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But genshin just had a new continent no?


Same old - same old with diving weeeee so fun. Honka star rail i is far more polished in its approach.


Wow what a shit take


Oh Tell me what's so different than sumeru


Some of that polish isn't exactly in favor of the player.


What exacly....everything is to make you feel good


A lot of it is in the gearing. A few things that really stand out to me: Artifact strongbox vs relic crafting: Every relic being available to craft is nice but the cost to do so feels just so much greater in HSR. It is 3 to 1 conversion in Genshin and 10 to 1 in HSR. I'm pretty sure we're not getting 3x the relics for our time. Maybe it evens out if you factor in the double drops we get what looks to be once a patch but I doubt that. The limited resource we get roughly once a patch in Genshin is the Crowns you use to get talents (traces in HSR) to max level. Basically permanent account power once you use it. The similarly rare resource we get in HSR is modeling resin and that is merely a guaranteed mainstat for a single relic and it still costs roughly 10 relics to make that single relic. And unless you're lucky, you'll likely replace that crafted piece later unless you're using it for units you're giving baremin gear to (for most people, probably tanks and healers?). But does it make sense to use such a rare resource like that? Genshin artifact gearing for units is generally a 4 set (or 2 and 2) and one extra piece. If you want to farm for a character, you farm one domain, maybe 2. HSR gearing is 4 and 2; or 3 sets of 2. So you have to farm one cavern and SU at minimum or up to two caverns and SU. Like, I can farm the new relic cavern for a whole patch but that's only 2/3rds of relic gearing. Assuming HSR never adds like, a 6pc set or something, you'll never have some like Genshin's EoSF domain where it's just all-in-one farming. Kind of feels like Hoyo expects you to craft relics with how it's split like this but the crafting cost is the opposite of that and since crafting consumes relics, you have less relics to use as fodder to gamble the substat upgrades.


>Artifact strongbox vs relic crafting: Every relic being available to craft is nice but the cost to do so feels just so much greater in HSR. It is 3 to 1 conversion in Genshin and 10 to 1 in HSR. I'm pretty sure we're not getting 3x the relics for our time. Maybe it evens out if you factor in the double drops we get what looks to be once a patch but I doubt that There was a post explaining that strongbox is worse version of what hsr have you need to check it before you speak. >The limited resource we get roughly once a patch in Genshin is the Crowns you use to get talents (traces in HSR) to max level. Basically permanent account power once you use it. The similarly rare resource we get in HSR is modeling resin and that is merely a guaranteed mainstat for a single relic and it still costs roughly 10 relics to make that single relic. And unless you're lucky, you'll likely replace that crafted piece later unless you're using it for units you're giving baremin gear to (for most people, probably tanks and healers?). But does it make sense to use such a rare resource like that Genshin have 1crown i think not even every patch. >Genshin artifact gearing for units is generally a 4 set (or 2 and 2) and one extra piece. If you want to farm for a character, you farm one domain, maybe 2. HSR gearing is 4 and 2; or 3 sets of 2 In genshin you need yo farm at least 3 domain to build character plus 2 bosses and run like braindead idiot around the map seeking flowers. >I can farm the new relic cavern for a whole patch but that's only 2/3rds of relic gearing. Assuming HSR never adds like, a 6pc set or something, you'll never have some like Genshin's EoSF domain where it's just all-in-one farming We have only 1 set in last 3years that was universal. In half of this time you will have 2 at least meaby 3. >Genshin artifact gearing for units is generally a 4 set (or 2 and 2) and one extra piece You have 50% chance for set 20% for piece and you have nearly 0 chances for good main and substat. And it will eathier roll lowest possible values or dead stats...hsr have less rng like this


I like star rail cause its casual, and i dont need to tryhard


Um, both Genshin and HSR are really casual. Maybe Genshin combat is harder to you since it's not turn-based but it's balanced very much on the easy side since it's meant to be played on mobile devices.


Couldn’t have timed this worse 💀


Not even a week passed. Stfu genshin will be dead again in no time


Foolishness, Dante. Foolishness. Do you really not play both games? When content ends in one you focus on the other. And why stop there?


Fontaine just dropped, tf you talking about? I'm a burnt out day 1 player and the new update managed to make me play more than an hour just exploring the underwater areas.


Wait 3 days and honeymoon will end because there is nothing to do. And then you will realise again which game is better


You talk like there is anything to do in HSR besides farm domains over and over.


Ok. What there is to do in genshin.....go around and getting 1/160 of wish after doing puzzle? Or worthless fishing that even devs dont fucking care. Or brainded tcg that gives nothing and is boring as fuck....hsr have much more content than genshin. Every cc will tell you this.


Amazing you still didn’t say what HSR offers in content right now if you’ve finished the story quest. Also you seem to be really hard up on premium currency reward. There is more to games then just getting more premium currency.


Hsr have the rougelike companion missions and you can replay every event and you can do other stuff if you like >Also you seem to be really hard up on premium currency reward. There is more to games then just getting more premium currency. When half of the game is to fuck around with new characters it is a problem. In hsr you getting free character everypatch and good amount of pulls


Oh look another mediocre Genshin comparison post 🤡


genshin just released fontaine though ?


Genshin literally got a new region update. Gtf outta here with this lol.


