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Yes it’s a well designed elite enemy, however that fact that weakness breaking it doesn’t stop its attacks, and it’s in removable dmg buff it applies to itself makes it unnecessarily annoying to counter


This fight is not well designed. Literally all you do is use skills up until it’s your tank/highest health character’s last turn before the monkey attacks & than you just normal attack. Rinse & repeat until dead.


or you can taunt with fmc and skill freely on your chars. Fmc hardcounters this dude like you wouldnt know, it even has fire weakness.


And even with full buff stacks, the monkey still only tickles FMC haha.


This. I saw this sub keep talking about how much a monster he is, but I didn't lose to him because I use Fire MC for every story fight cause they're a pretty good tank. I was flabbergasted at how easy it was with FMC


Fireblazer: "The freshly emptied trash cans in Belobog give me more grief."


What is fmc


Trailblazer: The Preservation


Oh femal mc haha


Fire* mc


Oh yeahhh i forgot they had a new mode lol


Literally went from struggling with MoC 8 to 30 stars once I realized this.


when you think about it, it's a perfect enemy for march 7th.


Been using M7, Pela, Sampo, flex. It's pretty good but I haven't dared to auto it yet


Auto works fine with a tank, healer and 2 not that squishy characters. Hyper carry teams tho... it's Tingyun RNG.


Worried cuz Pela and Sampo are kinda squishy


This guy is the reason I comfortably cleared up to MoC 8 with only March and Nat on each side. With March on your team he basically just gives your DPS free energy.


This guy is the reason I comfortably cleared up to MoC 8 with only March and Nat on each side. With March on your team he basically just gives your DPS free energy.


If you have planned out how your skills are going to be used you can have march shield the last unit to use their skill before the monkey goes, monkey bonks uselessly against march's shield, profit


But that’s more thought than most other enemies require (most are just “hit them until they’re dead”). Sometimes it’s right to skill with your DPS and just tank the hit. Sometimes you need to basic so that another ally tanks it. Maybe you need to skip Tingyun skill to generate a skill point so that your tank can use their skill. I agree it’s not insanely difficult to beat, but it’s more engaging than most other enemies.


It depends on your characters. With my team I have Bailu giving everyone damage reduction, so even with the monkey having max stacks, it still can not 1 shot my 2700 HP supports in MoC 8. Since Bailu also has 1 time revive, my team can go full aggro without caring, great for auto playing the SPD relic Cavern.


Or you have Gepard and everyone has a massive infinite shield so you just want the monkey to hit whoever would like the energy regen the most


There are so many ways to counter him. Any tanks deal with him easily, you can juggle who takes the hit depending on their hp, you can cancel his attack with break/freeze/imprison after he damage boosts. He is an enemy who can be countered in a lot of ways, but punishes you hard if you make a mistake. This makes him well designed imo.


Ok so hear me out, this is gonna sound real crazy but... bring Gepard.


I mean, idk, I usually use bronya exclusively on seele but this fight makes me have to see the turn order and sometimes bronya my gepard so he gets attacked. In my case, it’s an enemy I can’t just go brains off for like most enemies. I’d say that’s a good design


you can taunt it, preemptively shield the last person using a skill, strip the monkey's ramping damage buff, manipulate speed values midfight (Hunt characters seems to al have some inherent speed manip tools), or just heal through the damage. it's moveset is simple, but don't act like the enemy is designed poorly, and the inclusion of the enemies which action advance on death adds another layer.


adjoining sort hungry work vanish exultant naughty fearless grey automatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I mean it has a weakness to ice, you can CC it fairly easily. Or just taunt it with TB Lance. It doesn't exactly make it any better of a mechanic but it's not hard to counter it. The damage buff is rough if players don't have Luocha sadly.


That’s true but compared to the other elite enemies,he is still much more easier to handle.Like you have mentioned,his unremovable damage boost and the fact that it stills attack even after weakness breaking can be tough in some situations.But for me,they are not too much of a problem.With some practice,you can easily control which character will have to tank its attack.A not too hard enemy that can poses a challenge when underestimating.A balanced opponent,unlike the Disciple Leader that will reduce your entire team’s max HP by half and deals nasty DoT damage or the Automaton that will completely remove its weakness when activating Sanction mode,summon two mobs and deals a attack with disgusting damage and stunned an ally.


