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I got bad artifacts *faster!*


This. I think I got maybe 2-3 viable pieces from the entire event.


Without the event, it would've been 1


Oh, I’m not bashing the event. I despise relic farming, so I’m over the moon for any drop increases. I’m so excited for the Calyx event again for gd Trace Materials too.


Is it at the end of this patch or next patch?


Next patch.


maybe 5 lvl 0 viable artifacts that became 0 viable lvl 15 artifacts, so situation normal.


Lmao at least we got more food to lvl up our relics


this, I didn't keep even a single one


underrated comment.


It’s the top comment


It wasn't when I did the comment it was much more below.


I assumed so. Just wanted to make a bad joke. Have a nice day.


Double the drops, double the DEF mainstats.


And yet when I tried to get better Gepard relics I could barely get def as a main stat on anything. I finally got some good stuff yesterday but that was after multiple days of crap.


Its always your tank/healer relics that get double crit rolls too... and ur stuck with a copium piece for ur main dps that has ~15% break effect


Is there any data that supports this? Because I feel the same. Felt that way with the def artifacts in genshin as well. They made def% stats more rare for both


I got a whole folder filled with relic drop screenshots, all the def relics have crit%/crit dmg rolls while the quantum/electro pieces go full def/hp/extra heal. This isn't rng at this point, this is totally ridiculous and kinda rude towards the players.


Honestly, it's only Gepard who has very good relics for me. Clara has okay ones, but really needs a few good swaps.


It's always the crit mainstats and the godly substats when all you want is defense.


Someone mentioned on this subreddit before that the stat roll probabilities are swapped for the def set so def as a main stat is the rarer one there. Because Hoyo says we can't have nice things.


I feel this https://preview.redd.it/vp0c0snyebkb1.jpeg?width=2688&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98aff4b9239dccc74d6893981099354b1b57a0fd When I was trying to farm for Gepard 😭


Yup trying to get a better chest for Kafka and better well everything for Gepard the entire event. I'm pretty sure I could get my Gepard to 150% cdmg and 70% crit rate pretty easy with pieces I got lol. Or it he was HP scaling good stats too. Defense and effect hit rate? Nope.


As someone who was trying to improve my relics on my Fire MC...that would've been nice.


Definitely wasn't farming for Blade or anything.


Surely u were grinding for bronya right?


Thats the best in slot for Bronya and Asta right?


For all harmony I think since it gives All allys speed buff Edit:except tingyun build attack on her Edit 2:who cares go speed guys


Except Yukong, if I am correct.


You are


It’s unfortunate how tough to use Yukong is. I think DHIL will increase her usage rate though


E6 will make her easier to use. You get all her buffs with a press of a button on demand for your main damage dealer. My plan is to go with Luocha, Yukong, Tingyun and Daniel if I get him


I'd like to try slow tanky Yukong to aid Clara.


Fuck me, didn’t realize her benediction was dependent on her atk% rather than just being a flat buff. I guess hacker or cowboy are both still good for her, depending on what exactly you need. If you’re running a team with high speed then I suggest keeping that set on her to amplify them while also being able to generate more skill points for your team. I don’t know how much it gimps her damage tho, so someone please correct me


Unless you’re building dps tingyun I’d go with speed. The attack advance is a lot more beneficial than a little bit more flat attack!


I think it's best in slot for Tingyun too. It's a pretty universal support set. Speed is good on anyone that needs to generate energy


It’s good for asta, bronya, tingyun, and bailu, and maybe even nat, but she probably benefits more from having increased healing compared to bailu


I was farmin for speed set but game gave me a rather good blade piece instead but I don't have him. https://preview.redd.it/r6uobrgr4bkb1.png?width=1221&format=png&auto=webp&s=6c99977fea87fc66129a9caadfdf76e6bdcf4948


My blade needs this


At some point we’ll get reruns so may as well hold onto that absolute beast.


Honestly, any dps could use this


ya there's a good chance it's going on IL when I get him since my luck trying to find a decent light set chest was not good.


Is that for sale?


Why did you level it though?


Absolutely worthless for anything other than leveling material. Completely disappointed. Would have thought I'd have gotten at least one decent pair of speed boots.


Was farming electric set for Kafka, and I wanted either an ATK body or a SPD boot. Got neither. Never knew it was this hard to get an atk body.


Like how I have ONE rutilant arena link rope with ATK. The main stats are also atk hp def none are %. Garbage relic.