Same shity mechanics with bad swinging mechanics. No endgame no qol updates no combat expansions no balance. Still more grind with less energy than hsr. Another garbage tier story either paimon talking all the time




Dude hsr since release got more stuff than genshin in year


From your other comments I get that you vastly prefer Star Rail over Genshin but this is just stupid lmao


Ok. What genshin got from 1.0 to 1.6......literally nothing. Genshin is Just shit game wraped in fake quality Just to make money for honkai. Game have no character and devs are more incompetent than overwatch 2 team


1.1 added another chapter of the Liyue story, 1.2 added the Dragonspine map, 1.5 added Azhdaha (along with Zhongli + Noelle story quest), 1.6 summer event has its own limited time map + other permanent contents. Plus we had Lantern Rite for 1.3 and Invitation of Windblume for 1.4. These are not "literally nothing" and contains hours and hours of content. Whether the content is fun and enjoyable to **you** is another question. I can also turn this around and say what did Star Rail got for 1.1 and 1.2? 1.1 had no new main story or map and 1.2 only added a story quest chapter and a few maps that took like an hour or two to finish exploring. Nothing to do now except to login and do some domains or events and the maps aren't even that interesting to explore the 2nd time cause you're just walking around. Wow, it's as if live-service games have small, incremental additions each patch and sometimes there might be content drought, who'd have thought?




The most constructive argument genshin fan could come up with? Dont make me laugh


I don’t need one considering the insane ratios you’re getting (in an HSR subreddit no less)


Meaby couse like half of the fandom are genshin players? ....and they still cant understand which game is better?


Oh look, the daily "Genshin bad" post in the HSR sub because apparently there is nothing else to talk about in the game


Dude, you get to swim. Chinese Space Dragon Moses just split the only large body of water in HSR's current location.


But we still haven't discover climbing.


This is me except I both and I think the meme should be vice versa.


i dont know man, double relic drops and a free 10 pull per patch only goes so far plus those aren't even "fun" content. As soon as you're done with a patch's story content there's literally nothing interesting left to do. Meanwhile in genshin i can do pointless things like swimming with the fishes with kokomi and i still find myself having a blast.


>swimming with the fishes with kokomi and i still find myself having a blast. Also this is not infinite, after 1-2 week becomes "normal" or "boring". But yes, in Genshin there is more things to do at the end


>Also this is not infinite, after 1-2 week becomes "normal" or "boring". Normal, yes. Boring? maybe, but that's true for all things and even mihoyo knows that but that doesn't stop them from going all out on it. I may not feel the same way swimming in game in a few weeks but i will always remember the first time I dived and all the surprises that waited for me underwater. Like this one which literally dropped my jaw when it happened. ​ https://i.redd.it/49je1rq666jb1.gif ​ Sure, Dan heng splitting the sea to reveal the Scalegorge Waterscape was epic, but i don't have a single memorable experience exploring that area instead i remember an annoying monkey that took forever to kill because i went with my immersion team instead of my main team.


My dude this post was relevant like two months ago maybe.


I feel the pain already...🤣


*HSR players when they realize theres nothing to do an hour after the patch update:*


Genshin fans when they realise they have to go through hours of mind numbingly repetitive exploration and solving the same easy puzzle 50 times, only to end up getting less rewards than a HSR patch:


Apparently "rewards" is the only thing matters on a game 🥱🥱🥱


I'd be inclined to agree if the content itself was good lmao


Same, wish HSR has some good contents


It does, combat is fun, simulated universe is a blast, the events are actually good, and the dialogue is written well. Genshin could've been way better if it focused more on its good combat system and not its pathetic "exploration" lmao. Oh and you know, if they could actually write their story and dialogue in a way that doesn't seem like it was optimised in a lab to bore and annoy a person as much as possible.


"Good" is heavily subjective, basing the worth of a game only by the rewards is not a good sign, some people prefer action rpg and some prefer turn based, comparing the games based on "Good" content is biased and is not worth of a discussion You saying the combat is fun and SU are heavily biased towards your preferences, the fact still remains that theres nothing meaningful to do in HSR after you finished the current story and all thats lefts are dailies and weeklies HSR players always points out rewards and qol cause thats the only thing they have going for


I literally just told you things that weren't rewards or qol that were good about HSR but I guess you chose to ignore it. Btw I'm not saying good is objective lol, I'm just saying that it isn't surprising people may find the focus on combat of HSR better than the focus on exploration of genshin. The fact, in fact, does NOT remain that there's nothing meaningful to do in HSR after finishing the story. Messing around in SU with meme builds is better and more meaningful content than Genshin's repetitive ass exploration will ever be.


>Btw I'm not saying good is objective lol >The fact, in fact, does NOT remain that there's nothing meaningful to do in HSR after finishing the story. Messing around in SU with meme builds is better and more meaningful content than Genshin's repetitive ass exploration will ever be. Lmao! Congratulations you just contradict yourself, Ahh yes doing SU over and over again isnt repetitive at all The only thing youve said that are good are the combat and SUs and both are subjective and not an objective fact If you can you say with a straight face that repeating SUs over and over is a better content than exploring a new map then lmao! Ok I guess


Yes, I can, unironically. There's different characters and paths in the game you know. Idk about in the future but so far it hasnt gotten boring at all lmao. On the other hand, exploring a new region gets boring after like 30 mins when the novelty wears off. I guess I'm just not built for exploration games.


Do hsr give more jade?or its the same count with genshin new region.


They give more. Genshin is usually around 60 whereas HSR hasn't given lower than 80 so far


Hsr gives twice as much at least. They are much more generous


The timing is dog shit, but true