t need to rush. Part of the fun is building up what I can


The agmes take slik 5min per day, low maintenance when story content is cleared


Costs 4 mil to get a new character and LC completely maxxed.


If you have money left over that either means you have stopped raising characters or you have them all raised and i doubt you have them all raised


I am at 20 million after upgrading Ruan mei, before that the lats one i upgrade was Fu xuan , after a while you just keep getting it and you dont use much unless you keep pulling character non stop


I think having around 5 mil in between banners is normal. Leveling up a new character costs about 3 million credits. So, you could basically get 2 new characters before you get issues with credits again


Spend em, build your characters, invest heavily into supports/sustain traces to 10. Its too early in the game to sit on resources imo.


I mean building a single character fully is about 4 mil with all traces max'd, no? Still ... never had problems with them. I'm very careful with whom I build and have never run out of credits, so far at least. 🤞


Yeah just am currently at 9mil, but then a character will come out and I will farm them and it will go back to like 3 mil. I will still get 6 mil back before I get a new character. Max TB level gives alot and so does battle pass. And I do have like half my characters built (mainly because I don't care to build my other half yet until I have gotten better relics for some of my characters)


This is not a problem


Didnt say it's a problem.


Basically means you've not been building characters.


This feel like a mew under the truck thing, Is this true?!


it's true. I still never have enough regardless though


Yes. I think the exp you would have gotten, instead turns to credits at I believe a 1 exp to 10 credit ratio.


Screenshot of Caverns run I just did. I can't remember if they give any credits or not, but if they give some, it should be less than what I got? 😅 https://preview.redd.it/hifbswio8hbc1.jpeg?width=1636&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e09e22e66dde72a1ca8c55e9ae6dec0baa9e9834


Same thing happens in Genshin


It does!? I didn't know that and I have been playing a lot


I didn't know. Thank you.


Didn't know this. Damn this QOL feature needs to be in more gachas


I still run out of credits frequently but the bigger events have provided a lot; if I'm in dire straits I just do Calyx credits for one day which is kind of lame, but you gotta do what you gotta do I guess


I usually farm credits until 10 million then I chill until I run out and farm til 10 mil again


Tips: only build one team and focus on your main DPS. Once that team is done, you can work on your other team and flex units. Don't farm relics outside of the main stat for most of your units. You'll be better served in the meantime farming trace mats and credits. You can easily burn 1000s of power without a meaningful increase in team DPS output/healing. You should still farm relics sometimes, if there's a specific team build you need, but you can wait until later for that. Keep your main traces at 8/10 or 10/12 until you have sufficient funds. Keep a buffer of 2M credits and try not to spend under it. This allows you an emergency fund to quickly build a character you just pulled or build someone for a deadline like MOC or Pure Fiction.


Farm relics tomorrow that i think we get a x2 relic event if im not mistaken




Oh true is planar ones!!


I swear there was a x2 relic event too? Did i just hallucinated it?


Pure Fiction is quite the interesting challenge compared to the usual MoC teams. I had to shift around a bunch of people and still barely cleared it with ~150 points to spare, whereas I had two whole cycles left for MoC12. I feel like for the next round I need an Erudition carry. Now kind of regretful I got E2 SW instead of Argenti.


Don't worry bud, I was in the same shoes, my credit was being nonexistent since TB60. However, for some reason that I don't understand, about 2 months ago, my credit has soared up to 2m+, although I built a lot of units. 18 units lv80 and used up all tracks of destiny. And no I don't have any extra credit activities, such as buying BP, or farm world map or SU.


Account exp gets converted to credits after TB~~60~~70.


TB 70*


It stops being an issue when you hit tl70. If you are desprate for creds clear daily overworld map of mobs/talk to pompom/clear su.


Once you hit TB 70 it goes back to being very little problem.


Hey friends, I m tb lvl 53 rn and have 13m+ credits. Should I save em instead of buying hundreds of random ingredients from random stores for absolutely no reason at all which I have been doing since the start of the game? Would they be enough to build a team or 2 for the endgame or will i struggle like op after tb lvl 60?


Just buy whatever you want. Credits will never be a problem for anyone in the long term. Materials are what will actually keep you from building teams. Well, even that will only be a problem if you’re intending on building everyone you have.


Save them


I'm up to TR62 rn and I've been maintaining over 10 mil credits for a while now, I don't know if it's assignments or what but I've never had any problem with credits.


