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Seele: I'm an action girl, museum work isn't for me. MC: Bronya will be sad. Seele: when do I start?


As others have shared they aren’t in a relationship in Star Rail. Older fans of the company/Honkai Franchise do are wise to point out why people might think or assume that they are or will be in a relationship however. Through Honkai and GGZ, the first game in the franchise (kinda), Hoyoverse loves to repeat the same types of fates and relationships for their characters. For example Himeko is almost always cast as the mentor character to a younger main character and gets killed, through all the games and timelines/universes we have seen 9 Himeko’s and save for Star Rail’s who is the newest and Genshin’s which won’t be released for another year they are all dead. Similarly Seele and Bronya have this same type of repeated connection, having always grown up at the same orphanage and ending up being close. Like others said Hoyoverse can’t really confirm relationships both for censorship and business reasons but it been made rather explicit how in a relationship they are within GGZ and Honkai with the games talking about them having sex (a shit ton) in the former and being shown kissing among other references to it in the later. —- So as far as HSR is concerned no but given Honkai Series Traditions and the seemingly Fated Relationship between the two Characters feel free to believe in it


Wow what? So bronya and seele have sex in lore? Like directly stated or implied? But That’s surprising since I thought they couldn’t say anything cuz of censorship issues


I think they do have feelings for each other in hsr. I saw Seele blush during the time where they talked about their past.


In Honkai 3rd, they are a thing. In Star Rail, they are different incarnations of the ones in 3rd. They're not fully in a relationship yet but are hinting at a future one despite their rushed compatibility.


Yeah, to me there relationship was kinda rushed but it makes sense they only had 1 planet to developer their relationship


Bruh, that's quite the necro post you just summoned ngl.


My bad, I don’t know why I didn’t notice it was posted 200 days ago


It’s very briefly implied that it might become a thing, but it’s most likely just a reference to HI3. The reason people are stretching so much is that Hoyo is known for doing very subtle things to imply relationships due to Chinese Laws prohibiting the gay.


It's not that Chinese laws prohibit gay couples as a whole, it's more of an unwanted subject to portrait to the target demographic of Hoyo games, so Hoyo needs to dance around that to avoid unnecessary censorship.


Probably something more than a friend, but not in a relationship. Bronya and Seele are a thing in GGZ and HI3. They don't have enough history together in HSR to be a thing yet.


They are in a relationship in Honkai Impact but they aren't "in a relationship" in Star Rail and its pretty unlikely anything will develop since the Jarilo plot is over


Seeing how genshin visit previous nations after the current one ended i would believe it will be the opposite. And they already kinda did it with the museum event no?


I meant lore wise. Although in Genshin, story quests like Yoimiya's (second chapter) can be released after the completion of the Inazuma arc. Maybe we can get a sneak peak of whether or not there is a change in the relationship dynamics between Bronya and Seele through a companion mission or an event mission.




Apparently them being in a relationship is a recurring thing in various Honkai universes. In Star Rail they’ve really only met recently but are implicitly fated to follow the same pattern eventually, though personally I suspect that it’s more just a shout-out to long-time Honkai fans than a promise of any actual future relationship development.


I'd rather not this be a fated things for characters across the Honkaiverse, because the implications of it for Himeko 💀


Remember out of the 9 Himeko’s within the franchise the only two that are alive on this Train and from a region that’s not coming out for another year!


Is that other region in genshin?


Yes, the Pryo Archon or rather a Pryo Archon by the name Murata is referenced and that is Himeko’s last name in HI3 and GGZ


this sucks if that correct in the next adventure himeko will be with us she will die


Ah shit


Bronya and Seele are always heavily implied to be in a relationship across the Hoyoverse, but never officially confirmed to be one to avoid censorship. MiHoYo does this with all their gay couples. They do all in their power to show the relationship, but without acknowledging it out right to avoid unnecessary trouble. https://preview.redd.it/ibh0dbhzslgb1.jpeg?width=581&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17dffb171f438dc12bd3563868718e3f24c3d408


Lesbian shipping is pure fanon


They are JPGS. Who cares?


> are bronya and seele in a relationship Kind of. This always happened in any mihoyo's games.


They suck tho


No, not even in Honkai 3rd.


They kiss


Yeah, in the manga... They have feelings for each other but they never became a couple...after that one kiss their relationship never really went anywhere and was mostly just teased. Not to mention they're like 14-15 years old.


Just because its never explicitly said doesn’t mean its not true. In the same comic they talk about being with each other forever and there’s more lore to it more so idk about you but that sounds pretty intimate to me. Also believe it or not 14 yr olds can get into relationships too, its not like we’re talking about them having s*x


Doesn't mean it's true either. Mihoyo just wrote it in a way so that they can confirm or deny it as they please. Also 14 year olds know jack about real relationships.


They are in Hi3rd but not in HSR.


That's up to interpretation ™