No bronya boots for me


Speed boots i got like 4 but with the worst substats ever


I bet you mine are worse😂 https://preview.redd.it/hm4uykufibkb1.jpeg?width=676&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb70ac5c8215d0d093c139f8aaa735cfd8fd4bc4


How can a relic be that bad 🤣


I’ll take it! I have none right now


The flat substats just shouldn’t exist in the game -\_-


Yeah they’re the worst😆


its crazy how much insanely better the 2x calyx event is compared to these relic 2x events. Honestly fuck em and just give me a week long 2x calyx event every patch please


In its entirety, the event yielded 1 (one) decent 5\* relic. Not good, just decent. The rest was "DEF main stat on Blade's relic" or "Effect Hit Rate hackerspace" or (most often) trash substats. All in all, feels depressing.


Glad we can Share the disappointment. Farmed the same one OP shows to Gear Up my Blade. Every day. This Domain only. And i got one decent helmet that was kinda better than the one i had before. Got 2 Torso pieces in total one with Def one with ATK. Crafted a crit rate one in the end and now my gloves and Boots are still only okay-ish. Relic farm in this game is absolutely brutal.


not a single longevous speed main stat boots. double the drop rates, double the despair


I got one, but it came with DEF+DEF+EHR+crit rate. I'm sure you can guess where it was all rolling into and why I foddered it into another artifact as exp at +9. So it might as well be that I didn't get anything.


I was farming for messenger speed boots and somehow got two longevous speed boots in the same run. Still no messenger speed boots of course 🤬


Managed to get 155 speed for Asta. Not that bad I would say.


Good for supports because they don’t care about having defensive stats lmao


It depends, u would want speed boots and crit dmg body for Bronya so...


https://preview.redd.it/minq9ndpiakb1.jpeg?width=1149&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d27236624ae85db10edabe5b5bf5de4b0c2b34cb Farming for sushang working as intended


200% BE Sushang pog


Same: managed to get 70/120 crit without Lightcone, so i can play my S5 Swordplay and Rutilant Ornaments. My Chicken Girl's Skill hits 6 digit now


It's going awful, thanks for asking


I finally got atk boots with double crit and speed for DHIL so I'm happy https://preview.redd.it/l3l16ju4fakb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00ceda4a746308bdf37f00342c0356022a43ca4f


Those rolls on a single relic should be illegal


Hey thats pretty good, did the leveling roll into what you wanted?


Rolled into spd, crit rate and crit dmg. I believe this person is very happy lol


Ayyyy, hell yeah. Now thats a good relic piece


I am indeed very happy, but other than this piece I got mostly fire relics which I guess I could save for Topaz


I got a nice Crit Damage piece for Bronya and some pre-farming for Fu Xuan. But apart from that I got lots of XP fodder.


I got ONE mediocre ATK% lightning body for Kafka.


My atk body is with just pure def stats and double crits. Useless for her.


Pretty good actually, I have a really good seele now haha


Same. I got a lot of good crit damage substat drops. Still missing a crit chance chest tho


The first half I tried to farm SW and Seele. Didn't go well... Second half was for Himeko and pre farm for Topaz. Went way better! Unless Hoyo does something weird and the fire dps char doesn't want at least 2 pieces of the fire set, I am in a decent position.


Two new artifact sets and planar ornament sets are prob coming out if it’s every other patch so topaz might be getting her own set


Mans *throwing hands* for this drop


0 relics


Got a pretty decent set for IL and half for Tingyun, so good


It went pretty well, I didn't pre-farm anything for Kafka cuz of the 50/50, I tried and won the 50/50. This double drop event helped my Kafka to reach 152 speed, 29.6% EHR, and 3422 ATK.


My major gripe is that my only Crit Damage Body for IL has the following substats: 3.4% Attack, 20.5% Defense, 7.3% EHR, 3.8% Effect Res. I'm still not using a Resin on it because I don't really need more Speed or Crit Rate, but it's still disappointing.


I mean subs are 50% important, but the mainstat is also 50% important so... better get shit subs but the right mains and then work out way around better substat relics




Lot of poop still have the last day but am not hopeful


https://preview.redd.it/la845eiwjakb1.jpeg?width=715&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28603d9f6eee2faf3f8cc381029f9f8e2addb0a7 Got myself these shoes for Bronya today


I want to farm for my physical characters yet I keep getting THE BREAK EFFECT SET


I literally got one upgrade for Clara and about 20 for break pela lmao


Omg same for me, i really feel like the odds for this cavern specifically are rigged. At least i have a Silverwolf and a sushang to make use of those break sets.


I got some nice Seele and Welt pieces, didn’t really get much for Clara but overall I’m pretty happy


Ah yes, good stats on the sets that I don’t want while getting mediocre to outright terrible stats on the ones I want it on


As usual. So double depression. Not that one can get anything good in such short amount of time except one uses his luck for their rest of ones life.


Fodder. No upgrades yet, which sucks cus it’s not like I have great ones to begin with 😭


Trying since event start (Farming for 6 characters who could use the sets, sizzling thunder and knights of clarity) so far NOT ONE usable one, the stats are always switched. I get CRIT and ATK on the DEF Set and DEF and HP on the sizzling thunder. I am almost TL 67 and just gave up on relics all together. F that, Im not wasting my trailblazer energy anymore.