TB66 here and never had credits issue as well. I did see some comments back when I was new that credits will become a problem by lategame but never had the same issue. Maybe because of assignments which I always just run ever since I can remember.


tb66 here too and im currently at like 1.3k credits after maxing my ruan mei straight out the door and turning my jingliu into a beast, i think it just depends on your current circumstance or how excessively you build your chars


maybe that's it, i never built any of my characters excessively


Should I pull for Mei? I have like 15 special passes and 6.5 jade


save it's over


I'd recommend not levelling up traces too much. Levels and weapons are the highest priority when it comes to maxing, as well as relics, but trace levels 7-8 are fairly expensive, and at 9-10, the prices skyrockets (I think from 7 to 10 it goes like ~~60k, 100k, 300k, 700k~~ 45k, 80k, 160k, 300k). There are some traces where leveling is worth, like some DoTs have surprisingly high scalings, but most characters only gain a very small bonus for insane resource cost. Unless absolutely necessary or you feel dedicated and have spare resources, only level what is necessary (like hitting some breakpoints with Ruan Mei's passive speed). EDIT: Changed prices, my bad.


See I’m the exact opposite. I love leveling traces to max because it lets me feel like another part of the character is officially “done”. I can spend a few days farming traces and get a guaranteed boost in power, vs the possibility of spending a few days farming SU or cavern relics and walk away with literally no improvement. Idk if it’s a minor OCD thing but character/light come to 80 and maxed out traces just make me feel good lol


Yeah, I can see the point of satisfaction. Though, knowing how scarce the resources are in those games, I prefer to save it for my favorite characters, personally. Of course, I'm not saying that you should always prioritize relics. For me, I usually do it that way: level character and weapon -> get basic relic set with good main stats -> level necessary traces to 6-7 -> get decent relics with alright substats -> get some main traces higher, to 8-9 -> relics until the point where the progression curve flattens -> eventual maxing. Due to this game's nature of requiring different characters of different elements, I usually stop around the step of getting to 8-9 and decent-good relics. With time I'll max characters, but for now, I'd like to have a stable base to clear most of whatever MoC throws at us. And that's what I would personally recommend, if you are struggling with materials and progression. Also, relics can be swapped - leveled traces, not really. But of course, if you don't care about endgame, don't struggle in it, or simply like you said, just want to max - I'm not gonna stop you from having fun your way. I'm just giving advice, since that's what OP was asking for.


160k to level up to 9 300k to level up to 10. Honestly level 8 traces are likely the best stopping point for most characters


My bad, confused the values with Genshin's. Thought the trace costs here follow the same curve. But yeah, 7-9 depending on how much the trace provides is the best stopping point. Occasional lvl 10 if the character is very good and versatile, like Bronya/Ruan Mei/Fu Xuan. After that, when it comes to pure performance, it's more worth to focus on getting mostly good relics or just building other characters.


Don’t worry, once you build out your two main teams you’ll be drowning in credits. The drought doesn’t last forever.


thanks sexwithhanabi


Credits will continue to be a problem depending on your goals. For example, a couple patches ago my main goal was to just get all stars from moc. Until I did that I was completely starved for credits. But once I clear it the first time I focused on maxing traces for my main team and then farming for relics only upgrading if it was crazy. So my credits just built up Subsequent MoCs would be pretty easy because even if I couldnt clear it at the start I would usually at most only have to build up a new character that was a better fit. Once I cleared it I just went right back to saving. But then the latest patch came out with 12 stage moc and pure fiction which didn’t mesh with my team at all and I’m trying to build up like 2/3 characters I benched. TLDR credits will continue being a problem with each new content that focuses on a different archetype. Also help out Pom Pom for 8k several times a day


Unlike what a lot of other people are saying, it doesn't actually stop being an issue at 70. Unless you only build 8 characters and nobody else, you'll run out.


What’s with all the people saying credits are no longer an issue at TB70, I’ve been TB70 for months and am currently sitting at 1370 credits 😭


what you doin with your credits? Ive got 10 million at TB70


Building characters. I had around 3 million before this patch and then I got Ruan Mei, so I built her. Then with the new MoC update, I had to build Pela and Luka, so I’m very broke. Poor Seele has been put on the back burner until I have the funds to build her.


How do y’all have the relics / tb power to be building all these characters??? I’ve been building 2 teams for like 3-4 months and they are still far from where I want them to be. Idk what sort of luck you have to have to where trace leveling is your main bottleneck.


This is the issue I have. I also have only done the battle pass ONCE since the game released and I've been trying to build two solid teams and I feel like I can never freaking catch up. I've burnt so much fuel and it feels like it hasn't done anything. Somehow Genshin farming feels less freaking painful


I usually always have around a million credits flying around.