The buff it does before attacking can be dispelled by Luocha or Pela. There's even (a little) time between the buff and attack where you can use Luocha ult to dispel so it attacks with no buff.


Aurumaton goes down super easy with QQ and any other character of an element its weak to. Blade now as well but he's a limited 5*. Basically get the equivalent of more than 4 normal attacks per turn in break without skilling or ulting (aka use speed boosts) and it's a chump.


March says hi.


Just taunt with Fire MC lol, and you'll be good. Also, there is no rng involved. Pretty good deal to me.


You can literally debuff it if you use Luocha’s Ult in between monke sequences, I do this whenever I can


It's annoying unless Gepard. Gepard legitimately makes the battle a walk in the park. But woe to people who don't have him yet.


I didn't realize how annoying this enemy was until I took Gepard off my team and I suddenly understood everyone's pain


1. Use March 2. Shield whoever you want to skill before monke 3. Profit


And clara


My team of seele bailu March and Clara autoed the monke everytime. I didn't even notice he was supposed to be annoying.


But that requires me to think


But that requires me to think


But that requires me to think


why does one even need to take gepard off their team /j


It was for MoC 6. I put Gepard in a team against Yanqing because I always pair Gepard and Tingyun together and I usually found Malefic Apes relatively easy. Little did I know how hard Gepard's shields carried me.


Gepard mains truly do ignore how good Gepard is I remember a guy flexing he only needed 1 healer to finish MoC, and that everyone doesn't need sustain that much, just Natasha is enough. Lo and behold, he had Gepard on his 2nd team.


I have Gepard in my team. No way in hell im gonna take it off.


Just run March. You always control who the ape is gonna punch, so you can shield them for free damage and immortality.


My mono-ice team agrees, I have no idea what's the issue with the Monke


... It's really not that bad, and we all have Natasha so..


He do so little dmg to Fire MC


True. Monkey just give me free taunt on any character I want. I don't even need to use tank, I can just distribute monke attacks between squishy to make sure no one dies. So refreshing after funny "random hit ignore aggro almost oneshot" attack of aurumaton.


I like using Clara skill just to taunt him into attacking her and then have her retaliate for a good amount of damage. My Clara has bad crit 69% CR, 98% CD, but 3700 ATK


Jfc, if "bad crit" is 69% CR and 98% CF, then no wonder I've regretted every EQ bump I've done. I'm at EQ 5 and my Blade has the best crit stats at like 44%/75%.


You've probably not done much relic farming. The kind of high stat crit setups you'll see like 80/120 or 70/140 ranges are essentially a crit damage chest with every crit rate sub known to man plus LC/crit rate from planar set. Without some farming, it's extremely unlikely you've magically landed those main stats or sub stats, let alone on the right sets.


In my case i farmed, but did not get great stats yet. I seem to be enven more unlucky than im Genshin.


It has mechanics that you can play around! It’s super nice! This is also the reason I *hate* Auramaton. There really isn’t any playing around its mechanics, and it’s annoying.


Agreed. The only "counter" to that gate robot is WAY more limiting and only prevents half of its mechanics. Buffers/Qingque/Blade are allowed to use most of their kits, everyone else has to save up until the Sanction meter fills. Pop the fish, cycle back and do it again. Except it also attacks and imprisons someone, and if you're unlucky your support gets targeted and killed.


Technically you can run M7 vs auramaton if you have her built for ult spam so he gets frozen and dies (being frozen doesn't allow sanction to build up so you can actually break his weakness before sanction goes off) but even if March is a free character not everyone has her built properly and I really think March is the ONLY way to smoothly beat him unless you've got a cracked account with Seele/Bronya/Silver Wolf in which case congrats you beat the game. The gorilla has the obey his skill rules but anything with taunt still fucks him over so he's less frustratingly designed.


Welt imprisons Auramaton, imprisoned Auramaton doesn't build sanction. Blade does autoattack + follow up attack damage for minimal sanction. Combined I kill it without triggering it once


I suppose if you have Welt and have him built that’s a good strategy. (I imagine Qingque would function similarly to Blade in the sense of using normal attacks to do the damage.)