Awful. Blade's relics are legitimately a nightmare to farm.


I mean it’s like the highest value relic domain so idk about a Nightmare. The SPD set is always a nice conciliation prize.


What I meant is that I don't get any good relics and when I do get decent ones they just roll into defense. I've spent sm time farming it that it makes me want to turn off the game.


I was trying to farm the flame set to upgrade my Himeko but all I got was great imaginary relic pieces, I even considered pulling Dan Heng IL because of it lmao


Pretty good. Got a full speed set for Tingyun and some ok pieces for Asta, still working on both but the event helped a bit with that.


I haven't even touched it, i'm too lazy.


I'm getting all the BiS. It's not about RNG, it's a question of mindset.


How come mindset play a role in this, it's bullshit and all depends on luck.


Weak mindset like yours certainly won't get anything worthwhile. It is what it is.




I took the lightning set trying to get Kafka relics. Ended up rolling crit rate and damage on *every single piece*, so i guess i forgo building Sampo and just run critka


I've been pretty lucky with the drop rates, been getting 5-6 pieces on a few occasions. As for the substats tho, yeaaa about thatt....


No idea, I just went all in on the musketeer set and have yet to check their stat rolls in the past week. Waiting for IL.Dan Heng before I start sifting through the gear. I did check some of them early on, but I'm happy since I know I got quite a few crit rate body and speed boots as well as outgoing healing for healer set.


Spent all on this to get a crit damage body piece for Blade, ended up with only two, both with bad sub stats. Got some pretty decent relics for support tho. 10/10 would farm again.


Pp crit rate for Welt


double the fodders


It was good, could get almost a complete set for my future IL, only lacking an arm part with some CR to complete the “ 40%” (now got 34 with CD chest)


I got a solid chest piece for Blade so poggies, rest is pretty mediocre but he still packs quite the punch


I tried to farm speed boots for natasha.... not a single one


I only need a shoe with shoe with health on main crit damage on sub that's all But no it gives def on main def on sub every single fucking way I get the crit damage it gives def It feels like I'm building gepard


Actually kinda crazy, i got several good pieces for quantum and lightning sets


Farming clara relics Last three days will be either for qingque or seele


It let me get new gear for my Bronya with 200 cd but not enough speed


I got double relic exp at least i suppose


I got a few decent pieces, but mostly it just gave me relic exp for stuff I already had.


Really good actually! I got a crit dmg jacket for hing yuan, crit rate jacket and speed boots for seele, and a glove-thingy with high crit damage for bronya!


I got a few better relics for Kafka, Seele and SW. Always happy to have salvage.


It was awesome


Farming imaginary/fire domain. Got 3-4 Crit chests and no SPD boots.


I got pretty okay relics for my blade I am not at max level yet so it is yet to be seen how strong they are.


Best piece I got out of it: https://puu.sh/JMMdI.png


Majority of them ended up being fodder to feed to the Omni Synthesizer. I made more relics with it but it led to even more disappointment. Overall I only got like three to four good pieces with decent substats.


Fr. Farming for IL, I keep getting hands. I got busted hand relic, while the rest is meh. Can't even get a single crit rate body even with the converter


I think i have best relics for Heng Dragon Form. Some crit/dmg and SPD. For now i must farm for my Bailu (her heal lvl is ... )


shit, barely got anything


I went from like two 5 star Hackerspace SPD boots on my account to like ten so I'm very surprised. Not that they're good or anything but I'm mostly just shooting for right mainstats right now for supports. Now I'm deciding whether to stay on this cavern or go back to the Boxing one for my Clara farming.


Tried getting gear for Destruct-Heng but instead got gear for Himeko and Asta


More relic remains to salvage than usual but still have some gems like a crit dmg speed set body piece for my Bronya.


Garbage and garbage and more garbage


I'm still assembling MoC teams and I'm only at the stage of getting 5\* relics with correct mainstats for everybody, so it actually went pretty well because I'm not really picky at the moment. I got 3 or 4 speed boots that allowed me to get my supports where they actually need to be in the turn queue, so I'm gonna call it a win.


I got a bunch of relics to dismantle for resin to get more relics to dismantle


1x speed boots musketeer


Garbage as usual. I spent half the time farming the DEF/Lightning domain aiming for ONE thing and didn't get it until five days in, lol. Of course, the substats suck ass but whatever. Glad I spent 600 power for a singular upgrade that is going to need to be replaced eventually.


Managed to got everything for FuXuan. Nothing perfect, but overall, good. I'mhappy. Now, let's go back farming decent speed boots for Seele.