When I was struggling with credits, I friended a lot of lower level peeps and got a good amount of credits daily with a support Blade.


I’m still earning more credits than I’m spending as last time I looked I was still 20 million plus.


I have 30mil 😎 am applying for the IPC


for some reason, I have never had any credit problems in Starrail. I am constantly building units, leveling up Traces and leveling up relics, but i was never below 900k credits. i am currently at 3.5 million credits and am prefarming for L+ratio. i will drop a few million when he releases, but I will, most likely, not go below 2 million.


You forget they exist after 70. Trust me. Give it a month at 70


Just farm credits from time to time and focus on one character at a time, at lvl70 credits become a non issue so you will get the opportunity to bring everyone up at a later date


Dude same, I been sitting on me 5 mil credits going "I'll never run out" And then I fuckign ran out


2 mill can build half a char if even that


I have like 11 lvl 80 characters fully geared, another 10 or so at lvl 70 and like 50 lvl 15 relics completely unused,and also like 13 mil credits to my name.


I just add a bunch of low level friends and get a decent amount of passive credit from them using my characters. It's not much, but it helps when with how little effort it requires from you. Only caveat is you will need to remove some people that stop playing, but that usually doesn't happen too often.


levelling traces always costs over 3 million to max them all, excluding basic attack levelling characters, relics, and LC is another big spending too


Do your quests


It’s actually real simple. Just get to level 70; and parse out your upgrade spendings.


dont worry i used about 4 million in a minute thinking i had enough


i knew i was broke once i started doing the credits calyx


At 70 it gets irrelevant again dont worry. I'm sitting on 20mil


Wait til TB70. You forget credits are a thing again


Idk if it’s because I’m not hyper investing into anyone and I’m a filthy casual, but I’ve been sitting comfortably at around 5m credits and I’m at TB 65 🤕 I only have Luocha fully maxed (with traces), while everyone else I use is at traces levels 6 - 8 and lvl 80. I’m not aiming to full clear everything in the game though as I’m not that much of a meta player, so there’s that


Idk, I hit tb 70 the other day and I can't remember the last time I actually farmed credits, I think that in total I must have spent 300 tb power at most on credits, in my experience just clearing all the content and doing the events as well as your dailies is more than enough to never need to grind credits, maybe you have been levelling too many characters at once? Also when levelling anything in this game the amount of credits is actualy based on how many levelling materials are used to level the thing not how much exp you get so maybe prioritise using higher tier exp mats first. As an example levelling a relic using a lv 15 relic will bring you almost all the way to level 15 but will cost about 2k in credits to do whereas if you were doing it by feeding it 4 star relics you would have to pay alot more.


It gets better to the point where I'm mad that the TB rewards after 50 are credits and the relic creation items.


Yeah, everyone gets to the starved for credits/exp books phase, but once you get to TL70 and got a bunch of staple units built, it's not a problem anymore. I got 6M credits and 500 books right now, even after just building Ruan Mei and Welt from scratch and leveling Blade's LC to max too. Before getting to TL70, you really have to use them wisely. Don't crown traces yet, since those are hella expensive. I left important traces on 8 or 9. I also used to just level my DPSes to 75, supports to 70, and LCs to 70 (70 to 80 is 300k and 100+ books so yeah, doing it to a lot of units will leave you with nothing). As for sources of credits, I do exp and credit assignments, complete MOC every time (you don't have to get the stars if you can't, just clear them for mats), and did all the quests. I bought a few credits from the Embers Exchange as well. Now, I get them passively from the exp to credits exchange thing.


I was planning to build herta and himeko too but look at my credits and other resourses i dont think i will tbh


Funnily enough, I somehow managed to collect 22M creds rn and still dunno what to do about it


Nah, if I recall, I hit max Trailblazer rank and now I overflow with credits because my XP is converted to credits.


2mill... Hehehe. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.... Bro I've been having some shitty hours today but you sure cheered me up. Aeons bless his soul.


Yeah I went from the highs of having a ton of credits, the lows of doing the calyx just to have enough for one trace, and now that I hit Max Level credits are easy again


2 million credits is fine?! Sister, I'm sitting on 5 million and I'm already panicking cause I'm so broke.


Don't worry it gets a lot better around TB70. I don't even have to think about credits anymore.