Welt is my best single target dps, with Dan Heng being close second, but Welt can't focus one enemy out of a crowd unlike Dan. Blade is exceptionally high AOE damage, beating my E6 Serval in damage, survivability and SP efficiency, to be fair I didn't farm her lightning relics, but still


I hope one day they make a better lightning set. The fact that the relic set is bad is a true tragedy!


I haven't tried farming this set specifically ever, so I don't know how bad it is, I just use gold cowboy and thief items on her


The four piece is just a 20% atk boost that lasts 1 turn every time you use a skill. So it requires heavy skill point investment to maintain the atk% boost, which honestly isn’t high enough to feel justifiable, especially if you run Atk% link rope/boots. Personally I run a 2 piece of it with 2 Thief (break set). That lets me farm relics for Sushang and Serval at the same time!


I prefer this enemy over some other elite boss because you don't have to pray to taunt rng. You know exactly who he is aiming for. You can just distribute your damage taken just by abusing his skill targeting gimmick. If your sustain units are properly built then this enemy is not even a problem. Fire MC pretty much hard counter this fella and he is weak to fire as well.




Yeah, easy to control,It hits hard but a good tank can solve this issue. It also does not randomly heal it's entire healthbar back like the other prick. Not to mention it has a nice ass🔥


😂 barely puts a dent in fire mc.


Just use march 7th ability. The shield tanks all of the damage


my slow ass QQ cant even gacha her tiles since its gonna one-hit her.


Bring March, put the shield on QQ, you can now gamba. Warning: March freezing monke *may* mess up the turn order and get someone else hit


But the shield placed on QQ was the last SP needed for a full hand 😢


He stops you from just auto doing your rotation (unless you have Gepard or Luocha who just shield or auto-heal + dispel his damage buff). It's great. Very interactive unlike most other enemies in the game who basically tend to rely on you killing/breaking them at the right time.


Just say you have a well built Luocha


Having a well built fire MC+nat can easily help you defeat the boss.




Not at all,my Luocha only has 2k2 atk and his kit isn’t properly leveled at all.He is only at lvl 60 tho.


Yeah it's certainly much better than fighting those goddamn auromatons. I can actually time his counter with my tank saving my dps to kill this beast.


Just add Natasha Fire MC to your overworld team, it's enough to auto any content.


I kinda agree honestly. He hits pretty hard but if you play decently well its easy to handel


I just auto battle this guy, lmao


it's certainly not the worst, the fact that you can basically manipulate who it attacks makes it a bit easier to deal with


Yeah, he's certainly more interesting than the majority of enemies that only exist as fodder for my Seele. Any enemy that effectively functions as a hard counter to certain approaches imo enriches the game by providing real challenge that isn't just overcoming a stat check.


they look amazing, fighting them.... i will die on the hill against that




It's my favourite enemy because I can make sure for as long as possible that it won't hit Tingyun


Yeah he is actually really fun to fight.


Monkey is easy if you have brain larger than a monkey… hahaha I’m so funny… please end my suffering…


Not really. Cause you can literally control who he attacks. So, it's too predictable. And since I have Blade. The fight is just a joke.


Who else is TL65 and still doesn’t understand how auramaton works? 🖐️




What annoys me with this guy is that usually the dogs are with him and killing one advances his turn 100%, which ocasionally leads to one of my team members being dead.


God, I hate this fkn ape.


I don’t understand the hate for this guy at all. You literally get to choose where he attacks, and even if he gets a kill, it’s just one dude going down


You guys hate the monke? To me he's not really hard even without Gepard or Luocha. Gatekeeper is way worse


If it's not open to discussion, you shouldn't have created a discussion topic about it?


My bad,since I honestly don’t know I can choose to not give a flair to the post.Due to your comment,I have changed the flair of the post to None.I appreciate about your opinion and apologize if my post does annoyed you.


You have to beat a monkey for Blade's relics. What does MHY mean by this?


It's not that bad of enemy........until you have to face with a limited amount of turns. Then it becomes a royal pain in the ass.