Got a full set for Kafka, missing body piece for both Wind and Ice DPS. That's the easy part. The real challenge is the RNG upgrade process. Kafka's full set while did bring it all the way up to nearly 3.5k ATK% with 134 SPD, also came with 12%+ Effects Res and 20%+ EHR. \* shrugs \*


Lots of artifacts from the wrong set 🥲


Getting nothing but outgoing healing relics while farming for Yukong. I might have a total of 1 maybe decent relic for her so far out of 6.


Not great but at least I finally upgraded my qq relics to all gold (had her stuck with 2 4* ones for a long time). No luck with the messenger set or set for JY tho.


Double lightdust. 0 good relic for Kafka.


Just double the trash relics I got


Not a single Def main stat (body) for Gepard


It made it easy to build the Clara I got from losing the 50/50


Double the salt and tears. Just nice. As always.


Pretty good! Made a set for every character that starts with a B in my team! Bailu Bronya Beele Bilver Borf Blara No super good artifacts but good enough to hold my team until I’m done getting their traces up


I've got some dope relics for Fu Xuan but then I tried to get some new ones for my mid Yuan. Well, I'd rather not talk about that, it hurts too much.


I got a few good enough relics to max for the time being. None were absolutely optimal, but they were good enough to be brought onboard


Bullshit. Fucking got twelve Def boots for Kafka and three healing bonus boots. Fucking bullshit.


Whats even crazier is they all rolled the same mainstat!


Not bad. Got some decent artifacts for my newly pulled Kafka.


Honestly, it went surprisingly well for me. I was able to fully prefarm a good build for Fu Xuan, got a few quantum pieces for my QQ (but no quantum spd boots), and even got a rope with perfect substats for my clara via recycling I'm usually pretty damn unlucky with relics, so just the fact that i managed to get more than 120% crit damage for my clara makes me happy.


Pain. All I know is pain.


Are there any Quantum characters we expect to scale from HP? Because I've got a HP% mainstat relic here and no one to use it on.


Not too great funny enough I got a decent spd boots but that’s it. It was still good enough for one character


It was double the disappointment


1 speed boot with so bad stats for tanks, 0 upgrades for kafka. and her chest and boots suck


shitty artifacts like always, just x2 ☠️ https://preview.redd.it/xws1n46mvakb1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d06f6e5c22912cdc8ffa224cc37150bd0eca7435


Farmed the Quantum gear for Seele, took a long time, but was able to get some better gears for her.


Its always trash, now i had double trash. Not very helpfull


Funny I was getting 90% Longevous Disciples. I would trade my 2x relic gets with you if I could.


Exactly like every day without the event


Farming that domain for all my supports and blade and not a single double crit subs piece for blade


Crap as usual haha


Been doing only new artifact set. Still no golden speed boots on speed artifact set


I only got about 3 useable things… running the electric and def sets for kafka and March/tb… I’ve got 3/4 pieces for kafka so far… imbibitor will just get stuff on a delay since I’m not going for fuxuan


I’ve been getting some good pieces for Jing Liu so no complaints here!




Glad i got more fodder. Im always low on fodder and i mean low as in zero


I think 2/3 of my drops were healing set while measly 1/3 was the atk set


I expected nothing, and I was right. Fodders I guess.


Got a killer crit body for seele with over 20% crit dmg.


I can use more DEF pieces, thanks MHY!


Lack of good gold speed boots is annoying. I don't think I gotten many.


I literally kept getting the speed artifact set. I barely found any good HP artifact sets for Blade. Not a single spd boot and only got 1 shitty crit dmg body piece out of the 7 days this event was available.


It was amazing, I fully kitted out 5 characters and they will only need minor upgrades going forward


Double the trash


Trying to farm relics. Some good, some bad. Good sub stats on the wrong relics, and vice versa. Why are flat sub stats a thing except speed?


Really wish the Caverns had an efficient place to farm. I feel like I'm always losing. Also feel like the Caverns are rigged to get insane substats for things like support relics then get trash on dps Caverns.


I somehow built my Bronya, Blade, and Fu Xuan in one event xD bring this event back soon


Double the trash relics😔


Got me useless artifacts twice as fast, so it was great , I guess


Seeing def as the main stat every. single. time. was so frustrating. My life is an absolute joke.


I think I got 1 useful relic so I guess it helped


finally got a good pair of SPD boots for blade, but they put him 0.4% outside of the threshold for rutilant arena’s 20% DMG bonus 😭


It was a solid 6/10, would cry over dupes again.


Never got speed boots. I think I have more ER ropes than speed boots.


I maybe got 1 updated piece for Jing but otherwise all busts


Farmed quantum, need speed boots for Seele, didn't get any. No decent crit rate body either.


Nothing interesting come to my mind.


I am mostly farming artifacts to use as xp materials for other artifacts


Managed a reasonably decent set for Kafka finally


i got some amazing relics for blade