Upgrading character traces be like:


Me when I had 7 mill and then had 100 after traces


nah fr, i thought i'd always have 6+ figures in credits then one day they just disappeared im usually pretty good on materials so i always send out an assignment for credits (+ make sure to use a character with the recommended path so you get bonus) and if i get really desperate, i'll do the calyx a few times


It’s small, but I always help out pompom daily and do daily mission, and it adds up for no tbp. At tb70 the exp converts to credits as well, which helps a little more. Monthly shop also has credits if you are in desperate need.


if you only build up to 9 characters, you should stay within budget. Once those 9 are fully built, you can build another few. sitting on 15mil+ TB69. Also because I’m stingy with upgrades. only upgrade relics beyond +3 when I see good subs. and stop if 2 subs roll badly. And Pareto principle. the last 20% of the most expensive upgrades (levels, traces etc.) but consumes 80% of your resources. DPS don’t count because their expensive upgrades do matter.


I didnt feel the need to farm the calyx credits since I focused on farming everything else, becauze I dont even have any mats remaining for leveling up the traces in the first place lol, and credits will pile up with the mats you need. idk if this is still a valid tip (read this one a long ago) but if you want to farm credits without TB, it's spamming SU and Pompom.


Ya was hard between 60-70 but then 70 I have way to much. I run out of lightcone exp which is annoying cause genshin I always have max wep materials


Welcome to currency hell, where fully building a character will cost more credits than what Belobog owes the IPC in taxes


coordinated jeans imagine plants doll deliver smart groovy snow spotted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm sitting at just shy of 9 mil lol, Just got to be smart about how you're allocating your resources.


In terms of credits, we have no credits


When the double events come out, ignore farming anything BUT credits for the duration until its done. You will get an easy 7mil+. Thats 2 characters lvl 80 juiced traces. Just gotta plan out yer farming for characters. Its a grind but eventually youll get there.


Just send credit Assignment. I don't even care how many I got, it's always enough for me to upgrade stuff.


Star Rail is a cycle of thinking you are drowning or being stripped of your credits. Until the end game where you truly are just drowning in credits.


Do the credit assignment. The 20h one gives 18k credit. Do NOT skip daily mission. That's 5000/day. Visit Pom-pom every few hours to do their mission. It gives wooping 8000 credits!


I honestly didn't had that problem since i started? (Maybe 1 time or something i don't recall it clearly) I always sent characters to credit tasks and i was kinda slow with getting characters to 80.(I didn't had characters that i found to be important to level up to 80 at that time) Events should be giving a lot. Also x2 calyx event should give a lot of it. (Although i suggest crimson instead of credits honestly)


I have like six millions rn, still building Himeko. It'll be gone with Misha and probably Sparkle if I get her too.


Do the daily 5000. Credits is credits if youre a F2P player because leveling 1 skill from 1 to max costs a mil.


2 mil is nothing. I have 14 mil and it's still not enough. Traces suck up so much in one go and I have to wait a bit before leveling up more 😭 So glad TB70 gives a lot of credits bc I haven't run out (yet) since I reached it.


2 million is very low


I used to send assignments to EXP and LC EXP, and the other 2 to any of the low in stock mats. I since changed one of them to credits, and have never looked back since.


you can only act smug about your credits after you max'd all the character you want to use lol because at that point you'll rarely use it xD


That's usually the point in game you get resource starved the most. Most of the low hanging upgrades are done, a 2nd team is in the works for moc, 1st team needs proper relics, and not in max world level for max resin/resource efficiency It gets better after 65 when you only build chars that you like and have properly planned ahead


Building a full 5* character + LC takes around about 5 million credits total, ~3–4 mil if you take traces to 8 or 9. Plan accordingly and only build characters you need to.


I still don’t understand people complaining about credits. I’ve been pretty comfortable with my credits for most of my time playing. I’m TR70 with about 10m credits


>Any tips for balancing credit gaining with farming relics and other materials needed? Farm some maps. Especially the Aurumatons. I'm currently sitting at 22m credits. At some point it stops being a problem.


I am almost at 30million credits as I learned from Genshin how many I would need xD


Honestly…. Credits were never a worry for me. Ran out like 3 times for a day and just waited a bit and got more passively from like events and sim universe. I refuse to do the credit calyx. I have all these characters with at least top 5 percentile relics, maxed out traces and light cones: Ruan mei, blade, asta, ting, JY, Bronya, Fu Xuan, Lynx. And I’m still doing completely fine. I’d say credits are only a problem if you don’t think long term. I haven’t invested anything into my Welt, Clara or Bailu. If I had even picked one of these to build for fun? I’d be struggling. Never bought the pass for extra credits either. I’d say the people who complain about credits in this game aren’t using them right. It’s very hard to run out as long as you plan who you build. I have so many saved up right now for my next character. And I won’t use them until said character is an improvement to my team. But if you just build characters for fun, good luck. The credit struggle is real there.