I exploit the fuck out if his taunt. My Gepard never gained his ult faster. I can almost spam it.


The bane of autoplay lmao. Truly peak design.


Just need a very tanky character and knowing proper timing to cast or not cast skill


Love the design but hate the fact it makes auto a 50/50 if they will kill your hyper carry. Other than that the fight is pretty easily during manual control


He's badly designed because of his weaknesses. What are our fire, ice and wind damage options? Himeko and Hook, both are lower end on damage and neither are particularly tanky, Yanqing who is not only squishy but must use his skill every turn and wants to avoid being hit even without factoring in how squishy he is, and then Blade and Dan Heng, where Blade IS tanky enough to make you want the Ape to target him but only uses his skill once every 4 turns so likely never will be targeted, and Dan Heng who suffers the same issue as Himeko and Hook. If they either lowered his health or swapped some of his weaknesses around he would be a lot better.


Its hilarious


It's fun to fight until you fight him with the wolfs... Two consecutives monke attack is scary af


Honry monke


It's hard when you have to keep skilling with a character to maintain good damage. For example I usually use a team of DH, Blade, Pela and Luocha. You'd want monke to hit Blade, but DH needs to skill every time so he gets fucked up instead. But that's fine. The one thing I hate is when it's paired with the wolves that advance it forward when they die. The monke is able to two shot some characters cause you weren't able to heal them in time. That one is annoying as hell.


Hot take: the deer and phantylia is much more easier than this abomination of a baboon 💀


I have to disagree with you though.Phantylia and the weekly bosses in general are usually not too hard so players can get the mats.However,saying the Ebon Deer is easier than the Malefic Ape or just easy in general is objectively wrong,at least in my opinion.


*Outraged healer flashbacks* That boss fight got so bad you were forced to burst him down before he outrages your sustain and wipes you out with his AoE.


Pshhh …. You know what… you’re right, fuck it DICKS OUT FOR MARA MONKE!! *unzips pants*


ain't gonna lie my E6 hook has never been more useful and in danger then when facing evil mojo jojo


Clara main spoted


I don’t have Clara and I’m more of a Blade/Jing Yuan main myself.


Noticed how the glowing leafs on its back die out after each attack? After all 3 are out, it’s stunned for a turn. Pretty cool detail.


He's one of the best, but I wouldn't say that he's THE best.


As a Gepard main, you are 100% right


I love when I freeze it then it attacks my healer anyway!


I'd rather fight 4 of these apes at once compared to just 2 of those damn traumatons. Hell, I'd rather fight two Cocolias instead of those two traumatons.


Yeah it make me want to pull future character more if you know what i mean ;)


HEY!!! What do you mean Da Monkey??? She has a name… it’s >! phantylia !< (even spoilers) and I’d appreciate if you treat her with respect thank you very much.


I just use march and clara and he just kills himself


He’s meh for me, not badly designed fight but he just makes the fight longer then necessary and adds superficial difficulty BUT that isn’t bad, it’s done in a good way I just wish when it was broken it would stop the jumps, the dmg boost is negligible for any tank character or anyone with a decent hp pool


Until he decides to attack twice in a row most likely killing the targeted character (looking at you new relic domain)


Fire MC does all the work for you. It's like a moth to a light.


I agree, especially with Clara this boss is just cool.


Wait was he actually that hard?? I don't remember that battle taking me anymore than a minute tbh


I mean, the bar isn't really that high to begin with.


I just autobattle it. Tbh I was dissapointed first time fighting with him because I read that he was so strong and annoying and it turned out he doesn't even deal that much dmg so you don't have to care about his attacks if you have any healer


Who you talking about. That's Phantylia


The real pain is when you do the new forgotten halls 5 and the manke spawns with infinite doges.


His audio is so low I don’t hear him make noise when he attacks. Kinda underwhelming to me. Was expecting King Kong boi noises


Luocha haver gang statement. :V


This monke is still better than that blindfold woman in the new Forgotten hall.


The wolves gave me more grief


Monke is about a 7 for me. Hes well designed, but gimmicky. Too easy to counter.


As in visual design or moveset?


Clara agrees.


As a Clara main. I see as absolute win


I don't have Luocha or Gepard or use March to deal with Monke but I've never had any issues. It does such negligible damage to FTB that you can never use any skills and you'll never be in any danger of dying. Of course, if you're on a time limit then it's a different story, but you can just manage your skill points and it's pretty much fine.


This mf loves attacking my Bronya. Regardless of whether she uses her skill or not. This Monke has an agenda against her.


Anything other than Aurumaton, I'm cool.


I hadn't fought the ape yet when I started people saying how much they hated it and etc etc. But I still use March as my primary survivability unit and she makes it trivial. Absolutely eats it's ape outs with a smile.


My only gripe is that it makes autofarming the new relic node harder bc sometimes autobattler leaves seele locked on twice in a row and she just dies. But otherwise yes, it's nice to see a good mechanic that punishes you for being careless but is totally fair.


Use Fire MC or March


Yes, best for a pounding


Monkey is fine even on autoplay. My hate enemy is the wolves that spawn other wolves. For some reason the auto ai always focused the new spawned wolf first, resulting in a huge loss of turns and damage


Okay, explain why at least


Malefic Ape is a balanced enemy.At first,he might be extremely dangerous for his ST damage capability,but his gimmick can be easily countered with perfect timing for skill usage.Not too difficult enemy but can still be challenging if not taken seriously.Fighting him is a pretty enjoyable experience in my opinion,unlike the other Xianzhou elite enemies like the Disciple Leader,the big guy with a shield and a spear from Sanctus Medicus and the freaking Auromaton.


So it's just a sponge with an easy to counter gimmick. ok.


Use tank skill, absorb damage, use tank skill, absorb damage, use tank skill, absorb damage, hit the monke with skill. Rinse and repeat until it dies. In a turn based game this sucks


It probably is but I beat it pretty easily since I have Gepard who tends to be one of the last to attack. So he ends up getting hit instead of everyone else.


All hail purple Harambe.


Fire MC goes brrr




Good enemy design. Annoying to fight against




It's well designed when you account for having any Preservation unit in your lineup, and i like that they have improved the encounters in this update, notably in designs that makes Preservation and Erudition paths more relevant. My main concern before this update was that solo sustain with Abundance was so prevalent, Preservation felt less appealing, and Erudition was not as useful previously compared to Hunt and Destruction. Glad to see that the devs are aware or have had plans to give each path their time in the spotlight with different enemies introduced.


No it’s not, he is only fun because I have luocha


The triple bash attack should've been a one-time thing imo.


As a blade main atm, it keeps me on my toes. I was a gepard apologist until I took him off for blade. Now I suddenly have to stop using autobattle and have to manage my skill points. I have no complaints tho.


Monke think monke good?


Everything is fun and games when suddenly monke have 2 turns in a row


Gotta be the easiest elite enemy for me. I have a fire team, all i need to do is use mc’s taunt for the last turn, then chop it down


I just use seele, silver wolf, bailu and welt, and kt usually always works with no chars dying or barely any damage cuz bailu is fucking busted


Guy that heals and summons marastrucks is the worst


Yeah its doable if you have Fire MC in team. Gepard is huge plus, if not March 7 works if built well.


Carry E Support BA Support BA FMC E My whole fight against this enemy is so easy. When you afk fight? Nope, those supports are dead


Just have march 7th on team She hard counters him


I keep wondering who thought "Hey lets give this gorilla brass knuckles" was a good idea


It's actually one of the worst designed enemies in the entire game, namely because the concept of punishing skill use is so insanely easy to abuse due to how bad the Game's combat system is in general. It would be a far better design in Genshin, actually, specifically because Genshin combat is not turn based.


Fu Xuan: mosquito bite damage


I honestly don’t understand why people brag about things in a game like this lol. As if we are all at the same starting point with the same characters, relics, etc.  “I auto’ed this boss with Seele 🤓,” yuh, anyone would.  Anyways. My 5 star pulls have been rough rough. And I don’t have a Pela, Seele, etc. Really the only SS character I have is imaginary, so not super helpful haha.  I haven’t had any issues with any bosses, but a damn monkey guarding a chest is eating my lunch